List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuffer replace
@Override public synchronized StringBuffer replace(int start, int end, String str)
From source
private SshPublicKey getAuthorizedKey(String username, String algorithm, byte[] encoded) throws IOException { NativeAuthenticationProvider provider = NativeAuthenticationProvider.getInstance(); String userHome = provider.getHomeDirectory(username); //, nativeSettings); if (userHome == null) { log.warn("There is no home directory for " + username + " is available"); }//from w w w . j a v a 2 s.c om // Replace '\' with '/' because when we use it in String.replaceAll // for some reason it removes them? if (userHome != null) { userHome = userHome.replace('\\', '/'); } ServerConfiguration config = (ServerConfiguration) ConfigurationLoader .getConfiguration(ServerConfiguration.class); String authorizationFile; String userConfigDir = config.getUserConfigDirectory(); // First replace any '\' with '/' (Becasue replaceAll removes them!) userConfigDir = userConfigDir.replace('\\', '/'); // Replace any home directory tokens if ((userConfigDir.indexOf("%D") > -1) && (userHome == null)) { throw new IOException( "<UserConfigDirectory> requires home directory, but none available for " + username); } int idx = 0; while ((idx = userConfigDir.indexOf("%D", idx + 1)) > -1) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(userConfigDir); buf = buf.replace(idx, idx + 1, userHome); userConfigDir = buf.toString(); } idx = 0; while ((idx = userConfigDir.indexOf("%U", idx + 1)) > -1) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(userConfigDir); buf = buf.replace(idx, idx + 1, username); userConfigDir = buf.toString(); } // Replace the '/' with File.seperator and trim userConfigDir = userConfigDir.replace('/', File.separatorChar).trim(); if (!userConfigDir.endsWith(File.separator)) { userConfigDir += File.separator; } authorizationFile = userConfigDir + config.getAuthorizationFile(); // Load the authorization file File file = new File(authorizationFile); if (!file.exists()) {"authorizationFile: " + authorizationFile + " does not exist."); throw new IOException("authorizationFile: " + authorizationFile + " does not exist."); } FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(file); Authorization keys; try { keys = new Authorization(in); } catch (Exception e) { throw new AuthenticationProtocolException("Failed to load authorized keys file " + authorizationFile); } // SshPublicKey key = SshPublicKeyFile.parse(encoded); Iterator it = keys.getAuthorizedKeys().iterator(); SshKeyPair pair = SshKeyPairFactory.newInstance(algorithm); SshPublicKey authorizedKey = null; SshPublicKey key = pair.decodePublicKey(encoded); boolean valid = false; String keyfile; while (it.hasNext()) { keyfile = (String); // Look for the file in the user config dir first file = new File(userConfigDir + keyfile); // If it does not exist then look absolute if (!file.exists()) { file = new File(keyfile); } if (file.exists()) { // Try to open the public key in the default file format // otherwise attempt the supported key formats SshPublicKeyFile pkf = SshPublicKeyFile.parse(file); authorizedKey = pkf.toPublicKey(); if (authorizedKey.equals(key)) { return authorizedKey; } } else {"Failed attempt to load key file " + keyfile); } } throw new IOException(""); }
From source
/** * Run the report to get the top zip codes for a range of dates. * * @param startdate Start of date range. * @param enddate End of date range./*www . jav a 2s . c o m*/ * @param quantity Number of items to return in report. * @param reportFormat - Report format information. * @return Report containing results. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Report getTopSellingZipsForDates(java.util.Date startdate, java.util.Date enddate, int quantity, ReportFormat reportFormat) { Report report = null; Connection conn = null; ResultSet results = null; PreparedStatement sqlStatement = null; try { // Establish connection to datasource. String orderInfoTableName = "ORDER1"; DataSource ds = (DataSource) Util.getInitialContext().lookup("jdbc/PlantsByWebSphereDataSource"); conn = ds.getConnection(); // Set sort order of ascending or descending. String sortOrder; if (reportFormat.isAscending()) sortOrder = "ASC"; else sortOrder = "DESC"; // Set up where by clause. String startDateString = Long.toString(startdate.getTime()); if (startDateString.length() < 14) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(Util.ZERO_14); sb.replace((14 - startDateString.length()), 14, startDateString); startDateString = sb.toString(); } String endDateString = Long.toString(enddate.getTime()); if (endDateString.length() < 14) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(Util.ZERO_14); sb.replace((14 - endDateString.length()), 14, endDateString); endDateString = sb.toString(); } String whereString = " WHERE sellDate BETWEEN '" + startDateString + "' AND '" + endDateString + "' "; // Create SQL statement. String sqlString = "SELECT billZip, SUM(profit) AS PROFITS FROM " + orderInfoTableName + whereString + " GROUP BY billZip ORDER BY PROFITS " + sortOrder + ", billZip"; Util.debug("sqlstring=" + sqlString + "="); sqlStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sqlString); results = sqlStatement.executeQuery(); int i; // Initialize vectors to store data in. Vector[] vecs = new Vector[2]; for (i = 0; i < vecs.length; i++) { vecs[i] = new Vector(); } // Sift thru results. int count = 0; while (( && (count < quantity)) { count++; i = 1; vecs[0].addElement(results.getString(i++)); vecs[1].addElement(new Float(results.getFloat(i++))); } // Create report. report = new Report(); report.setReportFieldByRow(Report.ORDER_BILLZIP, vecs[0]); report.setReportFieldByRow(Report.PROFITS, vecs[1]); } catch (NamingException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } catch (SQLException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // Clean up. try { if (results != null) results.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } try { if (sqlStatement != null) sqlStatement.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } // Close Connection. try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } return report; }
From source
/** * Run the report to get the top selling items for a range of dates. * * @param startdate Start of date range. * @param enddate End of date range.//from w w w . jav a2 m * @param quantity Number of items to return in report. * @param reportFormat - Report format information. * @return Report containing results. */ @SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public Report getTopSellersForDates(java.util.Date startdate, java.util.Date enddate, int quantity, ReportFormat reportFormat) { Report report = null; Connection conn = null; ResultSet results = null; PreparedStatement sqlStatement = null; try { // Establish connection to datasource. String orderItemsTableName = "ORDERITEM"; DataSource ds = (DataSource) Util.getInitialContext().lookup("jdbc/PlantsByWebSphereDataSource"); conn = ds.getConnection(); // Set sort order of ascending or descending. String sortOrder; if (reportFormat.isAscending()) sortOrder = "ASC"; else sortOrder = "DESC"; // Set up where by clause. String startDateString = Long.toString(startdate.getTime()); if (startDateString.length() < 14) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(Util.ZERO_14); sb.replace((14 - startDateString.length()), 14, startDateString); startDateString = sb.toString(); } String endDateString = Long.toString(enddate.getTime()); if (endDateString.length() < 14) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(Util.ZERO_14); sb.replace((14 - endDateString.length()), 14, endDateString); endDateString = sb.toString(); } String whereString = " WHERE sellDate BETWEEN '" + startDateString + "' AND '" + endDateString + "' "; // Create SQL statement. String sqlString = "SELECT inventoryID, name, category," + " SUM(quantity * (price - cost)) as PROFIT FROM " + orderItemsTableName + whereString + " GROUP BY inventoryID, name, category ORDER BY PROFIT " + sortOrder + ", name"; Util.debug("sqlstring=" + sqlString); sqlStatement = conn.prepareStatement(sqlString); results = sqlStatement.executeQuery(); int i; // Initialize vectors to store data in. Vector[] vecs = new Vector[4]; for (i = 0; i < vecs.length; i++) { vecs[i] = new Vector(); } // Sift thru results. int count = 0; while (( && (count < quantity)) { count++; i = 1; vecs[0].addElement(results.getString(i++)); vecs[1].addElement(results.getString(i++)); vecs[2].addElement(new Integer(results.getInt(i++))); vecs[3].addElement(new Float(results.getFloat(i++))); } // Create report. report = new Report(); report.setReportFieldByRow(Report.ORDER_INVENTORY_ID, vecs[0]); report.setReportFieldByRow(Report.ORDER_INVENTORY_NAME, vecs[1]); report.setReportFieldByRow(Report.ORDER_INVENTORY_CATEGORY, vecs[2]); report.setReportFieldByRow(Report.PROFITS, vecs[3]); } catch (Exception e) { Util.debug("exception in ReportGeneratorBean:getTopSellersForDates. " + e); e.printStackTrace(); } finally { // Clean up. try { if (results != null) results.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } try { if (sqlStatement != null) sqlStatement.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } // Close Connection. try { if (conn != null) conn.close(); } catch (Exception ignore) { } } return report; }
From source
private void replaceProperties(StringBuffer propXmlBuilder, StringBuffer jnlpBuilder) { if (jnlpBuilder.toString().indexOf("$$properties") < 0) { return;// w w w . ja va2 s .c o m } int start = jnlpBuilder.toString().indexOf("$$properties"); int length = "$$properties".length(); jnlpBuilder.replace(start, start + length, propXmlBuilder.toString()); }
From source
/** *///from w w w. j a v a 2 s .co m public UnmanagedAMLauncher(Configuration conf) throws Exception { // Set up RPC this.conf = conf; String classUrl = this.getClass().getResource("/").getPath(); StringBuffer confStrBuilder = new StringBuffer(classUrl); int targetnIdx = confStrBuilder.indexOf("classes"); confStrBuilder = confStrBuilder.replace(targetnIdx, confStrBuilder.length(), "test-classes/yarn-conf.xml"); this.conf.addResource(new Path(confStrBuilder.toString())); }
From source
/** * @see org.easymock.IArgumentMatcher#appendTo(java.lang.StringBuffer) *//*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c o m*/ public void appendTo(final StringBuffer buffer) { buffer.append("propertyEq("); for (final Entry<String, ?> entry : this.expectedProperties.entrySet()) { buffer.append(entry.getKey()); buffer.append("="); buffer.append(entry.getValue()); buffer.append(", "); } buffer.replace(buffer.length() - 2, buffer.length(), ")"); }
From source
/** Adds the given field at the end of the given BibTeX entry by placing * it before the last brace. /*from ww w . jav a2 s. co m*/ * * @param bibtex - the BibTeX entry * @param fieldName - the name of the field * @param fieldValue - the value of the field */ public static void addField(final StringBuffer bibtex, final String fieldName, final String fieldValue) { /* * ignore empty bibtex and empty field values */ if (bibtex == null || fieldValue == null || fieldValue.trim().equals("")) return; /* * remove last comma if there is one (before closing last curly bracket) */ final String bib = bibtex.toString().trim(); final Matcher m = LAST_COMMA_PATTERN.matcher(bib); if (m.matches()) { final int _lastIndex = bib.lastIndexOf(","); bibtex.replace(_lastIndex, _lastIndex + 1, ""); } final int lastIndexOf = bibtex.lastIndexOf("}"); if (lastIndexOf > 0) { bibtex.replace(lastIndexOf, bibtex.length(), "," + fieldName + " = {" + fieldValue + "}\n}"); } }
From source
/** * Replaces the key string with the new value inside the source. * Similar to above methods except for the string buffer input * instead of string input.//from ww w. ja v a 2 s.c om * @param source the source string buffer * @param key the string to be replaced * @param value the new string to replace the key string * @return the final result after replacement */ public static String replace(StringBuffer source, String key, String value, boolean all) { int count = 0; int index = source.toString().indexOf(key, count); while (index >= 0) { source.replace(index, index + key.length(), value); count = index + value.length(); if (count > 0 && !all) break; index = source.toString().indexOf(key, count); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("Index:" + index); log.debug("String:" + source.toString()); } } return source.toString(); }
From source
public String items2JsArray(int pageNum) { IPagingData pagingData = ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getQuranPaging().getDefault(); IQuranPage quranPage = pagingData.getQuranPage(pageNum); IQuranLocation fromLoc = quranPage.getFrom(); IQuranLocation toLoc = quranPage.getTo(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("["); while (fromLoc != null && fromLoc.compareTo(toLoc) <= 0) { buf.append('\'').append(fromLoc.toString()).append('\'').append(", "); fromLoc = fromLoc.getNext();// w w w . j a va 2 s. com } if (buf.length() > 1) { buf.replace(buf.length() - 2, buf.length(), "]"); } return buf.toString(); }
From source
/** * Copy file from webapp source to deployment area filtering content * to replace parameter by value./*ww w . ja v a 2 s . co m*/ * The source and deployment directories are defined by the properties * htmlunit.test.source-dir and htmlunit.test.deploy-dir. * * This method is most useful for testing the automatic reloading of * changed files. */ protected void copyWebappFile(String filename, String param, String value) throws Exception { String srcdir = System.getProperty("htmlunit.test.source-dir"); String dstdir = System.getProperty("htmlunit.test.deploy-dir"); File srcfile = new File(srcdir + "/" + filename); File dstfile = new File(dstdir + "/" + filename); final String encoding = "ISO-8859-1"; StringBuffer content = new StringBuffer(FileUtils.readFileToString(srcfile, encoding)); int index = content.indexOf(param); while (index != -1) { content.replace(index, index + param.length(), value); index = content.indexOf(param, index + 1); } FileUtils.writeStringToFile(dstfile, content.toString(), encoding); // Leave server some time to realize that file has changed. Thread.sleep(1000); }