List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder insert
@Override public StringBuilder insert(int offset, double d)
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public void addItems(ArrayList<SpectrumShotItem> shotItems) { StringBuilder errMsg = new StringBuilder(); for (SpectrumShotItem item : shotItems) { if (shotListTableModel_.isNameAlreadyExist(item.getName())) { errMsg.append(item.getName()).append(","); } else {/* www . j av a2 s.c o m*/ shotListTableModel_.addRow(item); } } if (errMsg.length() != 0) { errMsg.insert(0, "The following shot(s) can't be added due to duplicated name:\n"); errMsg.append("\n"); showErrorDialog(errMsg.toString()); } }
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/** * Wrap exception to a json object and return it to client. * <p>// w ww .j a v a 2 s. co m * <b>json object format:</b><br/> * <p><blockquote><pre> * { * "msg": "the exception's message", * "stackTrace":[ * "exception's stack trace1", * "exception's stack trace2", * "exception's stack trace3", * .... * ] * } * </pre></blockquote></p> */ public Object executeActionError(WebContext ctx, ActionInfo ai, Object action, Throwable e) throws Throwable { if (e instanceof LogicException) { return ((LogicException) e).getResult(); } Logger.getLogger(DefaultMain.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "action execution error", e); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append("{\n"); String s; try { s = JsonResult.objectMapper.writeValueAsString(e.toString()); } catch (IOException e1) { s = "\"" + e.toString().replace("\"", "'") + "\""; } sb.append(" \"msg\" : " + s + ",\n"); sb.append(" \"stackTrace\" : ["); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw)); String[] ss = sw.toString().split("\r\n"); for (int i = 1; i < ss.length; i++) { if (sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) != '[') { sb.append(','); } sb.append("\n ").append(JsonResult.objectMapper.writeValueAsString(ss[i])); } sb.append("\n ]\n"); sb.append("}"); HttpServletResponse response = ctx.getResponse(); if (JsonResult.defWrapMultipart && ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(ctx.getRequest()) && !"XMLHttpRequest".equals(ctx.getRequest().getHeader("X-Requested-With"))) { response.setContentType("text/html"); sb.insert(0, "<textarea>\n"); sb.append("\n</textarea>"); } else { response.setContentType("application/json"); } response.setCharacterEncoding("utf-8"); response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache"); response.setHeader("Expires", "-1"); response.setStatus(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); response.getWriter().write(sb.toString()); return EmptyResult.inst; }
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private String concat(String target, StringBuilder builder) { if (target == null) { return null; }/*from w ww . j a va 2s . com*/ String target2 = target; if (target.endsWith("/")) { target2 = target.substring(0, target.length() - 1); } if (builder.charAt(0) != '/') { builder.insert(0, '/'); } return target2 + builder; }
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@RequiresPermissions("sys:user:edit") @RequestMapping(value = "import", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String importFile(MultipartFile file, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) { if (Global.isDemoMode()) { addMessage(redirectAttributes, "?????"); return "redirect:" + Global.getAdminPath() + "/sys/user/?repage"; }/*from w w w. j av a 2 s. c o m*/ try { int successNum = 0; int failureNum = 0; StringBuilder failureMsg = new StringBuilder(); ImportExcel ei = new ImportExcel(file, 1, 0); List<User> list = ei.getDataList(User.class); for (User user : list) { try { if ("true".equals(checkLoginName("", user.getLoginName()))) { user.setPassword(SystemService.entryptPassword("123456")); BeanValidators.validateWithException(validator, user); systemService.saveUser(user); successNum++; } else { failureMsg.append("<br/>?? " + user.getLoginName() + " ; "); failureNum++; } } catch (ConstraintViolationException ex) { failureMsg.append("<br/>?? " + user.getLoginName() + " "); List<String> messageList = BeanValidators.extractPropertyAndMessageAsList(ex, ": "); for (String message : messageList) { failureMsg.append(message + "; "); failureNum++; } } catch (Exception ex) { failureMsg .append("<br/>?? " + user.getLoginName() + " " + ex.getMessage()); } } if (failureNum > 0) { failureMsg.insert(0, " " + failureNum + " ??"); } addMessage(redirectAttributes, "? " + successNum + " ?" + failureMsg); } catch (Exception e) { addMessage(redirectAttributes, "??" + e.getMessage()); } return "redirect:" + Global.getAdminPath() + "/sys/user/?repage"; }
From source
/** * Get a list of relevant rotations for people for the specified date range. * * @param PEOsysids - the unique person identifers (as a CSV list of numbers) * @param periodFrom - the start date to retrieve rotations from * @param periodTo - the end date to retrieve rotations from * * @return the trainee rotations/*from w w w .ja v a2s . co m*/ */ public final String getRotations(final String PEOsysids, final Calendar periodFrom, final Calendar periodTo) { StringBuilder results = new StringBuilder(); if (this.getAllowedAddress() && StringUtils.isNotBlank(PEOsysids)) { List<Integer> identifiers = parseIdentifiers(PEOsysids); for (int identifier : identifiers) { PersonsRotations pr = loadRotations(identifier, periodFrom, periodTo); results.append(this.rotationXmlOutput.getSecondGenRotations(pr.getRotations(), identifier, pr.getDivision(), pr.getCurrentRotations())); } } if (results.length() > 0) { results.insert(0, "<trainees>"); results.append("</trainees>"); } else { results.append("<trainees />"); } return results.toString(); }
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/** * Gets a list of relevant trainee rotations for a person for the specified * date range and training type./* w ww . ja v a 2 s. c o m*/ * * @param PEOsysids the PEOsysids * @param periodFrom the period from * @param periodTo the period to * @param trainingType the training type * @return the trainee rotations */ public final String GetTraineeRotations(final String PEOsysids, final Calendar periodFrom, final Calendar periodTo, final String trainingType) { StringBuilder results = new StringBuilder(); if (this.getAllowedAddress() && StringUtils.isNotBlank(PEOsysids)) { List<Integer> identifiers = parseIdentifiers(PEOsysids); for (int identifier : identifiers) { PersonsRotations pr = loadRotations(identifier, periodFrom, periodTo); results.append(this.rotationXmlOutput.getThirdGenRotations( orderThirdGenRotations(pr.getRotations()), identifier, pr.getDivision(), trainingType)); } } if (results.length() > 0) { results.insert(0, "<Trainees>"); results.append("</Trainees>"); } else { results.append("<Trainees />"); } return results.toString(); }
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@Override public ItemContext getContext(EvaluationItem aItem, int aLeftSize, int aRightSize) throws IOException { Timer timer = new Timer(); File base = new File(new File(corpusService.getRepositoryPath(), aItem.getCollectionId().toUpperCase()), BIN);/* w w w .ja va 2 s.c o m*/ String docId = aItem.getDocumentId(); JCasState state = jcasThreadLocal.get(); if ((state.documentId == null) || (state.collectionId == null) || !StringUtils.equals(state.documentId, docId) || !StringUtils.equals(state.collectionId, aItem.getCollectionId())) { timer.start(); ObjectInputStream is = null; try { // No need to reset the CAS is = new ObjectInputStream( new XZCompressorInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(base, docId + ".ser.xz")))); CASCompleteSerializer serializer = (CASCompleteSerializer) is.readObject(); deserializeCASComplete(serializer, (CASImpl) state.cas); state.documentId = aItem.getDocumentId(); state.collectionId = aItem.getCollectionId(); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { throw new IOException(e); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IOException(e); } finally { closeQuietly(is); } timer.stop(); log.debug("Reading the CAS took " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); } else { log.debug("Reusing CAS"); } timer.reset(); timer.start(); // text offset based String text = state.cas.getDocumentText(); // Absolute offsets int windowBegin = Math.max(0, (int) aItem.getBeginOffset() - aLeftSize); int windowEnd = Math.min(text.length(), (int) aItem.getEndOffset() + aRightSize); // Relative offsets int unitBegin = (int) aItem.getBeginOffset() - windowBegin; int unitEnd = (int) aItem.getEndOffset() - windowBegin; StringBuilder windowText = new StringBuilder(text.substring(windowBegin, windowEnd)); List<Token> tokens; try { tokens = JCasUtil.selectCovered(state.cas.getJCas(), Token.class, (int) aItem.getBeginOffset(), (int) aItem.getEndOffset()); } catch (CASException e) { throw new IOException(e); } int unitEndDisplacement = 0; int matchEndDisplacement = 0; int matchBeginDisplacement = 0; boolean anyMatchSet = false; int matchBeginOffset = aItem.getOriginalTextMatchBegin(); int matchEndOffset = aItem.getOriginalTextMatchEnd(); if (aItem.isOriginalMatchSet()) { matchBeginOffset = aItem.getOriginalTextMatchBegin(); matchEndOffset = aItem.getOriginalTextMatchEnd(); anyMatchSet = true; } else if (aItem.isTokenMatchSet()) { matchBeginOffset = tokens.get(aItem.getTokenMatchBegin()).getBegin(); matchEndOffset = tokens.get(aItem.getTokenMatchEnd()).getEnd(); anyMatchSet = true; } Collections.reverse(tokens); // compute actual offsets if token based offsets are set if (outputPos) { for (Token t : tokens) { if (t.getPos() != null && t.getPos().getPosValue() != null) { String postfix = "/" + t.getPos().getPosValue(); windowText.insert(t.getEnd() - windowBegin, postfix); unitEndDisplacement += postfix.length(); if (anyMatchSet) { if ((t.getEnd() <= matchEndOffset) && (t.getBegin() >= matchBeginOffset)) { matchEndDisplacement += postfix.length(); } if (t.getEnd() <= matchBeginOffset) { matchBeginDisplacement += postfix.length(); } } } } } ItemContext ctx = new ItemContext(windowText.toString(), windowBegin, windowEnd, unitBegin, unitEnd + unitEndDisplacement); if (anyMatchSet) { ctx.setMatch(matchBeginOffset - windowBegin + matchBeginDisplacement, matchEndOffset - windowBegin + matchBeginDisplacement + matchEndDisplacement); } ctx.setTextLength(text.length()); timer.stop(); log.debug("Extracting the context took " + timer.getTime() + "ms"); return ctx; }
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/** * @see com.github.rwitzel.streamflyer.core.Modifier#modify(java.lang.StringBuilder, int, boolean) *///from w ww . ja v a 2 s. co m @Override public AfterModification modify(StringBuilder characterBuffer, int firstModifiableCharacterInBuffer, boolean endOfStreamHit) { switch (state) { case NO_LONGER_MODIFYING: return factory.skipEntireBuffer(characterBuffer, firstModifiableCharacterInBuffer, endOfStreamHit); case INITIAL: state = XmlVersionModifierState.PROLOG_REQUEST; // you never know how many whitespace characters are in the prolog return factory.modifyAgainImmediately(INITIAL_NUMBER_OF_CHARACTERS, firstModifiableCharacterInBuffer); case PROLOG_REQUEST: // (Should we do aware of BOMs here? No. I consider it the // responsibility of the caller to provide characters without BOM.) Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("<\\?xml[^>]*version\\s*=\\s*['\"]((1.0)|(1.1))['\"].*") .matcher(characterBuffer); if (matcher.matches()) { // replace version in prolog characterBuffer.replace(matcher.start(1), matcher.end(1), xmlVersion); } else { // is there a prolog that is too long? Matcher matcher2 = Pattern.compile("<\\?xml.*").matcher(characterBuffer); if (matcher2.matches()) { // this is not normal at all -> throw exception throw new XmlPrologRidiculouslyLongException(characterBuffer.toString()); } // insert prolog characterBuffer.insert(0, "<?xml version='" + xmlVersion + "'>"); } state = XmlVersionModifierState.NO_LONGER_MODIFYING; return factory.skipEntireBuffer(characterBuffer, firstModifiableCharacterInBuffer, endOfStreamHit); default: throw new IllegalStateException("state " + state + " not supported"); } }
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@RequiresPermissions("sys:user:edit") @RequestMapping(value = "import", method = RequestMethod.POST) public String importFile(MultipartFile file, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) { try {/*from w w w . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ int successNum = 0; int failureNum = 0; StringBuilder failureMsg = new StringBuilder(); ImportExcel ei = new ImportExcel(file, 1, 0); List<User> list = ei.getDataList(User.class); for (User user : list) { try { if ("true".equals(checkLoginName("", user.getLoginName()))) { user.setPassword(SystemService.entryptPassword("123456")); BeanValidators.validateWithException(validator, user); systemService.saveUser(user); successNum++; } else { failureMsg.append("<br/>?? " + user.getLoginName() + " ; "); failureNum++; } } catch (ConstraintViolationException ex) { failureMsg.append("<br/>?? " + user.getLoginName() + " "); List<String> messageList = BeanValidators.extractPropertyAndMessageAsList(ex, ": "); for (String message : messageList) { failureMsg.append(message + "; "); failureNum++; } } catch (Exception ex) { failureMsg .append("<br/>?? " + user.getLoginName() + " " + ex.getMessage()); } } if (failureNum > 0) { failureMsg.insert(0, " " + failureNum + " ??"); } addMessage(redirectAttributes, "? " + successNum + " ?" + failureMsg); } catch (Exception e) { addMessage(redirectAttributes, "??" + e.getMessage()); } return "redirect:" + Global.ADMIN_PATH + "/sys/user/?repage"; }