Java tutorial
/*L * Copyright SAIC, Ellumen and RSNA (CTP) * * * Distributed under the OSI-approved BSD 3-Clause License. * See for details. */ package gov.nih.nci.nbia.basket; import gov.nih.nci.nbia.util.NCIAConfig; import gov.nih.nci.nbia.util.StringEncrypter; import gov.nih.nci.nbia.lookup.*; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import; /** * This object takes a JNLP template for the download manager * and transforms it into a concrete JNLP file with host and session * specific values. * * <p>It expects the template to be in the classpath with a specific * resource name. */ public class DynamicJNLPGenerator { private static final String jnlpTemplate = "/jnlpTemplate.jnlp"; public String generate(String userId, String password, String codebase, String downloadServerUrl, Boolean includeAnnotation, List<BasketSeriesItemBean> seriesItems, long currentTimeMillis, String noOfRetry) { this.codebase = codebase; String jnlp = ""; try { StringBuffer jnlpBuilder = this.getJnlp(); int size = seriesItems.size(); StringBuffer argsBuilder = new StringBuffer(); List<String> seriesDownloadData = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { BasketSeriesItemBean seriesItem = seriesItems.get(i); String collection = seriesItem.getProject(); String patientId = seriesItem.getPatientId(); String studyInstanceUid = seriesItem.getStudyId(); String seriesInstanceUid = seriesItem.getSeriesId(); String annotation = seriesItem.getAnnotated(); Integer numberImages = seriesItem.getTotalImagesInSeries(); Long imagesSize = seriesItem.getTotalSizeForAllImagesInSeries(); Long annoSize = seriesItem.getAnnotationsSize(); String url = "url"; String displayName = "displayName"; String studyDate = seriesItem.getStudyDate(); String studyDesc = cleanStr(seriesItem.getStudyDescription()); String seriesDesc = cleanStr(seriesItem.getSeriesDescription()); String study_id = cleanStr(seriesItem.getStudy_id()); String seriesNumber = seriesItem.getSeriesNumber(); String argument = "" + collection + "|" + patientId + "|" + studyInstanceUid + "|" + seriesInstanceUid + "|" + annotation + "|" + numberImages + "|" + imagesSize + "|" + annoSize + "|" + url + "|" + displayName + "|" + true + "|" + studyDate + "|" + study_id + "|" + studyDesc + "|" + seriesNumber + "|" + seriesDesc; seriesDownloadData.add(argument); } File dataFile = new File(System.getProperty(""), "jnlp-data" + currentTimeMillis + ".txt"); OutputStream os = new FileOutputStream(dataFile); IOUtils.writeLines(seriesDownloadData, System.getProperty("line.separator"), os); os.close(); argsBuilder.append("<argument>").append(dataFile.getAbsolutePath()).append("</argument>"); //get user id and included annotation StringBuffer propXMLBuilder = new StringBuffer(); propXMLBuilder.append(this.getPropertyXML("jnlp.includeAnnotation", includeAnnotation.toString())); propXMLBuilder.append(this.getPropertyXML("jnlp.userId", userId)); //this should be over secure connection String encryptedPassword = this.encrypt(userId, password); propXMLBuilder.append(this.getPropertyXML("jnlp.password", encryptedPassword)); propXMLBuilder.append(this.getPropertyXML("jnlp.codebase", this.codebase)); propXMLBuilder.append(this.getPropertyXML("jnlp.downloadServerUrl", downloadServerUrl)); propXMLBuilder.append(this.getPropertyXML("jnlp.noofretry", noOfRetry)); this.replaceProperties(propXMLBuilder, jnlpBuilder); this.replaceArguments(argsBuilder.toString(), jnlpBuilder); jnlp = jnlpBuilder.toString(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(e); } return jnlp; } //////////////////////////////////////PRIVATE//////////////////////////////////// private String codebase; private String getPropertyXML(String name, String value) { return "<property name=\"" + name + "\" value=\"" + value + "\"/>\n"; } private void replaceCodebase(StringBuffer jnlpBuilder) { int start = jnlpBuilder.toString().indexOf("$$codebase"); int length = "$$codebase".length(); jnlpBuilder.replace(start, start + length, codebase + "/"); start = jnlpBuilder.toString().indexOf("$$codebase"); if (start > 0) { jnlpBuilder.replace(start, start + length, codebase); } } private void replaceProperties(StringBuffer propXmlBuilder, StringBuffer jnlpBuilder) { if (jnlpBuilder.toString().indexOf("$$properties") < 0) { return; } int start = jnlpBuilder.toString().indexOf("$$properties"); int length = "$$properties".length(); jnlpBuilder.replace(start, start + length, propXmlBuilder.toString()); } private void replaceArguments(String arg, StringBuffer jnlpBuilder) { int start = jnlpBuilder.toString().indexOf("$$arguments"); int length = "$$arguments".length(); jnlpBuilder.replace(start, start + length, arg); } private StringBuffer getJnlp() throws IOException { InputStream jnlpInputStream = null; StringBuffer sbuilder = null; try { jnlpInputStream = this.getClass().getResourceAsStream(jnlpTemplate); String jnlpString = IOUtils.toString(jnlpInputStream); sbuilder = new StringBuffer(jnlpString); this.replaceCodebase(sbuilder); } catch (IOException e) { throw e; } finally { if (jnlpInputStream != null) { jnlpInputStream.close(); } } return sbuilder; } private String encrypt(String userId, String password) throws Exception { if (userId.equals(NCIAConfig.getGuestUsername())) { return ""; } StringEncrypter encrypter = new StringEncrypter(); return encrypter.encryptString(password); } public String cleanStr(String in) { if ((in != null) && (in.length() > 0)) { String out = in.replaceAll("[^a-zA-Z0-9 .-]", ""); return out; } else return null; } }