Java tutorial
/** * Copyright 2012 EURANOVA * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. * */ package; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.concurrent.locks.Lock; import java.util.concurrent.locks.ReentrantLock; import junit.framework.Assert; import org.apache.commons.configuration.ConfigurationException; import org.apache.log4j.Logger; import org.roqmessaging.core.Exchange; import org.roqmessaging.core.Monitor; import org.roqmessaging.core.RoQConstant; import org.roqmessaging.core.ShutDownMonitor; import org.roqmessaging.core.interfaces.IStoppable; import org.roqmessaging.core.launcher.ExchangeLauncher; import org.roqmessaging.core.launcher.MonitorLauncher; import org.roqmessaging.core.utils.RoQSerializationUtils; import org.roqmessaging.core.utils.RoQUtils; import; import; import; import org.roqmessaging.scaling.ScalingProcess; import org.roqmessaging.scaling.launcher.ScalingProcessLauncher; import org.zeromq.ZMQ; /** * Class HostConfigManager * <p> * Description: Responsible for the local management of the queue elements. For * each host it will track the list of monitors and exchanges. Notice that the * host config manager implement a server pattern that exposes services to the * monitor management. * * @author sskhiri */ public class HostConfigManager implements Runnable, IStoppable { // ZMQ config private ZMQ.Socket clientReqSocket = null; private ZMQ.Socket globalConfigSocket = null; private ZMQ.Context context; // Logger private Logger logger = Logger.getLogger(HostConfigManager.class); // Host manager config private volatile boolean running = false; // The host configuration manager properties private HostConfigDAO properties = null; // Local configuration maintained by the host manager // [qName, the monitor] private HashMap<String, String> qMonitorMap = null; // [qName, monitor stat server address] private HashMap<String, String> qMonitorStatMap = null; // [qName, list of Xchanges] private HashMap<String, List<String>> qExchangeMap = null; //[qName, Scaling process shutdown port (on the same machine as host)] //TODO starting the process, register it and deleting it when stoping private HashMap<String, Integer> qScalingProcessAddr = null; //The shutdown monitor private ShutDownMonitor shutDownMonitor = null; //The lock to avoid any race condition private Lock lockRemoveQ = new ReentrantLock(); //Network & IP address Configuration private boolean useNif = false; private RoQSerializationUtils serializationUtils = null; //cvoicu: Addresses of the all other exchanges to be used as seed. private String seeds = ""; private String propertyFile = ""; /** * Constructor * @param propertyFile the location of the property file */ public HostConfigManager(String propertyFile) { try { //cvoicu: this.propertyFile = propertyFile; serializationUtils = new RoQSerializationUtils(); // Global init FileConfigurationReader reader = new FileConfigurationReader(); = reader.loadHCMConfiguration(propertyFile); if ( == null) useNif = false; else { useNif = true; }; // ZMQ Init this.context = ZMQ.context(1); this.clientReqSocket = context.socket(ZMQ.REP); this.clientReqSocket.bind("tcp://*:5100"); this.globalConfigSocket = context.socket(ZMQ.REQ); this.globalConfigSocket.connect("tcp://" + + ":5000"); // Init the map this.qExchangeMap = new HashMap<String, List<String>>(); this.qMonitorMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.qMonitorStatMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); this.qScalingProcessAddr = new HashMap<String, Integer>(); // Init the shutdown monitor this.shutDownMonitor = new ShutDownMonitor(5101, this); new Thread(this.shutDownMonitor).start(); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { logger.error("Error while reading configuration in " + propertyFile, e); } } /** * @see java.lang.Runnable#run() */ public void run() { this.running = true; //1. Register to the global configuration registerHost(); // ZMQ init ZMQ.Poller items = new ZMQ.Poller(1); items.register(this.clientReqSocket); // 2. Start the main run of the monitor while (this.running) { items.poll(100); if (items.pollin(0)) { // Comes from a client logger.debug("Receiving Incoming request @host..."); String[] info = new String(clientReqSocket.recv(0)).split(","); int infoCode = Integer.parseInt(info[0]); logger.debug("Start analysing info code = " + infoCode); switch (infoCode) { // Receive a create queue request on the local host manager // (likely from the LogicalQFactory case RoQConstant.CONFIG_CREATE_QUEUE: logger.debug("Recieveing create Q request from a client "); if (info.length == 2) { String qName = info[1]; logger.debug("The request format is valid with 2 parts, Q to create: " + qName); // 1. Start the monitor String monitorAddress = startNewMonitorProcess(qName); // 2. Start the exchange // 2.1. Getting the monitor stat address // 2.2. Start the exchange boolean xChangeOK = true;//startNewExchangeProcess(qName, this.qMonitorMap.get(qName), this.qMonitorStatMap.get(qName)); //2.3. Start the scaling process boolean scalingOK = startNewScalingProcess(qName); // if OK send OK if (monitorAddress != null & xChangeOK && scalingOK) {"Successfully created new Q for " + qName + "@" + monitorAddress); this.clientReqSocket.send( (Integer.toString(RoQConstant.CONFIG_CREATE_QUEUE_OK) + "," + monitorAddress) .getBytes(), 0); } else { logger.error( "The create queue request has failed at the monitor host,check log (when starting launching scripts"); this.clientReqSocket.send( (Integer.toString(RoQConstant.CONFIG_CREATE_QUEUE_FAIL) + "," + monitorAddress) .getBytes(), 0); } } else { logger.error( "The create queue request sent does not contain 3 part: ID, quName, Monitor host"); this.clientReqSocket.send( (Integer.toString(RoQConstant.CONFIG_CREATE_QUEUE_FAIL) + ", ").getBytes(), 0); } //start 3 hosts with exchanges on them: globalConfigSocket.send(new Integer(1234503).toString() + ", 3"); String rsp = new String(globalConfigSocket.recv());"cvoicu: reponse of gcm at launching init hosts: " + rsp); String raspuns = ""; while (raspuns.compareTo("1234505") != 0) { globalConfigSocket.send(new Integer(1234505).toString() + ", 3"); raspuns = new String(globalConfigSocket.recv());"cvoicu: reponse of gcm at launching init hosts: " + raspuns); try { Thread.sleep(3000); } catch (InterruptedException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } globalConfigSocket.send(new Integer(RoQConstant.GET_HOSTS).toString() + ", " + info[1]); String hsts = new String(globalConfigSocket.recv()); String[] hostsList = hsts.split("#"); int i = 0; LogicalQFactory qFactory = new LogicalQFactory(; while (i < hostsList.length) { if (hostsList[i].compareTo(RoQUtils.getInstance().getLocalIP()) != 0) { qFactory.createExchange(info[1], hostsList[i]); } i++; } break; case RoQConstant.CONFIG_REMOVE_QUEUE: logger.debug("Recieveing remove Q request from a client "); if (info.length == 2) { String qName = info[1]; removingQueue(qName); // Removing Q information this.qExchangeMap.remove(qName); this.qMonitorMap.remove(qName); this.qMonitorStatMap.remove(qName); this.qScalingProcessAddr.remove(qName); this.clientReqSocket.send((Integer.toString(RoQConstant.OK) + ", ").getBytes(), 0); } else { logger.error("The remove queue request sent does not contain 2 part: ID, quName"); this.clientReqSocket.send( (Integer.toString(RoQConstant.CONFIG_CREATE_QUEUE_FAIL) + ", ").getBytes(), 0); } break; case RoQConstant.CONFIG_CREATE_EXCHANGE: logger.debug("Recieveing create XChange request from a client "); if (info.length == 4) { String qName = info[1]; // Qname, monitorhost, monitorstat host if (startNewExchangeProcess(qName, info[2], info[3])) { this.clientReqSocket.send((Integer.toString(RoQConstant.OK)).getBytes(), 0); } else { this.clientReqSocket.send((Integer.toString(RoQConstant.FAIL)).getBytes(), 0); } } else { logger.error( "The create new exchange does not contain 4 parts: ID, Qname, monitor, monitor host"); this.clientReqSocket .send((Integer.toString(RoQConstant.CONFIG_CREATE_QUEUE_FAIL)).getBytes(), 0); } break; case RoQConstant.CONFIG_INFO_EXCHANGE: logger.debug("Recieveing get XChange INFO from a client "); try { //Answer in3 parts //[OK or FAIL], [Number of exchange on host], [max limit of exchange defined in property] this.clientReqSocket.send((Integer.toString(RoQConstant.OK)).getBytes(), ZMQ.SNDMORE); this.clientReqSocket.send((Integer.toString(this.getExchangeNumber())).getBytes(), ZMQ.SNDMORE); this.clientReqSocket .send((Integer.toString(, 0); } catch (Exception e) { this.clientReqSocket.send((Integer.toString(RoQConstant.FAIL)).getBytes(), 0); } break; } } } stopAllRunningQueueOnHost(); unregisterHostFromConfig();"Closing the client & global config sockets."); this.clientReqSocket.setLinger(0); this.globalConfigSocket.setLinger(0); this.clientReqSocket.close(); this.globalConfigSocket.close(); } /** * @param qName the name of queue for which we need to create the scaling process * @param port the listener port on wich the sclaing process will scubscribe to configuration update * @return true if the creation was OK */ private boolean startNewScalingProcess(String qName) { if (this.qMonitorStatMap.containsKey(qName)) { //1. Compute the stat monitor port+2 int basePort = this.serializationUtils.extractBasePort(this.qMonitorStatMap.get(qName)); basePort += 2; //2. Check wether we need to launch it locally or in its own process if ( {"Starting the scaling process for queue " + qName + ", using a listener port= " + basePort + ", GCM =" +; //Local startup in the same VM as the host config Monitor ScalingProcess scalingProcess = new ScalingProcess(, qName, basePort); //Here is the problem we still do not have registred the queue at the GCM //scalingProcess.subscribe(); // Launch the thread new Thread(scalingProcess).start(); } else { //Start in its own VM // 2. Launch script try { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("java", "-Djava.library.path=" + System.getProperty("java.library.path"), "-cp", System.getProperty("java.class.path"), ScalingProcessLauncher.class.getCanonicalName(),, qName, new Integer((basePort)).toString()); logger.debug("Starting: " + pb.command()); final Process process = pb.start(); pipe(process.getErrorStream(), System.err); pipe(process.getInputStream(), System.out); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error while executing script", e); return false; } } //4. Add the configuration information logger.debug("Storing scaling process information"); this.qScalingProcessAddr.put(qName, (basePort + 1)); } else { return false; } return true; } /** * Remove all queues delcared on this host. This operation is part of the cleaning * house before closing the host. */ private void stopAllRunningQueueOnHost() { List<String> toRemove = new ArrayList<String>(this.qMonitorMap.keySet()); for (String qName : this.qMonitorMap.keySet()) {"Cleaning host - removing " + qName); this.removingQueue(qName); } for (String qName : toRemove) { // Removing Q information this.qExchangeMap.remove(qName); this.qMonitorMap.remove(qName); this.qMonitorStatMap.remove(qName); this.qScalingProcessAddr.remove(qName); } } /** * @return the total number of exchanges on the host */ private int getExchangeNumber() { int total = 0; for (String queue : this.qExchangeMap.keySet()) { total += this.qExchangeMap.get(queue).size(); } return total; } /** * Unregister the host from the configuration management when shutdown. */ private void unregisterHostFromConfig() {"UN-Registration process started"); if (useNif) Assert.assertNotNull(; this.globalConfigSocket .send((new Integer(RoQConstant.CONFIG_REMOVE_HOST).toString() + "," + (!(useNif) ? RoQUtils.getInstance().getLocalIP() : RoQUtils.getInstance().getLocalIP( .getBytes(), 0); String info[] = new String(this.globalConfigSocket.recv(0)).split(","); int infoCode = Integer.parseInt(info[0]); logger.debug("Start analysing info code = " + infoCode); if (infoCode != RoQConstant.OK) { throw new IllegalStateException("The global config manager cannot register us .."); }"UN-Registration process sucessfull"); } /** * Register the host config manager to the global configration */ private void registerHost() throws IllegalStateException {"Registration process started"); if (useNif) Assert.assertNotNull(; this.globalConfigSocket .send((new Integer(RoQConstant.CONFIG_ADD_HOST).toString() + "," + (!(useNif) ? RoQUtils.getInstance().getLocalIP() : RoQUtils.getInstance().getLocalIP( .getBytes(), 0); String info[] = new String(this.globalConfigSocket.recv(0)).split(","); int infoCode = Integer.parseInt(info[0]); logger.debug("Start analysing info code = " + infoCode); if (infoCode != RoQConstant.OK) { throw new IllegalStateException("The global config manager cannot register us .."); }"Registration process sucessfull"); } /** * Remove a complete queue: 1. Sends a shut down request to the * corresponding monitor 2. The monitor will send a shut down request to all * exchanges that it knows * * @param qName * the logical Q name to remove */ private void removingQueue(String qName) { try { this.lockRemoveQ.lock(); logger.debug("Removing Q " + qName); String monitorAddress = this.qMonitorMap.get(qName); // The address is the address of the base monitor, we need to // extract // the port and make +5 // to get the shutdown monitor thread int basePort = this.serializationUtils.extractBasePort(monitorAddress); String portOff = monitorAddress.substring(0, monitorAddress.length() - "xxxx".length());"Sending Remove Q request to " + portOff + (basePort + 5)); // 2. Send the remove message to the monitor // The monitor will stop all the exchanges during its shut down ShutDownSender shutDownSender = new ShutDownSender(portOff + (basePort + 5)); shutDownSender.shutdown(); //3. Stopping the scaling process if (this.qScalingProcessAddr.containsKey(qName)) { shutDownSender.setAddress(portOff + this.qScalingProcessAddr.get(qName).toString()); shutDownSender.shutdown(); } //The caller must remove the queue. } finally { this.lockRemoveQ.unlock(); } } /** * Start a new exchange process * <p> * 1. Check the number of local xChange present in the host 2. Start a new * xChange with port config + nchange * * @param qName * the name of the queue to create * @return true if the creation process worked well */ private boolean startNewExchangeProcess(String qName, String monitorAddress, String monitorStatAddress) { if (monitorAddress == null || monitorStatAddress == null) { logger.error("The monitor or the monitor stat server is null", new IllegalStateException()); return false; } // 1. Get the number of installed queues on this host int number = 0; for (String q_i : this.qExchangeMap.keySet()) { List<String> xChanges = this.qExchangeMap.get(q_i); number += xChanges.size(); } // 2. Assigns a front port and a back port logger.debug(" This host contains already " + number + " Exchanges"); //x4 = Front, back, Shutdown, prod request int frontPort = + number * 4; // 3 because there is the front, back and the shut down int backPort = frontPort + 1; String ip = RoQUtils.getInstance().getLocalIP(); int logPort = frontPort + 10000; seeds = seeds + ip + ":" + logPort + "#"; globalConfigSocket.send(new Integer(RoQConstant.GET_SEEDS).toString() + ", asks for seeds"); seeds = seeds + new String(globalConfigSocket.recv()); //System.out.print(seeds+" "+useLog); if ( { // We must start the thread in the same process Exchange exchange = new Exchange(frontPort, backPort, monitorAddress, monitorStatAddress, ip + ":" + logPort, seeds, propertyFile); // Launch the thread new Thread(exchange).start(); } else { // We start the exchange in its own process // Launch script try { ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("java", "-Djava.library.path=" + System.getProperty("java.library.path"), "-cp", System.getProperty("java.class.path"), "-Xmx" + + "m", "-XX:+UseConcMarkSweepGC", ExchangeLauncher.class.getCanonicalName(), new Integer(frontPort).toString(), new Integer(backPort).toString(), monitorAddress, monitorStatAddress, ip + ":" + logPort, seeds, propertyFile);"Starting: " + pb.command()); final Process process = pb.start(); pipe(process.getErrorStream(), System.err); pipe(process.getInputStream(), System.out); globalConfigSocket.send(new Integer(RoQConstant.ADD_SEED).toString() + "," + ip + ":" + logPort); globalConfigSocket.recv(); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error while executing script", e); return false; } } if (this.qExchangeMap.containsKey(qName)) { this.qExchangeMap.get(qName).add("tcp://" + ip + ":" + frontPort); logger.debug("Storing Xchange info: " + "tcp://" + ip + ":" + frontPort); } else { List<String> xChange = new ArrayList<String>(); xChange.add("tcp://" + ip + ":" + frontPort); this.qExchangeMap.put(qName, xChange); logger.debug("Storing Xchange info: " + "tcp://" + ip + ":" + frontPort); } return true; } /** * @return the monitor port */ private int getMonitorPort() { return ( + this.qMonitorMap.size() * 6); } /** * @return the monitor stat port */ private int getStatMonitorPort() { //By for because the stat monitor starts on port, its shutdown on port+1, the scaling process on //port+2 and its shuto down process on port +3. return ( + this.qMonitorMap.size() * 4); } /** * Start a new Monitor process * <p> * 1. Check the number of local monitor present in the host 2. Start a new * monitor with port config + nMonitor*4 because the monitor needs to book 4 * ports + stat * * @param qName * the name of the queue to create * @return the monitor address as tcp://IP:port of the newly created monitor * +"," tcp://IP: statport */ private String startNewMonitorProcess(String qName) { // 1. Get the number of installed queues on this host int frontPort = getMonitorPort(); int statPort = getStatMonitorPort(); logger.debug(" This host contains already " + this.qMonitorMap.size() + " Monitor"); String argument = frontPort + " " + statPort; logger.debug("Starting monitor process by script launch on " + argument); //Monitor configuration String monitorAddress = "tcp://" + RoQUtils.getInstance().getLocalIP() + ":" + frontPort; String statAddress = "tcp://" + RoQUtils.getInstance().getLocalIP() + ":" + statPort; //Checking whether we must create the monitor, stat monitor and the scaling process in the same VM if ( {"Creating the Monitor of the " + qName + " on the same VM as the local HCM"); Monitor monitor = new Monitor(frontPort, statPort, qName, new Integer(; new Thread(monitor).start(); } else { // 2. Launch script in its onw VM // ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(this.monitorScript, // argument); ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder("java", "-Djava.library.path=" + System.getProperty("java.library.path"), "-cp", System.getProperty("java.class.path"), MonitorLauncher.class.getCanonicalName(), new Integer(frontPort).toString(), new Integer(statPort).toString(), qName, new Integer(; try { logger.debug("Starting: " + pb.command()); final Process process = pb.start(); pipe(process.getErrorStream(), System.err); pipe(process.getInputStream(), System.out); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error while executing script", e); return null; } } //add the monitor configuration this.qMonitorMap.put(qName, (monitorAddress)); this.qMonitorStatMap.put(qName, statAddress); return monitorAddress + "," + statAddress; } private static void pipe(final InputStream src, final PrintStream dest) { new Thread(new Runnable() { public void run() { try { byte[] buffer = new byte[1024]; for (int n = 0; n != -1; n = { dest.write(buffer, 0, n); } } catch (IOException e) { // just exit } } }).start(); } /** * */ public void shutDown() { this.running = false; } /** * @see org.roqmessaging.core.interfaces.IStoppable#getName() */ public String getName() { return "Host config manager " + RoQUtils.getInstance().getLocalIP(); } /** * @return the qMonitorMap */ public HashMap<String, String> getqMonitorMap() { return qMonitorMap; } /** * @param qMonitorMap * the qMonitorMap to set */ public void setqMonitorMap(HashMap<String, String> qMonitorMap) { this.qMonitorMap = qMonitorMap; } /** * Use the encapsulation to let the shutdown monitor manage all shutdown * related actions. * @return the shutDownMonitor */ public ShutDownMonitor getShutDownMonitor() { return shutDownMonitor; } }