Example usage for java.lang RuntimeException getCause

List of usage examples for java.lang RuntimeException getCause


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang RuntimeException getCause.


public synchronized Throwable getCause() 

Source Link


Returns the cause of this throwable or null if the cause is nonexistent or unknown.


From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.crosssite.CrossSiteHTable.java

private HTableInterface createHTable(String clusterName, String clusterAddress) throws IOException {
    Configuration clusterConf = getCrossSiteConf(this.configuration, clusterAddress);
    HTableInterface table = null;//from w  w w  .j a  v a  2s  . co  m
    try {
        table = this.hTableFactory.createHTableInterface(clusterConf,
                Bytes.toBytes(CrossSiteUtil.getClusterTableName(tableNameAsString, clusterName)));
    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
        if (e.getCause() instanceof IOException) {
            throw (IOException) e.getCause();
        } else {
            throw new IOException(e);
    table.setAutoFlush(autoFlush, clearBufferOnFail);
    if (table instanceof HTable && operationTimeout != 1) {
        ((HTable) table).setOperationTimeout(operationTimeout);
    return table;

From source file:org.dswarm.graph.resources.GDMResource.java

 * multipart/mixed payload contains two body parts:<br/>
 * - first body part is the metadata (i.e. a JSON object with mandatory and obligatory properties for processing the
 * content):<br/>/*  www.j  ava 2s .c om*/
 * - "data_model_URI" (mandatory)<br/>
 * - "content_schema" (obligatory)<br/>
 * - "deprecate_missing_records" (obligatory)<br/>
 * - "record_class_uri" (mandatory for "deprecate_missing_records")<br/>
 * - second body part is the content (i.e. the real data)
 * @param multiPart
 * @param database
 * @return
 * @throws DMPGraphException
 * @throws IOException
public Response writeGDM(final MultiPart multiPart, @Context final GraphDatabaseService database,
        @Context final HttpHeaders requestHeaders) throws DMPGraphException, IOException {

    LOG.debug("try to process GDM statements and write them into graph db");

    final String headers = readHeaders(requestHeaders);

    GDMResource.LOG.debug("try to process GDM statements and write them into graph db with\n{}", headers);

    final List<BodyPart> bodyParts = getBodyParts(multiPart);
    final ObjectNode metadata = getMetadata(bodyParts);
    final InputStream content = getContent(bodyParts);

    final Optional<String> optionalDataModelURI = getMetadataPart(DMPStatics.DATA_MODEL_URI_IDENTIFIER,
            metadata, true);
    final String dataModelURI = optionalDataModelURI.get();
    final Optional<Boolean> optionalEnableVersioning = getEnableVersioningFlag(metadata);

    final boolean enableVersioning;

    if (optionalEnableVersioning.isPresent()) {

        enableVersioning = optionalEnableVersioning.get();
    } else {

        enableVersioning = true;

    final AtomicInteger counter = new AtomicInteger(0);

    final Tuple<Observable<Resource>, BufferedInputStream> modelTuple = getModel(content);
    final ConnectableObservable<Resource> model = modelTuple.v1()
            .doOnSubscribe(() -> LOG.debug("subscribed to model observable")).doOnNext(record -> {
                if (counter.incrementAndGet() == 1) {
                    LOG.debug("read first records from model observable");
            }).doOnCompleted(() -> LOG.debug("read '{}' records from model observable", counter.get()))
    final BufferedInputStream bis = modelTuple.v2();

    LOG.debug("deserialized GDM statements that were serialised as JSON");
    LOG.debug("try to write GDM statements into graph db");

    final TransactionHandler tx = new Neo4jTransactionHandler(database);
    final NamespaceIndex namespaceIndex = new NamespaceIndex(database, tx);

    final String prefixedDataModelURI = namespaceIndex.createPrefixedURI(dataModelURI);

    final GDMNeo4jProcessor processor = new DataModelGDMNeo4jProcessor(database, tx, namespaceIndex,

    LOG.info("process GDM statements and write them into graph db for data model '{}' ('{}')", dataModelURI,

    try {

        final GDMNeo4jHandler handler = new DataModelGDMNeo4jHandler(processor, enableVersioning);
        final Observable<Resource> newModel;
        final Observable<Boolean> deprecateRecordsObservable;

        // note: versioning is enable by default
        if (enableVersioning) {

            LOG.info("do versioning with GDM statements for data model '{}' ('{}')", dataModelURI,

            final Optional<ContentSchema> optionalPrefixedContentSchema = getPrefixedContentSchema(metadata,

            // = new resources model, since existing, modified resources were already written to the DB
            final Tuple<Observable<Resource>, Observable<Long>> result = calculateDeltaForDataModel(model,
                    optionalPrefixedContentSchema, prefixedDataModelURI, database, handler, namespaceIndex);
            final Observable<Resource> deltaModel = result.v1().onBackpressureBuffer(10000);

            final Optional<Boolean> optionalDeprecateMissingRecords = getDeprecateMissingRecordsFlag(metadata);

            if (optionalDeprecateMissingRecords.isPresent() && optionalDeprecateMissingRecords.get()) {

                final Optional<String> optionalRecordClassURI = getMetadataPart(
                        DMPStatics.RECORD_CLASS_URI_IDENTIFIER, metadata, false);

                if (!optionalRecordClassURI.isPresent()) {

                    throw new DMPGraphException(
                            "could not deprecate missing records, because no record class uri is given");

                // deprecate missing records in DB

                final Observable<Long> processedResources = result.v2();

                deprecateRecordsObservable = deprecateMissingRecords(processedResources,
                        optionalRecordClassURI.get(), dataModelURI,
                        ((Neo4jUpdateHandler) handler.getHandler()).getVersionHandler().getLatestVersion(),
            } else {

                deprecateRecordsObservable = Observable.empty();

            newModel = deltaModel;

            LOG.info("finished versioning with GDM statements for data model '{}' ('{}')", dataModelURI,
        } else {

            newModel = model;
            deprecateRecordsObservable = Observable.empty();

        final AtomicInteger counter2 = new AtomicInteger(0);

        final ConnectableObservable<Resource> newModelLogged = newModel
                .doOnSubscribe(() -> LOG.debug("subscribed to new model observable")).doOnNext(record -> {
                    if (counter2.incrementAndGet() == 1) {
                        LOG.debug("read first records from new model observable");
                }).doOnCompleted(() -> LOG.debug("read '{}' records from new model observable", counter2.get()))

        //if (deltaModel.size() > 0) {

        // parse model only, when model contains some resources

        final AtomicInteger counter3 = new AtomicInteger(0);

        final GDMParser parser = new GDMModelParser(newModelLogged);
        final Observable<Boolean> newResourcesObservable = parser.parse()
                .doOnSubscribe(() -> LOG.debug("subscribed to new resources observable")).doOnNext(record -> {
                    if (counter3.incrementAndGet() == 1) {
                        LOG.debug("read first records from new resources observable");
                        () -> LOG.debug("read '{}' records from new resources observable", counter3.get()));

        try {

            final Observable<Boolean> connectedObservable = deprecateRecordsObservable
            final BlockingObservable<Boolean> blockingObservable = connectedObservable.toBlocking();
            final Iterator<Boolean> iterator = blockingObservable.getIterator();


            if (!enableVersioning) {


            if (!iterator.hasNext()) {

                LOG.debug("model contains no resources, i.e., nothing needs to be written to the DB");

            while (iterator.hasNext()) {

        } catch (final RuntimeException e) {

            throw new DMPGraphException(e.getMessage(), e.getCause());

        final Long size = handler.getHandler().getCountedStatements();

        if (enableVersioning && size > 0) {

            // update data model version only when some statements are written to the DB
            ((Neo4jUpdateHandler) handler.getHandler()).getVersionHandler().updateLatestVersion();



                "finished writing {} resources with {} GDM statements (added {} relationships, added {} nodes (resources + bnodes + literals), added {} literals) into graph db for data model URI '{}' ('{}')",
                parser.parsedResources(), handler.getHandler().getCountedStatements(),
                handler.getHandler().getRelationshipsAdded(), handler.getHandler().getNodesAdded(),
                handler.getHandler().getCountedLiterals(), dataModelURI, prefixedDataModelURI);

        return Response.ok().build();

    } catch (final Exception e) {



        LOG.error("couldn't write GDM statements into graph db: {}", e.getMessage(), e);

        throw e;

From source file:com.gs.collections.impl.test.Verify.java

 * Runs the {@link Runnable} {@code code} and asserts that it throws an {@code Exception} of the type
 * {@code expectedExceptionClass}, which contains a cause of type expectedCauseClass.
 * <p>//from ww w .  j  a v  a 2 s  .c  o  m
 * {@code Runnable} is most appropriate when a subclass of {@link RuntimeException} will be thrown.
 * If a checked exception will be thrown, the form {@link #assertThrowsWithCause(Class, Class, Callable)}
 * may be more convenient.
 * <p>
 * e.g.
 * <pre>
 * Verify.assertThrowsWithCause(RuntimeException.class, StringIndexOutOfBoundsException.class, new Runnable()
 * {
 *    public void run()
 *    {
 *        try
 *        {
 *            LOGGER.info("Craig".substring(42, 3));
 *        }
 *        catch (final StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e)
 *        {
 *            throw new RuntimeException("Uh oh!", e);
 *        }
 *    }
 * });
 * </pre>
 * @see #assertThrowsWithCause(Class, Class, Callable)
public static void assertThrowsWithCause(Class<? extends Exception> expectedExceptionClass,
        Class<? extends Throwable> expectedCauseClass, Runnable code) {
    try {
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        try {
            Assert.assertSame("Caught exception of type <" + ex.getClass().getName()
                    + ">, expected one of type <" + expectedExceptionClass.getName() + '>',
                    expectedExceptionClass, ex.getClass());
            Throwable actualCauseClass = ex.getCause();
            Assert.assertNotNull("Caught exception with null cause, expected cause of type <"
                    + expectedCauseClass.getName() + '>', actualCauseClass);
                    "Caught exception with cause of type<" + actualCauseClass.getClass().getName()
                            + ">, expected cause of type <" + expectedCauseClass.getName() + '>',
                    expectedCauseClass, actualCauseClass.getClass());
        } catch (AssertionError e) {

    try {
        Assert.fail("Block did not throw an exception of type " + expectedExceptionClass.getName());
    } catch (AssertionError e) {

From source file:com.couchbase.lite.router.Router.java

 * NOTE this departs from the iOS version, returning revision, passing status back by reference
 * <p/>/*from   w w w  .  j a v a 2s. c  om*/
 * - (CBLStatus) update: (CBLDatabase*)db
 * docID: (NSString*)docID
 * body: (CBL_Body*)body
 * deleting: (BOOL)deleting
 * allowConflict: (BOOL)allowConflict
 * createdRev: (CBL_Revision**)outRev
 * error: (NSError**)outError
private RevisionInternal update(Database _db, String docID, Body body, boolean deleting, boolean allowConflict,
        Status outStatus) {

    if (body != null && !body.isValidJSON()) {
        return null;

    boolean isLocalDoc = docID != null && docID.startsWith(("_local"));
    String prevRevID;

    if (!deleting) {
        Boolean deletingBoolean = (Boolean) body.getPropertyForKey("_deleted");
        deleting = (deletingBoolean != null && deletingBoolean.booleanValue());
        if (docID == null) {
            if (isLocalDoc) {
                return null;
            // POST's doc ID may come from the _id field of the JSON body, else generate a random one.
            docID = (String) body.getPropertyForKey("_id");
            if (docID == null) {
                if (deleting) {
                    return null;
                docID = Misc.CreateUUID();
        // PUT's revision ID comes from the JSON body.
        prevRevID = (String) body.getPropertyForKey("_rev");
    } else {
        // DELETE's revision ID comes from the ?rev= query param
        prevRevID = getQuery("rev");

    // A backup source of revision ID is an If-Match header:
    if (prevRevID == null) {
        prevRevID = getRevIDFromIfMatchHeader();

    RevisionInternal rev = new RevisionInternal(docID, null, deleting);

    RevisionInternal result = null;
    try {
        if (isLocalDoc) {
            // NOTE: putLocalRevision() does not use transaction internally with obeyMVCC=true

            final Database fDb = _db;
            final RevisionInternal _rev = rev;
            final String _prevRevID = prevRevID;
            final List<RevisionInternal> _revs = new ArrayList<RevisionInternal>();
            try {
                fDb.getStore().runInTransaction(new TransactionalTask() {
                    public boolean run() {
                        try {
                            RevisionInternal r = fDb.getStore().putLocalRevision(_rev, _prevRevID, true);
                            return true;
                        } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) {
                            throw new RuntimeException(e);
                // success
                if (_revs.size() > 0)
                    result = _revs.get(0);
            } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
                if (ex.getCause() != null && ex.getCause().getCause() != null
                        && ex.getCause().getCause() instanceof CouchbaseLiteException)
                    throw (CouchbaseLiteException) ex.getCause().getCause();
                    throw new CouchbaseLiteException(ex, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR);
        } else {
            // putRevision() uses transaction internally.
            result = _db.putRevision(rev, prevRevID, allowConflict);
        if (deleting) {
        } else {
    } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) {
        if (e.getCBLStatus() != null && e.getCBLStatus().getCode() == Status.CONFLICT) {
            // conflict is not critical error for replicators, not print stack trace
            Log.w(TAG, "Error updating doc: %s", docID);
        } else {
            Log.e(TAG, "Error updating doc: %s", e, docID);

    return result;

From source file:org.jspresso.framework.model.component.basic.AbstractComponentInvocationHandler.java

protected void removeFromProperty(Object proxy, ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?> propertyDescriptor,
        Object value) {//from   www.j  a  v a2  s  .  co  m
    String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName();
    // The following optimization breaks bidirectional N-N relationship persistence
    // if (!isInitialized(straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyName))) {
    // return;
    // }
    Collection<Object> collectionProperty = (Collection<Object>) straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyName);
    try {
        if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) {
            propertyDescriptor.preprocessRemover(proxy, collectionProperty, value);
        if (collectionProperty.contains(value)) {
            IRelationshipEndPropertyDescriptor reversePropertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptor
            if (reversePropertyDescriptor != null) {
                if (reversePropertyDescriptor instanceof IReferencePropertyDescriptor<?>) {
                            .createPropertyAccessor(reversePropertyDescriptor.getName(), propertyDescriptor
                            .setValue(value, null);
                } else if (reversePropertyDescriptor instanceof ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) {
                    ICollectionAccessor collectionAccessor = accessorFactory.createCollectionPropertyAccessor(
                            ((ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) reversePropertyDescriptor)
                    if (collectionAccessor instanceof IModelDescriptorAware) {
                        ((IModelDescriptorAware) collectionAccessor)
                    collectionAccessor.removeFromValue(value, proxy);
            Collection<?> oldCollectionSnapshot = CollectionHelper
                    .cloneCollection((Collection<?>) collectionProperty);
            if (collectionProperty.remove(value)) {
                if (EntityHelper.isInlineComponentReference(
                        propertyDescriptor.getReferencedDescriptor().getElementDescriptor())) {
                    if (value != null) {
                        ((IComponent) value).setOwningComponent(null, null);
                doFirePropertyChange(proxy, propertyName, oldCollectionSnapshot, collectionProperty);
                if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) {
                    propertyDescriptor.postprocessRemover(proxy, collectionProperty, value);
                if (proxy instanceof IEntity && value instanceof IEntity) {
                    entityDetached((IEntity) proxy, (IEntity) value, propertyDescriptor);
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        rollbackProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, collectionProperty);
        throw ex;
    } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
        rollbackProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, collectionProperty);
        if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) {
            throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause();
        throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause());
    } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) {
        throw new ComponentException(ex);

From source file:org.jspresso.framework.model.component.basic.AbstractComponentInvocationHandler.java

protected void addToProperty(Object proxy, ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?> propertyDescriptor, int index,
        Object value) {//from  www.j a  va2  s  . c o m
    String propertyName = propertyDescriptor.getName();
    Collection<Object> collectionProperty = (Collection<Object>) straightGetProperty(proxy, propertyName);
    if (value instanceof IEntity && collectionProperty.contains(value)) {
        if (collectionProperty instanceof Set<?>) {
            LOG.warn("You have added twice the same element to the following collection property : {}.{}"
                    + componentDescriptor.getComponentContract().getName(), propertyName);
        } else {
            throw new ComponentException("Collection property does not allow duplicates : "
                    + componentDescriptor.getComponentContract().getName() + "." + propertyName);
    try {
        if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) {
            propertyDescriptor.preprocessAdder(proxy, collectionProperty, value);
        IRelationshipEndPropertyDescriptor reversePropertyDescriptor = propertyDescriptor
        if (reversePropertyDescriptor != null) {
            if (reversePropertyDescriptor instanceof IReferencePropertyDescriptor<?>) {
                        .createPropertyAccessor(reversePropertyDescriptor.getName(), propertyDescriptor
                        .setValue(value, proxy);
            } else if (reversePropertyDescriptor instanceof ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) {
                ICollectionAccessor collectionAccessor = accessorFactory.createCollectionPropertyAccessor(
                        ((ICollectionPropertyDescriptor<?>) reversePropertyDescriptor).getCollectionDescriptor()
                if (collectionAccessor instanceof IModelDescriptorAware) {
                    ((IModelDescriptorAware) collectionAccessor).setModelDescriptor(reversePropertyDescriptor);
                collectionAccessor.addToValue(value, proxy);
        Collection<?> oldCollectionSnapshot = CollectionHelper
                .cloneCollection((Collection<?>) collectionProperty);
        boolean inserted;
        if (collectionProperty instanceof List<?> && index >= 0 && index < collectionProperty.size()) {
            ((List<Object>) collectionProperty).add(index, value);
            inserted = true;
        } else {
            inserted = collectionProperty.add(value);
        if (inserted) {
            if (EntityHelper.isInlineComponentReference(
                    propertyDescriptor.getReferencedDescriptor().getElementDescriptor())) {
                if (value != null) {
                    ((IComponent) value).setOwningComponent((IComponent) proxy, propertyDescriptor);
            if (collectionSortEnabled) {
                inlineComponentFactory.sortCollectionProperty((IComponent) proxy, propertyName);
            doFirePropertyChange(proxy, propertyName, oldCollectionSnapshot, collectionProperty);
            if (propertyProcessorsEnabled) {
                propertyDescriptor.postprocessAdder(proxy, collectionProperty, value);
    } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
        rollbackProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, collectionProperty);
        throw ex;
    } catch (InvocationTargetException ex) {
        rollbackProperty(proxy, propertyDescriptor, collectionProperty);
        if (ex.getCause() instanceof RuntimeException) {
            throw (RuntimeException) ex.getCause();
        throw new ComponentException(ex.getCause());
    } catch (IllegalAccessException | NoSuchMethodException ex) {
        throw new ComponentException(ex);

From source file:org.de.jmg.learn.MainActivity.java

public void LoadVokabel(String fileSelected, Uri uri, int index, int[] Lernvokabeln, int Lernindex,
        boolean CardMode) {
    try {//from ww  w  .  jav a 2 s. com
        if (fPA.fragMain != null && fPA.fragMain.mainView != null) {
            if (!fPA.fragMain.EndEdit(false))
        if (uri == null) {
            if (!saveVok(false))
        try {
            vok.LoadFile(this, fileSelected, uri, false, false, _blnUniCode);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            if (ex.getCause() != null) {
                if (ex.getCause().getMessage() != null && ex.getCause().getMessage().contains("IsSingleline")) {
                    vok.LoadFile(this, fileSelected, uri, true, false, _blnUniCode);
                } else {
                    throw ex;
            } else {
                throw ex;

        if (vok.getCardMode() || CardMode) {
            if (fPA.fragMain != null && fPA.fragMain.mainView != null)
        } else {
            if (fPA.fragMain != null && fPA.fragMain.mainView != null)

        // if (index >0 ) vok.setIndex(index);
        if (Lernvokabeln != null)
        if (vok.getGesamtzahl() > 0) {
            if (Lernindex > 0)
                vok.setLernIndex((short) Lernindex);
            if (fPA.fragMain != null && fPA.fragMain.mainView != null)
        if (fPA.fragMain != null && fPA.fragMain.mainView != null)
            fPA.fragMain.getVokabel(false, false, false);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        lib.ShowException(this, e);
        if (fPA.fragMain != null && fPA.fragMain.mainView != null) {
            try {
                fPA.fragMain.getVokabel(true, true, false);
            } catch (Exception e1) {
                lib.ShowException(this, e);

From source file:com.silentcircle.silenttext.application.SilentTextApplication.java

public UserPreferences getGlobalPreferences() {


    UserPreferences preferences = null;//from  w  w  w . jav  a2 s  .co m
    try {
        preferences = applicationPreferencesRepository.findByID(APPLICATION_PREFERENCES_KEY.toCharArray());
    } catch (RuntimeException exception) {
        getLog().info(exception, "#getGlobalPreferences #load");

    if (preferences == null) {
        preferences = createDefaultApplicationPreferences();
        try {
        } catch (RuntimeException exception) {
            getLog().warn(exception.getCause(), "#getGlobalPreferences #save");

    return preferences;


From source file:de.dal33t.powerfolder.clientserver.ServerClient.java

 * Logs into the server and saves the identity as my login.
 * <p>/*from  ww  w . ja  v a 2  s . c o  m*/
 * If the server is not connected and invalid account is returned and the
 * login data saved for auto-login on reconnect.
 * @param theUsername
 * @param thePasswordObj
 *            the obfuscated password
 * @param saveLastLogin
 *            if the last login should be remembered.
 * @return the identity with this username or <code>InvalidAccount</code> if
 *         login failed. NEVER returns <code>null</code>
public Account login(String theUsername, String thePasswordObj, boolean saveLastLogin) {
    logFine("Login with: " + theUsername);
    synchronized (loginLock) {
        String prevUsername = username;
        String prevPasswordObf = passwordObf;
        try {
            username = theUsername;
            passwordObf = thePasswordObj;
            if (saveLastLogin) {
                saveLastKnowLogin(username, passwordObf);
            boolean disconnected = !server.isConnected();
            boolean pwEmpty = StringUtils.isBlank(passwordObf);
            boolean noKerberosLogin = !isKerberosLogin();
            if (disconnected || (pwEmpty && noKerberosLogin)) {
                return accountDetails.getAccount();
            boolean loginOk = false;
            char[] pw = LoginUtil.deobfuscate(passwordObf);
            try {
                if (isShibbolethLogin()) {
                    // PFC-2534: Start
                    try {
                        String currentIdP = ConfigurationEntry.SERVER_IDP_LAST_CONNECTED_ECP
                        boolean idpEqual = StringUtils.isEqual(lastIdPUsed, currentIdP);
                        boolean pwEqual = StringUtils.isEqual(prevPasswordObf, passwordObf);
                        boolean unEqual = StringUtils.isEqual(prevUsername, username);
                        if (shibbolethUnauthRetriesSkip != 0 && unEqual && pwEqual && idpEqual) {
                            if (isFine()) {
                                logFine("Skipping login another " + shibbolethUnauthRetriesSkip + " times");
                            return accountDetails.getAccount();

                        lastIdPUsed = currentIdP;
                        shibbolethUnauthRetriesSkip = 0;
                    } catch (RuntimeException e) {
                        logWarning("An error occured skipping shibboleth login: " + e);
                    // PFC-2534: End

                    boolean externalUser = prepareShibbolethLogin(username, pw,
                            (prevUsername != null && !prevUsername.equals(username))
                                    || (prevPasswordObf != null && !prevPasswordObf.equals(passwordObf)));
                    if (externalUser) {
                        loginOk = securityService.login(username, pw);
                    } else if (shibUsername != null && shibToken != null) {
                        loginOk = securityService.login(shibUsername, Util.toCharArray(shibToken));
                    } else {
                        logWarning("Neither Shibboleth nor external login possible!");
                } else if (isKerberosLogin()) {
                    byte[] serviceTicket = prepareKerberosLogin();
                    loginOk = securityService.login(username, serviceTicket);
                } else {
                    loginOk = securityService.login(username, pw);


            } catch (RemoteCallException e) {
                if (e.getCause() instanceof NoSuchMethodException) {
                    // Old server version (Pre 1.5.0 or older)
                    // Try it the old fashioned way
                    logSevere("Client incompatible with server: Server version too old");
                // Rethrow
                throw e;
            } finally {

            if (!loginOk) {
                logWarning("Login to server " + server + " (user " + theUsername + ") failed!");
                fireLogin(accountDetails, false);
                return accountDetails.getAccount();
            AccountDetails newAccountDetails = securityService.getAccountDetails();
            logInfo("Login to server " + server.getReconnectAddress() + " (user " + theUsername + ") result: "
                    + newAccountDetails);
            if (newAccountDetails != null) {
                accountDetails = newAccountDetails;

                if (updateConfig) {
                    boolean configChanged;
                    if (accountDetails.getAccount().getServer() != null) {
                        configChanged = setServerWebURLInConfig(
                        configChanged = setServerHTTPTunnelURLInConfig(
                                accountDetails.getAccount().getServer().getHTTPTunnelUrl()) || configChanged;
                    } else {
                        configChanged = setServerWebURLInConfig(null);
                        configChanged = setServerHTTPTunnelURLInConfig(null) || configChanged;
                    if (configChanged) {

                // Fire login success
                getController().schedule(new Runnable() {
                    public void run() {
                        // Also switches server
                }, 0);
            } else {
                fireLogin(accountDetails, false);

            return accountDetails.getAccount();
        } catch (Exception e) {
            logWarning("Unable to login: " + e);
            if (isShibbolethLogin()) {
                // PFC-2534: Start
                //                    username = prevUsername;
                //                    passwordObf = prevPasswordObf;
                // PFC-2534: End
                saveLastKnowLogin(username, passwordObf);
            fireLogin(accountDetails, false);
            return accountDetails.getAccount();
        } finally {

From source file:org.apache.hadoop.hive.ql.metadata.Hive.java

 * @return the metastore client for the current thread
 * @throws MetaException//from w  w w  .  ja v a 2s .c  om
@LimitedPrivate(value = { "Hive" })
public synchronized IMetaStoreClient getMSC(boolean allowEmbedded, boolean forceCreate) throws MetaException {
    if (metaStoreClient == null || forceCreate) {
        try {
            owner = UserGroupInformation.getCurrentUser();
        } catch (IOException e) {
            String msg = "Error getting current user: " + e.getMessage();
            LOG.error(msg, e);
            throw new MetaException(msg + "\n" + StringUtils.stringifyException(e));
        try {
            metaStoreClient = createMetaStoreClient(allowEmbedded);
        } catch (RuntimeException ex) {
            Throwable t = ex.getCause();
            while (t != null) {
                if (t instanceof JDODataStoreException && t.getMessage() != null
                        && t.getMessage().contains("autoCreate")) {
                    LOG.error("Cannot initialize metastore due to autoCreate error", t);
                    // DataNucleus wants us to auto-create, but we shall do no such thing.
                    throw new SchemaException("Hive metastore database is not initialized. Please use "
                            + "schematool (e.g. ./schematool -initSchema -dbType ...) to create the schema. If "
                            + "needed, don't forget to include the option to auto-create the underlying database"
                            + " in your JDBC connection string (e.g. ?createDatabaseIfNotExist=true for mysql)");
                t = t.getCause();
            throw ex;
        String metaStoreUris = conf.getVar(HiveConf.ConfVars.METASTOREURIS);
        if (!org.apache.commons.lang3.StringUtils.isEmpty(metaStoreUris)) {
            // get a synchronized wrapper if the meta store is remote.
            metaStoreClient = HiveMetaStoreClient.newSynchronizedClient(metaStoreClient);
    return metaStoreClient;