Example usage for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf

List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf.


    public int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex) 

Source Link


From source file:org.apache.olio.workload.driver.UIDriver.java

public Set<String> parseImages(StringBuilder buffer) {
    LinkedHashSet<String> urlSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>();
    //String elStart = "<img ";
    String elStart = "background: ";
    String attrStart = " url(";
    int elStartLen = elStart.length() - 1; // Don't include the trailing space
    int attrStartLen = attrStart.length();
    int idx = 0;// w ww .ja  v a 2s .co  m
    logger.finest("Parsing images from buffer");
    for (;;) {

        // Find and copy out the element.
        idx = buffer.indexOf(elStart, idx);
        if (idx == -1) {
        idx += elStartLen;
        int endIdx = buffer.indexOf(")", idx) + 1; // +1 to include the '('
        if (endIdx == -1) {
        String elText = buffer.substring(idx, endIdx);
        idx = endIdx + 1;

        // Find the attribute
        int idx2 = elText.indexOf(attrStart);
        if (idx2 == -1) {
            logger.finer("No img src attribute. Weird! " + elText);
        endIdx = elText.indexOf(")", idx2 + attrStartLen);
        if (endIdx == -1) {
            logger.warning("No ) attribute ending. Weird! " + elText);

        String link = elText.substring(idx2 + attrStartLen, endIdx);
        if (link.startsWith("/uploaded_files")) {
            String url = baseURL + link;

            logger.finer("Adding " + url + " from idx " + idx);
    return urlSet;

From source file:org.jasig.ssp.dao.EarlyAlertDao.java

 * Returns string where clause of the HQL query based on parameters inputted
 *  NOTE: Includes the word where, so if already specified, replace with and!
 *    REQUIRES EarlyAlert with alias of ea and Campus with alias c elsewhere in HQL Query!
 * @param termCode//from  w  w w .  j av a  2s.com
 * @param createdDateFrom
 * @param createdDateTo
 * @param campus
 * @param status
 * @return
private String createEarlyAlertReportHQLWhereClause(String termCode, Date createdDateFrom, Date createdDateTo,
        Campus campus, ObjectStatus status) {
    final StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder("where ");
    String whereClauseToReturn = "";

    if (termCode != null) {
        whereClause.append("ea.courseTermCode = :courseTermCode and ");

    if (createdDateFrom != null) {
        whereClause.append("ea.createdDate >= :createdDateFrom and ");

    if (createdDateTo != null) {
        whereClause.append("ea.createdDate <= :createdDateTo and ");

    if (campus != null) {
        whereClause.append("c.id = :campusId and ");

    if (status != null) {
        whereClause.append("objectStatus = :objectStatus ");

    if (StringUtils.countMatches(whereClause.toString(), "and") > 0) {
        final int endingAnd = whereClause.indexOf("and", whereClause.length() - 5);

        if (endingAnd < 0) {
            whereClauseToReturn = whereClause.toString();
        } else {
            whereClauseToReturn = whereClause.toString().substring(0, endingAnd - 1);
    return whereClauseToReturn;

From source file:org.eclipse.b3.p2.maven.loader.Maven2RepositoryLoader.java

private boolean robotSafe(String baseURL, String path) throws CoreException {
    String robotStr = baseURL + "/robots.txt";
    URL robotURL;// w ww . java2s .  c o  m
    try {
        robotURL = new URL(robotStr);
    } catch (MalformedURLException e) {
        throw ExceptionUtils.fromMessage(e.getMessage());

    StringBuilder commands = new StringBuilder();
    InputStream robotStream = null;

    try {
        robotStream = robotURL.openStream();
        byte buffer[] = new byte[1024];
        int read;
        while ((read = robotStream.read(buffer)) != -1)
            commands.append(new String(buffer, 0, read));
    } catch (IOException e) {
        // no robots.txt file => safe to crawl
        return true;
    } finally {
        if (robotStream != null)
            try {
            } catch (IOException e) {
                // ignore

    // search for "Disallow:" commands.
    int index = 0;
    String disallow = "Disallow:";
    while ((index = commands.indexOf(disallow, index)) != -1) {
        index += disallow.length();
        String commandPath = commands.substring(index);
        StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(commandPath);

        if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens())

        String disallowedPath = tokenizer.nextToken();

        // if the URL starts with a disallowed path, it is not safe
        if (path.indexOf(disallowedPath) == 0)
            return false;

    return true;

From source file:oscar.eform.data.EForm.java

private StringBuilder putValue(String value, String type, int pointer, StringBuilder html) {
    // inserts value= into tag or textarea
    if (type == null)
        return html;
    if (type.equals("onclick") || type.equals("onclick_append")) {
        if (type.equals("onclick_append")) {
            if (html.charAt(pointer - 1) == '"')
                pointer -= 1;//from w w  w.jav a 2s.  c o  m
            if (html.charAt(pointer - 1) != ';')
                value = ";" + value;
        } else {
            value = "onclick=\"" + value + "\"";
        html.insert(pointer, " " + value);
    } else if (type.equals(OPENER_VALUE)) {
        html.insert(pointer, " " + OPENER_VALUE + "=\"" + value + "\"");
    } else if (type.equals("text") || type.equals("hidden")) {
        html.insert(pointer, " value=\"" + value + "\"");
    } else if (type.equals("textarea")) {
        pointer = html.indexOf(">", pointer) + 1;
        int endPointer = html.indexOf("<", pointer);
        html.delete(pointer, endPointer);
        html.insert(pointer, value);
    } else if (type.equals("checkbox")) {
        html.insert(pointer, " checked");
    } else if (type.equals("select")) {
        int endindex = StringBuilderUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(html, "</select>", pointer);
        if (endindex < 0)
            return html; // if closing tag not found

        int valueLoc = nextIndex(html, " value=" + value, " value=\"" + value, pointer);
        if (valueLoc < 0 || valueLoc > endindex)
            return html;

        pointer = nextSpot(html, valueLoc + 1);
        html.insert(pointer, " selected");
    } else if (type.equals("radio")) {
        int endindex = html.indexOf(">", pointer);
        int valindexS = nextIndex(html, " value=", " value=", pointer);
        if (valindexS < 0 || valindexS > endindex)
            return html; // if value= not found in tag

        valindexS += 7;
        if (html.charAt(valindexS) == '"')
        int valindexE = valindexS + value.length();
        if (html.substring(valindexS, valindexE).equals(value)) {
            pointer = nextSpot(html, valindexE);
            html.insert(pointer, " checked");
    return html;

From source file:oscar.eform.data.EForm.java

private void saveFieldValue(StringBuilder html, int fieldIndex) {
    String header = getFieldHeader(html, fieldIndex);
    if (EFormUtil.blank(header))
        return;/*from   www  .  j  a v  a  2 s  .  c  o m*/

    String name = EFormUtil.removeQuotes(EFormUtil.getAttribute("name", header));
    String value = EFormUtil.removeQuotes(EFormUtil.getAttribute("value", header));
    if (EFormUtil.blank(name))

    if (header.toLowerCase().startsWith("<input ")) {
        String type = EFormUtil.removeQuotes(EFormUtil.getAttribute("type", header));
        if (EFormUtil.blank(type))

        if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("radio")) {
            String checked = EFormUtil.removeQuotes(EFormUtil.getAttribute("checked", header));
            if (EFormUtil.blank(checked) || !checked.equalsIgnoreCase("checked"))
    } else if (header.toLowerCase().startsWith("<select ")) {
        String selects = html.substring(fieldIndex, html.indexOf("</select>", fieldIndex));
        int pos = selects.indexOf("<option ", 0);
        while (pos >= 0) {
            String option = getFieldHeader(selects, pos);
            String selected = EFormUtil.removeQuotes(EFormUtil.getAttribute("selected", option));
            if (!EFormUtil.blank(selected) && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("selected")) {
                value = EFormUtil.removeQuotes(EFormUtil.getAttribute("value", option));
            pos = selects.indexOf("<option ", pos + 1);
    } else if (header.toLowerCase().startsWith("<textarea ")) {
        int fieldEnd = html.indexOf("</textarea>", fieldIndex);
        value = html.substring(fieldIndex + header.length(), fieldEnd).trim();
        if (value.startsWith("\n"))
            value = value.substring(1); // remove 1st line break, UNIX style
        else if (value.startsWith("\r\n"))
            value = value.substring(2); // remove 1st line break, WINDOWS style
    name = name.toLowerCase();
    if (!EFormUtil.blank(value))
        fieldValues.put(name, value);

From source file:oscar.eform.data.EForm.java

private StringBuilder putValuesFromAP(DatabaseAP ap, String type, int pointer, StringBuilder html) {
    //prepare all sql & output
    String sql = ap.getApSQL();/*from   ww w.  j  ava  2s . c  o  m*/
    String output = ap.getApOutput();
    if (!EFormUtil.blank(sql)) {
        sql = replaceAllFields(sql);
        log.debug("SQL----" + sql);
        ArrayList<String> names = DatabaseAP.parserGetNames(output); // a list of ${apName} --> apName
        sql = DatabaseAP.parserClean(sql); // replaces all other ${apName} expressions with 'apName'

        if (ap.isJsonOutput()) {
            JSONArray values = EFormUtil.getJsonValues(names, sql);
            output = values.toString(); //in case of JsonOutput, return the whole JSONArray and let the javascript deal with it
        } else {
            ArrayList<String> values = EFormUtil.getValues(names, sql);
            if (values.size() != names.size()) {
                output = "";
            } else {
                for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) {
                    output = DatabaseAP.parserReplace(names.get(i), values.get(i), output);

    //put values into according controls
    if (type.equals("textarea")) {
        pointer = html.indexOf(">", pointer) + 1;
        html.insert(pointer, output);
    } else if (type.equals("select")) {
        int selectEnd = StringBuilderUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(html, "</select>", pointer);
        if (selectEnd >= 0) {
            int valueLoc = nextIndex(html, " value=" + output, " value=\"" + output, pointer);
            if (valueLoc < 0 || valueLoc > selectEnd)
                return html;
            pointer = nextSpot(html, valueLoc);
            html = html.insert(pointer, " selected");
    } else {
        String quote = output.contains("\"") ? "'" : "\"";
        html.insert(pointer, " value=" + quote + output + quote);
    return (html);

From source file:net.sourceforge.processdash.ev.ui.EVReport.java

private String fixChartHelpContent(String helpContent, String helpBaseUri, Map<String, String> chartHelp) {

    // discard headers and footers from the help content
    int cutStart = helpContent.indexOf("</h1>");
    if (cutStart != -1)
        helpContent = helpContent.substring(cutStart + 5);
    int cutEnd = helpContent.lastIndexOf("</body");
    if (cutEnd != -1)
        helpContent = helpContent.substring(0, cutEnd);

    // create a map of the chart help topics
    Map<String, String> chartUrls = new HashMap<String, String>();
    for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : chartHelp.entrySet()) {
        String chartId = e.getKey();
        String chartUrl = getChartDrillDownUrl(chartId);
        String helpUri = e.getValue();
        String helpName = hrefFileName(helpUri);
        chartUrls.put(helpName, chartUrl);
    }/*from  ww w  . j  a va  2s .c  o m*/

    // find and fix all the hrefs in this help topic:
    //   * If any hrefs point to the help topic for a different chart,
    //     rewrite the href so it actually loads the "drill-down page"
    //     for that chart instead.
    //   * For links that point to some non-chart help topic, rewrite the
    //     href to be absolute (so the help-relative URI won't break)

    StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(helpContent);
    int pos = 0;
    while (true) {
        // find the next href in the document.
        pos = html.indexOf("href=", pos);
        if (pos == -1)
            break; // no more hrefs to fix

        pos += 6;
        int beg = pos; // the first character of the href value itself
        char delim = html.charAt(beg - 1);
        int end = html.indexOf(String.valueOf(delim), beg);
        if (end == -1)
            continue; // invalid href syntax.  Skip to the next one.

        // extract the href value
        String oneHref = html.substring(beg, end);
        // extract the final portion of the path name
        String oneName = hrefFileName(oneHref);
        // see if that name refers to one of the charts we can display
        String chartUrl = chartUrls.get(oneName);
        if (chartUrl != null) {
            // replace the href with a chart drill-down URL
            html.replace(beg, end, chartUrl);
            pos = beg + chartUrl.length();
        } else {
            try {
                // make the URL absolute, and set a "target" attribute
                // so it will open in another window.
                URI base = new URI(helpBaseUri);
                URI target = base.resolve(oneHref);
                String newUri = target.toString();
                html.replace(beg, end, newUri);
                html.insert(beg - 6, "target='evHelp' ");
                pos = beg + newUri.length() + 16;
            } catch (Exception e) {
                // problems resolving the URI?  Turn the link into an
                // anchor so it can't be clicked on anymore.
                html.replace(beg - 6, beg - 2, "name");

    return html.toString();

From source file:com.flexive.shared.scripting.groovy.GroovyScriptExporterTools.java

 * Write the script code to create a group
 * @param ga                          the FxGroupAssignment to be scripted
 * @param childAssignments            a List of child assignments for the given group
 * @param groupAssignments            the map of FxGroupAssignments (keys) and their respective Lists of FxAssignments (values)
 * @param isDerived                   set to "true" if the assignment to be written is derived from another property
 * @param defaultsOnly                use only default settings provided by the GTB, no analysis of assignments will be performed
 * @param callOnlyGroups              a List of FxGroupAssignments for which no options should be generated
 * @param tabCount                    the number of tabs to be added to the code's left hand side
 * @param withoutDependencies         true = do not create assignment:xpath code
 * @param differingDerivedAssignments the List of assignment ids for derived assignments differing from their base assignments
 * @return returns the partial script as a String
 *//*from   ww  w. j  a va2  s.  c  om*/
public static String createGroup(FxGroupAssignment ga, List<FxAssignment> childAssignments,
        Map<FxGroupAssignment, List<FxAssignment>> groupAssignments, boolean isDerived, boolean defaultsOnly,
        List<FxGroupAssignment> callOnlyGroups, int tabCount, boolean withoutDependencies,
        List<Long> differingDerivedAssignments) {
    final StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(200);

    if (!isDerived || withoutDependencies) {
        final FxGroup group = ga.getGroup();
        // NAME
        final String groupName = keyWordNameCheck(group.getName().toUpperCase(), true);
        script.append(groupName).append("( "); // opening parenthesis + 1x \s

        if (callOnlyGroups == null || (callOnlyGroups != null && !callOnlyGroups.contains(ga))) {

            if (!defaultsOnly) {
                tabCount++; // add tabs for options
                // label and hint
                script.append(getLabelAndHintStructure(group, true, true, tabCount));

                Map<String, String> sopts = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>();
                sopts.put("alias", "\"" + ga.getAlias() + "\"");
                sopts.put("defaultMultiplicity", ga.getDefaultMultiplicity() + "");
                sopts.put("overrideMultiplicity", group.mayOverrideBaseMultiplicity() + "");
                sopts.put("multiplicity", "new FxMultiplicity(" + group.getMultiplicity().getMin() + ","
                        + group.getMultiplicity().getMax() + ")");
                sopts.put("groupMode", "GroupMode." + ga.getMode().name());

                // FxStructureOptions via the GroovyOptionbuilder
                script.append(getStructureOptions(group, tabCount));

                // append options to script
                for (String option : sopts.keySet()) {
                    script.append(simpleOption(option, sopts.get(option), tabCount));

                if (script.indexOf(",\n", script.length() - 2) != -1)
                    script.delete(script.length() - 2, script.length());

                --tabCount; // remove tab again

        script.append(") "); // closing parenthesis + 1x \s
        // if the difference analyser yields any data, change the assignment in the next line (only launch if defaultsOnly = false)
        if (!defaultsOnly) {
            final List<String> differences = AssignmentDifferenceAnalyser.analyse(ga, false);
            if (differences.size() > 0) {
                script.append(updateGroupAssignment(ga, false, differences, defaultsOnly, tabCount,
                        withoutDependencies, differingDerivedAssignments));
        final List<String> differences = AssignmentDifferenceAnalyser.analyse(ga, true);
        script.append(updateGroupAssignment(ga, true, differences, defaultsOnly, tabCount, withoutDependencies,

    // add child assignments ******************************
    if (childAssignments != null && childAssignments.size() > 0) {
        script.append("{\n"); // closing parenthesis and curly bracket
        // if childAssignments != null && size() == 0, then we are calling for derived groups in derived types
        // --> remove current group from groupAssignments to avoid infinite recursions
        if (differingDerivedAssignments != null && differingDerivedAssignments.size() > 0) {
        script.append(createChildAssignments(childAssignments, groupAssignments, defaultsOnly, callOnlyGroups,
                ++tabCount, withoutDependencies, differingDerivedAssignments));
        script.append("}"); // closing curly bracket

    return script.toString();

From source file:com.opensource.frameworks.processframework.utils.PropertyPlaceholderHelper.java

protected String parseStringValue(String strVal, PlaceholderResolver placeholderResolver,
        Set<String> visitedPlaceholders) {

    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(strVal);

    int startIndex = strVal.indexOf(this.placeholderPrefix);
    while (startIndex != -1) {
        int endIndex = findPlaceholderEndIndex(buf, startIndex);
        if (endIndex != -1) {
            String placeholder = buf.substring(startIndex + this.placeholderPrefix.length(), endIndex);
            if (!visitedPlaceholders.add(placeholder)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Circular placeholder reference '" + placeholder + "' in property definitions");
            }//from   ww w .  j  a va  2 s .co m
            // Recursive invocation, parsing placeholders contained in the placeholder key.
            placeholder = parseStringValue(placeholder, placeholderResolver, visitedPlaceholders);

            // Now obtain the value for the fully resolved key...
            String propVal = placeholderResolver.resolvePlaceholder(placeholder);
            if (propVal == null && this.valueSeparator != null) {
                int separatorIndex = placeholder.indexOf(this.valueSeparator);
                if (separatorIndex != -1) {
                    String actualPlaceholder = placeholder.substring(0, separatorIndex);
                    String defaultValue = placeholder.substring(separatorIndex + this.valueSeparator.length());
                    propVal = placeholderResolver.resolvePlaceholder(actualPlaceholder);
                    if (propVal == null) {
                        propVal = defaultValue;
            if (propVal != null) {
                // Recursive invocation, parsing placeholders contained in the
                // previously resolved placeholder value.
                propVal = parseStringValue(propVal, placeholderResolver, visitedPlaceholders);
                buf.replace(startIndex, endIndex + this.placeholderSuffix.length(), propVal);
                if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    logger.trace("Resolved placeholder '" + placeholder + "'");
                startIndex = buf.indexOf(this.placeholderPrefix, startIndex + propVal.length());
            } else if (this.ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders) {
                // Proceed with unprocessed value.
                startIndex = buf.indexOf(this.placeholderPrefix, endIndex + this.placeholderSuffix.length());
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not resolve placeholder '" + placeholder + "'");

        } else {
            startIndex = -1;

    return buf.toString();

From source file:com.harrywu.springweb.common.PropertyPlaceholderHelper.java

protected String parseStringValue(String strVal, StringValueResolver placeholderResolver,
        Set<String> visitedPlaceholders) {

    StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(strVal);

    int startIndex = strVal.indexOf(this.placeholderPrefix);
    while (startIndex != -1) {
        int endIndex = findPlaceholderEndIndex(buf, startIndex);
        if (endIndex != -1) {
            String placeholder = buf.substring(startIndex + this.placeholderPrefix.length(), endIndex);
            if (!visitedPlaceholders.add(placeholder)) {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                        "Circular placeholder reference '" + placeholder + "' in property definitions");
            }/*  www.j a v a 2 s. co m*/
            // Recursive invocation, parsing placeholders contained in the placeholder key.
            placeholder = parseStringValue(placeholder, placeholderResolver, visitedPlaceholders);

            // Now obtain the value for the fully resolved key...
            String propVal = placeholderResolver.resolveStringValue(placeholder);
            if (propVal == null && this.valueSeparator != null) {
                int separatorIndex = placeholder.indexOf(this.valueSeparator);
                if (separatorIndex != -1) {
                    String actualPlaceholder = placeholder.substring(0, separatorIndex);
                    String defaultValue = placeholder.substring(separatorIndex + this.valueSeparator.length());
                    propVal = placeholderResolver.resolveStringValue(actualPlaceholder);
                    if (propVal == null) {
                        propVal = defaultValue;
            if (propVal != null) {
                // Recursive invocation, parsing placeholders contained in the
                // previously resolved placeholder value.
                propVal = parseStringValue(propVal, placeholderResolver, visitedPlaceholders);
                buf.replace(startIndex, endIndex + this.placeholderSuffix.length(), propVal);

                if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    logger.trace("Resolved placeholder '" + placeholder + "'");

                startIndex = buf.indexOf(this.placeholderPrefix, startIndex + propVal.length());
            } else if (this.ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders) {
                // Proceed with unprocessed value.
                startIndex = buf.indexOf(this.placeholderPrefix, endIndex + this.placeholderSuffix.length());
            } else {
                throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not resolve placeholder '" + placeholder + "'");

        } else {
            startIndex = -1;

    return buf.toString();