Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


package net.sf.extjwnl.cli;

import net.sf.extjwnl.JWNLException;
import net.sf.extjwnl.dictionary.Dictionary;
import org.apache.commons.logging.Log;
import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory;

import java.text.DecimalFormat;
import java.util.*;

 * A command-line (CLI) interface to WordNets via extJWNL. It follows the syntax of the wn shipped with the original
 * WordNet, extending it with WordNet editing commands.
 * @author <a rel="author" href="">Aliaksandr Autayeu</a>
public class ewn {

    private static final Log log = LogFactory.getLog(ewn.class);

    public static final String USAGE = "usage browse: ewn word [-hgla] [-n#] -searchtype [-searchtype...]\n" + "\n"
            + "        -h              Display help text before search output\n"
            + "        -g              Display gloss\n"
            + "        -l              Display license and copyright notice\n"
            + "        -a              Display lexicographer file information\n"
            + "        -o              Display synset offset\n"
            + "        -s              Display sense numbers in synsets\n"
            + "        -k              Display sense keys\n"
            + "        -n#             Search only sense number #\n" + "\n"
            + "searchtype is at least one of the following:\n" + "        -ants{n|v|a|r}          Antonyms\n"
            + "        -hype{n|v}              Hypernyms\n"
            + "        -hypo{n|v}, -tree{n|v}  Hyponyms & Hyponym Tree\n"
            + "        -entav                  Verb Entailment\n"
            + "        -syns{n|v|a|r}          Synonyms (ordered by estimated frequency)\n"
            + "        -smemn                  Member of Holonyms\n"
            + "        -ssubn                  Substance of Holonyms\n"
            + "        -sprtn                  Part of Holonyms\n"
            + "        -membn                  Has Member Meronyms\n"
            + "        -subsn                  Has Substance Meronyms\n"
            + "        -partn                  Has Part Meronyms\n"
            + "        -meron                  All Meronyms\n" + "        -holon                  All Holonyms\n"
            + "        -causv                  Cause to\n" + "        -pert{a|r}              Pertainyms\n"
            + "        -attr{n|a}              Attributes\n" + "        -deri{n|v}              Derived Forms\n"
            + "        -domn{n|v|a|r}          Domain\n" + "        -domt{n|v|a|r}          Domain Terms\n"
            + "        -faml{n|v|a|r}          Familiarity & Polysemy Count\n"
            + "        -framv                  Verb Frames\n"
            + "        -hmern                  Hierarchical Meronyms\n"
            + "        -hholn                  Hierarchical Holonyms\n"
            + "        -grep{n|v|a|r}          List of Compound Words\n"
            + "        -over                   Overview of Senses\n" + "\n"
            + "usage edit: ewn sensekey -command [value] [-command value] ... [sensekey -command ...]\n"
            + "            ewn pos#derivation -command value\n" + "\n" + "command is one of the following:\n"
            + "        -add                           Add a new synset identified by this sensekey\n"
            + "        -remove                        Remove the synset\n"
            + "        -addword word                  Add the word to the synset\n"
            + "        -removeword                    Remove the word from the synset\n"
            + "        -setgloss gloss                Set the gloss of the synset\n"
            + "        -setadjclus true|false         Set the adjective cluster flag\n"
            + "        -setverbframe [-]n             Set the verb frame flag n (minus removes the flag)\n"
            + "        -setverbframeall [-]n          Set the verb frame flag n for all words (minus removes the flag)\n"
            + "        -setlexfile num|name           Set the lex file number or name\n"
            + "        -addptr sensekey key           Add a pointer to sensekey with type defined by key\n"
            + "        -removeptr sensekey key        Remove the pointer to sensekey\n"
            + "        -setlexid lexid                Set the lex id\n"
            + "        -setusecount count             Set the use count\n"
            + "        -addexc baseform               Add baseform to exceptional forms of derivation. pos is one of n,v,a,r\n"
            + "        -removeexc [baseform]          Remove all [or only baseform] exceptional forms of derivation. pos is one of n,v,a,r\n"
            + "\n" + "usage edit: ewn -script filename\n"
            + "        filename contains edit commands as above, one sensekey per line. For example,\n"
            + "        goal%1:09:00:: -add -addword end -setgloss \"the state ... achieve it; \"\"the ends justify the means\"\"\"\n"
            + "        n#oxen -addexc ox";

    private static final String defaultConfig = "ewn.xml";
    private static final DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("00000000");

    public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, JWNLException {
        if (args.length < 1) {
        //find dictionary
        Dictionary d = null;
        File config = new File(defaultConfig);
        if (!config.exists()) {
            if (System.getenv().containsKey("WNHOME")) {
                String wnHomePath = System.getenv().get("WNHOME");
                File wnHome = new File(wnHomePath);
                if (wnHome.exists()) {
                    d = Dictionary.getFileBackedInstance(wnHomePath);
                } else {
                    log.error("Cannot find dictionary. Make sure " + defaultConfig
                            + " is available or WNHOME variable is set.");
        } else {
            d = Dictionary.getInstance(new FileInputStream(config));

        if (null != d) {
            //parse and execute command line
            if ((-1 < args[0].indexOf('%') && -1 < args[0].indexOf(':')) || "-script".equals(args[0])
                    || (-1 < args[0].indexOf('#'))) {
                if ("-script".equals(args[0])) {
                    if (args.length < 2) {
                        log.error("Filename missing for -script command");
                    } else {
                        File script = new File(args[1]);
                        if (script.exists()) {
                            //load into args
                            ArrayList<String> newArgs = new ArrayList<String>();
                            BufferedReader in = new BufferedReader(
                                    new InputStreamReader(new FileInputStream(script), "UTF-8"));
                            try {
                                String str;
                                while ((str = in.readLine()) != null) {
                                    String[] bits = str.split(" ");
                                    StringBuilder tempArg = null;
                                    for (String bit : bits) {
                                        int quoteCnt = 0;
                                        for (int j = 0; j < bit.length(); j++) {
                                            if ('"' == bit.charAt(j)) {
                                        if (null != tempArg) {
                                            if (0 == quoteCnt) {
                                                tempArg.append(" ").append(bit);
                                            } else {
                                                tempArg.append(" ").append(bit.replaceAll("\"\"", "\""));
                                                if (1 == (quoteCnt % 2)) {
                                                            tempArg.toString().substring(1, tempArg.length() - 1));
                                                    tempArg = null;
                                        } else {
                                            if (0 == quoteCnt) {
                                            } else {
                                                if (1 == (quoteCnt % 2)) {
                                                    tempArg = new StringBuilder(bit.replaceAll("\"\"", "\""));
                                                } else {
                                                    newArgs.add(bit.replaceAll("\"\"", "\""));
                                    if (null != tempArg) {
                            } finally {
                                try {
                                } catch (IOException e) {
                            args = newArgs.toArray(args);

                Word workWord = null;
                String key = null;
                String lemma = null;
                int lexFileNum = -1;
                int lexId = -1;
                //                String headLemma = null;
                //                int headLexId = -1;
                POS pos = null;
                String derivation = null;

                for (int i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
                    if (null == key && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)
                            && ((-1 < args[i].indexOf('%') && -1 < args[i].indexOf(':')))) {
                        key = args[i];
              "Searching " + key + "...");
                        if (null != key) {
                            workWord = d.getWordBySenseKey(key);
                        if (null == workWord) {
                            //parse sensekey
                            lemma = key.substring(0, key.indexOf('%')).replace('_', ' ');
                            String posId = key.substring(key.indexOf('%') + 1, key.indexOf(':'));
                            if ("1".equals(posId) || "2".equals(posId) || "3".equals(posId) || "4".equals(posId)
                                    || "5".equals(posId)) {
                                pos = POS.getPOSForId(Integer.parseInt(posId));
                                String lexFileString = key.substring(key.indexOf(':') + 1);
                                if (-1 < lexFileString.indexOf(':')) {
                                    lexFileNum = Integer
                                            .parseInt(lexFileString.substring(0, lexFileString.indexOf(':')));
                                    if (lexFileString.indexOf(':') + 1 < lexFileString.length()) {
                                        String lexIdString = lexFileString
                                                .substring(lexFileString.indexOf(':') + 1);
                                        if (-1 < lexIdString.indexOf(':')) {
                                            lexId = Integer
                                                    .parseInt(lexIdString.substring(0, lexIdString.indexOf(':')));
                                            //                                            if (lexIdString.indexOf(':') + 1 < lexIdString.length()) {
                                            //                                                headLemma = lexIdString.substring(lexIdString.indexOf(':') + 1);
                                            //                                                if (-1 < headLemma.indexOf(':')) {
                                            //                                                    headLemma = headLemma.substring(0, headLemma.indexOf(':'));
                                            //                                                    if (null != headLemma && !"".equals(headLemma) && lexIdString.lastIndexOf(':') + 1 < lexIdString.length()) {
                                            //                                                        headLexId = Integer.parseInt(lexIdString.substring(lexIdString.lastIndexOf(':') + 1));
                                            //                                                    }
                                            //                                                } else {
                                            //                                                    log.error("Malformed sensekey " + key);
                                            //                                                    System.exit(1);
                                            //                                                }
                                            //                                            }
                                        } else {
                                            log.error("Malformed sensekey " + key);
                                    } else {
                                        log.error("Malformed sensekey " + key);
                                } else {
                                    log.error("Malformed sensekey " + key);
                            } else {
                                log.error("Malformed sensekey " + key);
                    } else if (-1 < args[i].indexOf('#')) {
                        if (2 < args[i].length()) {
                            derivation = args[i].substring(2);
                            if (null == derivation) {
                                log.error("Missing derivation");
                            } else {
                                pos = POS.getPOSForKey(args[i].substring(0, 1));
                                if (null == pos) {
                                    log.error("POS " + args[i] + " is not recognized for derivation " + derivation);

                    if ("-add".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (null == key) {
                            log.error("Missing sensekey");
                        if (null != workWord) {
                            log.error("Duplicate sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey());
              "Creating " + pos.getLabel() + " synset...");
                        Synset tempSynset = d.createSynset(pos);
              "Creating word " + lemma + "...");
                        workWord = new Word(d, tempSynset, 1, lemma);
                        key = null;

                    if ("-remove".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (null == workWord) {
                            log.error("Missing sensekey");
                        } else {
                            workWord = null;
                            key = null;

                    if ("-addword".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (null == workWord) {
                            log.error("Missing sensekey");
                        } else {
                            if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) {
                                Word tempWord = new Word(d, workWord.getSynset(),
                                        workWord.getSynset().getWords().size() + 1, args[i]);
                                key = null;
                            } else {
                                        "Missing word for addword command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey());

                    if ("-removeword".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (null == workWord) {
                            log.error("Missing sensekey");
                        } else {
                            key = null;

                    if ("-setgloss".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (null == workWord) {
                            log.error("Missing sensekey");
                        } else {
                            if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) {
                                key = null;
                            } else {
                                log.error("Missing gloss for setgloss command for sensekey "
                                        + workWord.getSenseKey());

                    if ("-setadjclus".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (null == workWord) {
                            log.error("Missing sensekey");
                        } else {
                            if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) {
                                key = null;
                            } else {
                                log.error("Missing flag for setadjclus command for sensekey "
                                        + workWord.getSenseKey());

                    if ("-setverbframe".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (null == workWord) {
                            log.error("Missing sensekey");
                        } else {
                            if (i < args.length) {
                                if (workWord instanceof Verb) {
                                    Verb verb = (Verb) workWord;
                                    if ('-' == args[i].charAt(0)) {
                                    } else {
                                } else {
                                    log.error("Word at " + workWord.getSenseKey() + " should be verb");
                                key = null;
                            } else {
                                log.error("Missing index for setverbframe command for sensekey "
                                        + workWord.getSenseKey());

                    if ("-setverbframeall".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (null == workWord) {
                            log.error("Missing sensekey");
                        } else {
                            if (i < args.length) {
                                if (workWord.getSynset() instanceof VerbSynset) {
                                    if ('-' == args[i].charAt(0)) {
                                    } else {
                                } else {
                                    log.error("Synset at " + workWord.getSenseKey() + " should be verb");
                                key = null;
                            } else {
                                log.error("Missing index for setverbframeall command for sensekey "
                                        + workWord.getSenseKey());

                    if ("-setlexfile".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (null == workWord) {
                            log.error("Missing sensekey");
                        } else {
                            if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) {
                                if (-1 < args[i].indexOf('.')) {
                                } else {
                            } else {
                                log.error("Missing file number or name for setlexfile command for sensekey "
                                        + workWord.getSenseKey());

                    if ("-addptr".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (null == workWord) {
                            log.error("Missing sensekey");
                        } else {
                            if (i < args.length) {
                                Word targetWord = d.getWordBySenseKey(args[i]);
                                if (null != targetWord) {
                                    if (i < args.length) {
                                        PointerType pt = PointerType.getPointerTypeForKey(args[i]);
                                        if (null != pt) {
                                            Pointer p;
                                            if (pt.isLexical()) {
                                                p = new Pointer(pt, workWord, targetWord);
                                            } else {
                                                p = new Pointer(pt, workWord.getSynset(), targetWord.getSynset());
                                            if (!workWord.getSynset().getPointers().contains(p)) {
                                            } else {
                                                log.error("Duplicate pointer of type " + pt + " to "
                                                        + targetWord.getSenseKey()
                                                        + " in addptr command for sensekey "
                                                        + workWord.getSenseKey());
                                        } else {
                                            log.error("Invalid pointer type at " + args[i]
                                                    + " in addptr command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey());
                                    } else {
                                        log.error("Missing pointer type at " + args[i]
                                                + " in addptr command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey());
                                } else {
                                    log.error("Missing target at " + args[i] + " in addptr command for sensekey "
                                            + workWord.getSenseKey());
                                key = null;
                            } else {
                                log.error("Missing sensekey for addptr command for sensekey "
                                        + workWord.getSenseKey());

                    if ("-removeptr".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (null == workWord) {
                            log.error("Missing sensekey");
                        } else {
                            if (i < args.length) {
                                Word targetWord = d.getWordBySenseKey(args[i]);
                                if (null != targetWord) {
                                    if (i < args.length) {
                                        PointerType pt = PointerType.getPointerTypeForKey(args[i]);
                                        if (null != pt) {
                                            Pointer p;
                                            if (pt.isLexical()) {
                                                p = new Pointer(pt, workWord, targetWord);
                                            } else {
                                                p = new Pointer(pt, workWord.getSynset(), targetWord.getSynset());
                                            if (workWord.getSynset().getPointers().contains(p)) {
                                            } else {
                                                log.error("Missing pointer of type " + pt + " to "
                                                        + targetWord.getSenseKey()
                                                        + " in removeptr command for sensekey "
                                                        + workWord.getSenseKey());
                                        } else {
                                            log.error("Invalid pointer type at " + args[i]
                                                    + " in removeptr command for sensekey "
                                                    + workWord.getSenseKey());
                                    } else {
                                        log.error("Missing pointer type at " + args[i]
                                                + " in removeptr command for sensekey " + workWord.getSenseKey());
                                } else {
                                    log.error("Missing target at " + args[i] + " in removeptr command for sensekey "
                                            + workWord.getSenseKey());
                                key = null;
                            } else {
                                log.error("Missing sensekey for removeptr command for sensekey "
                                        + workWord.getSenseKey());

                    if ("-setlexid".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (null == workWord) {
                            log.error("Missing sensekey");
                        } else {
                            if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) {
                                key = null;
                            } else {
                                log.error("Missing lexid for setlexid command for sensekey "
                                        + workWord.getSenseKey());

                    if ("-setusecount".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (null == workWord) {
                            log.error("Missing sensekey");
                        } else {
                            if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) {
                                key = null;
                            } else {
                                log.error("Missing count for setusecount command for sensekey "
                                        + workWord.getSenseKey());

                    if ("-addexc".equals(args[i])) {
                        if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) {
                            String baseform = args[i];
                            Exc e = d.getException(pos, derivation);
                            if (null != e) {
                                if (null != e.getExceptions()) {
                                    if (!e.getExceptions().contains(baseform)) {
                            } else {
                                ArrayList<String> list = new ArrayList<String>(1);
                                d.createException(pos, derivation, list);
                            derivation = null;
                        } else {
                            log.error("Missing baseform for addexc command for derivation " + derivation);

                    if ("-removeexc".equals(args[i])) {
                        Exc e = d.getException(pos, derivation);
                        if (null != e) {
                            if (i < args.length && '-' != args[i].charAt(0)) {
                                String baseform = args[i];
                                if (null != e.getExceptions()) {
                                    if (e.getExceptions().contains(baseform)) {
                                    if (0 == e.getExceptions().size()) {
                            } else {
                        } else {
                            log.error("Missing derivation " + derivation);
                        derivation = null;

            } else {
                String key = args[0];
                if (1 == args.length) {
                    for (POS pos : POS.getAllPOS()) {
                        IndexWord iw = d.getIndexWord(pos, key);
                        if (null == iw) {
                            System.out.println("\nNo information available for " + pos.getLabel() + " " + key);
                        } else {
                                    "\nInformation available for " + iw.getPOS().getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                        if (null != d.getMorphologicalProcessor()) {
                            List<String> forms = d.getMorphologicalProcessor().lookupAllBaseForms(pos, key);
                            if (null != forms) {
                                for (String form : forms) {
                                    if (!key.equals(form)) {
                                        iw = d.getIndexWord(pos, form);
                                        if (null != iw) {
                                            System.out.println("\nInformation available for "
                                                    + iw.getPOS().getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                } else {
                    boolean needHelp = false;
                    boolean needGloss = false;
                    boolean needLex = false;
                    boolean needOffset = false;
                    boolean needSenseNum = false;
                    boolean needSenseKeys = false;
                    int needSense = 0;
                    for (String arg : args) {
                        if ("-h".equals(arg)) {
                            needHelp = true;
                        if ("-g".equals(arg)) {
                            needGloss = true;
                        if ("-a".equals(arg)) {
                            needLex = true;
                        if ("-o".equals(arg)) {
                            needOffset = true;
                        if ("-s".equals(arg)) {
                            needSenseNum = true;
                        if ("-k".equals(arg)) {
                            needSenseKeys = true;
                        if (arg.startsWith("-n") && 2 < arg.length()) {
                            needSense = Integer.parseInt(arg.substring(2));

                    for (String arg : args) {
                        if (arg.startsWith("-ants") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                        "Display synsets containing direct antonyms of the search string.\n" + "\n"
                                                + "Direct antonyms are a pair of words between which there is an\n"
                                                + "associative bond built up by co-occurrences.\n" + "\n"
                                                + "Antonym synsets are preceded by \"=>\".");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nAntonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.ANTONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset,
                                        needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //ants

                        if (arg.startsWith("-hype") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                        "Recursively display hypernym (superordinate) tree for the search\n"
                                                + "string.\n" + "\n"
                                                + "Hypernym is the generic term used to designate a whole class of\n"
                                                + "specific instances.  Y is a hypernym of X if X is a (kind of) Y.\n"
                                                + "\n"
                                                + "Hypernym synsets are preceded by \"=>\", and are indented from\n"
                                                + "the left according to their level in the hierarchy.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nHypernyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.HYPERNYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss,
                                        needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //hype

                        if (arg.startsWith("-hypo") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                        "Display immediate hyponyms (subordinates) for the search string.\n" + "\n"
                                                + "Hyponym is the generic term used to designate a member of a class.\n"
                                                + "X is a hyponym of Y if X is a (kind of) Y.\n" + "\n"
                                                + "Hyponym synsets are preceded by \"=>\".");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nHyponyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.HYPONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset,
                                        needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //hypo

                        if (arg.startsWith("-tree") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                        "Display hyponym (subordinate) tree for the search string.  This is\n"
                                                + "a recursive search that finds the hyponyms of each hyponym. \n"
                                                + "\n"
                                                + "Hyponym is the generic term used to designate a member of a class.\n"
                                                + "X is a hyponym of Y if X is a (kind of) Y. \n" + "\n"
                                                + "Hyponym synsets are preceded by \"=>\", and are indented from the left\n"
                                                + "according to their level in the hierarchy.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nHyponyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.HYPONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss,
                                        needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //tree

                        if (arg.startsWith("-enta") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                        "Recursively display entailment relations of the search string.\n" + "\n"
                                                + "The action represented by the verb X entails Y if X cannot be done\n"
                                                + "unless Y is, or has been, done.\n" + "\n"
                                                + "Entailment synsets are preceded by \"=>\", and are indented from the left\n"
                                                + "according to their level in the hierarchy.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nEntailment of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.ENTAILMENT, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense,
                                        needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //enta

                        if (arg.startsWith("-syns") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nSynonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                if (POS.ADJECTIVE == p) {
                                    if (needHelp) {
                                                "Display synonyms and synsets related to synsets containing\n"
                                                        + "the search string.  If the search string is in a head synset\n"
                                                        + "the 'cluster's' satellite synsets are displayed.  If the search\n"
                                                        + "string is in a satellite synset, its head synset is displayed.\n"
                                                        + "If the search string is a pertainym the word or synset that it\n"
                                                        + "pertains to is displayed.\n" + "\n"
                                                        + "A cluster is a group of adjective synsets that are organized around\n"
                                                        + "antonymous pairs or triplets.  An adjective cluster contains two or more\n"
                                                        + "head synsets that contan antonyms.  Each head synset has one or more\n"
                                                        + "satellite synsets.\n" + "\n"
                                                        + "A head synset contains at least one word that has a direct antonym\n"
                                                        + "in another head synset of the same cluster.\n" + "\n"
                                                        + "A satellite synset represents a concept that is similar in meaning to\n"
                                                        + "the concept represented by its head synset.\n" + "\n"
                                                        + "Direct antonyms are a pair of words between which there is an\n"
                                                        + "associative bond built up by co-occurrences.\n" + "\n"
                                                        + "Direct antonyms are printed in parentheses following the adjective.\n"
                                                        + "The position of an adjective in relation to the noun may be restricted\n"
                                                        + "to the prenominal, postnominal or predicative position.  Where present\n"
                                                        + "these restrictions are noted in parentheses.\n" + "\n"
                                                        + "A pertainym is a relational adjective, usually defined by such phrases\n"
                                                        + "as \"of or pertaining to\" and that does not have an antonym.  It pertains\n"
                                                        + "to a noun or another pertainym.\n" + "\n"
                                                        + "Senses contained in head synsets are displayed above the satellites,\n"
                                                        + "which are indented and preceded by \"=>\".  Senses contained in\n"
                                                        + "satellite synsets are displayed with the head synset below.  The head\n"
                                                        + "synset is preceded by \"=>\".\n" + "\n"
                                                        + "Pertainym senses display the word or synsets that the search string\n"
                                                        + "pertains to.");
                                    tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SIMILAR_TO, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                            needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                    tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PARTICIPLE_OF, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                            needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);

                                if (POS.ADVERB == p) {
                                    if (needHelp) {
                                                "Display synonyms and synsets related to synsets containing\n"
                                                        + "the search string.  If the search string is a pertainym the word\n"
                                                        + "or synset that it pertains to is displayed.\n" + "\n"
                                                        + "A pertainym is a relational adverb that is derived from an adjective.\n"
                                                        + "\n"
                                                        + "Pertainym senses display the word that the search string is derived from\n"
                                                        + "and the adjective synset that contains the word.  If the adjective synset\n"
                                                        + "is a satellite synset, its head synset is also displayed.");
                                    tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PERTAINYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                            needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);

                                if (POS.NOUN == p || POS.VERB == p) {
                                    if (needHelp) {
                                                "Recursively display hypernym (superordinate) tree for the search\n"
                                                        + "string.\n" + "\n"
                                                        + "Hypernym is the generic term used to designate a whole class of\n"
                                                        + "specific instances.  Y is a hypernym of X if X is a (kind of) Y.\n"
                                                        + "\n"
                                                        + "Hypernym synsets are preceded by \"=>\", and are indented from\n"
                                                        + "the left according to their level in the hierarchy.");
                                    tracePointers(iw, PointerType.HYPERNYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense,
                                            needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //syns

                        if (arg.startsWith("-smem") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                System.out.println("Display all holonyms of the search string.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the 'meronym' names a part.\n"
                                        + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n"
                                        + "member of something.  X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nMember Holonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_HOLONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //smem

                        if (arg.startsWith("-ssub") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                System.out.println("Display all holonyms of the search string.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the 'meronym' names a part.\n"
                                        + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n"
                                        + "member of something.  X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nSubstance Holonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_HOLONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //ssub

                        if (arg.startsWith("-sprt") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                System.out.println("Display all holonyms of the search string.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the 'meronym' names a part.\n"
                                        + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n"
                                        + "member of something.  X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nPart Holonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_HOLONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //sprt

                        if (arg.startsWith("-memb") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                System.out.println("Display all meronyms of the search string. \n" + "\n"
                                        + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n"
                                        + "member of something.  X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym names a part.\n"
                                        + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nMember Meronyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //memb

                        if (arg.startsWith("-subs") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                System.out.println("Display all meronyms of the search string. \n" + "\n"
                                        + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n"
                                        + "member of something.  X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym names a part.\n"
                                        + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nSubstance Meronyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //subs

                        if (arg.startsWith("-part") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                System.out.println("Display all meronyms of the search string. \n" + "\n"
                                        + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n"
                                        + "member of something.  X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym names a part.\n"
                                        + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nPart Meronyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //part

                        if (arg.startsWith("-mero") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                System.out.println("Display all meronyms of the search string. \n" + "\n"
                                        + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n"
                                        + "member of something.  X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym names a part.\n"
                                        + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nMeronyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //mero

                        if (arg.startsWith("-holo") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                System.out.println("Display all holonyms of the search string.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the 'meronym' names a part.\n"
                                        + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n"
                                        + "member of something.  X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nHolonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_HOLONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_HOLONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_HOLONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //holo

                        if (arg.startsWith("-caus") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                System.out.println("Recursively display CAUSE TO relations of the search string.\n"
                                        + "\n"
                                        + "The action represented by the verb X causes the action represented by\n"
                                        + "the verb Y.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "CAUSE TO synsets are preceded by \"=>\", and are indented from the left\n"
                                        + "according to their level in the hierarchy.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\n'Cause to' of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.CAUSE, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense, needGloss,
                                        needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //caus

                        if (arg.startsWith("-pert") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nPertainyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PERTAINYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //pert

                        if (arg.startsWith("-attr") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            if (needHelp) {
                                if (POS.NOUN == p) {
                                            .println("Display adjectives for which search string is an attribute.");
                                if (POS.ADJECTIVE == p) {
                                    System.out.println("Display nouns that are attributes of search string.");
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nAttributes of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.ATTRIBUTE, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //attr

                        if (arg.startsWith("-deri") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                        "Display derived forms - nouns and verbs that are related morphologically.\n"
                                                + "Each related synset is preceeded by its part of speech. Each word in the\n"
                                                + "synset is followed by its sense number.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nDerived forms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.NOMINALIZATION, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //deri

                        if (arg.startsWith("-domn") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                System.out.println("Display domain to which this synset belongs.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nDomain of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.CATEGORY, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.USAGE, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset,
                                        needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.REGION, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex, needOffset,
                                        needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //domn

                        if (arg.startsWith("-domt") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                System.out.println("Display all synsets belonging to the domain.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nDomain of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.CATEGORY_MEMBER, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.USAGE_MEMBER, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.REGION_MEMBER, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //domt

                        if (arg.startsWith("-faml") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                        "Display familiarity and polysemy information for the search string.\n"
                                                + "The polysemy count is the number of senses in WordNet.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                String[] freqs = { "extremely rare", "very rare", "rare", "uncommon", "common",
                                        "familiar", "very familiar", "extremely familiar" };
                                String[] pos = { "a noun", "a verb", "an adjective", "an adverb" };
                                int cnt = iw.getSenses().size();
                                int familiar = 0;
                                if (cnt == 0) {
                                    familiar = 0;
                                if (cnt == 1) {
                                    familiar = 1;
                                if (cnt == 2) {
                                    familiar = 2;
                                if (cnt >= 3 && cnt <= 4) {
                                    familiar = 3;
                                if (cnt >= 5 && cnt <= 8) {
                                    familiar = 4;
                                if (cnt >= 9 && cnt <= 16) {
                                    familiar = 5;
                                if (cnt >= 17 && cnt <= 32) {
                                    familiar = 6;
                                if (cnt > 32) {
                                    familiar = 7;
                                System.out.println("\n" + iw.getLemma() + " used as " + pos[p.getId() - 1] + " is "
                                        + freqs[familiar] + " (polysemy count = " + cnt + ")");
                        } //faml

                        if (arg.startsWith("-fram") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                        "Display applicable verb sentence frames for the search string.\n" + "\n"
                                                + "A frame is a sentence template illustrating the usage of a verb.\n"
                                                + "\n"
                                                + "Verb sentence frames are preceded with the string \"*>\" if a sentence\n"
                                                + "frame is acceptable for all of the words in the synset, and with \"=>\"\n"
                                                + "if a sentence frame is acceptable for the search string only.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nVerb frames of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                for (int i = 0; i < iw.getSenses().size(); i++) {
                                    Synset synset = iw.getSenses().get(i);
                                    for (String vf : synset.getVerbFrames()) {
                                        System.out.println("\t*> " + vf);
                                    for (Word word : synset.getWords()) {
                                        if (iw.getLemma().equalsIgnoreCase(word.getLemma())) {
                                            if (word instanceof Verb) {
                                                Verb verb = (Verb) word;
                                                for (String vf : verb.getVerbFrames()) {
                                                    System.out.println("\t=> " + vf);
                        } //fram

                        if (arg.startsWith("-hmer") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                        "Display meronyms for search string tree.  This is a recursive search\n"
                                                + "the prints all the meronyms of the search string and all of its\n"
                                                + "hypernyms. \n" + "\n"
                                                + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n"
                                                + "member of something.  X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nMeronyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_MERONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense,
                                        needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_MERONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense,
                                        needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_MERONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense,
                                        needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //hmer

                        if (arg.startsWith("-hhol") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                        "\"Display holonyms for search string tree.  This is a recursive search\n"
                                                + "that prints all the holonyms of the search string and all of the\n"
                                                + "holonym's holonyms.\n" + "\n"
                                                + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym names a part.\n"
                                                + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nHolonyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_HOLONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense,
                                        needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_HOLONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense,
                                        needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_HOLONYM, PointerUtils.INFINITY, needSense,
                                        needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //hhol

                        if (arg.startsWith("-mero") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                System.out.println("Display all meronyms of the search string. \n" + "\n"
                                        + "A meronym is the name of a constituent part, the substance of, or a\n"
                                        + "member of something.  X is a meronym of Y if X is a part of Y.\n" + "\n"
                                        + "A holonym is the name of the whole of which the meronym names a part.\n"
                                        + "Y is a holonym of X if X is a part of Y.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            IndexWord iw = d.lookupIndexWord(p, key);
                            if (null != iw) {
                                System.out.println("\nMeronyms of " + p.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                                tracePointers(iw, PointerType.PART_MERONYM, 1, needSense, needGloss, needLex,
                                        needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //mero

                        if (arg.startsWith("-grep") && 6 == arg.length()) {
                            if (needHelp) {
                                        .println("Print all strings in the database containing the search string\n"
                                                + "as an individual word, or as the first or last string in a word or\n"
                                                + "collocation.");
                            POS p = POS.getPOSForKey(arg.substring(5));
                            System.out.println("\nGrep of " + p.getLabel() + " " + key);
                            Iterator<IndexWord> ii = d.getIndexWordIterator(p, key);
                            while (ii.hasNext()) {
                        } //grep

                        if ("-over".equals(arg)) {
                            for (POS pos : POS.getAllPOS()) {
                                if (null != d.getMorphologicalProcessor()) {
                                    IndexWord iw = d.getIndexWord(pos, key);
                                    //for plurals like species, glasses
                                    if (null != iw && key.equals(iw.getLemma())) {
                                        printOverview(pos, iw, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum,

                                    List<String> forms = d.getMorphologicalProcessor().lookupAllBaseForms(pos, key);
                                    if (null != forms) {
                                        for (String form : forms) {
                                            if (!form.equals(key)) {
                                                iw = d.getIndexWord(pos, form);
                                                if (null != iw) {
                                                    printOverview(pos, iw, needGloss, needLex, needOffset,
                                                            needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        } //over

    private static void printOverview(POS pos, IndexWord iw, boolean needGloss, boolean needLex, boolean needOffset,
            boolean needSenseNum, boolean needSenseKeys) throws JWNLException {
        System.out.println("\nOverview of " + pos.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma());
                "\nThe " + pos.getLabel() + " " + iw.getLemma() + " has " + iw.getSenses().size() + " senses");
        for (int i = 0; i < iw.getSenses().size(); i++) {
            Synset synset = iw.getSenses().get(i);
            System.out.print((i + 1) + ". ");
            int widx = synset.indexOfWord(iw.getLemma());
            if (-1 < widx) {
                Word word = synset.getWords().get(widx);
                if (0 < word.getUseCount()) {
                    System.out.print("(" + word.getUseCount() + ") ");
            printSense("", synset, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);

    private static void tracePointers(IndexWord iw, PointerType pt, int depth, int needSense, boolean needGloss,
            boolean needLex, boolean needOffset, boolean needSenseNum, boolean needSenseKeys) throws JWNLException {
        Map<Synset, PointerTargetTreeNodeList> ptrs = new HashMap<Synset, PointerTargetTreeNodeList>();
        for (Synset synset : iw.getSenses()) {
            PointerTargetTreeNodeList list = PointerUtils.makePointerTargetTreeList(synset, pt, depth);
            if (null != list && 0 < list.size()) {
                ptrs.put(synset, list);
        if (0 < ptrs.size()) {
            System.out.println("\n" + ptrs.size() + " of " + iw.getSenses().size() + " senses of " + iw.getLemma());
            for (int i = 0; i < iw.getSenses().size(); i++) {
                if (0 == needSense || i == (needSense - 1)) {
                    Synset synset = iw.getSenses().get(i);
                    PointerTargetTreeNodeList list = ptrs.get(synset);
                    if (null != list) {
                        System.out.println("\nSense " + (i + 1));
                        printSense("", synset, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
                        for (PointerTargetTreeNode node : list) {
                            printPointerTargetTree("\t", node, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum,

    private static void printPointerTargetTree(String lead, PointerTargetTreeNode hypTree, boolean needGloss,
            boolean needLex, boolean needOffset, boolean needSenseNum, boolean needSenseKeys) throws JWNLException {
        printSense(lead, hypTree.getSynset(), needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum, needSenseKeys);
        if (null != hypTree.getChildTreeList()) {
            for (PointerTargetTreeNode node : hypTree.getChildTreeList()) {
                printPointerTargetTree(lead + "\t", node, needGloss, needLex, needOffset, needSenseNum,

    private static void printSense(String lead, Synset synset, boolean needGloss, boolean needLex,
            boolean needOffset, boolean needSenseNum, boolean needSenseKeys) throws JWNLException {
        if (needOffset) {
            System.out.print("{" + df.format(synset.getOffset()) + "} ");
        if (needLex) {
            System.out.print("<" + synset.getLexFileName() + "> ");
        List<Word> words = synset.getWords();
        for (int i = 0; i < words.size(); i++) {
            Word word = words.get(i);
            if (needLex && 0 < word.getLexId()) {
            if (needSenseNum) {
                System.out.print("#" + (getSenseNo(word) + 1));
            if (needSenseKeys) {
                System.out.print(" [" + word.getSenseKey() + "]");
            if (i < words.size() - 1) {
                System.out.print(", ");
        if (needGloss) {
            System.out.print(" -- (" + synset.getGloss() + ")");

    private static int getSenseNo(Word word) throws JWNLException {
        IndexWord iw = word.getDictionary().getIndexWord(word.getPOS(), word.getLemma());
        for (int i = 0; i < iw.getSenses().size(); i++) {
            if (iw.getSenses().get(i).getOffset() == word.getSynset().getOffset()) {
                return i;
        return -1;

    private static boolean hasPointer(IndexWord iw, PointerType pointerType) {
        for (Synset synset : iw.getSenses()) {
            for (Pointer pointer : synset.getPointers()) {
                if (pointerType == pointer.getType()) {
                    return true;
        return false;

    private static boolean hasUseCount(IndexWord iw) {
        for (Synset synset : iw.getSenses()) {
            for (Word word : synset.getWords()) {
                if (0 < word.getUseCount()) {
                    return true;
        return false;

    private static void printAvailableInfo(IndexWord iw) {
        if (hasPointer(iw, PointerType.ANTONYM)) {
            System.out.println("\t-ants" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tAntonyms");

        if (POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS() || POS.VERB == iw.getPOS()) {
            if (hasPointer(iw, PointerType.HYPERNYM)) {
                System.out.println("\t-hype" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tHypernyms");
            if (hasPointer(iw, PointerType.HYPONYM)) {
                System.out.println("\t-hypo" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + ", -tree" + iw.getPOS().getKey()
                        + "\tHyponyms & Hyponym Tree");
            if (POS.VERB == iw.getPOS()) {
                if (hasPointer(iw, PointerType.ENTAILMENT)) {
                    System.out.println("\t-enta" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tVerb Entailment");

        if (POS.ADJECTIVE == iw.getPOS() && hasPointer(iw, PointerType.SIMILAR_TO)) {
            System.out.println("\t-syns" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tSimilarity");
        if (POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS() && hasPointer(iw, PointerType.HYPERNYM)) {
                    "\t-syns" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tSynonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency)");
        if (POS.VERB == iw.getPOS() && hasPointer(iw, PointerType.SIMILAR_TO)) {
                    "\t-syns" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tSynonyms/Hypernyms (Ordered by Estimated Frequency)");
        if (POS.ADVERB == iw.getPOS() && hasPointer(iw, PointerType.SIMILAR_TO)) {
            System.out.println("\t-syns" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tSynonyms");
        if (POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS() && hasPointer(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_HOLONYM)) {
            System.out.println("\t-smem" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tMember of Holonyms");
        if (POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS() && hasPointer(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_HOLONYM)) {
            System.out.println("\t-ssub" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tSubstance of Holonyms");
        if (POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS() && hasPointer(iw, PointerType.PART_HOLONYM)) {
            System.out.println("\t-smem" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tPart of Holonyms");
        if (POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS() && hasPointer(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_MERONYM)) {
            System.out.println("\t-memb" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tHas Member Meronyms");
        if (POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS() && hasPointer(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_MERONYM)) {
            System.out.println("\t-subs" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tHas Substance Meronyms");
        if (POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS() && hasPointer(iw, PointerType.PART_MERONYM)) {
            System.out.println("\t-part" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tHas Part Meronyms");
        if (POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS() && (hasPointer(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_MERONYM)
                || hasPointer(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_MERONYM) || hasPointer(iw, PointerType.PART_MERONYM))) {
            System.out.println("\t-mero" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tAll Meronyms");
        if (POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS()
                && (hasPointer(iw, PointerType.MEMBER_HOLONYM) || hasPointer(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_HOLONYM)
                        || hasPointer(iw, PointerType.SUBSTANCE_HOLONYM))) {
            System.out.println("\t-holo" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tAll Holonyms");
        if (POS.VERB == iw.getPOS() && hasPointer(iw, PointerType.CAUSE)) {
            System.out.println("\t-caus" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tCause to");

        if (POS.ADJECTIVE == iw.getPOS() || POS.ADVERB == iw.getPOS()) {
            if (hasPointer(iw, PointerType.PERTAINYM)) {
                System.out.println("\t-pert" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tPertainyms");

        if (POS.ADJECTIVE == iw.getPOS() || POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS()) {
            if (hasPointer(iw, PointerType.ATTRIBUTE)) {
                System.out.println("\t-attr" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tAttributes");

        if (POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS() || POS.VERB == iw.getPOS()) {
            if (hasPointer(iw, PointerType.NOMINALIZATION)) {
                System.out.println("\t-deri" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tDerived Forms");

        if (hasPointer(iw, PointerType.CATEGORY) || hasPointer(iw, PointerType.USAGE)
                || hasPointer(iw, PointerType.REGION)) {
            System.out.println("\t-domn" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tDomain");

        if (hasPointer(iw, PointerType.CATEGORY_MEMBER) || hasPointer(iw, PointerType.USAGE_MEMBER)
                || hasPointer(iw, PointerType.REGION_MEMBER)) {
            System.out.println("\t-domt" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tDomain Terms");

        if (hasUseCount(iw)) {
            System.out.println("\t-faml" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tFamiliarity & Polysemy Count");

        if (POS.VERB == iw.getPOS()) {
            System.out.println("\t-fram" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tVerb Frames");

        if (POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS()) {
            System.out.println("\t-hmer" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tHierarchical Meronyms");

        if (POS.NOUN == iw.getPOS()) {
            System.out.println("\t-hhol" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tHierarchical Holonyms");

        System.out.println("\t-grep" + iw.getPOS().getKey() + "\tList of Compound Words");
        System.out.println("\t-over\tOverview of Senses");