List of usage examples for java.lang RuntimeException subclass-usage
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* An Exception thrown by calls to the hue API when something regarding the communication with the bridge device is not right.
* It always contains a {@link JSONObject} describing the error. This may be the result of a (failed) request to the bridge device.
* If there is no actual request that returned such an error object one is created with a 'description' property.
* @author Stephan Jaetzold <p><small>Created at 21.03.13, 18:39</small>
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/** * Represents any task exception. */ public class TaskException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L;
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public class RemoteExceptionException extends RuntimeException { private int code; private String message; private JSONObject command; public RemoteExceptionException(int code, String message, JSONObject command) {
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* The application was looking for a non-null value and discovered that the
* value being checked was null. This is to distinguish from a
* JDK-generated {@link NullPointerException}.
* @author Patrick Moore
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public class ExitException extends RuntimeException implements ExitCodeGenerator { @Override public int getExitCode() { return 10; }
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public class RequiredFieldNotFoundException extends RuntimeException { private final String fieldName; private final JSONObject obj; RequiredFieldNotFoundException(String fieldName, JSONObject obj) { super("Required field (" + fieldName + ") not present in " + obj.toString());
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* Signals that a class annotated with org.springframework.stereotype.Component
* was located in the classpath that was not loaded by Spring
* @author David Kessler
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public class FeignResponseException extends RuntimeException { private final HttpStatus statusCode; public FeignResponseException(int statusCode, String message) { super(message);
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public class VmAfdException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = -3883881422891852899L; private int _errCode = -1; public VmAfdException(int errCode, String errMsg) { super(errMsg);
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public class InvalidRequestException extends RuntimeException { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; BindingResult errors;