List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuilder indexOf
@Override public int indexOf(String str, int fromIndex)
From source
public Set<String> parseImages(StringBuilder buffer) { LinkedHashSet<String> urlSet = new LinkedHashSet<String>(); //String elStart = "<img "; String elStart = "background: "; String attrStart = " url("; int elStartLen = elStart.length() - 1; // Don't include the trailing space int attrStartLen = attrStart.length(); int idx = 0;// w ww .ja v a 2s .co m logger.finest("Parsing images from buffer"); for (;;) { // Find and copy out the element. idx = buffer.indexOf(elStart, idx); if (idx == -1) { break; } idx += elStartLen; int endIdx = buffer.indexOf(")", idx) + 1; // +1 to include the '(' if (endIdx == -1) { break; } String elText = buffer.substring(idx, endIdx); logger.finest(elText); idx = endIdx + 1; // Find the attribute int idx2 = elText.indexOf(attrStart); if (idx2 == -1) { logger.finer("No img src attribute. Weird! " + elText); continue; } endIdx = elText.indexOf(")", idx2 + attrStartLen); if (endIdx == -1) { logger.warning("No ) attribute ending. Weird! " + elText); continue; } String link = elText.substring(idx2 + attrStartLen, endIdx); if (link.startsWith("/uploaded_files")) { String url = baseURL + link; logger.finer("Adding " + url + " from idx " + idx); urlSet.add(url); } } return urlSet; }
From source
/** * Returns string where clause of the HQL query based on parameters inputted * NOTE: Includes the word where, so if already specified, replace with and! * REQUIRES EarlyAlert with alias of ea and Campus with alias c elsewhere in HQL Query! * @param termCode//from w w w . j av a * @param createdDateFrom * @param createdDateTo * @param campus * @param status * @return */ private String createEarlyAlertReportHQLWhereClause(String termCode, Date createdDateFrom, Date createdDateTo, Campus campus, ObjectStatus status) { final StringBuilder whereClause = new StringBuilder("where "); String whereClauseToReturn = ""; if (termCode != null) { whereClause.append("ea.courseTermCode = :courseTermCode and "); } if (createdDateFrom != null) { whereClause.append("ea.createdDate >= :createdDateFrom and "); } if (createdDateTo != null) { whereClause.append("ea.createdDate <= :createdDateTo and "); } if (campus != null) { whereClause.append(" = :campusId and "); } if (status != null) { whereClause.append("objectStatus = :objectStatus "); } if (StringUtils.countMatches(whereClause.toString(), "and") > 0) { final int endingAnd = whereClause.indexOf("and", whereClause.length() - 5); if (endingAnd < 0) { whereClauseToReturn = whereClause.toString(); } else { whereClauseToReturn = whereClause.toString().substring(0, endingAnd - 1); } } return whereClauseToReturn; }
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private boolean robotSafe(String baseURL, String path) throws CoreException { String robotStr = baseURL + "/robots.txt"; URL robotURL;// w ww . java2s . c o m try { robotURL = new URL(robotStr); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw ExceptionUtils.fromMessage(e.getMessage()); } StringBuilder commands = new StringBuilder(); InputStream robotStream = null; try { robotStream = robotURL.openStream(); byte buffer[] = new byte[1024]; int read; while ((read = != -1) commands.append(new String(buffer, 0, read)); } catch (IOException e) { // no robots.txt file => safe to crawl return true; } finally { if (robotStream != null) try { robotStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { // ignore } } // search for "Disallow:" commands. int index = 0; String disallow = "Disallow:"; while ((index = commands.indexOf(disallow, index)) != -1) { index += disallow.length(); String commandPath = commands.substring(index); StringTokenizer tokenizer = new StringTokenizer(commandPath); if (!tokenizer.hasMoreTokens()) break; String disallowedPath = tokenizer.nextToken(); // if the URL starts with a disallowed path, it is not safe if (path.indexOf(disallowedPath) == 0) return false; } return true; }
From source
private StringBuilder putValue(String value, String type, int pointer, StringBuilder html) { // inserts value= into tag or textarea if (type == null) return html; if (type.equals("onclick") || type.equals("onclick_append")) { if (type.equals("onclick_append")) { if (html.charAt(pointer - 1) == '"') pointer -= 1;//from w w w.jav a 2s. c o m if (html.charAt(pointer - 1) != ';') value = ";" + value; } else { value = "onclick=\"" + value + "\""; } html.insert(pointer, " " + value); } else if (type.equals(OPENER_VALUE)) { html.insert(pointer, " " + OPENER_VALUE + "=\"" + value + "\""); } else if (type.equals("text") || type.equals("hidden")) { html.insert(pointer, " value=\"" + value + "\""); } else if (type.equals("textarea")) { pointer = html.indexOf(">", pointer) + 1; int endPointer = html.indexOf("<", pointer); html.delete(pointer, endPointer); html.insert(pointer, value); } else if (type.equals("checkbox")) { html.insert(pointer, " checked"); } else if (type.equals("select")) { int endindex = StringBuilderUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(html, "</select>", pointer); if (endindex < 0) return html; // if closing tag not found int valueLoc = nextIndex(html, " value=" + value, " value=\"" + value, pointer); if (valueLoc < 0 || valueLoc > endindex) return html; pointer = nextSpot(html, valueLoc + 1); html.insert(pointer, " selected"); } else if (type.equals("radio")) { int endindex = html.indexOf(">", pointer); int valindexS = nextIndex(html, " value=", " value=", pointer); if (valindexS < 0 || valindexS > endindex) return html; // if value= not found in tag valindexS += 7; if (html.charAt(valindexS) == '"') valindexS++; int valindexE = valindexS + value.length(); if (html.substring(valindexS, valindexE).equals(value)) { pointer = nextSpot(html, valindexE); html.insert(pointer, " checked"); } } return html; }
From source
private void saveFieldValue(StringBuilder html, int fieldIndex) { String header = getFieldHeader(html, fieldIndex); if (EFormUtil.blank(header)) return;/*from www . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ String name = EFormUtil.removeQuotes(EFormUtil.getAttribute("name", header)); String value = EFormUtil.removeQuotes(EFormUtil.getAttribute("value", header)); if (EFormUtil.blank(name)) return; if (header.toLowerCase().startsWith("<input ")) { String type = EFormUtil.removeQuotes(EFormUtil.getAttribute("type", header)); if (EFormUtil.blank(type)) return; if (type.equalsIgnoreCase("radio")) { String checked = EFormUtil.removeQuotes(EFormUtil.getAttribute("checked", header)); if (EFormUtil.blank(checked) || !checked.equalsIgnoreCase("checked")) return; } } else if (header.toLowerCase().startsWith("<select ")) { String selects = html.substring(fieldIndex, html.indexOf("</select>", fieldIndex)); int pos = selects.indexOf("<option ", 0); while (pos >= 0) { String option = getFieldHeader(selects, pos); String selected = EFormUtil.removeQuotes(EFormUtil.getAttribute("selected", option)); if (!EFormUtil.blank(selected) && selected.equalsIgnoreCase("selected")) { value = EFormUtil.removeQuotes(EFormUtil.getAttribute("value", option)); break; } pos = selects.indexOf("<option ", pos + 1); } } else if (header.toLowerCase().startsWith("<textarea ")) { int fieldEnd = html.indexOf("</textarea>", fieldIndex); value = html.substring(fieldIndex + header.length(), fieldEnd).trim(); if (value.startsWith("\n")) value = value.substring(1); // remove 1st line break, UNIX style else if (value.startsWith("\r\n")) value = value.substring(2); // remove 1st line break, WINDOWS style } name = name.toLowerCase(); if (!EFormUtil.blank(value)) fieldValues.put(name, value); }
From source
private StringBuilder putValuesFromAP(DatabaseAP ap, String type, int pointer, StringBuilder html) { //prepare all sql & output String sql = ap.getApSQL();/*from ww w. j ava 2s . c o m*/ String output = ap.getApOutput(); if (!EFormUtil.blank(sql)) { sql = replaceAllFields(sql); log.debug("SQL----" + sql); ArrayList<String> names = DatabaseAP.parserGetNames(output); // a list of ${apName} --> apName sql = DatabaseAP.parserClean(sql); // replaces all other ${apName} expressions with 'apName' if (ap.isJsonOutput()) { JSONArray values = EFormUtil.getJsonValues(names, sql); output = values.toString(); //in case of JsonOutput, return the whole JSONArray and let the javascript deal with it } else { ArrayList<String> values = EFormUtil.getValues(names, sql); if (values.size() != names.size()) { output = ""; } else { for (int i = 0; i < names.size(); i++) { output = DatabaseAP.parserReplace(names.get(i), values.get(i), output); } } } } //put values into according controls if (type.equals("textarea")) { pointer = html.indexOf(">", pointer) + 1; html.insert(pointer, output); } else if (type.equals("select")) { int selectEnd = StringBuilderUtils.indexOfIgnoreCase(html, "</select>", pointer); if (selectEnd >= 0) { int valueLoc = nextIndex(html, " value=" + output, " value=\"" + output, pointer); if (valueLoc < 0 || valueLoc > selectEnd) return html; pointer = nextSpot(html, valueLoc); html = html.insert(pointer, " selected"); } } else { String quote = output.contains("\"") ? "'" : "\""; html.insert(pointer, " value=" + quote + output + quote); } return (html); }
From source
private String fixChartHelpContent(String helpContent, String helpBaseUri, Map<String, String> chartHelp) { // discard headers and footers from the help content int cutStart = helpContent.indexOf("</h1>"); if (cutStart != -1) helpContent = helpContent.substring(cutStart + 5); int cutEnd = helpContent.lastIndexOf("</body"); if (cutEnd != -1) helpContent = helpContent.substring(0, cutEnd); // create a map of the chart help topics Map<String, String> chartUrls = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> e : chartHelp.entrySet()) { String chartId = e.getKey(); String chartUrl = getChartDrillDownUrl(chartId); String helpUri = e.getValue(); String helpName = hrefFileName(helpUri); chartUrls.put(helpName, chartUrl); }/*from ww w . j a va 2s .c o m*/ // find and fix all the hrefs in this help topic: // * If any hrefs point to the help topic for a different chart, // rewrite the href so it actually loads the "drill-down page" // for that chart instead. // * For links that point to some non-chart help topic, rewrite the // href to be absolute (so the help-relative URI won't break) StringBuilder html = new StringBuilder(helpContent); int pos = 0; while (true) { // find the next href in the document. pos = html.indexOf("href=", pos); if (pos == -1) break; // no more hrefs to fix pos += 6; int beg = pos; // the first character of the href value itself char delim = html.charAt(beg - 1); int end = html.indexOf(String.valueOf(delim), beg); if (end == -1) continue; // invalid href syntax. Skip to the next one. // extract the href value String oneHref = html.substring(beg, end); // extract the final portion of the path name String oneName = hrefFileName(oneHref); // see if that name refers to one of the charts we can display String chartUrl = chartUrls.get(oneName); if (chartUrl != null) { // replace the href with a chart drill-down URL html.replace(beg, end, chartUrl); pos = beg + chartUrl.length(); } else { try { // make the URL absolute, and set a "target" attribute // so it will open in another window. URI base = new URI(helpBaseUri); URI target = base.resolve(oneHref); String newUri = target.toString(); html.replace(beg, end, newUri); html.insert(beg - 6, "target='evHelp' "); pos = beg + newUri.length() + 16; } catch (Exception e) { // problems resolving the URI? Turn the link into an // anchor so it can't be clicked on anymore. html.replace(beg - 6, beg - 2, "name"); } } } return html.toString(); }
From source
/** * Write the script code to create a group * * @param ga the FxGroupAssignment to be scripted * @param childAssignments a List of child assignments for the given group * @param groupAssignments the map of FxGroupAssignments (keys) and their respective Lists of FxAssignments (values) * @param isDerived set to "true" if the assignment to be written is derived from another property * @param defaultsOnly use only default settings provided by the GTB, no analysis of assignments will be performed * @param callOnlyGroups a List of FxGroupAssignments for which no options should be generated * @param tabCount the number of tabs to be added to the code's left hand side * @param withoutDependencies true = do not create assignment:xpath code * @param differingDerivedAssignments the List of assignment ids for derived assignments differing from their base assignments * @return returns the partial script as a String *//*from ww w. j a va2 s. c om*/ public static String createGroup(FxGroupAssignment ga, List<FxAssignment> childAssignments, Map<FxGroupAssignment, List<FxAssignment>> groupAssignments, boolean isDerived, boolean defaultsOnly, List<FxGroupAssignment> callOnlyGroups, int tabCount, boolean withoutDependencies, List<Long> differingDerivedAssignments) { final StringBuilder script = new StringBuilder(200); if (!isDerived || withoutDependencies) { final FxGroup group = ga.getGroup(); // NAME script.append(Indent.tabs(tabCount)); final String groupName = keyWordNameCheck(group.getName().toUpperCase(), true); script.append(groupName).append("( "); // opening parenthesis + 1x \s // CHECK IF THIS GROUP WAS CREATED BEFOREHAND AND ONLY NEEDS TO BE CALLED FOR STRUCTURE CREATION if (callOnlyGroups == null || (callOnlyGroups != null && !callOnlyGroups.contains(ga))) { if (!defaultsOnly) { tabCount++; // add tabs for options script.append("\n"); // label and hint script.append(getLabelAndHintStructure(group, true, true, tabCount)); Map<String, String> sopts = new LinkedHashMap<String, String>(); sopts.put("alias", "\"" + ga.getAlias() + "\""); sopts.put("defaultMultiplicity", ga.getDefaultMultiplicity() + ""); sopts.put("overrideMultiplicity", group.mayOverrideBaseMultiplicity() + ""); sopts.put("multiplicity", "new FxMultiplicity(" + group.getMultiplicity().getMin() + "," + group.getMultiplicity().getMax() + ")"); sopts.put("groupMode", "GroupMode." + ga.getMode().name()); // FxStructureOptions via the GroovyOptionbuilder script.append(getStructureOptions(group, tabCount)); // append options to script for (String option : sopts.keySet()) { script.append(simpleOption(option, sopts.get(option), tabCount)); } script.trimToSize(); if (script.indexOf(",\n", script.length() - 2) != -1) script.delete(script.length() - 2, script.length()); --tabCount; // remove tab again } } script.append(") "); // closing parenthesis + 1x \s // if the difference analyser yields any data, change the assignment in the next line (only launch if defaultsOnly = false) if (!defaultsOnly) { final List<String> differences = AssignmentDifferenceAnalyser.analyse(ga, false); if (differences.size() > 0) { script.append(updateGroupAssignment(ga, false, differences, defaultsOnly, tabCount, withoutDependencies, differingDerivedAssignments)); } } } else { // DERIVED GROUP ASSIGNMENTS final List<String> differences = AssignmentDifferenceAnalyser.analyse(ga, true); script.append(updateGroupAssignment(ga, true, differences, defaultsOnly, tabCount, withoutDependencies, differingDerivedAssignments)); } // add child assignments ****************************** if (childAssignments != null && childAssignments.size() > 0) { script.append("{\n"); // closing parenthesis and curly bracket // if childAssignments != null && size() == 0, then we are calling for derived groups in derived types // --> remove current group from groupAssignments to avoid infinite recursions if (differingDerivedAssignments != null && differingDerivedAssignments.size() > 0) { groupAssignments.remove(ga); } script.append(createChildAssignments(childAssignments, groupAssignments, defaultsOnly, callOnlyGroups, ++tabCount, withoutDependencies, differingDerivedAssignments)); script.append(Indent.tabs(--tabCount)); script.append("}"); // closing curly bracket } script.append("\n"); script.trimToSize(); return script.toString(); }
From source
protected String parseStringValue(String strVal, PlaceholderResolver placeholderResolver, Set<String> visitedPlaceholders) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(strVal); int startIndex = strVal.indexOf(this.placeholderPrefix); while (startIndex != -1) { int endIndex = findPlaceholderEndIndex(buf, startIndex); if (endIndex != -1) { String placeholder = buf.substring(startIndex + this.placeholderPrefix.length(), endIndex); if (!visitedPlaceholders.add(placeholder)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Circular placeholder reference '" + placeholder + "' in property definitions"); }//from ww w . j a va 2 s .co m // Recursive invocation, parsing placeholders contained in the placeholder key. placeholder = parseStringValue(placeholder, placeholderResolver, visitedPlaceholders); // Now obtain the value for the fully resolved key... String propVal = placeholderResolver.resolvePlaceholder(placeholder); if (propVal == null && this.valueSeparator != null) { int separatorIndex = placeholder.indexOf(this.valueSeparator); if (separatorIndex != -1) { String actualPlaceholder = placeholder.substring(0, separatorIndex); String defaultValue = placeholder.substring(separatorIndex + this.valueSeparator.length()); propVal = placeholderResolver.resolvePlaceholder(actualPlaceholder); if (propVal == null) { propVal = defaultValue; } } } if (propVal != null) { // Recursive invocation, parsing placeholders contained in the // previously resolved placeholder value. propVal = parseStringValue(propVal, placeholderResolver, visitedPlaceholders); buf.replace(startIndex, endIndex + this.placeholderSuffix.length(), propVal); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Resolved placeholder '" + placeholder + "'"); } startIndex = buf.indexOf(this.placeholderPrefix, startIndex + propVal.length()); } else if (this.ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders) { // Proceed with unprocessed value. startIndex = buf.indexOf(this.placeholderPrefix, endIndex + this.placeholderSuffix.length()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not resolve placeholder '" + placeholder + "'"); } visitedPlaceholders.remove(placeholder); } else { startIndex = -1; } } return buf.toString(); }
From source
protected String parseStringValue(String strVal, StringValueResolver placeholderResolver, Set<String> visitedPlaceholders) { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(strVal); int startIndex = strVal.indexOf(this.placeholderPrefix); while (startIndex != -1) { int endIndex = findPlaceholderEndIndex(buf, startIndex); if (endIndex != -1) { String placeholder = buf.substring(startIndex + this.placeholderPrefix.length(), endIndex); if (!visitedPlaceholders.add(placeholder)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "Circular placeholder reference '" + placeholder + "' in property definitions"); }/* www.j a v a 2 s. co m*/ // Recursive invocation, parsing placeholders contained in the placeholder key. placeholder = parseStringValue(placeholder, placeholderResolver, visitedPlaceholders); // Now obtain the value for the fully resolved key... String propVal = placeholderResolver.resolveStringValue(placeholder); if (propVal == null && this.valueSeparator != null) { int separatorIndex = placeholder.indexOf(this.valueSeparator); if (separatorIndex != -1) { String actualPlaceholder = placeholder.substring(0, separatorIndex); String defaultValue = placeholder.substring(separatorIndex + this.valueSeparator.length()); propVal = placeholderResolver.resolveStringValue(actualPlaceholder); if (propVal == null) { propVal = defaultValue; } } } if (propVal != null) { // Recursive invocation, parsing placeholders contained in the // previously resolved placeholder value. propVal = parseStringValue(propVal, placeholderResolver, visitedPlaceholders); buf.replace(startIndex, endIndex + this.placeholderSuffix.length(), propVal); if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) { logger.trace("Resolved placeholder '" + placeholder + "'"); } startIndex = buf.indexOf(this.placeholderPrefix, startIndex + propVal.length()); } else if (this.ignoreUnresolvablePlaceholders) { // Proceed with unprocessed value. startIndex = buf.indexOf(this.placeholderPrefix, endIndex + this.placeholderSuffix.length()); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Could not resolve placeholder '" + placeholder + "'"); } visitedPlaceholders.remove(placeholder); } else { startIndex = -1; } } return buf.toString(); }