List of usage examples for java.lang Package getImplementationVersion
public String getImplementationVersion()
From source
/** * Prints out general IdP information. This includes IdP version, start up time, and whether the attribute resolver * is currently operational./*from w w w . ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ * * @param out output writer to which information will be written */ protected void printIdPInformation(PrintWriter out) { Package pkg = Version.class.getPackage(); out.println("### Identity Provider Information"); out.println("idp_version: " + pkg.getImplementationVersion()); out.println("idp_start_time: " + startTime.toString(dateFormat)); try { attributeResolver.validate(); out.println("attribute_resolver_valid: " + Boolean.TRUE); } catch (AttributeResolutionException e) { out.println("attribute_resolver_valid: " + Boolean.FALSE); } }
From source
private void printVersion() { final Package pkg = this.getClass().getPackage();, "%s %s", pkg.getImplementationTitle(), pkg.getImplementationVersion())); }
From source
protected void applyDefaultVersion(Swagger data) { if (applyDefaultVersion && data.getInfo() != null && data.getInfo().getVersion() == null && beanConfig != null && beanConfig.getResourcePackage() != null) { Package resourcePackage = Package.getPackage(beanConfig.getResourcePackage()); if (resourcePackage != null) { data.getInfo().setVersion(resourcePackage.getImplementationVersion()); }/*from www . j a v a2 s .c o m*/ } }
From source
public String getUserAgent() { Package pack = getClass().getPackage(); String httpClientVersion = VersionInfo.getUserAgent("Apache-HttpClient", "org.apache.http.client", Request.class); return "Apache-Taverna-OSGi" + "/" + pack.getImplementationVersion() + " (" + httpClientVersion + ")"; }
From source
private static CommandLine parse(String[] args) { Options opts = new Options(); OptionBuilder.withArgName("aet[@host][:port]"); OptionBuilder.hasArg();/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s. c o m*/ OptionBuilder.withDescription("set AET, local address and listening port of local Application Entity"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("L")); opts.addOption("ts1", false, "offer Default Transfer Syntax in " + "separate Presentation Context. By default offered with\n" + "Explicit VR Little Endian TS in one PC."); opts.addOption("fileref", false, "send objects without pixel data, but with a reference to " + "the DICOM file using DCM4CHE URI\nReferenced Transfer Syntax " + "to import DICOM objects\n on a given file system to a DCM4CHEE " + "archive."); OptionBuilder.withArgName("username"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription( "enable User Identity Negotiation with specified username and " + " optional passcode"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("username")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("passcode"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription( "optional passcode for User Identity Negotiation, " + "only effective with option -username"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("passcode")); opts.addOption("uidnegrsp", false, "request positive User Identity Negotation response, " + "only effective with option -username"); OptionBuilder.withArgName("NULL|3DES|AES"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("enable TLS connection without, 3DES or AES encryption"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("tls")); opts.addOption("nossl2", false, "disable acceptance of SSLv2Hello TLS handshake"); opts.addOption("noclientauth", false, "disable client authentification for TLS"); OptionBuilder.withArgName("file|url"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder .withDescription("file path or URL of P12 or JKS keystore, resource:tls/test_sys_2.p12 by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("keystore")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("password"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("password for keystore file, 'secret' by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("keystorepw")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("password"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder .withDescription("password for accessing the key in the keystore, keystore password by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("keypw")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("file|url"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("file path or URL of JKS truststore, resource:tls/mesa_certs.jks by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("truststore")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("password"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("password for truststore file, 'secret' by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("truststorepw")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("aet@host:port"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("request storage commitment of (successfully) sent objects " + "afterwards in new association\nto specified remote " + "Application Entity"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("stgcmtae")); opts.addOption("stgcmt", false, "request storage commitment of (successfully) sent objects " + "afterwards in same association"); OptionBuilder.withArgName("maxops"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("maximum number of outstanding operations it may invoke " + "asynchronously, unlimited by default."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("async")); opts.addOption("pdv1", false, "send only one PDV in one P-Data-TF PDU, " + "pack command and data PDV in one P-DATA-TF PDU by default."); opts.addOption("tcpdelay", false, "set TCP_NODELAY socket option to false, true by default"); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for TCP connect, no timeout by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("connectTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("delay in ms for Socket close after sending A-ABORT, " + "50ms by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("soclosedelay")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("delay in ms for closing the listening socket, " + "1000ms by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("shutdowndelay")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("period in ms to check for outstanding DIMSE-RSP, " + "10s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("reaper")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for receiving DIMSE-RSP, 60s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("rspTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for receiving A-ASSOCIATE-AC, 5s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("acceptTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for receiving A-RELEASE-RP, 5s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("releaseTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("maximal length in KB of received P-DATA-TF PDUs, 16KB by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("rcvpdulen")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("maximal length in KB of sent P-DATA-TF PDUs, 16KB by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("sndpdulen")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("set SO_RCVBUF socket option to specified value in KB"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("sorcvbuf")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("set SO_SNDBUF socket option to specified value in KB"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("sosndbuf")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("transcoder buffer size in KB, 1KB by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("bufsize")); opts.addOption("lowprior", false, "LOW priority of the C-STORE operation, MEDIUM by default"); opts.addOption("highprior", false, "HIGH priority of the C-STORE operation, MEDIUM by default"); opts.addOption("h", "help", false, "print this message"); opts.addOption("V", "version", false, "print the version information and exit"); CommandLine cl = null; try { cl = new GnuParser().parse(opts, args); } catch (ParseException e) { exit("dcmsnd: " + e.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("unreachable"); } if (cl.hasOption('V')) { Package p = DcmSnd.class.getPackage(); System.out.println("dcmsnd v" + p.getImplementationVersion()); System.exit(0); } if (cl.hasOption('h') || cl.getArgList().size() < 2) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(USAGE, DESCRIPTION, opts, EXAMPLE); System.exit(0); } return cl; }
From source
private void handleWelcomeReq(final HttpServletRequest req, final HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException, JSONException { final Package p = this.getClass().getPackage(); final JSONObject welcome = new JSONObject(); welcome.put("couchdb-lucene", "Welcome"); welcome.put("version", p.getImplementationVersion()); ServletUtils.sendJson(req, resp, welcome); }
From source
private static CommandLine parse(String[] args) { Options opts = new Options(); OptionBuilder.withArgName("name"); OptionBuilder.hasArg();/*from w w w . j a v a2 s . c om*/ OptionBuilder.withDescription("set device name, use DCMRCV by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("device")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("NULL|3DES|AES"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("enable TLS connection without, 3DES or AES encryption"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("tls")); OptionGroup tlsProtocol = new OptionGroup(); tlsProtocol.addOption(new Option("tls1", "disable the use of SSLv3 and SSLv2 for TLS connections")); tlsProtocol.addOption(new Option("ssl3", "disable the use of TLSv1 and SSLv2 for TLS connections")); tlsProtocol.addOption(new Option("no_tls1", "disable the use of TLSv1 for TLS connections")); tlsProtocol.addOption(new Option("no_ssl3", "disable the use of SSLv3 for TLS connections")); tlsProtocol.addOption(new Option("no_ssl2", "disable the use of SSLv2 for TLS connections")); opts.addOptionGroup(tlsProtocol); opts.addOption("noclientauth", false, "disable client authentification for TLS"); OptionBuilder.withArgName("file|url"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder .withDescription("file path or URL of P12 or JKS keystore, resource:tls/test_sys_2.p12 by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("keystore")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("password"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("password for keystore file, 'secret' by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("keystorepw")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("password"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder .withDescription("password for accessing the key in the keystore, keystore password by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("keypw")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("file|url"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("file path or URL of JKS truststore, resource:tls/mesa_certs.jks by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("truststore")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("password"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("password for truststore file, 'secret' by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("truststorepw")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("dir"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("store received objects into files in specified directory <dir>." + " Do not store received objects by default."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("dest")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("file|url"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("file path or URL of properties for mapping Calling AETs to " + "sub-directories of the storage directory specified by " + "-dest, to separate the storage location dependend on " + "Calling AETs."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("calling2dir")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("file|url"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("file path or URL of properties for mapping Called AETs to " + "sub-directories of the storage directory specified by " + "-dest, to separate the storage location dependend on " + "Called AETs."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("called2dir")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("sub-dir"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("storage sub-directory used for Calling AETs for which no " + " mapping is defined by properties specified by " + "-calling2dir, 'OTHER' by default."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("callingdefdir")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("sub-dir"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("storage sub-directory used for Called AETs for which no " + " mapping is defined by properties specified by " + "-called2dir, 'OTHER' by default."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("calleddefdir")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("dir"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("register stored objects in cache journal files in specified directory <dir>." + " Do not register stored objects by default."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("journal")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("pattern"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("cache journal file path, with " + "'yyyy' will be replaced by the current year, " + "'MM' by the current month, 'dd' by the current date, " + "'HH' by the current hour and 'mm' by the current minute. " + "'yyyy/MM/dd/HH/mm' by default."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("journalfilepath")); opts.addOption("defts", false, "accept only default transfer syntax."); opts.addOption("bigendian", false, "accept also Explict VR Big Endian transfer syntax."); opts.addOption("native", false, "accept only transfer syntax with uncompressed pixel data."); OptionGroup scRetrieveAET = new OptionGroup(); OptionBuilder.withArgName("aet"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("Retrieve AE Title included in Storage Commitment " + "N-EVENT-REPORT in items of the Referenced SOP Sequence."); scRetrieveAET.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("scretraets")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("aet"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("Retrieve AE Title included in Storage Commitment " + "N-EVENT-REPORT outside of the Referenced SOP Sequence."); scRetrieveAET.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("scretraet")); opts.addOptionGroup(scRetrieveAET); opts.addOption("screusefrom", false, "attempt to issue the Storage Commitment N-EVENT-REPORT on " + "the same Association on which the N-ACTION operation was " + "performed; use different Association for N-EVENT-REPORT by " + "default."); opts.addOption("screuseto", false, "attempt to issue the Storage Commitment N-EVENT-REPORT on " + "previous initiated Association to the Storage Commitment SCU; " + "initiate new Association for N-EVENT-REPORT by default."); OptionBuilder.withArgName("port"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("port of Storage Commitment SCU to connect to issue " + "N-EVENT-REPORT on different Association; 104 by default."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("scport")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder .withDescription("delay in ms for N-EVENT-REPORT-RQ to Storage Commitment SCU, " + "1s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("scdelay")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("retry"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription( "number of retries to issue N-EVENT-REPORT-RQ to Storage " + "Commitment SCU, 0 by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("scretry")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("interval im ms between retries to issue N-EVENT-REPORT-RQ to" + "Storage Commitment SCU, 60s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("scretryperiod")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("maxops"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription( "maximum number of outstanding operations performed " + "asynchronously, unlimited by default."); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("async")); opts.addOption("pdv1", false, "send only one PDV in one P-Data-TF PDU, " + "pack command and data PDV in one P-DATA-TF PDU by default."); opts.addOption("tcpdelay", false, "set TCP_NODELAY socket option to false, true by default"); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for TCP connect, no timeout by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("connectTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for receiving DIMSE-RSP, 10s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("rspTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for receiving A-ASSOCIATE-AC, 5s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("acceptTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("delay in ms for Socket close after sending A-ABORT, 50ms by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("soclosedelay")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("delay in ms for DIMSE-RSP; useful for testing asynchronous mode"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("rspdelay")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for receiving -ASSOCIATE-RQ, 5s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("requestTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for receiving A-RELEASE-RP, 5s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("releaseTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("period in ms to check for outstanding DIMSE-RSP, 10s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("reaper")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("ms"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("timeout in ms for receiving DIMSE-RQ, 60s by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("idleTO")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("maximal length in KB of received P-DATA-TF PDUs, 16KB by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("rcvpdulen")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("maximal length in KB of sent P-DATA-TF PDUs, 16KB by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("sndpdulen")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("set SO_RCVBUF socket option to specified value in KB"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("sorcvbuf")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("set SO_SNDBUF socket option to specified value in KB"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("sosndbuf")); OptionBuilder.withArgName("KB"); OptionBuilder.hasArg(); OptionBuilder.withDescription("minimal buffer size to write received object to file, 1KB by default"); opts.addOption(OptionBuilder.create("bufsize")); opts.addOption("h", "help", false, "print this message"); opts.addOption("V", "version", false, "print the version information and exit"); CommandLine cl = null; try { cl = new GnuParser().parse(opts, args); } catch (ParseException e) { exit("dcmrcv: " + e.getMessage()); throw new RuntimeException("unreachable"); } if (cl.hasOption("V")) { Package p = DcmRcv.class.getPackage(); System.out.println("dcmrcv v" + p.getImplementationVersion()); System.exit(0); } if (cl.hasOption("h") || cl.getArgList().size() == 0) { HelpFormatter formatter = new HelpFormatter(); formatter.printHelp(USAGE, DESCRIPTION, opts, EXAMPLE); System.exit(0); } return cl; }
From source
public String getVersion() { if (version == null) { Package pkg = Teacher.class.getPackage(); if (pkg != null) { version = pkg.getImplementationVersion(); }//ww w . j a v a2s . c o m if (version == null) { // When running from a project in development mode File pomFile = new File("pom.xml"); if (pomFile.exists() && pomFile.isFile()) { try { BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(pomFile)); String line = null; while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null && line.contains("<version>") == false) { } reader.close(); if (line != null) { Pattern pattern = Pattern.compile(".*<version>([^<]+)</version>.*"); Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(line); if (matcher.matches()) { version =; } } } catch (IOException e) { throw new RuntimeException(e); } } } } return version; }
From source
private void init(String args[]) { CommandLineArguments commandLineArguments = new CommandLineArguments(); JCommander jc = null;/*www. j ava 2s . c o m*/ try { jc = new JCommander(commandLineArguments, args); } catch (ParameterException pe) { System.err.println(pe.getMessage()); System.err.println("Use -h for help"); System.exit(0); } // help if (commandLineArguments == null || commandLineArguments.isHelp()) { jc.usage(); System.exit(0); } // version if (commandLineArguments.isVersion()) { Package classPackage = this.getClass().getPackage(); String implementationVersion = classPackage.getImplementationVersion(); System.out.println("version: " + implementationVersion); System.exit(0); } // config configFileName = commandLineArguments.getConfig(); if (commandLineArguments.getPatterns().size() == 0) { System.err.println("Use -p to specifiy at least one pattern!"); jc.usage(); System.exit(0); }"Initializing Sparkwave..."); SparkwaveConfigLoader sparkConfigLoader = new SparkwaveConfigLoader(); ConfigurationModel sparkwaveConfig = null; try {"Reading Sparkwave configuration from {} ...", configFileName); sparkwaveConfig = sparkConfigLoader.load(configFileName);"Loaded configuration: port={}, Number of pre-processing plugins={}", sparkwaveConfig.getPort(), sparkwaveConfig.getPPPluginsConfig().size()); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { logger.error("Could not load config file, please check existance of {}", configFileName); System.exit(1); } ArrayList<File> patternFiles = new ArrayList<File>(); for (String patternPath : commandLineArguments.getPatterns()) { File patternFile = new File(patternPath); if (!patternFile.exists()) { logger.error("Cannot load pattern file {} !", patternFile); System.exit(1); } else { patternFiles.add(patternFile); } } // kick off bootstrap bootstrap(sparkwaveConfig, patternFiles); new RestServer(this).startServer(); }
From source
@SuppressWarnings("unchecked") private void startup() { try {// w w w. j av a 2 s .c om try { theFormControl = new FormControl(this, theSettingsPath); } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.error("Error loading form parameters", ex); } ClassLoader cLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); Toolkit kit = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit(); Package p = this.getClass().getPackage(); lblVersion.setText(p.getImplementationVersion()); if (new File(theLogoFileName).exists()) { theLogo = kit.getImage(theLogoFileName); } else { imageURL = cLoader.getResource(theLogoFileName); if (imageURL != null) { theLogo = kit.getImage(imageURL); } } if (theLogo != null) { lblBuildNo.setForeground(Color.white); lblBuildNoLabel.setForeground(Color.white); //lblHeader.setForeground(Color.white); lblVersion.setForeground(Color.white); lblVersionLabel.setForeground(Color.white); paintImage(); } //String manifestFileName = "/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"; Class cls = this.getClass(); String className = cls.getSimpleName(); String classFileName = className + ".class"; String pathToThisClass = cls.getResource(classFileName).toString(); int mark = pathToThisClass.indexOf("!"); String pathToManifest = pathToThisClass.substring(0, mark + 1); if (!pathToManifest.equals("")) { pathToManifest += "/META-INF/MANIFEST.MF"; LOG.debug("Path to manifest: " + pathToManifest); Manifest mf = new Manifest(new URL(pathToManifest).openStream()); if (mf != null) { Attributes attr = mf.getMainAttributes(); String attrVersion = "Implementation-Version"; String attrBuild = "Implementation-Build"; String version = attr.getValue(attrVersion); String build = attr.getValue(attrBuild); this.lblVersion.setText(version); this.lblBuildNo.setText(build); } } Runtime runtime = Runtime.getRuntime(); long maxMemory = runtime.maxMemory(); long allocatedMemory = runtime.totalMemory(); long freeMemory = runtime.freeMemory(); LOG.debug("free memory: " + freeMemory / 1024); LOG.debug("allocated memory: " + allocatedMemory / 1024); LOG.debug("max memory: " + maxMemory / 1024); LOG.debug("total free memory: " + (freeMemory + (maxMemory - allocatedMemory)) / 1024); } catch (IOException ex) { ex.printStackTrace(); LOG.error(ex.getMessage(), ex); } }