List of usage examples for java.lang RuntimeException RuntimeException
public RuntimeException(String message, Throwable cause)
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { final File log4jConfig = new File(System.getProperty("log4j.configuration", "../config/log4j.xml")); if (log4jConfig.isFile()) { try {/*from w w w .j a v a 2s .c o m*/ final FileReader reader = new FileReader(log4jConfig); try { final DOMConfigurator domConfigurator = new DOMConfigurator(); domConfigurator.doConfigure(reader, getLoggerRepository()); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(reader); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not configure log4j with " + log4jConfig + ".", e); } } final String applicationName = getApplicationName(); //System.setSecurityManager(new ServerSecurityManager());"Starting " + applicationName + "..."); final File config = new File( System.getProperty(Main.class.getPackage().getName() + ".config", "../config/nodoodleServer.xml")); final AbstractApplicationContext applicationContext = new FileSystemXmlApplicationContext(config.getPath());"Starting " + applicationName + "... DONE!"); Runtime.getRuntime().addShutdownHook(new Thread("destroyer") { @Override public void run() {"Stopping " + applicationName + "..."); applicationContext.stop();"Stopping " + applicationName + "... DONE!"); } }); }
From source
public static final void main(String[] as_1RqdTxtFilePath) { Iterator<String> lineItr = null; try {//from www . j a v a 2 s .c o m lineItr = FileUtils.lineIterator(new File(as_1RqdTxtFilePath[0])); //Throws npx if null } catch (IOException iox) { throw new RuntimeException("Attempting to open \"" + as_1RqdTxtFilePath[0] + "\"", iox); } catch (RuntimeException rx) { throw new RuntimeException("One required parameter: The path to the text file.", rx); } //Dummy search string (""), so it can be reused (reset) Matcher mWord = Pattern.compile("\\b\\w+\\b").matcher(""); while (lineItr.hasNext()) { String sLine =; mWord.reset(sLine); while (mWord.find()) { System.out.println(; } } }
From source
/** * @param args the command line arguments *///from www.j a v a 2 s . c om public static void main(String[] args) throws JSONException { // TODO code application logic her System.out.println("OBTENER SOLO UN ARRAY DE CADENA JSON"); String myURL = ""; System.out.println("Requested URL:" + myURL); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); URLConnection urlConn = null; InputStreamReader in = null; try { URL url = new URL(myURL); urlConn = url.openConnection(); if (urlConn != null) { urlConn.setReadTimeout(60 * 1000); } if (urlConn != null && urlConn.getInputStream() != null) { in = new InputStreamReader(urlConn.getInputStream(), Charset.defaultCharset()); BufferedReader bufferedReader = new BufferedReader(in); if (bufferedReader != null) { int cp; while ((cp = != -1) { sb.append((char) cp); } bufferedReader.close(); } } in.close(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException("Exception while calling URL:" + myURL, e); } String jsonResult = sb.toString(); System.out.println(sb.toString()); System.out.println( "\n\n--------------------OBTENEMOS OBJETO JSON NATIVO DE LA PAGINA, USAMOS EL ARRAY DATA---------------------------\n\n"); JSONObject objJason = new JSONObject(jsonResult); JSONArray dataJson = new JSONArray(); dataJson = objJason.getJSONArray("data"); System.out.println("objeto normal 1 " + dataJson.toString()); // // System.out.println( "\n\n--------------------CREAMOS UN STRING JSON2 REEMPLAZANDO LOS CORCHETES QUE DAN ERROR---------------------------\n\n"); String jsonString2 = dataJson.toString(); String temp = dataJson.toString(); temp = jsonString2.replace("[", ""); jsonString2 = temp.replace("]", ""); System.out.println("new json string" + jsonString2); JSONObject objJson2 = new JSONObject(jsonString2); System.out.println("el objeto simple json es " + objJson2.toString()); System.out.println( "\n\n--------------------CREAMOS UN OBJETO JSON CON EL ARRAR ACCOUN---------------------------\n\n"); String account1 = objJson2.optString("account"); System.out.println(account1); JSONObject objJson3 = new JSONObject(account1); System.out.println("el ULTIMO OBJETO SIMPLE ES " + objJson3.toString()); System.out.println( "\n\n--------------------EMPEZAMOS A RECIBIR LOS PARAMETROS QUE HAY EN EL OBJETO JSON---------------------------\n\n"); String firstName = objJson3.getString("first_name"); System.out.println(firstName); System.out.println(objJson3.get("id")); System.out.println( "\n\n--------------------TRATAMOS DE PASAR TODO EL ACCOUNT A OBJETO JAVA---------------------------\n\n"); Gson gson = new Gson(); Account account = gson.fromJson(objJson3.toString(), Account.class); System.out.println(account.getFirst_name()); System.out.println(account.getCreation()); }
From source
public static final void main(String[] as_1RqdTxtFilePath) { Iterator<String> lineItr = null; try {/*w w w. j a v a2s .c o m*/ lineItr = FileUtils.lineIterator(new File(as_1RqdTxtFilePath[0])); //Throws npx if null } catch (IOException iox) { throw new RuntimeException("Attempting to open \"" + as_1RqdTxtFilePath[0] + "\"", iox); } catch (RuntimeException rx) { throw new RuntimeException("One required parameter: The path to the text file.", rx); } String LINE_SEP = System.getProperty("line.separator", "\n"); ArrayList<String> alsItems = new ArrayList<String>(); boolean bStartMark = false; boolean bLine1Skipped = false; StringBuilder sdCurrentItem = new StringBuilder(); while (lineItr.hasNext()) { String sLine =; if (!bStartMark) { if (sLine.startsWith(".START_SEQUENCE")) { bStartMark = true; continue; } throw new IllegalStateException("Start mark not found."); } if (!bLine1Skipped) { bLine1Skipped = true; continue; } else if (!sLine.equals(".END_SEQUENCE")) { sdCurrentItem.append(sLine).append(LINE_SEP); } else { alsItems.add(sdCurrentItem.toString()); sdCurrentItem.setLength(0); bStartMark = false; bLine1Skipped = false; continue; } } for (String s : alsItems) { System.out.println("----------"); System.out.print(s); } }
From source
public static void main(final String[] args) { try (final CSVParser parser = new CSVParser(new InputStreamReader(, CSVFormat.DEFAULT)) { final Table table = new Table(); final Map<String, Integer> headerMap = parser.getHeaderMap(); if (headerMap != null) { final TableRow headerRow = new TableRow(); headerMap.keySet().forEach(headerData -> headerRow.addCell(new TableRowCell(headerData))); table.setHeaderRow(headerRow); }//from w w w.ja v a 2s. co m final AtomicBoolean asHeader = new AtomicBoolean(headerMap == null); parser.getRecords().forEach(record -> { final TableRow row = new TableRow(); record.forEach(rowData -> row.addCell(new TableRowCell(rowData))); if (asHeader.getAndSet(false)) { table.setHeaderRow(row); } else { table.addRow(row); } }); System.out.println(table.getFormattedString()); } catch (final IOException cause) { throw new RuntimeException("An error occurred whilst parsing stdin!", cause); } }
From source
/** * CLI entrypoint of Checksims.//from w ww.ja v a 2s. c o m * * @param args CLI arguments */ public static void main(String[] args) { ChecksimsConfig config; try { config = ChecksimsCommandLine.parseCLI(args); } catch (ParseException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error parsing command-line options", e); } catch (ChecksimsException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error interpreting command-line options", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Error building submissions", e); } logs = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ChecksimsRunner.class); runChecksims(config); System.exit(0); }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { SessionState ss = SessionState.get(); OptionParser parser = new OptionParser(ss); try {//from w w w .ja va 2 s.c o m parser.parse(args); } catch (FileNotFoundException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { System.err.println("Class not found:" + e.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } catch (ParseException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); parser.usage(); System.exit(-1); } catch (OdpsException e) { System.err.println(e.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } try { Method main = parser.getMainClass().getMethod("main", String[].class); main.invoke(null, (Object) parser.getArguments()); } catch (InvocationTargetException e) { Throwable t = e.getCause(); if (t != null && t instanceof OdpsException) { OdpsException ex = (OdpsException) t; System.err.println(ex.getErrorCode() + ":" + ex.getMessage()); System.exit(-1); } else { throw new RuntimeException("Unknown error", e); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length < REQUIRED_ARGS) { PrintUsageAndQuit(null);/*from w ww .j a va 2 s . c o m*/ } if (args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("-help")) { PrintUsageAndQuit(null); } Path executableDirectory; try { executableDirectory = Paths .get(GoFSFormat.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI()).getParent(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error retrieving executable location", e); } Path configPath = executableDirectory.resolve(DEFAULT_CONFIG).normalize(); boolean copyBinaries = false; // parse optional arguments int i = 0; OptArgLoop: for (i = 0; i < args.length - REQUIRED_ARGS; i++) { switch (args[i]) { case "-config": i++; try { configPath = Paths.get(args[i]); } catch (InvalidPathException e) { PrintUsageAndQuit("Config file - " + e.getMessage()); } break; case "-copyBinaries": copyBinaries = true; break; default: break OptArgLoop; } } if (args.length - i < REQUIRED_ARGS) { PrintUsageAndQuit(null); } // finished parsing args if (i < args.length) { PrintUsageAndQuit("Unrecognized argument \"" + args[i] + "\""); } // parse config System.out.println("Parsing config..."); PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration(); config.setDelimiterParsingDisabled(true); try { config.load(Files.newInputStream(configPath)); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new IOException(e); } // retrieve data nodes ArrayList<URI> dataNodes; { String[] dataNodesArray = config.getStringArray(GOFS_DATANODES_KEY); if (dataNodesArray.length == 0) { throw new ConversionException("Config must contain key " + GOFS_DATANODES_KEY); } dataNodes = new ArrayList<>(dataNodesArray.length); if (dataNodesArray.length == 0) { throw new ConversionException("Config key " + GOFS_DATANODES_KEY + " has invalid format - must define at least one data node"); } try { for (String node : dataNodesArray) { URI dataNodeURI = new URI(node); if (!"file".equalsIgnoreCase(dataNodeURI.getScheme())) { throw new ConversionException("config key " + GOFS_DATANODES_KEY + " value \"" + dataNodeURI + "\" has invalid format - data node urls must have 'file' scheme"); } else if (dataNodeURI.getPath() == null || dataNodeURI.getPath().isEmpty()) { throw new ConversionException("config key " + GOFS_DATANODES_KEY + " value \"" + dataNodeURI + "\" has invalid format - data node urls must have an absolute path specified"); } // ensure uri ends with a slash, so we know it is a directory if (!dataNodeURI.getPath().endsWith("/")) { dataNodeURI = dataNodeURI.resolve(dataNodeURI.getPath() + "/"); } dataNodes.add(dataNodeURI); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new ConversionException( "Config key " + GOFS_DATANODES_KEY + " has invalid format - " + e.getMessage()); } } // validate serializer type Class<? extends ISliceSerializer> serializerType; { String serializerTypeName = config.getString(GOFS_SERIALIZER_KEY); if (serializerTypeName == null) { throw new ConversionException("Config must contain key " + GOFS_SERIALIZER_KEY); } try { serializerType = SliceSerializerProvider.loadSliceSerializerType(serializerTypeName); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new ConversionException( "Config key " + GOFS_SERIALIZER_KEY + " has invalid format - " + e.getMessage()); } } // retrieve name node IInternalNameNode nameNode; try { nameNode = NameNodeProvider.loadNameNodeFromConfig(config, GOFS_NAMENODE_TYPE_KEY, GOFS_NAMENODE_LOCATION_KEY); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load name node", e); } System.out.println("Contacting name node..."); // validate name node if (!nameNode.isAvailable()) { throw new IOException("Name node at " + nameNode.getURI() + " is not available"); } System.out.println("Contacting data nodes..."); // validate data nodes for (URI dataNode : dataNodes) { // only attempt ssh if host exists if (dataNode.getHost() != null) { try { SSHHelper.SSH(dataNode, "true"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Data node at " + dataNode + " is not available", e); } } } // create temporary directory Path workingDir = Files.createTempDirectory("gofs_format"); try { // create deploy directory Path deployDirectory = Files.createDirectory(workingDir.resolve(DATANODE_DIR_NAME)); // create empty slice directory Files.createDirectory(deployDirectory.resolve(DataNode.DATANODE_SLICE_DIR)); // copy binaries if (copyBinaries) { System.out.println("Copying binaries..."); FileUtils.copyDirectory(executableDirectory.toFile(), deployDirectory.resolve(executableDirectory.getFileName()).toFile()); } // write config file Path dataNodeConfigFile = deployDirectory.resolve(DataNode.DATANODE_CONFIG); try { // create config for every data node and scp deploy folder into place for (URI dataNodeParent : dataNodes) { URI dataNode = dataNodeParent.resolve(DATANODE_DIR_NAME); PropertiesConfiguration datanode_config = new PropertiesConfiguration(); datanode_config.setDelimiterParsingDisabled(true); datanode_config.setProperty(DataNode.DATANODE_INSTALLED_KEY, true); datanode_config.setProperty(DataNode.DATANODE_NAMENODE_TYPE_KEY, config.getString(GOFS_NAMENODE_TYPE_KEY)); datanode_config.setProperty(DataNode.DATANODE_NAMENODE_LOCATION_KEY, config.getString(GOFS_NAMENODE_LOCATION_KEY)); datanode_config.setProperty(DataNode.DATANODE_LOCALHOSTURI_KEY, dataNode.toString()); try {; } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new IOException(e); } System.out.println("Formatting data node " + dataNode.toString() + "..."); // scp everything into place on the data node SCPHelper.SCP(deployDirectory, dataNodeParent); // update name node nameNode.addDataNode(dataNode); } // update name node nameNode.setSerializer(serializerType); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( "ERROR: data node formatting interrupted - name node and data nodes are in an inconsistent state and require clean up"); throw e; } System.out.println("GoFS format complete"); } finally { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(workingDir.toFile()); } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { if (args.length < 3) { System.err.println("Usage: IMAPMail <imap server hostname> <username> <password> [TLS]"); System.exit(1);/* ww w .ja v a2 s. c om*/ } String server = args[0]; String username = args[1]; String password = args[2]; String proto = (args.length > 3) ? args[3] : null; IMAPClient imap; if (proto != null) { System.out.println("Using secure protocol: " + proto); imap = new IMAPSClient(proto, true); // implicit // enable the next line to only check if the server certificate has expired (does not check chain): // ((IMAPSClient) imap).setTrustManager(TrustManagerUtils.getValidateServerCertificateTrustManager()); // OR enable the next line if the server uses a self-signed certificate (no checks) // ((IMAPSClient) imap).setTrustManager(TrustManagerUtils.getAcceptAllTrustManager()); } else { imap = new IMAPClient(); } System.out.println("Connecting to server " + server + " on " + imap.getDefaultPort()); // We want to timeout if a response takes longer than 60 seconds imap.setDefaultTimeout(60000); // suppress login details imap.addProtocolCommandListener(new PrintCommandListener(System.out, true)); try { imap.connect(server); } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Could not connect to server.", e); } try { if (!imap.login(username, password)) { System.err.println("Could not login to server. Check password."); imap.disconnect(); System.exit(3); } imap.setSoTimeout(6000); imap.capability();"inbox"); imap.examine("inbox"); imap.status("inbox", new String[] { "MESSAGES" }); imap.logout(); imap.disconnect(); } catch (IOException e) { System.out.println(imap.getReplyString()); e.printStackTrace(); System.exit(10); return; } }
From source
public static void main(String[] args) { // get the httpentity containing the data HttpEntity httpEntity = getHttpEntity(); // Create a httpclient instance DefaultHttpClient httpclient = new DefaultHttpClient(); // setup a POST call HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(serverUrl); try {/*from www. j ava2 s. c o m*/ HttpResponse response = httpclient.execute(httpGet); if (response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode() != HttpStatus.SC_OK) { System.out.println("Unable to download data: " + response.getStatusLine().getReasonPhrase()); System.out.println(response.getStatusLine().getStatusCode()); } else { // all ok HttpEntity enty = response.getEntity(); InputStream is = enty.getContent(); XmlBeanFactory beanFactory = null; try { beanFactory = new XmlBeanFactory(new InputStreamResource(is)); } catch (BeansException be) { // TODO: inform user that training configuration is broken throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load module configuration", be); } // check whether we have the mandatory beans (rootElement) if (!beanFactory.containsBean("rootElement")) { // TODO: inform user that training configuration is broken throw new RuntimeException("No rootElement bean found in the module configuration file"); } // fetch the rootElement Node rootElement = (Node) beanFactory.getBean("rootElement"); System.out.println(rootElement.getId()); } } catch (IOException ioe) { } // When HttpClient instance is no longer needed, // shut down the connection manager to ensure // immediate deallocation of all system resources httpclient.getConnectionManager().shutdown(); }