Java tutorial
/* This file is Copyright (c) 2005 Robert Simons ( * See the MIT/X-like license in LICENSE.txt. * For more information visit or contact */ package com.cohort.util; import com.cohort.array.StringComparatorIgnoreCase; import java.awt.datatransfer.Clipboard; import java.awt.datatransfer.DataFlavor; import java.awt.datatransfer.StringSelection; import java.awt.datatransfer.Transferable; import java.awt.Toolkit; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.ref.WeakReference; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import java.nio.charset.Charset; import; import java.text.DecimalFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.BitSet; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Enumeration; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import java.util.Set; import java.util.Vector; import java.util.WeakHashMap; import org.apache.commons.codec.binary.Base64; /** * A class with static String methods that add to native String methods. * All are static methods. */ public class String2 { /** the source code version number. (Obviously, this is not really used.) */ public static final double version = 1.000; /** * ERROR is a constant so that it will be consistent, so that one can * search for it in output files. * This is NOT final, so EDStatic can change it. * This is the original definition, referenced by many other classes. */ public static String ERROR = "ERROR"; //public static Logger log = Logger.getLogger("com.cohort.util"); private static boolean logToSystemOut = true; private static boolean logToSystemErr = false; public final static StringBuilder logFileLock = new StringBuilder(); //synchronize all logFile use on this private static BufferedWriter logFile; private static String logFileName; /** logFileMaxSize determines when it's time to make a new logFile */ private static int logFileSize = 0; public final static int logFileDefaultMaxSize = 20000000; //20MB public static int logFileMaxSize = logFileDefaultMaxSize; /** * This returns the line separator from * <code>System.getProperty("line.separator");</code> */ public static String lineSeparator = System.getProperty("line.separator"); // public final static String CHARSET = "charset"; //the name of the charset att public final static String ISO_8859_1 = "ISO-8859-1"; //the value of the charset att and usable in Java code public final static String ISO_8859_1_LC = ISO_8859_1.toLowerCase(); public final static Charset ISO_8859_1_CHARSET = Charset.forName(ISO_8859_1); public final static String ENCODING = "_Encoding"; //the name of the _Encoding att public final static String UTF_8 = "UTF-8"; //a value of the _Encoding att and usable in Java code public final static String UTF_8_LC = UTF_8.toLowerCase(); public final static String JSON = "JSON"; /** Returns true if the current Operating System is Windows. */ public static String OSName = System.getProperty(""); public static boolean OSIsWindows = OSName.toLowerCase().indexOf("windows") >= 0; /** Returns true if the current Operating System is Linux. */ public static boolean OSIsLinux = OSName.toLowerCase().indexOf("linux") >= 0; /** Returns true if the current Operating System is Mac OS X. 2014-01-09 was System.getProperty("mrj.version") != null */ public static boolean OSIsMacOSX = OSName.contains("OS X"); public final static String AWS_S3_REGEX = "https?://(\\w*)\\.s3\\.amazonaws\\.com/(.*)"; /** If testing a "dir", url should have a trailing slash. Patterns are thread-safe. */ public final static Pattern AWS_S3_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(AWS_S3_REGEX); /** * email regex used to identify likely email addresses. * This is intended to accept most common valid addresses and reject most invalid addresses. * Modified from * (was "[A-Za-z0-9._%+-]+@[A-Za-z0-9.-]+\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}" ) * (with a-z added instead of using case-insensitive regex) * and * (wow! Mine is far simpler and more restrictive. Don't want too many false positives.) * and * This isn't perfect, but it is probably good enough. */ public final static String EMAIL_REGEX = // \\p{L} is any Unicode letter "\\p{L}[\\p{L}0-9'._%+-]{0,127}@[\\p{L}0-9.-]{1,127}\\.[A-Za-z]{2,4}"; public final static Pattern EMAIL_PATTERN = Pattern.compile(EMAIL_REGEX); public final static String ACDD_CONTACT_TYPES[] = { "person", "group", "institution", "position" }; //ACDD 1.3 //in the order they are used... public final static String ACDD_PERSON_REGEX1 = "(DHYRENBACH|JFPIOLLE|JLH|ZHIJIN)"; public final static String ACDD_GROUP_REGEX = ".*(Center|CMEMS|GHRSST|Group|ICOADS|MEaSUREs|OBPG|Office|project|Project|SSALTO|Team).*"; public final static String ACDD_INSTITUTION_REGEX1 = ".*(Environment Canada|Remote Sensing Systems|University).*"; public final static String ACDD_INSTITUTION_REGEX2 = ".*[A-Z]{3,}.*"; //3 or more adjacent capital letters anywhere public final static String ACDD_INSTITUTION_REGEX3 = "([A-Za-z][a-z]+ ){3,}[A-Za-z][a-z]+.*"; //start with 4 or more words (including "of") /** Catch most (not all) people's names, e.g., Dr. Kenneth R. Jones, Ken R. Jones, Ken R Jones, Ken Jones, K Jones, Mary McCarthy Don't match other things (e.g., institutions with 3 word names). See tests in TestUtil.testString2. */ public final static String ACDD_PERSON_REGEX2 = "(Dr\\.? |Prof\\.? |)[A-Z](\\.|[a-z]*) ([A-Z]\\.? |)(Ma?c|)[A-Z][a-z]+(, .+|)"; public final static String NCCSV_VERSION = "NCCSV-1.0"; public final static String NCCSV_GLOBAL = "*GLOBAL*"; public final static String NCCSV_DATATYPE = "*DATA_TYPE*"; public final static String NCCSV_SCALAR = "*SCALAR*"; public final static String NCCSV_END_METADATA = "*END_METADATA*"; public final static String NCCSV_END_DATA = "*END_DATA*"; public final static Pattern NCCSV_BYTE_ATT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("-?\\d{1,3}b"); public final static Pattern NCCSV_SHORT_ATT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("-?\\d{1,5}s"); public final static Pattern NCCSV_INT_ATT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("-?\\d{1,10}i"); public final static Pattern NCCSV_LONG_ATT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("-?\\d{1,19}L"); public final static Pattern NCCSV_FLOAT_ATT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( // -( 1 .? 1? | .1 ) e - 10 |NaN f "(-?(\\d{1,15}\\.?\\d{0,15}|\\.\\d{1,15})([eE][+-]?\\d{1,2})?|NaN)f"); public final static Pattern NCCSV_DOUBLE_ATT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( // -( 1 .? 1? | .1 ) e +- 100 |NaN d "(-?(\\d{1,25}\\.?\\d{0,25}|\\.\\d{1,25})([eE][+-]?\\d{1,3})?|NaN)d"); public final static Pattern NCCSV_CHAR_ATT_PATTERN = Pattern.compile( // ' char | \special | "" | \uffff ' "\"?'([ -~^\"]|\\\\[bfnrt/\\\'\\\"\\\\]|\"\"|\\\\u[0-9a-fA-F]{4})'\"?"); /* This is to test: does an NCSV string generated by Java Look Like A (LLA) number? */ public final static Pattern NCCSV_LLA_NUMBER_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("(-?\\d[0-9.eE+-]*|NaN)(b|s|L|f|)"); //Java always writes a leading digit, e.g., 0.1, not .1 /** These are NOT thread-safe. Always use them in synchronized blocks ("synchronized(gen....) {}").*/ private static DecimalFormat genStdFormat6 = new DecimalFormat("0.######"); private static DecimalFormat genEngFormat6 = new DecimalFormat("##0.#####E0"); private static DecimalFormat genExpFormat6 = new DecimalFormat("0.######E0"); private static DecimalFormat genStdFormat10 = new DecimalFormat("0.##########"); private static DecimalFormat genEngFormat10 = new DecimalFormat("##0.#########E0"); private static DecimalFormat genExpFormat10 = new DecimalFormat("0.##########E0"); private static String classPath; //lazy creation by getClassPath //splitting canonicalMap into 4 maps allows each to be bigger //and makes synchronized contention less common. private static Map canonicalMap[] = new Map[6]; static { for (int i = 0; i < canonicalMap.length; i++) canonicalMap[i] = new WeakHashMap(); } //EDStatic may change this public static String unitTestDataDir = "/erddapTest/"; public static String unitTestBigDataDir = "/erddapTestBig/"; /** * This returns the string which sorts higher. * null sorts low. * * @param s1 * @param s2 * @return the string which sorts higher. */ public static String max(String s1, String s2) { if (s1 == null) return s2; if (s2 == null) return s1; return s1.compareTo(s2) >= 0 ? s1 : s2; } /** * This returns the string which sorts lower. * null sorts low. * * @param s1 * @param s2 * @return the string which sorts lower. */ public static String min(String s1, String s2) { if (s1 == null) return s1; if (s2 == null) return s2; return s1.compareTo(s2) < 0 ? s1 : s2; } /** * This makes a new String of specified length, filled with ch. * For safety, if length>=1000000, it returns "". * * @param ch the character to fill the string * @param length the length of the string * @return a String 'length' long, filled with ch. * If length < 0 or >= 1000000, this returns "". */ public static String makeString(char ch, int length) { if ((length < 0) || (length >= 1000000)) return ""; char[] car = new char[length]; java.util.Arrays.fill(car, ch); return new String(car); } /** * Returns a String 'length' long, with 's' right-justified * (using spaces as the added characters) within the resulting String. * If s is already longer, then there will be no change. * * @param s is the string to be right-justified. * @param length is desired length of the resulting string. * @return 's' right-justified to make the result 'length' long. */ public static String right(String s, int length) { int toAdd = length - s.length(); if (toAdd <= 0) return s; else return makeString(' ', toAdd).concat(s); } /** * Returns a String 'length' long, with 's' left-justified * (using spaces as the added characters) within the resulting String. * If s is already longer, then there will be no change. * * @param s is the string to be left-justified. * @param length is desired length of the resulting string. * @return 's' left-justified to make the result 'length' long. */ public static String left(String s, int length) { int toAdd = length - s.length(); if (toAdd <= 0) return s; else return s.concat(makeString(' ', toAdd)); } /** * Returns a String 'length' long, with 's' centered * (using spaces as the added characters) within the resulting String. * If s is already longer, then there will be no change. * * @param s is the string to be centered. * @param length is desired length of the resulting string. * @return 's' centered to make the result 'length' long. */ public static String center(String s, int length) { int toAdd = length - s.length(); if (toAdd <= 0) return s; else return makeString(' ', toAdd / 2) + s + makeString(' ', toAdd - (toAdd / 2)); } /** * This returns a string no more than max characters long, throwing away the excess. * If you want to keep the whole string and just insert newlines periodically, * use noLongLines() instead. * * @param s * @param max * @return s (if it is short) or the first max characters of s. * If s==null, this returns "". */ public static String noLongerThan(String s, int max) { if (s == null) return ""; if (s.length() <= max) return s; return s.substring(0, Math.max(0, max)); } /** * This is like noLongerThan, but if truncated, s.substring(0, max-3) + "..." is returned. * * @param s * @param max * @return s (if it is short) or the first max characters of s */ public static String noLongerThanDots(String s, int max) { if (s == null) return ""; if (s.length() <= max) return s; return s.substring(0, Math.max(0, max - 3)) + "..."; } /** * This converts non-isPrintable characters to "[#]". * \\n generates both [10] and a newline character. * * @param s the string * @return s, but with non-32..126 characters replaced by [#]. * The result ends with "[end]". * null returns "[null][end]". */ public static String annotatedString(String s) { if (s == null) return "[null][end]"; int sLength = s.length(); StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(sLength / 5 * 6); for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch >= 32 && ch <= 126) { buffer.append(ch); } else { buffer.append("[" + ((int) ch) + "]"); //safe char to int type conversion if (ch == '\n') buffer.append('\n'); } } buffer.append("[end]"); return buffer.toString(); } /** * This determines the number of initial characters that match. * * @param s1 * @param s2 * @return the number of characters that are the same at the start * of both strings. */ public static int getNMatchingCharacters(String s1, String s2) { int minLength = Math.min(s1.length(), s2.length()); for (int i = 0; i < minLength; i++) if (s1.charAt(i) != s2.charAt(i)) return i; return minLength; } /** * Finds the first instance of 'find' at or after fromIndex (0..), ignoring case. * * @param s * @param find * @return the first instance of 'find' at or after fromIndex (0..), ignoring case. */ public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(String s, String find) { return indexOfIgnoreCase(s, find, 0); } /** * Finds the first instance of 'find' at or after fromIndex (0..), ignoring case. * * @param s * @param find * @param fromIndex * @return the first instance of 'find' at or after fromIndex (0..), ignoring case. */ public static int indexOfIgnoreCase(String s, String find, int fromIndex) { if (s == null) return -1; int sLength = s.length(); if (sLength == 0) return -1; find = find.toLowerCase(); int findLength = find.length(); if (findLength == 0) return fromIndex; int maxPo = sLength - findLength; char ch0 = find.charAt(0); int po = fromIndex; while (po <= maxPo) { if (Character.toLowerCase(s.charAt(po)) == ch0) { int f2 = 1; while (f2 < findLength && Character.toLowerCase(s.charAt(po + f2)) == find.charAt(f2)) f2++; if (f2 == findLength) return po; } po++; } return -1; } /** * This goes beyond indexOfIgnoreCase by looking after punctuation removed. * * @param s * @param find * @return true if find is loosely in s. Return false if s or find !isSomething. */ public static boolean looselyContains(String s, String find) { if (s == null || find == null) return false; int sLength = s.length(); StringBuilder ssb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch)) ssb.append(Character.toLowerCase(ch)); } if (ssb.length() == 0) return false; int fLength = find.length(); StringBuilder fsb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < fLength; i++) { char ch = find.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch)) fsb.append(Character.toLowerCase(ch)); } if (fsb.length() == 0) return false; return ssb.indexOf(fsb.toString()) >= 0; } /** * This goes beyond equalsIgnoreCase by looking after punctuation removed. * * @param s1 * @param s2 * @return true if find is loosely in s. Return false if s or find !isSomething. */ public static boolean looselyEquals(String s1, String s2) { if (s1 == null || s2 == null) return false; int s1Length = s1.length(); StringBuilder s1sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < s1Length; i++) { char ch = s1.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch)) s1sb.append(Character.toLowerCase(ch)); } if (s1sb.length() == 0) return false; int s2Length = s2.length(); StringBuilder s2sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < s2Length; i++) { char ch = s2.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetterOrDigit(ch)) s2sb.append(Character.toLowerCase(ch)); } if (s2sb.length() == 0) return false; return s1sb.toString().equals(s2sb.toString()); } /** * Finds the first instance of s at or after fromIndex (0.. ) in sb. * * @param sb a StringBuilder * @param s the String you want to find * @param fromIndex the index number of the position to start the search * @return The starting position of s. If s is null or not found, it returns -1. */ public static int indexOf(StringBuilder sb, String s, int fromIndex) { if (s == null) return -1; int sLength = s.length(); if (sLength == 0) return -1; char ch = s.charAt(0); int index = Math.max(fromIndex, 0); int tSize = sb.length() - sLength + 1; //no point in searching last few char while (index < tSize) { if (sb.charAt(index) == ch) { int nCharsMatched = 1; while ((nCharsMatched < sLength) && (sb.charAt(index + nCharsMatched) == s.charAt(nCharsMatched))) nCharsMatched++; if (nCharsMatched == sLength) return index; } index++; } return -1; } /** * This finds (case-sensitive) the first whole word instance of 'word' in s. * It will find 'word' at the start or end of s. * I.e., the character before and after (if any) mustn't be a letter or digit or '_'. * * @param word must be a simple word (without regex special characters) * @return -1 if not found (or trouble, e.g., find=null) */ public static int findWholeWord(String s, String word) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0 || word == null || word.length() == 0) return -1; if (s.equals(word) || s.matches(word + "\\b.*")) return 0; if (s.matches(".*\\b" + word)) return s.length() - word.length(); Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("\\b(" + word + ")\\b"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(s); return matcher.find() ? matcher.start(1) : -1; } /** * This creates a hashset of the unique acronyms in a string. * An acronym here is defined by the regular expression: * [^a-zA-Z0-9][A-Z]{2,}[^a-zA-Z0-9] * * @param text * @return hashset of the unique acronyms in text. */ public static HashSet<String> findAcronyms(String text) { HashSet<String> hs = new HashSet(); if (text == null || text.length() < 2) return hs; Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile("[^a-zA-Z0-9]([A-Z]{2,})[^a-zA-Z0-9]"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(text); int po = 0; while (po < text.length()) { if (matcher.find(po)) { hs.add(; po = matcher.end(); } else { return hs; } } return hs; } /** * This returns the first section of s (starting at fromIndex) * which matches regex. * !!! Note that . in the regex doesn't match line terminators in s !!! * * @param s the source String. * @param regex the regular expression, see java.util.regex.Pattern. * @param fromIndex the starting index in s * @return the section of s which matches regex, or null if not found * @throws RuntimeException if trouble */ public static String extractRegex(String s, String regex, int fromIndex) { Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher m = p.matcher(s); if (m.find(fromIndex)) return s.substring(m.start(), m.end()); return null; } /** * This returns all the sections of s that match regex. * It assumes that the extracted parts don't overlap. * !!! Note that . in the regex doesn't match line terminators in s !!! * * @param s the source String * @param regex the regular expression, see java.util.regex.Pattern. * Note that you often want to use the "reluctant" qualifiers * which match as few chars as possible (e.g., ??, *?, +?) * not the "greedy" qualifiers * which match as many chars as possible (e.g., ?, *, +). * @return a String[] with all the matching sections of s (or String[0] if none) * @throws RuntimeException if trouble */ public static String[] extractAllRegexes(String s, String regex) { ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList(); Pattern p = Pattern.compile(regex); Matcher m = p.matcher(s); int fromIndex = 0; while (m.find(fromIndex)) { al.add(s.substring(m.start(), m.end())); fromIndex = m.end(); } return al.toArray(new String[0]); } /** * This returns the specified capture group from s. * * @param s the source String * @param regex the regular expression, see java.util.regex.Pattern. * @param captureGroupNumber the number of the capture group (0 for entire regex, * 1 for first capture group, 2 for second, etc.) * @return the value of the specified capture group, or null if the s doesn't match the regex * @throws RuntimeException if trouble, e.g., invalid regex syntax */ public static String extractCaptureGroup(String s, String regex, int captureGroupNumber) { return extractCaptureGroup(s, Pattern.compile(regex), captureGroupNumber); } /** * This returns the specified capture group from s. * * @param s the source String * @param regexPattern * @param captureGroupNumber the number of the capture group (0 for entire regex, * 1 for first capture group, 2 for second, etc.) * @return the value of the specified capture group, or null if the s doesn't match the regex * @throws RuntimeException if trouble, e.g., invalid regex syntax */ public static String extractCaptureGroup(String s, Pattern regexPattern, int captureGroupNumber) { Matcher m = regexPattern.matcher(s); if (m.matches()) return; else return null; } /** * Finds the first instance of i at or after fromIndex (0.. ) in iArray. * * @param iArray * @param i the int you want to find * @param fromIndex the index number of the position to start the search * @return The first instance of i. If not found, it returns -1. */ public static int indexOf(int[] iArray, int i, int fromIndex) { int iArrayLength = iArray.length; for (int index = Math.max(fromIndex, 0); index < iArrayLength; index++) { if (iArray[index] == i) return index; } return -1; } /** * Finds the first instance of i in iArray. * * @param iArray * @param i the int you want to find * @return The first instance of i. If not found, it returns -1. */ public static int indexOf(int[] iArray, int i) { return indexOf(iArray, i, 0); } /** * Finds the first instance of c at or after fromIndex (0.. ) in cArray. * * @param cArray * @param c the char you want to find * @param fromIndex the index number of the position to start the search * @return The first instance of c. If not found, it returns -1. */ public static int indexOf(char[] cArray, char c, int fromIndex) { int cArrayLength = cArray.length; for (int index = Math.max(fromIndex, 0); index < cArrayLength; index++) { if (cArray[index] == c) return index; } return -1; } /** * Finds the first instance of c in cArray. * * @param cArray * @param c the char you want to find * @return The first instance of c. If not found, it returns -1. */ public static int indexOf(char[] cArray, char c) { return indexOf(cArray, c, 0); } /** * This indexOf is a little different: it finds the first instance in s of any char in car. * * @param s a string * @param car the chars you want to find any of * @param fromIndex the index number of the position to start the search * @return The first instance in s of any char in car. If not found, it returns -1. */ public static int indexOf(String s, char[] car, int fromIndex) { int sLength = s.length(); for (int index = Math.max(fromIndex, 0); index < sLength; index++) { if (indexOf(car, s.charAt(index)) >= 0) return index; } return -1; } /** * This indexOf is a little different: it finds the first instance in s of any char in car. * * @param s a string * @param car the chars you want to find any of * @param fromIndex the index number of the position to start the search * @return The first instance in s of any char in car. If not found, it returns -1. */ public static int indexOf(String s, String car, int fromIndex) { int sLength = s.length(); for (int index = Math.max(fromIndex, 0); index < sLength; index++) { if (car.indexOf(s.charAt(index)) >= 0) return index; } return -1; } /** * Finds the first instance of d at or after fromIndex (0.. ) in dArray * (tested with Math2.almostEqual5). * * @param dArray * @param d the double you want to find * @param fromIndex the index number of the position to start the search * @return The first instance of d. If not found, it returns -1. */ public static int indexOf(double[] dArray, double d, int fromIndex) { int dArrayLength = dArray.length; for (int index = Math.max(fromIndex, 0); index < dArrayLength; index++) { if (Math2.almostEqual(5, dArray[index], d)) return index; } return -1; } /** * This tries to find the first one of the words in the longerString. * This is case-sensitive. * * @return index of the matching word (or -1 if no match or other trouble) */ public static int whichWord(String longerString, String words[]) { if (longerString == null || longerString.length() == 0 || words == null) return -1; int n = words.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (longerString.indexOf(words[i]) >= 0) return i; return -1; } /** * Finds the first instance of d in dArray * (tested with Math2.almostEqual5). * * @param dArray * @param d the double you want to find * @return The first instance of d. If not found, it returns -1. */ public static int indexOf(double[] dArray, double d) { return indexOf(dArray, d, 0); } /** This calls directReadFromFile with charset= UTF_8 */ public static String directReadFromUtf8File(String fileName) throws Exception { return directReadFromFile(fileName, UTF_8); } /** This calls directReadFromFile with charset= ISO_8859_1 */ public static String directReadFrom88591File(String fileName) throws Exception { return directReadFromFile(fileName, ISO_8859_1); } /** * This reads the bytes of the file with the specified charset. * This does not alter the characters (e.g., the line endings). * * <P>This method is generally appropriate for small and medium-sized * files. For very large files or files that need additional processing, * it may be better to write a custom method to * read the file line-by-line, processing as it goes. * * @param fileName is the (usually canonical) path (dir+name) for the file * @param charset e.g., ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, or "" or null for the default (ISO-8859-1) * @return a String with the decoded contents of the file. * @throws Exception if trouble */ public static String directReadFromFile(String fileName, String charset) throws Exception { //declare the BufferedReader variable //declare the results variable: String results[] = {"", ""}; //BufferedReader and results are declared outside try/catch so //that they can be accessed from within either try/catch block. long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fileName); InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(fis, charset == null || charset.length() == 0 ? ISO_8859_1 : charset); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(8192); //get the text from the file try { char buffer[] = new char[8192]; int nRead; while ((nRead = >= 0) //-1 = end-of-file sb.append(buffer, 0, nRead); } finally { try { isr.close(); } catch (Exception e) { } } return sb.toString(); } /** * This is a variant of readFromFile that uses the default character set * and 3 tries (1 second apart) to read the file. */ public static String[] readFromFile(String fileName) { return readFromFile(fileName, null, 3); } /** * This is a variant of readFromFile that uses the specified character set * and 3 tries (1 second apart) to read the file. */ public static String[] readFromFile(String fileName, String charset) { return readFromFile(fileName, charset, 3); } /** * This reads the text contents of the specified text file. * * <P>This method uses try/catch to ensure that all possible * exceptions are caught and returned as the error String * (throwable.toString()). * * <P>This method is generally appropriate for small and medium-sized * files. For very large files or files that need additional processing, * it may be better to write a custom method to * read the file line-by-line, processing as it goes. * * @param fileName is the (usually canonical) path (dir+name) for the file * @param charset e.g., ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, or "" or null for the default (ISO-8859-1) * @param maxAttempt e.g. 3 (the tries are 1 second apart) * @return a String array with two strings. * Using a String array gets around Java's limitation of * only returning one value from a method. * String #0 is an error String (or "" if no error). * String #1 has the contents of the file as one big string * (with any end-of-line characters converted to \n). * If the error String is not "", String #1 * may not have all the contents of the file. * ***This ensures that the last character in the file (if any) is \n. * This behavior varies from other implementations of readFromFile. */ public static String[] readFromFile(String fileName, String charset, int maxAttempt) { //declare the BufferedReader variable //declare the results variable: String results[] = {"", ""}; //BufferedReader and results are declared outside try/catch so //that they can be accessed from within either try/catch block. long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); FileInputStream fis = null; InputStreamReader isr = null; BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; String results[] = { "", "" }; int errorIndex = 0; int contentsIndex = 1; try { //open the file //To deal with problems in multithreaded apps //(when deleting and renaming files, for an instant no file with that name exists), maxAttempt = Math.max(1, maxAttempt); for (int attempt = 1; attempt <= maxAttempt; attempt++) { try { fis = new FileInputStream(fileName); isr = new InputStreamReader(fis, charset == null || charset.length() == 0 ? ISO_8859_1 : charset); } catch (Exception e) { if (attempt == maxAttempt) { log(ERROR + ": String2.readFromFile was unable to read " + fileName); throw e; } else { log("WARNING #" + attempt + ": String2.readFromFile is having trouble. It will try again to read " + fileName); if (attempt == 1) Math2.gcAndWait(); //trouble! Give OS/Java a time and gc to deal with trouble else Math2.sleep(1000); } } } bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(isr); //get the text from the file //This uses bufferedReader.readLine() to repeatedly //read lines from the file and thus can handle various //end-of-line characters. //The lines (with \n added at the end) are added to a //StringBuilder. StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(8192); String s = bufferedReader.readLine(); while (s != null) { //null = end-of-file sb.append(s); sb.append('\n'); s = bufferedReader.readLine(); } //save the contents as results[1] results[contentsIndex] = sb.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { results[errorIndex] = MustBe.throwable("fileName=" + fileName, e); } //close the bufferedReader try { //close the highest level file object available if (bufferedReader != null) bufferedReader.close(); else if (isr != null) isr.close(); else if (fis != null) fis.close(); } catch (Exception e) { if (results[errorIndex].length() == 0) results[errorIndex] = e.toString(); //else ignore the error (the first one is more important) } //return results //log(" String2.readFromFile " + fileName + " time=" + // (System.currentTimeMillis() - time) + "ms"); return results; } /** * This is like the other readFromFile, but returns ArrayList of Strings * and throws Exception is trouble. * The strings in the ArrayList are not canonical! So this is useful * for reading, processing, and throwing away. * * <P>This method is generally appropriate for small and medium-sized * files. For very large files or files that need additional processing, * it may be more efficient to write a custom method to * read the file line-by-line, processing as it goes. * * @param fileName is the (usually canonical) path (dir+name) for the file * @param charset e.g., ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, or "" or null for the default (ISO-8859-1) * @param maxAttempt e.g. 3 (the tries are 1 second apart) * @return String[] with the lines from the file * @throws Exception if trouble */ public static String[] readLinesFromFile(String fileName, String charset, int maxAttempt) throws Exception { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); InputStreamReader isr = null; for (int i = 0; i < maxAttempt; i++) { try { isr = new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(fileName), charset == null || charset.length() == 0 ? ISO_8859_1 : charset); break; //success } catch (RuntimeException e) { if (i == maxAttempt - 1) throw e; Math2.sleep(1); } } BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(isr); ArrayList<String> al = new ArrayList(); String s = bufferedReader.readLine(); while (s != null) { //null = end-of-file al.add(s); s = bufferedReader.readLine(); } bufferedReader.close(); isr.close(); return al.toArray(new String[0]); } /* Here is a skeleton for more direct control of reading text from a file: BufferedReader bufferedReader = null; try { bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fileName)); String s; while ((s = bufferedReader.readLine()) != null) { //null = end-of-file //do something with s //for example, split at whitespace: String fields[] = s.split("\\s+"); //s = whitespace regex } bufferedReader.close(); } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println(error + "while reading file '" + filename + "':\n" + e); e.printStackTrace(System.err); bufferedReader.close(); } */ /** * This saves some text in a file named fileName. * This uses the default character encoding. * * <P>This method uses try/catch to ensure that all possible * exceptions are caught and returned as the error String * (throwable.toString()). * * <P>This method is generally appropriate for small and medium-sized * files. For very large files or files that need additional processing, * it may be more efficient to write a custom method to * read the file line-by-line, processing as it goes. * * @param fileName is the (usually canonical) path (dir+name) for the file * @param contents has the text that will be written to the file. * contents must use \n as the end-of-line marker. * Currently, this method purposely does not convert \n to the * operating-system-appropriate end-of-line characters when writing * to the file (see lineSeparator). * @return an error message (or "" if no error). */ public static String writeToFile(String fileName, String contents) { return lowWriteToFile(fileName, contents, null, "\n", false); } /** * This is like writeToFile, but it appends the text if the file already * exists. If the file doesn't exist, it makes a new file. */ public static String appendFile(String fileName, String contents) { return lowWriteToFile(fileName, contents, null, "\n", true); } public static String writeToFile(String fileName, String contents, String charset) { return lowWriteToFile(fileName, contents, charset, "\n", false); } public static String appendFile(String fileName, String contents, String charset) { return lowWriteToFile(fileName, contents, charset, "\n", true); } /** * This provides services to writeToFile and appendFile. * If there is an error and !append, the partial file is deleted. * * @param fileName is the (usually canonical) path (dir+name) for the file * @param contents has the text that will be written to the file. * contents must use \n as the end-of-line marker. * Currently, this method purposely does not convert \n to the * operating-system-appropriate end-of-line characters when writing * to the file (see lineSeparator). * @param charset e.g., UTF-8; or null or "" for the default (ISO-8859-1 ?) * @param lineSeparator is the desired lineSeparator for the outgoing file. * @param append if you want to append any existing fileName; * otherwise any existing file is deleted first. * @return an error message (or "" if no error). */ private static String lowWriteToFile(String fileName, String contents, String charset, String lineSeparator, boolean append) { //bufferedWriter and error are declared outside try/catch so //that they can be accessed from within either try/catch block. BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = null; String error = ""; try { //open the file //This uses a BufferedWriter wrapped around a FileWriter //to write the information to the file. Writer w = charset == null || charset.length() == 0 ? new FileWriter(fileName, append) : new OutputStreamWriter(new FileOutputStream(fileName, append), charset); bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(w); //convert \n to operating-system-specific lineSeparator if (!lineSeparator.equals("\n")) contents = replaceAll(contents, "\n", lineSeparator); //since the first String is a regex, you can use "[\\n]" too //write the text to the file bufferedWriter.write(contents); //test speed //int start = 0; //while (start < contents.length()) { // bufferedWriter.write(contents.substring(start, Math.min(start+39, contents.length()))); // start += 39; //} } catch (Exception e) { error = e.toString(); } //make sure bufferedWriter is closed try { if (bufferedWriter != null) { bufferedWriter.close(); } } catch (Exception e) { if (error.length() == 0) error = e.toString(); //else ignore the error (the first one is more important) } //and delete partial file if error and not appending if (error.length() > 0 && !append) File2.delete(fileName); return error; } /** * A string of Java info (version, vendor). 32 bit. */ public static String javaInfo() { String javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version"); String mrjVersion = System.getProperty("mrj.version"); mrjVersion = (mrjVersion == null) ? "" : (" (mrj=" + mrjVersion + ")"); //unofficial Mac property return "Java " + javaVersion + mrjVersion + " (" + Math2.JavaBits + " bit, " + System.getProperty("java.vendor") + ") on " + OSName + " (" + System.getProperty("os.version") + ")."; } /** * This includes hiASCII/ISO Latin 1/ISO 8859-1, but not extensive unicode characters. * Letters are A..Z, a..z, and #192..#255 (except #215 and #247). * For unicode characters, see Java Lang Spec pg 14. * * @param c a char * @return true if c is a letter */ public static final boolean isLetter(int c) { //return (((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'z')) || ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'Z')) //|| ((c >= '\u00c0') && (c <= '\u00FF') && (c != '\u00d7') //&& (c != '\u00f7'))); if (c < 'A') return false; if (c <= 'Z') return true; if (c < 'a') return false; if (c <= 'z') return true; if (c < '\u00c0') return false; if (c == '\u00d7') return false; if (c <= '\u00FF') return true; return false; } /** * First letters for identifiers (e.g., variable names, method names) can be * all isLetter()'s plus $ and _. * * @param c a char * @return true if c is a valid character for the first character if a Java ID */ public static final boolean isIDFirstLetter(int c) { if (c == '_') return true; if (c == '$') return true; return isLetter(c); } /** * 0..9, a..f, A..F * Hex numbers are 0x followed by hexDigits. * * @param c a char * @return true if c is a valid hex digit */ public static final boolean isHexDigit(int c) { //return (((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')) || ((c >= 'a') && (c <= 'f')) //|| ((c >= 'A') && (c <= 'F'))); if (c < '0') return false; if (c <= '9') return true; if (c < 'A') return false; if (c <= 'F') return true; if (c < 'a') return false; if (c <= 'f') return true; return false; } /** Returns true if all of the characters in s are hex digits. * A 0-length string returns false. */ public static final boolean isHexString(String s) { if (s == null) return false; int sLength = s.length(); if (sLength == 0) return false; for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) if (!isHexDigit(s.charAt(i))) return false; return true; } /** * 0..9. * Non-Latin numeric characters are not included (see Java Lang Spec pg 14). * * @param c a char * @return true if c is a digit */ public static final boolean isDigit(int c) { return ((c >= '0') && (c <= '9')); } /** * Determines if the character is a digit or a letter. * * @param c a char * @return true if c is a letter or a digit */ public static final boolean isDigitLetter(int c) { return isLetter(c) || isDigit(c); } /** * This tries to quickly determine if the string is a correctly * formatted number (including decimal, hexadecimal, octal, and "NaN" (any case)). * * <p>This may not be perfect. In the future, this may be changed to be perfect. * That shouldn't affect its use. * * @param s usually already trimmed, since any space in s will return false. * @return true if s is *probably* a number. * This returns false if s is *definitely* not a number. * "NaN" (case insensitive) returns true. (It is a numeric value of sorts.) * null and "" return false. */ public static final boolean isNumber(String s) { if (s == null) return false; int sLength = s.length(); if (sLength == 0) return false; char ch0 = s.charAt(0); //hexadecimal? e.g., 0x2AFF //octal not supported if (ch0 == '0' && sLength >= 3 && Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(1)) == 'X') { //ensure all remaining chars are hexadecimal for (int po = 2; po < sLength; po++) { if ("0123456789abcdefABCDEF".indexOf(s.charAt(po)) < 0) return false; } return true; } //NaN? if (ch0 == 'n' || ch0 == 'N') return s.toUpperCase().equals("NAN"); //*** rest of method: test if floating point //is 1st char .+-? int po = 0; char ch = s.charAt(po); boolean hasPeriod = ch == '.'; if (hasPeriod || ch == '-') { if (sLength == 1) //must be another char return false; ch = s.charAt(++po); //is 2nd char .? if (ch == '.') { if (hasPeriod || sLength == 2) // 2nd period or . after e are not allowed return false; hasPeriod = true; ch = s.charAt(++po); } } //initial digit if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') //there must be a digit return false; //subsequent chars boolean hasE = false; while (++po < sLength) { ch = s.charAt(po); if (ch == '.') { if (hasPeriod || hasE || po == sLength - 1) // 2nd period or . after e are not allowed return false; hasPeriod = true; } else if (ch == 'e' || ch == 'E') { if (hasE || po == sLength - 1) //e as last char is not allowed return false; hasE = true; ch = s.charAt(++po); if (ch == '-' || ch == '+') { if (po == sLength - 1) return false; ch = s.charAt(++po); } if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') //there must be a digit after e return false; } else if (ch < '0' || ch > '9') { return false; } } return true; //probably a number } /** * Whitespace characters are u0001 .. ' '. * Java just considers a few of these (sp HT FF) as white space, * see the Java Lang Specification. * u0000 is not whitespace. Some methods count on this fact. * * @param c a char * @return true if c is a whitespace character */ public static final boolean isWhite(int c) { return ((c >= '\u0001') && (c <= ' ')) || c == '\u00a0'; //nbsp } /** * This indicates if ch is printable with System.err.println() and * Graphics.drawString(); hence, it is a subset of 0..255. * <UL> * <LI> This is used, for example, to limit characters entering CoText. * <LI> Currently, this accepts the ch if * <tt>(ch>=32 && ch<127) || (ch>=161 && ch<=255)</tt>. * <LI> tab(#9) is not included. It should be caught separately * and dealt with (expand to spaces?). The problem is that * tabs are printed with a wide box (non-character symbol) * in Windows Courier font. * Thus, they mess up the positioning of characters in CoText. * <LI> newline is not included. It should be caught separately * and dealt with. * <LI> This requires further study into all standard fonts on all * platforms to see if other characters can be accepted. * </UL> * * @param ch a char * @return true if ch is a printable character */ public static final boolean isPrintable(int ch) { //return (ch>=32 && ch<127) || (ch>=161 && ch<=255); //was 160 if (ch < 32) return false; if (ch <= 126) return true; //was 127 if (ch < 161) return false; //was 160 if (ch <= 255) return true; return false; } /** Returns true if all of the characters in s are printable */ public static final boolean isPrintable(String s) { if (s == null) return false; int sLength = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) if (!isPrintable(s.charAt(i))) return false; return true; } /** returns true if ch is 32..126. */ public static final boolean isAsciiPrintable(int ch) { if (ch < 32) return false; if (ch <= 126) return true; return false; } /** Returns true if all of the characters in s are 32..126 */ public static final boolean isAsciiPrintable(String s) { if (s == null) return false; int sLength = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) if (!isAsciiPrintable(s.charAt(i))) return false; return true; } /** * This returns the string with all non-isPrintable characters removed. * * @param s * @return s with all the non-isPrintable characters removed. * If s is null, this throws null pointer exception. */ public static String justPrintable(String s) { int n = s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n); int start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (!isPrintable(s.charAt(i))) { sb.append(s.substring(start, i)); start = i + 1; } } sb.append(s.substring(start)); return sb.toString(); } /** This crudely converts 160.. 255 to plainASCII characters which * hava a similar meaning or look similar (or '?' if no good substitute). */ public final static String plainASCII = " !cLoY|%:Ca<--R-" + "o???'uP.,'o>????" + "AAAAAAACEEEEIIII" + "DNOOOOOxOUUUUYpB" + "aaaaaaaceeeeiiii" + "onooooo/ouuuuypy"; /** * This converts the string to plain ascii (0..127). * Diacritics are stripped off high ASCII characters. * Some high ASCII characters are crudely converted to similar characters * (the conversion is always character-for-character, * so the string length will be unchanged). * Other characters become '?'. * The result will be the same length as s. * * @param s * @return the string converted to plain ascii (0..127). */ public static String modifyToBeASCII(String s) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s); int n = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char ch = sb.charAt(i); if (ch <= 127) { } else if (ch >= 160 && ch <= 255) sb.setCharAt(i, plainASCII.charAt(ch - 160)); else sb.setCharAt(i, '?'); } return sb.toString(); } /** * A description of file-name-safe characters. */ public final static String fileNameSafeDescription = "(A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, -, or .)"; /** * This indicates if ch is a file-name-safe character (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, -, or .). * * @param ch * @return true if ch is a file-name-safe character (A-Z, a-z, 0-9, _, -, .). */ public static boolean isFileNameSafe(char ch) { //return (ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || // (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || // (ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || // ch == '-' || ch == '_' || ch == '.'; if (ch == '.' || ch == '-') return true; if (ch < '0') return false; if (ch <= '9') return true; if (ch < 'A') return false; if (ch <= 'Z') return true; if (ch == '_') return true; if (ch < 'a') return false; if (ch <= 'z') return true; return false; } /** * This indicates if 'email' is a valid email address. * * @param email a possible email address * @return true if 'email' is a valid email address. */ public static boolean isEmailAddress(String email) { if (email == null || email.length() == 0) return false; return EMAIL_PATTERN.matcher(email).matches(); } /** * This indicates if 'url' is probably a valid url. * This is like isRemote, but returns true for "file://...". * * @param url a possible url * @return true if 'url' is probably a valid url. * false if 'url' is not a valid url. * Note that "file://..." is a url. */ public static boolean isUrl(String url) { if (url == null) return false; int po = url.indexOf("://"); if (po == -1 || !isPrintable(url)) return false; String protocol = url.substring(0, po); return protocol.equals("file") || protocol.equals("ftp") || protocol.equals("http") || protocol.equals("https") || protocol.equals("sftp") || protocol.equals("smb"); } /** * This returns true if the dir starts with http://, https://, ftp://, sftp://, * or smb://. * This is like isRemote, but returns false for "file://...". * * @return true if the dir is remote (e.g., a URL other than file://) * If dir is null or "", this returns false. */ public static boolean isRemote(String dir) { if (isUrl(dir)) return dir.startsWith("file://") ? false : true; return false; } /** * This indicates if s has length >= 1 and * has just file-name-safe characters (0-9, A-Z, a-z, _, -, .). * Note, this does not check for filenames that are too long * (Windows has a path+fileName max length of 255 chars). * * @param s a string, usually a file name * @return true if s has just file-name-safe characters (0-9, A-Z, a-z, _, -, .). * It returns false if s is null or "". */ public static boolean isFileNameSafe(String s) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0) return false; int sLength = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) if (!isFileNameSafe(s.charAt(i))) return false; return true; } /** * This returns the string with just file-name-safe characters (0-9, A-Z, a-z, _, -, .). * This is different from String2.encodeFileNameSafe -- * this emphasizes readability, not avoiding losing information. * Non-safe characters are converted to '_'. * Adjacent '_' are collapsed into '_'. * See posix fully portable file names at . * See javadocs for, which describes valid characters * (but deals with encoding, whereas this method alters or removes). * The result may be shorter than s. * Note, this does not check for filenames that are too long * (Windows has a path+fileName max length of 255 chars). * * @param s If s is null, this returns "_null". * If s is "", this returns "_". * @return s with all of the non-fileNameSafe characters removed or changed */ public static String modifyToBeFileNameSafe(String s) { if (s == null) return "_null"; s = modifyToBeASCII(s); int n = s.length(); if (n == 0) return "_"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); sb.append(isFileNameSafe(ch) ? ch : '_'); } while (sb.indexOf("__") >= 0) replaceAll(sb, "__", "_"); return sb.toString(); } /** * This tests if s is a valid variableName: * <ul> * <li>first character must be (iso8859Letter|_). * <li>optional subsequent characters must be (iso8859Letter|_|0-9). * </ul> * Note that Java allows Unicode characters, but this does not. * * @param s a possible variable name * @return true if s is a valid variableName. */ public static boolean isVariableNameSafe(String s) { if (s == null) return false; int n = s.length(); if (n == 0) return false; //first character must be (iso8859Letter|_) char ch = s.charAt(0); if (isLetter(ch) || ch == '_') ; else return false; //subsequent characters must be (iso8859Letter|_|0-9) for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { ch = s.charAt(i); if (isDigitLetter(ch) || ch == '_') ; else return false; } return true; } /** * This tests if s is a valid jsonp function name. * The functionName MUST be a series of 1 or more (period-separated) words. * For each word: * <ul> * <li>The first character must be (iso8859Letter|_). * <li>The optional subsequent characters must be (iso8859Letter|_|0-9). * <li>s must not be longer than 255 characters. * </ul> * Note that JavaScript allows Unicode characters, but this does not. * * @param s a possible jsonp function name * @return true if s is a valid jsonp function name. */ public static boolean isJsonpNameSafe(String s) { if (s == null) return false; int n = s.length(); if (n == 0 || n > 255) return false; //last (or only) character can't be . if (s.charAt(n - 1) == '.') return false; ArrayList<String> al = splitToArrayList(s, '.', false); //trim=false int nal = al.size(); //test each word for (int part = 0; part < nal; part++) { String ts = al.get(part); int tn = ts.length(); if (tn == 0) return false; //first character must be (iso8859Letter|_) char ch = ts.charAt(0); if (isLetter(ch) || ch == '_') ; else return false; //subsequent characters must be (iso8859Letter|_|0-9) for (int i = 1; i < tn; i++) { ch = ts.charAt(i); if (isDigitLetter(ch) || ch == '_') ; else return false; } } return true; } /** * This is like modifyToBeFileNameSafe, but restricts the name to: * <ul> * <li>first character must be (iso8859Letter|_). * <li>subsequent characters must be (iso8859Letter|_|0-9). * </ul> * Note that Java allows Unicode characters, but this does not. * See also the safer encodeMatlabNameSafe(String s). * Note, this does not check for names that are too long * (many system have an 80 or 255 char limit). * * @param s * @return a safe variable name (but perhaps two s's lead to the same result) */ public static String modifyToBeVariableNameSafe(String s) { if (isVariableNameSafe(s)) return s; if (s == null) return "_null"; s = replaceAll(s, "%20", "_"); if (s.indexOf("%3a") >= 0) { s = replaceAll(s, "CF%3afeature_type", "featureType"); //CF:feature_type s = replaceAll(s, "CF%3a", ""); //CF: s = replaceAll(s, "%3a", "_"); } int n = s.length(); if (n == 0) return "_"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n + 1); //first character must be (iso8859Letter|_) char ch = s.charAt(0); sb.append(isLetter(ch) ? ch : isDigit(ch) ? "_" + ch : "_"); //subsequent characters must be (iso8859Letter|_|0-9) for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { ch = s.charAt(i); if (isDigitLetter(ch)) sb.append(ch); else if (sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) != '_') sb.append('_'); } //remove trailing _ if (sb.length() > 1 && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == '_') sb.setLength(sb.length() - 1); return sb.toString(); } /** * This counts all occurrences of <tt>findS</tt> in sb. * if (sb == null || findS == null || findS.length() == 0) return 0; * * @param sb the source StringBuilder * @param findS the string to be searched for */ public static int countAll(StringBuilder sb, String findS) { if (sb == null || findS == null || findS.length() == 0) return 0; int n = 0; int sLength = findS.length(); int po = sb.indexOf(findS, 0); while (po >= 0) { n++; po = sb.indexOf(findS, po + sLength); } return n; } /** * This counts all occurrences of <tt>findS</tt> in s. * if (s == null || findS == null || findS.length() == 0) return 0; * * @param s the source string * @param findS the string to be searched for */ public static int countAll(String s, String findS) { if (s == null || findS == null || findS.length() == 0) return 0; int n = 0; int sLength = findS.length(); int po = s.indexOf(findS, 0); while (po >= 0) { n++; po = s.indexOf(findS, po + sLength); } return n; } /** * Replaces all occurences of <tt>oldS</tt> in sb with <tt>newS</tt>. * If <tt>oldS</tt> occurs inside <tt>newS</tt>, it won't be replaced * recursively (obviously). * * @param sb the source StringBuilder * @param oldS the string to be searched for * @param newS the string to replace oldS */ public static void replaceAll(StringBuilder sb, String oldS, String newS) { replaceAll(sb, oldS, newS, false); } /** * Replaces all occurences of <tt>oldS</tt> in sb with <tt>newS</tt>. * If <tt>oldS</tt> occurs inside <tt>newS</tt>, it won't be replaced * recursively (obviously). * When searching sb for oldS, this ignores the case of sb and oldS. * * @param sb the StringBuilder * @param oldS the string to be searched for * @param newS the string to replace oldS */ public static void replaceAllIgnoreCase(StringBuilder sb, String oldS, String newS) { replaceAll(sb, oldS, newS, true); } /** * Replaces all occurences of <tt>oldS</tt> in sb with <tt>newS</tt>. * If <tt>oldS</tt> occurs inside <tt>newS</tt>, it won't be replaced * recursively (obviously). * * @param sb the StringBuilder * @param oldS the string to be searched for * @param newS the string to replace oldS * @param ignoreCase If true, when searching sb for oldS, this ignores the case of sb and oldS. * @return the number of replacements made. */ public static int replaceAll(StringBuilder sb, String oldS, String newS, boolean ignoreCase) { int sbL = sb.length(); int oldSL = oldS.length(); if (oldSL == 0) return 0; int newSL = newS.length(); StringBuilder testSB = sb; String testOldS = oldS; if (ignoreCase) { testSB = new StringBuilder(sbL); for (int i = 0; i < sbL; i++) testSB.append(Character.toLowerCase(sb.charAt(i))); testOldS = oldS.toLowerCase(); } int po = testSB.indexOf(testOldS); //System.out.println("testSB=" + testSB.toString() + " testOldS=" + testOldS + " po=" + po); //not String2.log if (po < 0) return 0; StringBuilder sb2 = new StringBuilder(sbL / 5 * 6); //a little bigger int base = 0; int n = 0; while (po >= 0) { n++; sb2.append(sb.substring(base, po)); sb2.append(newS); base = po + oldSL; po = testSB.indexOf(testOldS, base); //System.out.println("testSB=" + testSB.toString() + " testOldS=" + testOldS + " po=" + po + // " sb2=" + sb2.toString()); //not String2.log } sb2.append(sb.substring(base)); sb.setLength(0); sb.append(sb2); return n; } /** * This repeatedly replaces all oldS with newS. * e.g., replace "++" with "+" in "++++" will yield "+". * * @return sb for convenience */ public static StringBuilder repeatedlyReplaceAll(StringBuilder sb, String oldS, String newS, boolean ignoreCase) { while (replaceAll(sb, oldS, newS, ignoreCase) > 0) { } return sb; } /** * This repeatedly replaces all oldS with newS. * e.g., replace "++" with "+" in "++++" will yield "+". * */ public static String repeatedlyReplaceAll(String s, String oldS, String newS, boolean ignoreCase) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s); while (replaceAll(sb, oldS, newS, ignoreCase) > 0) { } return sb.toString(); } /** * Returns a string where all occurences of <tt>oldS</tt> have * been replaced with <tt>newS</tt>. * If <tt>oldS</tt> occurs inside <tt>newS</tt>, it won't be replaced * recursively (obviously). * * @param s the main string * @param oldS the string to be searched for * @param newS the string to replace oldS * @return a modified version of s, with newS in place of all the olds. * @throws RuntimeException if s is null. */ public static String replaceAll(String s, String oldS, String newS) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s); replaceAll(sb, oldS, newS, false); return sb.toString(); } /** * Returns a string where all occurences of <tt>oldS</tt> have * been replaced with <tt>newS</tt>. * If <tt>oldS</tt> occurs inside <tt>newS</tt>, it won't be replaced * recursively (obviously). * When finding oldS in s, their case is irrelevant. * * @param s the main string * @param oldS the string to be searched for * @param newS the string to replace oldS * @return a modified version of s, with newS in place of all the olds. * throws RuntimeException if s is null. */ public static String replaceAllIgnoreCase(String s, String oldS, String newS) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s); replaceAll(sb, oldS, newS, true); return sb.toString(); } /** * Returns a string where all cases of more than one space are * replaced by one space. The string is also trim'd to remove * leading and trailing spaces. * Also, spaces after { or ( and before ) or } will be removed. * * @param s * @return s, but with the spaces combined * (or null if s is null) */ public static String combineSpaces(String s) { if (s == null) return null; s = s.trim(); int sLength = s.length(); if (sLength <= 2) //first and last chars must be non-space return s; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sLength); sb.append(s.charAt(0)); for (int po = 1; po < sLength; po++) { char ch = s.charAt(po); if (ch == ' ') { if ("{( ".indexOf(sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1)) < 0) //prev isn't {( or ' ' sb.append(ch); } else if (")}".indexOf(ch) >= 0 && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == ' ') { sb.setCharAt(sb.length() - 1, ch); // ) overwrite previous ' ' } else { sb.append(ch); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * This is like combineSpaces, but converts any sequence of whitespace * to be one space. The string is also trim'd to remove * leading and trailing whitespace. * Also, spaces after { or ( and before ) or } will be removed. * * @param sb */ public static void whitespacesToSpace(StringBuilder sb) { if (sb == null) return; String s = sb.toString().trim(); //this removes whitespace, not just ' ' int sLength = s.length(); sb.setLength(0); if (sLength == 0) return; sb.append(s.charAt(0)); for (int po = 1; po < sLength; po++) { char ch = s.charAt(po); if (Character.isWhitespace(ch)) { char ch2 = sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1); if (!(ch2 == '{' || ch2 == '(' || ch2 == ' ')) //prev isn't {( or ' ' sb.append(' '); } else if ((ch == ')' || ch == '}') && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) == ' ') { sb.setCharAt(sb.length() - 1, ch); // ) overwrite previous ' ' } else { sb.append(ch); } } } /* A variant that takes and returns a string */ public static String whitespacesToSpace(String s) { if (s == null) return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s); whitespacesToSpace(sb); return sb.toString(); } /** * Returns a string where all occurences of <tt>oldCh</tt> have * been replaced with <tt>newCh</tt>. * This doesn't throw exceptions if bad values. */ public static String replaceAll(String s, char oldCh, char newCh) { int po = s.indexOf(oldCh); if (po < 0) return s; StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(s); while (po >= 0) { buffer.setCharAt(po, newCh); po = s.indexOf(oldCh, po + 1); } return buffer.toString(); } /** * Returns the same StringBuilder, where all occurences of <tt>oldCh</tt> have * been replaced with <tt>newCh</tt>. * * @return the same StringBuilder, for convenience. */ public static StringBuilder replaceAll(StringBuilder sb, char oldCh, char newCh) { String oldS = "" + oldCh; int po = sb.indexOf(oldS); while (po >= 0) { sb.setCharAt(po, newCh); po = sb.indexOf(oldS, po + 1); } return sb; } /** * This converts many common >255 Unicode characters to the similar * plain text character. * * @return sb for convenience */ public static StringBuilder commonUnicodeToPlainText(StringBuilder sb) { replaceAll(sb, '\u2013', '-'); //endash replaceAll(sb, '\u2014', '-'); //emdash --? replaceAll(sb, '\u2018', '\''); //left quote replaceAll(sb, '\u2019', '\''); //right quote replaceAll(sb, '\u201c', '\"'); //left double quote replaceAll(sb, '\u201d', '\"'); //right double quote replaceAll(sb, '\u2212', '-'); //math minus sign replaceAll(sb, '\u03bc', ''); //mu replaceAll(sb, "\u2264", "<="); replaceAll(sb, "\u2265", ">="); return sb; } public static String commonUnicodeToPlainText(String s) { return commonUnicodeToPlainText(new StringBuilder(s)).toString(); } /** * This adds 0's to the left of the string until there are <tt>nDigits</tt> * to the left of the decimal point (or nDigits total if there isn't * a decimal point). * If the number is too big, nothing is added or taken away. * * @param number a positive number. This doesn't handle negative numbers. * @param nDigits the desired number of digits to the left of the decimal point * (or total, if no decimal point) * @return the number, left-padded with 0's so there are nDigits to * the left of the decimal point */ public static String zeroPad(String number, int nDigits) { int decimal = number.indexOf("."); if (decimal < 0) decimal = number.length(); int toAdd = nDigits - decimal; if (toAdd <= 0) return number; return makeString('0', toAdd).concat(number); } /** * The converts a string[] into a JSON array of strings. * * @param sa * @return e.g., ["aa", "bb", "cc"]. * If sa is null, this returns null (as a String). */ public static String toJsonArray(String sa[]) { if (sa == null) return "null"; int saLength = sa.length; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(10 * saLength); int start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < saLength; i++) { sb.append(i == 0 ? "[" : ","); sb.append(toJson(sa[i])); } sb.append("]"); return sb.toString(); } /** * This makes a JSON version of a number. * * @param d * @return "null" if not finite. Return an integer if it ends with ".0". * Else returns the number as a string. */ public static String toJson(double d) { if (!Double.isFinite(d)) return "null"; String s = "" + d; return s.endsWith(".0") ? s.substring(0, s.length() - 2) : s; } /** * This makes a JSON version of a string * (\\, \f, \n, \r, \t and \" are escaped with a backslash character * and double quotes are added before and after). * null is returned as null. * This variant encodes char #127 and above. * * @param s * @return the JSON-encoded string surrounded by "'s. */ public static String toJson(String s) { return toJson(s, 127, true); } /** * This variant doesn't encode high characters. * * @param s * @return the JSON-encoded string surrounded by "'s. */ public static String toJson65536(String s) { return toJson(s, 65536, true); } /** * This makes a JSON version of a string * (\\, \f, \n, \r, \t and \" are escaped with a backslash character * and double quotes are added before and after). * null is returned as null. * This variant encodes char #127 and above as \\uhhhh. * * @param s The String to be encoded. * @param firstUEncodedChar The first char to be \\uhhhh encoded, * commonly 127, 256, or 65536. * @return the JSON-encoded string surrounded by "'s. */ public static String toJson(String s, int firstUEncodedChar) { return toJson(s, firstUEncodedChar, true); } /** * This is a variant of toJson that lets you encode newlines or not. * * @param s The String to be encoded. * @param firstUEncodedChar The first char to be \\uhhhh encoded, * commonly 127, 256, or 65536. * @return the JSON-encoded string surrounded by "'s. */ public static String toJson(String s, int firstUEncodedChar, boolean encodeNewline) { if (s == null) return "null"; int sLength = s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder((sLength / 5 + 1) * 6); sb.append('\"'); int start = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); //using 127 (not 255) means the output is 7bit ASCII and file encoding is irrelevant if (ch < 32 || ch >= firstUEncodedChar) { sb.append(s.substring(start, i)); start = i + 1; if (ch == '\f') sb.append("\\f"); else if (ch == '\n') sb.append(encodeNewline ? "\\n" : "\n"); else if (ch == '\r') sb.append("\\r"); else if (ch == '\t') sb.append("\\t"); else if (ch == '\b') { } //remove it // / can be encoded as \/ but there is no need and it looks odd else sb.append("\\u" + zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(ch), 4)); } else if (ch == '\\') { sb.append(s.substring(start, i)); start = i + 1; sb.append("\\\\"); } else if (ch == '\"') { sb.append(s.substring(start, i)); start = i + 1; sb.append("\\\""); } // else normal character will be appended later via s.substring } sb.append(s.substring(start)); sb.append('\"'); return sb.toString(); } /** This encodes one char to the Json encoding. */ public static String charToJsonString(char ch, int firstUEncodedChar, boolean encodeNewline) { //using 127 (not 255) means the output is 7bit ASCII and file encoding is irrelevant if (ch < 32 || ch >= firstUEncodedChar) { if (ch == '\f') return "\\f"; else if (ch == '\n') return encodeNewline ? "\\n" : "\n"; else if (ch == '\r') return "\\r"; else if (ch == '\t') return "\\t"; else if (ch == '\b') return ""; //remove it // / can be encoded as \/ but there is no need and it looks odd return "\\u" + zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(ch), 4); } if (ch == '\\') return "\\\\"; if (ch == '\"') return "\\\""; // else normal character return "" + ch; } /** * This is like the other fromJson, but returns "" instead of null. */ public static String fromJsonNotNull(String s) { s = fromJson(s); return s == null ? "" : s; } /** * This returns the unJSON version of a JSON string * (surrounding "'s (if any) are removed and \\, \f, \n, \r, \t, \/, and \" are unescaped). * This is very liberal in what it accepts, including all common C escaped characters: * * "null" returns the String "null". null returns null. * * @param s it may be enclosed by "'s, or not. * @return the decoded string */ public static String fromJson(String s) { if (s == null) return null; if (s.length() >= 2 && s.charAt(0) == '"' && s.charAt(s.length() - 1) == '"') s = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1); int sLength = s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sLength); int po = 0; int start = 0; while (po < sLength) { char ch = s.charAt(po); if (ch == '\\') { sb.append(s.substring(start, po)); if (po == sLength - 1) po--; //so reread \ and treat as \\ po++; start = po + 1; ch = s.charAt(po); if (ch == 'f') sb.append('\f'); else if (ch == 'n') sb.append('\n'); else if (ch == 'r') sb.append('\r'); else if (ch == 't') sb.append('\t'); else if (ch == '?') sb.append('?'); else if (ch == '\\') sb.append('\\'); else if (ch == '/') sb.append('/'); else if (ch == '"') sb.append('\"'); else if (ch == '\'') sb.append('\''); else if (ch == 'a' || ch == 'b' || ch == 'v') { //delete a=bell, b=backspace, v=vertTab } else if (isDigit(ch) && po + 2 < sLength) { // \\ooo octal String os = s.substring(po, po + 3); try { po += 2; start = po + 1; sb.append((char) Integer.parseInt(os, 8)); } catch (Exception e) { log("ERROR in fromJson: invalid escape sequence \\" + os); //falls through } } else if (ch == 'x' && po + 2 < sLength) { // \\xhh hex String os = s.substring(po + 1, po + 3); try { po += 2; start = po + 1; sb.append((char) Integer.parseInt(os, 16)); } catch (Exception e) { log("ERROR in fromJson: invalid escape sequence \\x" + os); //falls through } } else if (ch == 'u' && po + 4 < sLength) { // \\uhhhh unicode String os = s.substring(po + 1, po + 5); try { po += 4; start = po + 1; sb.append((char) Integer.parseInt(os, 16)); } catch (Exception e) { log("ERROR in fromJson: invalid escape sequence \\u" + os); //falls through } } else { //this shouldn't happen, but be forgiving //before 2009-02-27, this tossed the \ is this the best solution? log("ERROR in fromJson: invalid escape sequence \\" + ch); sb.append('\\'); sb.append(ch); } } //else normal char will be appended by s.substring later po++; } sb.append(s.substring(start)); return sb.toString(); } /** * This converts an NCCSV encoded char to a true char * (surrounding "'s and ''s (if any) are removed and \\, \f, \n, \r, \t, \/, and \" are unescaped). * This is very liberal in what it accepts, including all common C escaped characters: * * * @param s it may be enclosed by "'s and ''s, or not. * @return the decoded char (or '?' if trouble) as a 1-char string. */ public static char fromNccsvChar(String s) { if (s == null) return '?'; //String2.log(">> String2.fromNccsvChar in=" + annotatedString(s)); if (s.length() >= 2 && s.charAt(0) == '"' && s.charAt(s.length() - 1) == '"') s = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1); if (s.length() >= 2 && s.charAt(0) == '\'' && s.charAt(s.length() - 1) == '\'') s = s.substring(1, s.length() - 1); s = s.equals("\"\"") ? "\"" : fromJson(s); //String2.log(">> String2.fromNccsvChar out=" + annotatedString(s)); return s.length() > 0 ? s.charAt(0) : '?'; } /** * This converts an NCCSV string to a true string * (surrounding "'s (if any) are removed and \\, \f, \n, \r, \t, \/, and \" are unescaped). * This is very liberal in what it accepts, including all common C escaped characters: * * * @param s it may be enclosed by "'s, or not. * @return the decoded string */ public static String fromNccsvString(String s) { return replaceAll(fromJson(s), "\"\"", "\""); } /** * This encodes one char for an NCCSV char or String, without surrounding quotes. */ public static String toNccsvChar(char ch) { if (ch == '\\') return "\\\\"; if (ch == '\b') return "\\b"; //trouble if (ch == '\f') return "\\f"; if (ch == '\n') return "\\n"; if (ch == '\r') return "\\r"; if (ch == '\t') return "\\t"; if (ch == '\"') return "\"\""; if (ch < ' ' || ch > '~') return "\\u" + zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(ch), 4); return "" + ch; } /** * This encodes one String as an NCCSV data String, with surrounding double quotes * only if necessary. */ public static String toNccsvDataString(String s) { //encode the string if (s == null || s.length() == 0) return ""; int n = s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n * 2); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sb.append(toNccsvChar(s.charAt(i))); //surround in "'s? if (s.startsWith(" ") || s.endsWith(" ") || s.indexOf(',') >= 0 || s.indexOf('"') >= 0 || s.equals("null")) return "\"" + sb.toString() + "\""; return sb.toString(); } /** * This encodes one String as an NCCSV att String, with surrounding double quotes * only if necessary. */ public static String toNccsvAttString(String s) { //encode the string int n = s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n * 2); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sb.append(toNccsvChar(s.charAt(i))); //surround in "'s? if (s.startsWith(" ") || s.endsWith(" ") || s.indexOf(',') >= 0 || s.indexOf('"') >= 0 || s.equals("null") || NCCSV_CHAR_ATT_PATTERN.matcher(s).matches() || //Looks Like A char NCCSV_LLA_NUMBER_PATTERN.matcher(s).matches()) //Looks Like A number return "\"" + sb.toString() + "\""; return sb.toString(); } /** * This encodes special characters in s if needed so that * s can be stored as an item in a tsv string. */ public static String toTsvString(String s) { if (s == null || s.length() == 0) return ""; //json would return "null" s = toJson(s); return s.substring(1, s.length() - 1); //remove enclosing quotes } /** * This takes a multi-line string (with \\r, \\n, \\r\\n line separators) * and converts it into an ArrayList strings. * <ul> * <li> Only isPrintable and tab characters are saved. * <li> Each line separator generates another line. So if last char * is a line separator, it generates a blank line at the end. * <li> If s is "", this still generates 1 string (""). * </ul> * * @param s the string with internal line separators * @return an arrayList<Strings> (separate lines of text) */ public static ArrayList<String> multiLineStringToArrayList(String s) { char endOfLineChar = s.indexOf('\n') >= 0 ? '\n' : '\r'; int sLength = s.length(); ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList(); //this is local, so okay if not threadsafe StringBuilder oneLine = new StringBuilder(512); char ch; int start = 0; for (int po = 0; po < sLength; po++) { ch = s.charAt(po); if (!(isPrintable(ch) || ch == '\t')) { //unprintable //copy the accumulated printable chars oneLine.append(s.substring(start, po)); start = po + 1; if (ch == endOfLineChar) { //so it catches *the* designated eol char (e.g., \r), //and ignores any other (e.g., \n) arrayList.add(oneLine.toString()); oneLine.setLength(0); } //else: other characters are ignored } } arrayList.add(oneLine.toString()); return arrayList; } /** * This creates an ArrayList with the objects from the enumeration. * WARNING: This does not have a sychronized block: if your enumeration * needs thread-safety, wrap this call in somthing like * <tt>synchronized(enum) {String2.toArrayList(enum); }</tt>. * * @param e an enumeration * @return arrayList with the objects from the enumeration */ public static ArrayList toArrayList(Enumeration e) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); while (e.hasMoreElements()) al.add(e.nextElement()); return al; } /** * This creates an ArrayList from an Object[]. * * @param objectArray an Object[] * @return arrayList with the objects */ public static ArrayList toArrayList(Object objectArray[]) { int n = objectArray.length; ArrayList al = new ArrayList(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) al.add(objectArray[i]); return al; } /** * This returns the standard Help : About message. * * @return the standard Help : About message */ public static String standardHelpAboutMessage() { return //"This program includes open source com.cohort classes (version " + // version + "),\n" + //"Copyright(c) 2004 - 2007, CoHort Software.\n" + //"For more information, visit\n" + //"\n" + //"This program is using\n" + javaInfo() + "\n" + Math2.memoryString() + " " + Math2.xmxMemoryString(); } /** * This replaces "{0}", "{1}", and "{2}" in msg with s0, s1, s2. * * @param msg a string which may contain "{0}", "{1}", and/or "{2}". * @param s0 the first substitution string. If null, that substitution * won't be attempted. * @param s1 the second substitution string. If null, that substitution * won't be attempted. * @param s2 the third substitution string. If null, that substitution * won't be attempted. * @return the modified msg */ public static String substitute(String msg, String s0, String s1, String s2) { StringBuilder msgSB = new StringBuilder(msg); if (s0 != null) replaceAll(msgSB, "{0}", s0); if (s1 != null) replaceAll(msgSB, "{1}", s1); if (s2 != null) replaceAll(msgSB, "{2}", s2); return msgSB.toString(); } /** * This returns a CSV (not CSSV) String. */ public static String toCSVString(Enumeration en) { return toSVString(toArrayList(en).toArray(), ",", false); } public static String toCSVString(ArrayList al) { return toSVString(al.toArray(), ",", false); } public static String toCSVString(Vector v) { return toSVString(v.toArray(), ",", false); } public static String toCSVString(Object ar[]) { return toSVString(ar, ",", false); } public static String toCSVString(Set set) { Object ar[] = set.toArray(); Arrays.sort(ar, new StringComparatorIgnoreCase()); return toCSVString(ar); } /** * Generates a Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) string. * <p>WARNING: This does not have a sychronized block: if your enumeration * needs thread-safety, wrap this call in somthing like * <tt>synchronized (enum) {String2.toArrayList(enum); }</tt>. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-03-06, this didn't do anything special for * strings with internal commas or quotes. Now it uses toJson for that string. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toCSVString. * * @param en an enumeration of objects * @return a CSSV String with the values with ", " after * all but the last value. * Returns null if ar is null. * null elements are represented as "[null]". */ public static String toCSSVString(Enumeration en) { return toSVString(toArrayList(en).toArray(), ", ", false); } /** * Generates a Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) string. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-03-06, this didn't do anything special for * strings with internal commas or quotes. Now it uses toJson for that string. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toCSVString. * * @param al an arrayList of objects * @return a CSV String with the values with ", " after * all but the last value. * Returns null if ar is null. * null elements are represented as "[null]". */ public static String toCSSVString(ArrayList al) { return toSVString(al.toArray(), ", ", false); } /** * Generates a Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) string. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-03-06, this didn't do anything special for * strings with internal commas or quotes. Now it uses toJson for that string. * * @param v a vector of objects * @return a CSSV String with the values with ", " after * all but the last value. * Returns null if ar is null. * null elements are represented as "[null]". */ public static String toCSSVString(Vector v) { return toSVString(v.toArray(), ", ", false); } /** * Generates a Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) string. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-03-06, this didn't do anything special for * strings with internal commas or quotes. Now it uses toJson for that string. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toCSVString. * * @param ar an array of objects * @return a CSSV String with the values with ", " after * all but the last value. * Returns null if ar is null. * null elements are represented as "[null]". */ public static String toCSSVString(Object ar[]) { return toSVString(ar, ", ", false); } /** * Generates a sorted (ignoreCase) Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) string * with the string version of each . * * @param set * @return a CSSV String with the values with ", " after * all but the last value. * Returns null if ar is null. * null elements are represented as "[null]". */ public static String toCSSVString(Set set) { Object ar[] = set.toArray(); Arrays.sort(ar, new StringComparatorIgnoreCase()); return toCSSVString(ar); } /** * Generates a space-separated-value string. * <p>WARNING: This is simplistic. It doesn't do anything special for * strings with internal spaces. * * @param ar an array of objects * (for an ArrayList or Vector, use o.toArray()) * @return a SSV String with the values with " " after * all but the last value. * Returns null if ar is null. * null elements are represented as "[null]". */ public static String toSSVString(Object ar[]) { return toSVString(ar, " ", false); } /** * Generates a tab-separated-value string. * <p>WARNING: This is simplistic. It doesn't do anything special for * strings with internal tabs. * * @param ar an array of objects * (for an ArrayList or Vector, use o.toArray()) * @return a TSV String with the values with "\t" after * all but the last value. * Returns null if ar is null. * null elements are represented as "[null]". */ public static String toTSVString(Object ar[]) { return toSVString(ar, "\t", false); } /** * Generates a newline-separated string, with a newline at the end. * <p>WARNING: This is simplistic. It doesn't do anything special for * strings with internal newlines. * * @param ar an array of objects * (for an ArrayList or Vector, use o.toArray()) * @return a String with the values, * with a '\n' after each value, even the last. * Returns null if ar is null. * null elements are represented as "[null]". */ public static String toNewlineString(Object ar[]) { return toSVString(ar, "\n", true); } /** * This is used at a low level to generate a * 'separator'-separated-value string (without newlines) * with the element.toString()'s from the array. * * @param ar an array of objects * (for an ArrayList or Vector, use o.toArray()) * @param separator the separator string * @param finalSeparator if true, a separator will be added to the * end of the resulting string (if it isn't ""). * @return a separator-separated-value String. * Returns null if ar is null. * null elements are represented as "[null]". */ public static String toSVString(Object ar[], String separator, boolean finalSeparator) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; boolean csv = separator.charAt(0) == ','; //8 bytes is lame estimate of bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(8 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 8)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(separator); Object o = ar[i]; if (o == null) sb.append("[null]"); else { String s = o.toString(); if (csv && (s.indexOf(',') >= 0 || s.indexOf('"') >= 0)) s = toJson(s); sb.append(s); } } if (finalSeparator && n > 0) sb.append(separator); return sb.toString(); } /** * This generates a Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) String from the array. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toCSVString. * * @param ar an array of boolean * @return a CSSV String (or null if ar is null) */ public static String toCSSVString(boolean ar[]) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; //estimate 7 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(7 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 7)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(ar[i]); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This generates a Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) String from the array. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toCSVString. * * @param ar an array of bytes * @return a CSSV String (or null if ar is null) */ public static String toCSSVString(byte ar[]) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; //estimate 5 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(5 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 5)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(ar[i]); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This generates a Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) String from the array. * (chars are treated as unsigned shorts). * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toCSVString. * * @param ar an array of char * @return a CSSV String (or null if ar is null) */ public static String toCSSVString(char ar[]) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; //estimate 6 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(6 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 6)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(toNccsvDataString("" + ar[i])); //safe char to int type conversion } return sb.toString(); } /** * This returns the int formatted as a 0x hex String with at least nHexDigits, * e.g., 0x00FF00. * Negative numbers are twos compliment, e.g., -4 -> 0xfffffffc. */ public static String to0xHexString(int i, int nHexDigits) { return "0x" + zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(i), nHexDigits); } /** * This generates a hexadecimal Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) String from the array. * Negative numbers are twos compliment, e.g., -4 -> 0xfc. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toHexCSVString. * * @param ar an array of bytes * @return a CSSV String (or null if ar is null) */ public static String toHexCSSVString(byte ar[]) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; //estimate 6 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(6 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 6)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (i > 0) sb.append(", "); String s = Integer.toHexString(ar[i]); if (s.length() == 8 && s.startsWith("ffffff")) s = s.substring(6); sb.append("0x" + s); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This generates a Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) String from the array. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toCSVString. * * @param ar an array of shorts * @return a CSSV String (or null if ar is null) */ public static String toCSSVString(short ar[]) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; //estimate 7 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(7 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 7)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sb.append(ar[i]); if (i < n - 1) sb.append(", "); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This generates a hexadecimal Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) String from the array. * Negative numbers are twos compliment, e.g., -4 -> 0xfffc. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toHexCSVString. * * @param ar an array of short * @return a CSSV String (or null if ar is null) */ public static String toHexCSSVString(short ar[]) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; //estimate 8 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(8 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 8)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { String s = Integer.toHexString(ar[i]); if (s.length() == 8 && s.startsWith("ffff")) s = s.substring(4); sb.append("0x" + s); if (i < n - 1) sb.append(", "); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This generates a Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) String from the array. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toCSVString. * * @param ar an array of ints * @return a CSSV String (or null if ar is null) */ public static String toCSSVString(int ar[]) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; //estimate 8 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(8 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 8)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sb.append(ar[i]); if (i < n - 1) sb.append(", "); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This generates a hexadecimal Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) String from the array. * Negative numbers are twos compliment, e.g., -4 -> 0xfffffffc. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toHexCSVString. * * @param ar an array of ints * @return a CSSV String (or null if ar is null) */ public static String toHexCSSVString(int ar[]) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; //estimate 12 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(12 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 12)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sb.append("0x" + Integer.toHexString(ar[i])); if (i < n - 1) sb.append(", "); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This generates a Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) String from the array. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toCSVString. * * @param ar an array of longs * @return a CSSV String (or null if ar is null) */ public static String toCSSVString(long ar[]) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; //estimate 12 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(12 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 12)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sb.append(ar[i]); if (i < n - 1) sb.append(", "); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This generates a Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) String from the array. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toCSVString. * * @param ar an array of float * @return a CSSV String (or null if ar is null) */ public static String toCSSVString(float ar[]) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; //estimate 12 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(12 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 12)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sb.append(ar[i]); if (i < n - 1) sb.append(", "); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This generates a Comma-Space-Separated-Value (CSSV) String from the array. * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toCSVString. * * @param ar an array of double * @return a CSSV String (or null if ar is null) */ public static String toCSSVString(double ar[]) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; //estimate 12 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(12 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 12)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sb.append(ar[i]); if (i < n - 1) sb.append(", "); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This generates a newline-separated (always '\n') String from the array. * * @param ar an array of ints * @return a newline-separated String (or null if ar is null) */ public static String toNewlineString(int ar[]) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; //estimate 12 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(12 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 12)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sb.append(ar[i]); sb.append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This generates a newline-separated (always '\n') String from the array. * * @param ar an array of double * @return a newline-separated String (or null if ar is null) */ public static String toNewlineString(double ar[]) { if (ar == null) return null; int n = ar.length; //estimate 12 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(12 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 12)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { sb.append(ar[i]); sb.append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This converts an Object[] into a String[]. * If you have an ArrayList or a Vector, use arrayList.toArray(). * * @param aa * @return the corresponding String[] by calling toString() for each object */ public static String[] toStringArray(Object aa[]) { if (aa == null) return null; int n = aa.length; Math2.ensureMemoryAvailable(8L * n, "String2.toStringArray"); //8L is lame estimate of bytes/element String sa[] = new String[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Object o = aa[i]; sa[i] = o == null ? (String) o : o.toString(); } return sa; } /** * Add the items in the array (if any) to the arrayList. * * @param arrayList * @param ar the items to be added */ public static void add(ArrayList arrayList, Object ar[]) { if (arrayList == null || ar == null) return; int n = ar.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) arrayList.add(ar[i]); } /** * This displays the contents of a bitSet as a String. * * @param bitSet * @return the corresponding String (the 'true' bits, comma separated) */ public static String toString(BitSet bitSet) { if (bitSet == null) return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024); String separator = ""; int i = bitSet.nextSetBit(0); while (i >= 0) { sb.append(separator + i); separator = ", "; i = bitSet.nextSetBit(i + 1); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This displays the contents of a map as a String. * See also StringArray(Map) * * @param map if it needs to be thread-safe, use ConcurrentHashMap * @return the corresponding String, with one entry on each line * (key = value) sorted (case insensitive) by key */ public static String toString(Map map) { if (map == null) return null; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(1024); Set entrySet = map.entrySet(); Iterator it = entrySet.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry me = (Map.Entry); sb.append(me.getKey().toString() + " = " + me.getValue().toString() + "\n"); } return sb.toString(); } /** * From an arrayList which alternates attributeName (a String) and * attributeValue (an object), this generates a String with * " name=value" on each line. * If arrayList == null, this returns " [null]\n". * * @param arrayList * @return the desired string representation */ public static String alternateToString(ArrayList arrayList) { if (arrayList == null) return " [null]\n"; int n = arrayList.size(); //estimate 32 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(32 * Math.min(n, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 32)); for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(arrayList.get(i).toString()); sb.append('='); sb.append(arrayToCSSVString(arrayList.get(i + 1))); sb.append('\n'); } return sb.toString(); } /** * From an arrayList which alternates attributeName (a String) and * attributeValue (an object), this an array of attributeNames. * If arrayList == null, this returns " [null]\n". * * @param arrayList * @return the attributeNames in the arrayList */ public static String[] alternateGetNames(ArrayList arrayList) { if (arrayList == null) return null; int n = arrayList.size(); String[] sar = new String[n / 2]; int i2 = 0; for (int i = 0; i < n / 2; i++) { sar[i] = arrayList.get(i2).toString(); i2 += 2; } return sar; } /** * From an arrayList which alternates attributeName (a String) and * attributeValue (an object), this returns the attributeValue * associated with the supplied attributeName. * If array == null or there is no matching value, this returns null. * * @param arrayList * @param attributeName * @return the associated value */ public static Object alternateGetValue(ArrayList arrayList, String attributeName) { if (arrayList == null) return null; int n = arrayList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { if (arrayList.get(i).toString().equals(attributeName)) return arrayList.get(i + 1); } return null; } /** * Given an arrayList which alternates attributeName (a String) and * attributeValue (an object), this either removes the attribute * (if value == null), adds the attribute and value (if it isn't in the list), * or changes the value (if the attriubte is in the list). * * @param arrayList * @param attributeName * @param value the value associated with the attributeName * @return the previous value for the attribute (or null) * @throws RuntimeException of trouble (e.g., if arrayList is null) */ public static Object alternateSetValue(ArrayList arrayList, String attributeName, Object value) { if (arrayList == null) throw new SimpleException(ERROR + " in String2.alternateSetValue: arrayList is null."); int n = arrayList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i += 2) { if (arrayList.get(i).toString().equals(attributeName)) { Object oldValue = arrayList.get(i + 1); if (value == null) { arrayList.remove(i + 1); //order of removal is important arrayList.remove(i); } else arrayList.set(i + 1, value); return oldValue; } } //attributeName not found? if (value == null) return null; else { //add it arrayList.add(attributeName); arrayList.add(value); return null; } } /** * This returns a nice String representation of the attribute value * (which should be a String or an array of primitives). * <p>CHANGED: before 2011-09-04, this was called toCSVString. * * @param value * @return a nice String representation */ public static String arrayToCSSVString(Object value) { if (value instanceof byte[]) return toCSSVString((byte[]) value); if (value instanceof char[]) return toCSSVString((char[]) value); if (value instanceof short[]) return toCSSVString((short[]) value); if (value instanceof int[]) return toCSSVString((int[]) value); if (value instanceof long[]) return toCSSVString((long[]) value); if (value instanceof float[]) return toCSSVString((float[]) value); if (value instanceof double[]) return toCSSVString((double[]) value); if (value instanceof String[]) return toCSSVString((String[]) value); if (value instanceof Object[]) return toCSSVString((Object[]) value); return value.toString(); } /** * This extracts the lower 8 bits of each char to form a * byte array. * * @param s a String * @return the corresponding byte[] (or null if s is null) */ public static byte[] toByteArray(String s) { if (s == null) return null; int sLength = s.length(); byte[] ba = new byte[sLength]; for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); //2016-11-29 I added: char>255 -> '?', it's better than just low 8 bits ba[i] = (byte) (c < 256 ? c : '?'); } return ba; } /** * This extracts the lower 8 bits of each char to form a * byte array. * * @param sb a StringBuilder * @return the corresponding byte[] (or null if s is null) */ public static byte[] toByteArray(StringBuilder sb) { if (sb == null) return null; int sbLength = sb.length(); byte[] ba = new byte[sbLength]; for (int i = 0; i < sbLength; i++) { char c = sb.charAt(i); //2016-11-29 I added: char>255 -> 255, it's better than just low 8 bits ba[i] = (byte) (c < 256 ? c : 255); } return ba; } /** * This creates a String which displays the bytes in hex, 16 per line. * * @param byteArray perhaps from toByteArray(s) * @return the hex dump of the bytes (or null if byteArray is null). * Each line will be 71 chars long (char#71 will be newline). */ public static String hexDump(byte[] byteArray) { int bal = byteArray.length; StringBuilder printable = new StringBuilder(32); //~5 bytes/element StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(5 * Math.min(bal, (Integer.MAX_VALUE - 8192) / 5)); int i; for (i = 0; i < bal; i++) { int data = byteArray[i] & 255; sb.append(zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(data), 2) + " "); printable.append(data >= 32 && data <= 126 ? (char) data : ' '); if (i % 8 == 7) sb.append(" "); if (i % 16 == 15) { sb.append(printable + " |\n"); printable.setLength(0); } } if (byteArray.length % 16 != 0) { sb.append(printable); sb.append(makeString(' ', 69 - sb.length() % 71)); sb.append("|\n"); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This finds the first element in Object[] * where the ar[i].toString value equals to s. * * @param ar the array of Objects (Strings?) * @param s the String to be found * @return the element number of ar which is equal to s (or -1 if ar is null, or s is null or not found) */ public static int indexOf(Object[] ar, String s) { return indexOf(ar, s, 0); } /** * This finds the first element in Object[] (starting at element startAt) * where the ar[i].toString value equals s. * * @param ar the array of Objects * @param s the String to be found * @param startAt the first element of ar to be checked. * If startAt < 0, this starts with startAt = 0. * If startAt >= ar.length, this returns -1. * @return the element number of ar which is equal to s (or -1 if ar is null, or s is null or not found) */ public static int indexOf(Object[] ar, String s, int startAt) { if (ar == null || s == null) return -1; int n = ar.length; for (int i = Math.max(0, startAt); i < n; i++) if (ar[i] != null && s.equals(ar[i].toString())) return i; return -1; } /** * This finds the first element in Object[] * where ar[i].toString().toLowerCase() equals to s.toLowerCase(). * * @param ar the array of Objects * @param s the String to be found * @return the element number of ar which is equal to s (or -1 if s is null or not found) */ public static int caseInsensitiveIndexOf(Object[] ar, String s) { if (ar == null || s == null) return -1; int n = ar.length; s = s.toLowerCase(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (ar[i] != null && s.equals(ar[i].toString().toLowerCase())) return i; return -1; } /** * This finds the first element in Object[] * where the ar[i].toString value contains the substring s. * * @param ar the array of objects * @param s the String to be found * @return the element number of ar which is equal to s (or -1 if not found) */ public static int lineContaining(Object[] ar, String s) { return lineContaining(ar, s, 0); } /** * This finds the first element in Object[] (starting at element startAt) * where the ar[i].toString value contains the substring s. * * @param ar the array of objects * @param s the String to be found * @param startAt the first element of ar to be checked. * If startAt < 0, this starts with startAt = 0. * @return the element number of ar which is equal to s (or -1 if not found) */ public static int lineContaining(Object[] ar, String s, int startAt) { if (ar == null || s == null) return -1; int n = ar.length; for (int i = Math.max(0, startAt); i < n; i++) if (ar[i] != null && ar[i].toString().indexOf(s) >= 0) return i; return -1; } /** * This finds the first element in Object[] (starting at element startAt) * where the ar[i].toString value contains the substring s (ignoring * the case of ar and s). * * @param ar the array of objects * @param s the String to be found * @param startAt the first element of ar to be checked. * If startAt < 0, this starts with startAt = 0. * @return the element number of ar which is equal to s (or -1 if not found) */ public static int lineContainingIgnoreCase(Object[] ar, String s, int startAt) { if (ar == null || s == null) return -1; int n = ar.length; s = s.toLowerCase(); for (int i = Math.max(0, startAt); i < n; i++) if (ar[i] != null && ar[i].toString().toLowerCase().indexOf(s) >= 0) return i; return -1; } /** * This returns the first element in Object[] (starting at element 0) * where the ar[i].toString value starts with s. * * @param ar the array of objects * @param s the String to be found * @return the first element ar (as a String) which starts with s (or null if not found) */ public static String stringStartsWith(Object[] ar, String s) { int i = lineStartsWith(ar, s, 0); return i < 0 ? null : ar[i].toString(); } /** * This finds the first element in Object[] (starting at element 0) * where the ar[i].toString value starts with s. * * @param ar the array of objects * @param s the String to be found * @return the element number of ar which starts with s (or -1 if not found) */ public static int lineStartsWith(Object[] ar, String s) { return lineStartsWith(ar, s, 0); } /** * This finds the first element in Object[] (starting at element startAt) * where the ar[i].toString value starts with s. * * @param ar the array of objects * @param s the String to be found * @param startAt the first element of ar to be checked. * If startAt < 0, this starts with startAt = 0. * @return the element number of ar which starts with s (or -1 if not found) */ public static int lineStartsWith(Object[] ar, String s, int startAt) { if (ar == null || s == null) return -1; int n = ar.length; for (int i = Math.max(0, startAt); i < n; i++) if (ar[i] != null && ar[i].toString().startsWith(s)) return i; return -1; } /** * This variant of lineStartsWith startsAt index=0. * * @param ar the array of objects, e.g., including LATITUDE * @param s the String to be found, e.g., Lat * @return the element number of ar which starts with s (or -1 if not found) */ public static int lineStartsWithIgnoreCase(Object[] ar, String s) { return lineStartsWithIgnoreCase(ar, s, 0); } /** * This is like lineStartsWith, but ignores case. * * @param ar the array of objects, e.g., including LATITUDE * @param s the String to be found, e.g., Lat * @param startAt the first element of ar to be checked. * If startAt < 0, this starts with startAt = 0. * @return the element number of ar which starts with s (or -1 if not found) */ public static int lineStartsWithIgnoreCase(Object[] ar, String s, int startAt) { if (ar == null || s == null) return -1; s = s.toLowerCase(); int n = ar.length; for (int i = Math.max(0, startAt); i < n; i++) if (ar[i] != null && ar[i].toString().toLowerCase().startsWith(s)) return i; return -1; } /** * This finds the first element in prefixes (starting at element startAt) * where the longerString starts with prefixes[i]. * * @param prefixes the array of prefixes * @param longerString the String that might start with one of the prefixes * @param startAt the first element of ar to be checked. * If startAt < 0, this starts with startAt = 0. * @return the element number of prefixes which longerString starts with (or -1 if not found) */ public static int whichPrefix(String[] prefixes, String longerString, int startAt) { if (prefixes == null || longerString == null || longerString.length() == 0) return -1; int n = prefixes.length; for (int i = Math.max(0, startAt); i < n; i++) if (prefixes[i] != null && longerString.startsWith(prefixes[i])) return i; return -1; } /** * This is like whichPrefix, but returns the found prefix (or null). * * @param prefixes the array of prefixes * @param longerString the String that might start with one of the prefixes * @param startAt the first element of ar to be checked. * If startAt < 0, this starts with startAt = 0. * @return the prefixes[i] which longerString starts with (or null if not found) */ public static String findPrefix(String[] prefixes, String longerString, int startAt) { int i = whichPrefix(prefixes, longerString, startAt); return i < 0 ? null : prefixes[i]; } /** * This finds the first element in suffixes (starting at element startAt) * where the longerString ends with suffixes[i]. * * @param suffixes the array of suffixes * @param longerString the String that might end with one of the suffixes * @param startAt the first element of ar to be checked. * If startAt < 0, this starts with startAt = 0. * @return the element number of suffixes which longerString ends with (or -1 if not found) */ public static int whichSuffix(String[] suffixes, String longerString, int startAt) { if (suffixes == null || longerString == null || longerString.length() == 0) return -1; int n = suffixes.length; for (int i = Math.max(0, startAt); i < n; i++) if (suffixes[i] != null && longerString.endsWith(suffixes[i])) return i; return -1; } /** * This tells Commons Logging to use com.cohort.util.String2Log. * I use this at the beginning of my programs * (TestAll, NetCheck, Browser, ConvertTable, DoubleCenterGrids) * to route Commons Logging requests through String2Log. * !!!Don't use this in lower level methods as it will hijack the * parent program's (e.g., Armstrong's) logger setup. * * param level a String2Log.XXX_LEVEL constant (or -1 to leave unchanged, * default=String2Log.WARN_LEVEL) */ public static void setupCommonsLogging(int level) { //By setting this property, I specify that String2LogFactory // will be used to generate logFactories. // (It makes one String2Log, which sends all messages to String2.log.) System.setProperty("org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory", "com.cohort.util.String2LogFactory"); if (level >= 0) { System.setProperty("com.cohort.util.String2Log.level", "" + level); } else { if (System.getProperty("com.cohort.util.String2Log.level") == null) System.setProperty("com.cohort.util.String2Log.level", "" + String2Log.WARN_LEVEL); } //this dummy variable ensures String2LogFactory gets compiled String2LogFactory string2LogFactory; } /** * This changes the log system set up. * The default log prints to System.err. * Use the logger by calling String2.log(msg); * * @param tLogToSystemOut indicates if info should be printed to System.out (default = true). * @param tLogToSystemErr indicates if info should be printed to System.err (default = false). * @param fullFileName the name for the log file (or "" for none). * @param append If a previous log file of the same name exists, * this determines whether a new log file should be created * or whether info should be appended to the old file. * @param tLogFileMaxSize determines the approximate max size (in bytes) of the log file. * When maxSize is reached, the current log file is copied to * fullFileName.previous, and a new fullFileName is created. * Specify 0 for no limit to the size. * @throws Exception if trouble */ public static synchronized void setupLog(boolean tLogToSystemOut, boolean tLogToSystemErr, String fullFileName, //boolean logToStringBuilder, boolean append, int tLogFileMaxSize) throws Exception { String oLogFileName = logFileName; logToSystemOut = tLogToSystemOut; logToSystemErr = tLogToSystemErr; if (!append) logFileSize = 0; logFileMaxSize = Math2.minMax(Math2.BytesPerMB, 2000000000, tLogFileMaxSize); //close the old file closeLogFile(); //it synchronizes on logFileBuilder //if no file name, return if (fullFileName.length() == 0) { if (oLogFileName != null && oLogFileName.length() > 0) log("*** closed logFile=" + oLogFileName + " at " + Calendar2.getCurrentISODateTimeStringLocalTZ()); return; } //logFile: open the file //always synchronize on logFileLock synchronized (logFileLock) { try { logFile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fullFileName, append)); //default charset logFileSize = Math2.narrowToInt((new File(fullFileName)).length()); logFileName = fullFileName; //log file created, so assign logFileName } catch (Throwable t) { System.out .println(Calendar2.getCurrentISODateTimeStringZulu() + " ERROR: while creating new logFile=" + fullFileName + "\n" + MustBe.throwableToString(t)); } } log("logFileMaxSize=" + logFileMaxSize); } /** * This closes the log file (if it exists and is open). * It is best if a crashing program calls this to ensure logFile is closed. */ public static void closeLogFile() { try { if (logFile == null) { logFileName = null; } else { //always synchronize on logFileLock synchronized (logFileLock) { logFile.flush(); //be extra sure it is flushed logFile.close(); logFile = null; logFileName = null; } } } catch (Exception e) { logFile = null; logFileName = null; } } /** * This returns logging to just System.out. */ public static void returnLoggingToSystemOut() { try { setupLog(true, false, "", false, logFileDefaultMaxSize); } catch (Throwable t2) { System.out.println(MustBe.throwableToString(t2)); } } /** * This writes the specified message (with \n as line separator) to the log file, * appending \n at the end. * This will not throw an exception. * * @param message the message */ public static void log(String message) { lowLog(message, true); } /** * This writes the specified message (with \n as line separator) to the log file * without appending \n at the end. * This will not throw an exception. * * @param message the message */ public static void logNoNewline(String message) { lowLog(message, false); } /** * This writes the specified message (with \n as line separator) to the log file * without appending \n at the end. * This will not throw an exception. * * @param message the message */ public static void lowLog(String message, boolean addNewline) { //Now each part is thread safe. /*To test thread safety: 1) In, set log file size to 1 byte (so default of 10K will be used) 2) run local erddap with standard test datasets 3) in a browser, in separate tabs, simultaneously load http://localhost/cwexperimental/tabledap/erdGtsppBest.htmlTable?&depth=200&temperature=10 http://localhost/cwexperimental/tabledap/cwwcNDBCMet.htmlTable?&atmp=10&wtmp=10 http://localhost/cwexperimental/tabledap/pmelTaoDySst.htmlTable?&T_25=25 and zoom and pan with controls in http://localhost/cwexperimental/wms/erdBAssta5day/index.html */ try { //write to system.out and/or logFile if (!lineSeparator.equals("\n")) message = replaceAll(message, "\n", lineSeparator); if (logToSystemOut) { if (addNewline) System.out.println(message); //it's synchronized else System.out.print(message); //it's synchronized } if (logToSystemErr) { if (addNewline) System.err.println(message); //it's synchronized else System.err.print(message); //it's synchronized } if (logFile != null) { long ctm = System.currentTimeMillis(); //always synchronize on logFileLock synchronized (logFileLock) { //write the message to the logFile (common, fast) logFile.write(message); //non-blocking if (addNewline) logFile.write(lineSeparator); //non-blocking logFileSize += message.length() + (addNewline ? 1 : 0); //not crucial: true for Linux; underestimate if Windows if (logFileSize >= logFileMaxSize) { //is the file too big? //time to roll over log file to .previous //rare, slow logFile.close(); logFile = null; //was: otherwise, infinite loop if File2.rename calls String2.log logFileSize = 0; File2.safeRename(logFileName, logFileName + ".previous"); //won't throw exception try { logFile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(logFileName)); } catch (Throwable t) { //try again: really bad if unable to create a new logFile Math2.gc(1000); try { logFile = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(logFileName)); } catch (Throwable t2) { System.out.println(Calendar2.getCurrentISODateTimeStringZulu() + " ERROR: while creating new logFile=" + logFileName + "\n" + MustBe.throwableToString(t)); logFileName = null; //logFile disabled } } } } } } catch (Exception e) { //eek! what should I do? } } /** * This flushes the log system. * In practice, this just flushes the logFile (if any), * since other log destinations (e.g., System.out) are flushed automatically every time. * This will not throw an exception. */ public static void flushLog() { if (logFile != null) { try { //always synchronize on logFileLock synchronized (logFileLock) { logFile.flush(); } } catch (Exception e) { //do nothing } } } /** * This returns the logFileName (or null if none). * * @return the logFileName (or null if none) */ public static String logFileName() { return logFileName; } /** * This splits the string at the specified character. * Leading and trailing whitespace is removed. * A missing final strings is treated as "" (not discarded as with String.split). * * @param s a string with 0 or more separator chatacters * @param separator * @return an ArrayList of strings. * s=null returns null. * s="" returns ArrayList with one value: "". */ public static ArrayList<String> splitToArrayList(String s, char separator) { return splitToArrayList(s, separator, true); } /** * This splits the string at the specified character. * A missing final string is treated as "" (not discarded as with String.split). * * @param s a string with 0 or more separator chatacters * @param separator * @param trim trim the substrings, or don't * @return an ArrayList of strings (not canonical). * s=null returns null. * s="" returns ArrayList with one value: "". */ public static ArrayList<String> splitToArrayList(String s, char separator, boolean trim) { if (s == null) return null; //go through the string looking for separators ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); int sLength = s.length(); int start = 0; //log("split line=" + annotatedString(s)); for (int index = 0; index < sLength; index++) { if (s.charAt(index) == separator) { String ts = s.substring(start, index); if (trim) ts = ts.trim(); al.add(ts); start = index + 1; } } //add the final substring String ts = s.substring(start, sLength); //start == sLength? "" : s.substring(start, sLength); if (trim) ts = ts.trim(); al.add(ts); //log("al.size=" + al.size() + "\n"); return al; } /** * This splits the string at the specified character. * The substrings are trim'd. * A missing final string is treated as "" (not discarded as with String.split). * * @param s a string with 0 or more separator chatacters * @param separator * @return a String[] with the strings (not canonical). * s=null returns null. * s="" returns String[1]{""}. */ public static String[] split(String s, char separator) { ArrayList<String> al = splitToArrayList(s, separator, true); if (al == null) return null; return al.toArray(new String[0]); } /** * This splits the string at the specified character. * A missing final string is treated as "" (not discarded as with String.split). * * @param s a string with 0 or more separator chatacters * @param separator * @return a String[] with the strings (not canonical). * s=null returns null. * s="" returns String[1]{""}. */ public static String[] splitNoTrim(String s, char separator) { ArrayList<String> al = splitToArrayList(s, separator, false); if (al == null) return null; return al.toArray(new String[0]); } /** * This converts an Object[] (for example, where objects are Strings or * Integers) into an int[]. * * @param oar an Object[] * @return the corresponding int[] (invalid values are converted to Integer.MAX_VALUE). * oar=null returns null. */ public static int[] toIntArray(Object oar[]) { if (oar == null) return null; int n = oar.length; Math2.ensureMemoryAvailable(4L * n, "String2.toIntArray"); int ia[] = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ia[i] = parseInt(oar[i].toString()); return ia; } /** * This converts an Object[] (for example, where objects are Strings or * Floats) into a float[]. * * @param oar an Object[] * @return the corresponding float[] (invalid values are converted to Float.NaN). * oar=null returns null. */ public static float[] toFloatArray(Object oar[]) { if (oar == null) return null; int n = oar.length; Math2.ensureMemoryAvailable(4L * n, "String2.toFloatArray"); float fa[] = new float[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) fa[i] = parseFloat(oar[i].toString()); return fa; } /** * This converts an Object[] (for example, where objects are Strings or * Doubles) into a double[]. * * @param oar an Object[] * @return the corresponding double[] (invalid values are converted to Double.NaN). * oar=null returns null. */ public static double[] toDoubleArray(Object oar[]) { if (oar == null) return null; int n = oar.length; Math2.ensureMemoryAvailable(8L * n, "String2.toDoubleArray"); double da[] = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) da[i] = parseDouble(oar[i].toString()); return da; } /** * This converts an ArrayList with Integers into an int[]. * * @param al an Object[] * @return the corresponding int[] (invalid values are converted to Integer.MAX_VALUE). * al=null returns null. */ public static int[] toIntArray(ArrayList al) { if (al == null) return null; int n = al.size(); Math2.ensureMemoryAvailable(4L * n, "String2.toIntArray"); int ia[] = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) ia[i] = ((Integer) al.get(i)).intValue(); return ia; } /** * This converts an ArrayList with Floats into a float[]. * * @param al an Object[] * @return the corresponding float[] (invalid values are converted to Float.NaN). * al=null returns null. */ public static float[] toFloatArray(ArrayList al) { if (al == null) return null; int n = al.size(); Math2.ensureMemoryAvailable(4L * n, "String2.toFloatArray"); float fa[] = new float[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) fa[i] = ((Float) al.get(i)).floatValue(); return fa; } /** * This converts an ArrayList with Doubles into a double[]. * * @param al an Object[] * @return the corresponding double[] (invalid values are converted to Double.NaN). * al=null returns null. */ public static double[] toDoubleArray(ArrayList al) { if (al == null) return null; int n = al.size(); Math2.ensureMemoryAvailable(4L * n, "String2.toDoubleArray"); double da[] = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) da[i] = ((Double) al.get(i)).doubleValue(); return da; } /** * This returns an int[] with just the non-Integer.MAX_VALUE values from the original * array. * * @param iar is an int[] * @return a new int[] with just the non-Integer.MAX_VALUE values. * iar=null returns null. */ public static int[] justFiniteValues(int iar[]) { if (iar == null) return null; int n = iar.length; int nFinite = 0; int ia[] = new int[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (iar[i] < Integer.MAX_VALUE) ia[nFinite++] = iar[i]; //copy to a new array int iaf[] = new int[nFinite]; System.arraycopy(ia, 0, iaf, 0, nFinite); return iaf; } /** * This returns a double[] with just the finite values from the original * array. * * @param dar is a double[] * @return a new double[] with just finite values. * dar=null returns null. */ public static double[] justFiniteValues(double dar[]) { if (dar == null) return null; int n = dar.length; int nFinite = 0; double da[] = new double[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (Double.isFinite(dar[i])) da[nFinite++] = dar[i]; //copy to a new array double daf[] = new double[nFinite]; System.arraycopy(da, 0, daf, 0, nFinite); return daf; } /** * This returns a String[] with just non-null strings * from the original array. * * @param sar is a String[] * @return a new String[] with just non-null strings. * sar=null returns null. */ public static String[] removeNull(String sar[]) { if (sar == null) return null; int n = sar.length; int nValid = 0; String sa[] = new String[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (sar[i] != null) sa[nValid++] = sar[i]; //copy to a new array String sa2[] = new String[nValid]; System.arraycopy(sa, 0, sa2, 0, nValid); return sa2; } /** * This returns a String[] with just non-null and non-"" strings * from the original array. * * @param sar is a String[] * @return a new String[] with just non-null and non-"" strings. * sar=null returns null. */ public static String[] removeNullOrEmpty(String sar[]) { if (sar == null) return null; int n = sar.length; int nValid = 0; String sa[] = new String[n]; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) if (sar[i] != null && sar[i].length() > 0) sa[nValid++] = sar[i]; //copy to a new array String sa2[] = new String[nValid]; System.arraycopy(sa, 0, sa2, 0, nValid); return sa2; } /** * This converts a comma-separated-value String into an int[]. * Invalid values are converted to Integer.MAX_VALUE. * * @param csv the comma-separated-value String. * @return the corresponding int[]. * csv=null returns null. * csv="" is converted to int[1]{Integer.MAX_VALUE}. */ public static int[] csvToIntArray(String csv) { return toIntArray(split(csv, ',')); } /** * This converts a comma-separated-value String into a double[]. * Invalid values are converted to Double.NaN. * * @param csv the comma-separated-value String * @return the corresponding double[]. * csv=null returns null. * csv="" is converted to double[1]{Double.NAN}. */ public static double[] csvToDoubleArray(String csv) { return toDoubleArray(split(csv, ',')); } /** * This converts a string to a boolean. * * @param s the string * @return false if s is "false", "f", or "0". Case and leading/trailing * spaces don't matter. All other values (and null) are treated as true. */ public static boolean parseBoolean(String s) { if (s == null) return true; s = s.toLowerCase().trim(); return !(s.equals("false") || s.equals("f") || s.equals("0")); } /** * This converts a string to a boolean and then a byte. * * @param s the string * @return Byte.MAX_VALUE (i.e., missing value) if s is null or s is "". * Return 0 if s is "false", "f", or "0". * Return 1 if for all other values. * Case and leading/trailing spaces don't matter. */ public static byte parseBooleanToByte(String s) { if (s == null) return Byte.MAX_VALUE; s = s.toLowerCase().trim(); if (s.length() == 0) return Byte.MAX_VALUE; return (s.equals("false") || s.equals("f") || s.equals("0")) ? (byte) 0 : (byte) 1; } /** This removes leading ch's. * @param s * @param ch * @return s or a new string without leading ch's. * null returns null. */ public static String removeLeading(String s, char ch) { if (s == null) return s; int sLength = s.length(); int start = 0; while (start < sLength && s.charAt(start) == ch) start++; return start == 0 ? s : s.substring(start); } /** Like parseInt(s), but returns def if error). */ public static int parseInt(String s, int def) { int i = parseInt(s); return i == Integer.MAX_VALUE ? def : i; } /** * Convert a string to an int. * Leading or trailing spaces are automatically removed. * This accepts hexadecimal integers starting with "0x". * Leading 0's (e.g., 0012) are ignored; number is treated as decimal (not octal as Java would). * Floating point numbers are rounded. * This won't throw an exception if the number isn't formatted right. * To make a string from an int, use ""+i, Integer.toHexString, or Integer.toString(i,radix). * * @param s is the String representation of a number. * @return the int value from the String * (or Integer.MAX_VALUE if error). */ public static int parseInt(String s) { //*** XML.decodeEntities relies on leading 0's being ignored // and number treated as decimal (not octal) //quickly reject most non-numbers //This is a huge speed improvement when parsing ASCII data files // because Java is very slow at filling in the stack trace when an exception is thrown. if (s == null) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; s = s.trim(); if (s.length() == 0) return Integer.MAX_VALUE; char ch = s.charAt(0); if ((ch < '0' || ch > '9') && ch != '-' && ch != '+' && ch != '.') return Integer.MAX_VALUE; //try to parse hex or regular int try { if (s.startsWith("0x") || s.startsWith("0X")) return (int) Long.parseLong(s.substring(2), 16); //for >7fffffff, returns signed int return Integer.parseInt(s); } catch (Exception e) { //falls through } //round from double? try { //2011-02-09 Bob Simons added to avoid Java hang bug. //But now, latest version of Java is fixed. //if (isDoubleTrouble(s)) return 0; return Math2.roundToInt(Double.parseDouble(s)); } catch (Exception e) { return Integer.MAX_VALUE; } } /** * Convert a string to a double. * Leading or trailing spaces are automatically removed. * This accepts hexadecimal integers starting with "0x". * Whole number starting with '0' (e.g., 012) is treated as decimal (not octal as Java would). * This won't throw an exception if the number isn't formatted right. * * @param s is the String representation of a number. * @return the double value from the String (a finite value, * Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, * or Double.NaN if error). */ public static double parseDouble(String s) { //quickly reject most non-numbers //This is a huge speed improvement when parsing ASCII data files // because Java is very slow at filling in the stack trace when an exception is thrown. if (s == null) return Double.NaN; s = s.trim(); if (s.length() == 0) return Double.NaN; char ch = s.charAt(0); if ((ch < '0' || ch > '9') && ch != '-' && ch != '+' && ch != '.') return Double.NaN; try { if (s.startsWith("0x") || s.startsWith("0X")) return Long.parseLong(s.substring(2), 16); //for >7fffffff, returns signed int //2011-02-09 Bob Simons added to avoid Java hang bug. //But now, latest version of Java is fixed. //if (isDoubleTrouble(s)) return 0; return Double.parseDouble(s); } catch (Exception e) { return Double.NaN; } } /** * DON'T USE THIS; RELY ON THE FIXES AVAILABLE FOR JAVA: * EITHER THE LATEST VERSION OF JAVA OR THE * JAVA UPDATER TO FIX THE BUG ON EXISTING OLDER JAVA INSTALLATIONS * * * <p>This returns true if s is a value that causes Java to hang. * Avoid java hang. 2011-02-09 * * This was Bob's work-around to avoid the Java bug. * * @param s a string representing a double value * @return true if the value is the troublesome value. * If true, the value can be interpreted as either +/-Double.MIN_VALUE (not sure which) * or (crudely) 0. */ public static boolean isDoubleTrouble(String s) { if (s == null || s.length() < 22) //this is a good quick reject return false; //all variants are relevant, so look for the mantissa return replaceAll(s, ".", "").indexOf("2225073858507201") >= 0; } /** * Convert a string to an int, with rounding. * Leading or trailing spaces are automatically removed. * This won't throw an exception if the number isn't formatted right. * * @param s is the String representation of a number. * @return the int value from the String (or Double.NaN if error). */ public static double roundingParseInt(String s) { return Math2.roundToInt(parseDouble(s)); } /** * This converts String representation of a long. * Leading or trailing spaces are automatically removed. * THIS DOESN'T ROUND! So floating point values lead to Long.MAX_VALUE. * * @param s a valid String representation of a long value * @return a long (or Long.MAX_VALUE if trouble). */ public static long parseLong(String s) { //quickly reject most non-numbers //This is a huge speed improvement when parsing ASCII data files // because Java is very slow at filling in the stack trace when an exception is thrown. if (s == null) return Long.MAX_VALUE; s = s.trim(); if (s.length() == 0) return Long.MAX_VALUE; char ch = s.charAt(0); if ((ch < '0' || ch > '9') && ch != '-' && ch != '+') return Long.MAX_VALUE; try { if (s.startsWith("0x") || s.startsWith("0X")) return Long.parseLong(s.substring(2), 16); return Long.parseLong(s); } catch (Exception e) { return Long.MAX_VALUE; } } /** * Parse as a float with either "." or "," as the decimal point. * Leading or trailing spaces are automatically removed. * * @param s a String representing a float value (e.g., 1234.5 or 1234,5 or * 1.234e3 1,234e3) * @return the corresponding float (or Float.NaN if not properly formatted) */ public static float parseFloat(String s) { //quickly reject most non-numbers //This is a huge speed improvement when parsing ASCII data files // because Java is very slow at filling in the stack trace when an exception is thrown. if (s == null) return Float.NaN; s = s.trim(); if (s.length() == 0) return Float.NaN; char ch = s.charAt(0); if ((ch < '0' || ch > '9') && ch != '-' && ch != '+' && ch != '.') return Float.NaN; try { s = s.replace(',', '.'); //!!! this is inconsistent with parseDouble float f = Float.parseFloat(s); //String2.log(">> parseFloat " + s + " -> " + f); return f; } catch (Exception e) { log(">> parseFloat exception: " + s); return Float.NaN; } } /** * This converts a multiple-space-separated string into a String[] of separate tokens. * Double quoted tokens may have internal spaces. * * @param s the space-separated string * @return String[] of tokens (or null if s is null) */ public static String[] tokenize(String s) { if (s == null) return null; ArrayList<String> arrayList = new ArrayList(); int sLength = s.length(); int index = 0; //next char to be read //eat spaces while (index < sLength && s.charAt(index) == ' ') index++; //repeatedly get tokens while (index < sLength) { //grab a token int start = index; int stop; //does it start with quotes? if (s.charAt(index) == '"') { index++; //skip the quotes start++; while (index < sLength && s.charAt(index) != '"') index++; stop = index; //if end of string and no closing quotes, it's a silent error index++; //skip the quotes } else { while (index < sLength && s.charAt(index) != ' ') index++; stop = index; } arrayList.add(s.substring(start, stop)); //eat spaces while (index < sLength && s.charAt(index) == ' ') index++; } return arrayList.toArray(new String[0]); } /** The size of the int[] needed for distribute() and getDistributionStatistics(). */ public static int DistributionSize = 22; private static int BinMax[] = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100, 200, 500, 1000, 2000, 5000, 10000, 20000, //1,2,5,10,20 seconds 60000, 120000, 300000, 600000, 1200000, 3600000, //1,2,5,10,20,60 minutes Integer.MAX_VALUE }; /** * Put aTime into one of the distribution bins. * @param aTime * @param distribution an int[DistributionSize] holding the counts of aTimes in * different categories */ public static void distribute(long aTime, int[] distribution) { //catch really long times (greater than Integer.MAX_VALUE) if (aTime < 0) aTime = 0; if (aTime > 3600000) { distribution[21]++; return; } //1hr int iTime = (int) aTime; //safe since extreme values caught above for (int bin = 0; bin < DistributionSize; bin++) { if (iTime <= BinMax[bin]) { distribution[bin]++; return; } } } /** * Get the number of values in the distribution. * * @param distribution an int[DistributionSize] holding the counts of aTimes in * different categories * @return the number of values in the distribution. */ public static int getDistributionN(int[] distribution) { //calculate n int n = 0; for (int bin = 0; bin < DistributionSize; bin++) n += distribution[bin]; return n; } /** * Get the approximate median of the distribution. * See Sokal and Rohlf, Biometry, Box 4.1, pg 45. * * @param distribution an int[DistributionSize] holding the counts of aTimes in * different categories * @param n from getDistributionN * @return the approximate median of the distribution. * If trouble or n<=0, this returns -1. */ public static int getDistributionMedian(int[] distribution, int n) { double n2 = n / 2.0; if (n > 0) { //handle bin 0 int cum = distribution[0]; if (cum >= n2) return 0; for (int bin = 1; bin < DistributionSize; bin++) { //bin 0 handled above if (distribution[bin] > 0) { int tCum = cum + distribution[bin]; if (cum <= n2 && tCum >= n2) { int tBinMax = bin == DistributionSize - 1 ? BinMax[bin - 1] * 3 : BinMax[bin]; return Math2.roundToInt(BinMax[bin - 1] + ((n2 - cum + 0.0) / distribution[bin]) * (tBinMax - BinMax[bin - 1])); } cum = tCum; } } } return -1; //trouble } /** * Generate brief statistics for a distribution. * @param distribution an int[DistributionSize] holding the counts of aTimes in * different categories * @return the statistics */ public static String getBriefDistributionStatistics(int[] distribution) { int n = getDistributionN(distribution); String s = "n =" + right("" + n, 9); if (n == 0) return s; int median = getDistributionMedian(distribution, n); return s + ", median ~=" + right("" + median, 9) + " ms"; } /** * Generate statistics for a distribution. * @param distribution an int[DistributionSize] holding the counts of aTimes in * different categories * @return the statistics */ public static String getDistributionStatistics(int[] distribution) { int n = getDistributionN(distribution); String s = " " + getBriefDistributionStatistics(distribution) + "\n"; if (n == 0) return s; return s + " 0 ms: " + right("" + distribution[0], 10) + "\n" + " 1 ms: " + right("" + distribution[1], 10) + "\n" + " 2 ms: " + right("" + distribution[2], 10) + "\n" + " <= 5 ms: " + right("" + distribution[3], 10) + "\n" + " <= 10 ms: " + right("" + distribution[4], 10) + "\n" + " <= 20 ms: " + right("" + distribution[5], 10) + "\n" + " <= 50 ms: " + right("" + distribution[6], 10) + "\n" + " <= 100 ms: " + right("" + distribution[7], 10) + "\n" + " <= 200 ms: " + right("" + distribution[8], 10) + "\n" + " <= 500 ms: " + right("" + distribution[9], 10) + "\n" + " <= 1 s: " + right("" + distribution[10], 10) + "\n" + " <= 2 s: " + right("" + distribution[11], 10) + "\n" + " <= 5 s: " + right("" + distribution[12], 10) + "\n" + " <= 10 s: " + right("" + distribution[13], 10) + "\n" + " <= 20 s: " + right("" + distribution[14], 10) + "\n" + " <= 1 min: " + right("" + distribution[15], 10) + "\n" + " <= 2 min: " + right("" + distribution[16], 10) + "\n" + " <= 5 min: " + right("" + distribution[17], 10) + "\n" + " <= 10 min: " + right("" + distribution[18], 10) + "\n" + " <= 20 min: " + right("" + distribution[19], 10) + "\n" + " <= 1 hr: " + right("" + distribution[20], 10) + "\n" + " > 1 hr: " + right("" + distribution[21], 10) + "\n"; } /** * If lines in s are >=maxLength characters, this inserts "\n"+spaces at the * previous non-DigitLetter + DigitLetter; or if none, this inserts "\n"+spaces at maxLength. * Useful keywords for searching for this method: longer, longest, noLongerThan. * * @param s a String with multiple lines, separated by \n's * @param maxLength the maximum line length allowed * @param spaces the string to be inserted after the inserted newline, e.g., "<br> " * @return s (perhaps the same, perhaps different), but with no long lines */ public static String noLongLines(String s, int maxLength, String spaces) { int maxLength2 = maxLength / 2; int spacesLength = spaces.length(); int start = 0, count = 0; int sLength = s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(sLength / 5 * 6); for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) { if (s.charAt(i) == '\n') { count = 0; } else { count++; if (count >= maxLength) { int oi = i; char ch, ch1 = s.charAt(i); while (count > maxLength2) { ch = ch1; ch1 = s.charAt(i - 1); //work backwards from maxLength to maxLength/2 to find a break point (i) if (!isDigitLetter(ch1) && ch1 != '(' && isDigitLetter(ch)) { count = 0; //signal success break; } count--; i--; } if (count > 0) { //newline not inserted above; insert it at oi i = oi; } sb.append(s.substring(start, i)); sb.append("\n" + spaces); start = i; count = spacesLength; } } } if (start == 0) return s; sb.append(s.substring(start)); return sb.toString(); } /** * This is like noLongLines, but will only break (add newlines) at spaces. * If there is no reasonable break before maxLength, it will break after maxLength. * * @param sb a StringBuilder with multiple lines, separated by \n's * @param maxLength the maximum line length allowed * @param spaces the string to be inserted after the inserted newline, e.g., "<br> " * @return the same or a different StringBuilder, but with no long lines */ public static StringBuilder noLongLinesAtSpace(StringBuilder sb, int maxLength, String spaces) { int sbLength = sb.length(); if (sbLength <= maxLength) return sb; StringBuilder newSB = new StringBuilder(sbLength / 5 * 6); int minCount = maxLength / 2; //try hard int startAt = 0; //start for next copy chunk int count = 0; //don't jump ahead because there may be an internal \n int lastSpaceAt = -1; for (int sbi = 0; sbi < sbLength; sbi++) { char ch = sb.charAt(sbi); if (ch == '\n') { newSB.append(sb, startAt, sbi + 1); startAt = sbi + 1; count = 0; lastSpaceAt = -1; } else { if (ch == ' ' && count >= minCount) lastSpaceAt = sbi; count++; if (count >= maxLength && lastSpaceAt >= 0) { //use lastSpaceAt newSB.append(sb, startAt, lastSpaceAt); newSB.append('\n'); newSB.append(spaces); sbi = lastSpaceAt; lastSpaceAt = -1; count = spaces.length(); //maybe next char is a space, too; skip to last space in a series while (sbi < sbLength - 1 && sb.charAt(sbi + 1) == ' ') sbi++; startAt = sbi + 1; } } } //copy remainder of sb if (startAt < sbLength) newSB.append(sb, startAt, sbLength); return newSB; } /** * This is like noLongLines, but will only break at spaces. * * @param s a String with multiple lines, separated by \n's * @param maxLength the maximum line length allowed * @param spaces the string to be inserted after the inserted newline, e.g., " " * @return the content of s, but with no long lines */ public static String noLongLinesAtSpace(String s, int maxLength, String spaces) { if (s.length() <= maxLength) return s; return noLongLinesAtSpace(new StringBuilder(s), maxLength, spaces).toString(); } /** * This reads an ASCII file line by line (with any common end-of-line characters), * does a simple (not regex) search and replace on each line, * and saves the lines in another file (with String2.lineSeparator's). * * @param fullInFileName the full name of the input file * @param fullOutFileName the full name of the output file (if same as fullInFileName, fullInFileName will be renamed +.original) * @param search a plain text string to search for * @param replace a plain text string to replace any instances of 'search' * @throws Exception if any trouble */ public static void simpleSearchAndReplace(String fullInFileName, String fullOutFileName, String search, String replace) throws Exception { log("simpleSearchAndReplace in=" + fullInFileName + " out=" + fullOutFileName + " search=" + search + " replace=" + replace); String tOutFileName = fullOutFileName + Math2.random(Integer.MAX_VALUE); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fullInFileName)); BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(tOutFileName)); try { //convert the text, line by line //This uses bufferedReader.readLine() to repeatedly //read lines from the file and thus can handle various //end-of-line characters. String s = bufferedReader.readLine(); while (s != null) { //null = end-of-file bufferedWriter.write(replaceAll(s, search, replace)); bufferedWriter.write(lineSeparator); s = bufferedReader.readLine(); } bufferedReader.close(); bufferedWriter.close(); if (fullInFileName.equals(fullOutFileName)) File2.rename(fullInFileName, fullInFileName + ".original"); File2.rename(tOutFileName, fullOutFileName); if (fullInFileName.equals(fullOutFileName)) File2.delete(fullInFileName + ".original"); } catch (Exception e) { try { bufferedReader.close(); bufferedWriter.close(); } catch (Exception e2) { } File2.delete(tOutFileName); throw e; } } /** * This reads an ASCII file line by line (with any common end-of-line characters), * does a regex search and replace on each line, * and saves the lines in another file (with String2.lineSeparator's). * * @param fullInFileName the full name of the input file * @param fullOutFileName the full name of the output file * @param search a regex to search for * @param replace a plain text string to replace any instances of 'search' * @throws Exception if any trouble */ public static void regexSearchAndReplace(String fullInFileName, String fullOutFileName, String search, String replace) throws Exception { BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(fullInFileName)); BufferedWriter bufferedWriter = new BufferedWriter(new FileWriter(fullOutFileName)); //get the text from the file //This uses bufferedReader.readLine() to repeatedly //read lines from the file and thus can handle various //end-of-line characters. String s = bufferedReader.readLine(); while (s != null) { //null = end-of-file bufferedWriter.write(s.replaceAll(search, replace)); bufferedWriter.write(lineSeparator); s = bufferedReader.readLine(); } bufferedReader.close(); bufferedWriter.close(); } /** * This returns a string with the keys and values of the Map (sorted by the keys, ignoreCase). * * @param map (keys and values are objects with good toString methods). * If it needs to be thead-safe, use ConcurrentHashMap. * @return a string with the sorted (ignoreCase) keys and their values ("key1: value1\nkey2: value2\n") */ public static String getKeysAndValuesString(Map map) { ArrayList al = new ArrayList(); //synchronize so protected from changes in other threads Iterator it = map.keySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Object key =; al.add(key.toString() + ": " + map.get(key).toString()); } Collections.sort(al, new StringComparatorIgnoreCase()); return toNewlineString(al.toArray()); } /** * This returns the number formatted with up to 6 digits to the left and right of * the decimal and trailing decimal 0's removed. * If abs(d) < 0.0999995 or abs(d) >= 999999.9999995, the number is displayed * in scientific notation (e.g., 8.954321E-5). * Thus the maximum length should be 14 characters (-123456.123456). * 0 returns "0" * NaN returns "NaN". * Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY returns "Infinity". * Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY returns "-Infinity". * * @param d a number * @return the number converted to a string */ public static String genEFormat6(double d) { //!finite if (!Double.isFinite(d)) return "" + d; //almost 0 if (Math2.almost0(d)) return "0"; //close to 0 //String2.log("genEFormat test " + (d*1000) + " " + Math.rint(d*1000)); if (Math.abs(d) < 0.0999995 && !Math2.almostEqual(6, d * 10000, Math.rint(d * 10000))) { //leave .0021 as .0021, but display .00023 as 2.3e-4 synchronized (genExpFormat6) { return genExpFormat6.format(d); } } //large int if (Math.abs(d) < 1e13 && d == Math.rint(d)) return "" + Math2.roundToLong(d); //>10e6 if (Math.abs(d) >= 999999.9999995) { synchronized (genExpFormat6) { return genExpFormat6.format(d); } } synchronized (genStdFormat6) { return genStdFormat6.format(d); } } /** * This returns the number formatted with up to 10 digits to the left and right of * the decimal and trailing decimal 0's removed. * If abs(d) < 0.09999999995 or abs(d) >= 999999.99999999995, the number is displayed * in scientific notation (e.g., 8.9544680321E-5). * Thus the maximum length should be 18 characters (-123456.1234567898). * 0 returns "0" * NaN returns "NaN". * Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY returns "Infinity". * Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY returns "-Infinity". * * @param d a number * @return the number converted to a string */ public static String genEFormat10(double d) { //!finite if (!Double.isFinite(d)) return "" + d; //almost 0 if (Math2.almost0(d)) return "0"; //close to 0 and many sig digits //String2.log("genEFormat test " + (d*1000) + " " + Math.rint(d*1000)); if (Math.abs(d) < 0.09999999995 && !Math2.almostEqual(9, d * 1000000, Math.rint(d * 1000000))) { //leave .0021 as .0021, but display .00023 as 2.3e-4 synchronized (genExpFormat10) { return genExpFormat10.format(d); } } //large int if (Math.abs(d) < 1e13 && d == Math.rint(d)) //rint only catches 9 digits(?) return "" + Math2.roundToLong(d); //>10e6 if (Math.abs(d) >= 999999.99999999995) { synchronized (genExpFormat10) { return genExpFormat10.format(d); } } synchronized (genStdFormat10) { return genStdFormat10.format(d); } } /** * This is like genEFormat6, but the scientific notation format * is, e.g., 8.954321x10^-5. * * @param d a number * @return the number converted to a string */ public static String genX10Format6(double d) { return replaceAll(genEFormat6(d), "E", "x10^"); } /** * This is like genEFormat10, but the scientific notation format * is, e.g., 8.9509484321x10^-5. * * @param d a number * @return the number converted to a string */ public static String genX10Format10(double d) { return replaceAll(genEFormat10(d), "E", "x10^"); } /** * This is like genEFormat6, but the scientific notation format * is, e.g., 8.954321x10<sup>-5</sup>. * * @param d a number * @return the number converted to a string */ public static String genHTMLFormat6(double d) { String s = genEFormat6(d); int po = s.indexOf('E'); if (po >= 0) s = replaceAll(genEFormat6(d), "E", "x10<sup>") + "</sup>"; return s; } /** * This is like genEFormat10, but the scientific notation format * is, e.g., 8.9509244321x10<sup>-5</sup>. * * @param d a number * @return the number converted to a string */ public static String genHTMLFormat10(double d) { String s = genEFormat10(d); int po = s.indexOf('E'); if (po >= 0) s = replaceAll(genEFormat10(d), "E", "x10<sup>") + "</sup>"; return s; } /** * This removes white space characters at the beginning and end of a StringBuilder. * * @param sb a StringBuilder * @return the same pointer to the StringBuilder for convenience */ public static StringBuilder trim(StringBuilder sb) { int po = 0; while (po < sb.length() && isWhite(sb.charAt(po))) po++; sb.delete(0, po); po = sb.length(); while (po > 0 && isWhite(sb.charAt(po - 1))) po--; sb.delete(po, sb.length()); return sb; } /** * This trims just the start of the string. * * @param s * @return s with just the start of the string trim'd. * If s == null, this returns null. */ public static String trimStart(String s) { if (s == null) return s; int sLength = s.length(); int po = 0; while (po < sLength && isWhite(s.charAt(po))) po++; return po > 0 ? s.substring(po) : s; } /** * This trims just the end of the string. * * @param s * @return s with just the end of the string trim'd. * If s == null, this returns null. */ public static String trimEnd(String s) { if (s == null) return s; int sLength = s.length(); int po = sLength; while (po > 0 && isWhite(s.charAt(po - 1))) po--; return po < sLength ? s.substring(0, po) : s; } /** * This returns the directory that is the classpath for the source * code files (with forward slashes and a trailing slash, * e.g., c:/programs/_tomcat/webapps/cwexperimental/WEB-INF/classes/. * * @return directory that is the classpath for the source * code files (with / separator and / at the end) * @throws RuntimeException if trouble */ public static String getClassPath() { if (classPath == null) { String find = "/com/cohort/util/String2.class"; //use this.getClass(), not ClassLoader.getSystemResource (which fails in Tomcat) classPath = String2.class.getResource(find).getFile(); classPath = replaceAll(classPath, '\\', '/'); int po = classPath.indexOf(find); classPath = classPath.substring(0, po + 1); //on windows, remove the troublesome leading "/" if (OSIsWindows && classPath.length() > 2 && classPath.charAt(0) == '/' && classPath.charAt(2) == ':') classPath = classPath.substring(1); //classPath is a URL! so spaces are encoded as %20 on Windows! //UTF-8: see try { classPath = URLDecoder.decode(classPath, UTF_8); } catch (Throwable t) { log(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); } } return classPath; } /** * On the command line, this prompts the user a String. * * @param prompt * @return the String the user entered * @throws Exception if trouble */ public static String getStringFromSystemIn(String prompt) throws Exception { flushLog(); System.out.print(prompt); BufferedReader inReader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(; return inReader.readLine(); } /** * A variant of getStringFromSystemIn that adds "\nPress ^C to stop or Enter to continue..." * to the prompt. * * @throws Exception if trouble */ public static String pressEnterToContinue(String prompt) throws Exception { if (prompt == null) prompt = ""; return getStringFromSystemIn(prompt + (prompt.length() == 0 || prompt.endsWith("\n") ? "" : "\n") + "Press ^C to stop or Enter to continue..."); } /** * A variant of pressEnterToContinue with "Press ^C to stop or Enter to continue..." * as the prompt. * * @throws Exception if trouble */ public static String pressEnterToContinue() throws Exception { return pressEnterToContinue(""); } /* OLD VERSION public static String getPasswordFromSystemIn(String prompt) throws Exception { System.out.print(prompt); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); while (true) { while ( == 0) { Math2.sleep(1); System.out.print("\b*"); } int ch =; if (ch <= 0) continue; if (ch == '\n') return sb.toString(); sb.append((char)ch); } } */ /** * On the command line, this prompts the user a String (which is * not echoed to the screen, so is suitable for passwords). * This is slighly modified from * . * * @param prompt * @return the String the user entered * @throws Exception if trouble */ public static final String getPasswordFromSystemIn(String prompt) throws Exception { InputStream in =; //bob added, instead of parameter MaskingThread maskingthread = new MaskingThread(prompt); Thread thread = new Thread(maskingthread); thread.start(); char[] lineBuffer; char[] buf; int i; buf = lineBuffer = new char[128]; int room = buf.length; int offset = 0; int c; try { //bob added loop: while (true) { c =; if (c == -1 || c == '\n') break loop; if (c == '\r') { int c2 =; if ((c2 != '\n') && (c2 != -1)) { if (!(in instanceof PushbackInputStream)) { in = new PushbackInputStream(in); } ((PushbackInputStream) in).unread(c2); } else { break loop; } } //if not caught and 'break loop' above... if (--room < 0) { buf = new char[offset + 128]; room = buf.length - offset - 1; System.arraycopy(lineBuffer, 0, buf, 0, offset); Arrays.fill(lineBuffer, ' '); lineBuffer = buf; } buf[offset++] = (char) c; } } catch (Exception e) { } maskingthread.stopMasking(); if (offset == 0) { return ""; //bob changed from null } char[] ret = new char[offset]; System.arraycopy(buf, 0, ret, 0, offset); Arrays.fill(buf, ' '); return new String(ret); //bob added; originally it returned char[] } /** * Find the last element which is <= s in an ascending sorted array. * * @param sar an ascending sorted String[] which may have duplicate values * @param s * @return the index of the last element which is <= s in an ascending sorted array. * If s is null or s < the smallest element, this returns -1 (no element is appropriate). * If s > the largest element, this returns sar.length-1. */ public static int binaryFindLastLE(String[] sar, String s) { if (s == null) return -1; int i = Arrays.binarySearch(sar, s); //an exact match; look for duplicates if (i >= 0) { while (i < sar.length - 1 && sar[i + 1].compareTo(s) <= 0) i++; return i; } int insertionPoint = -i - 1; //0.. sar.length return insertionPoint - 1; } /** * Find the first element which is >= s in an ascending sorted array. * * @param sar an ascending sorted String[] which currently may not have duplicate values * @param s * @return the index of the first element which is >= s in an ascending sorted array. * If s < the smallest element, this returns 0. * If s is null or s > the largest element, this returns sar.length (no element is appropriate). */ public static int binaryFindFirstGE(String[] sar, String s) { if (s == null) return sar.length; int i = Arrays.binarySearch(sar, s); //an exact match; look for duplicates if (i >= 0) { while (i > 0 && sar[i - 1].compareTo(s) >= 0) i--; return i; } return -i - 1; //the insertion point, 0.. sar.length } /** * Find the closest element to s in an ascending sorted array. * * @param sar an ascending sorted String[]. * It the array has duplicates and s equals one of them, * it isn't specified which duplicate's index will be returned. * @param s * @return the index of the element closest to s. * If s is null, this returns -1. */ public static int binaryFindClosest(String[] sar, String s) { if (s == null) return -1; int i = Arrays.binarySearch(sar, s); if (i >= 0) return i; //success //insertionPoint at end point? int insertionPoint = -i - 1; //0.. sar.length if (insertionPoint == 0) return 0; if (insertionPoint >= sar.length) return sar.length - 1; //insertionPoint between 2 points //do they differ at a different position? //make all the same length int preIndex = insertionPoint - 1; int postIndex = insertionPoint; String pre = sar[preIndex]; String post = sar[postIndex]; int longest = Math.max(s.length(), Math.max(pre.length(), post.length())); String ts = s + makeString(' ', longest - s.length()); pre += makeString(' ', longest - pre.length()); post += makeString(' ', longest - post.length()); for (i = 0; i < longest; i++) { char ch = ts.charAt(i); char preCh = pre.charAt(i); char postCh = post.charAt(i); if (preCh == ch && postCh != ch) return preIndex; if (preCh != ch && postCh == ch) return postIndex; if (preCh != ch && postCh != ch) { //which one is closer return Math.abs(preCh - ch) < Math.abs(postCh - ch) ? preIndex : postIndex; } } //shouldn't all be equal return preIndex; } /** * This returns the index of the first non-Unicode character. * Currently, valid characters are #32 - #126, #160+. * * @param s * @param alsoOK a string with characters (e.g., \r, \n, \t) which are also valid * @return the index of the first non-utf-8 character, or -1 if all valid. */ public static int findInvalidUnicode(String s, String alsoOK) { int n = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (alsoOK.indexOf(ch) >= 0) continue; if (ch < 32) return i; if (ch <= 126) continue; if (ch <= 159) return i; //160+ is valid } return -1; } /** * This makes s valid Unicode by converting invalid characters (e.g., #128) * with \\uhhhh (literally 2 backslashes, so no info is lost). * The invalid characters are often Windows charset characters #127 - 159. * * @param s * @param alsoOK a string with characters (e.g., \r, \n, \t) which are also valid * @return the valid Unicode string. */ public static String makeValidUnicode(String s, String alsoOK) { if (s == null) return ""; int n = s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n + 128); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (alsoOK.indexOf(ch) >= 0) sb.append(ch); else if (ch < 32) sb.append("\\u" + zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(ch), 4)); else if (ch < 127) sb.append(ch); else if (ch < 160) sb.append("\\u" + zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(ch), 4)); else sb.append(ch); //160+ is valid } return sb.toString(); } /** * This converts the char to an ISO-8859-1 (ISO_8859_1) char. * This converts any char in 127-159 and >255 into '?'. * * @param ch the char to be converted * @return an ISO_8859_1-only char. */ public static char toIso88591Char(char ch) { if (ch < 127) return ch; if (ch < 160) return '?'; if (ch < 256) return ch; return '?'; } /** * This converts the chars to ISO-8859-1 (ISO_8859_1) chars. * This converts any char in 127-159 and >255 into '?'. * * @param car[] the char[] to be converted * @return car for convenience. */ public static char[] toIso88591Chars(char car[]) { int n = car.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char ch = car[i]; if (ch < 127) { } else if (ch < 160) { car[i] = '?'; } else if (ch < 256) { } else { car[i] = '?'; } } return car; } /** * A little weird: This returns the ISO-8859-1 (ISO_8859_1) encoding of the * string as a String (using only the lower byte of each 2-byte char), * so a unicode string can be stored in a 1-byte/char string. * This converts any char in 127-159 and >255 into '?'. * * @param s the string to be converted * @return an ISO_8859_1-only string (perhaps the same string). * If s==null, this returns "". */ public static String toIso88591String(String s) { //return ISO_8859_1_CHARSET.decode( //makes a CharBuffer // ISO_8859_1_CHARSET.encode(s)).toString(); //makes a ByteBuffer if (s == null) return ""; boolean returnS = true; int n = s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch < 127) { sb.append(ch); } else if (ch < 160) { sb.append('?'); returnS = false; } else if (ch < 256) { sb.append(ch); } else { sb.append('?'); returnS = false; } } return returnS ? s : sb.toString(); } /** This converts all of the Strings to ISO_8859_1 encoding. * * @return sar for convenience */ public static String[] toIso88591Strings(String sar[]) { int n = sar.length; for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) sar[i] = toIso88591String(sar[i]); return sar; } /** * This returns the UTF-8 encoding of the string (or null if trouble). * The inverse of this is utf8ToString. */ public static byte[] getUTF8Bytes(String s) { try { return s.getBytes(UTF_8); } catch (Exception e) { log("Caught " + ERROR + " in String2.getUTF8Bytes(" + s + "): " + MustBe.throwableToString(e)); return new byte[] { 59, 92, 92, 79, 92 }; //ERROR } } /** * This returns a string from the UTF-8 encoded byte[] (or null if trouble). * The inverse of this is getUTF8Bytes. */ public static String utf8ToString(byte[] bar) { try { return new String(bar, UTF_8); } catch (Exception e) { log("Caught " + ERROR + " in String2.utf8ToString: " + MustBe.throwableToString(e)); return ERROR; } } /** * A little weird: This returns the UTF-8 encoding of the string as a String * (using only the lower byte of each 2-byte char), * so a unicode string can be stored in a 1-byte/char string. * */ public static String toUTF8String(String s) { try { return new String(s.getBytes(UTF_8)); } catch (Exception e) { log("Caught " + ERROR + " in String2.toUTF8String(" + s + "): " + MustBe.throwableToString(e)); return ERROR; } } /** * A little weird: This returns the unicode string from a UTF-8 encoded String. */ public static String fromUTF8String(String s) { try { return utf8ToString(toByteArray(s)); } catch (Exception e) { log("Caught " + ERROR + " in String2.fromUTF8String(" + s + "): " + MustBe.throwableToString(e)); return ERROR; } } /** * This creates the jump table (int[256]) for a given 'find' stringUtf8 * of use by indexOf(byte[], byte[], jumpTable[]) below. * Each entry in the result is: how far for indexOf to jump endPo forward for any given s[endPo] byte. * * @param find the byte array to be found * @return jump table (int[256]) for a given 'find' stringUtf8 */ public static int[] makeJumpTable(byte[] find) { //work forwards so last found instance of a letter is most important // s = Two times nine. //find = nine //First test will compare find's 'e' and s's ' ' //Not a match, so jump jump[' '] positions forward. int findLength = find.length; int jump[] = new int[256]; Arrays.fill(jump, findLength); for (int po = 0; po < findLength; po++) jump[find[po] & 0xFF] = findLength - 1 - po; //make b 0..255 return jump; } /** * Return the first index of 'find' in s (or -1 if not found). * Idea: since a full text search entails looking for a few 'find' strings * inside any of nDatasets long searchStrings (that don't change often), * and since we don't really care about exact index, just relative index, * it would be nice to store searchStrings as byte[] * (1/2 the memory use and simpler search). * So encode 'find' and searchString as UTF-8 via byte[] find.getBytes(utf8Charset). * Then we can do Boyer-Moore-like search for first indexOf. * This can speed up the searches ~3.5X in good conditions (assuming setup is amortized). * * @param s the long string to be search, stored utf8. * @param find the short string to be found, stored utf 8. * @param jumpTable from makeJumpTable * @return the first index of 'find' in s (or -1 if not found). */ public static int indexOf(byte[] s, byte[] find, int jumpTable[]) { //future: is jump table for second character jumpTable[s[endPo]]-1 IFF that value isn't <=0? //see algorithm in makeJumpTable int findLength = find.length; int sLength = s.length; if (findLength == 0) return 0; if (sLength == 0) return -1; int findLength1 = findLength - 1; int endPo = findLength1; byte lastFindByte = find[findLength1]; //if findLength is 1, do simple search if (findLength == 1) { int po = -1; while (++po < sLength) { if (s[po] == lastFindByte) return po; } return -1; } //Boyer-Moore-like search whileBlock: while (endPo < sLength) { byte b = s[endPo]; //last bytes don't match? jump if (b != lastFindByte) { endPo += jumpTable[b & 0xFF]; //make b 0..255 continue; } //last bytes do match: try to match all of 'find' int countBack = 1; do { //we know find is at least 2 long if (s[endPo - countBack] == find[findLength1 - countBack]) { countBack++; } else { endPo += 1; continue whileBlock; } } while (countBack < findLength); //found it! return endPo - findLength1; } return -1; } /** * This returns the MD5 hash digest of getUTF8Bytes(password) as a String of 32 lowercase hex digits. * Lowercase because the digest authentication standard uses lower case; so mimic them. * And lowercase is easier to type. * * @param password the text to be digested * @return the MD5 hash digest of the password (32 lowercase hex digits, as a String), * or null if password is null or there is trouble. */ public static String md5Hex(String password) { return passwordDigest("MD5", password); } /** * This returns the hash digest of getUTF8Bytes(password) as a String of lowercase hex digits. * Lowercase because the digest authentication standard uses lower case; so mimic them. * And lowercase is easier to type. * * @param algorithm one of the FILE_DIGEST_OPTIONS * @param password the text to be digested * @return the algorithm's hash digest of the password (many lowercase hex digits, as a String), * or null if password is null or there is trouble. */ public static String passwordDigest(String algorithm, String password) { try { if (password == null) return null; MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm); md.update(getUTF8Bytes(password)); byte bytes[] = md.digest(); int nBytes = bytes.length; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(nBytes * 2); for (int i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) sb.append(zeroPad(Integer.toHexString((int) bytes[i] & 0xFF), 2)); //safe, (int) and 0xFF make it unsigned byte return sb.toString(); } catch (Throwable t) { log(MustBe.throwableToString(t)); return null; } } /** Java only guarantees that the first 3 of these will be supported. */ public static final String FILE_DIGEST_OPTIONS[] = { "MD5", "SHA-1", "SHA-256", "SHA-384", "SHA-512" }; public static final String FILE_DIGEST_EXTENSIONS[] = { ".md5", ".sha1", ".sha256", ".sha384", ".sha512" }; //Bagit likes these (after the '.') /** * This returns a hash digest of fullFileName (read as bytes) * as a String of lowercase hex digits. * Lowercase because the digest authentication standard uses lower case; so mimic them. * And lowercase is easier to type. * * @param useBase64 If true, this returns the digest as a base64 string. * If false, this returns the digest as a hex string. * @param algorithm one of the FILE_DIGEST_OPTIONS ("MD5", "SHA-1", "SHA-256", ...). * @param fullFileName the name of the file to be digested * @return the hash digest of the file * (for MD5, 32 lowercase hex digits as a String), * or null if fullFileName is null or there is trouble. */ public static String fileDigest(boolean useBase64, String algorithm, String fullFileName) throws Exception { MessageDigest md = MessageDigest.getInstance(algorithm); FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(fullFileName); byte buffer[] = new byte[8192]; int nBytes; while ((nBytes = >= 0) md.update(buffer, 0, nBytes); fis.close(); byte bytes[] = md.digest(); if (useBase64) { return new String(Base64.encodeBase64(bytes)); } else { nBytes = bytes.length; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(nBytes * 2); for (int i = 0; i < nBytes; i++) sb.append(zeroPad(Integer.toHexString((int) bytes[i] & 0xFF), 2)); //safe, (int) and 0xFF make it unsigned byte return sb.toString(); } } /* This variant returns the digest as a hex string. */ public static String fileDigest(String algorithm, String fullFileName) throws Exception { return fileDigest(false, algorithm, fullFileName); } /** * This returns the last 12 hex digits from md5Hex (or null if md5 is null), * broken into 3 blocks of 4 digits, separated by '_'. * I use this as a short, easy to type, repeatable, representation of * long strings (e.g., an ERDDAP query URL), sort of like the idea of tinyURL. * It performs much better than hashcode or CRC32 when a large number of passwords * (or filenames) are encoded and you don't want any collisions. * See Projects.testHashFunctions. */ public static String md5Hex12(String password) { String s = md5Hex(password); return s == null ? null : s.substring(20, 24) + "_" + s.substring(24, 28) + "_" + s.substring(28, 32); } /** * Given two strings with internal newlines, oldS and newS, this a message * indicating where they differ. * * @param oldS * @param newS * @return a message indicating where they differ, or "" if there is no difference. */ public static String differentLine(String oldS, String newS) { if (oldS == null) return "(There is no old version.)"; if (newS == null) return "(There is no new version.)"; int oldLength = oldS.length(); int newLength = newS.length(); int newlinePo = -1; int line = 1; int n = Math.min(oldLength, newLength); int po = 0; while (po < n && oldS.charAt(po) == newS.charAt(po)) { if (oldS.charAt(po) == '\n') { newlinePo = po; line++; } po++; } if (po == oldLength && po == newLength) return ""; int oldEnd = newlinePo + 1; int newEnd = newlinePo + 1; while (oldEnd < oldLength && oldS.charAt(oldEnd) != '\n') oldEnd++; while (newEnd < newLength && newS.charAt(newEnd) != '\n') newEnd++; return " old line #" + line + "=" + toJson(oldS.substring(newlinePo + 1, oldEnd)) + ",\n" + " new line #" + line + "=" + toJson(newS.substring(newlinePo + 1, newEnd)) + "."; } /** * This converts a double to a rational number (m * 10^t). * This is similar to Math2.mantissa and Math2.intExponent, but works via string manipulation * to avoid roundoff problems (e.g., with 6.6260755e-24). * * @param d * @return int[2]: [0]=m, [1]=t. * (or {0, 0} if d=0, or {1, Integer.MAX_VALUE} if !finite(d)) */ public static int[] toRational(double d) { if (d == 0) return new int[] { 0, 0 }; if (!Double.isFinite(d)) return new int[] { 1, Integer.MAX_VALUE }; String s = "" + d; //-12.0 or 6.6260755E-24 //String2.log("\nd=" + d + "\ns=" + s); int ten = 0; //remove the e int epo = s.indexOf('E'); if (epo > 0) { ten = parseInt(s.substring(epo + 1)); s = s.substring(0, epo); //String2.log("remove E s=" + s + " ten=" + ten); } //remove .0; remove decimal point if (s.endsWith(".0")) s = s.substring(0, s.length() - 2); int dpo = s.indexOf('.'); if (dpo > 0) { ten -= s.length() - dpo - 1; s = s.substring(0, dpo) + s.substring(dpo + 1); //String2.log("remove . s=" + s + " ten=" + ten); } //convert s to long //need to lose some precision? long tl = parseLong(s); //String2.log("tl=" + tl + " s=" + s); while (Math.abs(tl) > 1000000000) { tl = Math.round(tl / 10.0); ten++; //String2.log("tl=" + tl + " ten=" + ten); } //remove trailing 0's while (tl != 0 && tl / 10 == tl / 10.0) { tl /= 10; ten++; //String2.log("remove 0 tl=" + tl + " ten=" + ten); } //add up to 3 0's? if (tl < 100000 && ten >= 1 && ten <= 3) { while (ten > 0) { tl *= 10; ten--; } } return new int[] { (int) tl, ten }; //safe since large values handled above } /** * This is different from String2.modifyToBeFileNameSafe -- * this encodes non-fileNameSafe characters so little or no information is lost. * <br>This returns the string with just file-name-safe characters (0-9, A-Z, a-z, _, -, .). * <br>'x' and non-safe characters are CONVERTED to 'x' plus their * 2 lowercase hexadecimalDigit number or "xx" + their 4 hexadecimalDigit number. * <br>See posix fully portable file names at . * <br>When the encoding is more than 25 characters, this stops encoding and * adds "xh" and the hash code for the entire original string, * so the result will always be less than ~41 characters. * * <p>THIS WON'T BE CHANGED. FILE NAMES CREATED FOR EDDGridCopy and EDDTableCopy * DEPEND ON SAME ENCODING OVER TIME. * * @param s * @return s with all of the non-fileNameSafe characters changed. * <br>If s is null, this returns "x-1". * <br>If s is "", this returns "x-0". */ public static String encodeFileNameSafe(String s) { if (s == null) return "x-1"; int n = s.length(); if (n == 0) return "x-0"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n / 3 * 4); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (sb.length() >= 25) { sb.append("xh" + md5Hex12(s)); //was Math2.reduceHashCode(s.hashCode())); break; } char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch != 'x' && isFileNameSafe(ch)) { sb.append(ch); } else if (ch <= 255) { sb.append("x" + zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(ch), 2)); } else { sb.append("xx" + zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(ch), 4)); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * This is like encodeFileNameSafe, but further restricts the name to * <ul> * <li>first character must be A-Z, a-z, _. * <li>subsequent characters must be A-Z, a-z, _, 0-9. * </ul> * 2016-06-16: DEPRECATED. * I THINK THAT RESTRICTION CLAIM ISN'T TRUE. BUT LEAVE THIS AS IS. * RECOMMEND: USE NEW encodeMatlabNameSafe FOR NEW USES. * <br>'x' and non-safe characters are CONVERTED to 'x' plus their * 2 lowercase hexadecimalDigit number or "xx" + their 4 hexadecimalDigit number. * <br>See posix fully portable file names at . * <br>When the encoding is more than 25 characters, this stops encoding and * adds "xh" and the hash code for the entire original string, * so the result will always be less than ~41 characters. * * <p>THIS WON'T BE CHANGED. FILE NAMES CREATED FOR EDDGridFromFile and EDDTableFromFile * DEPEND ON SAME ENCODING OVER TIME. * * @param s * @return s with all of the non-variableNameSafe characters changed. * <br>If s is null, this returns "x_1". * <br>If s is "", this returns "x_0". */ public static String encodeVariableNameSafe(String s) { if (s == null) return "x_1"; int n = s.length(); if (n == 0) return "x_0"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n / 3 * 4); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (sb.length() >= 25) { sb.append("xh" + md5Hex12(s)); //was Math2.reduceHashCode(s.hashCode())); break; } char ch = s.charAt(i); //THIS ISN'T RIGHT because isFileNameSafe now allows high ASCII letters! BUT LEAVE IT AS IS. if (ch != 'x' && isFileNameSafe(ch) && ch != '-' && ch != '.' && (i > 0 || ((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z') || (ch == '_')))) { sb.append(ch); } else if (ch <= 255) { sb.append("x" + zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(ch), 2)); } else { sb.append("xx" + zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(ch), 4)); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * This is like encodeFileNameSafe, but further restricts the name to * <ul> * <li>first character must be A-Z, a-z. * <li>subsequent characters must be A-Z, a-z, _, 0-9. * </ul> * <br>'x' and non-safe characters are CONVERTED to 'x' plus their * 2 lowercase hexadecimalDigit number or "xx" + their 4 hexadecimalDigit number. * <br>See posix fully portable file names at . * <br>When the encoding is more than 25 characters, this stops encoding and * adds "xh" and the hash code for the entire original string, * so the result will always be less than ~41 characters. * <br>This meets MatLab restrictions: * * * <p>THIS WON'T BE CHANGED. FILE NAMES CREATED FOR EDDGridFromFile and EDDTableFromFile * DEPEND ON SAME ENCODING OVER TIME. * * @param s * @return s with all of the non-variableNameSafe characters changed. * <br>If s is null, this returns "x_1". * <br>If s is "", this returns "x_0". */ public static String encodeMatlabNameSafe(String s) { if (s == null) return "x_1"; int n = s.length(); if (n == 0) return "x_0"; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(4 * Math.min(50, n) / 3); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (sb.length() >= 25) { sb.append("xh" + md5Hex12(s)); //was Math2.reduceHashCode(s.hashCode())); break; } char ch = s.charAt(i); if (ch == 'x') { sb.append("x" + zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(ch), 2)); } else if ((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')) { //1st chars sb.append(ch); } else if (i > 0 && ((ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') || ch == '_')) { //subsequent chars sb.append(ch); } else if (ch <= 255) { //others sb.append("x" + zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(ch), 2)); } else { //others sb.append("xx" + zeroPad(Integer.toHexString(ch), 4)); } } return sb.toString(); } /** * This is like encodeMatlabNameSafe, but simpler and won't always retain all the info. * <ul> * <li>first character must be A-Z, a-z. * <li>subsequent characters must be A-Z, a-z, _, 0-9. * </ul> * <br>non-safe characters are some safe variant. * <br>See posix fully portable file names at . * <br>When the encoding is more than 25 characters, this stops encoding and * adds "xh" and the hash code for the entire original string, * so the result will always be less than ~41 characters. * <br>This meets MatLab restrictions: * * * <p>THIS WON'T BE CHANGED. SOME datasetIDs DEPEND ON SAME ENCODING OVER TIME. * * @param s * @return s with all of the non-variableNameSafe characters changed. * <br>If s is null, this returns "null_". * <br>If s is "", this returns "nothing_". */ public static String simpleMatlabNameSafe(String s) { if (s == null) return "null_"; int n = s.length(); if (n == 0) return "nothing_"; s = modifyToBeASCII(s); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(4 * Math.min(50, n) / 3); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { if (sb.length() >= 25) { sb.append("_" + md5Hex12(s)); //was Math2.reduceHashCode(s.hashCode())); break; } char ch = s.charAt(i); if ((ch >= 'A' && ch <= 'Z') || (ch >= 'a' && ch <= 'z')) { //1st chars sb.append(ch); } else if (sb.length() > 0 && ch >= '0' && ch <= '9') { //subsequent chars sb.append(ch); //all other chars get converted to '_' //but '_' can't be first char and no two '_' in a row } else if (sb.length() > 0 && sb.charAt(sb.length() - 1) != '_') { sb.append('_'); } } if (sb.length() == 0) sb.append("a_"); return sb.toString(); } /** * Get gets the String from the system clipboard * (or null if none). * This works in a standalone Java program, not an applet. * From Java Developers Almanac. * This won't throw an exception. */ public static String getClipboardString() { try { Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); Transferable t = clipboard.getContents(null); if (t != null && t.isDataFlavorSupported(DataFlavor.stringFlavor)) return (String) t.getTransferData(DataFlavor.stringFlavor); } catch (Throwable th) { log(ERROR + " while getting the string from the clipboard:\n" + MustBe.throwableToString(th)); } return null; } /** This method writes a string to the system clipboard. * This works in a standalone Java program, not an applet. * From Java Developers Almanac. * This won't throw an exception. */ public static void setClipboardString(String s) { try { Clipboard clipboard = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getSystemClipboard(); clipboard.setContents(new StringSelection(s), null); } catch (Throwable t) { log(ERROR + " while putting the string on the clipboard:\n" + MustBe.throwableToString(t)); } } /** * This is like String.intern(), but uses a WeakHashMap so the canonical strings * can be garbage collected. * <br>This is thread safe. * <br>It is fast: ~0.002ms per call. * <br>See TestUtil.testString2canonical(). * * <p>Using this increases memory use by ~6 bytes per canonical string * (4 for pointer * ~.5 hashMap load factor). * <br>So it only saves memory if many strings would otherwise be duplicated. * <br>But if lots of strings are originally duplicates, it saves *lots* of memory. * * @param s the string (may be null) (may be from s2.substring(start, stop)) * @return a canonical string with the same characters as s. */ public static String canonical(String s) { if (s == null) return null; if (s.length() == 0) return ""; //generally, it slows things down to see if same as last canonical String. char ch0 = s.charAt(0); Map tCanonicalMap = canonicalMap[ch0 < 'A' ? 0 : ch0 < 'N' ? 1 : //divide uppercase into 2 parts ch0 < 'a' ? 2 : ch0 < 'j' ? 3 : //divide lowercase into 3 parts ch0 < 'r' ? 4 : 5]; //faster and logically better to synchronized(canonicalMap) once // (and use a few times in consistent state) //than to synchronize canonicalMap and lock/unlock twice synchronized (tCanonicalMap) { WeakReference wr = (WeakReference) tCanonicalMap.get(s); //wr won't be garbage collected, but reference might (making wr.get() return null) String canonical = wr == null ? null : (String) (wr.get()); if (canonical == null) { //For proof that new String(s.substring(,)) is just storing relevant chars, //not a reference to the parent string, see TestUtil.testString2canonical2() canonical = new String(s); //in case s is from s2.substring, copy to be just the characters tCanonicalMap.put(canonical, new WeakReference(canonical)); //log("new canonical string: " + canonical); } return canonical; } } /** This is only used to test canonical. */ public static int canonicalSize() { int sum = 0; for (int i = 0; i < canonicalMap.length; i++) sum += canonicalMap[i].size(); return sum; } /** * For command line parameters, this returns toJson(s) if the string is empty or contains * special characters or single or double quotes or backslash; otherwise it return s. */ public static String quoteParameterIfNeeded(String s) { return s.length() > 0 && isPrintable(s) && s.indexOf('\"') < 0 && s.indexOf('\'') < 0 && s.indexOf('\\') < 0 ? s : toJson(s); } /* * * This makes a medium-deep clone of an ArrayList by calling clone() of * each element of the ArrayList. * * @param oldArrayList * @param newArrayList If oldArrayList is null, this returns null. * Elements of oldArrayList can be null. */ /* I couldn't make this compile. clone throws an odd exception. public ArrayList clone(ArrayList oldArrayList) { if (oldArrayList == null) return (ArrayList)null; ArrayList newArrayList = new ArrayList(); int n = oldArrayList.size(); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { Object o = oldArrayList.get(i); try { if (o != null) o = o.clone(); } catch (Exception e) { } newArrayList.add(o); } return newArrayList; } */ /** This changes the characters case to title case (only letters after non-letters are * capitalized). This is simplistic (it doesn't know about acronyms or pH or ...). */ public static String toTitleCase(String s) { if (s == null) return null; int sLength = s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s); char c = ' ', oc = ' '; for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) { oc = c; c = sb.charAt(i); if (isLetter(c)) sb.setCharAt(i, isLetter(oc) ? Character.toLowerCase(c) : Character.toUpperCase(c)); } return sb.toString(); } /** This changes the character's case to sentence case * (first letter and first letter after each period capitalized). This is simplistic. */ public static String toSentenceCase(String s) { if (s == null) return null; int sLength = s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(s); boolean capNext = true; for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) { char c = sb.charAt(i); if (isLetter(c)) { if (capNext) { sb.setCharAt(i, Character.toUpperCase(c)); capNext = false; } else { sb.setCharAt(i, Character.toLowerCase(c)); } } else if (c == '.') { capNext = true; } } return sb.toString(); } /** This suggests a camel-case variable name. * * @param s the starting string for the variable name. * @return a valid variable name asciiLowerCaseLetter+asciiDigitLetter*, using camel case. * This is a simplistic suggestion. Different strings may return the same variable name. * null returns "null". * "" returns "a". */ public static String toVariableName(String s) { if (s == null) return "null"; int sLength = s.length(); if (sLength == 0) return "a"; s = modifyToBeASCII(s); s = toTitleCase(s); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) { char c = s.charAt(i); if (isDigitLetter(c)) sb.append(c); } if (sb.length() == 0) return "a"; char c = sb.charAt(0); sb.setCharAt(0, Character.toLowerCase(c)); if (c >= '0' && c <= '9') sb.insert(0, 'a'); return sb.toString(); } /** * This converts "camelCase99String" to "Camel Case 99 String" * * @param s the camel case string. * @return the string with spaces before capital letters. * null returns null. * "" returns "". */ public static String camelCaseToTitleCase(String s) { //change // but don't space out an acronym, e.g., E T O P O // and don't split hyphenated words, e.g., Real-Time if (s == null) return null; int n = s.length(); if (n <= 1) return s; StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n + 10); sb.append(Character.toUpperCase(s.charAt(0))); for (int i = 1; i < n; i++) { char chi1 = s.charAt(i - 1); char chi = s.charAt(i); if (Character.isLetter(chi)) { if (chi1 == Character.toLowerCase(chi1) && Character.isLetterOrDigit(chi1) && chi != Character.toLowerCase(chi)) sb.append(' '); } else if (Character.isDigit(chi)) { if (chi1 == Character.toLowerCase(chi1) && Character.isLetter(chi1)) sb.append(' '); } sb.append(chi); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This returns true if the string contains only ISO 8859-1 characters (i.e., 0 - 255). */ public static boolean isIso8859(String s) { int sLength = s.length(); for (int i = 0; i < sLength; i++) if (s.charAt(i) > 255) return false; return true; } /** This returns true if s isn't null and s.trim().length() > 0. */ public static boolean isSomething(String s) { return s != null && s.trim().length() > 0; } /** * This returns the text to make n system beeps if printed to the console. */ public static String beep(int n) { return makeString('\u0007', n); } /** * This cleverly concatenates the 2 strings (with "", ". ", or " ", as appropriate. */ public static String periodSpaceConcat(String a, String b) { if (!isSomething(a)) return isSomething(b) ? b : ""; //we know 'a' isSomething a = a.trim(); if (!isSomething(b)) return ""; //we know 'b' isSomething b = b.trim(); return a + (".!?;,".indexOf(a.charAt(a.length() - 1)) >= 0 ? " " : ". ") + b; } /** * This cleverly concatenates the 2 strings (with separator, as appropriate). * * @param a may be null or "" or something * @param separator will only be used if a and b are something. * @param b may be null or "" or something * @return a.trim(), a.trim()+separator+b.trim(), b.trim(), or "" */ public static String ifSomethingConcat(String a, String separator, String b) { if (isSomething(a)) return isSomething(b) ? a.trim() + separator + b.trim() : a.trim(); else return isSomething(b) ? b.trim() : ""; } /** * This cleverly concatenates the 2 strings (with separator, as appropriate). * Afterwards, a will have a, a+separator+b.trim(), b.trim(), or "" * * @param a may be null or "" or something * @param separator will only be used if a and b are something. * @param b may be null or "" or something */ public static void ifSomethingConcat(StringBuilder a, String separator, String b) { if (a.length() > 0) a.append(isSomething(b) ? separator + b.trim() : ""); else a.append(isSomething(b) ? b.trim() : ""); } /** * Given an Amazon AWS S3 URL, this returns the bucketName. * * If files have file-system-like names, e.g., * https?://(bucketName) * where the prefix is usually in the form dir1/dir2/fileName.ext * * * @param url * @return the bucketName or null if not an s3 URL */ public static String getAwsS3BucketName(String url) { if (url == null) return null; if (url.endsWith("")) url = File2.addSlash(url); Matcher matcher = AWS_S3_PATTERN.matcher(url); if (matcher.matches()) return; //bucketName return null; } /** * Given an Amazon AWS S3 URL, this returns the objectName or prefix. * * If files have file-system-like names, e.g., * https?://(bucketName) * where a prefix is usually in the form dir1/dir2/ * where an objectName is usually in the form dir1/dir2/fileName.ext * * * @param url If the url is supposed to be for a prefix, use * getAwsS3Prefix(File2.addSlash(url)) * @return the prefix or null if not an s3 URL */ public static String getAwsS3Prefix(String url) { if (url == null) return null; if (url.endsWith("")) url = File2.addSlash(url); Matcher matcher = AWS_S3_PATTERN.matcher(url); if (matcher.matches()) return; //prefix return null; } /** * This provides an startsWith() method for StringBuilder, which has none! * * @return true if sb starts with pre (including if pre=""), otherwise returns false (including * if sb or pre is null). */ public static boolean startsWith(StringBuilder sb, String pre) { if (sb == null || pre == null || pre.length() > sb.length()) return false; return sb.substring(0, pre.length()).equals(pre); } /** * This provides an endsWith() method for StringBuilder, which has none! * * @return true if sb ends with suffix (including if suffix=""), otherwise returns false (including * if sb or suffix is null). */ public static boolean endsWith(StringBuilder sb, String suffix) { if (sb == null || suffix == null || suffix.length() > sb.length()) return false; return sb.substring(sb.length() - suffix.length()).equals(suffix); } /** * This adds a newline to sb if sb.length() > 0 and !endsWith("\n"). * @return sb for convenience */ public static StringBuilder addNewlineIfNone(StringBuilder sb) { if (sb == null || sb.length() == 0) return sb; if (!endsWith(sb, "\n")) sb.append('\n'); return sb; } /** * Validate ACDD contact type (case insensitive search, case sensitive return), * or return null no match. */ public static String validateAcddContactType(String value) { int which = caseInsensitiveIndexOf(ACDD_CONTACT_TYPES, value); return which < 0 ? null : ACDD_CONTACT_TYPES[which]; } /** * Guess the ACDD contact type, or return null if new pretty sure. */ public static String guessAcddContactType(String name) { //guess publisher_type //order of tests is important //position is rare if (name.matches(ACDD_PERSON_REGEX1)) return "person"; if (name.matches(ACDD_GROUP_REGEX)) return "group"; if (name.matches(ACDD_INSTITUTION_REGEX1)) return "institution"; if (name.matches(ACDD_INSTITUTION_REGEX2)) return "institution"; if (name.matches(ACDD_PERSON_REGEX2)) return "person"; //if not pretty sure, don't specify return null; } /** * Convert plain text to simple regex by backslash encoding * all special regex chars. */ public static String plainTextToRegex(String s) { int n = s.length(); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(n + 32); for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) { char ch = s.charAt(i); if ("\\^$.?*+|{}[]()".indexOf(ch) >= 0) // , - sb.append('\\'); sb.append(ch); } return sb.toString(); } /** * This lists the methods for a given object's class. */ public static void listMethods(Object v) { Class tClass = v.getClass(); Method[] methods = tClass.getMethods(); for (int i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { String2.log("public method #" + i + ": " + methods[i]); } } } //End of String2 class.