Java tutorial
/* * Copyright 2013 University of Southern California * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, * software distributed under the License is distributed on an * "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY * KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the * specific language governing permissions and limitations * under the License. */ package; import*; import*; import java.nio.file.*; import java.util.*; import org.apache.commons.configuration.*; import*; import edu.usc.goffish.gofs.namenode.*; import edu.usc.goffish.gofs.slice.*; import edu.usc.goffish.gofs.util.*; public class GoFSFormat { private static final String DATANODE_DIR_NAME = "gofs/"; // MUST end with a directory separator so this is treated as a folder private static final Path DEFAULT_CONFIG = Paths.get("../conf/gofs.config"); public static final String GOFS_DATANODES_KEY = "gofs.datanode"; public static final String GOFS_SERIALIZER_KEY = "gofs.serializer"; public static final String GOFS_NAMENODE_TYPE_KEY = "gofs.namenode.type"; public static final String GOFS_NAMENODE_LOCATION_KEY = "gofs.namenode.location"; private GoFSFormat() { throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException { if (args.length < REQUIRED_ARGS) { PrintUsageAndQuit(null); } if (args.length == 1 && args[0].equals("-help")) { PrintUsageAndQuit(null); } Path executableDirectory; try { executableDirectory = Paths .get(GoFSFormat.class.getProtectionDomain().getCodeSource().getLocation().toURI()).getParent(); } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unexpected error retrieving executable location", e); } Path configPath = executableDirectory.resolve(DEFAULT_CONFIG).normalize(); boolean copyBinaries = false; // parse optional arguments int i = 0; OptArgLoop: for (i = 0; i < args.length - REQUIRED_ARGS; i++) { switch (args[i]) { case "-config": i++; try { configPath = Paths.get(args[i]); } catch (InvalidPathException e) { PrintUsageAndQuit("Config file - " + e.getMessage()); } break; case "-copyBinaries": copyBinaries = true; break; default: break OptArgLoop; } } if (args.length - i < REQUIRED_ARGS) { PrintUsageAndQuit(null); } // finished parsing args if (i < args.length) { PrintUsageAndQuit("Unrecognized argument \"" + args[i] + "\""); } // parse config System.out.println("Parsing config..."); PropertiesConfiguration config = new PropertiesConfiguration(); config.setDelimiterParsingDisabled(true); try { config.load(Files.newInputStream(configPath)); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new IOException(e); } // retrieve data nodes ArrayList<URI> dataNodes; { String[] dataNodesArray = config.getStringArray(GOFS_DATANODES_KEY); if (dataNodesArray.length == 0) { throw new ConversionException("Config must contain key " + GOFS_DATANODES_KEY); } dataNodes = new ArrayList<>(dataNodesArray.length); if (dataNodesArray.length == 0) { throw new ConversionException("Config key " + GOFS_DATANODES_KEY + " has invalid format - must define at least one data node"); } try { for (String node : dataNodesArray) { URI dataNodeURI = new URI(node); if (!"file".equalsIgnoreCase(dataNodeURI.getScheme())) { throw new ConversionException("config key " + GOFS_DATANODES_KEY + " value \"" + dataNodeURI + "\" has invalid format - data node urls must have 'file' scheme"); } else if (dataNodeURI.getPath() == null || dataNodeURI.getPath().isEmpty()) { throw new ConversionException("config key " + GOFS_DATANODES_KEY + " value \"" + dataNodeURI + "\" has invalid format - data node urls must have an absolute path specified"); } // ensure uri ends with a slash, so we know it is a directory if (!dataNodeURI.getPath().endsWith("/")) { dataNodeURI = dataNodeURI.resolve(dataNodeURI.getPath() + "/"); } dataNodes.add(dataNodeURI); } } catch (URISyntaxException e) { throw new ConversionException( "Config key " + GOFS_DATANODES_KEY + " has invalid format - " + e.getMessage()); } } // validate serializer type Class<? extends ISliceSerializer> serializerType; { String serializerTypeName = config.getString(GOFS_SERIALIZER_KEY); if (serializerTypeName == null) { throw new ConversionException("Config must contain key " + GOFS_SERIALIZER_KEY); } try { serializerType = SliceSerializerProvider.loadSliceSerializerType(serializerTypeName); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new ConversionException( "Config key " + GOFS_SERIALIZER_KEY + " has invalid format - " + e.getMessage()); } } // retrieve name node IInternalNameNode nameNode; try { nameNode = NameNodeProvider.loadNameNodeFromConfig(config, GOFS_NAMENODE_TYPE_KEY, GOFS_NAMENODE_LOCATION_KEY); } catch (ReflectiveOperationException e) { throw new RuntimeException("Unable to load name node", e); } System.out.println("Contacting name node..."); // validate name node if (!nameNode.isAvailable()) { throw new IOException("Name node at " + nameNode.getURI() + " is not available"); } System.out.println("Contacting data nodes..."); // validate data nodes for (URI dataNode : dataNodes) { // only attempt ssh if host exists if (dataNode.getHost() != null) { try { SSHHelper.SSH(dataNode, "true"); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IOException("Data node at " + dataNode + " is not available", e); } } } // create temporary directory Path workingDir = Files.createTempDirectory("gofs_format"); try { // create deploy directory Path deployDirectory = Files.createDirectory(workingDir.resolve(DATANODE_DIR_NAME)); // create empty slice directory Files.createDirectory(deployDirectory.resolve(DataNode.DATANODE_SLICE_DIR)); // copy binaries if (copyBinaries) { System.out.println("Copying binaries..."); FileUtils.copyDirectory(executableDirectory.toFile(), deployDirectory.resolve(executableDirectory.getFileName()).toFile()); } // write config file Path dataNodeConfigFile = deployDirectory.resolve(DataNode.DATANODE_CONFIG); try { // create config for every data node and scp deploy folder into place for (URI dataNodeParent : dataNodes) { URI dataNode = dataNodeParent.resolve(DATANODE_DIR_NAME); PropertiesConfiguration datanode_config = new PropertiesConfiguration(); datanode_config.setDelimiterParsingDisabled(true); datanode_config.setProperty(DataNode.DATANODE_INSTALLED_KEY, true); datanode_config.setProperty(DataNode.DATANODE_NAMENODE_TYPE_KEY, config.getString(GOFS_NAMENODE_TYPE_KEY)); datanode_config.setProperty(DataNode.DATANODE_NAMENODE_LOCATION_KEY, config.getString(GOFS_NAMENODE_LOCATION_KEY)); datanode_config.setProperty(DataNode.DATANODE_LOCALHOSTURI_KEY, dataNode.toString()); try {; } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new IOException(e); } System.out.println("Formatting data node " + dataNode.toString() + "..."); // scp everything into place on the data node SCPHelper.SCP(deployDirectory, dataNodeParent); // update name node nameNode.addDataNode(dataNode); } // update name node nameNode.setSerializer(serializerType); } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println( "ERROR: data node formatting interrupted - name node and data nodes are in an inconsistent state and require clean up"); throw e; } System.out.println("GoFS format complete"); } finally { FileUtils.deleteQuietly(workingDir.toFile()); } } private static final int REQUIRED_ARGS = 0; private static void PrintUsageAndQuit(String error) { if (error != null) { System.out.println("Error: " + error); } System.out.println("Usage:"); System.out.println(" GoFSInstantiate -help"); System.out.println(" Displays this help message."); System.out.println(" GoFSInstantiate [args]"); System.out.println(" Args: [-config <configfilepath>]"); System.out.println(" [-copyBinaries]"); System.out.println(); System.out.println(" This will format the GoFS file system on a set of data nodes and add the"); System.out.println(" data nodes to the name node. By default it will attempt to read the config"); System.out.println(" file from the /conf directory of the installation for input. The user"); System.out.println(" should edit this config file prior to running this command. The name node"); System.out.println(" should also be available prior to running this command."); System.out.println(); System.out.println(" Options:"); System.out.println(" The -config flag specifies a config file to use instead of the default."); System.out.println(" The -copyBinaries flag specifies that GoFS binaries should be copied to"); System.out.println(" each data node location as well."); System.exit(1); } }