Example usage for java.lang StringBuilder insert

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder insert


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuilder insert.


public StringBuilder insert(int offset, double d) 

Source Link


From source file:com.sciaps.view.SpectrumShotPanel.java

public void addItems(ArrayList<SpectrumShotItem> shotItems) {
    StringBuilder errMsg = new StringBuilder();
    for (SpectrumShotItem item : shotItems) {
        if (shotListTableModel_.isNameAlreadyExist(item.getName())) {
        } else {/* www . j av  a2 s.c o  m*/

    if (errMsg.length() != 0) {
        errMsg.insert(0, "The following shot(s) can't be added due to duplicated name:\n");

From source file:cn.webwheel.DefaultMain.java

 * Wrap exception to a json object and return it to client.
 * <p>// w  ww .j a  v  a  2 s. co m
 * <b>json object format:</b><br/>
 * <p><blockquote><pre>
 *     {
 *         "msg": "the exception's message",
 *         "stackTrace":[
 *             "exception's stack trace1",
 *             "exception's stack trace2",
 *             "exception's stack trace3",
 *             ....
 *         ]
 *     }
 * </pre></blockquote></p>
public Object executeActionError(WebContext ctx, ActionInfo ai, Object action, Throwable e) throws Throwable {
    if (e instanceof LogicException) {
        return ((LogicException) e).getResult();
    Logger.getLogger(DefaultMain.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, "action execution error", e);
    StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
    String s;
    try {
        s = JsonResult.objectMapper.writeValueAsString(e.toString());
    } catch (IOException e1) {
        s = "\"" + e.toString().replace("\"", "'") + "\"";
    sb.append("    \"msg\" : " + s + ",\n");
    sb.append("    \"stackTrace\" : [");
    StringWriter sw = new StringWriter();
    e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(sw));
    String[] ss = sw.toString().split("\r\n");
    for (int i = 1; i < ss.length; i++) {
        if (sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) != '[') {
        sb.append("\n        ").append(JsonResult.objectMapper.writeValueAsString(ss[i]));
    sb.append("\n    ]\n");
    HttpServletResponse response = ctx.getResponse();
    if (JsonResult.defWrapMultipart && ServletFileUpload.isMultipartContent(ctx.getRequest())
            && !"XMLHttpRequest".equals(ctx.getRequest().getHeader("X-Requested-With"))) {
        sb.insert(0, "<textarea>\n");
    } else {
    response.setHeader("Cache-Control", "no-cache");
    response.setHeader("Pragma", "no-cache");
    response.setHeader("Expires", "-1");
    return EmptyResult.inst;

From source file:org.georchestra.security.Proxy.java

private String concat(String target, StringBuilder builder) {
    if (target == null) {
        return null;
    }/*from   w  ww  .  j  a  va 2s . com*/
    String target2 = target;
    if (target.endsWith("/")) {
        target2 = target.substring(0, target.length() - 1);
    if (builder.charAt(0) != '/') {
        builder.insert(0, '/');
    return target2 + builder;


From source file:com.lcw.one.modules.sys.web.UserController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "import", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String importFile(MultipartFile file, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {
    if (Global.isDemoMode()) {
        addMessage(redirectAttributes, "?????");
        return "redirect:" + Global.getAdminPath() + "/sys/user/?repage";
    }/*from  w w  w. j av  a 2 s.  c o m*/

    try {
        int successNum = 0;
        int failureNum = 0;
        StringBuilder failureMsg = new StringBuilder();
        ImportExcel ei = new ImportExcel(file, 1, 0);
        List<User> list = ei.getDataList(User.class);
        for (User user : list) {
            try {
                if ("true".equals(checkLoginName("", user.getLoginName()))) {
                    BeanValidators.validateWithException(validator, user);
                } else {
                    failureMsg.append("<br/>?? " + user.getLoginName() + " ; ");
            } catch (ConstraintViolationException ex) {
                failureMsg.append("<br/>?? " + user.getLoginName() + " ");
                List<String> messageList = BeanValidators.extractPropertyAndMessageAsList(ex, ": ");
                for (String message : messageList) {
                    failureMsg.append(message + "; ");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                        .append("<br/>?? " + user.getLoginName() + " " + ex.getMessage());
        if (failureNum > 0) {
            failureMsg.insert(0, " " + failureNum + " ??");
        addMessage(redirectAttributes, "? " + successNum + " ?" + failureMsg);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        addMessage(redirectAttributes, "??" + e.getMessage());
    return "redirect:" + Global.getAdminPath() + "/sys/user/?repage";

From source file:com.sfs.whichdoctor.webservice.RotationServiceImpl.java

 * Get a list of relevant rotations for people for the specified date range.
 * @param PEOsysids - the unique person identifers (as a CSV list of numbers)
 * @param periodFrom - the start date to retrieve rotations from
 * @param periodTo - the end date to retrieve rotations from
 * @return the trainee rotations/*from   w  w  w  .ja  v a2s . co m*/
public final String getRotations(final String PEOsysids, final Calendar periodFrom, final Calendar periodTo) {

    StringBuilder results = new StringBuilder();

    if (this.getAllowedAddress() && StringUtils.isNotBlank(PEOsysids)) {
        List<Integer> identifiers = parseIdentifiers(PEOsysids);

        for (int identifier : identifiers) {

            PersonsRotations pr = loadRotations(identifier, periodFrom, periodTo);

            results.append(this.rotationXmlOutput.getSecondGenRotations(pr.getRotations(), identifier,
                    pr.getDivision(), pr.getCurrentRotations()));

    if (results.length() > 0) {
        results.insert(0, "<trainees>");
    } else {
        results.append("<trainees />");

    return results.toString();

From source file:com.sfs.whichdoctor.webservice.RotationServiceImpl.java

 * Gets a list of relevant trainee rotations for a person for the specified
 * date range and training type./*  w ww  . ja v a 2  s.  c  o  m*/
 * @param PEOsysids the PEOsysids
 * @param periodFrom the period from
 * @param periodTo the period to
 * @param trainingType the training type
 * @return the trainee rotations
public final String GetTraineeRotations(final String PEOsysids, final Calendar periodFrom,
        final Calendar periodTo, final String trainingType) {

    StringBuilder results = new StringBuilder();

    if (this.getAllowedAddress() && StringUtils.isNotBlank(PEOsysids)) {
        List<Integer> identifiers = parseIdentifiers(PEOsysids);

        for (int identifier : identifiers) {

            PersonsRotations pr = loadRotations(identifier, periodFrom, periodTo);

                    orderThirdGenRotations(pr.getRotations()), identifier, pr.getDivision(), trainingType));

    if (results.length() > 0) {
        results.insert(0, "<Trainees>");
    } else {
        results.append("<Trainees />");

    return results.toString();

From source file:de.tudarmstadt.ukp.csniper.webapp.search.xmi.SerializedCasContextProvider.java

public ItemContext getContext(EvaluationItem aItem, int aLeftSize, int aRightSize) throws IOException {
    Timer timer = new Timer();

    File base = new File(new File(corpusService.getRepositoryPath(), aItem.getCollectionId().toUpperCase()),
            BIN);/* w w w .ja va 2 s.c  o  m*/
    String docId = aItem.getDocumentId();
    JCasState state = jcasThreadLocal.get();
    if ((state.documentId == null) || (state.collectionId == null)
            || !StringUtils.equals(state.documentId, docId)
            || !StringUtils.equals(state.collectionId, aItem.getCollectionId())) {

        ObjectInputStream is = null;
        try {
            // No need to reset the CAS
            is = new ObjectInputStream(
                    new XZCompressorInputStream(new FileInputStream(new File(base, docId + ".ser.xz"))));

            CASCompleteSerializer serializer = (CASCompleteSerializer) is.readObject();
            deserializeCASComplete(serializer, (CASImpl) state.cas);

            state.documentId = aItem.getDocumentId();
            state.collectionId = aItem.getCollectionId();
        } catch (IllegalStateException e) {
            throw new IOException(e);
        } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) {
            throw new IOException(e);
        } finally {

        log.debug("Reading the CAS took " + timer.getTime() + "ms");
    } else {
        log.debug("Reusing CAS");


    // text offset based
    String text = state.cas.getDocumentText();

    // Absolute offsets
    int windowBegin = Math.max(0, (int) aItem.getBeginOffset() - aLeftSize);
    int windowEnd = Math.min(text.length(), (int) aItem.getEndOffset() + aRightSize);

    // Relative offsets
    int unitBegin = (int) aItem.getBeginOffset() - windowBegin;
    int unitEnd = (int) aItem.getEndOffset() - windowBegin;

    StringBuilder windowText = new StringBuilder(text.substring(windowBegin, windowEnd));

    List<Token> tokens;
    try {
        tokens = JCasUtil.selectCovered(state.cas.getJCas(), Token.class, (int) aItem.getBeginOffset(),
                (int) aItem.getEndOffset());
    } catch (CASException e) {
        throw new IOException(e);
    int unitEndDisplacement = 0;
    int matchEndDisplacement = 0;
    int matchBeginDisplacement = 0;

    boolean anyMatchSet = false;
    int matchBeginOffset = aItem.getOriginalTextMatchBegin();
    int matchEndOffset = aItem.getOriginalTextMatchEnd();

    if (aItem.isOriginalMatchSet()) {
        matchBeginOffset = aItem.getOriginalTextMatchBegin();
        matchEndOffset = aItem.getOriginalTextMatchEnd();
        anyMatchSet = true;
    } else if (aItem.isTokenMatchSet()) {
        matchBeginOffset = tokens.get(aItem.getTokenMatchBegin()).getBegin();
        matchEndOffset = tokens.get(aItem.getTokenMatchEnd()).getEnd();
        anyMatchSet = true;

    // compute actual offsets if token based offsets are set
    if (outputPos) {
        for (Token t : tokens) {
            if (t.getPos() != null && t.getPos().getPosValue() != null) {
                String postfix = "/" + t.getPos().getPosValue();
                windowText.insert(t.getEnd() - windowBegin, postfix);
                unitEndDisplacement += postfix.length();
                if (anyMatchSet) {
                    if ((t.getEnd() <= matchEndOffset) && (t.getBegin() >= matchBeginOffset)) {
                        matchEndDisplacement += postfix.length();
                    if (t.getEnd() <= matchBeginOffset) {
                        matchBeginDisplacement += postfix.length();

    ItemContext ctx = new ItemContext(windowText.toString(), windowBegin, windowEnd, unitBegin,
            unitEnd + unitEndDisplacement);

    if (anyMatchSet) {
        ctx.setMatch(matchBeginOffset - windowBegin + matchBeginDisplacement,
                matchEndOffset - windowBegin + matchBeginDisplacement + matchEndDisplacement);


    log.debug("Extracting the context took " + timer.getTime() + "ms");

    return ctx;

From source file:com.github.rwitzel.streamflyer.xml.XmlVersionModifier.java

 * @see com.github.rwitzel.streamflyer.core.Modifier#modify(java.lang.StringBuilder, int, boolean)
 *///from  w ww . ja  v a 2  s.  co m
public AfterModification modify(StringBuilder characterBuffer, int firstModifiableCharacterInBuffer,
        boolean endOfStreamHit) {

    switch (state) {


        return factory.skipEntireBuffer(characterBuffer, firstModifiableCharacterInBuffer, endOfStreamHit);

    case INITIAL:

        state = XmlVersionModifierState.PROLOG_REQUEST;

        // you never know how many whitespace characters are in the prolog
        return factory.modifyAgainImmediately(INITIAL_NUMBER_OF_CHARACTERS, firstModifiableCharacterInBuffer);


        // (Should we do aware of BOMs here? No. I consider it the
        // responsibility of the caller to provide characters without BOM.)

        Matcher matcher = Pattern.compile("<\\?xml[^>]*version\\s*=\\s*['\"]((1.0)|(1.1))['\"].*")
        if (matcher.matches()) {

            // replace version in prolog
            characterBuffer.replace(matcher.start(1), matcher.end(1), xmlVersion);
        } else {
            // is there a prolog that is too long?
            Matcher matcher2 = Pattern.compile("<\\?xml.*").matcher(characterBuffer);
            if (matcher2.matches()) {
                // this is not normal at all -> throw exception
                throw new XmlPrologRidiculouslyLongException(characterBuffer.toString());

            // insert prolog
            characterBuffer.insert(0, "<?xml version='" + xmlVersion + "'>");

        state = XmlVersionModifierState.NO_LONGER_MODIFYING;

        return factory.skipEntireBuffer(characterBuffer, firstModifiableCharacterInBuffer, endOfStreamHit);

        throw new IllegalStateException("state " + state + " not supported");



From source file:com.aistor.modules.sys.web.UserController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "import", method = RequestMethod.POST)
public String importFile(MultipartFile file, RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes) {
    try {/*from   w  w w .  j  a va 2 s .  c o  m*/
        int successNum = 0;
        int failureNum = 0;
        StringBuilder failureMsg = new StringBuilder();
        ImportExcel ei = new ImportExcel(file, 1, 0);
        List<User> list = ei.getDataList(User.class);
        for (User user : list) {
            try {
                if ("true".equals(checkLoginName("", user.getLoginName()))) {
                    BeanValidators.validateWithException(validator, user);
                } else {
                    failureMsg.append("<br/>?? " + user.getLoginName() + " ; ");
            } catch (ConstraintViolationException ex) {
                failureMsg.append("<br/>?? " + user.getLoginName() + " ");
                List<String> messageList = BeanValidators.extractPropertyAndMessageAsList(ex, ": ");
                for (String message : messageList) {
                    failureMsg.append(message + "; ");
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                        .append("<br/>?? " + user.getLoginName() + " " + ex.getMessage());
        if (failureNum > 0) {
            failureMsg.insert(0, " " + failureNum + " ??");
        addMessage(redirectAttributes, "? " + successNum + " ?" + failureMsg);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        addMessage(redirectAttributes, "??" + e.getMessage());
    return "redirect:" + Global.ADMIN_PATH + "/sys/user/?repage";