List of usage examples for java.lang StringBuffer length
@Override public synchronized int length()
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public String items2JsArray(int pageNum) { IPagingData pagingData = ApplicationConfig.getInstance().getQuranPaging().getDefault(); IQuranPage quranPage = pagingData.getQuranPage(pageNum); IQuranLocation fromLoc = quranPage.getFrom(); IQuranLocation toLoc = quranPage.getTo(); StringBuffer buf = new StringBuffer("["); while (fromLoc != null && fromLoc.compareTo(toLoc) <= 0) { buf.append('\'').append(fromLoc.toString()).append('\'').append(", "); fromLoc = fromLoc.getNext();//from w w w .j a va 2 s . c o m } if (buf.length() > 1) { buf.replace(buf.length() - 2, buf.length(), "]"); } return buf.toString(); }
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public static final Row convertLineToRow(LogWriter log, TextFileLine textFileLine, TextFileInputMeta info, DecimalFormat ldf, DecimalFormatSymbols ldfs, SimpleDateFormat ldaf, DateFormatSymbols ldafs, String fname, long rowNr, FileErrorHandler errorHandler) throws KettleException { Row r = new Row(); if (textFileLine == null || textFileLine.line == null || textFileLine.line.length() == 0) return r; int fieldnr;//from w w w. j a v a 2 s . c om Value value; Value errorCount = null; if (info.isErrorIgnored() && info.getErrorCountField() != null && info.getErrorCountField().length() > 0) { errorCount = new Value(info.getErrorCountField(), 0L); } Value errorFields = null; if (info.isErrorIgnored() && info.getErrorFieldsField() != null && info.getErrorFieldsField().length() > 0) { errorFields = new Value(info.getErrorFieldsField(), ""); } Value errorText = null; if (info.isErrorIgnored() && info.getErrorTextField() != null && info.getErrorTextField().length() > 0) { errorText = new Value(info.getErrorTextField(), ""); } int nrfields = info.getInputFields().length; try { // System.out.println("Convertings line to string ["+line+"]"); ArrayList strings = convertLineToStrings(log, textFileLine.line, info); for (fieldnr = 0; fieldnr < nrfields; fieldnr++) { TextFileInputField f = info.getInputFields()[fieldnr]; String field = fieldnr < nrfields ? f.getName() : "empty" + fieldnr; int type = fieldnr < nrfields ? f.getType() : Value.VALUE_TYPE_STRING; String format = fieldnr < nrfields ? f.getFormat() : ""; int length = fieldnr < nrfields ? f.getLength() : -1; int precision = fieldnr < nrfields ? f.getPrecision() : -1; String group = fieldnr < nrfields ? f.getGroupSymbol() : ""; String decimal = fieldnr < nrfields ? f.getDecimalSymbol() : ""; String currency = fieldnr < nrfields ? f.getCurrencySymbol() : ""; String nullif = fieldnr < nrfields ? f.getNullString() : ""; String ifnull = fieldnr < nrfields ? f.getIfNullValue() : ""; int trim_type = fieldnr < nrfields ? f.getTrimType() : TextFileInputMeta.TYPE_TRIM_NONE; if (fieldnr < strings.size()) { String pol = (String) strings.get(fieldnr); try { value = convertValue(pol, field, type, format, length, precision, group, decimal, currency, nullif, ifnull, trim_type, ldf, ldfs, ldaf, ldafs); } catch (Exception e) { // OK, give some feedback! String message = "Couldn't parse field [" + field + "] with value [" + pol + "], format [" + format + "] ldaf=[" + ldaf.toLocalizedPattern() + "]"; if (info.isErrorIgnored()) { log.logBasic(fname, "WARNING: " + message + " : " + e.getMessage()); value = new Value(field, type); value.setNull(); if (errorCount != null) {; } if (errorFields != null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(errorFields.getString()); if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(", "); sb.append(field); errorFields.setValue(sb); } if (errorText != null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(errorText.getString()); if (sb.length() > 0) sb.append(Const.CR); sb.append(message); errorText.setValue(sb); } if (errorHandler != null) { errorHandler.handleLineError(textFileLine.lineNumber, AbstractFileErrorHandler.NO_PARTS); } if (info.isErrorLineSkipped()) r.setIgnore(); } else { throw new KettleException(message, e); } } } else { // No data found: TRAILING NULLCOLS: add null value... value = new Value(field, type); value.setNull(); } // Now add value to the row! r.addValue(value); } // Add the error handling fields... if (errorCount != null) r.addValue(errorCount); if (errorFields != null) r.addValue(errorFields); if (errorText != null) r.addValue(errorText); // Support for trailing nullcols! if (fieldnr < info.getInputFields().length) { for (int i = fieldnr; i < info.getInputFields().length; i++) { TextFileInputField f = info.getInputFields()[i]; value = new Value(f.getName(), f.getType()); // build a // value! value.setLength(f.getLength(), f.getPrecision()); value.setNull(); r.addValue(value); } } } catch (Exception e) { throw new KettleException("Error converting line", e); } // Possibly add a filename... if (info.includeFilename()) { Value inc = new Value(info.getFilenameField(), fname); inc.setLength(100); r.addValue(inc); } // Possibly add a row number... if (info.includeRowNumber()) { Value inc = new Value(info.getRowNumberField(), Value.VALUE_TYPE_INTEGER); inc.setValue(rowNr); inc.setLength(9); r.addValue(inc); } return r; }
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@Override public void onStartup() throws Exception { StringBuffer servicesText = new StringBuffer(); for (PendingObject pendingObject : pendingDataObjects) { String serviceName = autoRegisterExposedServices(pendingObject); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(serviceName)) { if (servicesText.length() > 0) { servicesText.append(','); }/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ servicesText.append(serviceName); } } pendingDataObjects.clear(); if (servicesText.length() > 0) {"Registered ExposedService(via Annotation): [" + servicesText + "]"); } }
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public void setAuthProviders(List<String> providers) throws EngageFailureException, ErrorResponeException { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); for (String provider : providers) { if (sb.length() > 0) { sb.append(","); }/*from ww w . j av a 2 s . c o m*/ sb.append(provider); } Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<String, String>(); params.put(PROVIDERS_PARAM, sb.toString()); apiCall(SET_AUTH_PROVIDERS_METHOD, params); }
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@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") public void output(Object object, OutputContext context) throws Exception { JsonBuilder json = context.getJsonBuilder(); if (object instanceof Map) { StringBuffer style = new StringBuffer(); Map<String, String> map = (Map<String, String>) object; for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : map.entrySet()) { String value = entry.getValue(); if (OutputUtils.isEscapeValue(value)) { continue; }/* w w w. ja v a 2 s. co m*/ if (style.length() > 0) { style.append(';'); } style.append(entry.getKey()).append(':').append(String.valueOf(value)); } json.value(style.toString()); } else { json.value(object); } }
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private void appendAttribute(StringBuffer ret, String attribute) { if (isNotBlank(attribute)) { if (ret.length() > 0) { ret.append(", "); }/*from w w w.j av a 2 s.c om*/ ret.append(attribute); } }
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@Override public void serialize(OAuth2AccessToken token, JsonGenerator jgen, SerializerProvider provider) throws IOException, JsonGenerationException { jgen.writeStartObject();//ww w . j a v a 2 s . co m jgen.writeStringField(OAuth2AccessToken.ACCESS_TOKEN, token.getValue()); jgen.writeStringField(OAuth2AccessToken.TOKEN_TYPE, token.getTokenType()); OAuth2RefreshToken refreshToken = token.getRefreshToken(); if (refreshToken != null) { jgen.writeStringField(OAuth2AccessToken.REFRESH_TOKEN, refreshToken.getValue()); } Date expiration = token.getExpiration(); if (expiration != null) { long now = System.currentTimeMillis(); jgen.writeNumberField(OAuth2AccessToken.EXPIRES_IN, (expiration.getTime() - now) / 1000); } Set<String> scope = token.getScope(); if (scope != null && !scope.isEmpty()) { StringBuffer scopes = new StringBuffer(); for (String s : scope) { Assert.hasLength(s, "Scopes cannot be null or empty. Got " + scope + ""); scopes.append(s); scopes.append(" "); } jgen.writeStringField(OAuth2AccessToken.SCOPE, scopes.substring(0, scopes.length() - 1)); } Map<String, Object> additionalInformation = token.getAdditionalInformation(); for (String key : additionalInformation.keySet()) { jgen.writeObjectField(key, additionalInformation.get(key)); } jgen.writeEndObject(); }
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@SuppressWarnings("PMD.AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops") public void addLine(final String string, final Color foreground, final Color background, final boolean preformatted) { final List<String> tokens = getMessageTokens(string, preformatted); final StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(lineLength); // Append the string token-by-token, line-by-line to the end of the messagebuffer while (!tokens.isEmpty()) { stringBuffer.delete(0, stringBuffer.length()); stringBuffer.append(tokens.remove(0)); // The first word to be printed on the line is too long and needs to be hyphenated if (stringBuffer.length() > lineLength) { tokens.add(0, stringBuffer.substring(lineLength - 1, stringBuffer.length())); stringBuffer.delete(lineLength - 1, stringBuffer.length()); stringBuffer.append('-'); }//from w ww . j av a 2s. c o m // Continue to append tokens to the linebuffer one-by-one and append enough whitespace to fill the buffer while (stringBuffer.length() < lineLength) { stringBuffer.append(' '); final boolean tokenWillFit = !tokens.isEmpty() && stringBuffer.length() + tokens.get(0).length() <= lineLength; if (!preformatted && tokenWillFit) { stringBuffer.append(tokens.remove(0)); } } lineBuffer.add(new BufferLine(stringBuffer.toString(), foreground, background)); // Delete the oldest message line if (lineBuffer.size() > maxLines) { lineBuffer.remove(0); } } }
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public String identify(Reader reader) throws IOException { StringBuffer out = new StringBuffer(); char[] buffer = new char[2048]; int len = 0;/*from w w w . j a va2 s .c om*/ while (((len = != -1) && ((analyzeLength == 0) || (out.length() < analyzeLength))) { if (analyzeLength != 0) { len = Math.min(len, analyzeLength - out.length()); } out.append(buffer, 0, len); } if (out.length() < MINIMUM_SAMPLE_LENGTH) { logger.debug("the sample is too small to reliably detect the language."); return null; } return identify(out); }
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public boolean signValidate(HttpServletRequest request) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { Map<String, String> parmmap = this.getParameterMap(request); Map<String, String> filterMap = this.parmFilter(parmmap); String cleanLink = this.createLinkString(filterMap); String alisign = request.getParameter("sign"); String signType = request.getParameter("sign_type"); if (StringUtils.isBlank(alisign) || StringUtils.isBlank(signType)) { return Boolean.FALSE; }/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s. com*/ if (signType.equalsIgnoreCase(SIGN_TYPE_OF_MD5)) { return AliPayMD5.verify(cleanLink, alisign, alipayConfig.securityCode, SIGN_ENCODING); } else if (signType.equalsIgnoreCase(SIGN_TYPE_OF_RSA)) { StringBuffer spayurl = new StringBuffer(); for (String keystr : filterMap.keySet()) { spayurl = spayurl.append(keystr + "=" + URLDecoder.decode(filterMap.get(keystr), "UTF-8") + "&"); } String dspayurl = spayurl.substring(0, spayurl.length() - 1); //mysign = RSA.sign(dspayurl, alipayConfig.privateKey, "UTF-8"); } return Boolean.FALSE; }