Java tutorial
// // Copyright (c) 2016 Couchbase, Inc. All rights reserved. // // Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not use this file // except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at // // // // Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the // License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, // either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions // and limitations under the License. // package com.couchbase.lite.router; import com.couchbase.lite.AsyncTask; import com.couchbase.lite.BlobStoreWriter; import com.couchbase.lite.ChangesOptions; import com.couchbase.lite.CouchbaseLiteException; import com.couchbase.lite.Database; import com.couchbase.lite.Document; import com.couchbase.lite.DocumentChange; import com.couchbase.lite.Manager; import com.couchbase.lite.Mapper; import com.couchbase.lite.Misc; import com.couchbase.lite.Query; import com.couchbase.lite.QueryOptions; import com.couchbase.lite.QueryRow; import com.couchbase.lite.Reducer; import com.couchbase.lite.ReplicationFilter; import com.couchbase.lite.Revision; import com.couchbase.lite.RevisionList; import com.couchbase.lite.Status; import com.couchbase.lite.TransactionalTask; import com.couchbase.lite.View; import com.couchbase.lite.auth.FacebookAuthorizer; import com.couchbase.lite.auth.PersonaAuthorizer; import com.couchbase.lite.internal.AttachmentInternal; import com.couchbase.lite.internal.Body; import com.couchbase.lite.internal.RevisionInternal; import com.couchbase.lite.replicator.RemoteRequestResponseException; import com.couchbase.lite.replicator.Replication; import com.couchbase.lite.replicator.Replication.ChangeEvent; import com.couchbase.lite.replicator.Replication.ChangeListener; import com.couchbase.lite.replicator.Replication.ReplicationStatus; import com.couchbase.lite.replicator.ReplicationState; import; import; import; import; import com.couchbase.lite.util.Log; import com.couchbase.lite.util.StreamUtils; import com.fasterxml.jackson.core.JsonParseException; import com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException; import; import; import; import; import; import java.lang.reflect.Method; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.EnumSet; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Iterator; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutionException; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; public class Router implements Database.ChangeListener, Database.DatabaseListener { public static final String TAG = Log.TAG_ROUTER; private static final long MIN_HEARTBEAT = 5000; // 5 second private static final String CONTENT_TYPE_JSON = "application/json"; /** * Options for what metadata to include in document bodies */ private enum TDContentOptions { TDIncludeAttachments, TDIncludeConflicts, TDIncludeRevs, TDIncludeRevsInfo, TDIncludeLocalSeq, TDNoBody, TDBigAttachmentsFollow, TDNoAttachments } private Manager manager; private Database db; private URLConnection connection; private Map<String, String> queries; private boolean changesIncludesDocs = false; private boolean changesIncludesConflicts = false; private RouterCallbackBlock callbackBlock; private boolean responseSent = false; private ReplicationFilter changesFilter; Map<String, Object> changesFilterParams = null; private boolean longpoll = false; private boolean waiting = false; private URL source = null; private Timer timer = null; // timer for heartbeat private boolean dontOverwriteBody = false; private final Object databaseChangesLongpollLock = new Object(); public static String getVersionString() { return Version.getVersion(); } public Router(Manager manager, URLConnection connection) { this.manager = manager; this.connection = connection; } @Override protected void finalize() throws Throwable { stop(); super.finalize(); } public void setCallbackBlock(RouterCallbackBlock callbackBlock) { this.callbackBlock = callbackBlock; } private Map<String, String> getQueries() { if (queries == null) { String queryString = connection.getURL().getQuery(); if (queryString != null && queryString.length() > 0) { queries = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (String component : queryString.split("&")) { int location = component.indexOf('='); if (location > 0) { String key = component.substring(0, location); String value = component.substring(location + 1); queries.put(key, value); } } } } return queries; } private static boolean getBooleanValueFromBody(String paramName, Map<String, Object> bodyDict, boolean defaultVal) { boolean value = defaultVal; if (bodyDict.containsKey(paramName)) { value = Boolean.TRUE.equals(bodyDict.get(paramName)); } return value; } private String getQuery(String param) { Map<String, String> queries = getQueries(); if (queries != null) { String value = queries.get(param); if (value != null) { return URLDecoder.decode(value); } } return null; } private boolean getBooleanQuery(String param) { String value = getQuery(param); return (value != null) && !"false".equals(value) && !"0".equals(value); } private int getIntQuery(String param, int defaultValue) { int result = defaultValue; String value = getQuery(param); if (value != null) { try { result = Integer.parseInt(value); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { //ignore, will return default value } } return result; } private List parseJSONRevArrayQuery(String param) { Object obj = getJSONQuery(param); if (obj == null) return null; if (obj instanceof List) return (List) obj; return null; } private Object getJSONQuery(String param) { String value = getQuery(param); if (value == null) { return null; } Object result = null; try { result = Manager.getObjectMapper().readValue(value, Object.class); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w("Unable to parse JSON Query", e); } return result; } private boolean cacheWithEtag(String etag) { String eTag = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "\"%s\"", etag); connection.getResHeader().add("Etag", eTag); String requestIfNoneMatch = connection.getRequestProperty("If-None-Match"); return eTag.equals(requestIfNoneMatch); } private Map<String, Object> getBodyAsDictionary() throws CouchbaseLiteException { // check if content-type is `application/json` String contentType = getRequestHeaderContentType(); if (contentType != null && !contentType.equals(CONTENT_TYPE_JSON)) throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE); // parse body text InputStream contentStream = connection.getRequestInputStream(); try { return Manager.getObjectMapper().readValue(contentStream, Map.class); } catch (JsonParseException jpe) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.BAD_JSON); } catch (JsonMappingException jme) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.BAD_JSON); } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.REQUEST_TIMEOUT); } } private EnumSet<TDContentOptions> getContentOptions() { EnumSet<TDContentOptions> result = EnumSet.noneOf(TDContentOptions.class); if (getBooleanQuery("attachments")) { result.add(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeAttachments); } if (getBooleanQuery("local_seq")) { result.add(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeLocalSeq); } if (getBooleanQuery("conflicts")) { result.add(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeConflicts); } if (getBooleanQuery("revs")) { result.add(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeRevs); } if (getBooleanQuery("revs_info")) { result.add(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeRevsInfo); } return result; } private boolean getQueryOptions(QueryOptions options) { // options.setSkip(getIntQuery("skip", options.getSkip())); options.setLimit(getIntQuery("limit", options.getLimit())); options.setGroupLevel(getIntQuery("group_level", options.getGroupLevel())); options.setDescending(getBooleanQuery("descending")); options.setIncludeDocs(getBooleanQuery("include_docs")); if (getQuery("include_deleted") != null) options.setAllDocsMode(Query.AllDocsMode.INCLUDE_DELETED); else if (getQuery("include_conflicts") != null) // nonstandard options.setAllDocsMode(Query.AllDocsMode.SHOW_CONFLICTS); else if (getQuery("only_conflicts") != null) // nonstandard options.setAllDocsMode(Query.AllDocsMode.ONLY_CONFLICTS); options.setUpdateSeq(getBooleanQuery("update_seq")); if (getQuery("inclusive_end") != null) options.setInclusiveEnd(getBooleanQuery("inclusive_end")); if (getQuery("inclusive_start") != null) // nonstandard options.setInclusiveEnd(getBooleanQuery("inclusive_start")); options.setPrefixMatchLevel(getIntQuery("prefix_match_level", options.getPrefixMatchLevel())); if (getQuery("reduce") != null) { options.setReduceSpecified(true); options.setReduce(getBooleanQuery("reduce")); } options.setGroup(getBooleanQuery("group")); // TODO: Stale options (ok or update_after): // Handle 'keys' and 'key' options: List<Object> keys; Object keysParam = getJSONQuery("keys"); if (keysParam != null && !(keysParam instanceof List)) { return false; } else { keys = (List<Object>) keysParam; } if (keys == null) { Object key = getJSONQuery("key"); if (key != null) { keys = new ArrayList<Object>(); keys.add(key); } } if (keys != null) { options.setKeys(keys); } else { options.setStartKey(getJSONQuery("startkey")); options.setEndKey(getJSONQuery("endkey")); if (getJSONQuery("startkey_docid") != null) { options.setStartKeyDocId(getJSONQuery("startkey_docid").toString()); } if (getJSONQuery("endkey_docid") != null) { options.setEndKeyDocId(getJSONQuery("endkey_docid").toString()); } } return true; } private String getMultipartRequestType() { String accept = getRequestHeaderValue("Accept"); if (accept.startsWith("multipart/")) { return accept; } return null; } private boolean explicitlyAcceptsType(String mimeType) { String accept = getRequestHeaderValue("Accept"); return accept != null && accept.indexOf(mimeType) >= 0; } private Status openDB() { if (db == null) { return new Status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } if (!db.exists()) { return new Status(Status.NOT_FOUND); } try {; } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { return e.getCBLStatus(); } return new Status(Status.OK); } private static List<String> splitPath(URL url) { String pathString = url.getPath(); if (pathString.startsWith("/")) { pathString = pathString.substring(1); } List<String> result = new ArrayList<String>(); //we want empty string to return empty list if (pathString.length() == 0) { return result; } for (String component : pathString.split("/")) { result.add(URLDecoder.decode(component)); } return result; } private void sendResponse() { if (!responseSent) { responseSent = true; if (callbackBlock != null) { callbackBlock.onResponseReady(); } } } // get Content-Type from URLConnection private String getRequestHeaderContentType() { String contentType = getRequestHeaderValue("Content-Type"); if (contentType != null) { // remove parameter (Content-Type := type "/" subtype *[";" parameter] ) int index = contentType.indexOf(';'); if (index > 0) contentType = contentType.substring(0, index); contentType = contentType.trim(); } return contentType; } private String getRequestHeaderValue(String paramName) { String value = connection.getRequestProperty(paramName); if (value == null) // From Android: value = connection.getRequestProperty(paramName.toLowerCase()); return value; } public void start() { // Refer to: String method = connection.getRequestMethod(); // We're going to map the request into a method call using reflection based on the method and path. // Accumulate the method name into the string 'message': if ("HEAD".equals(method)) { method = "GET"; } String message = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "do_%s", method); // First interpret the components of the request: List<String> path = splitPath(connection.getURL()); if (path == null) { connection.setResponseCode(Status.BAD_REQUEST); try { connection.getResponseOutputStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error closing empty output stream"); } sendResponse(); return; } int pathLen = path.size(); if (pathLen > 0) { String dbName = path.get(0); if (dbName.startsWith("_")) { message += dbName; // special root path, like /_all_dbs } else { message += "_Database"; if (!Manager.isValidDatabaseName(dbName)) { Header resHeader = connection.getResHeader(); if (resHeader != null) { resHeader.add("Content-Type", CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); } Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("error", "Invalid database"); result.put("status", Status.BAD_REQUEST); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(connection.getResponseBody().getJson()); connection.setResponseInputStream(bais); connection.setResponseCode(Status.BAD_REQUEST); try { connection.getResponseOutputStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error closing empty output stream"); } sendResponse(); return; } else { boolean mustExist = false; db = manager.getDatabase(dbName, mustExist); // NOTE: synchronized if (db == null) { connection.setResponseCode(Status.BAD_REQUEST); try { connection.getResponseOutputStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error closing empty output stream"); } sendResponse(); return; } } } } else { message += "Root"; } String docID = null; if (db != null && pathLen > 1) { message = message.replaceFirst("_Database", "_Document"); // Make sure database exists, then interpret doc name: Status status = openDB(); if (!status.isSuccessful()) { connection.setResponseCode(status.getCode()); try { connection.getResponseOutputStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error closing empty output stream"); } sendResponse(); return; } String name = path.get(1); if (!name.startsWith("_")) { // Regular document if (!Document.isValidDocumentId(name)) { connection.setResponseCode(Status.BAD_REQUEST); try { connection.getResponseOutputStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error closing empty output stream"); } sendResponse(); return; } docID = name; } else if ("_design".equals(name) || "_local".equals(name)) { // "_design/____" and "_local/____" are document names if (pathLen <= 2) { connection.setResponseCode(Status.NOT_FOUND); try { connection.getResponseOutputStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error closing empty output stream"); } sendResponse(); return; } docID = name + '/' + path.get(2); path.set(1, docID); path.remove(2); pathLen--; } else if (name.startsWith("_design") || name.startsWith("_local")) { // This is also a document, just with a URL-encoded "/" docID = name; } else if ("_session".equals(name)) { // There are two possible uri to get a session, /<db>/_session or /_session. // This is for /<db>/_session. message = message.replaceFirst("_Document", name); } else { // Special document name like "_all_docs": message += name; if (pathLen > 2) { List<String> subList = path.subList(2, pathLen - 1); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<String> iter = subList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { sb.append(; if (iter.hasNext()) { sb.append('/'); } } docID = sb.toString(); } } } String attachmentName = null; if (docID != null && pathLen > 2) { message = message.replaceFirst("_Document", "_Attachment"); // Interpret attachment name: attachmentName = path.get(2); if (attachmentName.startsWith("_") && docID.startsWith("_design")) { // Design-doc attribute like _info or _view message = message.replaceFirst("_Attachment", "_DesignDocument"); docID = docID.substring(8); // strip the "_design/" prefix attachmentName = pathLen > 3 ? path.get(3) : null; } else { if (pathLen > 3) { List<String> subList = path.subList(2, pathLen); StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); Iterator<String> iter = subList.iterator(); while (iter.hasNext()) { sb.append(; if (iter.hasNext()) { //sb.append("%2F"); sb.append('/'); } } attachmentName = sb.toString(); } } } // Send myself a message based on the components: Status status = null; try { Method m = Router.class.getMethod(message, Database.class, String.class, String.class); status = (Status) m.invoke(this, db, docID, attachmentName); } catch (NoSuchMethodException msme) { try { String errorMessage = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Router unable to route request to %s", message); Log.w(TAG, errorMessage); // Check if there is an alternative method: boolean hasAltMethod = false; String curDoMethod = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "do_%s", method); String[] methods = { "GET", "POST", "PUT", "DELETE" }; for (String aMethod : methods) { if (!aMethod.equals(method)) { String altDoMethod = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "do_%s", aMethod); String altMessage = message.replaceAll(curDoMethod, altDoMethod); try { Method altMethod = Router.class.getMethod(altMessage, Database.class, String.class, String.class); hasAltMethod = true; break; } catch (Exception ex) { // go next } } } Method m = Router.class.getMethod(hasAltMethod ? "do_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED" : "do_UNKNOWN", Database.class, String.class, String.class); status = (Status) m.invoke(this, db, docID, attachmentName); } catch (Exception e) { //default status is internal server error Log.e(TAG, "Router attempted do_UNKNWON fallback, but that threw an exception", e); status = new Status(Status.NOT_FOUND); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("status", status.getHTTPCode()); result.put("error", status.getHTTPMessage()); result.put("reason", "Router unable to route request"); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); } } catch (Exception e) { String errorMessage = "Router unable to route request to " + message; Log.w(TAG, errorMessage, e); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); if (e.getCause() != null && e.getCause() instanceof CouchbaseLiteException) { status = ((CouchbaseLiteException) e.getCause()).getCBLStatus(); result.put("status", status.getHTTPCode()); result.put("error", status.getHTTPMessage()); result.put("reason", errorMessage + e.getCause().toString()); } else { status = new Status(Status.NOT_FOUND); result.put("status", status.getHTTPCode()); result.put("error", status.getHTTPMessage()); result.put("reason", errorMessage + e.toString()); } connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); } // If response is ready (nonzero status), tell my client about it: if (status.getCode() != 0) { // NOTE: processRequestRanges() is not implemented for CBL Java Core // Configure response headers: status = sendResponseHeaders(status); connection.setResponseCode(status.getCode()); if (status.isSuccessful() && connection.getResponseBody() == null && connection.getHeaderField("Content-Type") == null && dontOverwriteBody == false) { connection.setResponseBody(new Body("{\"ok\":true}".getBytes())); } if (!status.isSuccessful() && connection.getResponseBody() == null) { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("status", status.getCode()); result.put("error", status.getHTTPMessage()); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); connection.getResHeader().add("Content-Type", CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); } setResponse(); sendResponse(); } else { // NOTE code == 0 waiting = true; } if (waiting && db != null) { Log.v(TAG, "waiting=true & db!=null: call Database.addDatabaseListener()"); db.addDatabaseListener(this); } } /** * implementation of Database.DatabaseListener */ @Override public void databaseClosing() { dbClosing(); } private void dbClosing() { Log.d(TAG, "Database closing! Returning error 500"); Status status = new Status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); status = sendResponseHeaders(status); connection.setResponseCode(status.getCode()); setResponse(); sendResponse(); } public void stop() { stopHeartbeat(); callbackBlock = null; if (db != null) { db.removeChangeListener(this); db.removeDatabaseListener(this); } } public Status do_UNKNOWN(Database db, String docID, String attachmentName) { return new Status(Status.NOT_FOUND); } public Status do_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED(Database db, String docID, String attachmentName) { return new Status(Status.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); } private void setResponse() { if (connection.getResponseBody() != null) { ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(connection.getResponseBody().getJson()); connection.setResponseInputStream(bais); } else { try { connection.getResponseOutputStream().close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Error closing empty output stream"); } } } /** * in CBL_Router.m * - (void) sendResponseHeaders */ private Status sendResponseHeaders(Status status) { // NOTE: Line 572-574 of CBL_Router.m is not in CBL Java Core // This check is in sendResponse(); connection.getResHeader().add("Server", String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Couchbase Lite %s", getVersionString())); // When response body is not null, we can assume that the body is JSON: boolean hasJSONBody = connection.getResponseBody() != null; String contentType = hasJSONBody ? CONTENT_TYPE_JSON : null; // Check for a mismatch between the Accept request header and the response type: String accept = getRequestHeaderValue("Accept"); if (accept != null && accept.indexOf("*/*") < 0) { String baseContentType = connection.getBaseContentType(); if (baseContentType == null) baseContentType = contentType; if (baseContentType != null && baseContentType.indexOf(accept) < 0) { Log.w(TAG, "Error 406: Can't satisfy request Accept: %s (Content-Type = %s)", accept, contentType); // Reset response body: connection.setResponseBody(null); status = new Status(Status.NOT_ACCEPTABLE); return status; } } if (contentType != null) { Header resHeader = connection.getResHeader(); if (resHeader != null && resHeader.get("Content-Type") == null) resHeader.add("Content-Type", contentType); else Log.d(TAG, "Cannot add Content-Type header because getResHeader() returned null"); } // NOTE: Line 596-607 of CBL_Router.m is not in CBL Java Core return status; } /** * Router+Handlers */ private void setResponseLocation(URL url) { String location = url.getPath(); String query = url.getQuery(); if (query != null) { int startOfQuery = location.indexOf(query); if (startOfQuery > 0) { location = location.substring(0, startOfQuery); } } connection.getResHeader().add("Location", location); } /** * SERVER REQUESTS: * */ public Status do_GETRoot(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { Map<String, Object> info = new HashMap<String, Object>(); info.put("CBLite", "Welcome"); info.put("couchdb", "Welcome"); // for compatibility info.put("version", getVersionString()); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(info)); return new Status(Status.OK); } public Status do_GET_all_dbs(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { List<String> dbs = manager.getAllDatabaseNames(); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(dbs)); return new Status(Status.OK); } public Status do_GET_session(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { // Send back an "Admin Party"-like response Map<String, Object> session = new HashMap<String, Object>(); Map<String, Object> userCtx = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String[] roles = { "_admin" }; session.put("ok", true); userCtx.put("name", null); userCtx.put("roles", roles); session.put("userCtx", userCtx); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(session)); return new Status(Status.OK); } public Status do_POST_replicate(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { Replication replicator; // Extract the parameters from the JSON request body: // Map<String, Object> body = null; try { body = getBodyAsDictionary(); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { return e.getCBLStatus(); } try { // NOTE: replicator instance is created per request. not access shared instances replicator = manager.getReplicator(body); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("error", e.toString()); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); return e.getCBLStatus(); } Boolean cancelBoolean = (Boolean) body.get("cancel"); boolean cancel = (cancelBoolean != null && cancelBoolean.booleanValue()); if (!cancel) { if (!replicator.isRunning()) { final CountDownLatch replicationStarted = new CountDownLatch(1); replicator.addChangeListener(new Replication.ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(Replication.ChangeEvent event) { if (event.getTransition() != null && event.getTransition().getDestination() == ReplicationState.RUNNING) { replicationStarted.countDown(); } } }); if (!replicator.isContinuous()) { replicator.addChangeListener(new Replication.ChangeListener() { @Override public void changed(Replication.ChangeEvent event) { if (event.getTransition() != null && event.getTransition().getDestination() == ReplicationState.STOPPED) { Status status = new Status(Status.OK); status = sendResponseHeaders(status); connection.setResponseCode(status.getCode()); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("session_id", event.getSource().getSessionID()); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); setResponse(); sendResponse(); } } }); } replicator.start(); // wait for replication to start, otherwise replicator.getSessionId() will return null try { replicationStarted.await(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } if (replicator.isContinuous()) { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("session_id", replicator.getSessionID()); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); return new Status(Status.OK); } else { return new Status(0); } } else { // Cancel replication: replicator.stop(); return new Status(Status.OK); } } public Status do_GET_uuids(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { int count = Math.min(1000, getIntQuery("count", 1)); List<String> uuids = new ArrayList<String>(count); for (int i = 0; i < count; i++) { uuids.add(Misc.CreateUUID()); } Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("uuids", uuids); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); return new Status(Status.OK); } /** * TODO: CBL Java Core codes are out of sync with CBL iOS. Need to catch up CBL iOS */ public Status do_GET_active_tasks(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { // String feed = getQuery("feed"); longpoll = "longpoll".equals(feed); boolean continuous = !longpoll && "continuous".equals(feed); String session_id = getQuery("session_id"); ChangeListener listener = new ChangeListener() { ChangeListener self = this; @Override public void changed(ChangeEvent event) { Map<String, Object> activity = getActivity(event.getSource()); // NOTE: Followings are not supported by iOS. We might remove them in the future. if (event.getTransition() != null) { // this adds data to the response based on the trigger. activity.put("transition_source", event.getTransition().getSource()); activity.put("transition_destination", event.getTransition().getDestination()); activity.put("trigger", event.getTransition().getTrigger()); Log.d(TAG, "do_GET_active_tasks Transition [" + event.getTransition().getTrigger() + "] Source:" + event.getTransition().getSource() + ", Destination:" + event.getTransition().getDestination()); } if (longpoll) { Log.w(TAG, "Router: Sending longpoll replication response"); sendResponse(); if (callbackBlock != null) { byte[] data = null; try { data = Manager.getObjectMapper().writeValueAsBytes(activity); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Error serializing JSON", e); } OutputStream os = connection.getResponseOutputStream(); try { os.write(data); os.close(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.e(TAG, "IOException writing to internal streams", e); } } //remove this change listener because a new one will be added when this responds event.getSource().removeChangeListener(self); } else { Log.w(TAG, "Router: Sending continous replication change chunk"); sendContinuousReplicationChanges(activity); } } }; List<Map<String, Object>> activities = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (Database db : manager.allOpenDatabases()) { List<Replication> activeReplicators = db.getActiveReplications(); if (activeReplicators != null) { for (Replication replicator : activeReplicators) { if (replicator.isRunning()) { Map<String, Object> activity = getActivity(replicator); if (session_id != null) { if (replicator.getSessionID().equals(session_id)) { activities.add(activity); } } else { activities.add(activity); } if (continuous || longpoll) { if (session_id != null) { if (replicator.getSessionID().equals(session_id)) { replicator.addChangeListener(listener); } } else { replicator.addChangeListener(listener); } } } } } } if (continuous || longpoll) { connection.setChunked(true); connection.setResponseCode(Status.OK); sendResponse(); if (continuous && !activities.isEmpty()) { for (Map<String, Object> activity : activities) { sendContinuousReplicationChanges(activity); } } // Don't close connection; more data to come return new Status(0); } else { connection.setResponseBody(new Body(activities)); return new Status(Status.OK); } } /** * TODO: To be compatible with CBL iOS, this method should move to Replicator.activeTaskInfo(). * TODO: Reference: - (NSDictionary*) activeTaskInfo in CBL_Replicator.m */ private static Map<String, Object> getActivity(Replication replicator) { // For schema, see Map<String, Object> activity = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String source = replicator.getRemoteUrl().toExternalForm(); String target = replicator.getLocalDatabase().getName(); if (!replicator.isPull()) { String tmp = source; source = target; target = tmp; } int processed = replicator.getCompletedChangesCount(); int total = replicator.getChangesCount(); String status = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Processed %d / %d changes", processed, total); if (!replicator.getStatus().equals(ReplicationStatus.REPLICATION_ACTIVE)) { //These values match the values for IOS. if (replicator.getStatus().equals(ReplicationStatus.REPLICATION_IDLE)) { status = "Idle"; // nonstandard } else if (replicator.getStatus().equals(ReplicationStatus.REPLICATION_STOPPED)) { status = "Stopped"; } else if (replicator.getStatus().equals(ReplicationStatus.REPLICATION_OFFLINE)) { status = "Offline"; // nonstandard } } int progress = (total > 0) ? Math.round(100 * processed / (float) total) : 0; activity.put("type", "Replication"); activity.put("task", replicator.getSessionID()); activity.put("source", source); activity.put("target", target); activity.put("status", status); activity.put("progress", progress); activity.put("continuous", replicator.isContinuous()); //NOTE: Need to support "x_active_requests" if (replicator.getLastError() != null) { String msg = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Replicator error: %s. Repl: %s. Source: %s, Target: %s", replicator.getLastError(), replicator, source, target); Log.w(TAG, msg); Throwable error = replicator.getLastError(); int statusCode = 400; if (error instanceof RemoteRequestResponseException) { statusCode = ((RemoteRequestResponseException) error).getCode(); } Object[] errorObjects = new Object[] { statusCode, replicator.getLastError().toString() }; activity.put("error", errorObjects); } else { // NOTE: Following two parameters: CBL iOS does not support. We might remove them in the future. activity.put("change_count", total); activity.put("completed_change_count", processed); } return activity; } /** * Send a JSON object followed by a newline without closing the connection. * Used by the continuous mode of _changes and _active_tasks. * <p/> * TODO: CBL iOS supports EventSourceFeed in addition to longpoll and continuous. * TODO: Need to catch up CBL iOS: * - (void) sendContinuousLine: (NSDictionary*)changeDict in CBL_Router+Handlers.m */ private void sendContinuousReplicationChanges(Map<String, Object> activity) { try { String jsonString = Manager.getObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(activity); if (callbackBlock != null) { byte[] json = (jsonString + '\n').getBytes(); OutputStream os = connection.getResponseOutputStream(); try { os.write(json); os.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "IOException writing to internal streams", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.w("Unable to serialize change to JSON", e); } } /** * DATABASE REQUESTS: * */ public Status do_GET_Database(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { // Status status = openDB(); if (!status.isSuccessful()) { return status; } // NOTE: all methods are read operation. not necessary to be synchronized int num_docs = db.getDocumentCount(); long update_seq = db.getLastSequenceNumber(); long instanceStartTimeMicroseconds = db.getStartTime() * 1000; Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("db_name", db.getName()); result.put("db_uuid", db.publicUUID()); result.put("doc_count", num_docs); result.put("update_seq", update_seq); result.put("disk_size", db.totalDataSize()); result.put("instance_start_time", instanceStartTimeMicroseconds); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); return new Status(Status.OK); } public Status do_PUT_Database(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { if (db.exists()) { return new Status(Status.DUPLICATE); } try { // note: synchronized; } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { return e.getCBLStatus(); } setResponseLocation(connection.getURL()); return new Status(Status.CREATED); } public Status do_DELETE_Database(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) throws CouchbaseLiteException { if (getQuery("rev") != null) { return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); // CouchDB checks for this; probably meant to be a document deletion } db.delete(); return new Status(Status.OK); } /** * This is a hack to deal with the fact that there is currently no custom * serializer for QueryRow. Instead, just convert everything to generic Maps. */ private static void convertCBLQueryRowsToMaps(Map<String, Object> allDocsResult) { List<Map<String, Object>> rowsAsMaps = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); List<QueryRow> rows = (List<QueryRow>) allDocsResult.get("rows"); if (rows != null) { for (QueryRow row : rows) { rowsAsMaps.add(row.asJSONDictionary()); } } allDocsResult.put("rows", rowsAsMaps); } public Status do_POST_Database(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { Status status = openDB(); if (!status.isSuccessful()) { return status; } Map<String, Object> body; try { body = getBodyAsDictionary(); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { return e.getCBLStatus(); } return update(db, null, new Body(body), false); } public Status do_GET_Document_all_docs(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) throws CouchbaseLiteException { QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions(); if (!getQueryOptions(options)) { return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } Map<String, Object> result = db.getAllDocs(options); convertCBLQueryRowsToMaps(result); if (result == null) { return new Status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); return new Status(Status.OK); } public Status do_POST_Document_all_docs(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) throws CouchbaseLiteException { QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions(); if (!getQueryOptions(options)) { return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } Map<String, Object> body = getBodyAsDictionary(); if (body == null) { return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } List<Object> keys = (List<Object>) body.get("keys"); options.setKeys(keys); Map<String, Object> result = null; result = db.getAllDocs(options); convertCBLQueryRowsToMaps(result); if (result == null) { return new Status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); return new Status(Status.OK); } public Status do_POST_facebook_token(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { Map<String, Object> body; try { body = getBodyAsDictionary(); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { return e.getCBLStatus(); } String email = (String) body.get("email"); String remoteUrl = (String) body.get("remote_url"); String accessToken = (String) body.get("access_token"); if (email != null && remoteUrl != null && accessToken != null) { URL siteUrl; try { siteUrl = new URL(remoteUrl); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("error", "invalid remote_url: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } FacebookAuthorizer.registerToken(accessToken, email, siteUrl); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("ok", "registered"); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); return new Status(Status.OK); } else { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("error", "required fields: access_token, email, remote_url"); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } public Status do_POST_persona_assertion(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { Map<String, Object> body; try { body = getBodyAsDictionary(); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { return e.getCBLStatus(); } String assertion = (String) body.get("assertion"); if (assertion == null) { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("error", "required fields: assertion"); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } try { String email = PersonaAuthorizer.registerAssertion(assertion); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("ok", "registered"); result.put("email", email); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); return new Status(Status.OK); } catch (Exception e) { Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("error", "error registering persona assertion: " + e.getLocalizedMessage()); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } } public Status do_POST_Document_bulk_docs(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { // Map<String, Object> body; try { body = getBodyAsDictionary(); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { return e.getCBLStatus(); } final List<Map<String, Object>> docs = (List<Map<String, Object>>) body.get("docs"); final boolean noNewEdits = getBooleanValueFromBody("new_edits", body, true) == false; final boolean allOrNothing = getBooleanValueFromBody("all_or_nothing", body, false); final Status status = new Status(Status.OK); final List<Map<String, Object>> results = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); // Transaction provide synchronized feature by SQLiteDatabase. // In the transaction block, should not use `synchronized` block boolean ret = db.getStore().runInTransaction(new TransactionalTask() { @Override public boolean run() { boolean ok = false; try { for (Map<String, Object> doc : docs) { String docID = (String) doc.get("_id"); RevisionInternal rev = null; Body docBody = new Body(doc); if (noNewEdits) { rev = new RevisionInternal(docBody); if (rev.getRevID() == null || rev.getDocID() == null || !rev.getDocID().equals(docID)) { status.setCode(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } else { List<String> history = Database.parseCouchDBRevisionHistory(doc); db.forceInsert(rev, history, source); } } else { Status outStatus = new Status(); rev = update(db, docID, docBody, false, allOrNothing, outStatus); status.setCode(outStatus.getCode()); } Map<String, Object> result = null; if (status.isSuccessful()) { result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("ok", true); result.put("id", docID); if (rev != null) { result.put("rev", rev.getRevID()); } } else if (allOrNothing) { return false; } else if (status.getCode() == Status.FORBIDDEN) { result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("error", "validation failed"); result.put("id", docID); } else if (status.getCode() == Status.CONFLICT) { result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("error", "conflict"); result.put("id", docID); } else { //return status; // abort the whole thing if something goes badly wrong return false; } if (result != null) { results.add(result); } } Log.w(TAG, "%s finished inserting %d revisions in bulk", this, docs.size()); ok = true; } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "%s: Exception inserting revisions in bulk", e, this); } finally { return ok; } } }); if (ret) { connection.setResponseBody(new Body(results)); return new Status(Status.CREATED); } else { return status; } } public Status do_POST_Document_revs_diff(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { // // Collect all of the input doc/revision IDs as TDRevisions: RevisionList revs = new RevisionList(); Map<String, Object> body; try { body = getBodyAsDictionary(); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { return e.getCBLStatus(); } for (String docID : body.keySet()) { List<String> revIDs = (List<String>) body.get(docID); for (String revID : revIDs) { RevisionInternal rev = new RevisionInternal(docID, revID, false); revs.add(rev); } } // Look them up, removing the existing ones from revs: try { // query db only, not necessary to be syncrhonized db.findMissingRevisions(revs); } catch (SQLException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception", e); return new Status(Status.DB_ERROR); } // Return the missing revs in a somewhat different format: Map<String, Object> diffs = new HashMap<String, Object>(); for (RevisionInternal rev : revs) { String docID = rev.getDocID(); List<String> missingRevs = null; Map<String, Object> idObj = (Map<String, Object>) diffs.get(docID); if (idObj != null) { missingRevs = (List<String>) idObj.get("missing"); } else { idObj = new HashMap<String, Object>(); } if (missingRevs == null) { missingRevs = new ArrayList<String>(); idObj.put("missing", missingRevs); diffs.put(docID, idObj); } missingRevs.add(rev.getRevID()); } // FIXME add support for possible_ancestors connection.setResponseBody(new Body(diffs)); return new Status(Status.OK); } @SuppressWarnings("MethodMayBeStatic") public Status do_POST_Document_compact(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { Status status = new Status(Status.OK); try { // Make Database.compact() thread-safe _db.compact(); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { status = e.getCBLStatus(); } if (status.getCode() < 300) { Status outStatus = new Status(); outStatus.setCode(202); // CouchDB returns 202 'cause it's an async operation return outStatus; } else { return status; } } public Status do_POST_Document_purge(Database _db, String ignored1, String ignored2) { Map<String, Object> body; try { body = getBodyAsDictionary(); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { return e.getCBLStatus(); } // convert from Map<String,Object> -> Map<String, List<String>> - is there a cleaner way? final Map<String, List<String>> docsToRevs = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); for (String key : body.keySet()) { Object val = body.get(key); if (val instanceof List) { docsToRevs.put(key, (List<String>) val); } } final List<Map<String, Object>> asyncApiCallResponse = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); // this is run in an async db task to fix the following race condition // found in issue #167 ( // replicator thread: call db.loadRevisionBody for doc1 // liteserv thread: call db.purge on doc1 // replicator thread: call db.getRevisionHistory for doc1, which returns empty history since it was purged Future future = db.runAsync(new AsyncTask() { @Override public void run(Database database) { // purgeRevisions uses transaction internally. Map<String, Object> purgedRevisions = db.purgeRevisions(docsToRevs); asyncApiCallResponse.add(purgedRevisions); } }); try { future.get(60, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (InterruptedException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception waiting for future", e); return new Status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } catch (ExecutionException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception waiting for future", e); return new Status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } catch (TimeoutException e) { Log.e(TAG, "Exception waiting for future", e); return new Status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } Map<String, Object> purgedRevisions = asyncApiCallResponse.get(0); Map<String, Object> responseMap = new HashMap<String, Object>(); responseMap.put("purged", purgedRevisions); Body responseBody = new Body(responseMap); connection.setResponseBody(responseBody); return new Status(Status.OK); } @SuppressWarnings("MethodMayBeStatic") public Status do_POST_Document_ensure_full_commit(Database _db, String _docID, String _attachmentName) { return new Status(Status.OK); } /** * CHANGES: * */ private Map<String, Object> changesDictForRevision(RevisionInternal rev) { Map<String, Object> changesDict = new HashMap<String, Object>(); changesDict.put("rev", rev.getRevID()); List<Map<String, Object>> changes = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); changes.add(changesDict); Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("seq", rev.getSequence()); result.put("id", rev.getDocID()); result.put("changes", changes); if (rev.isDeleted()) { result.put("deleted", true); } if (changesIncludesDocs) { result.put("doc", rev.getProperties()); } return result; } private Map<String, Object> responseBodyForChanges(List<RevisionInternal> changes, long since) { List<Map<String, Object>> results = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (RevisionInternal rev : changes) { Map<String, Object> changeDict = changesDictForRevision(rev); results.add(changeDict); } if (changes.size() > 0) { since = changes.get(changes.size() - 1).getSequence(); } Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("results", results); result.put("last_seq", since); return result; } private Map<String, Object> responseBodyForChangesWithConflicts(List<RevisionInternal> changes, long since) { // Assumes the changes are grouped by docID so that conflicts will be adjacent. List<Map<String, Object>> entries = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); String lastDocID = null; Map<String, Object> lastEntry = null; for (RevisionInternal rev : changes) { String docID = rev.getDocID(); if (docID.equals(lastDocID)) { Map<String, Object> changesDict = new HashMap<String, Object>(); changesDict.put("rev", rev.getRevID()); List<Map<String, Object>> inchanges = (List<Map<String, Object>>) lastEntry.get("changes"); inchanges.add(changesDict); } else { lastEntry = changesDictForRevision(rev); entries.add(lastEntry); lastDocID = docID; } } // After collecting revisions, sort by sequence: Collections.sort(entries, new Comparator<Map<String, Object>>() { public int compare(Map<String, Object> e1, Map<String, Object> e2) { return Misc.SequenceCompare((Long) e1.get("seq"), (Long) e2.get("seq")); } }); Long lastSeq; if (entries.size() == 0) { lastSeq = since; } else { lastSeq = (Long) entries.get(entries.size() - 1).get("seq"); if (lastSeq == null) { lastSeq = since; } } Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("results", entries); result.put("last_seq", lastSeq); return result; } private void sendContinuousChange(RevisionInternal rev) { Map<String, Object> changeDict = changesDictForRevision(rev); try { String jsonString = Manager.getObjectMapper().writeValueAsString(changeDict); if (callbackBlock != null) { byte[] json = (jsonString + '\n').getBytes(); OutputStream os = connection.getResponseOutputStream(); try { os.write(json); os.flush(); } catch (Exception e) { Log.e(TAG, "IOException writing to internal streams", e); } } } catch (Exception e) { Log.w("Unable to serialize change to JSON", e); } } /** * Implementation of ChangeListener */ @Override public void changed(Database.ChangeEvent event) { List<RevisionInternal> revs = new ArrayList<RevisionInternal>(); List<DocumentChange> changes = event.getChanges(); for (DocumentChange change : changes) { RevisionInternal rev = change.getAddedRevision(); if (rev == null) continue; String winningRevID = change.getWinningRevisionID(); if (!this.changesIncludesConflicts) { if (winningRevID == null) continue; // // this change doesn't affect the winning rev ID, no need to send it else if (!winningRevID.equals(rev.getRevID())) { // This rev made a _different_ rev current, so substitute that one. // We need to emit the current sequence # in the feed, so put it in the rev. // This isn't correct internally (this is an old rev so it has an older sequence) // but consumers of the _changes feed don't care about the internal state. RevisionInternal mRev = db.getDocument(rev.getDocID(), winningRevID, changesIncludesDocs); mRev.setSequence(rev.getSequence()); rev = mRev; } } if (!event.getSource().runFilter(changesFilter, changesFilterParams, rev)) continue; if (longpoll) { revs.add(rev); } else { Log.i(TAG, "Router: Sending continous change chunk"); sendContinuousChange(rev); } } if (longpoll && revs.size() > 0) { // in case of /_changes with longpoll, the connection is critical section // when case multiple threads write a doc simultaneously. synchronized (databaseChangesLongpollLock) { Log.i(TAG, "Router: Sending longpoll response: START"); sendResponse(); OutputStream os = connection.getResponseOutputStream(); try { Map<String, Object> body = responseBodyForChanges(revs, 0); if (callbackBlock != null) { byte[] data = null; try { data = Manager.getObjectMapper().writeValueAsBytes(body); } catch (Exception e) { Log.w(TAG, "Error serializing JSON", e); } os.write(data); os.flush(); } } catch (IOException e) { // NOTE: Under multi-threads environment, OutputStream could be already closed // by other thread. Because multiple Database write operations // from multiple threads cause `changed(ChangeEvent)` callbacks // from multiple threads simultaneously because `changed` is fired // at out of transaction after endTransaction(). So this is ignorable error. // So print warning message, and exit from method. // Stacktrace should not be printed, it confuses developer. // Log.w(TAG, "IOException writing to internal streams: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { try { if (os != null) { os.close(); } } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "Failed to close connection: " + e.getMessage()); } } Log.i(TAG, "Router: Sending longpoll response: END"); } } } public Status do_GET_Document_changes(Database _db, String docID, String _attachmentName) { return doChanges(_db); } public Status do_POST_Document_changes(Database _db, String docID, String _attachmentName) { // Merge the properties from the JSON request body into the URL queries. // Note that values in _queries have to be NSStrings or the parsing code will break! Map<String, Object> body; try { body = getBodyAsDictionary(); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { return e.getCBLStatus(); } Iterator<String> keys = body.keySet().iterator(); while (keys.hasNext()) { if (getQueries() == null) this.queries = new HashMap<String, String>(); String key =; Object value = body.get(key); if (key != null && value != null) getQueries().put(key, value.toString()); } return doChanges(_db); } private Status doChanges(Database db) { // // changesIncludesDocs = getBooleanQuery("include_docs"); String style = getQuery("style"); if (style != null && "all_docs".equals(style)) changesIncludesConflicts = true; ChangesOptions options = new ChangesOptions(); options.setIncludeDocs(changesIncludesDocs); options.setIncludeConflicts(changesIncludesConflicts); options.setSortBySequence(!options.isIncludeConflicts()); // TODO: descending option is not supported by ChangesOptions options.setLimit(getIntQuery("limit", options.getLimit())); int since = getIntQuery("since", 0); String filterName = getQuery("filter"); if (filterName != null) { changesFilter = db.getFilter(filterName); if (changesFilter == null) { return new Status(Status.NOT_FOUND); } changesFilterParams = new HashMap<String, Object>(queries); Log.v(TAG, "Filter params=" + changesFilterParams); } // changesSince() is query only. not required synchronized RevisionList changes = db.changesSince(since, options, changesFilter, changesFilterParams); if (changes == null) { return new Status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } String feed = getQuery("feed"); longpoll = "longpoll".equals(feed); boolean continuous = !longpoll && "continuous".equals(feed); if (continuous || (longpoll && changes.size() == 0)) { connection.setChunked(true); connection.setResponseCode(Status.OK); sendResponse(); if (continuous) { for (RevisionInternal rev : changes) { sendContinuousChange(rev); } } db.addChangeListener(this); // heartbeat String heartbeatParam = getQuery("heartbeat"); if (heartbeatParam != null) { long heartbeat = 0; try { heartbeat = (long) Double.parseDouble(heartbeatParam); } catch (Exception e) { return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } if (heartbeat <= 0) return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); else if (heartbeat < MIN_HEARTBEAT) heartbeat = MIN_HEARTBEAT; startHeartbeat(heartbeat); } // Don't close connection; more data to come return new Status(0); } else { if (options.isIncludeConflicts()) { connection.setResponseBody(new Body(responseBodyForChangesWithConflicts(changes, since))); } else { connection.setResponseBody(new Body(responseBodyForChanges(changes, since))); } return new Status(Status.OK); } } private void startHeartbeat(long interval) { if (interval <= 0) return; stopHeartbeat(); timer = new Timer(); timer.scheduleAtFixedRate(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { synchronized (databaseChangesLongpollLock) { OutputStream os = connection.getResponseOutputStream(); if (os != null) { try { Log.v(TAG, "[%s] Sent heart beat!", this); os.write("\r\n".getBytes()); os.flush(); } catch (IOException e) { Log.w(TAG, "IOException writing to internal streams: " + e.getMessage()); } finally { // no close outputstream, OutputStream might be re-used } } } } }, interval, interval); } private void stopHeartbeat() { if (timer != null) { timer.cancel(); timer.purge(); timer = null; } } /** * DOCUMENT REQUESTS: * */ private String getRevIDFromIfMatchHeader() { String ifMatch = getRequestHeaderValue("If-Match"); if (ifMatch == null) { return null; } // Value of If-Match is an ETag, so have to trim the quotes around it: if (ifMatch.length() > 2 && ifMatch.startsWith("\"") && ifMatch.endsWith("\"")) { return ifMatch.substring(1, ifMatch.length() - 2); } else { return null; } } public Status do_GET_Document(Database _db, String docID, String _attachmentName) { try { // boolean isLocalDoc = docID.startsWith("_local"); EnumSet<TDContentOptions> options = getContentOptions(); String openRevsParam = getQuery("open_revs"); boolean mustSendJSON = explicitlyAcceptsType(CONTENT_TYPE_JSON); if (openRevsParam == null || isLocalDoc) { // Regular GET: String revID = getQuery("rev"); // often null RevisionInternal rev; boolean includeAttachments = false; boolean sendMultipart = false; // TODO: Router does not support multi-part now if (isLocalDoc) { // query only -> not required synchronized rev = db.getLocalDocument(docID, revID); } else { includeAttachments = options.contains(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeAttachments); if (includeAttachments) { //sendMultipart = !mustSendJSON; options.remove(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeAttachments); } // query only -> not required synchronized rev = db.getDocument(docID, revID, true); if (rev != null) { rev = applyOptionsToRevision(options, rev); } } if (rev == null) return new Status(Status.NOT_FOUND); if (cacheWithEtag(rev.getRevID())) return new Status(Status.NOT_MODIFIED); // set ETag and check conditional GET if (!isLocalDoc && includeAttachments) { int minRevPos = 1; List<String> attsSince = parseJSONRevArrayQuery(getQuery("atts_since")); String ancestorID = db.getStore().findCommonAncestorOf(rev, attsSince); if (ancestorID != null) minRevPos = Revision.generationFromRevID(ancestorID) + 1; RevisionInternal expandedRev = rev.copy(); Status status = new Status(Status.OK); if (!db.expandAttachments(expandedRev, minRevPos, sendMultipart, !getBooleanQuery("att_encoding_info"), status)) return status; rev = expandedRev; } // TODO: Needs to support multi-part connection.setResponseBody(rev.getBody()); } else { List<Map<String, Object>> result = null; if ("all".equals(openRevsParam)) { // Get all conflicting revisions: RevisionList allRevs = db.getStore().getAllRevisions(docID, true); result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(allRevs.size()); for (RevisionInternal rev : allRevs) { try { // loadRevisionBody is synchronized with store instance. db.loadRevisionBody(rev); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { if (e.getCBLStatus().getCode() != Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR) { Map<String, Object> dict = new HashMap<String, Object>(); dict.put("missing", rev.getRevID()); result.add(dict); } else { throw e; } } Map<String, Object> dict = new HashMap<String, Object>(); dict.put("ok", rev.getProperties()); result.add(dict); } } else { // ?open_revs=[...] returns an array of revisions of the document: List<String> openRevs = (List<String>) getJSONQuery("open_revs"); if (openRevs == null) { return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } result = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(openRevs.size()); for (String revID : openRevs) { RevisionInternal rev = db.getDocument(docID, revID, true); if (rev != null) { Map<String, Object> dict = new HashMap<String, Object>(); dict.put("ok", rev.getProperties()); result.add(dict); } else { Map<String, Object> dict = new HashMap<String, Object>(); dict.put("missing", revID); result.add(dict); } } } String acceptMultipart = getMultipartRequestType(); if (acceptMultipart != null) { //FIXME figure out support for multipart throw new UnsupportedOperationException(); } else { connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); } } return new Status(Status.OK); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { return e.getCBLStatus(); } } /** * in CBL_Router+Handlers.m * - (CBL_Revision*) applyOptions: (CBLContentOptions)options * toRevision: (CBL_Revision*)rev * status: (CBLStatus*)outStatus * 1.1 or earlier => Database.extraPropertiesForRevision() */ private RevisionInternal applyOptionsToRevision(EnumSet<TDContentOptions> options, RevisionInternal rev) { if (options != null && (options.contains(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeLocalSeq) || options.contains(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeRevs) || options.contains(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeRevsInfo) || options.contains(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeConflicts) || options.contains(TDContentOptions.TDBigAttachmentsFollow))) { Map<String, Object> dst = new HashMap<String, Object>(); dst.putAll(rev.getProperties()); Store store = db.getStore(); if (options.contains(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeLocalSeq)) { dst.put("_local_seq", rev.getSequence()); rev.setProperties(dst); } if (options.contains(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeRevs)) { List<RevisionInternal> revs = db.getRevisionHistory(rev); Map<String, Object> historyDict = RevisionUtils.makeRevisionHistoryDict(revs); dst.put("_revisions", historyDict); rev.setProperties(dst); } if (options.contains(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeRevsInfo)) { List<Object> revsInfo = new ArrayList<Object>(); List<RevisionInternal> revs = db.getRevisionHistory(rev); for (RevisionInternal historicalRev : revs) { Map<String, Object> revHistoryItem = new HashMap<String, Object>(); String status = "available"; if (historicalRev.isDeleted()) { status = "deleted"; } if (historicalRev.isMissing()) { status = "missing"; } revHistoryItem.put("rev", historicalRev.getRevID()); revHistoryItem.put("status", status); revsInfo.add(revHistoryItem); } dst.put("_revs_info", revsInfo); rev.setProperties(dst); } if (options.contains(TDContentOptions.TDIncludeConflicts)) { RevisionList revs = store.getAllRevisions(rev.getDocID(), true); if (revs.size() > 1) { List<String> conflicts = new ArrayList<String>(); for (RevisionInternal aRev : revs) { if (aRev.equals(rev) || aRev.isDeleted()) { // don't add in this case } else { conflicts.add(aRev.getRevID()); } } dst.put("_conflicts", conflicts); } rev.setProperties(dst); } if (options.contains(TDContentOptions.TDBigAttachmentsFollow)) { RevisionInternal nuRev = new RevisionInternal(dst); Status outStatus = new Status(Status.OK); if (!db.expandAttachments(nuRev, 0, false, getBooleanQuery("att_encoding_info"), outStatus)) return null; rev = nuRev; } } return rev; } public Status do_GET_Attachment(Database _db, String docID, String _attachmentName) { try { // EnumSet<TDContentOptions> options = getContentOptions(); options.add(TDContentOptions.TDNoBody); String revID = getQuery("rev"); // often null RevisionInternal rev = db.getDocument(docID, revID, false); if (rev == null) { return new Status(Status.NOT_FOUND); } if (cacheWithEtag(rev.getRevID())) { return new Status(Status.NOT_MODIFIED); // set ETag and check conditional GET } String acceptEncoding = connection.getRequestProperty("accept-encoding"); // getAttachment is safe. this could be static method?? AttachmentInternal attachment = db.getAttachment(rev, _attachmentName); if (attachment == null) { return new Status(Status.NOT_FOUND); } String type = attachment.getContentType(); if (type != null) { connection.getResHeader().add("Content-Type", type); } if (acceptEncoding != null && acceptEncoding.contains("gzip") && attachment.getEncoding() == AttachmentInternal.AttachmentEncoding.AttachmentEncodingGZIP) { connection.getResHeader().add("Content-Encoding", "gzip"); } dontOverwriteBody = true; connection.setResponseInputStream(attachment.getContentInputStream()); return new Status(Status.OK); } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { return e.getCBLStatus(); } } /** * NOTE this departs from the iOS version, returning revision, passing status back by reference * <p/> * - (CBLStatus) update: (CBLDatabase*)db * docID: (NSString*)docID * body: (CBL_Body*)body * deleting: (BOOL)deleting * allowConflict: (BOOL)allowConflict * createdRev: (CBL_Revision**)outRev * error: (NSError**)outError */ private RevisionInternal update(Database _db, String docID, Body body, boolean deleting, boolean allowConflict, Status outStatus) { if (body != null && !body.isValidJSON()) { outStatus.setCode(Status.BAD_JSON); return null; } boolean isLocalDoc = docID != null && docID.startsWith(("_local")); String prevRevID; if (!deleting) { Boolean deletingBoolean = (Boolean) body.getPropertyForKey("_deleted"); deleting = (deletingBoolean != null && deletingBoolean.booleanValue()); if (docID == null) { if (isLocalDoc) { outStatus.setCode(Status.METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); return null; } // POST's doc ID may come from the _id field of the JSON body, else generate a random one. docID = (String) body.getPropertyForKey("_id"); if (docID == null) { if (deleting) { outStatus.setCode(Status.BAD_REQUEST); return null; } docID = Misc.CreateUUID(); } } // PUT's revision ID comes from the JSON body. prevRevID = (String) body.getPropertyForKey("_rev"); } else { // DELETE's revision ID comes from the ?rev= query param prevRevID = getQuery("rev"); } // A backup source of revision ID is an If-Match header: if (prevRevID == null) { prevRevID = getRevIDFromIfMatchHeader(); } RevisionInternal rev = new RevisionInternal(docID, null, deleting); rev.setBody(body); RevisionInternal result = null; try { if (isLocalDoc) { // NOTE: putLocalRevision() does not use transaction internally with obeyMVCC=true final Database fDb = _db; final RevisionInternal _rev = rev; final String _prevRevID = prevRevID; final List<RevisionInternal> _revs = new ArrayList<RevisionInternal>(); try { fDb.getStore().runInTransaction(new TransactionalTask() { @Override public boolean run() { try { RevisionInternal r = fDb.getStore().putLocalRevision(_rev, _prevRevID, true); _revs.add(r); return true; } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } }); // success if (_revs.size() > 0) result = _revs.get(0); } catch (RuntimeException ex) { if (ex.getCause() != null && ex.getCause().getCause() != null && ex.getCause().getCause() instanceof CouchbaseLiteException) throw (CouchbaseLiteException) ex.getCause().getCause(); else throw new CouchbaseLiteException(ex, Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } else { // putRevision() uses transaction internally. result = _db.putRevision(rev, prevRevID, allowConflict); } if (deleting) { outStatus.setCode(Status.OK); } else { outStatus.setCode(Status.CREATED); } } catch (CouchbaseLiteException e) { if (e.getCBLStatus() != null && e.getCBLStatus().getCode() == Status.CONFLICT) { // conflict is not critical error for replicators, not print stack trace Log.w(TAG, "Error updating doc: %s", docID); } else { Log.e(TAG, "Error updating doc: %s", e, docID); } outStatus.setCode(e.getCBLStatus().getCode()); } return result; } /** * in CBL_Router+Handlers.m * - (CBLStatus) update: (CBLDatabase*)db * docID: (NSString*)docID * body: (CBL_Body*)body * deleting: (BOOL)deleting * error: (NSError**)outError */ private Status update(Database _db, String docID, Body body, boolean deleting) { Status status = new Status(); if (docID != null && docID.isEmpty() == false) { // On PUT/DELETE, get revision ID from either ?rev= query or doc body: String revParam = getQuery("rev"); String ifMatch = getRequestHeaderValue("If-Match"); if (ifMatch != null) { if (revParam == null) revParam = ifMatch; else if (!ifMatch.equals(revParam)) return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } if (revParam != null && body != null) { String revProp = (String) body.getProperties().get("_rev"); if (revProp == null) { // No _rev property in body, so use ?rev= query param instead: body.getProperties().put("_rev", revParam); //body = new Body(bodyDict); } else if (!revParam.equals(revProp)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Mismatch between _rev and rev"); } } } RevisionInternal rev = update(_db, docID, body, deleting, false, status); if (status.isSuccessful()) { cacheWithEtag(rev.getRevID()); // set ETag if (!deleting) { URL url = connection.getURL(); String urlString = url.toExternalForm(); if (docID != null) { urlString += '/' + rev.getDocID(); try { url = new URL(urlString); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { Log.w("Malformed URL", e); } } setResponseLocation(url); } Map<String, Object> result = new HashMap<String, Object>(); result.put("ok", true); result.put("id", rev.getDocID()); result.put("rev", rev.getRevID()); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(result)); } return status; } public Status do_PUT_Document(Database _db, String docID, String _attachmentName) throws CouchbaseLiteException { Status status = new Status(Status.CREATED); Map<String, Object> body = getBodyAsDictionary(); if (body == null) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } if (getQuery("new_edits") == null || (getQuery("new_edits") != null && (Boolean.valueOf(getQuery("new_edits"))))) { // Regular PUT status = update(_db, docID, new Body(body), false); } else { // PUT with new_edits=false -- forcible insertion of existing revision: Body revBody = new Body(body); RevisionInternal rev = new RevisionInternal(revBody); if (rev.getRevID() == null || rev.getDocID() == null || !rev.getDocID().equals(docID)) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } List<String> history = Database.parseCouchDBRevisionHistory(revBody.getProperties()); // forceInsert uses transaction internally, not necessary to apply synchronized db.forceInsert(rev, history, source); } return status; } public Status do_DELETE_Document(Database _db, String docID, String _attachmentName) { return update(_db, docID, null, true); } /** * @param contentStream if null, delete attachment. if not null, update attachment */ private Status updateAttachment(String attachment, String docID, InputStream contentStream) throws CouchbaseLiteException { Status status = new Status(Status.OK); String revID = getQuery("rev"); if (revID == null) revID = getRevIDFromIfMatchHeader(); if (revID == null || revID.length() == 0) throw new CouchbaseLiteException(Status.BAD_REQUEST); BlobStoreWriter body = null; if (contentStream != null) { body = new BlobStoreWriter(db.getAttachmentStore()); ByteArrayOutputStream dataStream = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); try { StreamUtils.copyStream(contentStream, dataStream); body.appendData(dataStream.toByteArray()); body.finish(); } catch (Exception e) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException(e.getCause(), Status.BAD_ATTACHMENT); } finally { try { dataStream.close(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new CouchbaseLiteException(e.getCause(), Status.BAD_ATTACHMENT); } } } // updateAttachment uses transaction internally, not necessary to be synchronized RevisionInternal rev = db.updateAttachment(attachment, body, getRequestHeaderContentType(), AttachmentInternal.AttachmentEncoding.AttachmentEncodingNone, docID, revID, null); Map<String, Object> resultDict = new HashMap<String, Object>(); resultDict.put("ok", true); resultDict.put("id", rev.getDocID()); resultDict.put("rev", rev.getRevID()); connection.setResponseBody(new Body(resultDict)); cacheWithEtag(rev.getRevID()); if (contentStream != null) { setResponseLocation(connection.getURL()); } return status; } public Status do_PUT_Attachment(Database _db, String docID, String _attachmentName) throws CouchbaseLiteException { return updateAttachment(_attachmentName, docID, connection.getRequestInputStream()); } public Status do_DELETE_Attachment(Database _db, String docID, String _attachmentName) throws CouchbaseLiteException { return updateAttachment(_attachmentName, docID, null); } /** * VIEW QUERIES: * */ private View compileView(String viewName, Map<String, Object> viewProps) { String language = (String) viewProps.get("language"); if (language == null) { language = "javascript"; } String mapSource = (String) viewProps.get("map"); if (mapSource == null) { return null; } Mapper mapBlock = View.getCompiler().compileMap(mapSource, language); if (mapBlock == null) { Log.w(TAG, "View %s has unknown map function: %s", viewName, mapSource); return null; } String reduceSource = (String) viewProps.get("reduce"); Reducer reduceBlock = null; if (reduceSource != null) { reduceBlock = View.getCompiler().compileReduce(reduceSource, language); if (reduceBlock == null) { Log.w(TAG, "View %s has unknown reduce function: %s", viewName, reduceBlock); return null; } } View view = db.getView(viewName); view.setMapReduce(mapBlock, reduceBlock, "1"); String collation = (String) viewProps.get("collation"); if ("raw".equals(collation)) { view.setCollation(View.TDViewCollation.TDViewCollationRaw); } return view; } private Status queryDesignDoc(String designDoc, String viewName, List<Object> keys) throws CouchbaseLiteException { View view; // make sure only one view instance per same view. synchronized (db) { String tdViewName = String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%s/%s", designDoc, viewName); view = db.getExistingView(tdViewName); if (view == null || view.getMap() == null) { // No TouchDB view is defined, or it hasn't had a map block assigned; // see if there's a CouchDB view definition we can compile: RevisionInternal rev = db.getDocument(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "_design/%s", designDoc), null, true); if (rev == null) { return new Status(Status.NOT_FOUND); } Map<String, Object> views = (Map<String, Object>) rev.getProperties().get("views"); Map<String, Object> viewProps = (Map<String, Object>) views.get(viewName); if (viewProps == null) { return new Status(Status.NOT_FOUND); } // If there is a CouchDB view, see if it can be compiled from source: view = compileView(tdViewName, viewProps); if (view == null) { return new Status(Status.INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR); } } } long lastSequenceIndexed; // according to functional test, view updateIndex() and query should be in sequence. synchronized (view) { // updateIndex() uses transaction internally, not necessary to apply syncrhonized. view.updateIndex(); lastSequenceIndexed = view.getLastSequenceIndexed(); } QueryOptions options = new QueryOptions(); //if the view contains a reduce block, it should default to reduce=true if (view.getReduce() != null) options.setReduce(true); if (!getQueryOptions(options)) return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); if (keys != null) options.setKeys(keys); // Check for conditional GET and set response Etag header: if (keys == null) { long eTag = options.isIncludeDocs() ? db.getLastSequenceNumber() : lastSequenceIndexed; if (cacheWithEtag(String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%d", eTag))) { return new Status(Status.NOT_MODIFIED); } } // convert from QueryRow -> Map List<QueryRow> queryRows = view.query(options); List<Map<String, Object>> rows = new ArrayList<Map<String, Object>>(); for (QueryRow queryRow : queryRows) { rows.add(queryRow.asJSONDictionary()); } Map<String, Object> responseBody = new HashMap<String, Object>(); responseBody.put("rows", rows); responseBody.put("total_rows", view.getCurrentTotalRows()); responseBody.put("offset", options.getSkip()); if (options.isUpdateSeq()) { responseBody.put("update_seq", lastSequenceIndexed); } connection.setResponseBody(new Body(responseBody)); return new Status(Status.OK); } public Status do_GET_DesignDocument(Database _db, String designDocID, String viewName) throws CouchbaseLiteException { return queryDesignDoc(designDocID, viewName, null); } public Status do_POST_DesignDocument(Database _db, String designDocID, String viewName) throws CouchbaseLiteException { Map<String, Object> body = getBodyAsDictionary(); if (body == null) { return new Status(Status.BAD_REQUEST); } List<Object> keys = (List<Object>) body.get("keys"); return queryDesignDoc(designDocID, viewName, keys); } public void setSource(URL source) { this.source = source; } @Override public String toString() { String url = "Unknown"; if (connection != null && connection.getURL() != null) { url = connection.getURL().toExternalForm(); } return String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "Router [%s]", url); } }