Example usage for java.lang RuntimeException subclass-usage

List of usage examples for java.lang RuntimeException subclass-usage


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang RuntimeException subclass-usage.


From source file eu.freme.common.exception.FREMEHttpException.java

 * @author Jan Nehring - jan.nehring@dfki.de
public class FREMEHttpException extends RuntimeException {

From source file org.jasig.cas.support.oauth.TokenInvalidException.java

 * The exception to throw when we cannot verify the token.
 * @author Michael Haselton
 * @since 4.1.0

From source file org.jasig.cas.support.oauth.TokenUnauthorizedException.java

 * The exception to throw when a token is provided however it is found to be unauthorized.
 * @author Michael Haselton
 * @since 4.1.0

From source file org.wso2.carbon.cassandra.explorer.ui.CassandraAdminClientException.java

 * Represents errors on the cassandra admin client-side

public class CassandraAdminClientException extends RuntimeException {

From source file org.wso2.carbon.identity.authentication.AuthenticationException.java

 * Represent the authentication failures. Each exception and error message is logged and thrown.
public class AuthenticationException extends RuntimeException {


From source file org.datacleaner.util.http.InvalidHttpResponseException.java

 * Represents an exception occurring because a HTTP response was invalid
 * (typically based on status code).
public class InvalidHttpResponseException extends RuntimeException {

From source file com.github.helenusdriver.driver.ObjectNotFoundException.java

 * The <code>ObjectNotFoundException</code> can be thrown when no pojos were
 * found based on the query criteria or again if the keyspace or table was not
 * found.
 * @copyright 2015-2015 The Helenus Driver Project Authors

From source file eu.freme.broker.exception.FREMEHttpException.java

 * @author Jan Nehring - jan.nehring@dfki.de
public class FREMEHttpException extends RuntimeException {

From source file edu.usu.sdl.openstorefront.exception.OpenStorefrontRuntimeException.java

 * This the base class for runtime exception
 * @author dshurtleff
public class OpenStorefrontRuntimeException extends RuntimeException {

From source file com.iggroup.oss.sample.web.controller.exception.SampleException.java

 * Exception class for all sample service exceptions, containing HTTP status
 * code and sample error list.
public class SampleException extends RuntimeException {