List of usage examples for java.lang Math sin
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public static double sin(double a)
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/** * Diese Methode gibt den Funktionswert zurck. * /*ww w . j a v a*/ * @param x Die unabhngige Variable * * @return Der Funktionswert * * @see UnivariateFunction#value(double) */ @Override public double value(double x) { // Der Funktionswert wird zurckgegeben. return this.m * x + this.t - Math.sin(x); }
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@Override public double getFirstDerivativeIntegral(int m) { return Math.sin(Math.PI * m); }
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/** * Returns coordinates of position which is given distance and bearing from given point. * @param pt1/*from ww w . j ava2 s . c o m*/ * @param dist * @param brg * @return */ public static Point getPosition(Point pt1, double d, double brg) { if (Double.doubleToRawLongBits(d) == 0) { return pt1; } double lat1 = Math.toRadians(pt1.getLatitude()); double lon1 = Math.toRadians(pt1.getLongitude()); double brgAsRadians = Math.toRadians(brg); double lat2 = Math.asin(Math.sin(lat1) * Math.cos(d / EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS) + Math.cos(lat1) * Math.sin(d / EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS) * Math.cos(brgAsRadians)); double x = Math.sin(brgAsRadians) * Math.sin(d / EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS) * Math.cos(lat1); double y = Math.cos(d / EARTH_RADIUS_IN_METERS) - Math.sin(lat1) * Math.sin(lat2); double lon2 = lon1 + Math.atan2(x, y); return new Point(Math.toDegrees(lat2), Math.toDegrees(lon2), null); }
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/** * Convert a UTM location to a latitude and longitude location. * * @param north the northing value.// w w w. ja va 2s . co m * @param east the easting value. * @param zone the UTM zone. * @return a Location containing the latitude and longitude. */ public static Location fromUTM(double north, double east, double zone) { double d = 0.99960000000000004; double d1 = 6378137; double d2 = 0.0066943799999999998; double d4 = (1 - Math.sqrt(1 - d2)) / (1 + Math.sqrt(1 - d2)); double d3 = d2 / (1 - d2); double d12 = (north / d) / (d1 * (1 - d2 / 4 - (3 * d2 * d2) / 64 - (5 * Math.pow(d2, 3)) / 256)); double d14 = d12 + ((3 * d4) / 2 - (27 * Math.pow(d4, 3)) / 32) * Math.sin(2 * d12) + ((21 * d4 * d4) / 16 - (55 * Math.pow(d4, 4)) / 32) * Math.sin(4 * d12) + ((151 * Math.pow(d4, 3)) / 96) * Math.sin(6 * d12); double d5 = d1 / Math.sqrt(1 - d2 * Math.sin(d14) * Math.sin(d14)); double d6 = Math.tan(d14) * Math.tan(d14); double d7 = d3 * Math.cos(d14) * Math.cos(d14); double d8 = (d1 * (1 - d2)) / Math.pow(1 - d2 * Math.sin(d14) * Math.sin(d14), 1.5); double d9 = (east - 500000) / (d5 * d); double lat = (d14 - ((d5 * Math.tan(d14)) / d8) * (((d9 * d9) / 2 - (((5 + 3 * d6 + 10 * d7) - 4 * d7 * d7 - 9 * d3) * Math.pow(d9, 4)) / 24) + (((61 + 90 * d6 + 298 * d7 + 45 * d6 * d6) - 252 * d3 - 3 * d7 * d7) * Math.pow(d9, 6)) / 720)) * 180 / Math.PI; double lon = (((zone - 1) * 6 - 180) + 3) + (((d9 - ((1 + 2 * d6 + d7) * Math.pow(d9, 3)) / 6) + (((((5 - 2 * d7) + 28 * d6) - 3 * d7 * d7) + 8 * d3 + 24 * d6 * d6) * Math.pow(d9, 5)) / 120) / Math.cos(d14)) * 180 / Math.PI; Location loc = new Location("MNDNR"); loc.setLatitude(lat); loc.setLongitude(lon); return loc; }
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public void initialise(double[] a) { background = a[BACKGROUND];/* www . java2s . co m*/ x0pos = a[X_POSITION]; x1pos = a[Y_POSITION]; // Precalculate multiplication factors final double theta = a[ANGLE]; final double sx = a[X_SD]; final double sy = a[Y_SD]; final double sx2 = sx * sx; final double sy2 = sy * sy; final double sx3 = sx2 * sx; final double sy3 = sy2 * sy; final double cosSqt = Math.cos(theta) * Math.cos(theta); final double sinSqt = Math.sin(theta) * Math.sin(theta); final double sin2t = Math.sin(2 * theta); n = ONE_OVER_TWO_PI / (sx * sy); height = a[SIGNAL] * n; // All prefactors are negated since the Gaussian uses the exponential to the negative: // (A/2*pi*sx*sy) * exp( -( a(x-x0)^2 + 2b(x-x0)(y-y0) + c(y-y0)^2 ) ) aa = -0.5 * (cosSqt / sx2 + sinSqt / sy2); bb = -0.25 * (-sin2t / sx2 + sin2t / sy2); cc = -0.5 * (sinSqt / sx2 + cosSqt / sy2); // For the x-width gradient nx = -1 / sx; ax = cosSqt / sx3; bx = -0.5 * sin2t / sx3; cx = sinSqt / sx3; // For the y-width gradient ny = -1 / sy; ay = sinSqt / sy3; by = 0.5 * sin2t / sy3; cy = cosSqt / sy3; }
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/** * @param configuration configuration/*from ww w . j a va 2 s.c om*/ * @param location location */ public LocationData(Configuration configuration, Location location) { clock = configuration.getClock(); this.location = location; simDetails = configuration.getLocationSimulationDetails(); velocity = simDetails.get(location.getLocationId()).getAverageSpeed(); mutation = simDetails.get(location.getLocationId()).getMutationSpeed(); minLatitude = simDetails.get(location.getLocationId()).getMinLatitude(); maxLatitude = simDetails.get(location.getLocationId()).getMaxLatitude(); minLongitude = simDetails.get(location.getLocationId()).getMinLongitude(); maxLongitude = simDetails.get(location.getLocationId()).getMaxLongitude(); moving = Math.abs(velocity) > 1E-6 || Math.abs(mutation) > 1E-4; heading = RandomUtils.nextDouble() * 2.0 * Math.PI; headingSouth = Math.sin(heading) * velocity; headingEast = Math.cos(heading) * velocity; }
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private JFreeChart createChart(String title) { if (false) {/*from w ww .ja v a 2 s.c om*/ Map<Date, Double> s1 = new HashMap<Date, Double>(); Map<Date, Double> s2 = new HashMap<Date, Double>(); long time = System.currentTimeMillis(); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { s1.put(new Date(time + i * 1000), Math.sin(i / 10.0)); s2.put(new Date(time + i * 1000), Math.cos(i / 5.0)); } ChartHelper.TimeSeriesChartSpecification spec1 = new ChartHelper.TimeSeriesChartSpecification(); spec1.setData(s1); spec1.setLabel("Latency 1"); ChartHelper.TimeSeriesChartSpecification spec2 = new ChartHelper.TimeSeriesChartSpecification(); spec2.setData(s2); spec2.setLabel("Latency 2"); return ChartHelper.createTimeSeriesChart(title, Arrays.asList(spec1, spec2), "Time", "Latency", ChartHelper.ColorTheme.LIGHT); } if (false) { List<List<Double>> data = getBarData(); List<String> zoneLabels = new ArrayList<String>(); for (int i = 0; i < 16; i++) { zoneLabels.add(i + "%"); } JFreeChart chart = ChartHelper.createStackedBarChart(title, data, zoneLabels, "Time", "Latency", ChartHelper.ColorTheme.DARK); return chart; } if (true) { XYSeriesCollection areas = getSeriesCollection(16); XYSeriesCollection lines = getSeriesCollection(2); JFreeChart chart = ChartHelper.createStackedAreaChart(title, areas, lines, "Time", "Latency", ChartHelper.ColorTheme.LIGHT); return chart; } return null; }
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public static double gamma(double x) { if (x == 0) { return 1; }//from w ww .ja v a2 s .c o m if (x < 0.5) { return Math.PI / (Math.sin(Math.PI * x) * gamma(1 - x)); } double y = Math.exp(lnGamma(x)); return y; }
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public void initialise(double[] a) { background = a[BACKGROUND];/*from w w w . jav a 2s .c o m*/ x0pos = a[X_POSITION]; x1pos = a[Y_POSITION]; // Precalculate multiplication factors final double theta = a[ANGLE]; final double sx = a[X_SD]; final double sy = a[Y_SD]; final double sx2 = sx * sx; final double sy2 = sy * sy; final double sx3 = sx2 * sx; final double sy3 = sy2 * sy; final double cosSqt = Math.cos(theta) * Math.cos(theta); final double sinSqt = Math.sin(theta) * Math.sin(theta); final double sincost = Math.sin(theta) * Math.cos(theta); final double sin2t = Math.sin(2 * theta); final double cos2t = Math.cos(2 * theta); n = ONE_OVER_TWO_PI / (sx * sy); height = a[SIGNAL] * n; // All prefactors are negated since the Gaussian uses the exponential to the negative: // (A/2*pi*sx*sy) * exp( -( a(x-x0)^2 + 2b(x-x0)(y-y0) + c(y-y0)^2 ) ) aa = -0.5 * (cosSqt / sx2 + sinSqt / sy2); bb = -0.25 * (-sin2t / sx2 + sin2t / sy2); cc = -0.5 * (sinSqt / sx2 + cosSqt / sy2); // For the angle gradient aa2 = -(-sincost / sx2 + sincost / sy2); bb2 = -0.5 * (-cos2t / sx2 + cos2t / sy2); cc2 = -(sincost / sx2 - sincost / sy2); // For the x-width gradient nx = -1 / sx; ax = cosSqt / sx3; bx = -0.5 * sin2t / sx3; cx = sinSqt / sx3; // For the y-width gradient ny = -1 / sy; ay = sinSqt / sy3; by = 0.5 * sin2t / sy3; cy = cosSqt / sy3; }
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public double calculateDistance(Airport toAirport) { Assert.isTrue(toAirport != null, "airport is required"); double deltaLat = Math.toRadians(toAirport.latitude - latitude); double deltaLon = Math.toRadians(toAirport.longitude - longitude); double a = Math.pow(Math.sin(deltaLat / 2), 2) + Math.pow(Math.sin(deltaLon / 2), 2) * Math.cos(latitude) * Math.cos(toAirport.latitude); double c = 2 * Math.asin(Math.sqrt(a)); return EARTH_RADIUS * c; }