Example usage for java.lang String CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER

List of usage examples for java.lang String CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang String CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.



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A Comparator that orders String objects as by compareToIgnoreCase .


From source file:com.microsoft.tfs.core.clients.versioncontrol.internal.localworkspace.LocalDataAccessLayer.java

private static boolean reconcileLocalWorkspaceHelper(final Workspace workspace,
        final WebServiceLayer webServiceLayer, final boolean unscannedReconcile,
        final boolean reconcileMissingFromDisk, final AtomicReference<Failure[]> failures,
        final AtomicBoolean pendingChangesUpdatedByServer) {
    Check.notNull(workspace, "workspace"); //$NON-NLS-1$
    final List<PendingChange> convertedAdds = new ArrayList<PendingChange>();

    final boolean throwOnProjectRenamed;
    if (EnvironmentVariables.isDefined(EnvironmentVariables.DD_SUITES_PROJECT_RENAME_UNPATCHED_CLIENT)) {
        throwOnProjectRenamed = false;/*ww  w.  java2 s . c  o m*/
    } else {
        throwOnProjectRenamed = true;

    final AtomicReference<GUID> serverPendingChangeSignature = new AtomicReference<GUID>(GUID.EMPTY);

    // No optimization away of reconciles when sending up MissingFromDisk
    // rows, since the bit in the header (lvHeader.PendingReconcile) may be
    // false when we actually have work to do (there are rows in the table
    // marked MissingFromDisk).
    if ((unscannedReconcile || !workspace.getWorkspaceWatcher().isScanNecessary())
            && !reconcileMissingFromDisk) {
        // Pre-reconcile
        final AtomicBoolean hasPendingLocalVersionRows = new AtomicBoolean(true);
        LocalWorkspaceTransaction transaction = new LocalWorkspaceTransaction(workspace);

        try {
            transaction.execute(new LocalVersionHeaderTransaction() {
                public void invoke(final WorkspaceVersionTableHeader lvh) {
        } finally {
            try {
            } catch (final IOException e) {
                throw new VersionControlException(e);

        final AtomicReference<GUID> clientPendingChangeSignature = new AtomicReference<GUID>(GUID.EMPTY);

        if (!hasPendingLocalVersionRows.get()) {
            transaction = new LocalWorkspaceTransaction(workspace);
            try {
                transaction.execute(new PendingChangesHeaderTransaction() {
                    public void invoke(final LocalPendingChangesTableHeader pch) {

            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (final IOException e) {
                    throw new VersionControlException(e);

            final GUID lastServerPendingChangeGuid = workspace.getOfflineCacheData()
            final Calendar lastReconcileTime = workspace.getOfflineCacheData().getLastReconcileTime();
            lastReconcileTime.add(Calendar.SECOND, 8);

            if (lastServerPendingChangeGuid != GUID.EMPTY
                    && clientPendingChangeSignature.get().equals(lastServerPendingChangeGuid)
                    && lastReconcileTime.after(Calendar.getInstance())) {
                // This reconcile was optimized away with no server call.

                failures.set(new Failure[0]);
                return false;

                    webServiceLayer.queryPendingChangeSignature(workspace.getName(), workspace.getOwnerName()));

            if (serverPendingChangeSignature.get() != GUID.EMPTY
                    && clientPendingChangeSignature.get().equals(serverPendingChangeSignature)) {
                // This reconcile was optimized away.


                failures.set(new Failure[0]);
                return false;

    final AtomicBoolean toReturn = new AtomicBoolean(true);

    final LocalWorkspaceTransaction transaction = new LocalWorkspaceTransaction(workspace);
    try {
        final AtomicReference<Failure[]> delegateFailures = new AtomicReference<Failure[]>(new Failure[0]);
        final AtomicBoolean delegatePCUpdated = new AtomicBoolean(false);

        transaction.execute(new AllTablesTransaction() {
            public void invoke(final LocalWorkspaceProperties wp, final WorkspaceVersionTable lv,
                    final LocalPendingChangesTable pc) {
                if (!unscannedReconcile) {
                    // The line below has been commented out because we
                    // decided not to force a full scan here, because it
                    // causes significant degradation in UI performance.
                    // workspace.getWorkspaceWatcher().markPathChanged(null);
                    // It was an attempt to fix the bug:
                    // Bug 6191: When using local workspaces, get latest
                    // does not get a file that has been deleted from disk.
                    // The customer has to explicitly invoke
                    // Pending Changes>Actions>Detect local changes
                    // in Team Explorer.
                    // Note that none of customers reported that as an
                    // issue.
                    // It was detected on our tests only.
                    workspace.getWorkspaceWatcher().scan(wp, lv, pc);

                // Pre-reconcile
                if (!lv.getPendingReconcile() && !reconcileMissingFromDisk
                        && GUID.EMPTY == serverPendingChangeSignature.get()) {
                            .queryPendingChangeSignature(workspace.getName(), workspace.getOwnerName()));

                    if (serverPendingChangeSignature.get() != GUID.EMPTY
                            && pc.getClientSignature().equals(serverPendingChangeSignature.get())) {
                        // This reconcile was optimized away.
                        delegateFailures.set(new Failure[0]);




                // Acknowledgment of team project renames, if any have been
                // completed
                if (wp.getNewProjectRevisionId() > 0) {
                            workspace.getOwnerName(), wp.getNewProjectRevisionId());


                final LocalPendingChange[] pendingChanges = pc.queryByTargetServerItem(ServerPath.ROOT,
                        RecursionType.FULL, null);

                 * TEE-specific Code
                 * In order to support offline property changes, which
                 * cannot be reconciled with
                 * WebServiceLayer.reconcileLocalWorkspace (the property
                 * values can't be sent), we have to pull out the pended
                 * property changes and send them to the server before
                 * reconciling.
                final List<ChangeRequest> propertyRequests = new ArrayList<ChangeRequest>();

                for (final LocalPendingChange lpc : pendingChanges) {
                    if (lpc.getChangeType().contains(ChangeType.PROPERTY)) {
                        final PropertyValue[] pv = lpc.getPropertyValues();
                        final String serverItem = lpc.getTargetServerItem();

                        if (pv != null && pv.length > 0 && serverItem != null) {
                            final ChangeRequest request = new ChangeRequest(
                                    new ItemSpec(serverItem, RecursionType.NONE),
                                    new WorkspaceVersionSpec(workspace), RequestType.PROPERTY, ItemType.ANY,
                                    VersionControlConstants.ENCODING_UNCHANGED, LockLevel.UNCHANGED, 0, null,



                if (propertyRequests.size() > 0) {
                    ((WebServiceLayerLocalWorkspaces) webServiceLayer).pendChangesInLocalWorkspace(
                            workspace.getName(), workspace.getOwnerName(),
                            propertyRequests.toArray(new ChangeRequest[propertyRequests.size()]),
                            PendChangesOptions.NONE, SupportedFeatures.ALL, new AtomicReference<Failure[]>(),
                            null, null, new AtomicBoolean(), new AtomicReference<ChangePendedFlags>());

                    // TODO handle failures?

                // Back to normal, non-TEE behavior

                final AtomicBoolean outClearLocalVersionTable = new AtomicBoolean();
                final ServerItemLocalVersionUpdate[] lvUpdates = lv.getUpdatesForReconcile(pendingChanges,
                        reconcileMissingFromDisk, outClearLocalVersionTable);

                ReconcileResult result = webServiceLayer.reconcileLocalWorkspace(workspace.getName(),
                        workspace.getOwnerName(), pc.getClientSignature(), pendingChanges, lvUpdates,
                        outClearLocalVersionTable.get(), throwOnProjectRenamed);

                // report any failures
                Failure[] reconcileFailures = result.getFailures();
                workspace.getClient().reportFailures(workspace, reconcileFailures);

                if (reconcileFailures.length > 0) {
                    throw new ReconcileFailedException(reconcileFailures);

                GUID newSignature = new GUID(result.getNewSignature());
                PendingChange[] newPendingChanges = result.getNewPendingChanges();

                // If the local version rows for this local workspace have
                // been purged from the server, then the server will set
                // this flag on the result of the next reconcile.
                if (result.isReplayLocalVersionsRequired()) {
                    // Reconcile a second time. This time, set the
                    // clearLocalVersionTable flag. This way, we know
                    // we have cleared out any lingering local version rows
                    // for this workspace.
                    if (!outClearLocalVersionTable.get()) {
                        result = webServiceLayer.reconcileLocalWorkspace(workspace.getName(),
                                workspace.getOwnerName(), pc.getClientSignature(), pendingChanges, lvUpdates,
                                true /* clearLocalVersionTable */, throwOnProjectRenamed);

                        // Report any failures
                        reconcileFailures = result.getFailures();
                        workspace.getClient().reportFailures(workspace, reconcileFailures);

                        if (reconcileFailures.length > 0) {
                            throw new ReconcileFailedException(reconcileFailures);

                        // Grab the new signature and new pending changes
                        newSignature = new GUID(result.getNewSignature());
                        newPendingChanges = result.getNewPendingChanges();

                    // Now, go through the local version table and replay
                    // every row that we have.
                    final List<ServerItemLocalVersionUpdate> replayUpdates = new ArrayList<ServerItemLocalVersionUpdate>(
                            Math.min(lv.getLocalItemsCount(), 1000));

                    for (final WorkspaceLocalItem lvEntry : lv.queryByServerItem(ServerPath.ROOT,
                            RecursionType.FULL, null, true /* includeDeleted */)) {
                        final ServerItemLocalVersionUpdate replayUpdate = lvEntry
                                .getLocalVersionUpdate(reconcileMissingFromDisk, true /* force */);

                        if (replayUpdate != null) {

                            // Batch these updates in groups of 1000 items.
                            if (replayUpdates.size() >= 1000) {
                                        workspace.getOwnerName(), replayUpdates.toArray(
                                                new ServerItemLocalVersionUpdate[replayUpdates.size()]));


                    if (replayUpdates.size() > 0) {
                        webServiceLayer.updateLocalVersion(workspace.getName(), workspace.getOwnerName(),
                                replayUpdates.toArray(new ServerItemLocalVersionUpdate[replayUpdates.size()]));

                if (result.isPendingChangesUpdated()) {

                    final Map<String, ItemType> newPendingDeletes = new TreeMap<String, ItemType>(

                    for (final PendingChange pendingChange : newPendingChanges) {
                        if (pendingChange.isAdd()) {
                            final LocalPendingChange oldPendingChange = pc

                            if (null == oldPendingChange || !oldPendingChange.isAdd()) {
                                // Before calling ReconcileLocalWorkspace,
                                // we did not have a pending add at this
                                // target server item.
                        } else if (pendingChange.isDelete()) {
                            // If the server removed any of our presented
                            // pending deletes, we want to know about it so
                            // we can get rid of the local version rows that
                            // we have in the deleted state. The server will
                            // remove our pending deletes when the item has
                            // been destroyed on the server.
                                    pendingChange.getSourceServerItem() == null ? pendingChange.getServerItem()
                                            : pendingChange.getSourceServerItem(),

                    for (final LocalPendingChange oldPendingChange : pc
                            .queryByCommittedServerItem(ServerPath.ROOT, RecursionType.FULL, null)) {
                        if (oldPendingChange.isDelete()
                                && !newPendingDeletes.containsKey(oldPendingChange.getCommittedServerItem())) {
                            // We presented this delete to the server for
                            // Reconcile, but the server removed it from the
                            // pending changes manifest. We need to get rid
                            // of the LV rows for
                            // oldPendingChange.CommittedServerItem since
                            // this item is now destroyed.
                            final List<ServerItemIsCommittedTuple> lvRowsToRemove = new ArrayList<ServerItemIsCommittedTuple>();

                            final RecursionType recursion = oldPendingChange.isRecursiveChange()
                                    ? RecursionType.FULL
                                    : RecursionType.NONE;

                            // Aggregate up the deleted local version
                            // entries at this committed server item
                            // (or below if it's a folder), and we'll remove
                            // them.
                            for (final WorkspaceLocalItem lvEntry : lv.queryByServerItem(
                                    oldPendingChange.getCommittedServerItem(), recursion, null,
                                    true /* includeDeleted */)) {
                                if (lvEntry.isDeleted()) {
                                    lvRowsToRemove.add(new ServerItemIsCommittedTuple(lvEntry.getServerItem(),

                            for (final ServerItemIsCommittedTuple tuple : lvRowsToRemove) {
                                // We don't need to reconcile the removal of
                                // LV entries marked IsDeleted since they
                                // don't exist on the server anyway.
                                lv.removeByServerItem(tuple.getCommittedServerItem(), tuple.isCommitted(),


                // If all we're doing to LV is marking it reconciled, then
                // don't use TxF to commit
                // both tables atomically as this is slower
                if (!lv.isDirty()) {

                if (lvUpdates.length > 0) {
                    lv.markAsReconciled(wp, reconcileMissingFromDisk);

                    // If we removed all missing-from-disk items from the
                    // local version table, then we need to remove
                    // the corresponding candidate delete rows for those
                    // items as well.
                    if (reconcileMissingFromDisk) {
                        List<String> candidatesToRemove = null;

                        for (final LocalPendingChange candidateChange : pc
                                .queryCandidatesByTargetServerItem(ServerPath.ROOT, RecursionType.FULL, null)) {
                            if (candidateChange.isDelete()) {
                                if (null == candidatesToRemove) {
                                    candidatesToRemove = new ArrayList<String>();

                        if (null != candidatesToRemove) {
                            for (final String candidateDeleteTargetServerItem : candidatesToRemove) {
                            // Set the candidates changed to true so that it
                            // refreshes the UI

                newSignature = webServiceLayer.queryPendingChangeSignature(workspace.getName(),

                if (!newSignature.equals(pc.getClientSignature())) {

                if (!newSignature.equals(pc.getClientSignature())) {


    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            throw new VersionControlException(e);

    if (convertedAdds.size() > 0) {
        final UpdateLocalVersionQueueOptions options = UpdateLocalVersionQueueOptions.UPDATE_BOTH;
        final UpdateLocalVersionQueue ulvq = new UpdateLocalVersionQueue(workspace, options);

        try {
            for (final PendingChange pc : convertedAdds) {
                // Every item in this list has a ChangeType of Add. As a
                // result they are uncommitted items with no committed hash
                // value, no committed length, and no baseline file GUID.
                ulvq.queueUpdate(new ClientLocalVersionUpdate(pc.getServerItem(), pc.getItemID(),
                        pc.getLocalItem(), 0 /* localVersion */, DotNETDate.MIN_CALENDAR, pc.getEncoding(),
                        null /* committedHashValue */, 0 /* committedLength */, null /* baselineFileGuid */,
                        null /* pendingChangeTargetServerItem */, null /* properties */));
        } finally {

    return toReturn.get();

From source file:com.zimbra.cs.account.ldap.LdapProvisioning.java

private Cos copyCos(String srcCosId, String destCosName, Map<String, Object> cosAttrs) throws ServiceException {
    destCosName = destCosName.toLowerCase().trim();

    Cos srcCos = getCosById(srcCosId, null);
    if (srcCos == null)
        throw AccountServiceException.NO_SUCH_COS(srcCosId);

    // bug 67716, use a case insensitive map because provided attr names may not be
    // the canonical name and that will cause multiple entries in the map
    Map<String, Object> allAttrs = new TreeMap<String, Object>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);

    allAttrs.putAll(srcCos.getAttrs());/*from   w  ww . ja v a  2  s .c o  m*/

    if (cosAttrs != null) {
        for (Map.Entry<String, Object> e : cosAttrs.entrySet()) {
            String attr = e.getKey();
            Object value = e.getValue();
            if (value instanceof String && Strings.isNullOrEmpty((String) value)) {
            } else {
                allAttrs.put(attr, value);

    CallbackContext callbackContext = new CallbackContext(CallbackContext.Op.CREATE);

    //get rid of deprecated attrs
    Map<String, Object> allNewAttrs = new HashMap<String, Object>(allAttrs);
    for (String attr : allAttrs.keySet()) {
        AttributeInfo info = AttributeManager.getInstance().getAttributeInfo(attr);
        if (info != null && info.isDeprecated()) {
    allAttrs = allNewAttrs;
    AttributeManager.getInstance().preModify(allAttrs, null, callbackContext, true);

    ZLdapContext zlc = null;
    try {
        zlc = LdapClient.getContext(LdapServerType.MASTER, LdapUsage.CREATE_COS);

        ZMutableEntry entry = LdapClient.createMutableEntry();

        Set<String> ocs = LdapObjectClass.getCosObjectClasses(this);
        entry.addAttr(A_objectClass, ocs);

        String zimbraIdStr = LdapUtil.generateUUID();
        entry.setAttr(A_zimbraId, zimbraIdStr);
        entry.setAttr(A_zimbraCreateTimestamp, LdapDateUtil.toGeneralizedTime(new Date()));
        entry.setAttr(A_cn, destCosName);
        String dn = mDIT.cosNametoDN(destCosName);

        Cos cos = getCosById(zimbraIdStr, zlc);
        AttributeManager.getInstance().postModify(allAttrs, cos, callbackContext);
        return cos;
    } catch (LdapEntryAlreadyExistException nabe) {
        throw AccountServiceException.COS_EXISTS(destCosName);
    } catch (LdapException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (AccountServiceException e) {
        throw e;
    } catch (ServiceException e) {
        throw ServiceException.FAILURE("unable to create cos: " + destCosName, e);
    } finally {

From source file:com.microsoft.tfs.core.clients.versioncontrol.soapextensions.Workspace.java

public static int compareName(final String name1, final String name2) {
    if (name1 == name2) {
        return 0;
    }/*from ww w.  j av  a2  s.  c  o m*/

    if (name1 == null) {
        return -1;

    if (name2 == null) {
        return 1;

    return String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.compare(name1, name2);

From source file:com.microsoft.tfs.core.clients.versioncontrol.soapextensions.Workspace.java

public static int compareOwner(final String owner1, final String owner2) {
    if (owner1 == owner2) {
        return 0;
    }//from www  .j a  v a2  s  .  c o  m

    if (owner1 == null) {
        return -1;

    if (owner2 == null) {
        return 1;

    return String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.compare(owner1, owner2);

From source file:com.microsoft.tfs.core.clients.versioncontrol.soapextensions.Workspace.java

public static int compareComputer(final String computer1, final String computer2) {
    if (computer1 == computer2) {
        return 0;
    }//from   ww w.j  a  v  a 2  s.  c  o m

    if (computer1 == null) {
        return -1;

    if (computer2 == null) {
        return 1;

    return String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.compare(computer1, computer2);

From source file:com.microsoft.tfs.core.clients.versioncontrol.soapextensions.Workspace.java

public static int compareSecurityToken(final String securityToken1, final String securityToken2) {
    if (securityToken1 == securityToken2) {
        return 0;
    }/*from  w  w  w  . ja v  a 2  s .  com*/

    if (securityToken1 == null) {
        return -1;

    if (securityToken2 == null) {
        return 1;

    return String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER.compare(securityToken1, securityToken2);

From source file:com.microsoft.tfs.core.clients.versioncontrol.internal.localworkspace.LocalDataAccessLayer.java

public static void syncPendingChanges(final Workspace workspace, final GetOperation[] getOperations,
        final String[] itemPropertyFilters) {
    // This method has two goals in its execution. The primary goal is to
    // replace the pending changes for the workspace with those that we just
    // downloaded from the server. The second goal is to make sure that
    // local version rows for uncommitted items are cleaned up if their
    // pending changes have disappeared. The server will have already done
    // this cleanup for us.

    // We can't remove a pending add from PC and its uncommitted local
    // version row from LV in a single transaction since they are in
    // different tables. And we would much rather have an orphaned PC row
    // than an orphaned LV row. So we will get rid of the local version row
    // first in this case. (If there are no rows to clean up from LV, we
    // will not open the table at all.)

    // To do the scan of the GetOperations to check for this condition, we
    // need to have the new pending changes in a tree structure. The
    // LocalPendingChangesTable would do this anyway when we give it the
    // pending changes -- so we'll cheat a little bit here on the
    // encapsulation and do the work for it ahead of time, so we can use the
    // SparseTree for our own check.

    final AtomicReference<GUID> outServerPendingChangeSignature = new AtomicReference<GUID>();

    final PendingChange[] pendingChanges = workspace.getClient().getWebServiceLayer()
            .queryServerPendingChanges(workspace, outServerPendingChangeSignature);

    final GUID serverPendingChangeSignature = outServerPendingChangeSignature.get();

    final SparseTree<LocalPendingChange> pendingChangesTarget = new SparseTree<LocalPendingChange>(

    for (final PendingChange pendingChange : pendingChanges) {
        final LocalPendingChange pcEntry = LocalPendingChange.fromPendingChange(pendingChange);
        pendingChangesTarget.set(pcEntry.getTargetServerItem(), pcEntry);
    }/*from  w w  w  .j  av  a  2 s.c  om*/

    if (null != getOperations) {
        final List<KeyValuePair<String, Boolean>> localVersionsToRemove = new ArrayList<KeyValuePair<String, Boolean>>();
        final List<String> localVersionsToUpdate = new ArrayList<String>();

        for (final GetOperation getOp : getOperations) {
            // Make sure any adds still have pending changes. The server
            // will remove the local version row for a pending add when the
            // pending change is removed, and for a pending branch when we
            // are syncing an item on top of it.
            if (getOp.getChangeType().contains(ChangeType.ADD)
                    || (getOp.getChangeType().contains(ChangeType.BRANCH)
                            && null != getOp.getTargetLocalItem())) {
                final LocalPendingChange pcEntry = pendingChangesTarget.get(getOp.getTargetServerItem());
                if (pcEntry == null) {
                    localVersionsToRemove.add(new KeyValuePair<String, Boolean>(getOp.getSourceServerItem(),
                            getOp.getVersionLocal() != 0));

            // if the server pushed an edit to us, we need to update the
            // local version
            if (getOp.getVersionLocal() == -1) {

        if (localVersionsToRemove.size() > 0 || localVersionsToUpdate.size() > 0) {
            final LocalWorkspaceTransaction lvTrans = new LocalWorkspaceTransaction(workspace);
            try {
                lvTrans.execute(new LocalVersionTransaction() {
                    public void invoke(final WorkspaceVersionTable lv) {
                        for (final KeyValuePair<String, Boolean> item : localVersionsToRemove) {
                            lv.removeByServerItem(item.getKey(), item.getValue(), false);

                        for (final String serverItem : localVersionsToUpdate) {
                            final WorkspaceLocalItem item = lv.getByServerItem(serverItem, true);

                            if (item != null && item.getVersion() != -1) {
                                lv.removeByServerItem(item.getServerItem(), item.isCommitted(), false);
            } finally {
                try {
                } catch (final IOException e) {
                    throw new VersionControlException(e);

    final LocalWorkspaceTransaction transaction = new LocalWorkspaceTransaction(workspace);
    try {
        transaction.execute(new PendingChangesTransaction() {
            public void invoke(final LocalPendingChangesTable pc) {
                // The method taking a SparseTree is a violation of
                // encapsulation, but having us build the SparseTree gives
                // us a perf benefit since we need it earlier in the method.
    } finally {
        try {
        } catch (final IOException e) {
            throw new VersionControlException(e);

From source file:edu.mit.viral.shen.DroidFish.java

private final String[] findFilesInDirectory(String dirName, final FileNameFilter filter) {
    File extDir = Environment.getExternalStorageDirectory();
    String sep = File.separator;
    File dir = new File(extDir.getAbsolutePath() + sep + dirName);
    File[] files = dir.listFiles(new FileFilter() {
        public boolean accept(File pathname) {
            if (!pathname.isFile())
                return false;
            return (filter == null) || filter.accept(pathname.getAbsolutePath());
        }//from   www .j  a va  2  s  .c o  m
    if (files == null)
        files = new File[0];
    final int numFiles = files.length;
    String[] fileNames = new String[numFiles];
    for (int i = 0; i < files.length; i++)
        fileNames[i] = files[i].getName();
    Arrays.sort(fileNames, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
    return fileNames;

From source file:com.sentaroh.android.SMBSync2.SyncTaskUtility.java

public void selectRemoteShareDlg(final String remurl, String remdir, final NotifyEvent p_ntfy) {

    NotifyEvent ntfy = new NotifyEvent(mContext);
    // set thread response 
    ntfy.setListener(new NotifyEventListener() {
        @Override/*w  ww .j a v a2  s. c o  m*/
        public void positiveResponse(Context c, Object[] o) {
            final ArrayList<String> rows = new ArrayList<String>();
            ArrayList<TreeFilelistItem> rfl = (ArrayList<TreeFilelistItem>) o[0];

            for (int i = 0; i < rfl.size(); i++) {
                if (rfl.get(i).isDir() && rfl.get(i).canRead() && !rfl.get(i).getName().endsWith("$"))
                    //                     !rfl.get(i).getName().startsWith("IPC$"))
                    rows.add(rfl.get(i).getName().replaceAll("/", ""));
            boolean wk_list_empty = false;
            if (rows.size() < 1) {
                wk_list_empty = true;
            final boolean list_empty = wk_list_empty;
            Collections.sort(rows, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER);
            final Dialog dialog = new Dialog(mContext);

            LinearLayout ll_dlg_view = (LinearLayout) dialog.findViewById(R.id.item_select_list_dlg_view);

            final LinearLayout title_view = (LinearLayout) dialog
            final TextView title = (TextView) dialog.findViewById(R.id.item_select_list_dlg_title);
            final TextView subtitle = (TextView) dialog.findViewById(R.id.item_select_list_dlg_subtitle);


            //              if (rows.size()<=2) 
            //                 ((TextView)dialog.findViewById(R.id.item_select_list_dlg_spacer))
            //                 .setVisibility(TextView.VISIBLE);
            final Button btn_cancel = (Button) dialog.findViewById(R.id.item_select_list_dlg_cancel_btn);
            final Button btn_ok = (Button) dialog.findViewById(R.id.item_select_list_dlg_ok_btn);

            CommonDialog.setDlgBoxSizeLimit(dialog, false);

            final ListView lv = (ListView) dialog.findViewById(android.R.id.list);
            if (!list_empty) {
                        new ArrayAdapter<String>(mContext, R.layout.custom_simple_list_item_checked, rows));
                //  android.R.layout.simple_list_item_checked,rows));
            } else {
                lv.setAdapter(new ArrayAdapter<String>(mContext, R.layout.simple_list_item_1o, rows));

            lv.setOnItemClickListener(new OnItemClickListener() {
                public void onItemClick(AdapterView<?> items, View view, int idx, long id) {
                    if (rows.get(idx).startsWith("---"))
                    if (!list_empty)
            btn_cancel.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {
                    p_ntfy.notifyToListener(false, null);
            btn_ok.setOnClickListener(new View.OnClickListener() {
                public void onClick(View v) {
                    SparseBooleanArray checked = lv.getCheckedItemPositions();
                    for (int i = 0; i <= rows.size(); i++) {
                        if (checked.get(i) == true) {
                            p_ntfy.notifyToListener(true, new Object[] { rows.get(i) });
            // Cancel?
            dialog.setOnCancelListener(new Dialog.OnCancelListener() {
                public void onCancel(DialogInterface arg0) {
            //            dialog.setOnKeyListener(new DialogOnKeyListener(context));
            //            dialog.setCancelable(false);

        public void negativeResponse(Context c, Object[] o) {
            p_ntfy.notifyToListener(false, o);
    createRemoteFileList(remurl, remdir, ntfy, false);


From source file:sg.ncl.MainController.java

public String adminTeamUsage(Model model, @RequestParam(value = "start", required = false) String start,
        @RequestParam(value = "end", required = false) String end,
        @RequestParam(value = "organizationType", required = false) String organizationType,
        @RequestParam(value = "team", required = false) String team,
        final RedirectAttributes redirectAttributes, HttpSession session)
        throws IOException, WebServiceRuntimeException {
    if (!validateIfAdmin(session)) {
        return NO_PERMISSION_PAGE;
    }//  ww  w .j  av  a  2  s. com

    DateTimeFormatter formatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd");
    ZonedDateTime nowDate = ZonedDateTime.now();
    String now = nowDate.format(formatter);
    if (start == null) {
        start = nowDate.with(firstDayOfMonth()).format(formatter);
    if (end == null) {
        end = now;
    if (now.compareTo(start) < 0 || now.compareTo(end) < 0) {
        redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute(MESSAGE, "Period selected is beyond current date (today).");
        return REDIRECT_TEAM_USAGE;

    // get list of teamids
    HttpEntity<String> request = createHttpEntityHeaderOnly();
    ResponseEntity responseEntity = restTemplate.exchange(properties.getSioTeamsUrl(), HttpMethod.GET, request,
    JSONArray jsonArray = new JSONArray(responseEntity.getBody().toString());

    List<Team2> searchTeams = new ArrayList<>();
    TeamManager2 teamManager2 = new TeamManager2();
    getSearchTeams(organizationType, team, jsonArray, searchTeams, teamManager2);

    if (!searchTeams.isEmpty()) {
        List<String> dates = getDates(start, end, formatter);

        Map<String, List<Long>> teamUsages = new HashMap<>();
        Long totalUsage = 0L;
        for (Team2 team2 : searchTeams) {
            try {
                List<Long> usages = new ArrayList<>();
                totalUsage += getTeamUsageStatistics(team2, start, end, request, usages);
                teamUsages.put(team2.getName(), usages);
            } catch (RestClientException rce) {
                log.warn("Error connecting to sio analytics service for team usage: {}", rce);
                redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute(MESSAGE, ERR_SERVER_OVERLOAD);
                return REDIRECT_TEAM_USAGE;
            } catch (StartDateAfterEndDateException sde) {
                redirectAttributes.addFlashAttribute(MESSAGE, ERR_START_DATE_AFTER_END_DATE);
                return REDIRECT_TEAM_USAGE;
        model.addAttribute("dates", dates);
        model.addAttribute("teamUsages", teamUsages);
        model.addAttribute("totalUsage", totalUsage);

    List<Team2> allTeams = new ArrayList<>(teamManager2.getTeamMap().values());
    allTeams.sort(Comparator.comparing(Team2::getName, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER));
    model.addAttribute(ALL_TEAMS, allTeams);
    model.addAttribute("start", start);
    model.addAttribute("end", end);
    model.addAttribute("organizationType", organizationType);
    model.addAttribute("team", team);
    return "usage_statistics";