Java tutorial
package eu.clarin.cmdi.vlo.importer; import; import; import; import; import java.text.SimpleDateFormat; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Date; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLine; import org.apache.commons.cli.CommandLineParser; import org.apache.commons.cli.Options; import org.apache.commons.cli.PosixParser; import; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrServerException; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.impl.ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.util.ClientUtils; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrInputDocument; import org.apache.solr.common.params.MapSolrParams; import org.apache.solr.common.params.SolrParams; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import eu.clarin.cmdi.vlo.CommonUtils; import eu.clarin.cmdi.vlo.FacetConstants; import eu.clarin.cmdi.vlo.LanguageCodeUtils; import eu.clarin.cmdi.vlo.StringUtils; import eu.clarin.cmdi.vlo.config.DataRoot; import eu.clarin.cmdi.vlo.config.VloConfig; import eu.clarin.cmdi.vlo.config.XmlVloConfigFactory; import java.time.LocalDate; import java.time.ZoneId; import static java.time.temporal.ChronoUnit.DAYS; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.SolrQuery; import org.apache.solr.client.solrj.response.QueryResponse; import org.apache.solr.common.SolrDocument; /** * The main metadataImporter class. Also contains the main function. * * The metadataimporter reads all the config files and then, for each * metadatafile in each defined directory structure parses and imports them as * defined in the configuration. The startImport function starts the importing * and so on. */ public class MetadataImporter { private static final int SOLR_SERVER_THREAD_COUNT = 2; /** * Defines which files to try and parse. In this case all files ending in * "xml" or "cmdi". */ private static final String[] VALID_CMDI_EXTENSIONS = new String[] { "xml", "cmdi" }; /** * Log log log log */ protected final static Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(MetadataImporter.class); /** * Some place to store errors. */ private static Throwable serverError; /** * the solr server. */ private ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer solrServer; /** * Defines the post-processor associations. At import, for each facet value, * this map is checked and all postprocessors associated with the facet * _type_ are applied to the value before storing the new value in the solr * document. */ final static Map<String, PostProcessor> POST_PROCESSORS = new HashMap<>(); static { POST_PROCESSORS.put(FacetConstants.FIELD_ID, new IdPostProcessor()); POST_PROCESSORS.put(FacetConstants.FIELD_CONTINENT, new ContinentNamePostProcessor()); POST_PROCESSORS.put(FacetConstants.FIELD_COUNTRY, new CountryNamePostProcessor()); POST_PROCESSORS.put(FacetConstants.FIELD_LANGUAGE_CODE, new LanguageCodePostProcessor()); POST_PROCESSORS.put(FacetConstants.FIELD_LANGUAGE_NAME, new LanguageNamePostProcessor()); POST_PROCESSORS.put(FacetConstants.FIELD_AVAILABILITY, new AvailabilityPostProcessor()); POST_PROCESSORS.put(FacetConstants.FIELD_ORGANISATION, new OrganisationPostProcessor()); POST_PROCESSORS.put(FacetConstants.FIELD_TEMPORAL_COVERAGE, new TemporalCoveragePostProcessor()); POST_PROCESSORS.put(FacetConstants.FIELD_NATIONAL_PROJECT, new NationalProjectPostProcessor()); POST_PROCESSORS.put(FacetConstants.FIELD_CLARIN_PROFILE, new CMDIComponentProfileNamePostProcessor()); POST_PROCESSORS.put(FacetConstants.FIELD_RESOURCE_CLASS, new ResourceClassPostProcessor()); POST_PROCESSORS.put(FacetConstants.FIELD_LICENSE, new LicensePostProcessor()); } /** * Constructor */ public MetadataImporter() { } public MetadataImporter(String clDatarootsList) { this.clDatarootsList = clDatarootsList; } /** * Contains MDSelflinks (usually). Just to know what we have already done. */ protected final Set<String> processedIds = new HashSet<>(); /** * Some caching for solr documents (we are more efficient if we ram a whole * bunch to the solr server at once. */ protected List<SolrInputDocument> docs = new ArrayList<>(); // SOME STATS protected int nrOFDocumentsSend; protected int nrOfFilesAnalyzed = 0; protected int nrOfFilesWithoutId = 0; protected int nrOfFilesWithError = 0; protected int nrOfFilesTooLarge = 0; /** * Retrieve all files with VALID_CMDI_EXTENSIONS from all DataRoot entries * and starts processing for every single file * * @throws MalformedURLException */ void startImport() throws MalformedURLException { initSolrServer(); List<DataRoot> dataRoots = checkDataRoots(); dataRoots = filterDataRootsWithCLArgs(dataRoots); long start = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { // Delete the whole Solr db if (config.getDeleteAllFirst()) {"Deleting original data..."); solrServer.deleteByQuery("*:*"); solrServer.commit();"Deleting original data done."); } // Import the specified data roots for (DataRoot dataRoot : dataRoots) {"Start of processing: " + dataRoot.getOriginName()); if (dataRoot.deleteFirst()) {"Deleting data for data provider: " + dataRoot.getOriginName()); solrServer.deleteByQuery(FacetConstants.FIELD_DATA_PROVIDER + ":" + ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(dataRoot.getOriginName()));"Deleting data of provider done."); } CMDIDataProcessor processor = new CMDIParserVTDXML(POST_PROCESSORS, config, false); List<List<File>> centreFilesList = getFilesFromDataRoot(dataRoot.getRootFile()); // import files from every endpoint for (List<File> centreFiles : centreFilesList) {"Processing directory: {}", centreFiles.get(0).getParent()); // identify mdSelfLinks and remove too large files from center file list"Extracting mdSelfLinks"); Set<String> mdSelfLinkSet = new HashSet<>(); Set<File> ignoredFileSet = new HashSet<>(); for (File file : centreFiles) { if (config.getMaxFileSize() > 0 && file.length() > config.getMaxFileSize()) {"Skipping " + file.getAbsolutePath() + " because it is too large."); nrOfFilesTooLarge++; ignoredFileSet.add(file); } else { String mdSelfLink = null; try { mdSelfLink = processor.extractMdSelfLink(file); } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("error in file: {}", file, e); nrOfFilesWithError++; } if (mdSelfLink != null) { mdSelfLinkSet.add(StringUtils.normalizeIdString(mdSelfLink)); } } } centreFiles.removeAll(ignoredFileSet); // inform structure graph about MdSelfLinks of all files in this collection ResourceStructureGraph.setOccurringMdSelfLinks(mdSelfLinkSet);"...extracted {} mdSelfLinks", mdSelfLinkSet.size()); // process every file in this collection for (File file : centreFiles) { LOG.debug("PROCESSING FILE: {}", file.getAbsolutePath()); processCmdi(file, dataRoot, processor); } if (!docs.isEmpty()) { sendDocs(); } solrServer.commit(); if (config.isProcessHierarchies()) { updateDocumentHierarchy(); } } updateDaysSinceLastImport(dataRoot);"End of processing: " + dataRoot.getOriginName()); } // delete outdated entries (based on maxDaysInSolr parameter) if (config.getMaxDaysInSolr() > 0 && config.getDeleteAllFirst() == false) {"Deleting old files that were not seen for more than " + config.getMaxDaysInSolr() + " days..."); solrServer.deleteByQuery( FacetConstants.FIELD_LAST_SEEN + ":[* TO NOW-" + config.getMaxDaysInSolr() + "DAYS]");"Deleting old files done."); } } catch (SolrServerException e) { LOG.error("error updating files:\n", e); LOG.error("Also see vlo_solr server logs for more information"); } catch (IOException e) { LOG.error("error updating files:\n", e); } finally { try { if (solrServer != null) { solrServer.commit(); buildSuggesterIndex(); } } catch (SolrServerException | IOException e) { LOG.error("cannot commit:\n", e); } } long took = (System.currentTimeMillis() - start) / 1000;"Found " + nrOfFilesWithoutId + " file(s) without an id. (id is generated based on fileName but that may not be unique)");"Found " + nrOfFilesWithError + " file(s) with errors.");"Found " + nrOfFilesTooLarge + " file(s) too large.");"Update of " + nrOFDocumentsSend + " took " + took + " secs. Total nr of files analyzed " + nrOfFilesAnalyzed); solrServer.shutdown(); } /** * Check a List of DataRoots for existence of RootFile (typically parent * directory of metadata files) * * @return */ protected List<DataRoot> checkDataRoots() { List<DataRoot> dataRoots = config.getDataRoots(); List<DataRoot> existingDataRoots = new LinkedList<>(); for (DataRoot dataRoot : dataRoots) { if (!dataRoot.getRootFile().exists()) { LOG.warn("Root file " + dataRoot.getRootFile() + " does not exist. It could be configuration error! Proceeding with next ..."); } else { existingDataRoots.add(dataRoot); } } return existingDataRoots; } /** * if user specified which data roots should be imported, list of existing * data roots will be filtered with the list from user * * @param dataRoots complete list of DataRoots * @return list of DataRoots without DataRoots excluded by the user */ protected List<DataRoot> filterDataRootsWithCLArgs(List<DataRoot> dataRoots) { if (clDatarootsList == null) { return dataRoots; }"Filtering configured data root files with command line arguments: \"" + clDatarootsList + "\""); LinkedList<File> fsDataRoots = new LinkedList<>(); List<String> paths = Arrays.asList((clDatarootsList.split("\\s+"))); //Convert String paths to File objects for comparison for (String path : paths) { fsDataRoots.add(new File(path)); } List<DataRoot> filteredDataRoots = new LinkedList<>(); try { //filter data dr: for (DataRoot dataRoot : dataRoots) { for (File fsDataRoot : fsDataRoots) { if (fsDataRoot.getCanonicalPath().equals(dataRoot.getRootFile().getCanonicalPath())) { filteredDataRoots.add(dataRoot); fsDataRoots.remove(fsDataRoot); continue dr; } }"Root file " + dataRoot.getRootFile() + " will be omitted from processing"); } } catch (IOException e) { filteredDataRoots = dataRoots; } return filteredDataRoots; } /** * Get all files with VALID_CMDI_EXTENSIONS if rootFile is a directory that * contains center directories or rootFile if it is a file * * @param rootFile * @return List with centre Lists of all contained CMDI files if rootFile is * a directory or rootFile if it is a File */ protected List<List<File>> getFilesFromDataRoot(File rootFile) { List<List<File>> result = new ArrayList<>(); if (rootFile.isFile()) { List<File> singleFileList = new ArrayList<>(); singleFileList.add(rootFile); result.add(singleFileList); } else { File[] centerDirs = rootFile.listFiles(); for (File centerDir : centerDirs) { List<File> centerFileList = new ArrayList<>(); if (centerDir.isDirectory()) { centerFileList.addAll(FileUtils.listFiles(centerDir, VALID_CMDI_EXTENSIONS, true)); } if (!centerFileList.isEmpty()) { result.add(centerFileList); } } } return result; } /** * Create an interface to the SOLR server. * * After the interface has been created the importer can send documents to * the server. Sending documents involves a queue. The importer adds * documents to a queue, and dedicated threads will empty it, and * effectively store store the documents. * * @throws MalformedURLException */ protected void initSolrServer() throws MalformedURLException { String solrUrl = config.getSolrUrl();"Initializing concurrent Solr Server on {} with {} threads", solrUrl, SOLR_SERVER_THREAD_COUNT); /* Specify the number of documents in the queue that will trigger the * threads, two of them, emptying it. */ solrServer = new ConcurrentUpdateSolrServer(solrUrl, config.getMinDocsInSolrQueue(), SOLR_SERVER_THREAD_COUNT) { /* * Let the super class method handle exceptions. Make the * exception available to the importer in the form of the * serverError variable. */ @Override public void handleError(Throwable exception) { super.handleError(exception); serverError = exception; } }; } /** * Process single CMDI file with CMDIDataProcessor * * @param file CMDI input file * @param dataOrigin * @param processor * @throws SolrServerException * @throws IOException */ protected void processCmdi(File file, DataRoot dataOrigin, CMDIDataProcessor processor) throws SolrServerException, IOException { nrOfFilesAnalyzed++; CMDIData cmdiData = null; try { cmdiData = processor.process(file); if (!idOk(cmdiData.getId())) { cmdiData.setId(dataOrigin.getOriginName() + "/" + file.getName()); //No id found in the metadata file so making one up based on the file name. Not quaranteed to be unique, but we have to set something. nrOfFilesWithoutId++; } } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error("error in file: {}", file, e); nrOfFilesWithError++; } if (cmdiData != null) { if (processedIds.add(cmdiData.getId())) { SolrInputDocument solrDocument = cmdiData.getSolrDocument(); if (solrDocument != null) { updateDocument(solrDocument, cmdiData, file, dataOrigin); if (config.isProcessHierarchies() && ResourceStructureGraph.getVertex(cmdiData.getId()) != null) { ResourceStructureGraph.getVertex(cmdiData.getId()).setWasImported(true); } } } else { LOG.warn("Skipping {}, already processed id: {}", file, cmdiData.getId()); } } } /** * Check id for validness * * @param id * @return true if id is acceptable, false otherwise */ protected boolean idOk(String id) { return id != null && !id.isEmpty(); } /** * Adds some additional information from DataRoot to solrDocument, add * solrDocument to document list, submits list to SolrServer every 1000 * files * * @param solrDocument * @param cmdiData * @param file * @param dataOrigin * @throws SolrServerException * @throws IOException */ protected void updateDocument(SolrInputDocument solrDocument, CMDIData cmdiData, File file, DataRoot dataOrigin) throws SolrServerException, IOException { if (!solrDocument.containsKey(FacetConstants.FIELD_COLLECTION)) { solrDocument.addField(FacetConstants.FIELD_COLLECTION, dataOrigin.getOriginName()); } solrDocument.addField(FacetConstants.FIELD_DATA_PROVIDER, dataOrigin.getOriginName()); solrDocument.addField(FacetConstants.FIELD_ID, cmdiData.getId()); solrDocument.addField(FacetConstants.FIELD_FILENAME, file.getAbsolutePath()); String metadataSourceUrl = dataOrigin.getPrefix(); metadataSourceUrl += file.getAbsolutePath().substring(dataOrigin.getToStrip().length()); solrDocument.addField(FacetConstants.FIELD_COMPLETE_METADATA, metadataSourceUrl); // add SearchServices (should be CQL endpoint) for (Resource resource : cmdiData.getSearchResources()) { solrDocument.addField(FacetConstants.FIELD_SEARCH_SERVICE, resource.getResourceName()); } // add landing page resource for (Resource resource : cmdiData.getLandingPageResources()) { solrDocument.addField(FacetConstants.FIELD_LANDINGPAGE, resource.getResourceName()); } // add search page resource for (Resource resource : cmdiData.getSearchPageResources()) { solrDocument.addField(FacetConstants.FIELD_SEARCHPAGE, resource.getResourceName()); } // add timestamp Date dt = new Date(); SimpleDateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'"); solrDocument.addField(FacetConstants.FIELD_LAST_SEEN, df.format(dt)); // set number of days since last import to '0' solrDocument.addField(FacetConstants.FIELD_DAYS_SINCE_LAST_SEEN, 0); // add resource proxys addResourceData(solrDocument, cmdiData); LOG.debug("Adding document for submission to SOLR: {}", file); docs.add(solrDocument); if (docs.size() == config.getMaxDocsInList()) { sendDocs(); } } /** * Adds two fields FIELD_FORMAT and FIELD_RESOURCE. The Type can be * specified in the "ResourceType" element of an imdi file or possibly * overwritten by some more specific xpath (as in the LRT cmdi files). So if * a type is overwritten and already in the solrDocument we take that type. * * @param solrDocument * @param cmdiData */ protected void addResourceData(SolrInputDocument solrDocument, CMDIData cmdiData) { List<Object> fieldValues = solrDocument.containsKey(FacetConstants.FIELD_FORMAT) ? new ArrayList<>(solrDocument.getFieldValues(FacetConstants.FIELD_FORMAT)) : null; solrDocument.removeField(FacetConstants.FIELD_FORMAT); //Remove old values they might be overwritten. List<Resource> resources = cmdiData.getDataResources(); for (int i = 0; i < resources.size(); i++) { Resource resource = resources.get(i); String mimeType = resource.getMimeType(); if (mimeType == null) { if (fieldValues != null && i < fieldValues.size()) { mimeType = CommonUtils.normalizeMimeType(fieldValues.get(i).toString()); } else { mimeType = CommonUtils.normalizeMimeType(""); } } FormatPostProcessor processor = new FormatPostProcessor(); mimeType = processor.process(mimeType).get(0); // TODO check should probably be moved into Solr (by using some minimum length filter) if (!mimeType.equals("")) { solrDocument.addField(FacetConstants.FIELD_FORMAT, mimeType); } solrDocument.addField(FacetConstants.FIELD_RESOURCE, mimeType + FacetConstants.FIELD_RESOURCE_SPLIT_CHAR + resource.getResourceName()); } solrDocument.addField(FacetConstants.FIELD_RESOURCE_COUNT, resources.size()); } /** * Send current list of SolrImputDocuments to SolrServer and clears list * afterwards * * @throws SolrServerException * @throws IOException */ protected void sendDocs() throws SolrServerException, IOException {"Sending " + docs.size() + " docs to solr server. Total number of docs updated till now: " + nrOFDocumentsSend); nrOFDocumentsSend += docs.size(); solrServer.add(docs); if (serverError != null) { throw new SolrServerException(serverError); } docs = new ArrayList<>(); } /** * Builds suggester index for autocompletion * * @throws SolrServerException * @throws MalformedURLException */ private void buildSuggesterIndex() throws SolrServerException, MalformedURLException {"Building index for autocompletion."); HashMap<String, String> paramMap = new HashMap<>(); paramMap.put("qt", "/suggest"); paramMap.put("", "true"); SolrParams params = new MapSolrParams(paramMap); solrServer.query(params); } /** * Updates documents in Solr with their hierarchy weight and lists of * related resources (hasPart & isPartOf) * * @throws SolrServerException * @throws MalformedURLException */ private void updateDocumentHierarchy() throws SolrServerException, MalformedURLException, IOException {; Boolean updatedDocs = false; List<SolrInputDocument> updateDocs = new ArrayList<>(); Iterator<CmdiVertex> vertexIter = ResourceStructureGraph.getFoundVertices().iterator(); while (vertexIter.hasNext()) { CmdiVertex vertex =; List<String> incomingVertexNames = ResourceStructureGraph.getIncomingVertexNames(vertex); List<String> outgoingVertexNames = ResourceStructureGraph.getOutgoingVertexNames(vertex); // update vertex if changes are necessary (necessary if non-default weight or edges to other resources) if (vertex.getHierarchyWeight() != 0 || !incomingVertexNames.isEmpty() || !outgoingVertexNames.isEmpty()) { updatedDocs = true; SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); doc.setField(FacetConstants.FIELD_ID, Arrays.asList(vertex.getId())); if (vertex.getHierarchyWeight() != 0) { Map<String, Integer> partialUpdateMap = new HashMap<>(); partialUpdateMap.put("set", Math.abs(vertex.getHierarchyWeight())); doc.setField(FacetConstants.FIELD_HIERARCHY_WEIGHT, partialUpdateMap); } // remove vertices that were not imported Iterator<String> incomingVertexIter = incomingVertexNames.iterator(); while (incomingVertexIter.hasNext()) { String vertexId =; if (ResourceStructureGraph.getVertex(vertexId) == null || !ResourceStructureGraph.getVertex(vertexId).getWasImported()) { incomingVertexIter.remove(); } } Iterator<String> outgoingVertexIter = outgoingVertexNames.iterator(); while (outgoingVertexIter.hasNext()) { String vertexId =; if (ResourceStructureGraph.getVertex(vertexId) == null || !ResourceStructureGraph.getVertex(vertexId).getWasImported()) { outgoingVertexIter.remove(); } } if (!incomingVertexNames.isEmpty()) { Map<String, List<String>> partialUpdateMap = new HashMap<>(); partialUpdateMap.put("set", incomingVertexNames); doc.setField(FacetConstants.FIELD_HAS_PART, partialUpdateMap); Map<String, Integer> partialUpdateMapCount = new HashMap<>(); partialUpdateMapCount.put("set", incomingVertexNames.size()); doc.setField(FacetConstants.FIELD_HAS_PART_COUNT, partialUpdateMapCount); // add hasPartCount weight Double hasPartCountWeight = Math.log10(1 + Math.min(50, incomingVertexNames.size())); Map<String, Double> partialUpdateMapCountWeight = new HashMap<>(); partialUpdateMapCountWeight.put("set", hasPartCountWeight); doc.setField(FacetConstants.FIELD_HAS_PART_COUNT_WEIGHT, partialUpdateMapCountWeight); } if (!outgoingVertexNames.isEmpty()) { Map<String, List<String>> partialUpdateMap = new HashMap<>(); partialUpdateMap.put("set", outgoingVertexNames); doc.setField(FacetConstants.FIELD_IS_PART_OF, partialUpdateMap); } updateDocs.add(doc); } if (updateDocs.size() == config.getMaxDocsInList()) { solrServer.add(updateDocs); if (serverError != null) { throw new SolrServerException(serverError); } updateDocs = new ArrayList<>(); } } if (!updateDocs.isEmpty()) { solrServer.add(updateDocs); if (serverError != null) { throw new SolrServerException(serverError); } } if (updatedDocs) { solrServer.commit(); } ResourceStructureGraph.clearResourceGraph(); } /** * Update "days since last import" field for all Solr records of dataRoot. * Notice that it will not touch records that have a "last seen" value newer * than today. Therefore this should be called <em>after</em> normal * processing of data root! * * @param dataRoot * @throws SolrServerException * @throws IOException */ private void updateDaysSinceLastImport(DataRoot dataRoot) throws SolrServerException, IOException {"Updating \"days since last import\" in Solr for: {}", dataRoot.getOriginName()); SolrQuery query = new SolrQuery(); query.setQuery( //we're going to process all records in the current data root... FacetConstants.FIELD_DATA_PROVIDER + ":" + ClientUtils.escapeQueryChars(dataRoot.getOriginName()) + " AND " // ...that have a "last seen" value _older_ than today (on update/initialisation all records get 0 so we can skip the rest) + FacetConstants.FIELD_LAST_SEEN + ":[* TO NOW-1DAY]"); query.setFields(FacetConstants.FIELD_ID, FacetConstants.FIELD_LAST_SEEN); int fetchSize = 1000; query.setRows(fetchSize); QueryResponse rsp = solrServer.query(query); final long totalResults = rsp.getResults().getNumFound(); final LocalDate nowDate =; final int docsListSize = config.getMaxDocsInList(); List<SolrInputDocument> updateDocs = new ArrayList<>(docsListSize); Boolean updatedDocs = false; int offset = 0; while (offset < totalResults) { query.setStart(offset); query.setRows(fetchSize); for (SolrDocument doc : solrServer.query(query).getResults()) { updatedDocs = true; String recordId = (String) doc.getFieldValue(FacetConstants.FIELD_ID); Date lastImportDate = (Date) doc.getFieldValue(FacetConstants.FIELD_LAST_SEEN); LocalDate oldDate = lastImportDate.toInstant().atZone(ZoneId.systemDefault()).toLocalDate(); long daysSinceLastSeen = DAYS.between(oldDate, nowDate); SolrInputDocument updateDoc = new SolrInputDocument(); updateDoc.setField(FacetConstants.FIELD_ID, recordId); Map<String, Long> partialUpdateMap = new HashMap<>(); partialUpdateMap.put("set", daysSinceLastSeen); updateDoc.setField(FacetConstants.FIELD_DAYS_SINCE_LAST_SEEN, partialUpdateMap); updateDocs.add(updateDoc); if (updateDocs.size() == docsListSize) { solrServer.add(updateDocs); if (serverError != null) { throw new SolrServerException(serverError); } updateDocs = new ArrayList<>(docsListSize); } } offset += fetchSize;"Updating \"days since last import\": {} out of {} records updated", offset, totalResults); } if (!updateDocs.isEmpty()) { solrServer.add(updateDocs); if (serverError != null) { throw new SolrServerException(serverError); } } if (updatedDocs) { solrServer.commit(); }"Updating \"days since last import\" done."); } public static VloConfig config; public static LanguageCodeUtils languageCodeUtils; //data roots passed from command line private String clDatarootsList = null; /** * @param args * @throws MalformedURLException * @throws IOException */ public static void main(String[] args) throws MalformedURLException, IOException { // path to the configuration file String configFile = null; // use the Apache cli framework for getting command line parameters Options options = new Options(); // Data root list passed from command line with -l option String cldrList = null; /** * Add a "c" option, the option indicating the specification of an XML * configuration file * * "l" option - to specify which data roots (from config file) to import * imports all by default */ options.addOption("c", true, "-c <file> : use parameters specified in <file>"); options.addOption("l", true, "-l <dataroot> [ ' ' <dataroot> ]* : space separated list of dataroots to be processed.\n" + "If dataroot is not specified in config file it will be ignored."); options.getOption("l").setOptionalArg(true); CommandLineParser parser = new PosixParser(); try { // parse the command line arguments CommandLine cmd = parser.parse(options, args); if (cmd.hasOption("c")) { // the "c" option was specified, now get its value configFile = cmd.getOptionValue("c"); } if (cmd.hasOption("l")) { cldrList = cmd.getOptionValue("l"); } } catch (org.apache.commons.cli.ParseException ex) { /** * Caught an exception caused by command line parsing. Try to get * the name of the configuration file by querying the system * property. */ String message = "Command line parsing failed. " + ex.getMessage(); LOG.error(message); System.err.println(message); } if (configFile == null) { String message; message = "Could not get config file name via the command line, trying the system properties.";; String key; key = "configFile"; configFile = System.getProperty(key); } if (configFile == null) { String message; message = "Could not get filename as system property either - stopping."; LOG.error(message); } else { // read the configuration from the externally supplied file final URL configUrl; if (configFile.startsWith("file:")) { configUrl = new URL(configFile); } else { configUrl = new File(configFile).toURI().toURL(); } System.out.println("Reading configuration from " + configUrl.toString());"Reading configuration from " + configUrl.toString()); final XmlVloConfigFactory configFactory = new XmlVloConfigFactory(configUrl); MetadataImporter.config = configFactory.newConfig(); MetadataImporter.languageCodeUtils = new LanguageCodeUtils(MetadataImporter.config); // optionally, modify the configuration here // create and start the importer MetadataImporter importer = new MetadataImporter(cldrList); importer.startImport(); // finished importing if (MetadataImporter.config.printMapping()) { File file = new File("xsdMapping.txt"); FacetMappingFactory.printMapping(file);"Printed facetMapping in " + file); } } } }