Java tutorial
/** * Copyright (C) 2013 Rusty Gerard * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package com.callidusrobotics.ui; import java.awt.Color; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils; import org.apache.commons.lang3.Validate; import com.callidusrobotics.command.CommandMapper; import com.callidusrobotics.command.Command; import com.callidusrobotics.locale.Coordinate; import com.callidusrobotics.swing.Console; import com.callidusrobotics.util.TrueColor; public class MessageBox implements ConsoleTextBox { protected final AbstractConsoleTextBox consoleTextBox; protected int lineLength; protected int maxLines; protected final List<BufferLine> lineBuffer; MessageBox(final AbstractConsoleTextBox consoleTextBox) { Validate.notNull(consoleTextBox); this.consoleTextBox = consoleTextBox; lineBuffer = new LinkedList<BufferLine>(); lineLength = consoleTextBox.getInternalWidth() - 2; maxLines = consoleTextBox.getInternalHeight() - 2; Validate.isTrue(lineLength > 0, "Invalid width"); Validate.isTrue(maxLines > 0, "Invalid height"); } @Override public void draw(final Console console) { consoleTextBox.draw(console); // Blank out everything inside the box for (int r = consoleTextBox.getInternalRow() + 1; r < consoleTextBox.getInternalRow() + consoleTextBox.getInternalHeight() - 1; r++) { for (int c = consoleTextBox.getInternalCol() + 1; c < consoleTextBox.getInternalCol() + consoleTextBox.getInternalWidth() - 1; c++) { console.print(r, c, ' ', TrueColor.BLACK, TrueColor.BLACK); } } // Copy the messageBuffer into the console's buffer int row = consoleTextBox.getInternalRow() + 1; final int col = consoleTextBox.getInternalCol() + 1; for (final BufferLine line : lineBuffer) { console.print(row, col, line.line, line.foreground, line.background); row++; } } @SuppressWarnings("PMD.AvoidInstantiatingObjectsInLoops") public void addLine(final String string, final Color foreground, final Color background, final boolean preformatted) { final List<String> tokens = getMessageTokens(string, preformatted); final StringBuffer stringBuffer = new StringBuffer(lineLength); // Append the string token-by-token, line-by-line to the end of the messagebuffer while (!tokens.isEmpty()) { stringBuffer.delete(0, stringBuffer.length()); stringBuffer.append(tokens.remove(0)); // The first word to be printed on the line is too long and needs to be hyphenated if (stringBuffer.length() > lineLength) { tokens.add(0, stringBuffer.substring(lineLength - 1, stringBuffer.length())); stringBuffer.delete(lineLength - 1, stringBuffer.length()); stringBuffer.append('-'); } // Continue to append tokens to the linebuffer one-by-one and append enough whitespace to fill the buffer while (stringBuffer.length() < lineLength) { stringBuffer.append(' '); final boolean tokenWillFit = !tokens.isEmpty() && stringBuffer.length() + tokens.get(0).length() <= lineLength; if (!preformatted && tokenWillFit) { stringBuffer.append(tokens.remove(0)); } } lineBuffer.add(new BufferLine(stringBuffer.toString(), foreground, background)); // Delete the oldest message line if (lineBuffer.size() > maxLines) { lineBuffer.remove(0); } } } protected List<String> getMessageTokens(final String string, final boolean preformatted) { final List<String> tokens = new LinkedList<String>( Arrays.asList(string.split(preformatted ? "\n" : "\\s+"))); if (preformatted) { for (int i = 0; i < tokens.size(); i++) { String token = tokens.get(i); if (!token.isEmpty() && token.charAt(0) == ' ') { token = token.trim(); token = StringUtils.leftPad(token, token.length() + 1); tokens.set(i, token); } } } return tokens; } public void pause(final Console console) { console.render(); Command input = Command.UNKNOWN; while (input != Command.ESCAPE && input != Command.SELECT) { input = CommandMapper.getCommand(console.getKeyPress()); } } @Override public int getWidth() { return consoleTextBox.getWidth(); } @Override public int getHeight() { return consoleTextBox.getHeight(); } @Override public Coordinate getPosition() { return consoleTextBox.getPosition(); } @Override public void setPosition(final int row, final int col) { consoleTextBox.setPosition(row, col); } @Override public void setPosition(final Coordinate position) { consoleTextBox.setPosition(position); } @Override public int getRow() { return consoleTextBox.getRow(); } @Override public int getCol() { return consoleTextBox.getCol(); } }