List of usage examples for java.lang String CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER
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private void processGrizzlyRequest(final Inbox handlerInbox, final ActorRef requestHandler, final GrizzlyHTTPRequest request) throws IOException { final NIOReader in = request.getRequest().getNIOReader(); final Map<String, String> headers = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); for (String hdr : request.getRequest().getHeaderNames()) { headers.put(hdr, request.getRequest().getHeader(hdr)); }/*from w ww . java2 s .c o m*/ final Map<String, String> params = new HashMap<>(); for (String param : request.getRequest().getParameterNames()) { params.put(param, request.getRequest().getParameter(param)); } in.notifyAvailable(new ReadHandler() { final StringWriter bodyBuffer = new StringWriter(); char[] readBuffer = new char[1024]; private void read() throws IOException { while (in.isReady()) { int len =; if (len > 0) { bodyBuffer.write(readBuffer, 0, len); } } } @Override public void onDataAvailable() throws Exception { read(); in.notifyAvailable(this); } @Override public void onError(Throwable throwable) { try { log.error(throwable, "Error during reading of request body"); handleResponse(request.getResponseHandle(), 500, "text/plain", throwable.getMessage()); } catch (IOException ex) { log.error(ex, "Error during reading of request body"); } finally { request.getResponseHandle().resume(); } } @Override public void onAllDataRead() throws Exception { try { read(); MediatorHTTPRequest mediatorHTTPRequest = buildMediatorHTTPRequest(requestHandler, request, bodyBuffer.toString(), headers, params); handlerInbox.send(requestHandler, mediatorHTTPRequest); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(in); } } }); }
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private List<String> sortByForeignKeys(final String dbSchema, final Connection conn, final Set<String> tableNames) throws SQLException { Set<MultiParentNode<String>> roots = new HashSet<>(); final DatabaseMetaData meta = conn.getMetaData(); final Map<String, MultiParentNode<String>> exploited = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); final Set<String> pkTableNames = new HashSet<>(); for (String tableName : tableNames) { MultiParentNode<String> node = exploited.get(tableName); if (node == null) { node = new MultiParentNode<>(tableName); roots.add(node);/* w w w . j ava2 s . co m*/ exploited.put(tableName, node); } pkTableNames.clear(); ResultSet rs = null; try { rs = meta.getImportedKeys(conn.getCatalog(), dbSchema, tableName); // this is to avoid repetition while ( { pkTableNames.add(rs.getString("PKTABLE_NAME")); } } finally { if (rs != null) { try { rs.close(); } catch (SQLException e) { LOG.error("While closing tables result set", e); } } } for (String pkTableName : pkTableNames) { if (!tableName.equalsIgnoreCase(pkTableName)) { MultiParentNode<String> pkNode = exploited.get(pkTableName); if (pkNode == null) { pkNode = new MultiParentNode<>(pkTableName); roots.add(pkNode); exploited.put(pkTableName, pkNode); } pkNode.addChild(node); if (roots.contains(node)) { roots.remove(node); } } } } final List<String> sortedTableNames = new ArrayList<>(tableNames.size()); MultiParentNodeOp.traverseTree(roots, sortedTableNames); // remove from sortedTableNames any table possibly added during lookup // but matching some item in this.tablePrefixesToBeExcluded sortedTableNames.retainAll(tableNames); LOG.debug("Tables after retainAll {}", sortedTableNames); Collections.reverse(sortedTableNames); return sortedTableNames; }
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public static String getFirstAvaliableFamily(String... fontFamilies) { Map<String, String> families = new TreeMap<String, String>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); for (String family : GraphicsEnvironment.getLocalGraphicsEnvironment().getAvailableFontFamilyNames()) { families.put(family, family);//from www . j a va 2s . c o m } for (String family : fontFamilies) { String result = families.get(family); if (result != null) { return result; } } return null; }
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/** * Reads headers from the batch starting from the given position. * * @param iterator batch iterator./*from w w w . ja va 2 s . c o m*/ * @return Map of header name in header values. */ public static Map<String, Collection<String>> readHeaders(final ODataBatchLineIterator iterator) { final Map<String, Collection<String>> target = new TreeMap<String, Collection<String>>( String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); readHeaders(iterator, target); return target; }
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public static String[] getContinents(Tribe pTribe) { if (pTribe == null || pTribe.equals(Barbarians.getSingleton())) { return new String[0]; }//from w w w .j a v a2 s. co m List<String> continents = new ArrayList<>(); for (Village v : pTribe.getVillageList()) { int cont = v.getContinent(); String sCont = "K" + ((cont < 10) ? "0" + cont : cont); if (!continents.contains(sCont)) { continents.add(sCont); } } Collections.sort(continents, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); return continents.toArray(new String[continents.size()]); }
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/** * Get the list of SD tags that a property produces * also gets the tags that are produced by calculators this property depends on aka "required tags" * "required tags" are defined in the keepRequiredCalculators field on the XML files *///from w ww . java2 s.c om private static TreeSet<String> getOutputFields(String prop, Set<Calculator> calculators, boolean verbose) { TreeSet<String> tags = new TreeSet<String>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); for (Calculator calc : calculators) { if (calc.getName().equals(prop)) { //add tags for calculator tags.addAll(calc.getOutputFields()); if (verbose) { tags.addAll(calc.getVerboseFields()); } //get tags for keepRequiredCalculators, recursively Set<String> requiredCalcs = calc.getKeepRequiredCalculators(); for (String c : requiredCalcs) { tags.addAll(getOutputFields(c, calculators, verbose)); } } } return tags; }
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public Map<String, String> getMdnFields() { Map<String, String> ret = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); try {/*from w ww .j ava 2 s . c o m*/ BodyPart bp = getMessageDispositionNotificationPart(); boolean contentIsBase64Encoded = false; // // look for base64 transfer encoded MDN's (when Content-Transfer-Encoding is present) // // Content-Type: message/disposition-notification // Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 // // "Content-Transfer-Encoding not used in HTTP transport Because HTTP, unlike SMTP, // does not have an early history involving 7-bit restriction. // There is no need to use the Content Transfer Encodings of MIME." // String[] contentTransferEncodings = bp.getHeader("Content-Transfer-Encoding"); if (contentTransferEncodings != null && contentTransferEncodings.length > 0) { if (contentTransferEncodings.length > 1) log.warn("MDN has multiple Content-Transfer-Encoding, we only try the first one"); String encoding = contentTransferEncodings[0]; if (encoding == null) encoding = ""; encoding = encoding.trim();"MDN specifies Content-Transfer-Encoding : '" + encoding + "'"); if ("base64".equalsIgnoreCase(encoding)) { contentIsBase64Encoded = true; } } Object content = bp.getContent(); if (content instanceof InputStream) { InputStream contentInputStream = (InputStream) content; if (contentIsBase64Encoded) { log.debug("MDN seems to be base64 encoded, wrapping content stream in Base64 decoding stream"); contentInputStream = new Base64InputStream(contentInputStream); // wrap in base64 decoding stream } BufferedReader r = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(contentInputStream)); while (r.ready()) { String line = r.readLine(); int firstColon = line.indexOf(":"); // "Disposition: ......" if (firstColon > 0) { String key = line.substring(0, firstColon).trim(); // up to : String value = line.substring(firstColon + 1).trim(); // skip : ret.put(key, value); } } } else { throw new Exception("Unsupported MDN content, expected InputStream found @ " + content.toString()); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new IllegalStateException("Unable to retrieve the values from the MDN : " + e.getMessage(), e); } return ret; }
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public Map<String, String> getSignedHeaders(String uri, String method, Map<String, String> queryParams, Map<String, String> headers, Optional<byte[]> payload) { final LocalDateTime now = clock.get(); final AWSCredentials credentials = credentialsProvider.getCredentials(); final Map<String, String> result = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); result.putAll(headers);// ww w .j a v a2 s . co m if (!result.containsKey(DATE)) { result.put(X_AMZ_DATE, now.format(BASIC_TIME_FORMAT)); } if (AWSSessionCredentials.class.isAssignableFrom(credentials.getClass())) { result.put(SESSION_TOKEN, ((AWSSessionCredentials) credentials).getSessionToken()); } final StringBuilder headersString = new StringBuilder(); final ImmutableList.Builder<String> signedHeaders = ImmutableList.builder(); for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : result.entrySet()) { headersString.append(headerAsString(entry)).append(RETURN); signedHeaders.add(entry.getKey().toLowerCase()); } final String signedHeaderKeys = JOINER.join(; final String canonicalRequest = method + RETURN + uri + RETURN + queryParamsString(queryParams) + RETURN + headersString.toString() + RETURN + signedHeaderKeys + RETURN + toBase16(hash(payload.orElse(EMPTY.getBytes(Charsets.UTF_8)))); final String stringToSign = createStringToSign(canonicalRequest, now); final String signature = sign(stringToSign, now, credentials); final String autorizationHeader = AWS4_HMAC_SHA256_CREDENTIAL + credentials.getAWSAccessKeyId() + SLASH + getCredentialScope(now) + SIGNED_HEADERS + signedHeaderKeys + SIGNATURE + signature; result.put(AUTHORIZATION, autorizationHeader); return ImmutableMap.copyOf(result); }
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/** * Fills non-Item type PickLists from a Table. * @param type the type to be filled/*from w ww . j a va2s . c o m*/ */ protected void fill(final PickListDBAdapterIFace.Type type) { if (type != PickListDBAdapterIFace.Type.Item) { DBTableInfo tableInfo = DBTableIdMgr.getInstance() .getInfoById(DBTableIdMgr.getInstance().getIdByShortName(pickList.getTableName())); if (tableInfo != null) { DataProviderSessionIFace session = DataProviderFactory.getInstance().createSession(); try { boolean isBasicType = false; boolean isFromField = type == PickListDBAdapterIFace.Type.TableField; if (isFromField) { DBFieldInfo fi = tableInfo.getFieldByColumnName(pickList.getFieldName()); isBasicType = fi != null ? UIHelper.isPrimitiveObjectType(fi.getDataClass()) : false; } String sqlStr = buildHQL(tableInfo, type == PickListDBAdapterIFace.Type.TableField ? pickList.getFieldName() : null); //log.debug(sqlStr); if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(sqlStr)) { List<?> dataList = session.getDataList(sqlStr); if (dataList != null && !dataList.isEmpty()) { if (type == PickListDBAdapterIFace.Type.TableField) { TreeSet<String> values = isBasicType ? new TreeSet<String>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER) : null; String formatterStr = isBasicType ? null : pickList.getFormatter(); boolean hasFormatter = StringUtils.isNotEmpty(formatterStr); for (Object dataObj : dataList) { if (dataObj instanceof Object[]) { dataObj = ((Object[]) dataObj)[0]; } if (dataObj != null) { String valStr = hasFormatter ? String.format(formatterStr, dataObj) : dataObj.toString(); if (isBasicType) { values.add(valStr); } else { items.add(pickList.addItem(valStr, valStr)); } } } if (isBasicType) { for (String v : values) { items.add(pickList.addItem(v, v)); } } } else { for (Object dataObj : dataList) { if (dataObj instanceof Object[]) { dataObj = ((Object[]) dataObj)[0]; } String title; if (pickList.getFormatter() != null) { title = DataObjFieldFormatMgr.getInstance().format(dataObj, pickList.getFormatter()); } else { title = ((FormDataObjIFace) dataObj).getIdentityTitle(); } items.add(pickList.addItem(title, dataObj)); } } } else { // No Data Error } } else { log.error("Query String is empty for tableId[" + tableInfo.getTableId() + "]"); } } catch (Exception ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); log.error(ex);; edu.ku.brc.exceptions.ExceptionTracker.getInstance().capture(PickListTableAdapter.class, ex); } finally { if (session != null) { session.close(); } } } else { throw new RuntimeException( "Error looking up PickLIst's Table Name [" + pickList.getTableName() + "]"); } } }
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@Override public int compareTo(CharacteristicValueObject o) { return ComparisonChain.start() .compare(category, o.category, Ordering.from(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER).nullsLast()) .compare(taxon, o.taxon, Ordering.from(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER).nullsLast()) .compare(value, o.value, Ordering.from(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER).nullsLast()) .compare(valueUri, o.valueUri, Ordering.from(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER).nullsLast()).result(); }