Source code

Java tutorial


Here is the source code for


 * Copyright 2011 The Buzz Media, LLC
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
package com.thebuzzmedia.exiftool;

import java.nio.charset.Charset;
import java.nio.file.Files;
import java.util.*;
import java.util.concurrent.atomic.AtomicBoolean;
import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock;
import java.util.regex.Pattern;


import com.thebuzzmedia.exiftool.adapters.ExifToolService;

 private def extractExifWithExifToolOld2(prefix: String, file: File): Try[Tags] =
 Try {
 def split(text: String): Pair[String, String] = {
 val all = text.splitAt(text.indexOf(":"))
 Pair(all._1.trim.replaceAll("[/ ]", ""), all._2.drop(1).trim)
 //println("Coulnd't get exif info from " + file)
 import scala.sys.process._
 import scala.sys.process.ProcessIO
 val pb = Process(s"""exiftool "${file.getAbsolutePath}"""")
 var map = Map[String, String]()
 val pio = new ProcessIO(_ => (),
 stdout =>
 .getLines.foreach { x =>
 //println(s"found $x")
 map += split(x)
 _ => ())
 val a =
 val blockTillExits = a.exitValue
 if (blockTillExits == 0) {
 //println(map mkString "\n")
 val result = { x =>
 (prefix + x._1, formatted(x._2)_)
 } else {
 throw new RuntimeException(s"Coulnd't get exif info from " + file + ". Got $blockTillExits from exiftool.")
 * Provide a Java-like interface to Phil Harvey's excellent, Perl-based <a
 * href="">ExifToolNew3</a>.
 * <p/>
 * Initial work done by "Riyad Kalla"
 * <p/>
 * There are a number of other basic Java wrappers to ExifToolNew3 available online, but most of them only abstract out
 * the actual Java-external-process execution logic and do no additional work to make integration with the external
 * ExifToolNew3 any easier or intuitive from the perspective of the Java application written to make use of
 * ExifToolNew3.
 * <p/>
 * This class was written in order to make integration with ExifToolNew3 inside of a Java application seamless and
 * performant with the goal being that the developer can treat ExifToolNew3 as if it were written in Java, garnering all
 * of the benefits with none of the added headache of managing an external native process from Java.
 * <p/>
 * Phil Harvey's ExifToolNew3 is written in Perl and runs on all major platforms (including Windows) so no portability
 * issues are introduced into your application by utilizing this class.
 * <h3>Usage</h3>
 * Assuming ExifToolNew3 is installed on the host system correctly and either in the system path or pointed to by
 * {@link #exifCmd}, using this class to communicate with ExifToolNew3 is as simple as creating an instance (
 * <code>ExifToolNew3 tool = new ExifToolNew3()</code>) and then making calls to
 * {@link #getImageMeta3(File, ReadOptions, Tag...)} or {@link #getImageMeta4(File, ReadOptions, Format, Tag...)} with a
 * list of {@link Tag}s you want to pull values for from the given image.
 * <p/>
 * In this default mode methods will automatically start an external ExifToolNew3 process to handle the request. After
 * ExifToolNew3 has parsed the tag values from the file, the external process exits and this class parses the result
 * before returning it to the caller.
 * <p/>
 * Results from calls to <code>getImageMeta</code> are returned in a {@link Map} with the {@link Tag} values as the keys
 * and {@link String} values for every tag that had a value in the image file as the values. {@link Tag}s with no value
 * found in the image are omitted from the result map.
 * <p/>
 * While each {@link Tag} provides a hint at which format the resulting value for that tag is returned as from
 * ExifToolNew3 (see {@link Tag#getType()}), that only applies to values returned with an output format of
 * {@link Format#NUMERIC} and it is ultimately up to the caller to decide how best to parse or convert the returned
 * values.
 * <p/>
 * The {@link Tag} Enum provides the {@link Tag#parseValue(String)} convenience method for parsing given
 * <code>String</code> values according to the Tag hint automatically for you if that is what you plan on doing,
 * otherwise feel free to handle the return values anyway you want.
 * <h3>ExifToolNew3 -stay_open Support</h3>
 * ExifToolNew3 <a href= ",1402.msg12933.html#msg12933"
 * >8.36</a> added a new persistent-process feature that allows ExifToolNew3 to stay running in a daemon mode and
 * continue accepting commands via a file or stdin.
 * <p/>
 * This new mode is controlled via the <code>-stay_open True/False</code> command line argument and in a busy system
 * that is making thousands of calls to ExifToolNew3, can offer speed improvements of up to <strong>60x</strong> (yes,
 * really that much).
 * <p/>
 * This feature was added to ExifToolNew3 shortly after user <a href="">Christian
 * Etter discovered</a> the overhead for starting up a new Perl interpreter each time ExifToolNew3 is loaded accounts
 * for roughly <a href= ",1402.msg6121.html#msg6121" >98.4% of
 * the total runtime</a>.
 * <p/>
 * Support for using ExifToolNew3 in daemon mode is enabled by passing {@link Feature#STAY_OPEN} to the constructor of
 * the class when creating an instance of this class and then simply using the class as you normally would. This class
 * will manage a single ExifToolNew3 process running in daemon mode in the background to service all future calls to the
 * class.
 * <p/>
 * Because this feature requires ExifToolNew3 8.36 or later, this class will actually verify support for the feature in
 * the version of ExifToolNew3 pointed at by {@link #exifCmd} before successfully instantiating the class and will
 * notify you via an {@link UnsupportedFeatureException} if the native ExifToolNew3 doesn't support the requested
 * feature.
 * <p/>
 * In the event of an {@link UnsupportedFeatureException}, the caller can either upgrade the native ExifToolNew3 upgrade
 * to the version required or simply avoid using that feature to work around the exception.
 * <h3>Automatic Resource Cleanup</h3>
 * When {@link Feature#STAY_OPEN} mode is used, there is the potential for leaking both host OS processes (native
 * 'exiftool' processes) as well as the read/write streams used to communicate with it unless {@link #close()} is called
 * to clean them up when done. <strong>Fortunately</strong>, this class provides an automatic cleanup mechanism that
 * runs, by default, after 10mins of inactivity to clean up those stray resources.
 * <p/>
 * The inactivity period can be controlled by modifying the {@link #processCleanupDelay} system variable. A value of
 * <code>0</code> or less disabled the automatic cleanup process and requires you to cleanup ExifToolNew3 instances on
 * your own by calling {@link #close()} manually.
 * <p/>
 * Any class activity by way of calls to <code>getImageMeta</code> will always reset the inactivity timer, so in a busy
 * system the cleanup thread could potentially never run, leaving the original host ExifToolNew3 process running forever
 * (which is fine).
 * <p/>
 * This design was chosen to help make using the class and not introducing memory leaks and bugs into your code easier
 * as well as making very inactive instances of this class light weight while not in-use by cleaning up after
 * themselves.
 * <p/>
 * The only overhead incurred when opening the process back up is a 250-500ms lag while launching the VM interpreter
 * again on the first call (depending on host machine speed and load).
 * <h3>Reusing a "closed" ExifToolNew3 Instance</h3>
 * If you or the cleanup thread have called {@link #close()} on an instance of this class, cleaning up the host process
 * and read/write streams, the instance of this class can still be safely used. Any followup calls to
 * <code>getImageMeta</code> will simply re-instantiate all the required resources necessary to service the call
 * (honoring any {@link Feature}s set).
 * <p/>
 * This can be handy behavior to be aware of when writing scheduled processing jobs that may wake up every hour and
 * process thousands of pictures then go back to sleep. In order for the process to execute as fast as possible, you
 * would want to use ExifToolNew3 in daemon mode (pass {@link Feature#STAY_OPEN} to the constructor of this class) and
 * when done, instead of {@link #close()}-ing the instance of this class and throwing it out, you can keep the reference
 * around and re-use it again when the job executes again an hour later.
 * <h3>Performance</h3>
 * Extra care is taken to ensure minimal object creation or unnecessary CPU overhead while communicating with the
 * external process.
 * <p/>
 * {@link Pattern}s used to split the responses from the process are explicitly compiled and reused, string
 * concatenation is minimized, Tag name lookup is done via a <code>static final</code> {@link Map} shared by all
 * instances and so on.
 * <p/>
 * Additionally, extra care is taken to utilize the most optimal code paths when initiating and using the external
 * process, for example, the {@link ProcessBuilder#command(List)} method is used to avoid the copying of array elements
 * when {@link ProcessBuilder#command(String...)} is used and avoiding the (hidden) use of {@link StringTokenizer} when
 * {@link Runtime#exec(String)} is called.
 * <p/>
 * All of this effort was done to ensure that imgscalr and its supporting classes continue to provide best-of-breed
 * performance and memory utilization in long running/high performance environments (e.g. web applications).
 * <h3>Thread Safety</h3>
 * Instances of this class are <strong>not</strong> Thread-safe. Both the instance of this class and external
 * ExifToolNew3 process maintain state specific to the current operation. Use of instances of this class need to be
 * synchronized using an external mechanism or in a highly threaded environment (e.g. web application), instances of
 * this class can be used along with {@link ThreadLocal}s to ensure Thread-safe, highly parallel use.
 * <h3>Why ExifToolNew3?</h3>
 * <a href="">ExifToolNew3</a> is written in Perl and requires an external
 * process call from Java to make use of.
 * <p/>
 * While this would normally preclude a piece of software from inclusion into the imgscalr library (more complex
 * integration), there is no other image metadata piece of software available as robust, complete and well-tested as
 * ExifToolNew3. In addition, ExifToolNew3 already runs on all major platforms (including Windows), so there was not a
 * lack of portability introduced by providing an integration for it.
 * <p/>
 * Allowing it to be used from Java is a boon to any Java project that needs the ability to read/write image-metadata
 * from almost <a href="">any image or video file</a> format.
 * <h3>Alternatives</h3>
 * If integration with an external Perl process is something your app cannot do and you still need image
 * metadata-extraction capability, Drew Noakes has written the 2nd most robust image metadata library I have come
 * across: <a href="">Metadata Extractor</a> that you might want to look
 * at.
 * @author Riyad Kalla (
 * @since 1.1
public class ExifToolNew3 implements RawExifTool {
    private static final org.slf4j.Logger LOG = org.slf4j.LoggerFactory.getLogger(ExifToolNew3.class);

    public static final String ENV_EXIF_TOOL_PATH = "exiftool.path";
    private static final String ENV_EXIF_TOOL_PROCESSCLEANUPDELAY = "exiftool.processCleanupDelay";
    private static final long DEFAULT_PROCESS_CLEANUP_DELAY = 0;

     * Name used to identify the (optional) cleanup {@link Thread}.
     * <p/>
     * This is only provided to make debugging and profiling easier for implementers making use of this class such that
     * the resources this class creates and uses (i.e. Threads) are readily identifiable in a running VM.
     * <p/>
     * Default value is "<code>ExifToolNew3 Cleanup Thread</code>".
    static final String CLEANUP_THREAD_NAME = "ExifToolNew3 Cleanup Thread";

     * Compiled {@link Pattern} of ": " used to split compact output from ExifToolNew3 evenly into name/value pairs.
    static final Pattern TAG_VALUE_PATTERN = Pattern.compile("\\s*:\\s*");
    static final String STREAM_CLOSED_MESSAGE = "Stream closed";

     * The absolute path to the ExifToolNew3 executable on the host system running this class as defined by the "
     * <code>exiftool.path</code>" system property.
     * <p/>
     * If ExifToolNew3 is on your system path and running the command "exiftool" successfully executes it, leaving this
     * value unchanged will work fine on any platform. If the ExifToolNew3 executable is named something else or not in
     * the system path, then this property will need to be set to point at it before using this class.
     * <p/>
     * This system property can be set on startup with:<br/>
     * <code>
     * -Dexiftool.path=/path/to/exiftool
     * </code> or by calling {@link System#setProperty(String, String)} before this class is loaded.
     * <p/>
     * On Windows be sure to double-escape the path to the tool, for example: <code>
     * -Dexiftool.path=C:\\Tools\\exiftool.exe
     * </code>
     * <p/>
     * Default value is "<code>exiftool</code>".
     * <h3>Relative Paths</h3>
     * Relative path values (e.g. "bin/tools/exiftool") are executed with relation to the base directory the VM process
     * was started in. Essentially the directory that <code>new File(".").getAbsolutePath()</code> points at during
     * runtime.
    private final String exifCmd;

     * Interval (in milliseconds) of inactivity before the cleanup thread wakes up and cleans up the daemon ExifToolNew3
     * process and the read/write streams used to communicate with it when the {@link Feature#STAY_OPEN} feature is
     * used.
     * <p/>
     * Ever time a call to <code>getImageMeta</code> is processed, the timer keeping track of cleanup is reset; more
     * specifically, this class has to experience no activity for this duration of time before the cleanup process is
     * fired up and cleans up the host OS process and the stream resources.
     * <p/>
     * Any subsequent calls to <code>getImageMeta</code> after a cleanup simply re-initializes the resources.
     * <p/>
     * This system property can be set on startup with:<br/>
     * <code>
     * -Dexiftool.processCleanupDelay=600000
     * </code> or by calling {@link System#setProperty(String, String)} before this class is loaded.
     * <p/>
     * Setting this value to 0 disables the automatic cleanup thread completely and the caller will need to manually
     * cleanup the external ExifToolNew3 process and read/write streams by calling {@link #close()}.
     * <p/>
     * Default value is <code>600,000</code> (10 minutes).
    private final long processCleanupDelay;

    private final Map<Feature, Boolean> featureSupportedMap = new HashMap<Feature, Boolean>();
    private final Set<Feature> featureSet = EnumSet.noneOf(Feature.class);
    private final ReentrantLock lock = new ReentrantLock();
    private final VersionNumber exifVersion;
    private final Timer cleanupTimer;
    private TimerTask currentCleanupTask = null;
    private AtomicBoolean shuttingDown = new AtomicBoolean(false);
    private volatile ExifProcess process;
    private final Charset charset;
     * Limits the amount of time (in mills) an exif operation can take. Setting value to greater than 0 to enable.
    private final int timeoutWhenKeepAlive;
    private static final int DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_WHEN_KEEP_ALIVE = 0;

    public ExifToolNew3() {
        this((Feature[]) null);

     * In this constructor, exifToolPath and processCleanupDelay are gotten from system properties exiftool.path and
     * exiftool.processCleanupDelay. processCleanupDelay is optional. If not found, the default is used.
    public ExifToolNew3(Feature... features) {
        this(DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_WHEN_KEEP_ALIVE, features);

    public ExifToolNew3(int timeoutWhenKeepAliveInMillis, Feature... features) {
        this(System.getProperty(ENV_EXIF_TOOL_PATH, "exiftool"),
                timeoutWhenKeepAliveInMillis, features);

    public ExifToolNew3(String exifToolPath) {

    public ExifToolNew3(String exifToolPath, Feature... features) {

    public ExifToolNew3(String exifCmd, long processCleanupDelay, int timeoutWhenKeepAliveInMillis,
            Feature... features) {
        this.exifCmd = exifCmd;
        this.processCleanupDelay = processCleanupDelay;
        this.exifVersion = ExifProcess.readVersion(exifCmd);
        this.timeoutWhenKeepAlive = timeoutWhenKeepAliveInMillis;
        if (features != null && features.length > 0) {
            for (Feature feature : features) {
                if (!feature.isSupported(exifVersion)) {
                    throw new UnsupportedFeatureException(feature);
                this.featureSupportedMap.put(feature, true);

         * Now that initialization is done, init the cleanup timer if we are using STAY_OPEN and the delay time set is
         * non-zero.
        if (isFeatureEnabled(Feature.STAY_OPEN)) {
            cleanupTimer = new Timer(CLEANUP_THREAD_NAME, true);
        } else {
            cleanupTimer = null;
        charset = computeDefaultCharset(Arrays.asList(features));

     * Used to determine if the given {@link Feature} is supported by the underlying native install of ExifToolNew3
     * pointed at by {@link #exifCmd}.
     * <p/>
     * If support for the given feature has not been checked for yet, this method will automatically call out to
     * ExifToolNew3 and ensure the requested feature is supported in the current local install.
     * <p/>
     * The external call to ExifToolNew3 to confirm feature support is only ever done once per JVM session and stored in
     * a <code>static final</code> {@link Map} that all instances of this class share.
     * @param feature
     *            The feature to check support for in the underlying ExifToolNew3 install.
     * @return <code>true</code> if support for the given {@link Feature} was confirmed to work with the currently
     *         installed ExifToolNew3 or <code>false</code> if it is not supported.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if <code>feature</code> is <code>null</code>.
     * @throws RuntimeException
     *             if any exception occurs while attempting to start the external ExifToolNew3 process to verify feature
     *             support.
    public boolean isFeatureSupported(Feature feature) throws RuntimeException {
        if (feature == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("feature cannot be null");

        Boolean supported = featureSupportedMap.get(feature);

         * If there is no Boolean flag for the feature, support for it hasn't been checked yet with the native
         * ExifToolNew3 install, so we need to do that.
        if (supported == null) {
            LOG.debug("Support for feature %s has not been checked yet, checking...");
            supported = feature.isSupported(exifVersion);
            featureSupportedMap.put(feature, supported);

        return supported;

     * Used to startup the external ExifToolNew3 process and open the read/write streams used to communicate with it
     * when {@link Feature#STAY_OPEN} is enabled. This method has no effect if the stay open feature is not enabled.
    // @Override
    // public void startup() {
    // if (featureSet.contains(Feature.STAY_OPEN)) {
    // shuttingDown.set(false);
    // ensureProcessRunning();
    // }
    // }

    private void ensureProcessRunning() {
        if (process == null || process.isClosed()) {
            synchronized (this) {
                if (process == null || process.isClosed()) {
                            "Starting daemon ExifToolNew3 process and creating read/write streams (this only happens once)...");
                    process = ExifProcess.startup(exifCmd, charset);
        if (processCleanupDelay > 0) {
            synchronized (this) {
                if (currentCleanupTask != null) {
                    currentCleanupTask = null;
                currentCleanupTask = new TimerTask() {
                    public void run() {
              "Auto cleanup task running...");
                cleanupTimer.schedule(currentCleanupTask, processCleanupDelay);

     * This is same as {@link #close()}, added for consistency with {@link #startup()}
    public void shutdown() {

     * Used to shutdown the external ExifToolNew3 process and close the read/write streams used to communicate with it
     * when {@link Feature#STAY_OPEN} is enabled.
     * <p/>
     * <strong>NOTE</strong>: Calling this method does not preclude this instance of {@link ExifToolNew3} from being
     * re-used, it merely disposes of the native and internal resources until the next call to <code>getImageMeta</code>
     * causes them to be re-instantiated.
     * <p/>
     * The cleanup thread will automatically call this after an interval of inactivity defined by
     * {@link #processCleanupDelay}.
     * <p/>
     * Calling this method on an instance of this class without {@link Feature#STAY_OPEN} support enabled has no effect.
    public synchronized void close() {
        if (cleanupTimer != null) {
        if (process != null) {
        if (currentCleanupTask != null) {
            currentCleanupTask = null;

    public boolean isStayOpen() {
        return featureSet.contains(Feature.STAY_OPEN);

     * For {@link ExifToolNew3} instances with {@link Feature#STAY_OPEN} support enabled, this method is used to
     * determine if there is currently a running ExifToolNew3 process associated with this class.
     * <p/>
     * Any dependent processes and streams can be shutdown using {@link #close()} and this class will automatically
     * re-create them on the next call to <code>getImageMeta</code> if necessary.
     * @return <code>true</code> if there is an external ExifToolNew3 process in daemon mode associated with this class
     *         utilizing the {@link Feature#STAY_OPEN} feature, otherwise returns <code>false</code>.
    public boolean isRunning() {
        return process != null && !process.isClosed();

     * Used to determine if the given {@link Feature} has been enabled for this particular instance of
     * {@link ExifToolNew3}.
     * <p/>
     * This method is different from {@link #isFeatureSupported(Feature)}, which checks if the given feature is
     * supported by the underlying ExifToolNew3 install where as this method tells the caller if the given feature has
     * been enabled for use in this particular instance.
     * @param feature
     *            The feature to check if it has been enabled for us or not on this instance.
     * @return <code>true</code> if the given {@link Feature} is currently enabled on this instance of
     *         {@link ExifToolNew3}, otherwise returns <code>false</code>.
     * @throws IllegalArgumentException
     *             if <code>feature</code> is <code>null</code>.
    public boolean isFeatureEnabled(Feature feature) throws IllegalArgumentException {
        if (feature == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("feature cannot be null");
        return featureSet.contains(feature);

    public Map<String, String> getImageMeta(File file, ReadOptions readOptions, String... tags) throws IOException {
        // Validate input and create Arg Array
        final boolean stayOpen = featureSet.contains(Feature.STAY_OPEN);
        if (tags == null) {
            tags = new String[0];
        List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(tags.length + 4);
        if (readOptions == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("format cannot be null");
        } else if (readOptions.numericOutput) {
            args.add("-n"); // numeric output
        if (readOptions.showDuplicates) {
            // args.add("-a");
            args.add("-duplicates"); // allow duplicates to be shown
        // -S or -veryShort
        args.add("-veryShort"); // compact output
        for (String tag : tags) {
            args.add("-" + tag);
        if (file == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("image cannot be null and must be a valid stream of image data.");
        if (!file.canRead()) {
            throw new SecurityException("Unable to read the given image [" + file.getAbsolutePath()
                    + "], ensure that the image exists at the given path and that the executing Java process has permissions to read it.");
        String absoluteName = getAbsoluteFileName(file);
        String fileName = absoluteName;
        File tempFileName = null;
        if (absoluteName == null) {
            tempFileName = getTemporaryCopiedFileName(file);
            fileName = tempFileName.getAbsolutePath();
  "Exiftool will work with temporary file " + fileName + " for original file [" + absoluteName
                    + "].");
        Map<String, String> resultMap;
        try {

            // start process
            long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
            LOG.debug(String.format("Querying %d tags from image: %s", tags.length, file.getAbsolutePath()));
  "call stayOpen=" + stayOpen + " exiftool " + Joiner.on(" ").join(args));
             * Using ExifToolNew3 in daemon mode (-stay_open True) executes different code paths below. So establish the
             * flag for this once and it is reused a multitude of times later in this method to figure out where to
             * branch to.
            if (stayOpen) {
                LOG.debug("Using ExifToolNew3 in daemon mode (-stay_open True)...");
                resultMap = processStayOpen(args);
            } else {
                LOG.debug("Using ExifToolNew3 in non-daemon mode (-stay_open False)...");
                resultMap = ExifToolService.toMap(execute(args));

            // Print out how long the call to external ExifToolNew3 process took.
            if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
                LOG.debug(String.format("Image Meta Processed in %d ms [queried %d tags and found %d values]",
                        (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime), tags.length, resultMap.size()));
        } finally {
            if (tempFileName != null) {
        return resultMap;

    private File getTemporaryCopiedFileName(File file) {
        File dest = new File(file.getParentFile(), "temp");
        File temp = findFirstUniqueFile(dest);
        copyFromAsHardLink(file, temp, false);
        return temp;

    void copyFromAsHardLink(File src, File dest, Boolean overwriteIfAlreadyExists) {
        try {
            if (overwriteIfAlreadyExists) {
                if (dest.exists()) {
                Files.createLink(dest.toPath(), src.toPath());
            } else {
                if (dest.exists()) {
                    throw new RuntimeException("Destination file " + this + " already exists.");
                } else {
                    Files.createLink(dest.toPath(), src.toPath());
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    private File findFirstUniqueFile(File dest) {
        if (!dest.exists()) {
            return dest;
        File parent = dest.getParentFile();
        String full = dest.getAbsolutePath();
        String extension = FilenameUtils.getExtension(full);
        String current = FilenameUtils.getBaseName(full);
        int counter = 1;
        int MAX_COUNTER = 100000;
        do {
            File file = new File(parent, current + "-" + counter + "." + extension);
            if (!file.exists()) {
                return file;
        } while (counter < MAX_COUNTER);
        throw new RuntimeException("Couldn't find a unique name similar with [" + full + "] till " + MAX_COUNTER);

    public String getAbsoluteFileName(File file) {
        // if (!CharMatcher.ASCII.matchesAllOf(file.getAbsolutePath()) && featureSet.contains(Feature.WINDOWS))
        // return getMSDOSName(file);
        // else
        // return file.getAbsolutePath();
        if (CharMatcher.ASCII.matchesAllOf(file.getAbsolutePath())) {
            return file.getAbsolutePath();
        return null;

     * There is a bug that prevents exiftool to read unicode file names. We can get the windows filename if necessary
     * with getMSDOSName
     * @link(
     * @link(
    public static String getMSDOSName(File file) {
        try {
            String path = getAbsolutePath(file);
            String path2 = file.getAbsolutePath();
            // String toExecute = "cmd.exe /c for %I in (\"" + path2 + "\") do @echo %~fsI";
            // ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("cmd","/c","for","%I","in","(" + path2 + ")","do","@echo","%~sI");
            path2 = new File(
            path2 = new File(

            ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("cmd", "/c", "for", "%I", "in", "(\"" + path2 + "\")", "do",
                    "@echo", "%~fsI");
            // ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("cmd","/c","chcp 65001 & dir",path2);
            // ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("cmd","/c","ls",path2);
            Process process = pb.start();
            // Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(execLine);
            // Process process = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(new String[]{"cmd","/c","for","%I","in","(\"" + path2 +
            // "\")","do","@echo","%~fsI"});
            byte[] data = new byte[65536];
            // InputStreamReader isr = new InputStreamReader(process.getInputStream(), "UTF-8");
            // String charset = Charset.defaultCharset().name();
            String charset = "UTF-8";
            String lines = IOUtils.toString(process.getInputStream(), charset);
            // int size = process.getInputStream().read(data);
            // String path3 = path;
            // if (size > 0)
            // path3 = new String(data, 0, size).replaceAll("\\r\\n", "");
            String path3 = lines;
            byte[] data2 = new byte[65536];
            int size2 = process.getErrorStream().read(data2);
            if (size2 > 0) {
                String error = new String(data2, 0, size2);
                throw new RuntimeException("Error was thrown " + error);
            return path3;
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    public static String getAbsolutePath(File file) throws IOException {
        String path = file.getAbsolutePath();
        if (file.exists() == false)
            file = new File(path);
        path = file.getCanonicalPath();
        if (file.isDirectory() && (path.endsWith(File.separator) == false))
            path += File.separator;
        return path;

    public <T> void addImageMetadata(File image, Map<T, Object> values) throws IOException {
        // public void addImageMetadata(File image, Map<Tag, Object> values)
        // throws IOException {

        if (image == null) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("image cannot be null and must be a valid stream of image data.");
        if (values == null || values.isEmpty()) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException(
                    "values cannot be null and must contain 1 or more tag to value mappings");

        if (!image.canWrite()) {
            throw new SecurityException("Unable to write the given image [" + image.getAbsolutePath()
                    + "], ensure that the image exists at the given path and that the executing Java process has permissions to write to it.");
        }"Adding Tags {} to {}", values, image.getAbsolutePath());

        // start process
        long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis();

        execute(null, image, values);

        // Print out how long the call to external ExifToolNew3 process took.
        if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) {
            LOG.debug(String.format("Image Meta Processed in %d ms [added %d tags]",
                    (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime), values.size()));

    private <T> void execute(WriteOptions options, File image, Map<T, Object> values) throws IOException {
        final boolean stayOpen = featureSet.contains(Feature.STAY_OPEN);
        if (stayOpen) {
            LOG.debug("Using ExifToolNew3 in daemon mode (-stay_open True)...");
            processStayOpen(createCommandList(image.getAbsolutePath(), values, stayOpen));
        } else {
            LOG.debug("Using ExifToolNew3 in non-daemon mode (-stay_open False)...");
            ExifProcess.executeToResults(exifCmd, createCommandList(image.getAbsolutePath(), values, stayOpen),

    private <T> List<String> createCommandList(String filename, Map<T, Object> values, boolean stayOpen) {
        List<String> args = new ArrayList<String>(64);
        for (Map.Entry<T, Object> entry : values.entrySet()) {
            MetadataTag tag = (MetadataTag) entry.getKey();
            Object value = entry.getValue();
            args.addAll(toRawData(tag, value));
        return args;


    private <T> List<String> toRawData(MetadataTag tag, Object value) {
        if (tag.getType().equals(String[].class)) {
            List<String> result = new LinkedList<String>();
            String[] array = (String[]) value;
            for (String value2 : array) {
                String raw = getRawExif(tag, value2);
            return result;
        } else {
            String raw = getRawExif(tag, value);
            return Lists.newArrayList(raw);

    private String getRawExif(MetadataTag tag, Object value) {
        StringBuilder arg = new StringBuilder();
        if (value instanceof Number) {
        if (value != null) {
            // if (value instanceof String && !stayOpen) {
            // arg.append("\"").append(value.toString()).append("\"");
            // } else {
            // }
        String raw = arg.toString();
        return raw;

     * Will attempt 3 times to use the running exif process, and if unable to complete successfully will throw
     * IOException
    private Map<String, String> processStayOpen(List<String> args) throws IOException {
        int attempts = 0;
        while (attempts < 3 && !shuttingDown.get()) {
            // make sure process is started
            TimerTask attemptTimer = null;
            try {
                if (timeoutWhenKeepAlive > 0) {
                    attemptTimer = new TimerTask() {
                        public void run() {
                            LOG.warn("Process ran too long closing, max " + timeoutWhenKeepAlive + " mills");
                    cleanupTimer.schedule(attemptTimer, timeoutWhenKeepAlive);
                LOG.debug("Streaming arguments to ExifToolNew3 process...");
                return ExifToolService.toMap(process.sendArgs(args));
            } catch (IOException ex) {
                if (STREAM_CLOSED_MESSAGE.equals(ex.getMessage()) && !shuttingDown.get()) {
                    // only catch "Stream Closed" error (happens when process
                    // has died)
                    LOG.warn(String.format("Caught IOException(\"%s\"), will restart daemon",
                } else {
                    throw ex;
            } finally {
                if (attemptTimer != null)
        if (shuttingDown.get()) {
            throw new IOException("Shutting Down");
        throw new IOException("Ran out of attempts");

     * Helper method used to ensure a message is loggable before it is logged and then pre-pend a universal prefix to
     * all LOG messages generated by this library to make the LOG entries easy to parse visually or programmatically.
     * <p/>
     * If a message cannot be logged (logging is disabled) then this method returns immediately.
     * <p/>
     * <strong>NOTE</strong>: Because Java will auto-box primitive arguments into Objects when building out the
     * <code>params</code> array, care should be taken not to call this method with primitive values unless
     * {@link #DEBUG} is <code>true</code>; otherwise the VM will be spending time performing unnecessary auto-boxing
     * calculations.
     * @param message
     *            The LOG message in <a href=
     *            "" >format string
     *            syntax</a> that will be logged.
     * @param params
     *            The parameters that will be swapped into all the place holders in the original messages before being
     *            logged.
     * @see #LOG_PREFIX
    protected static void log(String message, Object... params) {
        LOG.debug(message, params);

    public void rebuildMetadata(File file) throws IOException {
        throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented.");

    public void rebuildMetadata(WriteOptions options, File file) throws IOException {
        throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented.");

    public <T> void writeMetadata(WriteOptions options, File image, Map<T, Object> values) throws IOException {
        addImageMetadata(image, values);
        // throw new RuntimeException("Not implemented.");

    protected void finalize() throws Throwable {
        LOG.debug("Shutdown on finalize ...");

    public static Charset computeDefaultCharset(Collection<Feature> features) {
        if (features.contains(Feature.WINDOWS))
            return Charset.forName("windows-1252");
        return Charset.defaultCharset();

    public List<String> execute(List<String> args) {
        try {
            return ExifProcess.executeToResults(exifCmd, args, charset);
        } catch (IOException e) {
            throw new RuntimeException(e);