List of usage examples for java.lang String CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER
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public static List<Resource> sortByName(List<Resource> resources) { Collections.sort(resources, new Comparator<Resource>() { @Override/* ww w . j av a 2s .c o m*/ public int compare(Resource o1, Resource o2) { return, o2.getName()); } }); return resources; }
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public static Connectors searchForConnectors(String connectorsDirectory) throws IOException { Path path = Paths.get(connectorsDirectory).toAbsolutePath();"Searching for connectors in {}", path); Connectors connectors = new Connectors(); if (!path.toFile().exists()) { log.warn("Connectors archive directory not found"); return connectors; }//from w w w .j a va2 s .co m try (DirectoryStream<Path> stream = Files.newDirectoryStream(path, "*.nar")) { for (Path archive : stream) { try { ConnectorDefinition cntDef = ConnectorUtils.getConnectorDefinition(archive.toString());"Found connector {} from {}", cntDef, archive); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cntDef.getSourceClass())) { connectors.sources.put(cntDef.getName(), archive); } if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(cntDef.getSinkClass())) { connectors.sinks.put(cntDef.getName(), archive); } connectors.connectors.add(cntDef); } catch (Throwable t) { log.warn("Failed to load connector from {}", archive, t); } } } Collections.sort(connectors.connectors, (c1, c2) ->, c2.getName())); return connectors; }
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private MediatorHTTPResponse buildResponseFromOpenHIMJSONContent(MediatorHTTPRequest req, CloseableHttpResponse apacheResponse) throws IOException, CoreResponse.ParseException { String content = IOUtils.toString(apacheResponse.getEntity().getContent()); CoreResponse parsedContent = CoreResponse.parse(content); if (parsedContent.getResponse() == null) { throw new CoreResponse.ParseException( new Exception("No response object found in application/json+openhim content")); }//from w w w . j a v a2s . c o m int status = apacheResponse.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); if (parsedContent.getResponse().getStatus() != null) { status = parsedContent.getResponse().getStatus(); } Map<String, String> headers = new TreeMap<>(String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); for (Header hdr : apacheResponse.getAllHeaders()) { headers.put(hdr.getName(), hdr.getValue()); } if (parsedContent.getResponse().getHeaders() != null) { for (String hdr : parsedContent.getResponse().getHeaders().keySet()) { headers.put(hdr, parsedContent.getResponse().getHeaders().get(hdr)); } } if (parsedContent.getOrchestrations() != null) { for (CoreResponse.Orchestration orch : parsedContent.getOrchestrations()) { req.getRequestHandler().tell(new AddOrchestrationToCoreResponse(orch), getSelf()); } } if (parsedContent.getProperties() != null) { for (String prop : parsedContent.getProperties().keySet()) { req.getRequestHandler().tell( new PutPropertyInCoreResponse(prop, parsedContent.getProperties().get(prop)), getSelf()); } } return new MediatorHTTPResponse(req, parsedContent.getResponse().getBody(), status, headers); }
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@Override public void onMessage(MessageEvent event) throws FileNotFoundException, InterruptedException { String message = Colors.removeFormattingAndColors(event.getMessage()); String[] msgSplit = message.split(" "); if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("!randef") || message.equalsIgnoreCase("!randdef")) { String word = defs.getRandomWord(); event.getBot().sendIRC().message(event.getChannel().getName(), Colors.BOLD + defs.getWordWithCase(word) + ": " + Colors.NORMAL + defs.getDefOfWord(word)); } else if (msgSplit[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!whodef")) { String word = message.split(" ", 2)[1]; if (defs.containsDef(word)) { event.getBot().sendIRC().message(event.getChannel().getName(), Colors.BOLD + defs.getWordWithCase(word) + Colors.NORMAL + " was defined by " + defs.getOriginator(word) + " at " + IRCUtils.getTimestamp(String.valueOf(Long.parseLong(defs.getTimeOfDef(word)) * 1000))); } else if (!event.getBot().getUserChannelDao() .getChannels(event.getBot().getUserChannelDao().getUser("theTardis")) .contains(event.getChannel())) { event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), Colors.BOLD + "WhoDef: " + Colors.NORMAL + "Definition not found"); }/* w w w. j a v a 2s. co m*/ } if (message.endsWith("?") && message.split("\\?", 2)[0].length() > 0 && message.split("\\?").length == 1 && StringUtils.countMatches(message, "?") == 1) { if (defs.containsDef(message.split("\\?")[0])) { String word = message.split("\\?")[0]; // int index = indexOfIgnoreCase(words,message.split("\\?")[0]); event.getBot().sendIRC().message(event.getChannel().getName(), Colors.BOLD + defs.getWordWithCase(word) + Colors.NORMAL + ": " + defs.getDefOfWord(word)); } } //Global.getTimestamp(Long.toString(rs.getLong("TIME")*1000)) //event.getTimestamp() / 1000 if (message.equalsIgnoreCase("!list defs")) { ArrayList<String> sortedWords = defs.getDefList(); // sortedWords.addAll(words); Collections.sort(sortedWords, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); String wordList = ""; for (int i = 0; i < sortedWords.size(); i++) { wordList = wordList + sortedWords.get(i) + ", "; } event.getBot().sendIRC().message(event.getUser().getNick(), wordList); } if (msgSplit.length > 3 && msgSplit[0].equalsIgnoreCase("tell") && msgSplit[2].equalsIgnoreCase("about")) { String user = message.split(" ")[1]; if (event.getBot().getUserChannelDao().getAllUsers() .contains(event.getBot().getUserChannelDao().getUser(user))) { //If the user is in the same channel as the summon String defWord = message.split("(?i)about(?-i)")[1].trim();//.split(" ",2)[2]; if (defs.containsDef(defWord)) { String def = defs.getDefOfWord(defWord); event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), user + " has been PMed"); event.getBot().sendIRC().message(event.getBot().getUserChannelDao().getUser(user).getNick(), event.getUser().getNick() + " wants me to tell you about: " + Colors.BOLD + defs.getWordWithCase(defWord) + Colors.NORMAL + ": " + Colors.NORMAL + def); } else if (!event.getBot().getUserChannelDao() .getChannels(event.getBot().getUserChannelDao().getUser("theTardis")) .contains(event.getChannel())) { event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), Colors.BOLD + "tell " + Colors.NORMAL + "definition not found"); } } else if (!event.getBot().getUserChannelDao() .getChannels(event.getBot().getUserChannelDao().getUser("theTardis")) .contains(event.getChannel())) { event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), Colors.BOLD + "tell " + Colors.NORMAL + "user not in channel"); } } // if(msgSplit[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!load")){ // // if (event.getUser().getNick().equalsIgnoreCase(Global.botOwner)&&event.getUser().isVerified()){ // // addDefsFromFile("definitions.txt", String.valueOf(event.getTimestamp()/1000)); // addDefLogFromFile("definitionLog.txt", String.valueOf(event.getTimestamp()/1000)); // } // } // ADDING DEFINITIONS if (msgSplit[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!mkdef")) {//||msgSplit[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!addef") if (event.getUser().getNick().equalsIgnoreCase(Global.botOwner) && event.getUser().isVerified()) { if (message.split("@").length != 2) { event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "Improperly formed defintion add command: !mkdef word or phrase @ definition phrase"); } else if (StringUtils.countMatches(message.split("@")[0], "?") > 0) { event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "Improperly formed defintion add command: Definition terms may not contain a \"?\""); } else if (defs.containsDef(message.split(" ", 2)[1].split("@")[0].trim())) { event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "Definition already exists"); } else { String word = message.split(" ", 2)[1].split("@")[0].trim(); String def = message.split("@")[1].trim(); String user = event.getUser().getNick(); String time = String.valueOf(event.getTimestamp() / 1000); defs.createDef(word, def, user, time); event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "Success: " + word + " was added to the definitions file"); } } else event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "You do not have access to this function"); } // REMOVING DEFINITIONS if (msgSplit[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!rmdef")) {//||msgSplit[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!deletedef") if (event.getUser().getNick().equalsIgnoreCase(Global.botOwner) && event.getUser().isVerified()) { String word = message.split(" ", 2)[1]; if (!defs.containsDef(word)) { event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "Definition not found"); } else { String logWord = defs.getWordWithCase(word); int i = 0; while (defsLog.containsDef(logWord)) { logWord = word + String.valueOf(i); i++; } defsLog.createDef(logWord, defs.getDefOfWord(word), defs.getOriginator(word), defs.getTimeOfDef(word)); boolean success = defs.deleteDef(word); if (success) event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "Success: " + word + " was removed from the definitions file"); else event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "SOMETHING BROKE: DEF NOT DELETED"); } } else event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "You do not have access to this function"); } // Updating definitions already in the db if (msgSplit[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!overdef")) {//||msgSplit[0].equalsIgnoreCase("!updef") if (event.getUser().getNick().equalsIgnoreCase(Global.botOwner) && event.getUser().isVerified()) { if (!(message.split("@").length == 2)) { event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "Improperly formed update command: !overdef word phrase @ definition phrase"); } else if (!defs.containsDef(message.split(" ", 2)[1].split("@")[0].trim())) { event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "Def currently does not exist, please use !adddef"); } else { String word = message.split(" ", 2)[1].split("@")[0].trim(); System.out.println(word); String logWord = defs.getWordWithCase(word); int i = 0; while (defsLog.containsDef(logWord)) { logWord = word + String.valueOf(i); i++; } defsLog.createDef(logWord, defs.getDefOfWord(word), defs.getOriginator(word), defs.getTimeOfDef(word)); boolean success = defs.deleteDef(word); defs.createDef(word, message.split("@")[1], event.getUser().getNick(), String.valueOf(event.getTimestamp() / 1000)); if (success) event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "Success: " + message.split(" ", 2)[1].split("@")[0].trim() + " was updated in the definitions file"); else event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "SOMETHING BROKE: FILE NOT UPDATED"); } } else event.getBot().sendIRC().notice(event.getUser().getNick(), "You do not have access to this function"); } }
From source
@Override public Boolean isRangeValid(String lowerValue, String upperValue, boolean caseSensitive) { if (allowsRangeSearches()) { return StringUtils.isBlank(lowerValue) || StringUtils.isBlank(upperValue) || (caseSensitive ?, upperValue) <= 0 :, upperValue) <= 0); }//w w w . j a v a 2s .co m return null; }
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private void convertConstructedAndSealed() { boolean allowDeleteUnsupportedConstructed = false; final Map<String, Pair<DeckGroup, MutablePair<File, File>>> sealedDecks = new TreeMap<String, Pair<DeckGroup, MutablePair<File, File>>>( String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); for (final File f : this.deckDir.listFiles(DeckStorage.DCK_FILE_FILTER)) { boolean importedOk = false; final List<String> fileLines = FileUtil.readFile(f); final Map<String, List<String>> sections = FileSection.parseSections(fileLines); final DeckFileHeader dh = DeckSerializer.readDeckMetadata(sections); String name = dh.getName(); if (dh.isCustomPool()) { try { this.cube.add(DeckSerializer.fromSections(sections)); importedOk = true;//from www .j av a2s.c o m } catch (final NoSuchElementException ex) { if (!allowDeleteUnsupportedConstructed) { final String msg = String.format( "Can not convert deck '%s' for some unsupported cards it contains. %n%s%n%nMay Forge delete all such decks?", name, ex.getMessage()); allowDeleteUnsupportedConstructed = SOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(msg, "Problem converting decks"); } } if (importedOk || allowDeleteUnsupportedConstructed) { f.delete(); } continue; } switch (dh.getDeckType()) { case Constructed: try { this.constructed.add(DeckSerializer.fromSections(sections)); importedOk = true; } catch (final NoSuchElementException ex) { if (!allowDeleteUnsupportedConstructed) { final String msg = String.format( "Can not convert deck '%s' for some unsupported cards it contains. %n%s%n%nMay Forge delete all such decks?", name, ex.getMessage()); allowDeleteUnsupportedConstructed = SOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(msg, "Problem converting decks"); } } if (importedOk || allowDeleteUnsupportedConstructed) { f.delete(); } break; case Limited: name = name.startsWith("AI_") ? name.replace("AI_", "") : name; Pair<DeckGroup, MutablePair<File, File>> stored = sealedDecks.get(name); if (null == stored) { stored = ImmutablePair.of(new DeckGroup(name), MutablePair.of((File) null, (File) null)); } final Deck deck = DeckSerializer.fromSections(sections); if (dh.isIntendedForAi()) { stored.getLeft().addAiDeck(deck); stored.getRight().setRight(f); } else { stored.getLeft().setHumanDeck(deck); stored.getRight().setLeft(f); } if ((stored.getLeft().getHumanDeck() != null) && !stored.getLeft().getAiDecks().isEmpty()) { // have both parts of sealed deck, may convert this.sealed.add(stored.getLeft()); stored.getRight().getLeft().delete(); stored.getRight().getRight().delete(); // there stay only orphans sealedDecks.remove(name); } else { sealedDecks.put(name, stored); } break; default: break; } } // advise to kill orphaned decks if (!sealedDecks.isEmpty()) { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); for (final Pair<DeckGroup, MutablePair<File, File>> s : sealedDecks.values()) { final String missingPart = s.getRight().getLeft() == null ? "human" : "computer"; sb.append(String.format("Sealed deck '%s' has no matching '%s' deck.%n", s.getKey().getName(), missingPart)); } sb.append(System.getProperty("line.separator")); sb.append("May Forge delete these decks?"); if (SOptionPane.showConfirmDialog(sb.toString(), "Some of your sealed decks are orphaned")) { for (final Pair<DeckGroup, MutablePair<File, File>> s : sealedDecks.values()) { if (s.getRight().getLeft() != null) { s.getRight().getLeft().delete(); } if (s.getRight().getRight() != null) { s.getRight().getRight().delete(); } } } } }
From source
private void init(LoggingConfigurationType config) { if (config == null) { return;/*w ww. j av a 2s . co m*/ } rootLevel = config.getRootLoggerLevel(); rootAppender = config.getRootLoggerAppender(); for (SubSystemLoggerConfigurationType logger : config.getSubSystemLogger()) { filters.add(new FilterConfiguration(logger)); } AuditingConfigurationType auditing = config.getAuditing(); if (auditing != null) { setAuditLog(auditing.isEnabled()); setAuditDetails(auditing.isDetails()); setAuditAppender(auditing.getAppender() != null && auditing.getAppender().size() > 0 ? auditing.getAppender().get(0) : null); } for (ClassLoggerConfigurationType logger : config.getClassLogger()) { if (ProfilingDto.LOGGER_PROFILING.equals(logger.getPackage())) { continue; } if (componentMap.containsKey(logger.getPackage())) { loggers.add(new ComponentLogger(logger)); } else if (StandardLogger.isStandardLogger(logger.getPackage())) { loggers.add(new StandardLogger(logger)); } else { loggers.add(new ClassLogger(logger)); } } Collections.sort(loggers, new Comparator<LoggerConfiguration>() { @Override public int compare(LoggerConfiguration l1, LoggerConfiguration l2) { return, l2.getName()); } }); Collections.sort(filters, new Comparator<FilterConfiguration>() { @Override public int compare(FilterConfiguration f1, FilterConfiguration f2) { return, f2.getName()); } }); }
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@NotNull protected static List<LicenseNameWithText> getSortedLicenseNameWithTexts( Collection<LicenseInfoParsingResult> projectLicenseInfoResults) { Set<LicenseNameWithText> licenseNamesWithText = .map(LicenseInfoParsingResult::getLicenseInfo).filter(Objects::nonNull) .map(LicenseInfo::getLicenseNamesWithTexts).filter(Objects::nonNull).reduce(Sets::union) .orElse(Collections.emptySet()); return .filter(licenseNameWithText -> !LicenseNameWithTextUtils.isEmpty(licenseNameWithText)) .sorted(Comparator.comparing(LicenseNameWithText::getLicenseName, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER)) .collect(Collectors.toList()); }
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public static String[] getContinents(Village[] pVillages) { List<String> continents = new ArrayList<>(); for (Village v : pVillages) { int cont = v.getContinent(); String sCont = "K" + ((cont < 10) ? "0" + cont : cont); if (!continents.contains(sCont)) { continents.add(sCont);/*from ww w.j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ } } Collections.sort(continents, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); return continents.toArray(new String[continents.size()]); }
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/** * Returns an array of names of current products. *//*from ww w . j a v a2 s. co m*/ public List<String> getProducts() { ArrayList<String> productList = new ArrayList<String>(products.keySet()); Collections.sort(productList, String.CASE_INSENSITIVE_ORDER); return productList; }