Example usage for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf.


    public int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) 

Source Link


From source file:com.cohort.util.String2.java

 * This counts all occurrences of <tt>findS</tt> in sb.
 * if (sb == null || findS == null || findS.length() == 0) return 0;
 * //from  w ww. ja  v a 2  s  . c  o  m
 * @param sb the source StringBuilder
 * @param findS the string to be searched for
public static int countAll(StringBuilder sb, String findS) {
    if (sb == null || findS == null || findS.length() == 0)
        return 0;
    int n = 0;
    int sLength = findS.length();
    int po = sb.indexOf(findS, 0);
    while (po >= 0) {
        po = sb.indexOf(findS, po + sLength);
    return n;

From source file:com.quinsoft.zeidon.vml.VmlOperation.java

protected static final int zstrstr(StringBuilder sbString, int nOffset, String subString) {
    return sbString.indexOf(subString, nOffset);

From source file:com.flexive.shared.scripting.groovy.GroovyScriptExporterTools.java

 * Write the script code to create a property from a given FxPropertyAssignment
 * @param pa                          the FxPropertyAssignment to be scripted
 * @param defaultsOnly                use only default settings provided by the GTB, no analysis of assignments will be performed
 * @param tabCount                    the number of tabs to be added to the code's left hand side
 * @param withoutDependencies         true = do not create assignment:xpath code
 * @param differingDerivedAssignments the List of assignment ids for derived assignments differing from their base assignments
 * @return returns the partial script as a StringBuilder instance
 *//*from w w w  .j av a2 s  .  co m*/
public static String createProperty(FxPropertyAssignment pa, boolean defaultsOnly, int tabCount,
        boolean withoutDependencies, List<Long> differingDerivedAssignments) {
    final FxProperty prop = pa.getProperty();
    StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(1000);

    // NAME
    final String propName = keyWordNameCheck(prop.getName().toLowerCase(), true);
    script.append(propName).append("( "); // opening parenthesis + 1x \s

    if (!defaultsOnly) {
        // label and hint
        script.append(getLabelAndHintStructure(prop, true, true, tabCount));

        final String dataType = prop.getDataType() + "";
        // sopts - a map for "simple" GroovyTypeBuilder options
        Map<String, String> sopts = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
        // ALIAS --> set if different from name
        if (!prop.getName().equals(pa.getAlias())) {
            sopts.put("alias", "\"" + pa.getAlias() + "\"");
        // def multiplicity for the assignment
        sopts.put("defaultMultiplicity", pa.getDefaultMultiplicity() + "");
        sopts.put("multilang", prop.isMultiLang() + "");
        sopts.put("dataType", "FxDataType." + dataType + "");
        sopts.put("acl", "CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getACL(ACLCategory." + prop.getACL().getCategory()
                + ".getDefaultId())");
        sopts.put("multiplicity", "new FxMultiplicity(" + prop.getMultiplicity().getMin() + ","
                + prop.getMultiplicity().getMax() + ")");
        sopts.put("overrideACL", prop.mayOverrideACL() + "");
        sopts.put("overrideMultiplicity", prop.mayOverrideBaseMultiplicity() + "");

        if (prop.hasOption(FxStructureOption.OPTION_SHOW_OVERVIEW))
            sopts.put("overrideInOverview", prop.mayOverrideInOverview() + "");

        if (prop.hasOption(FxStructureOption.OPTION_MAXLENGTH))
            sopts.put("overrideMaxLength", prop.mayOverrideMaxLength() + "");

        if (prop.hasOption(FxStructureOption.OPTION_MULTILINE))
            sopts.put("overrideMultiline", prop.mayOverrideMultiLine() + "");

        if (prop.hasOption(FxStructureOption.OPTION_SEARCHABLE))
            sopts.put("overrideSearchable", prop.mayOverrideSearchable() + "");

        if (prop.hasOption(FxStructureOption.OPTION_HTML_EDITOR))
            sopts.put("overrideUseHtmlEditor", prop.mayOverrideUseHTMLEditor() + "");

        if (prop.hasOption(FxStructureOption.OPTION_MULTILANG))
            sopts.put("overrideMultilang", prop.mayOverrideMultiLang() + "");

        if (prop.getMaxLength() != 0) {// means that maxLength is not set
            sopts.put("maxLength", prop.getMaxLength() + "");
        sopts.put("searchable", prop.isSearchable() + "");
        sopts.put("fullTextIndexed", prop.isFulltextIndexed() + "");
        sopts.put("multiline", prop.isMultiLine() + "");
        sopts.put("inOverview", prop.isInOverview() + "");
        sopts.put("useHtmlEditor", prop.isUseHTMLEditor() + "");
        sopts.put("uniqueMode", "UniqueMode." + prop.getUniqueMode());
        sopts.put("enabled", pa.isEnabled() + "");
        // REFERENCE
        if ("Reference".equals(dataType)) {
            final String refType = "CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getType(\"" + prop.getReferencedType().getName()
                    + "\")";
            sopts.put("referencedType", refType + "");
        if (prop.getReferencedList() != null) {
            final String refList = "CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getSelectList(\""
                    + prop.getReferencedList().getName() + "\")";
            sopts.put("referencedList", refList + "");

        // FxStructureOptions via the GroovyOptionbuilder
        script.append(getStructureOptions(prop, tabCount));

        if (prop.isDefaultValueSet()) {
            final FxValue val = prop.getDefaultValue();
            String defaultValue = val.toString();
            StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(100);
            final String multiLang = prop.isMultiLang() + "";

            if (DATATYPES.contains(dataType)) {
                // SELECT LIST DATATYPES
                if ("SelectOne".equals(dataType) || "SelectMany".equals(dataType)) {
                    final String refListName = "CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getSelectList(\""
                            + prop.getReferencedList().getName();
                    sopts.put("referencedList", refListName + "\"),\n");
                    final FxSelectList list = prop.getReferencedList();
                    if ("SelectOne".equals(dataType)) {
                        for (FxSelectListItem item : list.getItems()) {
                            if (defaultValue.equals(item.getLabel().toString())) {
                                defaultValue = item.getName(); // reassign
                        out.append("new FxSelectOne(").append(multiLang)
                                .append(", CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getSelectListItem(").append(refListName)
                                .append("\"), \"").append(defaultValue).append("\"))");

                    } else if ("SelectMany".equals(dataType)) {
                        String[] defaults = FxSharedUtils.splitLiterals(defaultValue);
                        for (int i = 0; i < defaults.length; i++) {
                            for (FxSelectListItem item : list.getItems()) {
                                if (defaults[i].equals(item.getLabel().toString())) {
                                    defaults[i] = item.getName(); // reassign
                        out.append("new FxSelectMany(").append(multiLang).append(", new SelectMany(")
                        // traverse renamed defaults and append them to the script
                        for (String d : defaults) {
                                    .append(refListName).append("\"), \"").append(d).append("\"))");
                } else if ("Date".equals(dataType) || "DateTime".equals(dataType)
                        || "DateRange".equals(dataType) || "DateTimeRange".equals(dataType)) {
                    final String df = "\"MMM dd, yyyy\"";
                    final String dtf = "\"MMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss a\"";
                    if ("Date".equals(dataType)) {
                        out.append("new FxDate(").append(multiLang).append(", new SimpleDateFormat(").append(df)
                    } else if ("DateTime".equals(dataType)) {
                        out.append("new FxDateTime(").append(multiLang).append(", new SimpleDateFormat(")
                    } else if ("DateRange".equals(dataType)) {
                        final String lower = stripToEmpty(defaultValue.substring(0, defaultValue.indexOf("-")));
                        final String upper = stripToEmpty(
                                defaultValue.substring(defaultValue.indexOf("-") + 1));
                        out.append("new FxDateRange(").append(multiLang)
                                .append(", new DateRange(new SimpleDateFormat(").append(df).append(").parse(\"")
                                .append(lower).append("\"), new SimpleDateFormat(").append(df)
                    } else if ("DateTimeRange".equals(dataType)) {
                        final String lower = stripToEmpty(defaultValue.substring(0, defaultValue.indexOf("-")));
                        final String upper = stripToEmpty(
                                defaultValue.substring(defaultValue.indexOf("-") + 1));
                        out.append("new FxDateTimeRange(").append(multiLang)
                                .append(", new DateRange(new SimpleDateFormat(").append(dtf)
                                .append(").parse(\"").append(lower).append("\"), new SimpleDateFormat(")
                } else if ("Reference".equals(dataType)) {
                    final FxPK pk = FxPK.fromString(defaultValue);
                    out.append("new FxReference(").append(multiLang).append(", new ReferencedContent(")
                            .append(pk.getId()).append(", ").append(pk.getVersion()).append("))");

                } else if ("InlineReference".equals(dataType)) {
                    // ignore for now, doesn't work properly as of yet
                } else if ("Binary".equals(dataType)) {
                    // uses a new BinaryDescriptor( .. )

            // "SIMPLE" dataTYPES
            if (DATATYPESSIMPLE.keySet().contains(dataType)) {
                for (String d : DATATYPESSIMPLE.keySet()) {
                    if (d.equals(dataType)) {
                        out.append(DATATYPESSIMPLE.get(d)).append("(").append(multiLang).append(", ");
                        if (d.equals("Float") || d.equals("Double") || d.equals("LargeNumber")
                                || d.equals("Boolean")) {
                        } else {

            // add the computed value to the "simpleOtions"
            sopts.put("defaultValue", out.toString() + ",");

        // append options to script
        for (String option : sopts.keySet()) {
            script.append(simpleOption(option, sopts.get(option), tabCount));

        if (script.indexOf(",\n", script.length() - 2) != -1)
            script.delete(script.length() - 2, script.length());
        if (script.indexOf(",", script.length() - 1) != -1)
            script.delete(script.length() - 1, script.length());

    script.append(")\n"); // closing parenthesis

    // if the difference analyser yields any data, change the assignment in the next line (only launch if defaultsOnly = false)
    if (!defaultsOnly) {
        final List<String> differences = AssignmentDifferenceAnalyser.analyse(pa, false);
        if (differences.size() > 0) {
            script.append(updatePropertyAssignment(pa, false, differences, defaultsOnly, --tabCount,
                    withoutDependencies, differingDerivedAssignments));
    return script.toString();

From source file:com.flexive.shared.scripting.groovy.GroovyScriptExporterTools.java

 * Write the script code to update a property assignment, or to create a derived assignment
 * <p/>//from   www .  j av  a2 s  .  co  m
 * "acl", "defaultValue", "hint", "label", "multilang", "multiline", "multiplicity"
 * @param pa                          the FxPropertyAssignment to be updated
 * @param isDerived                   the Assignment is derived
 * @param differences                 the List of differences (map keys f. the builder)
 * @param defaultsOnly                use only default settings provided by the GTB, no analysis of assignments will be performed
 * @param tabCount                    the number of tabs to be added to the code's left hand side
 * @param withoutDependencies         true = do not create assignment:xPath code
 * @param differingDerivedAssignments the List of assignment ids for derived assignments differing from their base assignments
 * @return returns the partial script as a StringBuilder instance
public static String updatePropertyAssignment(FxPropertyAssignment pa, boolean isDerived,
        List<String> differences, boolean defaultsOnly, int tabCount, boolean withoutDependencies,
        List<Long> differingDerivedAssignments) {
    StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(500);
    final FxProperty prop = pa.getProperty();
    final String dataType = pa.getProperty().getDataType() + "";

    // use the alias as the reference name
    boolean createProp = false;
    if (!isDerived
            || (isDerived && differingDerivedAssignments != null
                    && !differingDerivedAssignments.contains(pa.getId()))
            || (isDerived && differences.size() > 0) || (isDerived && !withoutDependencies))
        createProp = true;

    if (createProp) {
        final String propAlias = keyWordNameCheck(pa.getAlias().toLowerCase(), true);
        script.append(propAlias).append("( "); // opening parenthesis + 1x \s

    if (isDerived && !withoutDependencies || (isDerived && !withoutDependencies
            && differingDerivedAssignments != null && !differingDerivedAssignments.contains(pa.getId()))) {
        final String assignmentPath = CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getAssignment(pa.getBaseAssignmentId())
        script.append("assignment: \"").append(assignmentPath).append("\",");

    if (!defaultsOnly && differences.size() > 0) {
        // label and hint
        if (differences.contains("hint") || differences.contains("label"))
            script.append(getLabelAndHintAssignment(pa, differences.contains("label"),
                    differences.contains("hint"), tabCount));

        // sopts - a map for "simple" GroovyTypeBuilder options
        Map<String, String> sopts = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
        final String multiLang = pa.isMultiLang() + "";

        if (differences.contains("multilang")) {
            if (prop.mayOverrideMultiLang()) {
                sopts.put("multilang", multiLang + "");

        if (differences.contains("acl")) {
            if (prop.mayOverrideACL())
                sopts.put("acl", "CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getACL(ACLCategory." + pa.getACL().getCategory()
                        + ".getDefaultId())");

        if (differences.contains("multiplicity")) {
            if (prop.mayOverrideBaseMultiplicity())
                sopts.put("multiplicity", "new FxMultiplicity(" + pa.getMultiplicity().getMin() + ","
                        + pa.getMultiplicity().getMax() + ")");

        if (differences.contains("maxLength")) {
            if (prop.mayOverrideMaxLength())
                sopts.put("maxLength", pa.getMaxLength() + "");

        if (differences.contains("inOverview")) {
            if (prop.mayOverrideInOverview())
                sopts.put("inOverview", pa.isInOverview() + "");

        if (differences.contains("useHtmlEditor")) {
            if (prop.mayOverrideUseHTMLEditor())
                sopts.put("useHtmlEditor", pa.isUseHTMLEditor() + "");

        if (differences.contains("multilang")) {
            if (pa.isMultiLang()) {
                sopts.put("", pa.getDefaultLanguage() + "");

        if (differences.contains("multiline")) {
            if (prop.mayOverrideMultiLine())
                sopts.put("multiline", pa.isMultiLine() + "");

        // FxStructureOptions via the GroovyOptionbuilder
        if (differences.contains("structureoptions"))
            script.append(getStructureOptions(pa, tabCount));

        if (differences.contains("searchable")) {
            if (prop.mayOverrideSearchable())
                sopts.put("searchable", pa.isSearchable() + "");

        // options valid for derived assignments only **********************
        if (differences.contains("defaultMultiplicity"))
            sopts.put("defaultMultiplicity", pa.getDefaultMultiplicity() + "");

        if (differences.contains("alias"))
            sopts.put("alias", "\"" + pa.getAlias() + "\"");

        if (differences.contains("enabled"))
            sopts.put("enabled", pa.isEnabled() + "");

        if (differences.contains("defaultLanguage"))
            sopts.put("defaultLanguage", pa.getDefaultLanguage() + "L");
        // *****************************************************************

        if (differences.contains("defaultValue")) {
            if (pa.getDefaultValue() != null) {
                final FxValue val = pa.getDefaultValue();
                String defaultValue = val.toString();
                StringBuilder out = new StringBuilder(100);

                if (DATATYPES.contains(dataType)) {
                    // SELECT LIST DATATYPES
                    if ("SelectOne".equals(dataType) || "SelectMany".equals(dataType)) {
                        final FxSelectList list = pa.getProperty().getReferencedList();
                        final String refListName = "CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getSelectList(\""
                                + list.getName();
                        sopts.put("referencedList", refListName + "\"),\n");

                        if ("SelectOne".equals(dataType)) {
                            for (FxSelectListItem item : list.getItems()) {
                                if (defaultValue.equals(item.getLabel().toString())) {
                                    defaultValue = item.getName(); // reassign
                            out.append("new FxSelectOne(").append(multiLang)
                                    .append(", CacheAdmin.getEnvironment().getSelectListItem(")
                                    .append(refListName).append("\"), \"").append(defaultValue).append("\"))");

                        } else if ("SelectMany".equals(dataType)) {
                            String[] defaults = FxSharedUtils.splitLiterals(defaultValue);
                            for (int i = 0; i < defaults.length; i++) {
                                for (FxSelectListItem item : list.getItems()) {
                                    if (defaults[i].equals(item.getLabel().toString())) {
                                        defaults[i] = item.getName(); // reassign
                            out.append("new FxSelectMany(").append(multiLang).append(", new SelectMany(")
                            // traverse renamed defaults and append them to the script
                            for (String d : defaults) {
                                        .append(refListName).append("\"), \"").append(d).append("\"))");
                    } else if ("Date".equals(dataType) || "DateTime".equals(dataType)
                            || "DateRange".equals(dataType) || "DateTimeRange".equals(dataType)) {
                        final String df = "\"MMM dd, yyyy\"";
                        final String dtf = "\"MMM dd, yyyy h:mm:ss a\"";
                        if ("Date".equals(dataType)) {
                            out.append("new FxDate(").append(multiLang).append(", new SimpleDateFormat(")
                        } else if ("DateTime".equals(dataType)) {
                            out.append("new FxDateTime(").append(multiLang).append(", new SimpleDateFormat(")
                        } else if ("DateRange".equals(dataType)) {
                            final String lower = stripToEmpty(
                                    defaultValue.substring(0, defaultValue.indexOf("-")));
                            final String upper = stripToEmpty(
                                    defaultValue.substring(defaultValue.indexOf("-") + 1));
                            out.append("new FxDateRange(").append(multiLang)
                                    .append(", new DateRange(new SimpleDateFormat(").append(df)
                                    .append(").parse(\"").append(lower).append("\"), new SimpleDateFormat(")
                        } else if ("DateTimeRange".equals(dataType)) {
                            final String lower = stripToEmpty(
                                    defaultValue.substring(0, defaultValue.indexOf("-")));
                            final String upper = stripToEmpty(
                                    defaultValue.substring(defaultValue.indexOf("-") + 1));
                            out.append("new FxDateTimeRange(").append(multiLang)
                                    .append(", new DateRange(new SimpleDateFormat(").append(dtf)
                                    .append(").parse(\"").append(lower).append("\"), new SimpleDateFormat(")
                    } else if ("Reference".equals(dataType)) {
                        final FxPK pk = FxPK.fromString(defaultValue);
                        out.append("new FxReference(").append(multiLang).append(", new ReferencedContent(")
                                .append(pk.getId()).append(", ").append(pk.getVersion()).append("))");

                    } else if ("InlineReference".equals(dataType)) {
                        // ignore for now, doesn't work paerly as of yet
                    } else if ("Binary".equals(dataType)) {
                        // TODO: impl!
                        // uses a new BinaryDescriptor( .. )

                // "SIMPLE" dataTYPES
                if (DATATYPESSIMPLE.keySet().contains(dataType)) {
                    for (String d : DATATYPESSIMPLE.keySet()) {
                        if (d.equals(dataType)) {
                            out.append(DATATYPESSIMPLE.get(d)).append("(").append(multiLang).append(", ");
                            if (d.equals("Float") || d.equals("Double") || d.equals("LargeNumber")
                                    || d.equals("Boolean")) {
                            } else {
                sopts.put("defaultValue", out.toString() + ",");

        // append options to script
        if (sopts.size() > 0) {
            for (String option : sopts.keySet()) {
                script.append(simpleOption(option, sopts.get(option), tabCount));

        if (script.indexOf(",\n", script.length() - 2) != -1)
            script.delete(script.length() - 2, script.length());
    if (script.indexOf(",", script.length() - 1) != -1) // remove last "," if written
        script.delete(script.length() - 1, script.length());

    if (createProp)
        script.append(")\n"); // closing parenthesis

    return script.toString();