Java tutorial
/* * $Id: 4858 2006-03-12 00:26:31 -0800 (Sun, 12 Mar 2006) * ivaynberg $ $Revision: 7027 $ $Date: 2006-03-12 00:26:31 -0800 (Sun, 12 Mar * 2006) $ * * ============================================================================== * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may not * use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of * the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT * WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the * License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under * the License. */ package wicket.settings; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Collections; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Locale; import java.util.Map; import org.apache.commons.logging.Log; import org.apache.commons.logging.LogFactory; import wicket.Application; import wicket.Component; import wicket.IPageFactory; import wicket.IResourceFactory; import wicket.IResponseFilter; import wicket.Localizer; import wicket.MarkupFragmentFinder; import wicket.Page; import wicket.RequestCycle; import wicket.application.DefaultClassResolver; import wicket.application.IClassResolver; import wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy; import wicket.authorization.IUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener; import wicket.authorization.UnauthorizedInstantiationException; import wicket.markup.IMarkupParserFactory; import wicket.markup.MarkupParserFactory; import wicket.markup.html.IPackageResourceGuard; import wicket.markup.html.PackageResourceGuard; import wicket.markup.html.form.persistence.CookieValuePersisterSettings; import wicket.markup.html.pages.BrowserInfoPage; import wicket.markup.resolver.AutoComponentResolver; import wicket.markup.resolver.IComponentResolver; import wicket.protocol.http.WebRequest; import wicket.resource.PropertiesFactory; import wicket.resource.loader.ClassStringResourceLoader; import wicket.resource.loader.ComponentStringResourceLoader; import wicket.resource.loader.IStringResourceLoader; import wicket.session.DefaultPageFactory; import wicket.session.pagemap.IPageMapEvictionStrategy; import wicket.session.pagemap.LeastRecentlyAccessedEvictionStrategy; import wicket.util.convert.CoverterLocatorFactory; import wicket.util.convert.IConverterLocatorFactory; import wicket.util.crypt.CachingSunJceCryptFactory; import wicket.util.crypt.ICryptFactory; import wicket.util.file.IResourceFinder; import wicket.util.file.IResourcePath; import wicket.util.file.Path; import wicket.util.resource.locator.CompoundResourceStreamLocator; import wicket.util.resource.locator.IResourceStreamLocator; import wicket.util.string.Strings; import wicket.util.time.Duration; import; /** * Contains settings exposed via IXXXSettings interfaces. It is not a good idea * to use this class directly, instead use the provided IXXXSettings interfaces. * * @author Jonathan Locke * @author Chris Turner * @author Eelco Hillenius * @author Juergen Donnerstag * @author Johan Compagner * @author Igor Vaynberg (ivaynberg) * @author Martijn Dashorst */ public final class Settings implements IApplicationSettings, IDebugSettings, IExceptionSettings, IMarkupSettings, IPageSettings, IRequestCycleSettings, IResourceSettings, ISecuritySettings, ISessionSettings, IAjaxSettings, IFrameworkSettings { private final static Log log = LogFactory.getLog(Settings.class); /** Class of access denied page. */ private Class<? extends Page> accessDeniedPage; /** ajax debug mode status */ private boolean ajaxDebugModeEnabled = false; /** The application */ private Application application; /** The authorization strategy. */ private IAuthorizationStrategy authorizationStrategy = IAuthorizationStrategy.ALLOW_ALL; /** Application default for automatically resolving hrefs */ private boolean automaticLinking = false; /** * Whether Wicket should try to support multiple windows transparently, true * by default. */ private boolean automaticMultiWindowSupport = true; /** True if the response should be buffered */ private boolean bufferResponse = true; /** class resolver to find classes */ private IClassResolver classResolver = new DefaultClassResolver(); /** List of (static) ComponentResolvers */ private List<IComponentResolver> componentResolvers = new ArrayList<IComponentResolver>(); /** True to check that each component on a page is used */ private boolean componentUseCheck = true; /** True if multiple tabs/spaces should be compressed to a single space */ private boolean compressWhitespace = false; /** The context path that should be used for url prefixing */ private String contextPath; private IConverterLocatorFactory converterFactory; /** Default values for persistence of form data (by means of cookies) */ private CookieValuePersisterSettings cookieValuePersisterSettings = new CookieValuePersisterSettings(); /** facotry for creating crypt objects */ private ICryptFactory cryptFactory; /** Default markup for after a disabled link */ private String defaultAfterDisabledLink = "</em>"; /** Default markup for before a disabled link */ private String defaultBeforeDisabledLink = "<em>"; /** The default locale to use */ private Locale defaultLocale = Locale.getDefault(); /** Default markup encoding. If null, the OS default will be used */ private String defaultMarkupEncoding; /** * Whether Wicket should try to get extensive client info by redirecting to * {@link BrowserInfoPage a page that polls for client capabilities}. This * method is used by the default implementation of {@link #newClientInfo()}, * so if that method is overriden, there is no guarantee this method will be * taken into account. False by default. */ private boolean gatherExtendedBrowserInfo = false; /** Class of internal error page. */ private Class<? extends Page> internalErrorPage; /** I18N support */ private Localizer localizer; /** Factory for creating markup parsers */ private IMarkupParserFactory markupParserFactory; /** Markup finder */ private MarkupFragmentFinder markupFragmentFinder; /** To help prevent denial of service attacks */ private int maxPageMaps = 5; /** The maximum number of versions of a page to track */ private int maxPageVersions = Integer.MAX_VALUE; /** Map to look up resource factories by name */ private Map<String, IResourceFactory> nameToResourceFactory = new HashMap<String, IResourceFactory>(); /** True if string resource loaders have been overridden */ private boolean overriddenStringResourceLoaders = false; /** The package resource guard. */ private IPackageResourceGuard packageResourceGuard = new PackageResourceGuard(); /** The error page displayed when an expired page is accessed. */ private Class<? extends Page> pageExpiredErrorPage; /** factory to create new Page objects */ private IPageFactory pageFactory = new DefaultPageFactory(); /** The eviction strategy. */ private IPageMapEvictionStrategy pageMapEvictionStrategy = new LeastRecentlyAccessedEvictionStrategy(5); /** The factory to be used for the property files */ private wicket.resource.IPropertiesFactory propertiesFactory; /** * The render strategy, defaults to 'REDIRECT_TO_BUFFER'. This property * influences the default way in how a logical request that consists of an * 'action' and a 'render' part is handled, and is mainly used to have a * means to circumvent the 'refresh' problem. */ private RenderStrategy renderStrategy = RenderStrategy.REDIRECT_TO_BUFFER; /** Filesystem Path to search for resources */ private IResourceFinder resourceFinder = new Path(); /** Frequency at which files should be polled */ private Duration resourcePollFrequency = null; /** resource locator for this application */ private IResourceStreamLocator resourceStreamLocator; /** ModificationWatcher to watch for changes in markup files */ private ModificationWatcher resourceWatcher; /** List of {@link IResponseFilter}s. */ private List<IResponseFilter> responseFilters; /** Flag for serialize session attributes feature */ private boolean serializeSessionAttributes = false; /** * In order to do proper form parameter decoding it is important that the * response and the following request have the same encoding. see * for * additional information. */ private String responseRequestEncoding = "UTF-8"; /** Chain of string resource loaders to use */ private List<IStringResourceLoader> stringResourceLoaders = new ArrayList<IStringResourceLoader>(4); /** Should HTML comments be stripped during rendering? */ private boolean stripComments = false; /** * If true, wicket tags ( <wicket: ..>) and wicket:id attributes we be * removed from output */ private boolean stripWicketTags = false; /** In order to remove <?xml?> from output as required by IE quirks mode */ private boolean stripXmlDeclarationFromOutput; /** Flags used to determine how to behave if resources are not found */ private boolean throwExceptionOnMissingResource = true; /** Authorizer for component instantiations */ private IUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener unauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener = new IUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener() { /** * Called when an unauthorized component instantiation is about to take * place (but before it happens). * * @param component * The partially constructed component (only the id is * guaranteed to be valid). */ public void onUnauthorizedInstantiation(final Component component) { throw new UnauthorizedInstantiationException(component.getClass()); } }; /** Type of handling for unexpected exceptions */ private UnexpectedExceptionDisplay unexpectedExceptionDisplay = UnexpectedExceptionDisplay.SHOW_EXCEPTION_PAGE; /** Determines behavior of string resource loading if string is missing */ private boolean useDefaultOnMissingResource = true; /** Determines if pages should be managed by a version manager by default */ private boolean versionPagesByDefault = true; /** * Create the application settings, carrying out any necessary * initialisations. * * @param application * The application that these settings are for */ public Settings(final Application application) { this.application = application; this.markupParserFactory = new MarkupParserFactory(application); stringResourceLoaders.add(new ComponentStringResourceLoader(application)); stringResourceLoaders.add(new ClassStringResourceLoader(application, this.application.getClass())); } /** * @see wicket.settings.IPageSettings#addComponentResolver(wicket.markup.resolver.IComponentResolver) */ public void addComponentResolver(final IComponentResolver resolver) { boolean hit = false; for (final IComponentResolver componentResolver : this.componentResolvers) { if (componentResolver.getClass().equals(resolver.getClass())) { hit = true; break; } } if (hit == false) { componentResolvers.add(resolver); } else { log.warn("A IComponentResolver of type " + resolver.getClass().getName() + " has already been registered. The new one will not be added"); } } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#addResourceFactory(java.lang.String, * wicket.IResourceFactory) */ public void addResourceFactory(final String name, IResourceFactory resourceFactory) { nameToResourceFactory.put(name, resourceFactory); } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#addResourceFolder(java.lang.String) */ public void addResourceFolder(final String resourceFolder) { // Get resource finder final IResourceFinder finder = getResourceFinder(); // Make sure it's a path if (!(finder instanceof IResourcePath)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "To add a resource folder, the application's resource finder must be an instance of IResourcePath"); } // Cast to resource path and add folder final IResourcePath path = (IResourcePath) finder; path.add(resourceFolder); } /** * @see wicket.settings.IRequestCycleSettings#addResponseFilter(wicket.IResponseFilter) */ public void addResponseFilter(IResponseFilter responseFilter) { if (responseFilters == null) { responseFilters = new ArrayList<IResponseFilter>(3); } responseFilters.add(responseFilter); } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#addStringResourceLoader(wicket.resource.loader.IStringResourceLoader) */ public void addStringResourceLoader(final IStringResourceLoader loader) { if (!overriddenStringResourceLoaders) { stringResourceLoaders.clear(); overriddenStringResourceLoaders = true; } stringResourceLoaders.add(loader); } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#getAccessDeniedPage() */ public Class<? extends Page> getAccessDeniedPage() { return accessDeniedPage; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISecuritySettings#getAuthorizationStrategy() */ public IAuthorizationStrategy getAuthorizationStrategy() { return authorizationStrategy; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#getAutomaticLinking() */ public boolean getAutomaticLinking() { return automaticLinking; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IPageSettings#getAutomaticMultiWindowSupport() */ public boolean getAutomaticMultiWindowSupport() { return automaticMultiWindowSupport; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IRequestCycleSettings#getBufferResponse() */ public boolean getBufferResponse() { return bufferResponse; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#getClassResolver() */ public IClassResolver getClassResolver() { return classResolver; } /** * Get the (modifiable) list of IComponentResolvers. * * @see AutoComponentResolver for an example * @return List of ComponentResolvers */ public List<IComponentResolver> getComponentResolvers() { return componentResolvers; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IDebugSettings#getComponentUseCheck() */ public boolean getComponentUseCheck() { return this.componentUseCheck; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#getCompressWhitespace() */ public boolean getCompressWhitespace() { return compressWhitespace; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#getContextPath() */ public String getContextPath() { // Set the default context path if the context path is not already // set (previous time or by the developer itself) // This all to do missing api in the servlet spec.. You can't get a // context path from the servlet context, which is just stupid. if (contextPath == null && RequestCycle.get() != null && RequestCycle.get().getRequest() instanceof WebRequest) { contextPath = ((WebRequest) RequestCycle.get().getRequest()).getContextPath(); } return contextPath; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#getConverterSupplierFactory() */ public IConverterLocatorFactory getConverterSupplierFactory() { if (converterFactory == null) { converterFactory = new CoverterLocatorFactory(); } return converterFactory; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISecuritySettings#getCookieValuePersisterSettings() */ public CookieValuePersisterSettings getCookieValuePersisterSettings() { return cookieValuePersisterSettings; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISecuritySettings#getCryptFactory() */ public synchronized ICryptFactory getCryptFactory() { if (cryptFactory == null) { cryptFactory = new CachingSunJceCryptFactory(ISecuritySettings.DEFAULT_ENCRYPTION_KEY); } return cryptFactory; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#getDefaultAfterDisabledLink() */ public String getDefaultAfterDisabledLink() { return defaultAfterDisabledLink; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#getDefaultBeforeDisabledLink() */ public String getDefaultBeforeDisabledLink() { return defaultBeforeDisabledLink; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#getDefaultLocale() */ public Locale getDefaultLocale() { return defaultLocale; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#getDefaultMarkupEncoding() */ public String getDefaultMarkupEncoding() { return defaultMarkupEncoding; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IRequestCycleSettings#getGatherExtendedBrowserInfo() */ public boolean getGatherExtendedBrowserInfo() { return gatherExtendedBrowserInfo; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#getInternalErrorPage() */ public Class<? extends Page> getInternalErrorPage() { return internalErrorPage; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#getLocalizer() */ public Localizer getLocalizer() { if (localizer == null) { this.localizer = new Localizer(application); } return localizer; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#getMarkupParserFactory() */ public IMarkupParserFactory getMarkupParserFactory() { return markupParserFactory; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#getMarkupFragmentFinder() */ public MarkupFragmentFinder getMarkupFragmentFinder() { if (this.markupFragmentFinder == null) { this.markupFragmentFinder = new MarkupFragmentFinder(); } return this.markupFragmentFinder; } /** * * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#setMarkupFragmentFinder(wicket.MarkupFragmentFinder) */ public void setMarkupFragmentFinder(final MarkupFragmentFinder markupFragmentFinder) { this.markupFragmentFinder = markupFragmentFinder; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISessionSettings#getMaxPageMaps() */ public final int getMaxPageMaps() { return maxPageMaps; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IPageSettings#getMaxPageVersions() */ public int getMaxPageVersions() { return maxPageVersions; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#getPackageResourceGuard() */ public IPackageResourceGuard getPackageResourceGuard() { return packageResourceGuard; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#getPageExpiredErrorPage() */ public Class<? extends Page> getPageExpiredErrorPage() { return pageExpiredErrorPage; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISessionSettings#getPageFactory() */ public IPageFactory getPageFactory() { return pageFactory; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISessionSettings#getPageMapEvictionStrategy() */ public IPageMapEvictionStrategy getPageMapEvictionStrategy() { return pageMapEvictionStrategy; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#getPropertiesFactory() */ public wicket.resource.IPropertiesFactory getPropertiesFactory() { if (propertiesFactory == null) { propertiesFactory = new PropertiesFactory(this.application); } return propertiesFactory; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IRequestCycleSettings#getRenderStrategy() */ public IRequestCycleSettings.RenderStrategy getRenderStrategy() { return renderStrategy; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#getResourceFactory(java.lang.String) */ public IResourceFactory getResourceFactory(final String name) { return nameToResourceFactory.get(name); } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#getResourceFinder() */ public IResourceFinder getResourceFinder() { return resourceFinder; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#getResourcePollFrequency() */ public Duration getResourcePollFrequency() { return resourcePollFrequency; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#getResourceStreamLocator() */ public IResourceStreamLocator getResourceStreamLocator() { if (resourceStreamLocator == null) { // Create compound resource locator using source path from // application settings resourceStreamLocator = new CompoundResourceStreamLocator(getResourceFinder()); } return resourceStreamLocator; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#getResourceWatcher(boolean) */ public ModificationWatcher getResourceWatcher(boolean start) { if (resourceWatcher == null && start) { final Duration pollFrequency = getResourcePollFrequency(); if (pollFrequency != null) { resourceWatcher = new ModificationWatcher(pollFrequency); } } return resourceWatcher; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IRequestCycleSettings#getResponseFilters() */ public List<IResponseFilter> getResponseFilters() { if (responseFilters == null) { return null; } else { return Collections.unmodifiableList(responseFilters); } } /** * @see wicket.settings.IRequestCycleSettings#getResponseRequestEncoding() */ public String getResponseRequestEncoding() { return responseRequestEncoding; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#getStringResourceLoaders() */ public List<IStringResourceLoader> getStringResourceLoaders() { return Collections.unmodifiableList(stringResourceLoaders); } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#getStripComments() */ public boolean getStripComments() { return stripComments; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#getStripWicketTags() */ public boolean getStripWicketTags() { return this.stripWicketTags; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#getStripXmlDeclarationFromOutput() */ public boolean getStripXmlDeclarationFromOutput() { return this.stripXmlDeclarationFromOutput; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#getThrowExceptionOnMissingResource() */ public boolean getThrowExceptionOnMissingResource() { return throwExceptionOnMissingResource; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISecuritySettings#getUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener() */ public IUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener getUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener() { return unauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IRequestCycleSettings#getUnexpectedExceptionDisplay() */ public UnexpectedExceptionDisplay getUnexpectedExceptionDisplay() { return unexpectedExceptionDisplay; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#getUseDefaultOnMissingResource() */ public boolean getUseDefaultOnMissingResource() { return useDefaultOnMissingResource; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IFrameworkSettings#getVersion() */ public String getVersion() { String implVersion = null; Package pkg = this.getClass().getPackage(); if (pkg != null) { implVersion = pkg.getImplementationVersion(); } return Strings.isEmpty(implVersion) ? "n/a" : implVersion; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IPageSettings#getVersionPagesByDefault() */ public boolean getVersionPagesByDefault() { return versionPagesByDefault; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IDebugSettings#isAjaxDebugModeEnabled() */ public boolean isAjaxDebugModeEnabled() { return ajaxDebugModeEnabled; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#setAccessDeniedPage(java.lang.Class) */ public void setAccessDeniedPage(Class<? extends Page> accessDeniedPage) { if (accessDeniedPage == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument accessDeniedPage may not be null"); } checkPageClass(accessDeniedPage); this.accessDeniedPage = accessDeniedPage; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IDebugSettings#setAjaxDebugModeEnabled(boolean) */ public void setAjaxDebugModeEnabled(boolean enable) { ajaxDebugModeEnabled = enable; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISecuritySettings#setAuthorizationStrategy(wicket.authorization.IAuthorizationStrategy) */ public void setAuthorizationStrategy(IAuthorizationStrategy strategy) { if (strategy == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("authorization strategy cannot be set to null"); } this.authorizationStrategy = strategy; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#setAutomaticLinking(boolean) */ public void setAutomaticLinking(boolean automaticLinking) { this.automaticLinking = automaticLinking; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IPageSettings#setAutomaticMultiWindowSupport(boolean) */ public void setAutomaticMultiWindowSupport(boolean automaticMultiWindowSupport) { this.automaticMultiWindowSupport = automaticMultiWindowSupport; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IRequestCycleSettings#setBufferResponse(boolean) */ public void setBufferResponse(boolean bufferResponse) { this.bufferResponse = bufferResponse; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#setClassResolver(wicket.application.IClassResolver) */ public void setClassResolver(final IClassResolver defaultClassResolver) { this.classResolver = defaultClassResolver; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IDebugSettings#setComponentUseCheck(boolean) */ public void setComponentUseCheck(final boolean componentUseCheck) { this.componentUseCheck = componentUseCheck; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#setCompressWhitespace(boolean) */ public void setCompressWhitespace(final boolean compressWhitespace) { this.compressWhitespace = compressWhitespace; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#setContextPath(java.lang.String) */ public void setContextPath(String contextPath) { if (contextPath != null) { if (!contextPath.startsWith("/") && !contextPath.startsWith("http:") && !contextPath.startsWith("https:")) { this.contextPath = "/" + contextPath; } else { this.contextPath = contextPath; } } } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#setConverterSupplierFactory(wicket.util.convert.IConverterLocatorFactory) */ public void setConverterSupplierFactory(IConverterLocatorFactory factory) { if (factory == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("converter factory cannot be set to null"); } this.converterFactory = factory; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISecuritySettings#setCookieValuePersisterSettings(wicket.markup.html.form.persistence.CookieValuePersisterSettings) */ public void setCookieValuePersisterSettings(CookieValuePersisterSettings cookieValuePersisterSettings) { this.cookieValuePersisterSettings = cookieValuePersisterSettings; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISecuritySettings#setCryptFactory(wicket.util.crypt.ICryptFactory) */ public void setCryptFactory(ICryptFactory cryptFactory) { if (cryptFactory == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("cryptFactory cannot be null"); } this.cryptFactory = cryptFactory; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#setDefaultAfterDisabledLink(java.lang.String) */ public void setDefaultAfterDisabledLink(final String defaultAfterDisabledLink) { this.defaultAfterDisabledLink = defaultAfterDisabledLink; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#setDefaultBeforeDisabledLink(java.lang.String) */ public void setDefaultBeforeDisabledLink(String defaultBeforeDisabledLink) { this.defaultBeforeDisabledLink = defaultBeforeDisabledLink; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#setDefaultLocale(java.util.Locale) */ public void setDefaultLocale(Locale defaultLocale) { this.defaultLocale = defaultLocale; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#setDefaultMarkupEncoding(java.lang.String) */ public void setDefaultMarkupEncoding(final String encoding) { this.defaultMarkupEncoding = encoding; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IRequestCycleSettings#setGatherExtendedBrowserInfo(boolean) */ public void setGatherExtendedBrowserInfo(boolean gatherExtendedBrowserInfo) { this.gatherExtendedBrowserInfo = gatherExtendedBrowserInfo; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#setInternalErrorPage(java.lang.Class) */ public void setInternalErrorPage(final Class<? extends Page> internalErrorPage) { if (internalErrorPage == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument internalErrorPage may not be null"); } checkPageClass(internalErrorPage); this.internalErrorPage = internalErrorPage; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#setMarkupParserFactory(wicket.markup.IMarkupParserFactory) */ public void setMarkupParserFactory(IMarkupParserFactory factory) { if (factory == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("markup parser factory cannot be null"); } this.markupParserFactory = factory; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISessionSettings#setMaxPageMaps(int) */ public final void setMaxPageMaps(int maxPageMaps) { this.maxPageMaps = maxPageMaps; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IPageSettings#setMaxPageVersions(int) */ public void setMaxPageVersions(int maxPageVersions) { if (maxPageVersions < 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Value for maxPageVersions must be >= 0"); } this.maxPageVersions = maxPageVersions; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#setPackageResourceGuard(wicket.markup.html.IPackageResourceGuard) */ public void setPackageResourceGuard(IPackageResourceGuard packageResourceGuard) { if (packageResourceGuard == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument packageResourceGuard may not be null"); } this.packageResourceGuard = packageResourceGuard; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IApplicationSettings#setPageExpiredErrorPage(java.lang.Class) */ public void setPageExpiredErrorPage(final Class<? extends Page> pageExpiredErrorPage) { if (pageExpiredErrorPage == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Argument pageExpiredErrorPage may not be null"); } checkPageClass(pageExpiredErrorPage); this.pageExpiredErrorPage = pageExpiredErrorPage; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISessionSettings#setPageFactory(wicket.IPageFactory) */ public void setPageFactory(final IPageFactory defaultPageFactory) { this.pageFactory = defaultPageFactory; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISessionSettings#setPageMapEvictionStrategy(wicket.session.pagemap.IPageMapEvictionStrategy) */ public void setPageMapEvictionStrategy(IPageMapEvictionStrategy pageMapEvictionStrategy) { this.pageMapEvictionStrategy = pageMapEvictionStrategy; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#setPropertiesFactory(wicket.resource.PropertiesFactory) */ public void setPropertiesFactory(wicket.resource.IPropertiesFactory factory) { this.propertiesFactory = factory; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IRequestCycleSettings#setRenderStrategy(wicket.settings.Settings.RenderStrategy) */ public void setRenderStrategy(IRequestCycleSettings.RenderStrategy renderStrategy) { this.renderStrategy = renderStrategy; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#setResourceFinder(wicket.util.file.IResourceFinder) */ public void setResourceFinder(final IResourceFinder resourceFinder) { this.resourceFinder = resourceFinder; // Cause resource locator to get recreated this.resourceStreamLocator = null; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#setResourcePollFrequency(wicket.util.time.Duration) */ public void setResourcePollFrequency(final Duration resourcePollFrequency) { this.resourcePollFrequency = resourcePollFrequency; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#setResourceStreamLocator(wicket.util.resource.locator.IResourceStreamLocator) */ public void setResourceStreamLocator(IResourceStreamLocator resourceStreamLocator) { this.resourceStreamLocator = resourceStreamLocator; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IRequestCycleSettings#setResponseRequestEncoding(java.lang.String) */ public void setResponseRequestEncoding(final String responseRequestEncoding) { this.responseRequestEncoding = responseRequestEncoding; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#setStripComments(boolean) */ public void setStripComments(boolean stripComments) { this.stripComments = stripComments; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#setStripWicketTags(boolean) */ public void setStripWicketTags(boolean stripWicketTags) { this.stripWicketTags = stripWicketTags; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IMarkupSettings#setStripXmlDeclarationFromOutput(boolean) */ public void setStripXmlDeclarationFromOutput(final boolean strip) { this.stripXmlDeclarationFromOutput = strip; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#setThrowExceptionOnMissingResource(boolean) */ public void setThrowExceptionOnMissingResource(final boolean throwExceptionOnMissingResource) { this.throwExceptionOnMissingResource = throwExceptionOnMissingResource; } /** * @see wicket.settings.ISecuritySettings#setUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener(wicket.authorization.IUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener) */ public void setUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener( IUnauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener unauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener) { this.unauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener = unauthorizedComponentInstantiationListener; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IRequestCycleSettings#setUnexpectedExceptionDisplay(wicket.settings.Settings.UnexpectedExceptionDisplay) */ public void setUnexpectedExceptionDisplay(final UnexpectedExceptionDisplay unexpectedExceptionDisplay) { this.unexpectedExceptionDisplay = unexpectedExceptionDisplay; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IResourceSettings#setUseDefaultOnMissingResource(boolean) */ public void setUseDefaultOnMissingResource(final boolean useDefaultOnMissingResource) { this.useDefaultOnMissingResource = useDefaultOnMissingResource; } /** * @see wicket.settings.IPageSettings#setVersionPagesByDefault(boolean) */ public void setVersionPagesByDefault(boolean pagesVersionedByDefault) { this.versionPagesByDefault = pagesVersionedByDefault; } /** * Throws an IllegalArgumentException if the given class is not a subclass * of Page. * * @param pageClass * the page class to check */ private void checkPageClass(final Class pageClass) { // NOTE: we can't really check on whether it is a bookmarkable page // here, as - though the default is that a bookmarkable page must // either have a default constructor and/or a constructor with a // PageParameters object, this could be different for another // IPageFactory implementation if (!Page.class.isAssignableFrom(pageClass)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("argument " + pageClass + " must be a subclass of Page"); } } /** * * @see wicket.settings.IDebugSettings#getSerializeSessionAttributes() */ public boolean getSerializeSessionAttributes() { return serializeSessionAttributes; } /** * * @see wicket.settings.IDebugSettings#setSerializeSessionAttributes(boolean) */ public void setSerializeSessionAttributes(boolean serialize) { this.serializeSessionAttributes = serialize; } }