List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder insert
@Override public StringBuilder insert(int offset, double d)
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/** * Prepare a SPARQL query to be executed on the internal SPARQL end-point * /*from w w w . j av a 2s . co m*/ * @param query the SPARQL query * @param annotationsIDs the list of all annotations ID in a Notebooks * @return the prepared query */ public String prepareQueryForNotebooksSPARQLEndPoint(String query, List<String> annotationsIDs) { String froms = ""; String fromNameds = ""; for (String annID : annotationsIDs) { String annotationGraph = Annotation.getGraphURIFromID(annID); String itemGraph = Annotation.getItemsGraphURIFormID(annID); froms += "FROM <" + annotationGraph + "> FROM <" + itemGraph + "> "; fromNameds += "FROM NAMED <" + annotationGraph + "> FROM NAMED <" + itemGraph + "> "; } String finalFroms = " " + froms + fromNameds; // Remove any existing FROM and FROM NAMED from the original query int startIndex = -1; Pattern regExPattern = Pattern.compile("(FROM <.+>\\s*|FROM NAMED <.+>\\s*)+", Pattern.CASE_INSENSITIVE); Matcher matcher = regExPattern.matcher(query); if (matcher.find()) { startIndex = matcher.start(); String cleanQuery = matcher.replaceAll(""); StringBuilder finalQuery = new StringBuilder(cleanQuery); finalQuery.insert(startIndex, finalFroms); return finalQuery.toString(); } else { int indexOfWhere = query.toLowerCase().indexOf("where"); StringBuilder strBuilder = new StringBuilder(query); strBuilder.insert(indexOfWhere, finalFroms); return strBuilder.toString(); } }
From source
/** * Check correctness of some configuration parameters and log the warning if necessary. *//*w w w . j ava 2 s . c om*/ protected void checkConfiguration(HttpServletRequest request) { if (!checkCompleted) { GlobalConfig config = AppBeans.get(Configuration.class).getConfig(GlobalConfig.class); if (config.getLogIncorrectWebAppPropertiesEnabled()) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); if (!request.getServerName().equals(config.getWebHostName())) { sb.append("***** cuba.webHostName=").append(config.getWebHostName()).append(", actual=") .append(request.getServerName()).append("\n"); } if (request.getServerPort() != Integer.parseInt(config.getWebPort())) { sb.append("***** cuba.webPort=").append(config.getWebPort()).append(", actual=") .append(request.getServerPort()).append("\n"); } String contextPath = request.getContextPath(); if (contextPath.startsWith("/")) contextPath = contextPath.substring(1); if (!contextPath.equals(config.getWebContextName())) { sb.append("***** cuba.webContextName=").append(config.getWebContextName()).append(", actual=") .append(contextPath).append("\n"); } if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.insert(0, "\n*****\n"); sb.append("*****"); log.warn(" Invalid configuration parameters that may cause problems:" + sb.toString()); } } checkCompleted = true; } }
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/** * Generates a cURL command equivalent to the given request. *//*from w w w . java2 s . co m*/ private static String toCurl(HttpUriRequest request, boolean logAuthToken) throws IOException { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append("curl "); // add in the method builder.append("-X "); builder.append(request.getMethod()); builder.append(" "); for (Header header : request.getAllHeaders()) { if (!logAuthToken && (header.getName().equals("Authorization") || header.getName().equals("Cookie"))) { continue; } builder.append("--header \""); builder.append(header.toString().trim()); builder.append("\" "); } URI uri = request.getURI(); // If this is a wrapped request, use the URI from the original // request instead. getURI() on the wrapper seems to return a // relative URI. We want an absolute URI. if (request instanceof RequestWrapper) { HttpRequest original = ((RequestWrapper) request).getOriginal(); if (original instanceof HttpUriRequest) { uri = ((HttpUriRequest) original).getURI(); } } builder.append("\""); builder.append(uri); builder.append("\""); if (request instanceof HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) { HttpEntityEnclosingRequest entityRequest = (HttpEntityEnclosingRequest) request; HttpEntity entity = entityRequest.getEntity(); if (entity != null && entity.isRepeatable()) { if (entity.getContentLength() < 1024) { ByteArrayOutputStream stream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); entity.writeTo(stream); if (isBinaryContent(request)) { String base64 = Base64.encodeToString(stream.toByteArray(), Base64.NO_WRAP); builder.insert(0, "echo '" + base64 + "' | base64 -d > /tmp/$$.bin; "); builder.append(" --data-binary @/tmp/$$.bin"); } else { String entityString = stream.toString(); builder.append(" --data-ascii \"").append(entityString).append("\""); } } else { builder.append(" [TOO MUCH DATA TO INCLUDE]"); } } } return builder.toString(); }
From source
protected DataLoadContextQuery createDataQuery(DataLoadContext context, Map<String, Object> params) { DataLoadContextQuery q = null;//from ww w.j ava 2 s .c o m if (query != null && queryParameters != null) { Map<String, Object> parameters = getQueryParameters(params); for (ParameterInfo info : queryParameters) { if (ParameterInfo.Type.DATASOURCE.equals(info.getType())) { Object value = parameters.get(info.getFlatName()); if (value == null) { String[] pathElements = info.getPath().split("\\."); if (pathElements.length == 1) { //nothing selected in 'master' datasource, so return null here to clear the 'detail' datasource return null; } else { //The parameter with null value is the path to the datasource item property, //e.g. :ds$ //If the 'master' datasource item is not null then do not clear the 'detail' datasource, //a null query parameter value should be processed String dsName = pathElements[0]; final Datasource datasource = dsContext.get(dsName); if (datasource == null) { throw new DevelopmentException("Datasource '" + dsName + "' not found in dsContext", "datasource", dsName); } if (datasource.getState() != State.VALID || datasource.getItem() == null) return null; } } } } String queryString = getJPQLQuery(getTemplateParams(params)); q = context.setQueryString(queryString); // Pass only parameters used in the resulting query QueryParser parser = QueryTransformerFactory.createParser(queryString); Set<String> paramNames = parser.getParamNames(); for (Map.Entry<String, Object> entry : parameters.entrySet()) { if (paramNames.contains(entry.getKey())) q.setParameter(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } else if (!(context instanceof ValueLoadContext)) { Collection<MetaProperty> properties = metadata.getTools().getNamePatternProperties(metaClass); if (!properties.isEmpty()) { StringBuilder orderBy = new StringBuilder(); for (MetaProperty metaProperty : properties) { if (metaProperty != null && metaProperty.getAnnotatedElement() .getAnnotation(com.haulmont.chile.core.annotations.MetaProperty.class) == null) orderBy.append("e.").append(metaProperty.getName()).append(", "); } if (orderBy.length() > 0) { orderBy.delete(orderBy.length() - 2, orderBy.length()); orderBy.insert(0, " order by "); } q = context.setQueryString("select e from " + metaClass.getName() + " e" + orderBy.toString()); } else q = context.setQueryString("select e from " + metaClass.getName() + " e"); } if (q instanceof LoadContext.Query) { ((LoadContext.Query) q).setCacheable(isCacheable()); } return q; }
From source
private void doExportPointHandling(ExportEntity entity) { StringBuilder confirmation = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder notice = new StringBuilder(); if (!entity.isToBeDeleted()) { confirmation.append("Copy of ").append(entity.getVfsPath()).append(" to ") .append(entity.getDestination()).append(" - "); File file = new File(entity.getSourcePath()); if (file.exists()) { if (file.isFile()) { try { FileUtils.copyFile(file, new File(entity.getTargetPath())); confirmation.append("SUCCESS"); } catch (IOException e) { confirmation.insert(0, ERROR_PREFIX); confirmation.append("FAILED (").append(e.getMessage()).append(")"); }/*ww w. j av a 2s . com*/ } else if (file.isDirectory()) { try { FileUtils.copyDirectory(file, new File(entity.getTargetPath())); confirmation.append("SUCCESS"); } catch (IOException e) { confirmation.insert(0, ERROR_PREFIX); confirmation.append("FAILED (").append(e.getMessage()).append(")"); } } } else { confirmation.append(" - FILE NOT FOUND"); } } else { String targetPath = entity.getTargetPath(); String vfsPath = entity.getVfsPath(); deleteExportedResource(vfsPath, targetPath, confirmation, notice); } if (confirmation.indexOf(ERROR_PREFIX) > -1) { console.error(confirmation.toString()); } else {; } if (notice.length() > 0) { console.notice(notice.toString()); } }
From source
public void generateClauseAndValues() { this.values = new ArrayList<>(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb = appendSubQuery(sb, "env_id", filter.getEnvIds()); sb = appendSubQuery(sb, "operator", filter.getOperators()); sb = appendSubQueryEnum(sb, "deploy_type", filter.getDeployTypes()); sb = appendSubQueryEnum(sb, "state", filter.getDeployStates()); sb = appendSubQueryEnum(sb, "acc_status", filter.getAcceptanceStatuss()); sb = appendSubQuery(sb, "scm_commit", filter.getCommit()); sb = appendSubQuery(sb, "scm_repo", filter.getRepo()); sb = appendSubQuery(sb, "scm_branch", filter.getBranch()); if (filter.getCommitDate() != null) { sb.append("commit_date>=? AND "); values.add(filter.getCommitDate()); }/* ww w. ja va2s . co m*/ if (filter.getBefore() != null) { sb.append("start_date<=? AND "); values.add(filter.getBefore()); } if (filter.getAfter() != null) { sb.append("start_date>=? AND "); values.add(filter.getAfter()); } if (sb.length() > 1) { // remove the trialing AND and space sb.setLength(sb.length() - 4); sb.insert(0, "WHERE "); } if (filter.getOldestFirst() != null && filter.getOldestFirst()) { sb.append("ORDER BY start_date ASC LIMIT ?,?"); } else { sb.append("ORDER BY start_date DESC LIMIT ?,?"); } values.add((filter.getPageIndex() - 1) * filter.getPageSize()); values.add(filter.getPageSize()); this.whereClause = sb.toString(); }
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private StringBuilder getGoalQuery() { int wc = 0;//from w w w .jav a2s. c o m StringBuilder w = new StringBuilder(80); for (String s : include_strings) { if (Segment.catchallString.equals(s)) continue; if (wc > 0) w.append(" AND "); if (s.indexOf('~') >= 0 || s.indexOf('*') >= 0 || s.indexOf('?') >= 0) w.append(s); else w.append(dq).append(s).append(dq); wc++; } for (String s : exclude_strings) { if (wc > 0) w.append(" AND -"); if (s.indexOf('~') >= 0 || s.indexOf('*') >= 0 || s.indexOf('?') >= 0) w.append(s); else w.append(dq).append(s).append(dq); wc++; } if (wc > 1) { w.insert(0, '('); w.append(')'); } return w; }
From source
private OBRPluginProvisionStatus resolveInstall(Collection<String> uids, Locale locale, String provisionID) { if (uids == null || uids.size() < 1 || repositoryAdmin == null) { return new OBRPluginProvisionStatus(PREVIEW_PROVISION_ID); }// ww w . j ava2s. c om // get a list of the Resources we want to install SearchFilter filter = filterForPluginUIDs(uids); Resource[] resources = repositoryAdmin.discoverResources(filter.asLDAPSearchFilterString()); if (resources == null || resources.length < 1) { return new OBRPluginProvisionStatus(PREVIEW_PROVISION_ID); } // filter out duplicate, older versions resources = getLatestVersions(resources); // resolve the complete list of resources we need Resolver resolver = repositoryAdmin.resolver(); for (Resource r : resources) { resolver.add(r); } final boolean success = resolver.resolve(); if (!success) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(); Requirement[] failures = resolver.getUnsatisfiedRequirements(); // TODO: l10n if (failures != null && failures.length > 0) { for (Requirement r : failures) { if (buf.length() > 0) { buf.append(", "); } buf.append(r.getName()); if (r.getComment() != null && r.getComment().length() > 0) { buf.append(" (").append(r.getComment()).append(")"); } } if (failures.length == 1) { buf.insert(0, "The following requirement is not satisfied: "); } else { buf.insert(0, "The following requirements are not satisfied: "); } } else { buf.append("Unknown error"); } throw new PluginProvisionException(buf.toString()); } Resource[] requiredResources = resolver.getRequiredResources(); List<Plugin> toInstall = new ArrayList<Plugin>(resources.length + requiredResources.length); for (Resource r : resources) { toInstall.add(new OBRResourcePlugin(r, (StringUtils.matches(coreFeatureSymbolicNamePatterns, r.getSymbolicName()) != null))); } for (Resource r : requiredResources) { toInstall.add(new OBRResourcePlugin(r, (StringUtils.matches(coreFeatureSymbolicNamePatterns, r.getSymbolicName()) != null))); } OBRPluginProvisionStatus result = new OBRPluginProvisionStatus(provisionID); result.setPluginsToInstall(toInstall); return result; }
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@Test public void testStringBuilder() { StringBuilder sb1 = new StringBuilder(); int capacity = 50; StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(capacity); String myString = "To be or not to be"; StringBuilder sb3 = new StringBuilder(myString); int startIndex = 0; int stringLength = myString.length(); displayProperties("sb1", sb1); displayProperties("sb2", sb2); displayProperties("sb3", sb3); sb3.insert(9, "NOT"); // doesn't do quite what I expected displayProperties("sb3", sb3); }