Example usage for java.lang RuntimeException subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.lang RuntimeException subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang RuntimeException subclass-usage.


From source file com.janrain.backplane.server.InvalidRequestException.java

@ResponseStatus(value = HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST)
public class InvalidRequestException extends RuntimeException {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
    private Map<String, String> fieldErrors = new HashMap<String, String>();
    boolean hasMessageFlag = false;

From source file org.apache.tajo.engine.query.exception.SQLParseError.java

public class SQLParseError extends RuntimeException {
    private String header;
    private String errorLine;
    private int charPositionInLine;
    private int line;
    private Token offendingToken;

From source file com.runwaysdk.format.AbstractFormatException.java

 * Class that represents an error when formatting or parsing a value. Instances
 * of this class and its subclasses are expected to be used internally for developers
 * as checked exceptions to handle control flow. This means instances of this class
 * should never propagate up the stack for user-friendly localized messages.

From source file org.apache.ranger.plugin.client.HadoopException.java

public class HadoopException extends RuntimeException {

    private static final long serialVersionUID = 8872734935128535649L;

    public HashMap<String, Object> responseData;

From source file org.openlmis.fulfillment.service.DataRetrievalException.java

 * Signals we were unable to retrieve reference data
 * due to a communication error.
public class DataRetrievalException extends RuntimeException {

From source file org.apache.nifi.registry.web.exception.UnauthorizedException.java

 * An exception for a convenient way to create a 401 Unauthorized response
 * using an exception mapper
public class UnauthorizedException extends RuntimeException {

From source file net.apispark.webapi.core.exception.BusinessException.java

 * Parent class of all {@link Exception} written back to the client in case of
 * business errors. The {@link Status} annotation allows the framework to
 * serialize the thrown exception and set the status of the HTTP response.<br>
 * This sample code leverages the {@link JsonIgnoreProperties} annotation in
 * order to control the serialization: some properties are simply hidden. By

From source file org.eapps.piratedictionary.utils.exception.BusinessException.java

 * Parent class of all {@link Exception} written back to the client in case of
 * business errors. The {@link Status} annotation allows the framework to
 * serialize the thrown exception and set the status of the HTTP response.<br>
 * This sample code leverages the {@link JsonIgnoreProperties} annotation in
 * order to control the serialization: some properties are simply hidden. By

From source file org.restlet.tutorial.core.exception.BusinessException.java

 * Parent class of all {@link Exception} written back to the client in case of
 * business errors. The {@link Status} annotation allows the framework to
 * serialize the thrown exception and set the status of the HTTP response.<br>
 * This sample code leverages the {@link JsonIgnoreProperties} annotation in
 * order to control the serialization: some properties are simply hidden. By

From source file org.restlet.example.contact.api.core.exception.BusinessException.java

 * Parent class of all {@link Exception} written back to the client in case of
 * business errors. The {@link Status} annotation allows the framework to
 * serialize the thrown exception and set the status of the HTTP response.<br>
 * This sample code leverages the {@link JsonIgnoreProperties} annotation in
 * order to control the serialization: some properties are simply hidden. By