Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one or more * contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file distributed with * this work for additional information regarding copyright ownership. * The ASF licenses this file to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 * (the "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance with * the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package org.apache.calcite.adapter.elasticsearch; import org.apache.calcite.jdbc.CalciteConnection; import org.apache.calcite.schema.SchemaPlus; import org.apache.calcite.schema.impl.ViewTable; import org.apache.calcite.schema.impl.ViewTableMacro; import org.apache.calcite.test.CalciteAssert; import org.apache.calcite.test.ElasticsearchChecker; import org.apache.http.HttpEntity; import org.apache.http.HttpStatus; import org.apache.http.entity.ContentType; import org.apache.http.entity.StringEntity; import org.apache.http.util.EntityUtils; import; import; import org.elasticsearch.client.Response; import org.junit.BeforeClass; import org.junit.ClassRule; import org.junit.Test; import; import java.nio.charset.StandardCharsets; import java.sql.Connection; import java.sql.DriverManager; import java.sql.SQLException; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Arrays; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; /** * Set of tests for ES adapter. Uses real instance via {@link EmbeddedElasticsearchPolicy}. Document * source is local {@code zips-mini.json} file (located in test classpath). */ public class ElasticSearchAdapterTest { @ClassRule //init once for all tests public static final EmbeddedElasticsearchPolicy NODE = EmbeddedElasticsearchPolicy.create(); /** Default index/type name */ private static final String ZIPS = "zips"; /** * Used to create {@code zips} index and insert zip data in bulk. * @throws Exception when instance setup failed */ @BeforeClass public static void setupInstance() throws Exception { // hardcoded mapping definition final String mapping = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "{'mappings':{'%s':{'properties':" + "{'city':{'type':'keyword'},'state':{'type':'keyword'},'pop':{'type':'long'}}" + "}}}", ZIPS).replace('\'', '"'); // create index and mapping final HttpEntity entity = new StringEntity(mapping, ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON); NODE.restClient().performRequest("PUT", "/" + ZIPS, Collections.emptyMap(), entity); // load records from file final List<String> bulk = new ArrayList<>(); Resources.readLines(ElasticSearchAdapterTest.class.getResource("/zips-mini.json"), StandardCharsets.UTF_8, new LineProcessor<Void>() { @Override public boolean processLine(String line) throws IOException { bulk.add("{\"index\": {} }"); // index/type will be derived from _bulk URI line = line.replaceAll("_id", "id"); // _id is a reserved attribute in ES bulk.add(line); return true; } @Override public Void getResult() { return null; } }); if (bulk.isEmpty()) { throw new IllegalStateException("No records to index. Empty file ?"); } final String uri = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "/%s/%s/_bulk?refresh", ZIPS, ZIPS); Response response = NODE.restClient().performRequest("POST", uri, Collections.emptyMap(), new StringEntity(String.join("\n", bulk) + "\n", ContentType.APPLICATION_JSON)); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { final String error = EntityUtils.toString(response.getEntity()); final String message = String.format(Locale.ROOT, "Couldn't bulk insert %d elements into %s (%s/%s). Error was %s\n%s\n", bulk.size(), ZIPS, response.getHost(), response.getRequestLine(), response.getStatusLine(), error); throw new IllegalStateException(message); } } private CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory newConnectionFactory() { return new CalciteAssert.ConnectionFactory() { @Override public Connection createConnection() throws SQLException { final Connection connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:calcite:"); final SchemaPlus root = connection.unwrap(CalciteConnection.class).getRootSchema(); root.add("elastic", new ElasticsearchSchema(NODE.restClient(), NODE.mapper(), ZIPS)); // add calcite view programmatically final String viewSql = "select cast(_MAP['city'] AS varchar(20)) AS \"city\", " + " cast(_MAP['loc'][0] AS float) AS \"longitude\",\n" + " cast(_MAP['loc'][1] AS float) AS \"latitude\",\n" + " cast(_MAP['pop'] AS integer) AS \"pop\", " + " cast(_MAP['state'] AS varchar(2)) AS \"state\", " + " cast(_MAP['id'] AS varchar(5)) AS \"id\" " + "from \"elastic\".\"zips\""; ViewTableMacro macro = ViewTable.viewMacro(root, viewSql, Collections.singletonList("elastic"), Arrays.asList("elastic", "view"), false); root.add("ZIPS", macro); return connection; } }; } private CalciteAssert.AssertThat calciteAssert() { return CalciteAssert.that().with(newConnectionFactory()); } /** * Tests using calcite view */ @Test public void view() { calciteAssert().query("select * from zips where \"city\" = 'BROOKLYN'").returns( "city=BROOKLYN; longitude=-73.956985; latitude=40.646694; " + "pop=111396; state=NY; id=11226\n") .returnsCount(1); } @Test public void emptyResult() { CalciteAssert.that().with(newConnectionFactory()).query("select * from zips limit 0").returnsCount(0); CalciteAssert.that().with(newConnectionFactory()) .query("select * from \"elastic\".\"zips\" where _MAP['Foo'] = '_MISSING_'").returnsCount(0); } @Test public void basic() throws Exception { CalciteAssert.that().with(newConnectionFactory()) .query("select * from \"elastic\".\"zips\" where _MAP['city'] = 'BROOKLYN'").returnsCount(1); CalciteAssert.that().with(newConnectionFactory()) .query("select * from \"elastic\".\"zips\" where" + " _MAP['city'] in ('BROOKLYN', 'WASHINGTON')") .returnsCount(2); // lower-case CalciteAssert.that().with(newConnectionFactory()).query( "select * from \"elastic\".\"zips\" where " + "_MAP['city'] in ('brooklyn', 'Brooklyn', 'BROOK') ") .returnsCount(0); // missing field CalciteAssert.that().with(newConnectionFactory()) .query("select * from \"elastic\".\"zips\" where _MAP['CITY'] = 'BROOKLYN'").returnsCount(0); // limit works CalciteAssert.that().with(newConnectionFactory()).query("select * from \"elastic\".\"zips\" limit 42") .returnsCount(42); } @Test public void testSort() { final String explain = "PLAN=ElasticsearchToEnumerableConverter\n" + " ElasticsearchSort(sort0=[$4], dir0=[ASC])\n" + " ElasticsearchProject(city=[CAST(ITEM($0, 'city')):VARCHAR(20) CHARACTER SET \"ISO-8859-1\" COLLATE \"ISO-8859-1$en_US$primary\"], longitude=[CAST(ITEM(ITEM($0, 'loc'), 0)):FLOAT], latitude=[CAST(ITEM(ITEM($0, 'loc'), 1)):FLOAT], pop=[CAST(ITEM($0, 'pop')):INTEGER], state=[CAST(ITEM($0, 'state')):VARCHAR(2) CHARACTER SET \"ISO-8859-1\" COLLATE \"ISO-8859-1$en_US$primary\"], id=[CAST(ITEM($0, 'id')):VARCHAR(5) CHARACTER SET \"ISO-8859-1\" COLLATE \"ISO-8859-1$en_US$primary\"])\n" + " ElasticsearchTableScan(table=[[elastic, zips]])"; calciteAssert().query("select * from zips order by \"state\"").returnsCount(10).explainContains(explain); } @Test public void testSortLimit() { final String sql = "select \"state\", \"pop\" from zips\n" + "order by \"state\", \"pop\" offset 2 rows fetch next 3 rows only"; calciteAssert().query(sql) .returnsUnordered("state=AK; pop=32383", "state=AL; pop=42124", "state=AL; pop=43862") .queryContains(ElasticsearchChecker.elasticsearchChecker("\"_source\" : [\"state\", \"pop\"]", "\"sort\": [ {\"state\": \"asc\"}, {\"pop\": \"asc\"}]", "\"from\": 2", "\"size\": 3")); } @Test public void testOffsetLimit() { final String sql = "select \"state\", \"id\" from zips\n" + "offset 2 fetch next 3 rows only"; calciteAssert().query(sql).runs().queryContains(ElasticsearchChecker.elasticsearchChecker("\"from\": 2", "\"size\": 3", "\"_source\" : [\"state\", \"id\"]")); } @Test public void testLimit() { final String sql = "select \"state\", \"id\" from zips\n" + "fetch next 3 rows only"; calciteAssert().query(sql).runs().queryContains( ElasticsearchChecker.elasticsearchChecker("\"size\": 3", "\"_source\" : [\"state\", \"id\"]")); } @Test public void testFilterSort() { final String sql = "select * from zips\n" + "where \"state\" = 'CA' and \"pop\" >= 94000\n" + "order by \"state\", \"pop\""; final String explain = "PLAN=ElasticsearchToEnumerableConverter\n" + " ElasticsearchSort(sort0=[$4], sort1=[$3], dir0=[ASC], dir1=[ASC])\n" + " ElasticsearchProject(city=[CAST(ITEM($0, 'city')):VARCHAR(20) CHARACTER SET \"ISO-8859-1\" COLLATE \"ISO-8859-1$en_US$primary\"], longitude=[CAST(ITEM(ITEM($0, 'loc'), 0)):FLOAT], latitude=[CAST(ITEM(ITEM($0, 'loc'), 1)):FLOAT], pop=[CAST(ITEM($0, 'pop')):INTEGER], state=[CAST(ITEM($0, 'state')):VARCHAR(2) CHARACTER SET \"ISO-8859-1\" COLLATE \"ISO-8859-1$en_US$primary\"], id=[CAST(ITEM($0, 'id')):VARCHAR(5) CHARACTER SET \"ISO-8859-1\" COLLATE \"ISO-8859-1$en_US$primary\"])\n" + " ElasticsearchFilter(condition=[AND(=(CAST(ITEM($0, 'state')):VARCHAR(2) CHARACTER SET \"ISO-8859-1\" COLLATE \"ISO-8859-1$en_US$primary\", 'CA'), >=(CAST(ITEM($0, 'pop')):INTEGER, 94000))])\n" + " ElasticsearchTableScan(table=[[elastic, zips]])\n\n"; calciteAssert().query(sql).returnsOrdered( "city=NORWALK; longitude=-118.081767; latitude=33.90564;" + " pop=94188; state=CA; id=90650", "city=LOS ANGELES; longitude=-118.258189; latitude=34.007856;" + " pop=96074; state=CA; id=90011", "city=BELL GARDENS; longitude=-118.17205; latitude=33.969177;" + " pop=99568; state=CA; id=90201") .queryContains(ElasticsearchChecker.elasticsearchChecker( "\"query\" : " + "{\"constant_score\":{\"filter\":{\"bool\":" + "{\"must\":[{\"term\":{\"state\":\"CA\"}}," + "{\"range\":{\"pop\":{\"gte\":94000}}}]}}}}", "\"script_fields\": {\"longitude\":{\"script\":\"params._source.loc[0]\"}, " + "\"latitude\":{\"script\":\"params._source.loc[1]\"}, " + "\"city\":{\"script\": \"\"}, " + "\"pop\":{\"script\": \"params._source.pop\"}, " + "\"state\":{\"script\": \"params._source.state\"}, " + "\"id\":{\"script\": \"\"}}", "\"sort\": [ {\"state\": \"asc\"}, {\"pop\": \"asc\"}]")) .explainContains(explain); } @Test public void testFilterSortDesc() { final String sql = "select * from zips\n" + "where \"pop\" BETWEEN 95000 AND 100000\n" + "order by \"state\" desc, \"pop\""; calciteAssert().query(sql).limit(4).returnsOrdered( "city=LOS ANGELES; longitude=-118.258189; latitude=34.007856; pop=96074; state=CA; id=90011", "city=BELL GARDENS; longitude=-118.17205; latitude=33.969177; pop=99568; state=CA; id=90201"); } @Test public void testFilterRedundant() { final String sql = "select * from zips\n" + "where \"state\" > 'CA' and \"state\" < 'AZ' and \"state\" = 'OK'"; calciteAssert().query(sql).runs().queryContains(ElasticsearchChecker.elasticsearchChecker( "" + "\"query\" : {\"constant_score\":{\"filter\":{\"bool\":" + "{\"must\":[{\"term\":{\"state\":\"OK\"}}]}}}}", "\"script_fields\": {\"longitude\":{\"script\":\"params._source.loc[0]\"}, " + "\"latitude\":{\"script\":\"params._source.loc[1]\"}, " + "\"city\":{\"script\": \"\"}, " + "\"pop\":{\"script\": \"params._source.pop\"}, \"state\":{\"script\": \"params._source.state\"}, " + "\"id\":{\"script\": \"\"}}")); } @Test public void testInPlan() { final String[] searches = { "\"query\" : {\"constant_score\":{\"filter\":{\"bool\":{\"should\":" + "[{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"term\":{\"pop\":96074}}]}},{\"bool\":{\"must\":[{\"term\":" + "{\"pop\":99568}}]}}]}}}}", "\"script_fields\": {\"longitude\":{\"script\":\"params._source.loc[0]\"}, " + "\"latitude\":{\"script\":\"params._source.loc[1]\"}, " + "\"city\":{\"script\": \"\"}, " + "\"pop\":{\"script\": \"params._source.pop\"}, " + "\"state\":{\"script\": \"params._source.state\"}, " + "\"id\":{\"script\": \"\"}}" }; calciteAssert().query("select * from zips where \"pop\" in (96074, 99568)").returnsUnordered( "city=BELL GARDENS; longitude=-118.17205; latitude=33.969177; pop=99568; state=CA; id=90201", "city=LOS ANGELES; longitude=-118.258189; latitude=34.007856; pop=96074; state=CA; id=90011") .queryContains(ElasticsearchChecker.elasticsearchChecker(searches)); } @Test public void testZips() { calciteAssert().query("select \"state\", \"city\" from zips").returnsCount(10); } @Test public void testProject() { final String sql = "select \"state\", \"city\", 0 as \"zero\"\n" + "from zips\n" + "order by \"state\", \"city\""; calciteAssert().query(sql).limit(2) .returnsUnordered("state=AK; city=ANCHORAGE; zero=0", "state=AK; city=FAIRBANKS; zero=0") .queryContains(ElasticsearchChecker.elasticsearchChecker( "\"script_fields\": " + "{\"zero\":{\"script\": \"0\"}, " + "\"state\":{\"script\": \"params._source.state\"}, " + "\"city\":{\"script\": \"\"}}", "\"sort\": [ {\"state\": \"asc\"}, {\"city\": \"asc\"}]")); } @Test public void testFilter() { final String explain = "PLAN=ElasticsearchToEnumerableConverter\n" + " ElasticsearchProject(state=[CAST(ITEM($0, 'state')):VARCHAR(2) CHARACTER SET \"ISO-8859-1\" COLLATE \"ISO-8859-1$en_US$primary\"], city=[CAST(ITEM($0, 'city')):VARCHAR(20) CHARACTER SET \"ISO-8859-1\" COLLATE \"ISO-8859-1$en_US$primary\"])\n" + " ElasticsearchFilter(condition=[=(CAST(ITEM($0, 'state')):VARCHAR(2) CHARACTER SET \"ISO-8859-1\" COLLATE \"ISO-8859-1$en_US$primary\", 'CA')])\n" + " ElasticsearchTableScan(table=[[elastic, zips]])"; calciteAssert().query("select \"state\", \"city\" from zips where \"state\" = 'CA'").limit(3) .returnsUnordered("state=CA; city=BELL GARDENS", "state=CA; city=LOS ANGELES", "state=CA; city=NORWALK") .explainContains(explain); } @Test public void testFilterReversed() { calciteAssert().query("select \"state\", \"city\" from zips where 'WI' < \"state\" order by \"city\"") .limit(2).returnsUnordered("state=WV; city=BECKLEY", "state=WY; city=CHEYENNE"); calciteAssert().query("select \"state\", \"city\" from zips where \"state\" > 'WI' order by \"city\"") .limit(2).returnsUnordered("state=WV; city=BECKLEY", "state=WY; city=CHEYENNE"); } } // End