List of usage examples for java.lang Package getImplementationVersion
public String getImplementationVersion()
From source
private static CommandLine parse(String[] args) { Options opts = new Options(); OptionBuilder.withArgName("name"); OptionBuilder.hasArg();/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ OptionBuilder.withDescription("set device name, use DCMQR by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("device")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("aet[@host][:port]"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("set AET, local address and listening port of local" + "Application Entity, use device name and pick up any valid " + "local address to bind the socket by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("L")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("username"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription( "enable User Identity Negotiation with specified username and " + " optional passcode"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("username")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("passcode"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription( "optional passcode for User Identity Negotiation, " + "only effective with option -username"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("passcode")); opts.addOption("uidnegrsp", false, "request positive User Identity Negotation response, " + "only effective with option -username"); OptionBuilder.withArgName("NULL|3DES|AES"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("enable TLS connection without, 3DES or AES encryption"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("tls")); OptionGroup tlsProtocol = new OptionGroup(); tlsProtocol.addOption(new Option("tls1", "disable the use of SSLv3 and SSLv2 for TLS connections")); tlsProtocol.addOption(new Option("ssl3", "disable the use of TLSv1 and SSLv2 for TLS connections")); tlsProtocol.addOption(new Option("no_tls1", "disable the use of TLSv1 for TLS connections")); tlsProtocol.addOption(new Option("no_ssl3", "disable the use of SSLv3 for TLS connections")); tlsProtocol.addOption(new Option("no_ssl2", "disable the use of SSLv2 for TLS connections")); opts.addOptionGroup(tlsProtocol); opts.addOption("noclientauth", false, "disable client authentification for TLS"); OptionBuilder.withArgName("file|url"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder .withDescription("file path or URL of P12 or JKS keystore, resource:tls/test_sys_1.p12 by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("keystore")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("password"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("password for keystore file, 'secret' by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("keystorepw")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("password"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder .withDescription("password for accessing the key in the keystore, keystore password by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("keypw")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("file|url"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("file path or URL of JKS truststore, resource:tls/mesa_certs.jks by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("truststore")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("password"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("password for truststore file, 'secret' by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("truststorepw")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("aet"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder .withDescription("retrieve instances of matching entities by C-MOVE to specified destination."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("cmove")); opts.addOption("nocfind", false, "retrieve instances without previous query - unique keys must be specified by -q options"); opts.addOption("cget", false, "retrieve instances of matching entities by C-GET."); OptionBuilder.withArgName("cuid[:ts]"); OptionBuilder.hasArgs(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("negotiate support of specified Storage SOP Class and Transfer " + "Syntaxes. The Storage SOP Class may be specified by its UID " + "or by one of following key words:\n" + "CR - Computed Radiography Image Storage\n" + "CT - CT Image Storage\n" + "MR - MRImageStorage\n" + "US - Ultrasound Image Storage\n" + "NM - Nuclear Medicine Image Storage\n" + "PET - PET Image Storage\n" + "SC - Secondary Capture Image Storage\n" + "XA - XRay Angiographic Image Storage\n" + "XRF - XRay Radiofluoroscopic Image Storage\n" + "DX - Digital X-Ray Image Storage for Presentation\n" + "MG - Digital Mammography X-Ray Image Storage for Presentation\n" + "PR - Grayscale Softcopy Presentation State Storage\n" + "KO - Key Object Selection Document Storage\n" + "SR - Basic Text Structured Report Document Storage\n" + "The Transfer Syntaxes may be specified by a comma " + "separated list of UIDs or by one of following key " + "words:\n" + "IVRLE - offer only Implicit VR Little Endian " + "Transfer Syntax\n" + "LE - offer Explicit and Implicit VR Little Endian " + "Transfer Syntax\n" + "BE - offer Explicit VR Big Endian Transfer Syntax\n" + "DEFL - offer Deflated Explicit VR Little " + "Endian Transfer Syntax\n" + "JPLL - offer JEPG Loss Less Transfer Syntaxes\n" + "JPLY - offer JEPG Lossy Transfer Syntaxes\n" + "MPEG2 - offer MPEG2 Transfer Syntax\n" + "NOPX - offer No Pixel Data Transfer Syntax\n" + "NOPXD - offer No Pixel Data Deflate Transfer Syntax\n" + "If only the Storage SOP Class is specified, all " + "Transfer Syntaxes listed above except No Pixel Data " + "and No Pixel Data Delflate Transfer Syntax are " + "offered."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("cstore")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("dir"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("store received objects into files in specified directory <dir>." + " Do not store received objects by default."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("cstoredest")); opts.addOption("ivrle", false, "offer only Implicit VR Little Endian Transfer Syntax."); OptionBuilder.withArgName("maxops"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription( "maximum number of outstanding C-MOVE-RQ " + "it may invoke asynchronously, 1 by default."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("async")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("maxops"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("maximum number of outstanding storage operations performed " + "asynchronously, unlimited by default."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("storeasync")); opts.addOption("noextneg", false, "disable extended negotiation."); opts.addOption("rel", false, "negotiate support of relational queries and retrieval."); opts.addOption("datetime", false, "negotiate support of combined date and time attribute range matching."); opts.addOption("fuzzy", false, "negotiate support of fuzzy semantic person name attribute matching."); opts.addOption("retall", false, "negotiate private FIND SOP Classes " + "to fetch all available attributes of matching entities."); opts.addOption("blocked", false, "negotiate private FIND SOP Classes " + "to return attributes of several matching entities per FIND " + "response."); opts.addOption("vmf", false, "negotiate private FIND SOP Classes to " + "return attributes of legacy CT/MR images of one series as " + "virtual multiframe object."); opts.addOption("pdv1", false, "send only one PDV in one P-Data-TF PDU, pack command and data " + "PDV in one P-DATA-TF PDU by default."); opts.addOption("tcpdelay", false, "set TCP_NODELAY socket option to false, true by default"); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for TCP connect, no timeout by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("connectTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("delay in ms for Socket close after sending A-ABORT, 50ms by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("soclosedelay")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("period in ms to check for outstanding DIMSE-RSP, 10s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("reaper")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for receiving C-FIND-RSP, 60s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("cfindrspTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for receiving C-MOVE-RSP and C-GET RSP, 600s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("cmoverspTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for receiving C-GET-RSP and C-MOVE RSP, 600s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("cgetrspTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for receiving A-ASSOCIATE-AC, 5s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("acceptTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for receiving A-RELEASE-RP, 5s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("releaseTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("maximal length in KB of received P-DATA-TF PDUs, 16KB by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("rcvpdulen")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("maximal length in KB of sent P-DATA-TF PDUs, 16KB by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("sndpdulen")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("set SO_RCVBUF socket option to specified value in KB"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("sorcvbuf")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("set SO_SNDBUF socket option to specified value in KB"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("sosndbuf")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("minimal buffer size to write received object to file, 1KB by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("filebuf")); OptionGroup qrlevel = new OptionGroup(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("perform patient level query, multiple " + "exclusive with -S and -I, perform study level query " + "by default."); OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("patient"); qrlevel.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("P")); OptionBuilder.withDescription("perform series level query, multiple " + "exclusive with -P and -I, perform study level query " + "by default."); OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("series"); qrlevel.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("S")); OptionBuilder.withDescription("perform instance level query, multiple " + "exclusive with -P and -S, perform study level query " + "by default."); OptionBuilder.withLongOpt("image"); qrlevel.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("I")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("cuid"); OptionBuilder.hasArgs(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("negotiate addition private C-FIND SOP " + "class with specified UID"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("cfind")); opts.addOptionGroup(qrlevel); OptionBuilder.withArgName("[seq/]attr=value"); OptionBuilder.hasArgs(); OptionBuilder.withValueSeparator('='); OptionBuilder.withDescription( "specify matching key. attr can be " + "specified by name or tag value (in hex), e.g. PatientName " + "or 00100010. Attributes in nested Datasets can " + "be specified by including the name/tag value of " + "the sequence attribute, e.g. 00400275/00400009 " + "for Scheduled Procedure Step ID in the Request " + "Attributes Sequence"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("q")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("attr"); OptionBuilder.hasArgs(); OptionBuilder.withDescription( "specify additional return key. attr can " + "be specified by name or tag value (in hex)."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("r")); opts.addOption("nodefret", false, "only inlcude return keys specified by -r into the request."); OptionBuilder.withArgName("num"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription( "cancel query after receive of specified " + "number of responses, no cancel by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("C")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("aet"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("retrieve matching objects to specified " + "move destination."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("cmove")); opts.addOption("evalRetrieveAET", false, "Only Move studies not allready stored on destination AET"); opts.addOption("lowprior", false, "LOW priority of the C-FIND/C-MOVE operation, MEDIUM by default"); opts.addOption("highprior", false, "HIGH priority of the C-FIND/C-MOVE operation, MEDIUM by default"); OptionBuilder.withArgName("num"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("repeat query (and retrieve) several times"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("repeat")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("delay in ms between repeated query (and retrieve), no delay by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("repeatdelay")); opts.addOption("reuseassoc", false, "Reuse association for repeated query (and retrieve)"); opts.addOption("closeassoc", false, "Close association between repeated query (and retrieve)"); opts.addOption("h", "help", false, "print this message"); opts.addOption("V", "version", false, "print the version information and exit"); CommandLine cl = null; try { cl = new GnuParser().parse(opts, args); } catch (ParseException e) { exit("dcmqr: " + e.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("unreachable"); } if (cl.hasOption('V')) { Package p = DcmQR.class.getPackage(); System.out.println("dcmqr v" + p.getImplementationVersion()); System.exit(0); } if (cl.hasOption('h') || cl.getArgList().size() != 1) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(USAGE, DESCRIPTION, opts, EXAMPLE); System.exit(0); } return cl; }
From source
/** {@inheritDoc} */ public SiteRenderingContext createContextForSkin(Artifact skin, Map<String, ?> attributes, DecorationModel decoration, String defaultWindowTitle, Locale locale) throws IOException, RendererException { SiteRenderingContext context = createSiteRenderingContext(attributes, decoration, defaultWindowTitle, locale);/* w w w .j av a2 s . co m*/ context.setSkin(skin); ZipFile zipFile = getZipFile(skin.getFile()); InputStream in = null; try { if (zipFile.getEntry(SKIN_TEMPLATE_LOCATION) != null) { context.setTemplateName(SKIN_TEMPLATE_LOCATION); context.setTemplateClassLoader(new URLClassLoader(new URL[] { skin.getFile().toURI().toURL() })); } else { context.setTemplateName(DEFAULT_TEMPLATE); context.setTemplateClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()); context.setUsingDefaultTemplate(true); } ZipEntry skinDescriptorEntry = zipFile.getEntry(SkinModel.SKIN_DESCRIPTOR_LOCATION); if (skinDescriptorEntry != null) { in = zipFile.getInputStream(skinDescriptorEntry); SkinModel skinModel = new SkinXpp3Reader().read(in); context.setSkinModel(skinModel); String toolsPrerequisite = skinModel.getPrerequisites() == null ? null : skinModel.getPrerequisites().getDoxiaSitetools(); Package p = DefaultSiteRenderer.class.getPackage(); String current = (p == null) ? null : p.getImplementationVersion(); if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(toolsPrerequisite) && (current != null) && !matchVersion(current, toolsPrerequisite)) { throw new RendererException("Cannot use skin: has " + toolsPrerequisite + " Doxia Sitetools prerequisite, but current is " + current); } } } catch (XmlPullParserException e) { throw new RendererException("Failed to parse " + SkinModel.SKIN_DESCRIPTOR_LOCATION + " skin descriptor from " + skin.getId() + " skin", e); } finally { IOUtil.close(in); closeZipFile(zipFile); } return context; }
From source
/** * @see wicket.settings.IFrameworkSettings#getVersion() *///from ww w. ja va2 s . co m public String getVersion() { String implVersion = null; Package pkg = this.getClass().getPackage(); if (pkg != null) { implVersion = pkg.getImplementationVersion(); } return Strings.isEmpty(implVersion) ? "n/a" : implVersion; }
From source
private static void logPackage() { Package p = Package.getPackage("com.cablelabs.sim"); if (p == null) {, subCat, "com.cablelabs.sim not loaded"); return;/*from www .j a va 2 s .co m*/ }, subCat, "com.cablelabs.sim version " + p.getSpecificationVersion() + " build-" + p.getImplementationVersion()); // if (logFile.exists()) // logDebugInfo(logFile); logger.logConfigSettings(); }
From source
/** * Initializes and starts up the Core.//from www .j av a 2 s . c o m */ @SuppressWarnings("boxing") protected void start() { Thread.setDefaultUncaughtExceptionHandler(new UncaughtExceptionHandler()); // Set up the XML parsing feature settings. this._xmlParserFeatureSettings = new HashMap<String, Boolean>(6); this._xmlParserFeatureSettings.put("", this._settings.xmlParserUseEntityResolver2()); this._xmlParserFeatureSettings.put("", this._settings.xmlParserUseValidation()); this._xmlParserFeatureSettings.put("", this._settings.xmlParserUseSchemaValidation()); this._xmlParserFeatureSettings.put("", this._settings.xmlParserHonourAllSchemaLocations()); this._xmlParserFeatureSettings.put("", this._settings.xmlParserUseXInclude()); this._xmlParserFeatureSettings.put("", this._settings.xmlParserValidateAnnotations()); // Use the stdout and stderr appenders in a special way, if they are defined. ConsoleStreamAppender stdOutAppender = ((ConsoleStreamAppender) Logger.getLogger("programd") .getAppender("stdout")); if (stdOutAppender != null) { if (!stdOutAppender.isWriterSet()) { stdOutAppender.setWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.out)); } } ConsoleStreamAppender stdErrAppender = ((ConsoleStreamAppender) Logger.getLogger("programd") .getAppender("stderr")); if (stdErrAppender != null) { if (!stdErrAppender.isWriterSet()) { stdErrAppender.setWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(System.err)); } } // Set up an interception of calls to the JDK logging system and re-route to log4j. JDKLogHandler.setupInterception();"Base URL for Program D Core: \"%s\".", this._baseURL)); this._aimlProcessorRegistry = new AIMLProcessorRegistry(); this._graphmapper = Classes.getSubclassInstance(Graphmapper.class, this._settings.getGraphmapperImplementation(), "Graphmapper implementation", this); this._bots = new Bots(); this._processes = new ManagedProcesses(this); // Get an instance of the settings-specified PredicateManager. this._predicateManager = Classes.getSubclassInstance(PredicateManager.class, this._settings.getPredicateManagerImplementation(), "PredicateManager", this); // Get the hostname (used occasionally). try { this._hostname = InetAddress.getLocalHost().getHostName(); } catch (UnknownHostException e) { this._hostname = "unknown hostname"; } // Load the plugin config. URL pluginConfigURL = this._settings.getPluginConfigURL(); if (pluginConfigURL != null) { pluginConfigURL = URLTools.contextualize(this._baseURL, pluginConfigURL); try { if (pluginConfigURL.openStream() != null) { this._pluginConfig = JDOM.getDocument(pluginConfigURL, this._logger); } } catch (IOException e) { // Don't load plugin config. } } // TODO: Make this work even if the classes aren't in a jar. Package pkg = Package.getPackage("org.aitools.programd");"Starting %s version %s [%s].", pkg.getSpecificationTitle(), pkg.getSpecificationVersion(), pkg.getImplementationVersion()));;;;"Predicates with no values defined will return: \"" + this._settings.getPredicateEmptyDefault() + "\"."); try { // Create the AIMLWatcher if configured to do so. if (this._settings.useAIMLWatcher()) { this._aimlWatcher = new AIMLWatcher(this); } // Setup a JavaScript interpreter if supposed to. setupInterpreter(); // Start the AIMLWatcher if configured to do so. startWatcher();"Starting up the Graphmaster."); // Start loading bots. URL botConfigURL = this._settings.getBotConfigURL(); if (botConfigURL != null) { loadBotConfig(botConfigURL); } else { this._logger.warn("No bot config URL specified; no bots will be loaded."); } // Request garbage collection. System.gc();; // Start the heart, if enabled. startHeart(); } catch (DeveloperError e) { alert("developer error", e); } catch (UserError e) { alert("user error", e); } catch (RuntimeException e) { alert("unforeseen runtime exception", e); } catch (Throwable e) { alert("unforeseen problem", e); } // Set the status indicator. this._status = Status.READY; // Exit immediately if configured to do so (for timing purposes). if (this._settings.exitImmediatelyOnStartup()) { shutdown(); } }
From source
/** * Shows the about dialog that tells about the application. *///from w w w. j ava2s . co m public void showAboutDialog() { Package packageInfo = Package.getPackage("net.chaosserver.timelord.swingui"); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { if (packageInfo != null) { StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append(packageInfo.getClass().getName()); sb.append(" [name="); sb.append(packageInfo.getName()); sb.append(", specificationTitle="); sb.append(packageInfo.getSpecificationTitle()); sb.append(", specificationVersion="); sb.append(packageInfo.getSpecificationVersion()); sb.append(", specificationVendor="); sb.append(packageInfo.getSpecificationVendor()); sb.append(", implementationTitle="); sb.append(packageInfo.getImplementationTitle()); sb.append(", implementationVersion="); sb.append(packageInfo.getImplementationVersion()); sb.append(", implementationVendor="); sb.append(packageInfo.getImplementationVendor()); sb.append("]"); log.trace(sb.toString()); } } StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer(); sb.append("Timelord"); if ((packageInfo != null) && (packageInfo.getImplementationVersion() != null)) { sb.append(" ["); sb.append(packageInfo.getImplementationVersion()); sb.append("]"); } else { Properties appProperties = getAppProperties(); if (appProperties != null) { sb.append(" "); sb.append(appProperties.getProperty("implementation.version", "[Unknown Version]")); } else { sb.append(" [Unknown Version]"); } } sb.append("\n"); sb.append(resourceBundle.getString(RROOT + ".about")); JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(applicationFrame, sb.toString(), "About Timelord", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, applicationIcon); }
From source
String getApplicationTitle() { Package pack = BeeLine.class.getPackage(); return loc("app-introduction", new Object[] { "Beeline", pack.getImplementationVersion() == null ? "???" : pack.getImplementationVersion(), "Apache Hive", // getManifestAttribute ("Specification-Title"), // getManifestAttribute ("Implementation-Version"), // getManifestAttribute ("Implementation-ReleaseDate"), // getManifestAttribute ("Implementation-Vendor"), // getManifestAttribute ("Implementation-License"), });//from w w w.j a v a 2 s. c o m }
From source
/** * * @param stPrimaryStage/*from www . jav a 2 s .co m*/ * @throws Exception Exceptions */ @Override public void start(Stage stPrimaryStage) throws Exception { if (isLinux()) { stPrimaryStage.setFullScreen(true); } File fileRep = new File(""); setbInternet(netIsAvailable()); setStrCurrentDir(fileRep.getAbsolutePath()); setStrRepertAppli(fileRep.getAbsolutePath()); fileRepertConfig = new File(getStrRepertAppli() + File.separator + "configPV"); rbLocalisation = ResourceBundle.getBundle("editeurpanovisu.i18n.PanoVisu", getLocale()); Package pack = Package.getPackage("editeurpanovisu"); strNumVersion = pack.getImplementationVersion() + "-b" + rbLocalisation.getString("build.numero").replace(" ", "").replace("", ""); lisPreferences(); setStPrincipal(stPrimaryStage); stPrimaryStage.setResizable(false); getStPrincipal().setResizable(true); getStPrincipal().setAlwaysOnTop(false); getStPrincipal().setTitle("PanoVisu v" + strNumVersion.split("-")[0]); stPrimaryStage.setMaximized(true); stPrimaryStage.setAlwaysOnTop(false); Rectangle2D tailleEcran = Screen.getPrimary().getBounds(); int iHauteur; if (isMac()) { iHauteur = (int) tailleEcran.getHeight() - 60; } else { iHauteur = (int) tailleEcran.getHeight() - 20; } int iLargeur = (int) tailleEcran.getWidth() - 2; largeurMax = tailleEcran.getWidth() - 450.0d; creeEnvironnement(stPrimaryStage, iLargeur, iHauteur); File fileRepertTempFile = new File(getStrRepertAppli() + File.separator + "temp"); setStrRepertTemp(fileRepertTempFile.getAbsolutePath()); if (!fileRepertTempFile.exists()) { fileRepertTempFile.mkdirs(); } else { deleteDirectory(getStrRepertTemp()); } String strExtTemp = strGenereChaineAleatoire(20); setStrRepertTemp(getStrRepertTemp() + File.separator + "temp" + strExtTemp); fileRepertTempFile = new File(getStrRepertTemp()); fileRepertTempFile.mkdirs(); installeEvenements(); projetsNouveau(); stPrimaryStage.setOnCloseRequest((WindowEvent event) -> { try { sauvePreferences(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(EditeurPanovisu.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } ButtonType reponse = null; ButtonType buttonTypeOui = new ButtonType(rbLocalisation.getString("main.oui")); ButtonType buttonTypeNon = new ButtonType(rbLocalisation.getString("main.non")); ButtonType buttonTypeAnnule = new ButtonType(rbLocalisation.getString("main.annuler")); if (!isbDejaSauve()) { Alert alert = new Alert(AlertType.CONFIRMATION); alert.setTitle(rbLocalisation.getString("main.dialog.quitterApplication")); alert.setHeaderText(null); alert.setContentText(rbLocalisation.getString("main.dialog.chargeProjetMessage")); alert.getButtonTypes().clear(); alert.getButtonTypes().setAll(buttonTypeOui, buttonTypeNon, buttonTypeAnnule); Optional<ButtonType> actReponse = alert.showAndWait(); reponse = actReponse.get(); } if (reponse == buttonTypeOui) { try { projetSauve(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(EditeurPanovisu.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } } if ((reponse == buttonTypeOui) || (reponse == buttonTypeNon) || (reponse == null)) { try { sauveHistoFichiers(); } catch (IOException ex) { Logger.getLogger(EditeurPanovisu.class.getName()).log(Level.SEVERE, null, ex); } deleteDirectory(getStrRepertTemp()); File fileTemp = new File(getStrRepertTemp()); fileTemp.delete(); } else { event.consume(); } }); }