List of usage examples for java.lang String startsWith
public boolean startsWith(String prefix)
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { String[] javaVersion = System.getProperty("java.version").split("\\."); if (!(javaVersion.length >= 1 && Integer.parseInt(javaVersion[0]) >= 1 && javaVersion.length >= 2 && Integer.parseInt(javaVersion[1]) >= 6)) { System.out.println(("You need at least Java 1.6 to run this program! Current version: " + System.getProperty("java.version") + ".")); return;/*from w w w .j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ } VanillaVotifier votifier = new VanillaVotifier(); for (String arg : args) { if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-report-exceptions")) { votifier.reportExceptions = true; } else if (arg.equalsIgnoreCase("-help")) { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s58"); return; } else { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s55", new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Object>("option", arg)); return; } } votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s42"); if (!(loadConfig(votifier) && startServer(votifier))) { return; } Scanner in = new Scanner(; while (true) { String command; try { command = in.nextLine(); } catch (NoSuchElementException e) { // NoSuchElementException: Can only happen at unexpected program interruption (i. e. CTRL+C). Ignoring. continue; } catch (Exception e) { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s57", new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Object>("exception", e)); if (!stopServer(votifier)) { System.exit(0); // "return" somehow isn't enough. } return; } if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("stop") || command.toLowerCase().startsWith("stop ")) { if (command.split(" ").length == 1) { stopServer(votifier); break; } else { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s17"); } } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("restart") || command.toLowerCase().startsWith("restart ")) { if (command.split(" ").length == 1) { Listener listener = new Listener() { @Override public void onEvent(Event event, VanillaVotifier votifier) { if (event instanceof ServerStoppedEvent) { if (loadConfig((VanillaVotifier) votifier) && startServer((VanillaVotifier) votifier)) { votifier.getServer().getListeners().remove(this); } else { System.exit(0); } } } }; votifier.getServer().getListeners().add(listener); if (!stopServer(votifier)) { // Kill the process if the server doesn't stop System.exit(0); // "return" somehow isn't enough. return; } } else { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s56"); } } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("gen-key-pair") || command.startsWith("gen-key-pair ")) { String[] commandArgs = command.split(" "); int keySize; if (commandArgs.length == 1) { keySize = 2048; } else if (commandArgs.length == 2) { try { keySize = Integer.parseInt(commandArgs[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s19"); continue; } if (keySize < 512) { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s51"); continue; } if (keySize > 16384) { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s52"); continue; } } else { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s20"); continue; } votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s16"); votifier.getConfig().genKeyPair(keySize); try { votifier.getConfig().save(); } catch (Exception e) { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s21", new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Object>("exception", e)); } votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s23"); } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("test-vote") || command.toLowerCase().startsWith("test-vote ")) { String[] commandArgs = command.split(" "); if (commandArgs.length == 2) { try { votifier.getTester().testVote(new Vote("TesterService", commandArgs[1], votifier.getConfig().getInetSocketAddress().getAddress().getHostName())); } catch (Exception e) { // GeneralSecurityException, IOException votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s27", new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Object>("exception", e)); } } else { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s26"); } } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("test-query") || command.toLowerCase().startsWith("test-query ")) { if (command.split(" ").length >= 2) { try { votifier.getTester() .testQuery(command.replaceFirst("test-query ", "").replaceAll("---", "\n")); } catch (Exception e) { // GeneralSecurityException, IOException votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s35", new AbstractMap.SimpleEntry<String, Object>("exception", e)); } } else { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s34"); } } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("help") || command.toLowerCase().startsWith("help ")) { if (command.split(" ").length == 1) { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s31"); } else { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s32"); } } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("manual") || command.toLowerCase().startsWith("manual ")) { if (command.split(" ").length == 1) { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s36"); } else { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s37"); } } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("info") || command.toLowerCase().startsWith("info ")) { if (command.split(" ").length == 1) { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s40"); } else { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s41"); } } else if (command.equalsIgnoreCase("license") || command.toLowerCase().startsWith("license ")) { if (command.split(" ").length == 1) { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s43"); } else { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s44"); } } else { votifier.getLogger().printlnTranslation("s33"); } } }
From source
/** * @param args the command line arguments *///from www.j ava2s . c om public static void main(String[] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, Exception { System.out.println( "================================================================================================="); System.out.println("DIA-Umpire quantitation with targeted re-extraction analysis (version: " + UmpireInfo.GetInstance().Version + ")"); if (args.length != 1) { System.out.println( "command format error, it should be like: java -jar -Xmx10G DIA_Umpire_Quant.jar diaumpire_quant.params"); return; } try { ConsoleLogger.SetConsoleLogger(Level.INFO); ConsoleLogger.SetFileLogger(Level.DEBUG, FilenameUtils.getFullPath(args[0]) + "diaumpire_quant.log"); } catch (Exception e) { } try { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Version: " + UmpireInfo.GetInstance().Version); Logger.getRootLogger().info("Parameter file:" + args[0]); BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(args[0])); String line = ""; String WorkFolder = ""; int NoCPUs = 2; String UserMod = ""; String Combined_Prot = ""; String InternalLibID = ""; String ExternalLibPath = ""; String ExternalLibDecoyTag = "DECOY"; boolean DefaultProtFiltering = true; boolean DataSetLevelPepFDR = false; float ProbThreshold = 0.99f; float ExtProbThreshold = 0.99f; float Freq = 0f; int TopNPep = 6; int TopNFrag = 6; float MinFragMz = 200f; String FilterWeight = "GW"; float MinWeight = 0.9f; float RTWindow_Int = -1f; float RTWindow_Ext = -1f; TandemParam tandemPara = new TandemParam(DBSearchParam.SearchInstrumentType.TOF5600); HashMap<String, File> AssignFiles = new HashMap<>(); boolean InternalLibSearch = false; boolean ExternalLibSearch = false; boolean ExportSaint = false; boolean SAINT_MS1 = false; boolean SAINT_MS2 = true; HashMap<String, String[]> BaitList = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, String> BaitName = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, String[]> ControlList = new HashMap<>(); HashMap<String, String> ControlName = new HashMap<>(); //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Reading parameter file"> while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { line = line.trim(); Logger.getRootLogger().info(line); if (!"".equals(line) && !line.startsWith("#")) { //System.out.println(line); if (line.equals("==File list begin")) { do { line = reader.readLine(); line = line.trim(); if (line.equals("==File list end")) { continue; } else if (!"".equals(line)) { File newfile = new File(line); if (newfile.exists()) { AssignFiles.put(newfile.getAbsolutePath(), newfile); } else { Logger.getRootLogger().info("File: " + newfile + " does not exist."); } } } while (!line.equals("==File list end")); } if (line.split("=").length < 2) { continue; } String type = line.split("=")[0].trim(); String value = line.split("=")[1].trim(); switch (type) { case "TargetedExtraction": { InternalLibSearch = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); break; } case "InternalLibSearch": { InternalLibSearch = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); break; } case "ExternalLibSearch": { ExternalLibSearch = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); break; } case "Path": { WorkFolder = value; break; } case "path": { WorkFolder = value; break; } case "Thread": { NoCPUs = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "Fasta": { tandemPara.FastaPath = value; break; } case "Combined_Prot": { Combined_Prot = value; break; } case "DefaultProtFiltering": { DefaultProtFiltering = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); break; } case "DecoyPrefix": { if (!"".equals(value)) { tandemPara.DecoyPrefix = value; } break; } case "UserMod": { UserMod = value; break; } case "ProteinFDR": { tandemPara.ProtFDR = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "PeptideFDR": { tandemPara.PepFDR = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "DataSetLevelPepFDR": { DataSetLevelPepFDR = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); break; } case "InternalLibID": { InternalLibID = value; break; } case "ExternalLibPath": { ExternalLibPath = value; break; } case "ExtProbThreshold": { ExtProbThreshold = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "RTWindow_Int": { RTWindow_Int = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "RTWindow_Ext": { RTWindow_Ext = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "ExternalLibDecoyTag": { ExternalLibDecoyTag = value; if (ExternalLibDecoyTag.endsWith("_")) { ExternalLibDecoyTag = ExternalLibDecoyTag.substring(0, ExternalLibDecoyTag.length() - 1); } break; } case "ProbThreshold": { ProbThreshold = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "ReSearchProb": { //ReSearchProb = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "FilterWeight": { FilterWeight = value; break; } case "MinWeight": { MinWeight = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "TopNFrag": { TopNFrag = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "TopNPep": { TopNPep = Integer.parseInt(value); break; } case "Freq": { Freq = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } case "MinFragMz": { MinFragMz = Float.parseFloat(value); break; } //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="SaintOutput"> case "ExportSaintInput": { ExportSaint = Boolean.parseBoolean(value); break; } case "QuantitationType": { switch (value) { case "MS1": { SAINT_MS1 = true; SAINT_MS2 = false; break; } case "MS2": { SAINT_MS1 = false; SAINT_MS2 = true; break; } case "BOTH": { SAINT_MS1 = true; SAINT_MS2 = true; break; } } break; } // case "BaitInputFile": { // SaintBaitFile = value; // break; // } // case "PreyInputFile": { // SaintPreyFile = value; // break; // } // case "InterationInputFile": { // SaintInteractionFile = value; // break; // } default: { if (type.startsWith("BaitName_")) { BaitName.put(type.substring(9), value); } if (type.startsWith("BaitFile_")) { BaitList.put(type.substring(9), value.split("\t")); } if (type.startsWith("ControlName_")) { ControlName.put(type.substring(12), value); } if (type.startsWith("ControlFile_")) { ControlList.put(type.substring(12), value.split("\t")); } break; } //</editor-fold> } } } //</editor-fold> //Initialize PTM manager using compomics library PTMManager.GetInstance(); if (!UserMod.equals("")) { PTMManager.GetInstance().ImportUserMod(UserMod); } //Check if the fasta file can be found if (!new File(tandemPara.FastaPath).exists()) { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Fasta file :" + tandemPara.FastaPath + " cannot be found, the process will be terminated, please check."); System.exit(1); } //Check if the prot.xml file can be found if (!new File(Combined_Prot).exists()) { Logger.getRootLogger().info("ProtXML file: " + Combined_Prot + " cannot be found, the export protein summary table will be empty."); } LCMSID protID = null; //Parse prot.xml and generate protein master list given an FDR if (Combined_Prot != null && !Combined_Prot.equals("")) { protID = LCMSID.ReadLCMSIDSerialization(Combined_Prot); if (!"".equals(Combined_Prot) && protID == null) { protID = new LCMSID(Combined_Prot, tandemPara.DecoyPrefix, tandemPara.FastaPath); ProtXMLParser protxmlparser = new ProtXMLParser(protID, Combined_Prot, 0f); //Use DIA-Umpire default protein FDR calculation if (DefaultProtFiltering) { protID.RemoveLowLocalPWProtein(0.8f); protID.RemoveLowMaxIniProbProtein(0.9f); protID.FilterByProteinDecoyFDRUsingMaxIniProb(tandemPara.DecoyPrefix, tandemPara.ProtFDR); } //Get protein FDR calculation without other filtering else { protID.FilterByProteinDecoyFDRUsingLocalPW(tandemPara.DecoyPrefix, tandemPara.ProtFDR); } protID.LoadSequence(); protID.WriteLCMSIDSerialization(Combined_Prot); } Logger.getRootLogger().info("Protein No.:" + protID.ProteinList.size()); } HashMap<String, HashMap<String, FragmentPeak>> IDSummaryFragments = new HashMap<>(); //Generate DIA file list ArrayList<DIAPack> FileList = new ArrayList<>(); File folder = new File(WorkFolder); if (!folder.exists()) { Logger.getRootLogger().info("The path : " + WorkFolder + " cannot be found."); System.exit(1); } for (final File fileEntry : folder.listFiles()) { if (fileEntry.isFile() && (fileEntry.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".mzxml") | fileEntry.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".mzml")) && !fileEntry.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith("q1.mzxml") && !fileEntry.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith("q2.mzxml") && !fileEntry.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith("q3.mzxml")) { AssignFiles.put(fileEntry.getAbsolutePath(), fileEntry); } if (fileEntry.isDirectory()) { for (final File fileEntry2 : fileEntry.listFiles()) { if (fileEntry2.isFile() && (fileEntry2.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".mzxml") | fileEntry2.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith(".mzml")) && !fileEntry2.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith("q1.mzxml") && !fileEntry2.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith("q2.mzxml") && !fileEntry2.getAbsolutePath().toLowerCase().endsWith("q3.mzxml")) { AssignFiles.put(fileEntry2.getAbsolutePath(), fileEntry2); } } } } Logger.getRootLogger().info("No. of files assigned :" + AssignFiles.size()); for (File fileEntry : AssignFiles.values()) { Logger.getRootLogger().info(fileEntry.getAbsolutePath()); String mzXMLFile = fileEntry.getAbsolutePath(); if (mzXMLFile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".mzxml") | mzXMLFile.toLowerCase().endsWith(".mzml")) { DIAPack DiaFile = new DIAPack(mzXMLFile, NoCPUs); FileList.add(DiaFile); HashMap<String, FragmentPeak> FragMap = new HashMap<>(); IDSummaryFragments.put(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(mzXMLFile), FragMap); Logger.getRootLogger().info( "================================================================================================="); Logger.getRootLogger().info("Processing " + mzXMLFile); if (!DiaFile.LoadDIASetting()) { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Loading DIA setting failed, job is incomplete"); System.exit(1); } if (!DiaFile.LoadParams()) { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Loading parameters failed, job is incomplete"); System.exit(1); } } } LCMSID combinePepID = null; if (DataSetLevelPepFDR) { combinePepID = LCMSID.ReadLCMSIDSerialization(WorkFolder + "combinePepID.SerFS"); if (combinePepID == null) { FDR_DataSetLevel fdr = new FDR_DataSetLevel(); fdr.GeneratePepIonList(FileList, tandemPara, WorkFolder + "combinePepID.SerFS"); combinePepID = fdr.combineID; combinePepID.WriteLCMSIDSerialization(WorkFolder + "combinePepID.SerFS"); } } //process each DIA file for quantification based on untargeted identifications for (DIAPack DiaFile : FileList) { long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); Logger.getRootLogger().info("Loading identification results " + DiaFile.Filename + "...."); //If the LCMSID serialization is found if (!DiaFile.ReadSerializedLCMSID()) { DiaFile.ParsePepXML(tandemPara, combinePepID); DiaFile.BuildStructure(); if (!DiaFile.MS1FeatureMap.ReadPeakCluster()) { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Loading peak and structure failed, job is incomplete"); System.exit(1); } DiaFile.MS1FeatureMap.ClearMonoisotopicPeakOfCluster(); //Generate mapping between index of precursor feature and pseudo MS/MS scan index DiaFile.GenerateClusterScanNomapping(); //Doing quantification DiaFile.AssignQuant(); DiaFile.ClearStructure(); } DiaFile.IDsummary.ReduceMemoryUsage(); time = System.currentTimeMillis() - time; Logger.getRootLogger().info(DiaFile.Filename + " processed time:" + String.format("%d hour, %d min, %d sec", TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(time), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(time) - TimeUnit.HOURS.toMinutes(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toHours(time)), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toSeconds(time) - TimeUnit.MINUTES.toSeconds(TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS.toMinutes(time)))); } //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Targete re-extraction using internal library"> Logger.getRootLogger().info( "================================================================================================="); if (InternalLibSearch && FileList.size() > 1) { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Module C: Targeted extraction using internal library"); FragmentLibManager libManager = FragmentLibManager.ReadFragmentLibSerialization(WorkFolder, InternalLibID); if (libManager == null) { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Building internal spectral library"); libManager = new FragmentLibManager(InternalLibID); ArrayList<LCMSID> LCMSIDList = new ArrayList<>(); for (DIAPack dia : FileList) { LCMSIDList.add(dia.IDsummary); } libManager.ImportFragLibTopFrag(LCMSIDList, Freq, TopNFrag); libManager.WriteFragmentLibSerialization(WorkFolder); } libManager.ReduceMemoryUsage(); Logger.getRootLogger() .info("Building retention time prediction model and generate candidate peptide list"); for (int i = 0; i < FileList.size(); i++) { FileList.get(i).IDsummary.ClearMappedPep(); } for (int i = 0; i < FileList.size(); i++) { for (int j = i + 1; j < FileList.size(); j++) { RTAlignedPepIonMapping alignment = new RTAlignedPepIonMapping(WorkFolder, FileList.get(i).GetParameter(), FileList.get(i).IDsummary, FileList.get(j).IDsummary); alignment.GenerateModel(); alignment.GenerateMappedPepIon(); } FileList.get(i).ExportID(); FileList.get(i).IDsummary = null; } Logger.getRootLogger().info("Targeted matching........"); for (DIAPack diafile : FileList) { if (diafile.IDsummary == null) { diafile.ReadSerializedLCMSID(); } if (!diafile.IDsummary.GetMappedPepIonList().isEmpty()) { diafile.UseMappedIon = true; diafile.FilterMappedIonByProb = false; diafile.BuildStructure(); diafile.MS1FeatureMap.ReadPeakCluster(); diafile.MS1FeatureMap.ClearMonoisotopicPeakOfCluster(); diafile.GenerateMassCalibrationRTMap(); diafile.TargetedExtractionQuant(false, libManager, 1.1f, RTWindow_Int); diafile.MS1FeatureMap.ClearAllPeaks(); diafile.IDsummary.ReduceMemoryUsage(); diafile.IDsummary.RemoveLowProbMappedIon(ProbThreshold); diafile.ExportID(); Logger.getRootLogger().info("Peptide ions: " + diafile.IDsummary.GetPepIonList().size() + " Mapped ions: " + diafile.IDsummary.GetMappedPepIonList().size()); diafile.ClearStructure(); } diafile.IDsummary = null; System.gc(); } Logger.getRootLogger().info( "================================================================================================="); } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Targeted re-extraction using external library"> //External library search if (ExternalLibSearch) { Logger.getRootLogger().info("Module C: Targeted extraction using external library"); //Read exteranl library FragmentLibManager ExlibManager = FragmentLibManager.ReadFragmentLibSerialization(WorkFolder, FilenameUtils.getBaseName(ExternalLibPath)); if (ExlibManager == null) { ExlibManager = new FragmentLibManager(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(ExternalLibPath)); //Import traML file ExlibManager.ImportFragLibByTraML(ExternalLibPath, ExternalLibDecoyTag); //Check if there are decoy spectra ExlibManager.CheckDecoys(); //ExlibManager.ImportFragLibBySPTXT(ExternalLibPath); ExlibManager.WriteFragmentLibSerialization(WorkFolder); } Logger.getRootLogger() .info("No. of peptide ions in external lib:" + ExlibManager.PeptideFragmentLib.size()); for (DIAPack diafile : FileList) { if (diafile.IDsummary == null) { diafile.ReadSerializedLCMSID(); } //Generate RT mapping RTMappingExtLib RTmap = new RTMappingExtLib(diafile.IDsummary, ExlibManager, diafile.GetParameter()); RTmap.GenerateModel(); RTmap.GenerateMappedPepIon(); diafile.BuildStructure(); diafile.MS1FeatureMap.ReadPeakCluster(); diafile.GenerateMassCalibrationRTMap(); //Perform targeted re-extraction diafile.TargetedExtractionQuant(false, ExlibManager, ProbThreshold, RTWindow_Ext); diafile.MS1FeatureMap.ClearAllPeaks(); diafile.IDsummary.ReduceMemoryUsage(); //Remove target IDs below the defined probability threshold diafile.IDsummary.RemoveLowProbMappedIon(ExtProbThreshold); diafile.ExportID(); diafile.ClearStructure(); Logger.getRootLogger().info("Peptide ions: " + diafile.IDsummary.GetPepIonList().size() + " Mapped ions: " + diafile.IDsummary.GetMappedPepIonList().size()); } } //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Peptide and fragment selection"> Logger.getRootLogger().info("Peptide and fragment selection across the whole dataset"); ArrayList<LCMSID> SummaryList = new ArrayList<>(); for (DIAPack diafile : FileList) { if (diafile.IDsummary == null) { diafile.ReadSerializedLCMSID(); diafile.IDsummary.ClearAssignPeakCluster(); //diafile.IDsummary.ClearPSMs(); } if (protID != null) { //Generate protein list according to mapping of peptide ions for each DIA file to the master protein list diafile.IDsummary.GenerateProteinByRefIDByPepSeq(protID, true); diafile.IDsummary.ReMapProPep(); } if ("GW".equals(FilterWeight)) { diafile.IDsummary.SetFilterByGroupWeight(); } else if ("PepW".equals(FilterWeight)) { diafile.IDsummary.SetFilterByWeight(); } SummaryList.add(diafile.IDsummary); } FragmentSelection fragselection = new FragmentSelection(SummaryList); fragselection.freqPercent = Freq; fragselection.MinFragMZ = MinFragMz; fragselection.GeneratePepFragScoreMap(); fragselection.GenerateTopFragMap(TopNFrag); fragselection.GenerateProtPepScoreMap(MinWeight); fragselection.GenerateTopPepMap(TopNPep); //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Writing general reports"> ExportTable export = new ExportTable(WorkFolder, SummaryList, IDSummaryFragments, protID, fragselection); export.Export(TopNPep, TopNFrag, Freq); //</editor-fold> //<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="//<editor-fold defaultstate="collapsed" desc="Generate SAINT input files"> if (ExportSaint && protID != null) { HashMap<String, DIAPack> Filemap = new HashMap<>(); for (DIAPack DIAfile : FileList) { Filemap.put(DIAfile.GetBaseName(), DIAfile); } FileWriter baitfile = new FileWriter(WorkFolder + "SAINT_Bait_" + DateTimeTag.GetTag() + ".txt"); FileWriter preyfile = new FileWriter(WorkFolder + "SAINT_Prey_" + DateTimeTag.GetTag() + ".txt"); FileWriter interactionfileMS1 = null; FileWriter interactionfileMS2 = null; if (SAINT_MS1) { interactionfileMS1 = new FileWriter( WorkFolder + "SAINT_Interaction_MS1_" + DateTimeTag.GetTag() + ".txt"); } if (SAINT_MS2) { interactionfileMS2 = new FileWriter( WorkFolder + "SAINT_Interaction_MS2_" + DateTimeTag.GetTag() + ".txt"); } HashMap<String, String> PreyID = new HashMap<>(); for (String samplekey : ControlName.keySet()) { String name = ControlName.get(samplekey); for (String file : ControlList.get(samplekey)) { baitfile.write(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file) + "\t" + name + "\t" + "C\n"); LCMSID IDsummary = Filemap.get(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file)).IDsummary; if (SAINT_MS1) { SaintOutput(protID, IDsummary, fragselection, interactionfileMS1, file, name, PreyID, 1); } if (SAINT_MS2) { SaintOutput(protID, IDsummary, fragselection, interactionfileMS2, file, name, PreyID, 2); } } } for (String samplekey : BaitName.keySet()) { String name = BaitName.get(samplekey); for (String file : BaitList.get(samplekey)) { baitfile.write(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file) + "\t" + name + "\t" + "T\n"); LCMSID IDsummary = Filemap.get(FilenameUtils.getBaseName(file)).IDsummary; if (SAINT_MS1) { SaintOutput(protID, IDsummary, fragselection, interactionfileMS1, file, name, PreyID, 1); } if (SAINT_MS2) { SaintOutput(protID, IDsummary, fragselection, interactionfileMS2, file, name, PreyID, 2); } } } baitfile.close(); if (SAINT_MS1) { interactionfileMS1.close(); } if (SAINT_MS2) { interactionfileMS2.close(); } for (String AccNo : PreyID.keySet()) { preyfile.write(AccNo + "\t" + PreyID.get(AccNo) + "\n"); } preyfile.close(); } //</editor-fold> Logger.getRootLogger().info("Job done"); Logger.getRootLogger().info( "================================================================================================="); } catch (Exception e) { Logger.getRootLogger().error(ExceptionUtils.getStackTrace(e)); throw e; } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { KeyStoreUtil.setTrustStoreParams();/*w w w . java 2s . c om*/ String url = args[0]; String username = args[1]; String password = args[2]; HttpClient httpClient = new SystemDefaultHttpClient(); try { HttpPost method = new HttpPost(url); if (httpClient != null) { String[] xmlElements = new String[] { "<mypizza:PizzaDeliveryStream xmlns:mypizza=\"\">\n" + " <mypizza:PizzaDelivery>\n" + " <mypizza:OrderNo>0023</mypizza:OrderNo>\n" + " <mypizza:PaymentType>Card</mypizza:PaymentType>\n" + " <mypizza:Address>29BX Finchwood Ave, Clovis, CA 93611</mypizza:Address>\n" + " </mypizza:PizzaDelivery>\n" + "</mypizza:PizzaDeliveryStream>", "<mypizza:PizzaDeliveryStream xmlns:mypizza=\"\">\n" + " <mypizza:PizzaDelivery>\n" + " <mypizza:OrderNo>0024</mypizza:OrderNo>\n" + " <mypizza:PaymentType>Card</mypizza:PaymentType>\n" + " <mypizza:Address>2CYL Morris Ave, Clovis, CA 93611</mypizza:Address>\n" + " </mypizza:PizzaDelivery>\n" + "</mypizza:PizzaDeliveryStream>", "<mypizza:PizzaDeliveryStream xmlns:mypizza=\"\">\n" + " <mypizza:PizzaDelivery>\n" + " <mypizza:OrderNo>0025</mypizza:OrderNo>\n" + " <mypizza:PaymentType>Cash</mypizza:PaymentType>\n" + " <mypizza:Address>22RE Robinwood Ave, Clovis, CA 93611</mypizza:Address>\n" + " </mypizza:PizzaDelivery>\n" + "</mypizza:PizzaDeliveryStream>", "<mypizza:PizzaDeliveryStream xmlns:mypizza=\"\">\n" + " <mypizza:PizzaDelivery>\n" + " <mypizza:OrderNo>0026</mypizza:OrderNo>\n" + " <mypizza:PaymentType>Card</mypizza:PaymentType>\n" + " <mypizza:Address>29BX Finchwood Ave, Clovis, CA 93611</mypizza:Address>\n" + " </mypizza:PizzaDelivery>\n" + "</mypizza:PizzaDeliveryStream>" }; try { for (String xmlElement : xmlElements) { StringEntity entity = new StringEntity(xmlElement); method.setEntity(entity); if (url.startsWith("https")) { processAuthentication(method, username, password); } httpClient.execute(method).getEntity().getContent().close(); } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } Thread.sleep(500); // We need to wait some time for the message to be sent } } catch (Throwable t) { t.printStackTrace(); } }
From source
/** * @param args//from w ww .j a va 2 s.c om * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { // path to the configuration file String configFile = null; // use the Apache cli framework for getting command line parameters Options options = new Options(); // Data root list passed from command line with -l option String cldrList = null; /** * Add a "c" option, the option indicating the specification of an XML * configuration file * * "l" option - to specify which data roots (from config file) to import * imports all by default */ options.addOption("c", true, "-c <file> : use parameters specified in <file>"); options.addOption("l", true, "-l <dataroot> [ ' ' <dataroot> ]* : space separated list of dataroots to be processed.\n" + "If dataroot is not specified in config file it will be ignored."); options.getOption("l").setOptionalArg(true); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); try { // parse the command line arguments CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); if (cmd.hasOption("c")) { // the "c" option was specified, now get its value configFile = cmd.getOptionValue("c"); } if (cmd.hasOption("l")) { cldrList = cmd.getOptionValue("l"); } } catch (org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException ex) { /** * Caught an exception caused by command line parsing. Try to get * the name of the configuration file by querying the system * property. */ String message = "Command line parsing failed. " + ex.getMessage(); LOG.error(message); System.err.println(message); } if (configFile == null) { String message; message = "Could not get config file name via the command line, trying the system properties.";; String key; key = "configFile"; configFile = System.getProperty(key); } if (configFile == null) { String message; message = "Could not get filename as system property either - stopping."; LOG.error(message); } else { // read the configuration from the externally supplied file final URL configUrl; if (configFile.startsWith("file:")) { configUrl = new URL(configFile); } else { configUrl = new File(configFile).toURI().toURL(); } System.out.println("Reading configuration from " + configUrl.toString());"Reading configuration from " + configUrl.toString()); final XmlVloConfigFactory configFactory = new XmlVloConfigFactory(configUrl); MetadataImporter.config = configFactory.newConfig(); MetadataImporter.languageCodeUtils = new LanguageCodeUtils(MetadataImporter.config); // optionally, modify the configuration here // create and start the importer MetadataImporter importer = new MetadataImporter(cldrList); importer.startImport(); // finished importing if (MetadataImporter.config.printMapping()) { File file = new File("xsdMapping.txt"); FacetMappingFactory.printMapping(file);"Printed facetMapping in " + file); } } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { String fname = null;/* ww w . java2 s .c o m*/ String logFilename = null; String outputFilename = null; PrintStream outputStream = null; int verbosity = 0; boolean silent = false; boolean dryrun = false; boolean silenceStdErr = false; boolean showHelp = false; List<String> targets = new ArrayList<String>(); Map<String, VarValue> confVals = new HashMap<String, VarValue>(); String k = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String arg = args[i]; if (i == 0) { if (new File(arg).exists()) { fname = arg; silenceStdErr = true; continue; } } else if (args[i - 1].equals("-f")) { fname = arg; continue; } else if (args[i - 1].equals("-l")) { logFilename = arg; continue; } else if (args[i - 1].equals("-o")) { outputFilename = arg; continue; } if (arg.equals("-h") || arg.equals("-help") || arg.equals("--help")) { if (k != null) { if (k.contains("-")) { k = k.replaceAll("-", "_"); } confVals.put(k, VarBool.TRUE); } showHelp = true; } else if (arg.equals("-license")) { license(); System.exit(1); } else if (arg.equals("-s")) { if (k != null) { if (k.contains("-")) { k = k.replaceAll("-", "_"); } confVals.put(k, VarBool.TRUE); } silent = true; } else if (arg.equals("-nolog")) { if (k != null) { if (k.contains("-")) { k = k.replaceAll("-", "_"); } confVals.put(k, VarBool.TRUE); } silenceStdErr = true; } else if (arg.equals("-v")) { if (k != null) { if (k.contains("-")) { k = k.replaceAll("-", "_"); } confVals.put(k, VarBool.TRUE); } verbosity++; } else if (arg.equals("-vv")) { if (k != null) { if (k.contains("-")) { k = k.replaceAll("-", "_"); } confVals.put(k, VarBool.TRUE); } verbosity += 2; } else if (arg.equals("-vvv")) { if (k != null) { if (k.contains("-")) { k = k.replaceAll("-", "_"); } confVals.put(k, VarBool.TRUE); } verbosity += 3; } else if (arg.equals("-dr")) { if (k != null) { if (k.contains("-")) { k = k.replaceAll("-", "_"); } confVals.put(k, VarBool.TRUE); } dryrun = true; } else if (arg.startsWith("--")) { if (k != null) { if (k.contains("-")) { k = k.replaceAll("-", "_"); } confVals.put(k, VarBool.TRUE); } k = arg.substring(2); } else if (k != null) { if (k.contains("-")) { k = k.replaceAll("-", "_"); } if (confVals.containsKey(k)) { try { VarValue val = confVals.get(k); if (val.getClass().equals(VarList.class)) { ((VarList) val).add(VarValue.parseStringRaw(arg)); } else { VarList list = new VarList(); list.add(val); list.add(VarValue.parseStringRaw(arg)); confVals.put(k, list); } } catch (VarTypeException e) { System.err.println("Error setting variable: " + k + " => " + arg); System.exit(1); ; } } else { confVals.put(k, VarValue.parseStringRaw(arg)); } k = null; } else if (arg.charAt(0) != '-') { targets.add(arg); } } if (k != null) { if (k.contains("-")) { k = k.replaceAll("-", "_"); } confVals.put(k, VarBool.TRUE); } confVals.put("cgpipe.loglevel", new VarInt(verbosity)); if (fname == null) { usage(); System.exit(1); } if (!showHelp) { switch (verbosity) { case 0: SimpleFileLoggerImpl.setLevel(Level.INFO); break; case 1: SimpleFileLoggerImpl.setLevel(Level.DEBUG); break; case 2: SimpleFileLoggerImpl.setLevel(Level.TRACE); break; case 3: default: SimpleFileLoggerImpl.setLevel(Level.ALL); break; } } else { SimpleFileLoggerImpl.setLevel(Level.FATAL); } SimpleFileLoggerImpl.setSilent(silenceStdErr || showHelp); Log log = LogFactory.getLog(CGPipe.class);"Starting new run: " + fname); if (logFilename != null) { confVals.put("cgpipe.log", new VarString(logFilename)); } if (System.getenv("CGPIPE_DRYRUN") != null && !System.getenv("CGPIPE_DRYRUN").equals("")) { dryrun = true; } JobRunner runner = null; try { // Load config values from global config. RootContext root = new RootContext(); loadInitFiles(root); // Load settings from environment variables. root.loadEnvironment(); // Set cmd-line arguments if (silent) { root.setOutputStream(null); } if (outputFilename != null) { outputStream = new PrintStream(new FileOutputStream(outputFilename)); root.setOutputStream(outputStream); } for (String k1 : confVals.keySet()) {"config: " + k1 + " => " + confVals.get(k1).toString()); } root.update(confVals); root.set("cgpipe.procs", new VarInt(Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors())); // update the URL Source loader configs SourceLoader.updateRemoteHandlers(root.cloneString("cgpipe.remote")); // Now check for help, only after we've setup the remote handlers... if (showHelp) { try { Parser.showHelp(fname); System.exit(0); } catch (IOException e) { System.err.println("Unable to find pipeline: " + fname); System.exit(1); } } // Set the global config values // globalConfig.putAll(root.cloneValues()); // Parse the AST and run it Parser.exec(fname, root); // Load the job runner *after* we execute the script to capture any config changes runner = JobRunner.load(root, dryrun); // find a build-target, and submit the job(s) to a runner if (targets.size() > 0) { for (String target : targets) { log.debug("building: " + target); BuildTarget initTarget =; if (initTarget != null) { runner.submitAll(initTarget, root); } else { System.out.println("CGPIPE ERROR: Unable to find target: " + target); } } } else { BuildTarget initTarget =; if (initTarget != null) { runner.submitAll(initTarget, root); // Leave this commented out - it should be allowed to run cgpipe scripts w/o a target defined (testing) // } else { // System.out.println("CGPIPE ERROR: Unable to find default target"); } } runner.done(); if (outputStream != null) { outputStream.close(); } } catch (ASTParseException | ASTExecException | RunnerException | FileNotFoundException e) { if (outputStream != null) { outputStream.close(); } if (runner != null) { runner.abort(); } if (e.getClass().equals(ExitException.class)) { System.exit(((ExitException) e).getReturnCode()); } System.out.println("CGPIPE ERROR " + e.getMessage()); if (verbosity > 0) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(1); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, JWNLException { if (args.length < 1) { System.out.println(USAGE); System.exit(0);/*from ww w . j a va 2 m*/ } //find dictionary Dictionary d = null; File config = new File(defaultConfig); if (!config.exists()) { if (System.getenv().containsKey("WNHOME")) { String wnHomePath = System.getenv().get("WNHOME"); File wnHome = new File(wnHomePath); if (wnHome.exists()) { d = Dictionary.getFileBackedInstance(wnHomePath); } else { log.error("Cannot find dictionary. Make sure " + defaultConfig + " is available or WNHOME variable is set."); } } } else { d = Dictionary.getInstance(new FileInputStream(config)); } if (null != d) { //parse and execute command line if ((-1 < args[0].indexOf('%') && -1 < args[0].indexOf(':')) || "-script".equals(args[0]) || (-1 < args[0].indexOf('#'))) { d.edit(); //edit if ("-script".equals(args[0])) { if (args.length < 2) { log.error("Filename missing for -script command"); System.exit(1); } else { File script = new File(args[1]); if (script.exists()) { //load into args ArrayList<String> newArgs = new ArrayList<String>(); BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader( new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(script), "UTF-8")); try { String str; while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) { String[] bits = str.split(" "); StringBuilder tempArg = null; for (String bit : bits) { int quoteCnt = 0; for (int j = 0; j < bit.length(); j++) { if ('"' == bit.charAt(j)) { quoteCnt++; } } if (null != tempArg) { if (0 == quoteCnt) { tempArg.append(" ").append(bit); } else { tempArg.append(" ").append(bit.replaceAll("\"\"", "\"")); if (1 == (quoteCnt % 2)) { newArgs.add( tempArg.toString().substring(1, tempArg.length() - 1)); tempArg = null; } } } else { if (0 == quoteCnt) { newArgs.add(bit); } else { if (1 == (quoteCnt % 2)) { tempArg = new StringBuilder(bit.replaceAll("\"\"", "\"")); } else { newArgs.add(bit.replaceAll("\"\"", "\"")); } } } } if (null != tempArg) { newArgs.add(tempArg.toString()); } } } finally { try { in.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //nop } } args = newArgs.toArray(args); } } } Word workWord = null; String key = null; String lemma = null; int lexFileNum = -1; int lexId = -1; // String headLemma = null; // int headLexId = -1; POS pos = null; String derivation = null; for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { if (null == key && '-' != args[i].charAt(0) && ((-1 < args[i].indexOf('%') && -1 < args[i].indexOf(':')))) { key = args[i];"Searching " + key + "..."); if (null != key) { workWord = d.getWordBySenseKey(key); } if (null == workWord) { //parse sensekey lemma = key.substring(0, key.indexOf('%')).replace('_', ' '); String posId = key.substring(key.indexOf('%') + 1, key.indexOf(':')); if ("1".equals(posId) || "2".equals(posId) || "3".equals(posId) || "4".equals(posId) || "5".equals(posId)) { pos = POS.getPOSForId(Integer.parseInt(posId)); String lexFileString = key.substring(key.indexOf(':') + 1); if (-1 < lexFileString.indexOf(':')) { lexFileNum = Integer .parseInt(lexFileString.substring(0, lexFileString.indexOf(':'))); if (lexFileString.indexOf(':') + 1 < lexFileString.length()) { String lexIdString = lexFileString .substring(lexFileString.indexOf(':') + 1); if (-1 < lexIdString.indexOf(':')) { lexId = Integer .parseInt(lexIdString.substring(0, lexIdString.indexOf(':'))); // if (lexIdString.indexOf(':') + 1 < lexIdString.length()) { // headLemma = lexIdString.substring(lexIdString.indexOf(':') + 1); // if (-1 < headLemma.indexOf(':')) { // headLemma = headLemma.substring(0, headLemma.indexOf(':')); // if (null != headLemma && !"".equals(headLemma) && lexIdString.lastIndexOf(':') + 1 < lexIdString.length()) { // headLexId = Integer.parseInt(lexIdString.substring(lexIdString.lastIndexOf(':') + 1)); // } // } else { // log.error("Malformed sensekey " + key); // System.exit(1); // } // } } else { log.error("Malformed sensekey " + key); System.exit(1); } } else { log.error("Malformed sensekey " + key); System.exit(1); } } else { log.error("Malformed sensekey " + key); System.exit(1); } } else { log.error("Malformed sensekey " + key); System.exit(1); } } } else if (-1 < args[i].indexOf('#')) { if (2 < args[i].length()) { derivation = args[i].substring(2); if (null == derivation) { log.error("Missing derivation"); System.exit(1); } else { pos = POS.getPOSForKey(args[i].substring(0, 1)); if (null == pos) { log.error("POS " + args[i] + " is not recognized for derivation " + derivation); System.exit(1); } } } } if ("-add".equals(args[i])) { if (null == key) { log.error("Missing sensekey"); System.exit(1); } if (null != workWord) { log.error("Duplicate sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); }"Creating " + pos.getLabel() + " synset..."); Synset tempSynset = d.createSynset(pos);"Creating word " + lemma + "..."); workWord = new Word(d, tempSynset, 1, lemma); workWord.setLexId(lexId); tempSynset.getWords().add(workWord); tempSynset.setLexFileNum(lexFileNum); key = null; } if ("-remove".equals(args[i])) { if (null == workWord) { log.error("Missing sensekey"); System.exit(1); } else { d.removeSynset(workWord.getSynset()); workWord = null; key = null; } } if ("-addword".equals(args[i])) { if (null == workWord) { log.error("Missing sensekey"); System.exit(1); } else { i++; if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) { Word tempWord = new Word(d, workWord.getSynset(), workWord.getSynset().getWords().size() + 1, args[i]); workWord.getSynset().getWords().add(tempWord); key = null; } else { log.error( "Missing word for addword command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } } if ("-removeword".equals(args[i])) { if (null == workWord) { log.error("Missing sensekey"); System.exit(1); } else { workWord.getSynset().getWords().remove(workWord); key = null; } } if ("-setgloss".equals(args[i])) { if (null == workWord) { log.error("Missing sensekey"); System.exit(1); } else { i++; if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) { workWord.getSynset().setGloss(args[i]); key = null; } else { log.error("Missing gloss for setgloss command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } } if ("-setadjclus".equals(args[i])) { if (null == workWord) { log.error("Missing sensekey"); System.exit(1); } else { i++; if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) { workWord.getSynset().setIsAdjectiveCluster(Boolean.parseBoolean(args[i])); key = null; } else { log.error("Missing flag for setadjclus command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } } if ("-setverbframe".equals(args[i])) { if (null == workWord) { log.error("Missing sensekey"); System.exit(1); } else { i++; if (i < args.length) { if (workWord instanceof Verb) { Verb verb = (Verb) workWord; if ('-' == args[i].charAt(0)) { verb.getVerbFrameFlags().clear(Integer.parseInt(args[i].substring(1))); } else { verb.getVerbFrameFlags().set(Integer.parseInt(args[i])); } } else { log.error("Word at " + workWord.getSenseKey() + " should be verb"); System.exit(1); } key = null; } else { log.error("Missing index for setverbframe command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } } if ("-setverbframeall".equals(args[i])) { if (null == workWord) { log.error("Missing sensekey"); System.exit(1); } else { i++; if (i < args.length) { if (workWord.getSynset() instanceof VerbSynset) { if ('-' == args[i].charAt(0)) { workWord.getSynset().getVerbFrameFlags() .clear(Integer.parseInt(args[i].substring(1))); } else { workWord.getSynset().getVerbFrameFlags().set(Integer.parseInt(args[i])); } } else { log.error("Synset at " + workWord.getSenseKey() + " should be verb"); System.exit(1); } key = null; } else { log.error("Missing index for setverbframeall command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } } if ("-setlexfile".equals(args[i])) { if (null == workWord) { log.error("Missing sensekey"); System.exit(1); } else { i++; if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) { if (-1 < args[i].indexOf('.')) { workWord.getSynset() .setLexFileNum(LexFileNameLexFileIdMap.getMap().get(args[i])); } else { workWord.getSynset().setLexFileNum(Integer.parseInt(args[i])); } } else { log.error("Missing file number or name for setlexfile command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } } if ("-addptr".equals(args[i])) { if (null == workWord) { log.error("Missing sensekey"); System.exit(1); } else { i++; if (i < args.length) { Word targetWord = d.getWordBySenseKey(args[i]); if (null != targetWord) { i++; if (i < args.length) { PointerType pt = PointerType.getPointerTypeForKey(args[i]); if (null != pt) { Pointer p; if (pt.isLexical()) { p = new Pointer(pt, workWord, targetWord); } else { p = new Pointer(pt, workWord.getSynset(), targetWord.getSynset()); } if (!workWord.getSynset().getPointers().contains(p)) { workWord.getSynset().getPointers().add(p); } else { log.error("Duplicate pointer of type " + pt + " to " + targetWord.getSenseKey() + " in addptr command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } else { log.error("Invalid pointer type at " + args[i] + " in addptr command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } else { log.error("Missing pointer type at " + args[i] + " in addptr command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } else { log.error("Missing target at " + args[i] + " in addptr command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } key = null; } else { log.error("Missing sensekey for addptr command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } } if ("-removeptr".equals(args[i])) { if (null == workWord) { log.error("Missing sensekey"); System.exit(1); } else { i++; if (i < args.length) { Word targetWord = d.getWordBySenseKey(args[i]); if (null != targetWord) { i++; if (i < args.length) { PointerType pt = PointerType.getPointerTypeForKey(args[i]); if (null != pt) { Pointer p; if (pt.isLexical()) { p = new Pointer(pt, workWord, targetWord); } else { p = new Pointer(pt, workWord.getSynset(), targetWord.getSynset()); } if (workWord.getSynset().getPointers().contains(p)) { workWord.getSynset().getPointers().remove(p); } else { log.error("Missing pointer of type " + pt + " to " + targetWord.getSenseKey() + " in removeptr command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } else { log.error("Invalid pointer type at " + args[i] + " in removeptr command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } else { log.error("Missing pointer type at " + args[i] + " in removeptr command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } else { log.error("Missing target at " + args[i] + " in removeptr command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } key = null; } else { log.error("Missing sensekey for removeptr command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } } if ("-setlexid".equals(args[i])) { if (null == workWord) { log.error("Missing sensekey"); System.exit(1); } else { i++; if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) { workWord.setLexId(Integer.parseInt(args[i])); key = null; } else { log.error("Missing lexid for setlexid command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } } if ("-setusecount".equals(args[i])) { if (null == workWord) { log.error("Missing sensekey"); System.exit(1); } else { i++; if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) { workWord.setUseCount(Integer.parseInt(args[i])); key = null; } else { log.error("Missing count for setusecount command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey()); System.exit(1); } } } if ("-addexc".equals(args[i])) { i++; if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) { String baseform = args[i]; Exc e = d.getException(pos, derivation); if (null != e) { if (null != e.getExceptions()) { if (!e.getExceptions().contains(baseform)) { e.getExceptions().add(baseform); } } } else { ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(1); list.add(baseform); d.createException(pos, derivation, list); } derivation = null; } else { log.error("Missing baseform for addexc command for derivation " + derivation); System.exit(1); } } if ("-removeexc".equals(args[i])) { Exc e = d.getException(pos, derivation); if (null != e) { i++; if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) { String baseform = args[i]; if (null != e.getExceptions()) { if (e.getExceptions().contains(baseform)) { e.getExceptions().remove(baseform); } if (0 == e.getExceptions().size()) { d.removeException(e); } } } else { d.removeException(e); } } else { log.error("Missing derivation " + derivation); System.exit(1); } derivation = null; } }; } else { //browse String key = args[0]; if (1 == args.length) { for (POS pos : POS.getAllPOS()) { IndexWord iw = d.getIndexWord(pos, key); if (null == iw) { System.out.println("\nNo information available for " + pos.getLabel() + " " + key); } else { System.out.println( "\nInformation available for " + iw.getPOS().getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); printAvailableInfo(iw); } if (null != d.getMorphologicalProcessor()) { List<String> forms = d.getMorphologicalProcessor().lookupAllBaseForms(pos, key); if (null != forms) { for (String form : forms) { if (!key.equals(form)) { iw = d.getIndexWord(pos, form); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nInformation available for " + iw.getPOS().getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); printAvailableInfo(iw); } } } } } } } else { boolean needHelp = false; boolean needGloss = false; boolean needLex = false; boolean needOffset = false; boolean needSenseNum = false; boolean needSenseKeys = false; int needSense = 0; for (String arg : args) { if ("-h".equals(arg)) { needHelp = true; } if ("-g".equals(arg)) { needGloss = true; } if ("-a".equals(arg)) { needLex = true; } if ("-o".equals(arg)) { needOffset = true; } if ("-s".equals(arg)) { needSenseNum = true; } if ("-k".equals(arg)) { needSenseKeys = true; } if (arg.startsWith("-n") && 2 < arg.length()) { needSense = Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(2)); } } for (String arg : args) { if (arg.startsWith("-ants") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println( "Display synsets containing direct antonyms of the search string.\n" + "\n" + "Direct antonyms are a pair of words between which there is an\n" + "associative bond built up by co-occurrences.\n" + "\n" + "Antonym synsets are preceded by \"=>\"."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nAntonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.ANTONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //ants if (arg.startsWith("-hype") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println( "Recursively display hypernym (superordinate) tree for the search\n" + "string.\n" + "\n" + "Hypernym is the generic term used to designate a whole class of\n" + "specific instances. Y is a hypernym of X if X is a (kind of) Y.\n" + "\n" + "Hypernym synsets are preceded by \"=>\", and are indented from\n" + "the left according to their level in the hierarchy."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nHypernyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.HYPERNYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //hype if (arg.startsWith("-hypo") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println( "Display immediate hyponyms (subordinates) for the search string.\n" + "\n" + "Hyponym is the generic term used to designate a member of a class.\n" + "X is a hyponym of Y if X is a (kind of) Y.\n" + "\n" + "Hyponym synsets are preceded by \"=>\"."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nHyponyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.HYPONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //hypo if (arg.startsWith("-tree") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println( "Display hyponym (subordinate) tree for the search string. This is\n" + "a recursive search that finds the hyponyms of each hyponym. \n" + "\n" + "Hyponym is the generic term used to designate a member of a class.\n" + "X is a hyponym of Y if X is a (kind of) Y. \n" + "\n" + "Hyponym synsets are preceded by \"=>\", and are indented from the left\n" + "according to their level in the hierarchy."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nHyponyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.HYPONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //tree if (arg.startsWith("-enta") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println( "Recursively display entailment relations of the search string.\n" + "\n" + "The action represented by the verb X entails Y if X cannot be done\n" + "unless Y is, or has been, done.\n" + "\n" + "Entailment synsets are preceded by \"=>\", and are indented from the left\n" + "according to their level in the hierarchy."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nEntailment of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.ENTAILMENT, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //enta if (arg.startsWith("-syns") && 6 == arg.length()) { POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nSynonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); if (POS.ADJECTIVE == p) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println( "Display synonyms and synsets related to synsets containing\n" + "the search string. If the search string is in a head synset\n" + "the 'cluster's' satellite synsets are displayed. If the search\n" + "string is in a satellite synset, its head synset is displayed.\n" + "If the search string is a pertainym the word or synset that it\n" + "pertains to is displayed.\n" + "\n" + "A cluster is a group of adjective synsets that are organized around\n" + "antonymous pairs or triplets. An adjective cluster contains two or more\n" + "head synsets that contan antonyms. Each head synset has one or more\n" + "satellite synsets.\n" + "\n" + "A head synset contains at least one word that has a direct antonym\n" + "in another head synset of the same cluster.\n" + "\n" + "A satellite synset represents a concept that is similar in meaning to\n" + "the concept represented by its head synset.\n" + "\n" + "Direct antonyms are a pair of words between which there is an\n" + "associative bond built up by co-occurrences.\n" + "\n" + "Direct antonyms are printed in parentheses following the adjective.\n" + "The position of an adjective in relation to the noun may be restricted\n" + "to the prenominal, postnominal or predicative position. Where present\n" + "these restrictions are noted in parentheses.\n" + "\n" + "A pertainym is a relational adjective, usually defined by such phrases\n" + "as \"of or pertaining to\" and that does not have an antonym. It pertains\n" + "to a noun or another pertainym.\n" + "\n" + "Senses contained in head synsets are displayed above the satellites,\n" + "which are indented and preceded by \"=>\". Senses contained in\n" + "satellite synsets are displayed with the head synset below. The head\n" + "synset is preceded by \"=>\".\n" + "\n" + "Pertainym senses display the word or synsets that the search string\n" + "pertains to."); } tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SIMILAR_TO, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PARTICIPLE_OF, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } if (POS.ADVERB == p) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println( "Display synonyms and synsets related to synsets containing\n" + "the search string. If the search string is a pertainym the word\n" + "or synset that it pertains to is displayed.\n" + "\n" + "A pertainym is a relational adverb that is derived from an adjective.\n" + "\n" + "Pertainym senses display the word that the search string is derived from\n" + "and the adjective synset that contains the word. If the adjective synset\n" + "is a satellite synset, its head synset is also displayed."); } tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PERTAINYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } if (POS.NOUN == p || POS.VERB == p) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println( "Recursively display hypernym (superordinate) tree for the search\n" + "string.\n" + "\n" + "Hypernym is the generic term used to designate a whole class of\n" + "specific instances. Y is a hypernym of X if X is a (kind of) Y.\n" + "\n" + "Hypernym synsets are preceded by \"=>\", and are indented from\n" + "the left according to their level in the hierarchy."); } tracePointers(iw, PointerType.HYPERNYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } } //syns if (arg.startsWith("-smem") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println("Display all holonyms of the search string.\n" + "\n" + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the 'meronym' names a part.\n" + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n" + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n" + "member of something. X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nMember Holonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_HOLONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //smem if (arg.startsWith("-ssub") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println("Display all holonyms of the search string.\n" + "\n" + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the 'meronym' names a part.\n" + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n" + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n" + "member of something. X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nSubstance Holonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_HOLONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //ssub if (arg.startsWith("-sprt") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println("Display all holonyms of the search string.\n" + "\n" + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the 'meronym' names a part.\n" + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n" + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n" + "member of something. X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nPart Holonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_HOLONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //sprt if (arg.startsWith("-memb") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println("Display all meronyms of the search string. \n" + "\n" + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n" + "member of something. X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n" + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym names a part.\n" + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nMember Meronyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //memb if (arg.startsWith("-subs") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println("Display all meronyms of the search string. \n" + "\n" + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n" + "member of something. X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n" + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym names a part.\n" + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nSubstance Meronyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //subs if (arg.startsWith("-part") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println("Display all meronyms of the search string. \n" + "\n" + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n" + "member of something. X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n" + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym names a part.\n" + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nPart Meronyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //part if (arg.startsWith("-mero") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println("Display all meronyms of the search string. \n" + "\n" + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n" + "member of something. X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n" + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym names a part.\n" + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nMeronyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //mero if (arg.startsWith("-holo") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println("Display all holonyms of the search string.\n" + "\n" + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the 'meronym' names a part.\n" + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n" + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n" + "member of something. X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nHolonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_HOLONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_HOLONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_HOLONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //holo if (arg.startsWith("-caus") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println("Recursively display CAUSE TO relations of the search string.\n" + "\n" + "The action represented by the verb X causes the action represented by\n" + "the verb Y.\n" + "\n" + "CAUSE TO synsets are preceded by \"=>\", and are indented from the left\n" + "according to their level in the hierarchy."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\n'Cause to' of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.CAUSE, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //caus if (arg.startsWith("-pert") && 6 == arg.length()) { POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nPertainyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PERTAINYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //pert if (arg.startsWith("-attr") && 6 == arg.length()) { POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); if (needHelp) { if (POS.NOUN == p) { System.out .println("Display adjectives for which search string is an attribute."); } if (POS.ADJECTIVE == p) { System.out.println("Display nouns that are attributes of search string."); } } IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nAttributes of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.ATTRIBUTE, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //attr if (arg.startsWith("-deri") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println( "Display derived forms - nouns and verbs that are related morphologically.\n" + "Each related synset is preceeded by its part of speech. Each word in the\n" + "synset is followed by its sense number."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nDerived forms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.NOMINALIZATION, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //deri if (arg.startsWith("-domn") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println("Display domain to which this synset belongs."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nDomain of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.CATEGORY, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.USAGE, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.REGION, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //domn if (arg.startsWith("-domt") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println("Display all synsets belonging to the domain."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nDomain of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.CATEGORY_MEMBER, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.USAGE_MEMBER, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.REGION_MEMBER, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //domt if (arg.startsWith("-faml") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println( "Display familiarity and polysemy information for the search string.\n" + "The polysemy count is the number of senses in WordNet."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { String[] freqs = { "extremely rare", "very rare", "rare", "uncommon", "common", "familiar", "very familiar", "extremely familiar" }; String[] pos = { "a noun", "a verb", "an adjective", "an adverb" }; int cnt = iw.getSenses().size(); int familiar = 0; if (cnt == 0) { familiar = 0; } if (cnt == 1) { familiar = 1; } if (cnt == 2) { familiar = 2; } if (cnt >= 3 && cnt <= 4) { familiar = 3; } if (cnt >= 5 && cnt <= 8) { familiar = 4; } if (cnt >= 9 && cnt <= 16) { familiar = 5; } if (cnt >= 17 && cnt <= 32) { familiar = 6; } if (cnt > 32) { familiar = 7; } System.out.println("\n" + iw.getLemma() + " used as " + pos[p.getId() - 1] + " is " + freqs[familiar] + " (polysemy count = " + cnt + ")"); } } //faml if (arg.startsWith("-fram") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println( "Display applicable verb sentence frames for the search string.\n" + "\n" + "A frame is a sentence template illustrating the usage of a verb.\n" + "\n" + "Verb sentence frames are preceded with the string \"*>\" if a sentence\n" + "frame is acceptable for all of the words in the synset, and with \"=>\"\n" + "if a sentence frame is acceptable for the search string only."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nVerb frames of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); for (int i = 0; i < iw.getSenses().size(); i++) { Synset synset = iw.getSenses().get(i); for (String vf : synset.getVerbFrames()) { System.out.println("\t*> " + vf); } for (Word word : synset.getWords()) { if (iw.getLemma().equalsIgnoreCase(word.getLemma())) { if (word instanceof Verb) { Verb verb = (Verb) word; for (String vf : verb.getVerbFrames()) { System.out.println("\t=> " + vf); } } } } } } } //fram if (arg.startsWith("-hmer") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println( "Display meronyms for search string tree. This is a recursive search\n" + "the prints all the meronyms of the search string and all of its\n" + "hypernyms. \n" + "\n" + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n" + "member of something. X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nMeronyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_MERONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_MERONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_MERONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //hmer if (arg.startsWith("-hhol") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println( "\"Display holonyms for search string tree. This is a recursive search\n" + "that prints all the holonyms of the search string and all of the\n" + "holonym's holonyms.\n" + "\n" + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym names a part.\n" + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nHolonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_HOLONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_HOLONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_HOLONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //hhol if (arg.startsWith("-mero") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out.println("Display all meronyms of the search string. \n" + "\n" + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n" + "member of something. X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n" + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym names a part.\n" + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key); if (null != iw) { System.out.println("\nMeronyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma()); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } //mero if (arg.startsWith("-grep") && 6 == arg.length()) { if (needHelp) { System.out .println("Print all strings in the database containing the search string\n" + "as an individual word, or as the first or last string in a word or\n" + "collocation."); } POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5)); System.out.println("\nGrep of " + p.getLabel() + " " + key); Iterator<IndexWord> ii = d.getIndexWordIterator(p, key); while (ii.hasNext()) { System.out.println(; } } //grep if ("-over".equals(arg)) { for (POS pos : POS.getAllPOS()) { if (null != d.getMorphologicalProcessor()) { IndexWord iw = d.getIndexWord(pos, key); //for plurals like species, glasses if (null != iw && key.equals(iw.getLemma())) { printOverview(pos, iw, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } List<String> forms = d.getMorphologicalProcessor().lookupAllBaseForms(pos, key); if (null != forms) { for (String form : forms) { if (!form.equals(key)) { iw = d.getIndexWord(pos, form); if (null != iw) { printOverview(pos, iw, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys); } } } } } } } //over } } } } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception { //parse commandline Options options = new Options(); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); String gene = new String(); String transcript = new String(); String species = "human"; boolean mapCdna = false; String coordinate = new String(); StringBuilder errorMsg = new StringBuilder(); try {//from w w w. j a v a2 s .c o m options = getOptions(args); } catch (org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException ex) { System.err.println("Parsing failed. Reason: " + ex.getMessage()); System.exit(1); } CommandLine line = parser.parse(options, args); if (line.hasOption("help")) { showHelp(options); } if (line.hasOption("gene")) { gene = line.getOptionValue("gene"); } else { if (!line.hasOption("transcript")) { errorMsg.append("Either --gene or --transcript argument is required\n"); } } if (line.hasOption("transcript")) { if (line.hasOption("gene")) { errorMsg.append("Please specify only one of " + "--gene or --transcript arguments, not both\n"); } else { transcript = line.getOptionValue("transcript"); if (line.hasOption("species")) { System.out.println("Ignoring --species option when using --transcript argument"); } } } if (line.hasOption("coordinate")) { coordinate = line.getOptionValue("coordinate"); } else { errorMsg.append("--coordinate argument is required\n"); } if (line.hasOption("species")) { species = line.getOptionValue("species").replaceAll("\\s+", "_"); } if (line.hasOption("b37")) { if (species.equalsIgnoreCase("human") || species.equalsIgnoreCase("homo sapiens")) { SERVER = GRCh37Server; } else { System.out.println("--b37 argument will be ignored - it can only be " + "used when human is the species of interest. Current species" + " is " + species + ".\n"); } } if (line.hasOption("noncoding")) { mapCdna = true; } if (errorMsg.length() > 0) { showHelp(options, errorMsg.toString(), 2); } int c = 0; boolean threePrimeUtr = false; String prefix = "c."; if (mapCdna) { prefix = "n."; try { c = Integer.parseInt(coordinate); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { showHelp(options, "--coordinate argument '" + coordinate + "' could not " + "be parsed as an integer", 2); } } else if (coordinate.startsWith("*")) { threePrimeUtr = true; prefix = "c.*"; String coord = coordinate.replaceFirst("\\*", ""); try { c = Integer.parseInt(coord); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { showHelp(options, "--coordinate argument '" + coordinate + "' could not " + "be parsed as an integer or UTR coordinate", 2); } } else { try { c = Integer.parseInt(coordinate); } catch (NumberFormatException ex) { showHelp(options, "--coordinate argument '" + coordinate + "' could not " + "be parsed as an integer", 2); } } //got arguments String result; String header = "Input\tSymbol\tEnsemblGene\tEnsemblTranscript\tGenomicCoordinate"; if (!gene.isEmpty()) { IdParser idParser = new IdParser(gene); System.out.println("Interpretting " + gene + " as of type " + idParser.getIdentifierType()); if (idParser.isEnsemblId()) { if (line.hasOption("species")) { System.out.println("Ignoring --species option when searching Ensembl ID."); } if (idParser.isTranscript()) { result = codingToGenomicTranscript(gene, c, threePrimeUtr, mapCdna); } else if (idParser.isEnsp()) { result = codingToGenomicEnsp(gene, c, threePrimeUtr, mapCdna); } else { result = codingToGenomicId(gene, c, threePrimeUtr, mapCdna); } } else { if (idParser.isTranscript()) { //append user input to beginning result = codingToGenomicXrefTranscript(species, gene, c, threePrimeUtr, mapCdna); } else { result = codingToGenomicXref(species, gene, c, threePrimeUtr, mapCdna); } } if (idParser.isTranscript() || idParser.isEnsp()) { result = gene + ":" + prefix + c + "\t" + result; } else { result = convertGeneResult(result, gene, c, prefix); } } else { System.out.println("Searching for " + transcript + " as Ensembl transcript ID"); result = codingToGenomicTranscript(transcript, c, threePrimeUtr, mapCdna); //append user input to beginning result = transcript + ":" + prefix + c + "\t" + result; } System.out.println(header); System.out.println(result); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { int o = 0;/*from ww w. ja v a 2s . c o m*/ BuildInformation buildInformation = BuildInformationProvider.get(); final boolean isProduction = "default".equals(buildInformation.scmBranch); // buildInformation.version != null && buildInformation.version.lastIndexOf("SNAPSHOT") < 0; orderingMap.put(PARAMETERS_SET_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(SPECIES_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(GENE_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(ERROR_CORECTION_LEVEL_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(QUALITY_THRESHOLD_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(AVERAGE_QUALITY_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(LQ_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(CLUSTERIZATION_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(INCLUDE_CYS_PHE_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(LIMIT_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(EXPORT_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(REPORT_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(REPORTING_LEVEL_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(PHRED33_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(PHRED64_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(THREADS_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(COMPRESSED_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(PRINT_HELP_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(PRINT_VERSION_OPTION, o++); orderingMap.put(PRINT_DEBUG_OPTION, o++); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("preset name").hasArg() .withDescription("preset of pipeline parameters to use").create(PARAMETERS_SET_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("species").hasArg() .withDescription("overrides species ['hs' for Homo sapiens, 'mm' for us Mus musculus] " + "(default for built-in presets is 'hs')") .create(SPECIES_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("gene").hasArg() .withDescription("overrides gene: TRB or TRA (default value for built-in parameter sets is TRB)") .create(GENE_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("0|1|2").hasArg() .withDescription( "overrides error correction level (0 = don't correct errors, 1 = correct sequenecing " + "errors only (see -" + QUALITY_THRESHOLD_OPTION + " and -" + LQ_OPTION + " options for details), " + "2 = also correct PCR errors (see -" + CLUSTERIZATION_OPTION + " option)") .create(ERROR_CORECTION_LEVEL_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("value").hasArg().withDescription( "overrides quality threshold value for segment alignment and bad quality sequences " + "correction algorithms. 0 tells the program not to process quality information. (default is 25)") .create(QUALITY_THRESHOLD_OPTION)); if (!isProduction) options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg(false) .withDescription("use this option to output average instead of " + "maximal, quality for CDR3 nucleotide sequences. (Experimental option, use with caution.)") .create(AVERAGE_QUALITY_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("map | drop").hasArg() .withDescription("overrides low quality CDR3s processing strategy (drop = filter off, " + "map = map onto clonotypes created from the high quality CDR3s). This option makes no difference if " + "quality threshold (-" + QUALITY_THRESHOLD_OPTION + " option) is set to 0, or error correction " + "level (-" + ERROR_CORECTION_LEVEL_OPTION + ") is 0.") .create(LQ_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("smd | ete").hasArg() .withDescription("overrides the PCR error correction algorithm: smd = \"save my diversity\", " + "ete = \"eliminate these errors\". Default value for built-in parameters is ete.") .create(CLUSTERIZATION_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("0|1").hasArg() .withDescription("overrides weather include bounding Cys & Phe into CDR3 sequence") .create(INCLUDE_CYS_PHE_OPTION)); options.addOption( OptionBuilder.withArgName("# of reads").hasArg() .withDescription("limits the number of input sequencing reads, use this parameter to " + "normalize several datasets or to have a glance at the data") .create(LIMIT_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("new name").hasArg() .withDescription("use this option to export presets to a local xml files").create(EXPORT_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("file name").hasArg() .withDescription("use this option to write analysis report (summary) to file") .create(REPORT_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("1|2|3").hasArg(true) .withDescription("output detalization level (1 = simple, 2 = medium, 3 = full, this format " + "could be deserialized using mitcr API). Affects only tab-delimited output. Default value is 3.") .create(REPORTING_LEVEL_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg(false).withDescription( "add this option if input file is in old illumina format with 64 byte offset for quality " + "string (MiTCR will try to automatically detect file format if one of the \"-phredXX\" options is not provided)") .create(PHRED64_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg(false) .withDescription("add this option if input file is in Phred+33 format for quality values " + "(MiTCR will try to automatically detect file format if one of the \"-phredXX\" options is not provided)") .create(PHRED33_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.withArgName("threads").hasArg() .withDescription( "specifies the number of CDR3 extraction threads (default = number of available CPU cores)") .create(THREADS_OPTION)); if (!isProduction) options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg(false) .withDescription("use compressed data structures for storing individual " + "clone segments statistics (from which arises the clone segment information). This option reduces required " + "amount of memory, but introduces small stochastic errors into the algorithm which determines clone " + "segments. (Experimental option, use with caution.)") .create(COMPRESSED_OPTION)); options.addOption( OptionBuilder.hasArg(false).withDescription("print this message").create(PRINT_HELP_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg(false).withDescription("print version information") .create(PRINT_VERSION_OPTION)); options.addOption(OptionBuilder.hasArg(false) .withDescription("print additional information about analysis process").create(PRINT_DEBUG_OPTION)); PosixParser parser = new PosixParser(); try { long input_limit = -1; int threads = Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(); int reporting_level = 3; int ec_level = 2; CommandLine cl = parser.parse(options, args, true); if (cl.hasOption(PRINT_HELP_OPTION)) { printHelp(); return; } boolean averageQuality = cl.hasOption(AVERAGE_QUALITY_OPTION), compressedAggregators = cl.hasOption(COMPRESSED_OPTION); if (cl.hasOption(PRINT_VERSION_OPTION)) { System.out.println("MiTCR by MiLaboratory, version: " + buildInformation.version); System.out.println("Branch: " + buildInformation.scmBranch); System.out.println("Built: " + buildInformation.buildDate + ", " + buildInformation.jdk + " JDK, " + "build machine: " + buildInformation.builtBy); System.out.println("SCM changeset: " + buildInformation.scmChangeset + " (" + buildInformation.scmDate.replace("\"", "") + ")"); return; } //Normal execution String paramName = cl.getOptionValue(PARAMETERS_SET_OPTION); if (paramName == null) { err.println("No parameters set is specified."); return; } Parameters params = ParametersIO.getParameters(paramName); if (params == null) { err.println("No parameters set found with name '" + paramName + "'."); return; } String value; if ((value = cl.getOptionValue(THREADS_OPTION)) != null) threads = Integer.decode(value); if ((value = cl.getOptionValue(REPORTING_LEVEL_OPTION)) != null) reporting_level = Integer.decode(value); if ((value = cl.getOptionValue(LIMIT_OPTION)) != null) input_limit = Long.decode(value); if ((value = cl.getOptionValue(GENE_OPTION)) != null) params.setGene(Gene.fromXML(value)); if ((value = cl.getOptionValue(SPECIES_OPTION)) != null) params.setSpecies(Species.getFromShortName(value)); if ((value = cl.getOptionValue(INCLUDE_CYS_PHE_OPTION)) != null) { if (value.equals("1")) params.getCDR3ExtractorParameters().setIncludeCysPhe(true); else if (value.equals("0")) params.getCDR3ExtractorParameters().setIncludeCysPhe(false); else { err.println("Illegal value for -" + INCLUDE_CYS_PHE_OPTION + " parameter."); return; } } if ((value = cl.getOptionValue(ERROR_CORECTION_LEVEL_OPTION)) != null) { int v = Integer.decode(value); ec_level = v; if (v == 0) { params.setCloneGeneratorParameters(new BasicCloneGeneratorParameters()); params.setClusterizationType(CloneClusterizationType.None); } else if (v == 1) { params.setCloneGeneratorParameters(new LQMappingCloneGeneratorParameters()); params.setClusterizationType(CloneClusterizationType.None); } else if (v == 2) { params.setCloneGeneratorParameters(new LQMappingCloneGeneratorParameters()); params.setClusterizationType(CloneClusterizationType.OneMismatch, .1f); } else throw new RuntimeException("This (" + v + ") error correction level is not supported."); } if ((value = cl.getOptionValue(QUALITY_THRESHOLD_OPTION)) != null) { int v = Integer.decode(value); if (v == 0) params.setQualityInterpretationStrategy(new DummyQualityInterpretationStrategy()); else params.setQualityInterpretationStrategy(new IlluminaQualityInterpretationStrategy((byte) v)); } if ((value = cl.getOptionValue(LQ_OPTION)) != null) if (ec_level > 0) switch (value) { case "map": params.setCloneGeneratorParameters(new LQMappingCloneGeneratorParameters( ((BasicCloneGeneratorParameters) params.getCloneGeneratorParameters()) .getSegmentInformationAggregationFactor(), 3, true)); break; case "drop": params.setCloneGeneratorParameters(new LQFilteringOffCloneGeneratorParameters( ((BasicCloneGeneratorParameters) params.getCloneGeneratorParameters()) .getSegmentInformationAggregationFactor())); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Wrong value for -" + LQ_OPTION + " option."); } if ((value = cl.getOptionValue(CLUSTERIZATION_OPTION)) != null) if (ec_level > 1) // == 2 switch (value) { case "smd": params.setClusterizationType(CloneClusterizationType.V2D1J2T3Explicit); break; case "ete": params.setClusterizationType(CloneClusterizationType.OneMismatch); break; default: throw new RuntimeException("Wrong value for -" + CLUSTERIZATION_OPTION + " option."); } ((BasicCloneGeneratorParameters) params.getCloneGeneratorParameters()) .setAccumulatorType(AccumulatorType.get(compressedAggregators, averageQuality)); if ((value = cl.getOptionValue(EXPORT_OPTION)) != null) { //Exporting parameters ParametersIO.exportParameters(params, value); return; } String[] offArgs = cl.getArgs(); if (offArgs.length == 0) { err.println("Input file not specified."); return; } else if (offArgs.length == 1) { err.println("Output file not specified."); return; } else if (offArgs.length > 2) { err.println("Unrecognized argument."); return; } String inputFileName = offArgs[0]; String outputFileName = offArgs[1]; File input = new File(inputFileName); if (!input.exists()) { err.println("Input file not found."); return; } //TODO This also done inside SFastqReader constructor CompressionType compressionType = CompressionType.None; if (inputFileName.endsWith(".gz")) compressionType = CompressionType.GZIP; QualityFormat format = null; // If variable remains null file format will be detected automatically if (cl.hasOption(PHRED33_OPTION)) format = QualityFormat.Phred33; if (cl.hasOption(PHRED64_OPTION)) if (format == null) format = QualityFormat.Phred64; else { err.println( "Options: -" + PHRED33_OPTION + " and -" + PHRED64_OPTION + " are mutually exclusive"); return; } SFastqReader reads = format == null ? new SFastqReader(input, compressionType) : new SFastqReader(input, format, compressionType); OutputPort<SSequencingRead> inputToPipeline = reads; if (input_limit >= 0) inputToPipeline = new CountLimitingOutputPort<>(inputToPipeline, input_limit); SegmentLibrary library = DefaultSegmentLibrary.load(); AnalysisStatisticsAggregator statisticsAggregator = new AnalysisStatisticsAggregator(); FullPipeline pipeline = new FullPipeline(inputToPipeline, params, false, library); pipeline.setThreads(threads); pipeline.setAnalysisListener(statisticsAggregator); new Thread(new SmartProgressReporter(pipeline, err)).start(); // Printing status to the standard error stream; if (cl.hasOption(PRINT_DEBUG_OPTION)) { err.println("Memory = " + (Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory() - Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory())); err.println("Clusterization: " + pipeline.getQC().getReadsClusterized() + "% of reads, " + pipeline.getQC().getClonesClusterized() + " % clones"); } CloneSetClustered cloneSet = pipeline.getResult(); if ((value = cl.getOptionValue(REPORT_OPTION)) != null) { File file = new File(value); TablePrintStreamAdapter table; if (file.exists()) table = new TablePrintStreamAdapter(new FileOutputStream(file, true)); else { table = new TablePrintStreamAdapter(file); ReportExporter.printHeader(table); } //CloneSetQualityControl qc = new CloneSetQualityControl(library, params.getSpecies(), params.getGene(), cloneSet); ReportExporter.printRow(table, inputFileName, outputFileName, pipeline.getQC(), statisticsAggregator); table.close(); } if (outputFileName.endsWith(".cls")) ClsExporter.export(pipeline, outputFileName.replace(".cls", "") + " " + new Date().toString(), input.getName(), outputFileName); else { //Dry run if (outputFileName.startsWith("-")) return; ExportDetalizationLevel detalization = ExportDetalizationLevel.fromLevel(reporting_level); CompressionType compressionType1 = CompressionType.None; if (outputFileName.endsWith(".gz")) compressionType1 = CompressionType.GZIP; CloneSetIO.exportCloneSet(outputFileName, cloneSet, detalization, params, input.getAbsolutePath(), compressionType1); } } catch (ParseException | RuntimeException | IOException e) { err.println("Error occurred in the analysis pipeline."); err.println(); e.printStackTrace(); //printHelp(); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws Throwable { JukeboxStatistics.setTimeStart(System.currentTimeMillis()); // Create the log file name here, so we can change it later (because it's locked System.setProperty("", LOG_FILENAME); PropertyConfigurator.configure("properties/");"Yet Another Movie Jukebox {}", GitRepositoryState.getVersion());"~~~ ~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~~~ {}", StringUtils.repeat("~", GitRepositoryState.getVersion().length()));"");"Copyright (c) 2004-2016 YAMJ Members");"");"This software is licensed under the GNU General Public License v3+");"See this page:");"");" Revision SHA: {} {}", GIT.getCommitId(), GIT.getDirty() ? "(Custom Build)" : "");" Commit Date: {}", GIT.getCommitTime());" Build Date: {}", GIT.getBuildTime());"");" Java Version: {}", GitRepositoryState.getJavaVersion());""); if (!SystemTools.validateInstallation()) {"ABORTING."); return;//from ww w .j a v a 2 s.c o m } String movieLibraryRoot = null; String jukeboxRoot = null; Map<String, String> cmdLineProps = new LinkedHashMap<>(); try { for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) { String arg = args[i]; if ("-v".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { // We've printed the version, so quit now return; } else if ("-t".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { String pin = args[++i]; // load the file if (!setPropertiesStreamName("./properties/", Boolean.TRUE)) { return; } // authorize to Trakt.TV TraktTV.getInstance().initialize().authorizeWithPin(pin); // We've authorized access to Trakt.TV, so quit now return; } else if ("-o".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { jukeboxRoot = args[++i]; PropertiesUtil.setProperty("mjb.jukeboxRoot", jukeboxRoot); } else if ("-c".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { jukeboxClean = Boolean.TRUE; PropertiesUtil.setProperty("mjb.jukeboxClean", TRUE); } else if ("-k".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { setJukeboxPreserve(Boolean.TRUE); } else if ("-p".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { userPropertiesName = args[++i]; } else if ("-i".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { skipIndexGeneration = Boolean.TRUE; PropertiesUtil.setProperty("mjb.skipIndexGeneration", TRUE); } else if ("-h".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { skipHtmlGeneration = Boolean.TRUE; PropertiesUtil.setProperty("mjb.skipHtmlGeneration", Boolean.TRUE); } else if ("-dump".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { dumpLibraryStructure = Boolean.TRUE; } else if ("-memory".equalsIgnoreCase(arg)) { showMemory = Boolean.TRUE; PropertiesUtil.setProperty("mjb.showMemory", Boolean.TRUE); } else if (arg.startsWith("-D")) { String propLine = arg.length() > 2 ? arg.substring(2) : args[++i]; int propDiv = propLine.indexOf('='); if (-1 != propDiv) { cmdLineProps.put(propLine.substring(0, propDiv), propLine.substring(propDiv + 1)); } } else if (arg.startsWith("-")) { help(); return; } else { movieLibraryRoot = args[i]; } } } catch (Exception error) { LOG.error("Wrong arguments specified"); help(); return; } // Save the name of the properties file for use later setProperty("userPropertiesName", userPropertiesName);"Processing started at {}", new Date());""); // Load the file if (!setPropertiesStreamName("./properties/", Boolean.TRUE)) { return; } // Load the user properties file "" // No need to abort if we don't find this file // Must be read before the skin, because this may contain an override skin setPropertiesStreamName(userPropertiesName, Boolean.FALSE); // Grab the skin from the command-line properties if (cmdLineProps.containsKey(SKIN_DIR)) { setProperty(SKIN_DIR, cmdLineProps.get(SKIN_DIR)); } // Load the file if (!setPropertiesStreamName(getProperty(SKIN_DIR, SKIN_DEFAULT) + "/", Boolean.TRUE)) { return; } // Load the file (ignore the error) setPropertiesStreamName(getProperty(SKIN_DIR, SKIN_DEFAULT) + "/", Boolean.FALSE); // Load the file (ignore the error) String overlayRoot = getProperty("mjb.overlay.dir", Movie.UNKNOWN); overlayRoot = (PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("mjb.overlay.skinroot", Boolean.TRUE) ? (getProperty(SKIN_DIR, SKIN_DEFAULT) + File.separator) : "") + (StringTools.isValidString(overlayRoot) ? (overlayRoot + File.separator) : ""); setPropertiesStreamName(overlayRoot + "", Boolean.FALSE); // Load the file if (!setPropertiesStreamName("./properties/", Boolean.TRUE)) { return; } // This is needed to update the static reference for the API Keys in the pattern formatter // because the formatter is initialised before the properties files are read FilteringLayout.addApiKeys(); // Load the rest of the command-line properties for (Map.Entry<String, String> propEntry : cmdLineProps.entrySet()) { setProperty(propEntry.getKey(), propEntry.getValue()); } // Read the information about the skin SkinProperties.readSkinVersion(); // Display the information about the skin SkinProperties.printSkinVersion(); StringBuilder properties = new StringBuilder("{"); for (Map.Entry<Object, Object> propEntry : PropertiesUtil.getEntrySet()) { properties.append(propEntry.getKey()); properties.append("="); properties.append(propEntry.getValue()); properties.append(","); } properties.replace(properties.length() - 1, properties.length(), "}"); // Print out the properties to the log file. LOG.debug("Properties: {}", properties.toString()); // Check for mjb.skipIndexGeneration and set as necessary // This duplicates the "-i" functionality, but allows you to have it in the property file skipIndexGeneration = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("mjb.skipIndexGeneration", Boolean.FALSE); if (PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("mjb.people", Boolean.FALSE)) { peopleScan = Boolean.TRUE; peopleScrape = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("mjb.people.scrape", Boolean.TRUE); peopleMax = PropertiesUtil.getIntProperty("mjb.people.maxCount", 10); popularity = PropertiesUtil.getIntProperty("mjb.people.popularity", 5); // Issue 1947: Cast enhancement - option to save all related files to a specific folder peopleFolder = PropertiesUtil.getProperty("mjb.people.folder", ""); if (isNotValidString(peopleFolder)) { peopleFolder = ""; } else if (!peopleFolder.endsWith(File.separator)) { peopleFolder += File.separator; } StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer( PropertiesUtil.getProperty("photo.scanner.photoExtensions", "jpg,jpeg,gif,bmp,png"), ",;| "); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { PHOTO_EXTENSIONS.add(st.nextToken()); } } // Check for mjb.skipHtmlGeneration and set as necessary // This duplicates the "-h" functionality, but allows you to have it in the property file skipHtmlGeneration = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("mjb.skipHtmlGeneration", Boolean.FALSE); // Look for the parameter in the properties file if it's not been set on the command line // This way we don't overwrite the setting if it's not found and defaults to FALSE showMemory = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("mjb.showMemory", Boolean.FALSE); // This duplicates the "-c" functionality, but allows you to have it in the property file jukeboxClean = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("mjb.jukeboxClean", Boolean.FALSE); MovieFilenameScanner.setSkipKeywords( tokenizeToArray(getProperty("filename.scanner.skip.keywords", ""), ",;| "), PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("filename.scanner.skip.caseSensitive", Boolean.TRUE)); MovieFilenameScanner.setSkipRegexKeywords( tokenizeToArray(getProperty("filename.scanner.skip.keywords.regex", ""), ","), PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("filename.scanner.skip.caseSensitive.regex", Boolean.TRUE)); MovieFilenameScanner.setExtrasKeywords( tokenizeToArray(getProperty("filename.extras.keywords", "trailer,extra,bonus"), ",;| ")); MovieFilenameScanner.setMovieVersionKeywords(tokenizeToArray( getProperty("", "remastered,directors cut,extended cut,final cut"), ",;|")); MovieFilenameScanner.setLanguageDetection( PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("filename.scanner.language.detection", Boolean.TRUE)); final KeywordMap languages = PropertiesUtil.getKeywordMap("filename.scanner.language.keywords", null); if (!languages.isEmpty()) { MovieFilenameScanner.clearLanguages(); for (String lang : languages.getKeywords()) { String values = languages.get(lang); if (values != null) { MovieFilenameScanner.addLanguage(lang, values, values); } else {"No values found for language code '{}'", lang); } } } final KeywordMap sourceKeywords = PropertiesUtil.getKeywordMap("filename.scanner.source.keywords", "HDTV,PDTV,DVDRip,DVDSCR,DSRip,CAM,R5,LINE,HD2DVD,DVD,DVD5,DVD9,HRHDTV,MVCD,VCD,TS,VHSRip,BluRay,HDDVD,D-THEATER,SDTV"); MovieFilenameScanner.setSourceKeywords(sourceKeywords.getKeywords(), sourceKeywords); String temp = getProperty("sorting.strip.prefixes"); if (temp != null) { StringTokenizer st = new StringTokenizer(temp, ","); while (st.hasMoreTokens()) { String token = st.nextToken().trim(); if (token.startsWith("\"") && token.endsWith("\"")) { token = token.substring(1, token.length() - 1); } Movie.addSortIgnorePrefixes(token.toLowerCase()); } } enableWatchScanner = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("watched.scanner.enable", Boolean.TRUE); enableWatchTraktTv = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("watched.trakttv.enable", Boolean.FALSE); enableCompleteMovies = PropertiesUtil.getBooleanProperty("complete.movies.enable", Boolean.TRUE); // Check to see if don't have a root, check the property file if (StringTools.isNotValidString(movieLibraryRoot)) { movieLibraryRoot = getProperty("mjb.libraryRoot"); if (StringTools.isValidString(movieLibraryRoot)) {"Got libraryRoot from properties file: {}", movieLibraryRoot); } else { LOG.error("No library root found!"); help(); return; } } if (jukeboxRoot == null) { jukeboxRoot = getProperty("mjb.jukeboxRoot"); if (jukeboxRoot == null) {"jukeboxRoot is null in properties file. Please fix this as it may cause errors."); } else {"Got jukeboxRoot from properties file: {}", jukeboxRoot); } } File f = new File(movieLibraryRoot); if (f.exists() && f.isDirectory() && jukeboxRoot == null) { jukeboxRoot = movieLibraryRoot; } if (movieLibraryRoot == null) { help(); return; } if (jukeboxRoot == null) {"Wrong arguments specified: you must define the jukeboxRoot property (-o) !"); help(); return; } if (!f.exists()) { LOG.error("Directory or library configuration file '{}', not found.", movieLibraryRoot); return; } FileTools.initUnsafeChars(); FileTools.initSubtitleExtensions(); // make canonical names jukeboxRoot = FileTools.getCanonicalPath(jukeboxRoot); movieLibraryRoot = FileTools.getCanonicalPath(movieLibraryRoot); MovieJukebox ml = new MovieJukebox(movieLibraryRoot, jukeboxRoot); if (dumpLibraryStructure) { LOG.warn( "WARNING !!! A dump of your library directory structure will be generated for debug purpose. !!! Library won't be built or updated"); ml.makeDumpStructure(); } else { ml.generateLibrary(); } // Now rename the log files renameLogFile(); if (ScanningLimit.isLimitReached()) { LOG.warn("Scanning limit of {} was reached, please re-run to complete processing.", ScanningLimit.getLimit()); System.exit(EXIT_SCAN_LIMIT); } else { System.exit(EXIT_NORMAL); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { main_completed = false;/*from w ww . j a va 2 s . c o m*/ Options options = new Options(); options.addOption(Option.builder("?").desc("Print this message").longOpt("help").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("n").hasArg().desc("C++ namespace for newly generated classes.") .longOpt("namespace").build()); options.addOption( Option.builder("c").hasArgs().desc("Single Java class to extract.").longOpt("classes").build()); options.addOption( Option.builder("p").hasArgs().desc("Java Package prefix to extract").longOpt("packages").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("o").hasArg().desc("Output C++ source file.").longOpt("output").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("j").hasArg().desc("Input jar file").longOpt("jar").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("h").hasArg().desc("Output C++ header file.").longOpt("header").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("l").hasArg() .desc("Maximum limit on classes to extract from jars.[default=200]").longOpt("limit").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder("v").desc("enable verbose output").longOpt("verbose").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg().desc("Classes per output file.[default=10]") .longOpt(CLASSESPEROUTPUT).build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArgs().desc( "Comma seperated list of nativeclass=javaclass native where nativeclass will be generated as an extension/implementation of the java class.") .longOpt("natives").build()); options.addOption(Option.builder().hasArg() .desc("library name for System.loadLibrary(...) for native extension classes") .longOpt("loadlibname").build()); String output = null; String header = null; String jar = null; Set<String> classnamesToFind = null; Set<String> packageprefixes = null; String loadlibname = null; Map<String, String> nativesNameMap = null; Map<String, Class> nativesClassMap = null; int limit = DEFAULT_LIMIT; int classes_per_file = 10; List<Class> classes = new ArrayList<>(); String limitstring = Integer.toString(limit); try { // parse the command line arguments System.out.println("args = " + Arrays.toString(args)); CommandLine line = new DefaultParser().parse(options, args); loadlibname = line.getOptionValue("loadlibname"); verbose = line.hasOption("verbose"); if (line.hasOption(CLASSESPEROUTPUT)) { String cpoStr = line.getOptionValue(CLASSESPEROUTPUT); try { int cpoI = Integer.valueOf(cpoStr); classes_per_file = cpoI; } catch (Exception e) { System.err.println("Option for " + CLASSESPEROUTPUT + "=\"" + cpoStr + "\""); printHelpAndExit(options, args); } } if (line.hasOption("natives")) { String natives[] = line.getOptionValues("natives"); if (verbose) { System.out.println("natives = " + Arrays.toString(natives)); } nativesNameMap = new HashMap<>(); nativesClassMap = new HashMap<>(); for (int i = 0; i < natives.length; i++) { int eq_index = natives[i].indexOf('='); String nativeClassName = natives[i].substring(0, eq_index).trim(); String javaClassName = natives[i].substring(eq_index + 1).trim(); Class javaClass = null; try { javaClass = Class.forName(javaClassName); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { //e.printStackTrace(); System.err.println("Class for " + javaClassName + " not found. (It may be found later in jar if specified.)"); } nativesNameMap.put(javaClassName, nativeClassName); if (javaClass != null) { nativesClassMap.put(nativeClassName, javaClass); if (!classes.contains(javaClass)) { classes.add(javaClass); } } } } // // validate that block-size has been set // if (line.hasOption("block-size")) { // // print the value of block-size // if(verbose) System.out.println(line.getOptionValue("block-size")); // } jar = line.getOptionValue("jar", jar); if (verbose) { System.out.println("jar = " + jar); } if (null != jar) { if (jar.startsWith("~/")) { jar = new File(new File(getHomeDir()), jar.substring(2)).getCanonicalPath(); } if (jar.startsWith("./")) { jar = new File(new File(getCurrentDir()), jar.substring(2)).getCanonicalPath(); } if (jar.startsWith("../")) { jar = new File(new File(getCurrentDir()).getParentFile(), jar.substring(3)).getCanonicalPath(); } } if (line.hasOption("classes")) { classnamesToFind = new HashSet<String>(); String classStrings[] = line.getOptionValues("classes"); if (verbose) { System.out.println("classStrings = " + Arrays.toString(classStrings)); } classnamesToFind.addAll(Arrays.asList(classStrings)); if (verbose) { System.out.println("classnamesToFind = " + classnamesToFind); } } // if (!line.hasOption("namespace")) { // if (classname != null && classname.length() > 0) { // namespace = classname.toLowerCase().replace(".", "_"); // } else if (jar != null && jar.length() > 0) { // int lastSep = jar.lastIndexOf(File.separator); // int start = Math.max(0, lastSep + 1); // int period = jar.indexOf('.', start + 1); // int end = Math.max(start + 1, period); // namespace = jar.substring(start, end).toLowerCase(); // namespace = namespace.replace(" ", "_"); // if (namespace.indexOf("-") > 0) { // namespace = namespace.substring(0, namespace.indexOf("-")); // } // } // } namespace = line.getOptionValue("namespace", namespace); if (verbose) { System.out.println("namespace = " + namespace); } if (null != namespace) { output = namespace + ".cpp"; } output = line.getOptionValue("output", output); if (verbose) { System.out.println("output = " + output); } if (null != output) { if (output.startsWith("~/")) { output = System.getProperty("user.home") + output.substring(1); } header = output.substring(0, output.lastIndexOf('.')) + ".h"; } else { output = "out.cpp"; } header = line.getOptionValue("header", header); if (verbose) { System.out.println("header = " + header); } if (null != header) { if (header.startsWith("~/")) { header = System.getProperty("user.home") + header.substring(1); } } else { header = "out.h"; } if (line.hasOption("packages")) { packageprefixes = new HashSet<String>(); packageprefixes.addAll(Arrays.asList(line.getOptionValues("packages"))); } if (line.hasOption("limit")) { limitstring = line.getOptionValue("limit", Integer.toString(DEFAULT_LIMIT)); limit = Integer.valueOf(limitstring); } if (line.hasOption("help")) { printHelpAndExit(options, args); } } catch (ParseException exp) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("Unexpected exception:" + exp.getMessage()); } printHelpAndExit(options, args); } Set<Class> excludedClasses = new HashSet<>(); Set<String> foundClassNames = new HashSet<>(); excludedClasses.add(Object.class); excludedClasses.add(String.class); excludedClasses.add(void.class); excludedClasses.add(Void.class); excludedClasses.add(Class.class); excludedClasses.add(Enum.class); Set<String> packagesSet = new TreeSet<>(); List<URL> urlsList = new ArrayList<>(); String cp = System.getProperty("java.class.path"); if (verbose) { System.out.println("System.getProperty(\"java.class.path\") = " + cp); } if (null != cp) { for (String cpe : cp.split(File.pathSeparator)) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("class path element = " + cpe); } File f = new File(cpe); if (f.isDirectory()) { urlsList.add(new URL("file:" + f.getCanonicalPath() + File.separator)); } else if (cpe.endsWith(".jar")) { urlsList.add(new URL("jar:file:" + f.getCanonicalPath() + "!/")); } } } cp = System.getenv("CLASSPATH"); if (verbose) { System.out.println("System.getenv(\"CLASSPATH\") = " + cp); } if (null != cp) { for (String cpe : cp.split(File.pathSeparator)) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("class path element = " + cpe); } File f = new File(cpe); if (f.isDirectory()) { urlsList.add(new URL("file:" + f.getCanonicalPath() + File.separator)); } else if (cpe.endsWith(".jar")) { urlsList.add(new URL("jar:file:" + f.getCanonicalPath() + "!/")); } } } if (verbose) { System.out.println("urlsList = " + urlsList); } if (null != jar && jar.length() > 0) { Path jarPath = FileSystems.getDefault().getPath(jar); ZipInputStream zip = new ZipInputStream(Files.newInputStream(jarPath, StandardOpenOption.READ)); URL jarUrl = new URL("jar:file:" + jarPath.toFile().getCanonicalPath() + "!/"); urlsList.add(jarUrl); URL[] urls = urlsList.toArray(new URL[urlsList.size()]); if (verbose) { System.out.println("urls = " + Arrays.toString(urls)); } URLClassLoader cl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urls); for (ZipEntry entry = zip.getNextEntry(); entry != null; entry = zip.getNextEntry()) { // This ZipEntry represents a class. Now, what class does it represent? String entryName = entry.getName(); if (verbose) { System.out.println("entryName = " + entryName); } if (!entry.isDirectory() && entryName.endsWith(".class")) { if (entryName.indexOf('$') >= 0) { continue; } String classFileName = entry.getName().replace('/', '.'); String className = classFileName.substring(0, classFileName.length() - ".class".length()); if (classnamesToFind != null && classnamesToFind.size() > 0 && !classnamesToFind.contains(className)) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("skipping className=" + className + " because it does not found in=" + classnamesToFind); } continue; } try { Class clss = cl.loadClass(className); if (null != nativesClassMap && null != nativesNameMap && nativesNameMap.containsKey(className)) { nativesClassMap.put(nativesNameMap.get(className), clss); if (!classes.contains(clss)) { classes.add(clss); } } if (packageprefixes != null && packageprefixes.size() > 0) { if (null == clss.getPackage()) { continue; } final String pkgName = clss.getPackage().getName(); boolean matchFound = false; for (String prefix : packageprefixes) { if (pkgName.startsWith(prefix)) { matchFound = true; break; } } if (!matchFound) { continue; } } Package p = clss.getPackage(); if (null != p) { packagesSet.add(clss.getPackage().getName()); } if (!classes.contains(clss) && isAddableClass(clss, excludedClasses)) { if (null != classnamesToFind && classnamesToFind.contains(className) && !foundClassNames.contains(className)) { foundClassNames.add(className); if (verbose) { System.out.println("foundClassNames = " + foundClassNames); } } // if(verbose) System.out.println("clss = " + clss); classes.add(clss); // Class superClass = clss.getSuperclass(); // while (null != superClass // && !classes.contains(superClass) // && isAddableClass(superClass, excludedClasses)) { // classes.add(superClass); // superClass = superClass.getSuperclass(); // } } } catch (ClassNotFoundException | NoClassDefFoundError ex) { System.err.println( "Caught " + ex.getClass().getName() + ":" + ex.getMessage() + " for className=" + className + ", entryName=" + entryName + ", jarPath=" + jarPath); } } } } if (null != classnamesToFind) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("Checking classnames arguments"); } for (String classname : classnamesToFind) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("classname = " + classname); } if (foundClassNames.contains(classname)) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("foundClassNames.contains(" + classname + ")"); } continue; } try { if (classes.contains(Class.forName(classname))) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("Classes list already contains: " + classname); } continue; } } catch (Exception e) { } if (null != classname && classname.length() > 0) { urlsList.add(new URL("file://" + System.getProperty("user.dir") + "/")); URL[] urls = urlsList.toArray(new URL[urlsList.size()]); if (verbose) { System.out.println("urls = " + Arrays.toString(urls)); } URLClassLoader cl = URLClassLoader.newInstance(urls); Class c = null; try { c = cl.loadClass(classname); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Class " + classname + " not found "); } if (verbose) { System.out.println("c = " + c); } if (null == c) { try { c = ClassLoader.getSystemClassLoader().loadClass(classname); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("System ClassLoader failed to find " + classname); } } } if (null != c) { classes.add(c); } else { System.err.println("Class " + classname + " not found"); } } } if (verbose) { System.out.println("Finished checking classnames arguments"); } } if (classes == null || classes.size() < 1) { if (null == nativesClassMap || nativesClassMap.keySet().size() < 1) { System.err.println("No Classes specified or found."); System.exit(1); } } if (verbose) { System.out.println("Classes found = " + classes.size()); } if (classes.size() > limit) { System.err.println("limit=" + limit); System.err.println( "Too many classes please use -c or -p options to limit classes or -l to increase limit."); if (verbose) { System.out.println("packagesSet = " + packagesSet); } System.exit(1); } List<Class> newClasses = new ArrayList<Class>(); for (Class clss : classes) { Class superClass = clss.getSuperclass(); while (null != superClass && !classes.contains(superClass) && !newClasses.contains(superClass) && isAddableClass(superClass, excludedClasses)) { newClasses.add(superClass); superClass = superClass.getSuperclass(); } try { Field fa[] = clss.getDeclaredFields(); for (Field f : fa) { if (Modifier.isPublic(f.getModifiers())) { Class fClass = f.getType(); if (!classes.contains(fClass) && !newClasses.contains(fClass) && isAddableClass(fClass, excludedClasses)) { newClasses.add(fClass); } } } } catch (NoClassDefFoundError e) { e.printStackTrace(); } for (Method m : clss.getDeclaredMethods()) { if (m.isSynthetic()) { continue; } if (!Modifier.isPublic(m.getModifiers()) || Modifier.isAbstract(m.getModifiers())) { continue; } Class retType = m.getReturnType(); if (verbose) { System.out.println("Checking dependancies for Method = " + m); } if (!classes.contains(retType) && !newClasses.contains(retType) && isAddableClass(retType, excludedClasses)) { newClasses.add(retType); superClass = retType.getSuperclass(); while (null != superClass && !classes.contains(superClass) && !newClasses.contains(superClass) && isAddableClass(superClass, excludedClasses)) { newClasses.add(superClass); superClass = superClass.getSuperclass(); } } for (Class paramType : m.getParameterTypes()) { if (!classes.contains(paramType) && !newClasses.contains(paramType) && isAddableClass(paramType, excludedClasses)) { newClasses.add(paramType); superClass = paramType.getSuperclass(); while (null != superClass && !classes.contains(superClass) && !newClasses.contains(superClass) && !excludedClasses.contains(superClass)) { newClasses.add(superClass); superClass = superClass.getSuperclass(); } } } } } if (null != nativesClassMap) { for (Class clss : nativesClassMap.values()) { if (null != clss) { Class superClass = clss.getSuperclass(); while (null != superClass && !classes.contains(superClass) && !newClasses.contains(superClass) && !excludedClasses.contains(superClass)) { newClasses.add(superClass); superClass = superClass.getSuperclass(); } } } } if (verbose) { System.out.println("Dependency classes needed = " + newClasses.size()); } classes.addAll(newClasses); List<Class> newOrderClasses = new ArrayList<>(); for (Class clss : classes) { if (newOrderClasses.contains(clss)) { continue; } Class superClass = clss.getSuperclass(); Stack<Class> stack = new Stack<>(); while (null != superClass && !newOrderClasses.contains(superClass) && !superClass.equals(java.lang.Object.class)) { stack.push(superClass); superClass = superClass.getSuperclass(); } while (!stack.empty()) { newOrderClasses.add(stack.pop()); } newOrderClasses.add(clss); } classes = newOrderClasses; if (verbose) { System.out.println("Total number of classes = " + classes.size()); System.out.println("classes = " + classes); } String forward_header = header.substring(0, header.lastIndexOf('.')) + "_fwd.h"; Map<String, String> map = new HashMap<>(); map.put(JAR, jar != null ? jar : ""); map.put("%CLASSPATH_PREFIX%", getCurrentDir() + ((jar != null) ? (File.pathSeparator + ((new File(jar).getCanonicalPath()).replace("\\", "\\\\"))) : "")); map.put("%FORWARD_HEADER%", forward_header); map.put("%HEADER%", header); map.put("%PATH_SEPERATOR%", File.pathSeparator); String tabs = ""; String headerDefine = forward_header.substring(Math.max(0, forward_header.indexOf(File.separator))) .replace(".", "_"); map.put(HEADER_DEFINE, headerDefine); map.put(NAMESPACE, namespace); if (null != nativesClassMap) { for (Entry<String, Class> e : nativesClassMap.entrySet()) { final Class javaClass = e.getValue(); final String nativeClassName = e.getKey(); try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(nativeClassName + ".java"))) { if (javaClass.isInterface()) { pw.println("public class " + nativeClassName + " implements " + javaClass.getCanonicalName() + ", AutoCloseable{"); } else { pw.println("public class " + nativeClassName + " extends " + javaClass.getCanonicalName() + " implements AutoCloseable{"); } if (null != loadlibname && loadlibname.length() > 0) { pw.println(TAB_STRING + "static {"); pw.println(TAB_STRING + TAB_STRING + "System.loadLibrary(\"" + loadlibname + "\");"); pw.println(TAB_STRING + "}"); pw.println(); } pw.println(TAB_STRING + "public " + nativeClassName + "() {"); pw.println(TAB_STRING + "}"); pw.println(); pw.println(TAB_STRING + "private long nativeAddress=0;"); pw.println(TAB_STRING + "private boolean nativeDeleteOnClose=false;"); pw.println(); pw.println(TAB_STRING + "protected " + nativeClassName + "(final long nativeAddress) {"); pw.println(TAB_STRING + TAB_STRING + "this.nativeAddress = nativeAddress;"); pw.println(TAB_STRING + "}"); pw.println(TAB_STRING + "private native void nativeDelete();"); pw.println(); pw.println(TAB_STRING + "@Override"); pw.println(TAB_STRING + "public synchronized void close() {"); // pw.println(TAB_STRING + TAB_STRING + "if(nativeAddress != 0 && nativeDeleteOnClose) {"); pw.println(TAB_STRING + TAB_STRING + "nativeDelete();"); // pw.println(TAB_STRING + TAB_STRING + "}"); // pw.println(TAB_STRING + TAB_STRING + "nativeAddress=0;"); // pw.println(TAB_STRING + TAB_STRING + "nativeDeleteOnClose=false;"); pw.println(TAB_STRING + "}"); pw.println(); pw.println(TAB_STRING + "protected void finalizer() {"); pw.println(TAB_STRING + TAB_STRING + "close();"); pw.println(TAB_STRING + "}"); pw.println(); Method ma[] = javaClass.getDeclaredMethods(); for (Method m : ma) { int modifiers = m.getModifiers(); if (Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers) && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) && !Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) // && !m.isDefault() && !m.isSynthetic()) { pw.println(); pw.println(TAB_STRING + "@Override"); String params = ""; for (int i = 0; i < m.getParameterTypes().length; i++) { params += m.getParameterTypes()[i].getCanonicalName() + " param" + i; if (i < m.getParameterTypes().length - 1) { params += ","; } } pw.println(TAB_STRING + "native public " + m.getReturnType().getCanonicalName() + " " + m.getName() + "(" + params + ");"); // + IntStream.range(0, m.getParameterTypes().length) // .mapToObj(i -> m.getParameterTypes()[i].getCanonicalName() + " param" + i) // .collect(Collectors.joining(",")) + ");"); } } pw.println("}"); } } } try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(forward_header))) { tabs = ""; processTemplate(pw, map, "header_fwd_template_start.h", tabs); Class lastClass = null; for (int class_index = 0; class_index < classes.size(); class_index++) { Class clss = classes.get(class_index); String clssOnlyName = getCppClassName(clss); tabs = openClassNamespace(clss, pw, tabs, lastClass); tabs += TAB_STRING; pw.println(tabs + "class " + clssOnlyName + ";"); tabs = tabs.substring(0, tabs.length() - 1); Class nextClass = (class_index < (classes.size() - 1)) ? classes.get(class_index + 1) : null; tabs = closeClassNamespace(clss, pw, tabs, nextClass); lastClass = clss; } processTemplate(pw, map, "header_fwd_template_end.h", tabs); } headerDefine = header.substring(Math.max(0, header.indexOf(File.separator))).replace(".", "_"); map.put(HEADER_DEFINE, headerDefine); map.put(NAMESPACE, namespace); if (classes_per_file < 1) { classes_per_file = classes.size(); } final int num_class_segments = (classes.size() > 1) ? ((classes.size() + classes_per_file - 1) / classes_per_file) : 1; String fmt = "%d"; if (num_class_segments > 10) { fmt = "%02d"; } if (num_class_segments > 100) { fmt = "%03d"; } String header_file_base = header; if (header_file_base.endsWith(".h")) { header_file_base = header_file_base.substring(0, header_file_base.length() - 2); } else if (header_file_base.endsWith(".hh")) { header_file_base = header_file_base.substring(0, header_file_base.length() - 3); } else if (header_file_base.endsWith(".hpp")) { header_file_base = header_file_base.substring(0, header_file_base.length() - 4); } try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(header))) { tabs = ""; processTemplate(pw, map, HEADER_TEMPLATE_STARTH, tabs); for (int segment_index = 0; segment_index < num_class_segments; segment_index++) { String header_segment_file = header_file_base + String.format(fmt, segment_index) + ".h"; pw.println("#include \"" + header_segment_file + "\""); } if (null != nativesClassMap) { tabs = TAB_STRING; for (Entry<String, Class> e : nativesClassMap.entrySet()) { final Class javaClass = e.getValue(); final String nativeClassName = e.getKey(); pw.println(); pw.println(tabs + "class " + nativeClassName + "Context;"); pw.println(); map.put(CLASS_NAME, nativeClassName); map.put("%BASE_CLASS_FULL_NAME%", "::" + namespace + "::" + getModifiedClassName(javaClass).replace(".", "::")); map.put(OBJECT_CLASS_FULL_NAME, "::" + namespace + "::java::lang::Object"); processTemplate(pw, map, HEADER_CLASS_STARTH, tabs); tabs += TAB_STRING; pw.println(tabs + nativeClassName + "Context *context;"); pw.println(tabs + nativeClassName + "();"); pw.println(tabs + "~" + nativeClassName + "();"); Method methods[] = javaClass.getDeclaredMethods(); for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) { Method method = methods[j]; int modifiers = method.getModifiers(); if (!Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) { continue; } if (Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers) && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) && !Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) // && !method.isDefault() && !method.isSynthetic()) { pw.println(tabs + getNativeMethodCppDeclaration(method, javaClass)); } } pw.println(tabs + "void initContext(" + nativeClassName + "Context *ctx,bool isref);"); pw.println(tabs + "void deleteContext();"); tabs = tabs.substring(TAB_STRING.length()); pw.println(tabs + "}; // end class " + nativeClassName); } } tabs = ""; processTemplate(pw, map, HEADER_TEMPLATE_ENDH, tabs); } for (int segment_index = 0; segment_index < num_class_segments; segment_index++) { String header_segment_file = header_file_base + String.format(fmt, segment_index) + ".h"; try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(header_segment_file))) { tabs = ""; //processTemplate(pw, map, HEADER_TEMPLATE_STARTH, tabs); pw.println("// Never include this file (" + header_segment_file + ") directly. include " + header + " instead."); pw.println(); Class lastClass = null; final int start_segment_index = segment_index * classes_per_file; final int end_segment_index = Math.min(segment_index * classes_per_file + classes_per_file, classes.size()); List<Class> classesSegList = classes.subList(start_segment_index, end_segment_index); pw.println(); pw.println(tabs + "// start_segment_index = " + start_segment_index); pw.println(tabs + "// start_segment_index = " + end_segment_index); pw.println(tabs + "// segment_index = " + segment_index); pw.println(tabs + "// classesSegList=" + classesSegList); pw.println(); for (int class_index = 0; class_index < classesSegList.size(); class_index++) { Class clss = classesSegList.get(class_index); pw.println(); pw.println(tabs + "// class_index = " + class_index + " clss=" + clss); pw.println(); String clssName = clss.getCanonicalName(); tabs = openClassNamespace(clss, pw, tabs, lastClass); String clssOnlyName = getCppClassName(clss); map.put(CLASS_NAME, clssOnlyName); map.put("%BASE_CLASS_FULL_NAME%", classToCppBase(clss)); map.put(OBJECT_CLASS_FULL_NAME, getCppRelativeName(Object.class, clss)); tabs += TAB_STRING; processTemplate(pw, map, HEADER_CLASS_STARTH, tabs); tabs += TAB_STRING; Constructor constructors[] = clss.getDeclaredConstructors(); if (!hasNoArgConstructor(constructors)) { if (Modifier.isAbstract(clss.getModifiers()) || clss.isInterface()) { pw.println(tabs + "protected:"); pw.println(tabs + clssOnlyName + "() {};"); pw.println(tabs + "public:"); } else { if (constructors.length > 0) { pw.println(tabs + "protected:"); } pw.println(tabs + clssOnlyName + "();"); if (constructors.length > 0) { pw.println(tabs + "public:"); } } } for (Constructor c : constructors) { if (c.getParameterTypes().length == 0 && Modifier.isProtected(c.getModifiers())) { pw.println(tabs + "protected:"); pw.println(tabs + clssOnlyName + "();"); pw.println(tabs + "public:"); } if (checkConstructor(c, clss, classes)) { continue; } if (c.getParameterTypes().length == 1 && clss.isAssignableFrom(c.getParameterTypes()[0])) { continue; } if (!Modifier.isPublic(c.getModifiers())) { continue; } if (c.getParameterTypes().length == 1) { if (c.getParameterTypes()[0].getName().equals(clss.getName())) { // if(verbose) System.out.println("skipping constructor."); continue; } } if (!checkParameters(c.getParameterTypes(), classes)) { continue; } pw.println( tabs + clssOnlyName + getCppParamDeclarations(c.getParameterTypes(), clss) + ";"); if (isConstructorToMakeEasy(c, clss)) { pw.println(tabs + clssOnlyName + getEasyCallCppParamDeclarations(c.getParameterTypes(), clss) + ";"); } } pw.println(tabs + "~" + clssOnlyName + "();"); Field fa[] = clss.getDeclaredFields(); for (int findex = 0; findex < fa.length; findex++) { Field field = fa[findex]; if (addGetterMethod(field, clss, classes)) { pw.println(tabs + getCppFieldGetterDeclaration(field, clss)); } if (addSetterMethod(field, clss, classes)) { pw.println(tabs + getCppFieldSetterDeclaration(field, clss)); } } Method methods[] = clss.getDeclaredMethods(); for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) { Method method = methods[j]; if (!checkMethod(method, classes)) { continue; } if ((method.getModifiers() & Modifier.PUBLIC) == Modifier.PUBLIC) { pw.println(tabs + getCppDeclaration(method, clss)); } if (isArrayStringMethod(method)) { pw.println(tabs + getCppModifiers(method.getModifiers()) + getCppType(method.getReturnType(), clss) + " " + fixMethodName(method) + "(int argc,const char **argv);"); } if (isMethodToMakeEasy(method)) { pw.println(tabs + getEasyCallCppDeclaration(method, clss)); } } tabs = tabs.substring(TAB_STRING.length()); pw.println(tabs + "}; // end class " + clssOnlyName); tabs = tabs.substring(0, tabs.length() - 1); Class nextClass = (class_index < (classesSegList.size() - 1)) ? classesSegList.get(class_index + 1) : null; tabs = closeClassNamespace(clss, pw, tabs, nextClass); pw.println(); lastClass = clss; } //processTemplate(pw, map, HEADER_TEMPLATE_ENDH, tabs); } } for (int segment_index = 0; segment_index < num_class_segments; segment_index++) { String output_segment_file = output; if (output_segment_file.endsWith(".cpp")) { output_segment_file = output_segment_file.substring(0, output_segment_file.length() - 4); } else if (output_segment_file.endsWith(".cc")) { output_segment_file = output_segment_file.substring(0, output_segment_file.length() - 3); } output_segment_file += "" + String.format(fmt, segment_index) + ".cpp"; try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(output_segment_file))) { tabs = ""; if (segment_index < 1) { processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_template_start_first.cpp", tabs); } else { processTemplate(pw, map, CPP_TEMPLATE_STARTCPP, tabs); } final int start_segment_index = segment_index * classes_per_file; final int end_segment_index = Math.min(segment_index * classes_per_file + classes_per_file, classes.size()); List<Class> classesSegList = classes.subList(start_segment_index, end_segment_index); pw.println(); pw.println(tabs + "// start_segment_index = " + start_segment_index); pw.println(tabs + "// start_segment_index = " + end_segment_index); pw.println(tabs + "// segment_index = " + segment_index); pw.println(tabs + "// classesSegList=" + classesSegList); pw.println(); Class lastClass = null; for (int class_index = 0; class_index < classesSegList.size(); class_index++) { Class clss = classesSegList.get(class_index); pw.println(); pw.println(tabs + "// class_index = " + class_index + " clss=" + clss); pw.println(); String clssName = clss.getCanonicalName(); tabs = openClassNamespace(clss, pw, tabs, lastClass); String clssOnlyName = getCppClassName(clss); map.put(CLASS_NAME, clssOnlyName); map.put("%BASE_CLASS_FULL_NAME%", classToCppBase(clss)); map.put(FULL_CLASS_NAME, clssName); String fcjs = classToJNISignature(clss); fcjs = fcjs.substring(1, fcjs.length() - 1); map.put(FULL_CLASS_JNI_SIGNATURE, fcjs); if (verbose) { System.out.println("fcjs = " + fcjs); } map.put(OBJECT_CLASS_FULL_NAME, getCppRelativeName(Object.class, clss)); map.put("%INITIALIZE_CONTEXT%", ""); map.put("%INITIALIZE_CONTEXT_REF%", ""); processTemplate(pw, map, CPP_START_CLASSCPP, tabs); Constructor constructors[] = clss.getDeclaredConstructors(); if (!hasNoArgConstructor(constructors)) { if (!Modifier.isAbstract(clss.getModifiers()) && !clss.isInterface()) { pw.println(tabs + clssOnlyName + "::" + clssOnlyName + "() : " + classToCppBase(clss) + "((jobject)NULL,false) {"); map.put(JNI_SIGNATURE, "()V"); map.put(CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS, ""); processTemplate(pw, map, CPP_NEWCPP, tabs); pw.println(tabs + "}"); pw.println(); } } for (Constructor c : constructors) { if (checkConstructor(c, clss, classes)) { continue; } Class[] paramClasses = c.getParameterTypes(); pw.println(tabs + clssOnlyName + "::" + clssOnlyName + getCppParamDeclarations(paramClasses, clss) + " : " + classToCppBase(clss) + "((jobject)NULL,false) {"); tabs = tabs + TAB_STRING; map.put(JNI_SIGNATURE, "(" + getJNIParamSignature(paramClasses) + ")V"); map.put(CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS, (paramClasses.length > 0 ? "," : "") + getCppParamNames(paramClasses)); processTemplate(pw, map, CPP_NEWCPP, tabs); tabs = tabs.substring(0, tabs.length() - 1); pw.println(tabs + "}"); pw.println(); if (isConstructorToMakeEasy(c, clss)) { pw.println(tabs + clssOnlyName + "::" + clssOnlyName + getEasyCallCppParamDeclarations(c.getParameterTypes(), clss) + " : " + classToCppBase(clss) + "((jobject)NULL,false) {"); processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_start_easy_constructor.cpp", tabs); for (int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < paramClasses.length; paramIndex++) { Class paramClasse = paramClasses[paramIndex]; String parmName = getParamNameIn(paramClasse, paramIndex); if (isString(paramClasse)) { pw.println(tabs + "jstring " + parmName + " = env->NewStringUTF(easyArg_" + paramIndex + ");"); } else if (isPrimitiveArray(paramClasse)) { String callString = getMethodCallString(paramClasse.getComponentType()); pw.println(tabs + getCppArrayType(paramClasse.getComponentType()) + " " + classToParamNameDecl(paramClasse, paramIndex) + "= env->New" + callString + "Array(easyArg_" + paramIndex + "_length);"); pw.println(tabs + "env->Set" + callString + "ArrayRegion(" + classToParamNameDecl(paramClasse, paramIndex) + ",0,easyArg_" + paramIndex + "_length,easyArg_" + paramIndex + ");"); } else { pw.println(tabs + getCppType(paramClasse, clss) + " " + classToParamNameDecl(paramClasse, paramIndex) + "= easyArg_" + paramIndex + ";"); } } processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_new_easy_internals.cpp", tabs); for (int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < paramClasses.length; paramIndex++) { Class paramClasse = paramClasses[paramIndex]; String parmName = getParamNameIn(paramClasse, paramIndex); if (isString(paramClasse)) { pw.println(tabs + "jobjectRefType ref_" + paramIndex + " = env->GetObjectRefType(" + parmName + ");"); pw.println(tabs + "if(ref_" + paramIndex + " == JNIGlobalRefType) {"); pw.println(tabs + TAB_STRING + "env->DeleteGlobalRef(" + parmName + ");"); pw.println(tabs + "}"); } else if (isPrimitiveArray(paramClasse)) { String callString = getMethodCallString(paramClasse.getComponentType()); pw.println(tabs + "env->Get" + callString + "ArrayRegion(" + classToParamNameDecl(paramClasse, paramIndex) + ",0,easyArg_" + paramIndex + "_length,easyArg_" + paramIndex + ");"); pw.println(tabs + "jobjectRefType ref_" + paramIndex + " = env->GetObjectRefType(" + parmName + ");"); pw.println(tabs + "if(ref_" + paramIndex + " == JNIGlobalRefType) {"); pw.println(tabs + TAB_STRING + "env->DeleteGlobalRef(" + parmName + ");"); pw.println(tabs + "}"); } else { } } processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_end_easy_constructor.cpp", tabs); pw.println(tabs + "}"); } } pw.println(); pw.println(tabs + "// Destructor for " + clssName); pw.println(tabs + clssOnlyName + "::~" + clssOnlyName + "() {"); pw.println(tabs + "\t// Place-holder for later extensibility."); pw.println(tabs + "}"); pw.println(); Field fa[] = clss.getDeclaredFields(); for (int findex = 0; findex < fa.length; findex++) { Field field = fa[findex]; if (addGetterMethod(field, clss, classes)) { pw.println(); pw.println(tabs + "// Field getter for " + field.getName()); pw.println(getCppFieldGetterDefinitionStart(tabs, clssOnlyName, field, clss)); map.put("%FIELD_NAME%", field.getName()); map.put(JNI_SIGNATURE, classToJNISignature(field.getType())); Class returnClass = field.getType(); map.put(METHOD_ONFAIL, getOnFailString(returnClass, clss)); map.put(METHOD_ARGS, ""); map.put("%METHOD_RETURN%", isVoid(returnClass) ? "" : "return"); map.put("%METHOD_CALL_TYPE%", getMethodCallString(returnClass)); map.put("%METHOD_RETURN_TYPE%", getCppType(returnClass, clss)); map.put("%RETURN_VAR_DECLARE%", getMethodReturnVarDeclare(returnClass)); String retStore = isVoid(returnClass) ? "" : "retVal= (" + getMethodReturnVarType(returnClass) + ") "; map.put("%METHOD_RETURN_STORE%", retStore); map.put("%METHOD_RETURN_GET%", getMethodReturnGet(tabs, returnClass, clss)); if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_static_getfield.cpp", tabs); } else { processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_getfield.cpp", tabs); } pw.println(tabs + "}"); } if (addSetterMethod(field, clss, classes)) { pw.println(); pw.println(tabs + "// Field setter for " + field.getName()); pw.println(getCppFieldSetterDefinitionStart(tabs, clssOnlyName, field, clss)); map.put("%FIELD_NAME%", field.getName()); map.put(JNI_SIGNATURE, classToJNISignature(field.getType())); Class returnClass = void.class; map.put(METHOD_ONFAIL, getOnFailString(returnClass, clss)); Class[] paramClasses = new Class[] { field.getType() }; String methodArgs = getCppParamNames(paramClasses); map.put(METHOD_ARGS, (paramClasses.length > 0 ? "," : "") + methodArgs); map.put("%METHOD_RETURN%", isVoid(returnClass) ? "" : "return"); map.put("%METHOD_CALL_TYPE%", getMethodCallString(field.getType())); map.put("%METHOD_RETURN_TYPE%", getCppType(returnClass, clss)); map.put("%RETURN_VAR_DECLARE%", getMethodReturnVarDeclare(returnClass)); String retStore = isVoid(returnClass) ? "" : "retVal= (" + getMethodReturnVarType(returnClass) + ") "; map.put("%METHOD_RETURN_STORE%", retStore); map.put("%METHOD_RETURN_GET%", getMethodReturnGet(tabs, returnClass, clss)); if (Modifier.isStatic(field.getModifiers())) { processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_static_setfield.cpp", tabs); } else { processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_setfield.cpp", tabs); } pw.println(tabs + "}"); } } Method methods[] = clss.getDeclaredMethods(); for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) { Method method = methods[j]; if (checkMethod(method, classes)) { pw.println(); pw.println(getCppMethodDefinitionStart(tabs, clssOnlyName, method, clss)); map.put(METHOD_NAME, method.getName()); if (fixMethodName(method).contains("equals2")) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("debug me"); } } map.put("%JAVA_METHOD_NAME%", method.getName()); Class[] paramClasses = method.getParameterTypes(); String methodArgs = getCppParamNames(paramClasses); map.put(METHOD_ARGS, (paramClasses.length > 0 ? "," : "") + methodArgs); Class returnClass = method.getReturnType(); map.put(JNI_SIGNATURE, "(" + getJNIParamSignature(paramClasses) + ")" + classToJNISignature(returnClass)); map.put(METHOD_ONFAIL, getOnFailString(returnClass, clss)); map.put("%METHOD_RETURN%", isVoid(returnClass) ? "" : "return"); map.put("%METHOD_CALL_TYPE%", getMethodCallString(returnClass)); map.put("%METHOD_RETURN_TYPE%", getCppType(returnClass, clss)); map.put("%RETURN_VAR_DECLARE%", getMethodReturnVarDeclare(returnClass)); String retStore = isVoid(returnClass) ? "" : "retVal= (" + getMethodReturnVarType(returnClass) + ") "; map.put("%METHOD_RETURN_STORE%", retStore); map.put("%METHOD_RETURN_GET%", getMethodReturnGet(tabs, returnClass, clss)); tabs += TAB_STRING; if (!Modifier.isStatic(method.getModifiers())) { processTemplate(pw, map, CPP_METHODCPP, tabs); } else { processTemplate(pw, map, CPP_STATIC_METHODCPP, tabs); } tabs = tabs.substring(0, tabs.length() - TAB_STRING.length()); pw.println(tabs + "}"); if (isArrayStringMethod(method)) { map.put(METHOD_RETURN_STORE, isVoid(returnClass) ? "" : getCppType(returnClass, clss) + " returnVal="); map.put(METHOD_RETURN_GET, isVoid(returnClass) ? "return ;" : "return returnVal;"); processTemplate(pw, map, CPP_EASY_STRING_ARRAY_METHODCPP, tabs); } else if (isMethodToMakeEasy(method)) { pw.println(); pw.println(tabs + "// Easy call alternative for " + method.getName()); pw.println(getEasyCallCppMethodDefinitionStart(tabs, clssOnlyName, method, clss)); tabs += TAB_STRING; map.put("%RETURN_VAR_DECLARE%", getMethodReturnVarDeclareOut(returnClass, clss)); processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_start_easy_method.cpp", tabs); for (int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < paramClasses.length; paramIndex++) { Class paramClasse = paramClasses[paramIndex]; String parmName = getParamNameIn(paramClasse, paramIndex); if (isString(paramClasse)) { pw.println(tabs + "jstring " + parmName + " = env->NewStringUTF(easyArg_" + paramIndex + ");"); } else if (isPrimitiveArray(paramClasse)) { String callString = getMethodCallString(paramClasse.getComponentType()); pw.println(tabs + getCppArrayType(paramClasse.getComponentType()) + " " + classToParamNameDecl(paramClasse, paramIndex) + "= env->New" + callString + "Array(easyArg_" + paramIndex + "_length);"); pw.println(tabs + "env->Set" + callString + "ArrayRegion(" + classToParamNameDecl(paramClasse, paramIndex) + ",0,easyArg_" + paramIndex + "_length,easyArg_" + paramIndex + ");"); } else { pw.println(tabs + getCppType(paramClasse, clss) + " " + classToParamNameDecl(paramClasse, paramIndex) + "= easyArg_" + paramIndex + ";"); } } String methodArgsIn = getCppParamNamesIn(paramClasses); String retStoreOut = isVoid(returnClass) ? "" : "retVal= (" + getMethodReturnOutVarType(returnClass, clss) + ") "; pw.println(tabs + retStoreOut + fixMethodName(method) + "(" + methodArgsIn + ");"); for (int paramIndex = 0; paramIndex < paramClasses.length; paramIndex++) { Class paramClasse = paramClasses[paramIndex]; String parmName = getParamNameIn(paramClasse, paramIndex); if (isString(paramClasse)) { pw.println(tabs + "jobjectRefType ref_" + paramIndex + " = env->GetObjectRefType(" + parmName + ");"); pw.println(tabs + "if(ref_" + paramIndex + " == JNIGlobalRefType) {"); pw.println(tabs + TAB_STRING + "env->DeleteGlobalRef(" + parmName + ");"); pw.println(tabs + "}"); } else if (isPrimitiveArray(paramClasse)) { String callString = getMethodCallString(paramClasse.getComponentType()); pw.println(tabs + "env->Get" + callString + "ArrayRegion(" + classToParamNameDecl(paramClasse, paramIndex) + ",0,easyArg_" + paramIndex + "_length,easyArg_" + paramIndex + ");"); pw.println(tabs + "jobjectRefType ref_" + paramIndex + " = env->GetObjectRefType(" + parmName + ");"); pw.println(tabs + "if(ref_" + paramIndex + " == JNIGlobalRefType) {"); pw.println(tabs + TAB_STRING + "env->DeleteGlobalRef(" + parmName + ");"); pw.println(tabs + "}"); } else { } } processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_end_easy_method.cpp", tabs); if (!isVoid(returnClass)) { pw.println(tabs + "return retVal;"); } tabs = tabs.substring(TAB_STRING.length()); pw.println(tabs + "}"); pw.println(); } } } processTemplate(pw, map, CPP_END_CLASSCPP, tabs); tabs = tabs.substring(0, tabs.length() - 1); Class nextClass = (class_index < (classesSegList.size() - 1)) ? classesSegList.get(class_index + 1) : null; tabs = closeClassNamespace(clss, pw, tabs, nextClass); lastClass = clss; } if (segment_index < 1) { if (null != nativesClassMap) { for (Entry<String, Class> e : nativesClassMap.entrySet()) { final Class javaClass = e.getValue(); final String nativeClassName = e.getKey(); map.put(CLASS_NAME, nativeClassName); map.put(FULL_CLASS_NAME, nativeClassName); map.put(FULL_CLASS_JNI_SIGNATURE, nativeClassName); map.put("%BASE_CLASS_FULL_NAME%", "::" + namespace + "::" + getModifiedClassName(javaClass).replace(".", "::")); map.put(OBJECT_CLASS_FULL_NAME, "::" + namespace + "::java::lang::Object"); map.put("%INITIALIZE_CONTEXT%", "context=NULL; initContext(NULL,false);"); map.put("%INITIALIZE_CONTEXT_REF%", "context=NULL; initContext(objref.context,true);"); tabs += TAB_STRING; processTemplate(pw, map, CPP_START_CLASSCPP, tabs); pw.println(); pw.println(tabs + nativeClassName + "::" + nativeClassName + "() : " + getModifiedClassName(javaClass).replace(".", "::") + "((jobject)NULL,false) {"); tabs += TAB_STRING; pw.println(tabs + "context=NULL;"); pw.println(tabs + "initContext(NULL,false);"); map.put(JNI_SIGNATURE, "()V"); map.put(CONSTRUCTOR_ARGS, ""); processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_new_native.cpp", tabs); tabs = tabs.substring(TAB_STRING.length()); pw.println(tabs + "}"); pw.println(); pw.println(tabs + "// Destructor for " + nativeClassName); pw.println(tabs + nativeClassName + "::~" + nativeClassName + "() {"); pw.println(tabs + TAB_STRING + "if(NULL != context) {"); pw.println(tabs + TAB_STRING + TAB_STRING + "deleteContext();"); pw.println(tabs + TAB_STRING + "}"); pw.println(tabs + TAB_STRING + "context=NULL;"); pw.println(tabs + "}"); pw.println(); // pw.println(tabs + "public:"); // pw.println(tabs + nativeClassName + "();"); // pw.println(tabs + "~" + nativeClassName + "();"); tabs = tabs.substring(TAB_STRING.length()); // Method methods[] = javaClass.getDeclaredMethods(); // for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) { // Method method = methods[j]; // int modifiers = method.getModifiers(); // if (!Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) { // continue; // } // pw.println(tabs + getCppDeclaration(method, javaClass)); // } // pw.println(tabs + "}; // end class " + nativeClassName); processTemplate(pw, map, CPP_END_CLASSCPP, tabs); } } processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_template_end_first.cpp", tabs); tabs = ""; if (null != nativesClassMap) { pw.println("using namespace " + namespace + ";"); pw.println("#ifdef __cplusplus"); pw.println("extern \"C\" {"); pw.println("#endif"); int max_method_count = 0; tabs = ""; for (Entry<String, Class> e : nativesClassMap.entrySet()) { final Class javaClass = e.getValue(); final String nativeClassName = e.getKey(); map.put(CLASS_NAME, nativeClassName); map.put(FULL_CLASS_NAME, nativeClassName); map.put("%BASE_CLASS_FULL_NAME%", "::" + namespace + "::" + getModifiedClassName(javaClass).replace(".", "::")); map.put(OBJECT_CLASS_FULL_NAME, "::" + namespace + "::java::lang::Object"); map.put(FULL_CLASS_JNI_SIGNATURE, nativeClassName); map.put(METHOD_ONFAIL, "return;"); Method methods[] = javaClass.getDeclaredMethods(); if (max_method_count < methods.length) { max_method_count = methods.length; } for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) { Method method = methods[j]; int modifiers = method.getModifiers(); if (!Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) { continue; } if (Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers) && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) && !Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) // && !method.isDefault() && !method.isSynthetic()) { Class[] paramClasses = method.getParameterTypes(); String methodArgs = getCppParamNames(paramClasses); map.put(METHOD_ARGS, methodArgs); map.put(METHOD_NAME, method.getName()); Class returnClass = method.getReturnType(); String retStore = isVoid(returnClass) ? "" : "retVal= (" + getMethodReturnVarType(returnClass) + ") "; map.put(METHOD_ONFAIL, getOnFailString(returnClass, javaClass)); map.put("%RETURN_VAR_DECLARE%", getMethodReturnVarDeclare(returnClass)); map.put("%METHOD_RETURN_STORE%", retStore); map.put("%METHOD_RETURN_GET%", getMethodReturnGet(tabs, returnClass, javaClass)); pw.println(); String paramDecls = getCppParamDeclarations(paramClasses, javaClass); String argsToAdd = method.getParameterTypes().length > 0 ? "," + paramDecls.substring(1, paramDecls.length() - 1) : ""; pw.println("JNIEXPORT " + getCppType(returnClass, javaClass) + " JNICALL Java_" + nativeClassName + "_" + method.getName() + "(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis" + argsToAdd + ") {"); tabs = TAB_STRING; processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_native_wrap.cpp", tabs); tabs = tabs.substring(TAB_STRING.length()); pw.println("}"); pw.println(); } } pw.println("JNIEXPORT void JNICALL Java_" + nativeClassName + "_nativeDelete(JNIEnv *env, jobject jthis) {"); tabs += TAB_STRING; map.put(METHOD_ONFAIL, getOnFailString(void.class, javaClass)); processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_native_delete.cpp", tabs); tabs = tabs.substring(TAB_STRING.length()); pw.println(tabs + "}"); pw.println(); } pw.println("#ifdef __cplusplus"); pw.println("} // end extern \"C\""); pw.println("#endif"); map.put("%MAX_METHOD_COUNT%", Integer.toString(max_method_count + 1)); processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_start_register_native.cpp", tabs); for (Entry<String, Class> e : nativesClassMap.entrySet()) { final Class javaClass = e.getValue(); final String nativeClassName = e.getKey(); map.put(CLASS_NAME, nativeClassName); map.put(FULL_CLASS_NAME, nativeClassName); map.put("%BASE_CLASS_FULL_NAME%", "::" + namespace + "::" + getModifiedClassName(javaClass).replace(".", "::")); map.put(OBJECT_CLASS_FULL_NAME, "::" + namespace + "::java::lang::Object"); processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_start_register_native_class.cpp", tabs); tabs += TAB_STRING; Method methods[] = javaClass.getDeclaredMethods(); int method_number = 0; for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) { Method method = methods[j]; int modifiers = method.getModifiers(); if (!Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) { continue; } if (Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers) && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) && !Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) // && !method.isDefault() && !method.isSynthetic()) { map.put("%METHOD_NUMBER%", Integer.toString(method_number)); map.put(METHOD_NAME, method.getName()); map.put(JNI_SIGNATURE, "(" + getJNIParamSignature(method.getParameterTypes()) + ")" + classToJNISignature(method.getReturnType())); processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_register_native_item.cpp", tabs); method_number++; } } map.put("%METHOD_NUMBER%", Integer.toString(method_number)); map.put(METHOD_NAME, "nativeDelete"); map.put(JNI_SIGNATURE, "()V"); processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_register_native_item.cpp", tabs); map.put("%NUM_NATIVE_METHODS%", Integer.toString(method_number)); processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_end_register_native_class.cpp", tabs); tabs = tabs.substring(TAB_STRING.length()); } processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_end_register_native.cpp", tabs); } else { pw.println("// No Native classes : registerNativMethods not needed."); pw.println("static void registerNativeMethods(JNIEnv *env) {}"); } } else { processTemplate(pw, map, CPP_TEMPLATE_ENDCPP, tabs); } } if (null != nativesClassMap) { tabs = ""; for (Entry<String, Class> e : nativesClassMap.entrySet()) { String nativeClassName = e.getKey(); File nativeClassHeaderFile = new File( namespace.toLowerCase() + "_" + nativeClassName.toLowerCase() + ".h"); map.put("%NATIVE_CLASS_HEADER%", nativeClassHeaderFile.getName()); map.put(CLASS_NAME, nativeClassName); if (nativeClassHeaderFile.exists()) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("skipping " + nativeClassHeaderFile.getCanonicalPath() + " since it already exists."); } } else { try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(nativeClassHeaderFile))) { processTemplate(pw, map, "header_native_imp.h", tabs); } } File nativeClassCppFile = new File( namespace.toLowerCase() + "_" + nativeClassName.toLowerCase() + ".cpp"); if (nativeClassCppFile.exists()) { if (verbose) { System.out.println("skipping " + nativeClassCppFile.getCanonicalPath() + " since it already exists."); } } else { try (PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(new FileWriter(nativeClassCppFile))) { processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_native_imp_start.cpp", tabs); Class javaClass = e.getValue(); Method methods[] = javaClass.getDeclaredMethods(); int method_number = 0; for (int j = 0; j < methods.length; j++) { Method method = methods[j]; int modifiers = method.getModifiers(); if (!Modifier.isPublic(modifiers)) { continue; } if (Modifier.isAbstract(modifiers) && Modifier.isPublic(modifiers) && !Modifier.isStatic(modifiers) // && !method.isDefault() && !method.isSynthetic()) { Class[] paramClasses = method.getParameterTypes(); // String methodArgs = getCppParamNames(paramClasses); String paramDecls = getCppParamDeclarations(paramClasses, javaClass); String methodArgs = method.getParameterTypes().length > 0 ? paramDecls.substring(1, paramDecls.length() - 1) : ""; map.put(METHOD_ARGS, methodArgs); map.put(METHOD_NAME, method.getName()); Class returnClass = method.getReturnType(); String retStore = isVoid(returnClass) ? "" : "retVal= (" + getMethodReturnVarType(returnClass) + ") "; map.put(METHOD_ONFAIL, getOnFailString(returnClass, javaClass)); map.put("%RETURN_TYPE%", getCppType(returnClass, javaClass)); map.put("%RETURN_VAR_DECLARE%", getMethodReturnVarDeclare(returnClass)); map.put("%METHOD_RETURN_STORE%", retStore); map.put("%METHOD_RETURN_GET%", getMethodReturnGet(tabs, returnClass, javaClass)); processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_native_imp_stub.cpp", tabs); } } processTemplate(pw, map, "cpp_native_imp_end.cpp", tabs); } } } } } main_completed = true; }