List of usage examples for java.lang ProcessBuilder command
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@Override public void installComponentFromSrc(JOSSOArtifact artifact, boolean replace) throws InstallException { try {//from ww w .ja v a 2 s. c o m if (!artifact.getBaseName().contains(this.wlVersionStr)) return; // Prepare paths FileObject homeDir = getFileSystemManager().resolveFile(System.getProperty("josso-gsh.home")); FileObject srcDir = homeDir .resolveFile("dist/agents/src/josso-weblogic" + wlVersionStr + "-agent-mbeans-src"); FileObject jossoLibDir = homeDir.resolveFile("dist/agents/bin"); FileObject thrdPartyLibDir = jossoLibDir.resolveFile("3rdparty"); FileObject descriptorFile = srcDir.resolveFile( "org/josso/wls" + wlVersionStr + "/agent/mbeans/JOSSOAuthenticatorProviderImpl.xml"); FileObject mbeanFile = this.targetJOSSOMBeansDir .resolveFile("josso-weblogic" + wlVersionStr + "-agent-mbeans.jar"); FileObject javaDir = getFileSystemManager().resolveFile(System.getProperty("java.home") + "/../"); FileObject javaToolsFile = javaDir.resolveFile("lib/tools.jar"); FileObject javaFile = javaDir.resolveFile("bin/java"); getPrinter().printMsg("Using JAVA JDK at " + getLocalFilePath(javaDir)); if (!javaDir.exists()) { getPrinter().printActionErrStatus("Generate", "WL MBeans Descriptors", "JAVA JDK is required : " + getLocalFilePath(javaDir)); throw new InstallException("JAVA JDK is required for WL : " + getLocalFilePath(javaDir)); } if (!javaToolsFile.exists()) { getPrinter().printActionErrStatus("Generate", "WL MBeans Descriptors", "JAVA JDK is required : " + getLocalFilePath(javaToolsFile)); throw new InstallException("JAVA JDK is required for WL : " + getLocalFilePath(javaToolsFile)); } if (!javaToolsFile.exists()) { getPrinter().printActionErrStatus("Generate", "WL MBeans Descriptors", "JAVA JDK is required : " + getLocalFilePath(javaToolsFile)); throw new InstallException("JAVA JDK is required for WL : " + getLocalFilePath(javaToolsFile)); } // Java CMD and Class path : String javaCmd = getLocalFilePath(javaFile); String classpath = ""; String pathSeparator = ""; // JOSSO Jars for (FileObject child : jossoLibDir.getChildren()) { if (!child.getName().getBaseName().endsWith(".jar")) continue; classpath += pathSeparator + getLocalFilePath(child); pathSeparator = System.getProperty("path.separator"); } // JOSSO 3rd party Jars for (FileObject child : thrdPartyLibDir.getChildren()) { if (!child.getName().getBaseName().endsWith(".jar")) continue; classpath += pathSeparator + getLocalFilePath(child); pathSeparator = System.getProperty("path.separator"); } for (FileObject child : this.targetDir.resolveFile("server/lib").getChildren()) { if (!child.getName().getBaseName().endsWith(".jar")) continue; classpath += pathSeparator + getLocalFilePath(child); pathSeparator = System.getProperty("path.separator"); } classpath += pathSeparator + getLocalFilePath(javaToolsFile); pathSeparator = System.getProperty("path.separator"); for (FileObject child : javaDir.resolveFile("jre/lib").getChildren()) { classpath += pathSeparator + getLocalFilePath(child); pathSeparator = System.getProperty("path.separator"); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // 1. Create the MBean Descriptor Files // ---------------------------------------------------------------- { /* <argument>-Dfiles=${basedir}/target/generated-sources</argument> <argument>-DMDF=${}/generated-sources/org/josso/wls92/agent/mbeans/JOSSOAuthenticatorProviderImpl.xml</argument> <argument>-DtargetNameSpace=urn:org:josso:wls92:agent:mbeans</argument> <argument>-DpreserveStubs=false</argument> <argument>-DcreateStubs=true</argument> <argument>-classpath</argument> <classpath/> <argument></argument> */ ProcessBuilder generateMBeanDescriptorProcessBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(javaCmd, "-Dfiles=" + getLocalFilePath(srcDir), "-DMDF=" + getLocalFilePath(descriptorFile), "-DtargetNameSpace=urn:org:josso:wls" + wlVersionStr + ":agent:mbeans", "-DpreserveStubs=false", "-DcreateStubs=true", "-classpath", classpath, "");"Executing: " + generateMBeanDescriptorProcessBuilder.command()); Process generateMBeanDescriptorProcess = generateMBeanDescriptorProcessBuilder.start(); PumpStreamHandler generateMBeanHandler = new PumpStreamHandler(getPrinter().getIo().inputStream, getPrinter().getIo().outputStream, getPrinter().getIo().errorStream); generateMBeanHandler.attach(generateMBeanDescriptorProcess); generateMBeanHandler.start(); log.debug("Waiting for process to exit..."); int statusDescr = generateMBeanDescriptorProcess.waitFor();"Process exited w/status: " + statusDescr); generateMBeanHandler.stop(); getPrinter().printActionOkStatus("Generate", "WL MBeans Descriptors", ""); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------- // 2. Create the MBean JAR File // ---------------------------------------------------------------- { /* <argument>-Dfiles=${}/generated-sources</argument> <argument>-DMJF=${}/josso-weblogic92-agent-mbeans-${pom.version}.jar</argument> <argument>-DpreserveStubs=false</argument> <argument>-DcreateStubs=true</argument> <argument>-classpath</argument> <classpath/> <argument></argument> */ ProcessBuilder generateMBeanJarProcessBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(javaCmd, "-Dfiles=" + getLocalFilePath(srcDir), "-DMJF=" + getLocalFilePath(mbeanFile), "-DpreserveStubs=false", "-DcreateStubs=true", "-classpath", classpath, "");"Executing: " + generateMBeanJarProcessBuilder.command()); Process generateMBeanJarProcess = generateMBeanJarProcessBuilder.start(); PumpStreamHandler generateMBeanJarHandler = new PumpStreamHandler(getPrinter().getIo().inputStream, getPrinter().getIo().outputStream, getPrinter().getIo().errorStream); generateMBeanJarHandler.attach(generateMBeanJarProcess); generateMBeanJarHandler.start(); log.debug("Waiting for process to exit..."); int statusJar = generateMBeanJarProcess.waitFor();"Process exited w/status: " + statusJar); generateMBeanJarHandler.stop(); getPrinter().printActionOkStatus("Generate", "WL MBeans JAR", getLocalFilePath(mbeanFile)); } } catch (Exception e) { getPrinter().printActionErrStatus("Generate", "WL MBeans", e.getMessage()); throw new InstallException("Cannot generate WL MBeans Descriptors : " + e.getMessage(), e); } // 2. Create the MBean JAR File // 3. Install the file in the target platform // We need to create WL Mbeans using MBean Maker! }
From source
/** * @param qName the name of queue for which we need to create the scaling process * @param port the listener port on wich the sclaing process will scubscribe to configuration update * @return true if the creation was OK/*from w w w . j av a2s . c om*/ */ private boolean startNewScalingProcess(String qName) { if (this.qMonitorStatMap.containsKey(qName)) { //1. Compute the stat monitor port+2 int basePort = this.serializationUtils.extractBasePort(this.qMonitorStatMap.get(qName)); basePort += 2; //2. Check wether we need to launch it locally or in its own process if ( {"Starting the scaling process for queue " + qName + ", using a listener port= " + basePort + ", GCM =" +; //Local startup in the same VM as the host config Monitor ScalingProcess scalingProcess = new ScalingProcess(, qName, basePort); //Here is the problem we still do not have registred the queue at the GCM //scalingProcess.subscribe(); // Launch the thread new Thread(scalingProcess).start(); } else { //Start in its own VM // 2. Launch script try { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("java", "-Djava.library.path=" + System.getProperty("java.library.path"), "-cp", System.getProperty("java.class.path"), ScalingProcessLauncher.class.getCanonicalName(),, qName, new Integer((basePort)).toString()); logger.debug("Starting: " + pb.command()); final Process process = pb.start(); pipe(process.getErrorStream(), System.err); pipe(process.getInputStream(), System.out); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error while executing script", e); return false; } } //4. Add the configuration information logger.debug("Storing scaling process information"); this.qScalingProcessAddr.put(qName, (basePort + 1)); } else { return false; } return true; }
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/** * Start a new Monitor process//w w w.j a v a 2 s .co m * <p> * 1. Check the number of local monitor present in the host 2. Start a new * monitor with port config + nMonitor*4 because the monitor needs to book 4 * ports + stat * * @param qName * the name of the queue to create * @return the monitor address as tcp://IP:port of the newly created monitor * +"," tcp://IP: statport */ private String startNewMonitorProcess(String qName) { // 1. Get the number of installed queues on this host int frontPort = getMonitorPort(); int statPort = getStatMonitorPort(); logger.debug(" This host contains already " + this.qMonitorMap.size() + " Monitor"); String argument = frontPort + " " + statPort; logger.debug("Starting monitor process by script launch on " + argument); //Monitor configuration String monitorAddress = "tcp://" + RoQUtils.getInstance().getLocalIP() + ":" + frontPort; String statAddress = "tcp://" + RoQUtils.getInstance().getLocalIP() + ":" + statPort; //Checking whether we must create the monitor, stat monitor and the scaling process in the same VM if ( {"Creating the Monitor of the " + qName + " on the same VM as the local HCM"); Monitor monitor = new Monitor(frontPort, statPort, qName, new Integer(; new Thread(monitor).start(); } else { // 2. Launch script in its onw VM // ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(this.monitorScript, // argument); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("java", "-Djava.library.path=" + System.getProperty("java.library.path"), "-cp", System.getProperty("java.class.path"), MonitorLauncher.class.getCanonicalName(), new Integer(frontPort).toString(), new Integer(statPort).toString(), qName, new Integer(; try { logger.debug("Starting: " + pb.command()); final Process process = pb.start(); pipe(process.getErrorStream(), System.err); pipe(process.getInputStream(), System.out); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error while executing script", e); return null; } } //add the monitor configuration this.qMonitorMap.put(qName, (monitorAddress)); this.qMonitorStatMap.put(qName, statAddress); return monitorAddress + "," + statAddress; }
From source
/** * There is a bug that prevents exiftool to read unicode file names. We can get the windows filename if necessary * with getMSDOSName//w w w . ja v a 2 s. co m * * @link( * @link( */ public static String getMSDOSName(File file) { try { String path = getAbsolutePath(file); String path2 = file.getAbsolutePath(); System.out.println(path2); // String toExecute = "cmd.exe /c for %I in (\"" + path2 + "\") do @echo %~fsI"; // ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("cmd","/c","for","%I","in","(" + path2 + ")","do","@echo","%~sI"); path2 = new File( "d:\\aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa\\bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb\\2013-12-22--12-10-42------Bulevardul-Petrochimitilor.jpg") .getAbsolutePath(); path2 = new File( "d:\\personal\\photos-tofix\\2013-proposed1-bad\\2013-12-22--12-10-42------Bulevardul-Petrochimitilor.jpg") .getAbsolutePath(); System.out.println(path2); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("cmd", "/c", "for", "%I", "in", "(\"" + path2 + "\")", "do", "@echo", "%~fsI"); // ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("cmd","/c","chcp 65001 & dir",path2); // ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("cmd","/c","ls",path2); Process process = pb.start(); // Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execLine); // Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"cmd","/c","for","%I","in","(\"" + path2 + // "\")","do","@echo","%~fsI"}); process.waitFor(); byte[] data = new byte[65536]; // InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream(), "UTF-8"); // String charset = Charset.defaultCharset().name(); String charset = "UTF-8"; String lines = IOUtils.toString(process.getInputStream(), charset); // int size = process.getInputStream().read(data); // String path3 = path; // if (size > 0) // path3 = new String(data, 0, size).replaceAll("\\r\\n", ""); String path3 = lines; System.out.println(pb.command()); System.out.println(path3); byte[] data2 = new byte[65536]; int size2 = process.getErrorStream().read(data2); if (size2 > 0) { String error = new String(data2, 0, size2); System.out.println(error); throw new RuntimeException("Error was thrown " + error); } return path3; } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } catch (InterruptedException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } }
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private int runScript(String script) throws IOException { try {/* w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m*/ ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(); pb.command(script); Process p = pb.start(); return p.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JDeploy.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return 1; } }
From source
private int runAntTask(String antFile, String target) throws IOException { try {// w w w . jav a 2 s . com ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(); pb.command("ant", "-f", antFile, target); Process p = pb.start(); return p.waitFor(); } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JDeploy.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); return 1; } }
From source
protected ProcessBuilder initCommand(String testName, int nb_iter) throws Exception { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder();;/*ww w. j ava2 s .c o m*/ pb.redirectErrorStream(true); int runAsMe = 0; if (System.getProperty("proactive.test.runAsMe") != null) { runAsMe = 1; } logFile = new File(mat_tb_home, testName + ".log"); if (logFile.exists()) { logFile.delete(); } // If no property specified for matlab exe suppose it's in the PATH String matlabExe = System.getProperty("matlab.bin.path", "matlab"); // Build the matlab command that will run the test String matlabCmd = String.format("addpath('%s');", this.test_home); if (System.getProperty("disable.popup") != null) { matlabCmd += "PAoptions('EnableDisconnectedPopup', false);"; } matlabCmd += getMatlabFunction(nb_iter, testName, runAsMe); return pb.command(matlabExe, "-nodesktop", "-nosplash", "-logfile", logFile.getAbsolutePath(), "-r", matlabCmd); }
From source
public void launch(String launchPath, Class mainClass, String[] args) { if (launchPath == null) { try {//from w ww .j ava 2 s . c o m launchPath = getRunningPath(mainClass); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException ex) { return; } } ProcessBuilder processBuilder = new ProcessBuilder(); ArrayList<String> commands = new ArrayList<String>(); if (!launchPath.endsWith(".exe")) { if (OperatingSystem.getOperatingSystem().equals(OperatingSystem.WINDOWS)) commands.add("javaw"); else commands.add("java"); commands.add("-Xmx256m"); commands.add(""); commands.add("-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=lcd"); commands.add("-Dswing.aatext=true"); commands.add("-cp"); commands.add(launchPath); commands.add(mainClass.getName()); } else commands.add(launchPath); commands.addAll(Arrays.asList(args)); String command = ""; for (String token : commands) { command += token + " "; } Utils.getLogger().info("Launching command: '" + command + "'"); processBuilder.command(commands); try { processBuilder.start(); } catch (IOException ex) { JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(null, "Your OS has prevented this relaunch from completing. You may need to add an exception in your security software.", "Relaunch Failed", JOptionPane.ERROR_MESSAGE); ex.printStackTrace(); } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); } System.exit(0); }
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private void publish() throws IOException { try {/*from ww w . ja v a 2 s. c om*/ ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(); pb.inheritIO(); pb.command(npm, "publish"); Process p = pb.start(); int result = p.waitFor(); if (result != 0) { System.exit(result); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JDeploy.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } }
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private void install() throws IOException { _package();/* w w w . j a v a 2s .c o m*/ try { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(); pb.inheritIO(); pb.command(npm, "link"); Process p = pb.start(); int result = p.waitFor(); if (result != 0) { System.exit(result); } } catch (InterruptedException ex) { Logger.getLogger(JDeploy.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); throw new RuntimeException(ex); } }