Java tutorial
/* * In the name of Allah * This file is part of The Zekr Project. Use is subject to * license terms. * * Author: Mohsen Saboorian * Start Date: Mar 3, 2007 */ package net.sf.zekr.common.util; import java.util.Collection; import java.util.List; import java.util.regex.Matcher; import java.util.regex.Pattern; import net.sf.zekr.common.config.ApplicationConfig; import net.sf.zekr.common.resource.IQuranLocation; import net.sf.zekr.common.resource.IQuranPage; import; import org.apache.commons.configuration.PropertiesConfiguration; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; /** * This class contains some helper methods to be used in Velocity templates. This is a replacement for velocity-tools-generic * library. * * @author Mohsen Saboorian * @since Zekr 1.0 */ public class VelocityUtils { public double mul(Object num1, Object num2) { Number n1 = toDouble(num1); Number n2 = toDouble(num2); double value = n1.doubleValue() * n2.doubleValue(); return value; } public int intAdd(Object num1, Object num2) { Number n1 = toInteger(num1); Number n2 = toInteger(num2); return n1.intValue() + n2.intValue(); } public double div1(Object num1, Object num2) { Number n1 = toDouble(num1); Number n2 = toDouble(num2); double value = n1.doubleValue() / n2.doubleValue(); return ((int) (value * 10)) / 10.0; } public Number toDouble(Object num) { return Double.valueOf(num.toString()); } public Integer toInteger(Object num) { return new Integer(toDouble(num).intValue()); } public Integer round(Object num) { Number n = toDouble(num); return new Integer((int) Math.rint(n.doubleValue())); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public int arraySize(Object arr) { if (arr instanceof Collection) { return ((Collection) arr).size(); } return arr == null ? -1 : ((Object[]) arr).length; } // public String items2JsArray(IPlaylistProvider pp, int page) { // int ayaCount = QuranPropertiesUtils.getSura(page).getAyaCount(); // StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("["); // if (ayaCount > 0) // always true :-) // buf.append(pp.getItem(page, 1)); // for (int aya = 2; aya <= ayaCount; aya++) { // buf.append(", " + pp.getItem(page, aya)); // } // buf.append("]"); // return buf.toString(); // } public String items2JsArray(int pageNum) { IPagingData pagingData = ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getQuranPaging().getDefault(); IQuranPage quranPage = pagingData.getQuranPage(pageNum); IQuranLocation fromLoc = quranPage.getFrom(); IQuranLocation toLoc = quranPage.getTo(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("["); while (fromLoc != null && fromLoc.compareTo(toLoc) <= 0) { buf.append('\'').append(fromLoc.toString()).append('\'').append(", "); fromLoc = fromLoc.getNext(); } if (buf.length() > 1) { buf.replace(buf.length() - 2, buf.length(), "]"); } return buf.toString(); } @SuppressWarnings("rawtypes") public Object getItem(Object arr, int index) { if (arr instanceof List) { return ((List) arr).get(index); } return ((Object[]) arr)[index]; } public String getRepeatOptions(int repeatTime) { StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer(); PropertiesConfiguration props = ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getProps(); int max = props.getInt("audio.maxRepeatTime", 10); for (int i = 1; i <= max; i++) { buf.append("<option" + (i == repeatTime ? " selected=\"selected\"" : "") + "> ").append(i) .append(" </option>"); } return buf.toString(); } private static Pattern COMMENTARY = Pattern.compile("\\[\\[([^\\[\\]]+)\\]\\]"); public String processAya(String str) { if (StringUtils.isEmpty(str)) { return ""; } str = StringUtils.replace(str, "\\\\", "<br/>"); Matcher m; int i = 1; do { m = COMMENTARY.matcher(str); str = m.replaceFirst("<span class=\"commentHandle\">(" + i++ + ")</span> <span class=\"commentText\" style=\"display: none\">$1</span>"); } while (m.find()); return str; } /*public static void main(String[] args) { System.out.println(processAya("adslkj sdlfjgk sdlfk [[qwew [[_+_+]] qe]] sdfdfvsdfbdfb dfvd [[sdvcsdc]] sdfsdv.")); }*/ }