Java tutorial
/* * Morphy Open Source Chess Server * Copyright (C) 2008,2009 * * This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. */ package morphy.command; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.List; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import morphy.Morphy; import; import morphy.service.ChannelService; import morphy.service.DatabaseConnectionService; import morphy.service.ServerListManagerService; import morphy.service.UserService; import morphy.user.PersonalList; import morphy.user.User; import morphy.user.UserLevel; import morphy.user.UserSession; import morphy.utils.john.ServerList; import morphy.utils.john.ServerList.ListType; public class AddListCommand extends AbstractCommand { public AddListCommand() { super("AddList"); } public void process(String arguments, UserSession userSession) { String[] args = arguments.split(" "); if (args.length != 2) { userSession.send(getContext().getUsage()); return; } String listName = args[0].toLowerCase(); String value = args[1]; UserService us = UserService.getInstance(); if (us.isAdmin(userSession.getUser().getUserName())) { ServerListManagerService serv = ServerListManagerService.getInstance(); ServerList s = serv.getList(listName); if (s != null) { if (userSession.getUser().getUserLevel().ordinal() >= s.getPermissions().ordinal()) { if (s.getType().equals(ListType.Integer) && !StringUtils.isNumeric(value)) { userSession.send("Bad value provided for that list (Integer required)"); return; } else if (s.getType().equals(ListType.Username) && !us.isValidUsername(value)) { userSession.send("Bad value provided for that list (Username required)"); return; } else if (s.getType().equals(ListType.IPAddress) && !value.matches("\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}.\\d{1,3}")) { userSession.send("Bad value provided for that list (IPAddress required)"); return; } else if (s.getType().equals(ListType.String) && value.contains(" ")) { userSession.send("Bad value provided for that list (String required)"); return; } if (listName.equals("admin") && !us.isRegistered(value)) { userSession.send("Guests cannot be added to that list."); return; } if (!serv.isOnList(s, value)) { serv.getElements().get(s).add(value); userSession.send("[" + value + "] added to the " + listName + " list."); UserSession user = us.getUserSession(value); if (listName.equals("admin")) { user.getUser().setUserLevel(UserLevel.Admin); } if (listName.equals("admin") || listName.equals("sr") || listName.equals("tm") || listName.equals("td") || listName.equals("computer")) { if (user != null) { user.send("You have been added to the " + listName + " list by " + userSession.getUser().getUserName() + "."); } } return; } else { userSession.send("[" + value + "] is already on the " + listName + " list."); return; } } else { userSession.send("\"" + listName + "\" is not an appropriate list name or you have insufficient rights."); return; } } } listName = listName.toLowerCase(); PersonalList list = null; try { list = PersonalList.valueOf(listName); } catch (Exception e) { userSession.send("\"" + listName + "\" does not match any list name."); return; } List<String> myList = userSession.getUser().getLists().get(list); if (myList == null) { myList = new ArrayList<String>(User.MAX_LIST_SIZE); userSession.getUser().getLists().put(list, myList); } if (!myList.contains(value)) { if (list == { ChannelService cS = ChannelService.getInstance(); try { int intVal = Integer.parseInt(value); if (intVal < Channel.MINIMUM || intVal > Channel.MAXIMUM) throw new NumberFormatException(); Channel c = cS.getChannel(intVal); if (c != null) c.addListener(userSession); else userSession.send("That channel should, but does not, exist."); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { userSession.send("The channel to add must be a number between " + Channel.MINIMUM + " and " + Channel.MAXIMUM + "."); return; } } if (list != { String[] matches = us.completeHandle(value); //System.err.println(value + " " + java.util.Arrays.toString(matches)); if (matches.length > 0) { if (matches.length == 1) { value = matches[0]; } } } myList.add(value); userSession.send("[" + value + "] added to your " + listName + " list."); int dbid = userSession.getUser().getDBID(); boolean isGuest = dbid == 0; if (!isGuest) { DatabaseConnectionService dbcs = DatabaseConnectionService.getInstance(); dbcs.getDBConnection().executeQueryWithRS( "INSERT IGNORE INTO personallist VALUES(NULL," + dbid + ",'" + listName + "');"); Integer listid = userSession.getUser().getPersonalListDBIDs().get(list); if (listid == null) { java.sql.ResultSet rs = dbcs.getDBConnection() .executeQueryWithRS("SELECT `id`,`name` FROM personallist WHERE user_id = '" + dbid + "' && name = '" + listName + "';"); try { if ( { userSession.getUser().getPersonalListDBIDs().put(PersonalList.valueOf(rs.getString(2)), rs.getInt(1)); listid = rs.getInt(1); } } catch (java.sql.SQLException e) { Morphy.getInstance().onError(e); } } String query = "INSERT INTO personallist_entry VALUES(NULL," + listid + ",'" + value + "');"; dbcs.getDBConnection().executeQuery(query); } } else { userSession.send("[" + value + "] is already on your " + listName + " list."); } } }