Example usage for java.lang Math min

List of usage examples for java.lang Math min


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math min.


public static double min(double a, double b) 

Source Link


Returns the smaller of two double values.


From source file:Main.java

public static Bitmap resizeAndCropCenter(Bitmap bitmap, int size, boolean recycle) {
    int w = bitmap.getWidth();
    int h = bitmap.getHeight();
    if (w == size && h == size)
        return bitmap;

    // scale the image so that the shorter side equals to the target;
    // the longer side will be center-cropped.
    float scale = (float) size / Math.min(w, h);

    Bitmap target = Bitmap.createBitmap(size, size, getConfig(bitmap));
    int width = Math.round(scale * bitmap.getWidth());
    int height = Math.round(scale * bitmap.getHeight());
    Canvas canvas = new Canvas(target);
    canvas.translate((size - width) / 2f, (size - height) / 2f);
    canvas.scale(scale, scale);/*from w ww  .ja v a 2s  . c  om*/
    Paint paint = new Paint(Paint.FILTER_BITMAP_FLAG | Paint.DITHER_FLAG);
    canvas.drawBitmap(bitmap, 0, 0, paint);
    if (recycle)
    return target;

From source file:Main.java

private static int computeInitialSampleSize(int w, int h, int minSideLength, int maxNumOfPixels) {
    if (maxNumOfPixels == UNCONSTRAINED && minSideLength == UNCONSTRAINED)
        return 1;

    int lowerBound = (maxNumOfPixels == UNCONSTRAINED) ? 1
            : (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt((float) (w * h) / maxNumOfPixels));

    if (minSideLength == UNCONSTRAINED) {
        return lowerBound;
    } else {/*  w w w.j  a va 2 s . c  o  m*/
        int sampleSize = Math.min(w / minSideLength, h / minSideLength);
        return Math.max(sampleSize, lowerBound);

From source file:Main.java

private static int computeInitialSampleSize(int w, int h, int minSideLength, int maxNumOfPixels) {
    if (maxNumOfPixels == UNCONSTRAINED && minSideLength == UNCONSTRAINED)
        return 1;

    int lowerBound = (maxNumOfPixels == UNCONSTRAINED) ? 1
            : (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt((double) (w * h) / maxNumOfPixels));

    if (minSideLength == UNCONSTRAINED) {
        return lowerBound;
    } else {/*from  ww  w  .j a v a 2 s  .c  o  m*/
        int sampleSize = Math.min(w / minSideLength, h / minSideLength);
        return Math.max(sampleSize, lowerBound);

From source file:Main.java

public static int clamp(final int num, final int bound1, final int bound2) {
    final int max = Math.max(bound1, bound2), min = Math.min(bound1, bound2);
    return Math.max(Math.min(num, max), min);

From source file:Main.java

 * Retrieve a byte from a byte array.//w  w w.  ja  v  a2 s . com
 * @param a
 *        the byte array to look in
 * @param fromIndex
 *        the position from which to start looking
 * @param toIndex
 *        the position up to which to look
 * @param key
 *        the byte to find
 * @return the position of the byte in the array, or -1 if the byte was not found in the array
public static int find(byte[] a, int fromIndex, int toIndex, byte key) {
    int result = -1;

    if (fromIndex < 0) {
        fromIndex = 0;
    toIndex = Math.min(toIndex, a.length);

    for (int i = fromIndex; fromIndex < toIndex && result == -1 && i < toIndex; i++) {
        if (a[i] == key) {
            result = i;

    return result;

From source file:Main.java

public static boolean eLineOnLine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4,
        double y4) {
    double k1 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
    double k2 = (y4 - y3) / (x4 - x3);
    if (k1 == k2) {
        return false;
    } else {//w ww .  j av a2  s.c o  m
        double x = ((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4) * (x1 - x2))
                / ((y2 - y1) * (x3 - x4) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x2));
        double y = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2 - x * (y2 - y1)) / (x1 - x2);
        if (x >= Math.min(x1, x2) && x <= Math.max(x1, x2) && y >= Math.min(y1, y2) && y <= Math.max(y1, y2)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

From source file:Main.java

public static boolean eLineOnELine(double x1, double y1, double x2, double y2, double x3, double y3, double x4,
        double y4) {
    double k1 = (y2 - y1) / (x2 - x1);
    double k2 = (y4 - y3) / (x4 - x3);
    if (k1 == k2) {
        return false;
    } else {//from   w  w w.j  a  va  2 s  .c om
        double x = ((x1 * y2 - y1 * x2) * (x3 - x4) - (x3 * y4 - y3 * x4) * (x1 - x2))
                / ((y2 - y1) * (x3 - x4) - (y4 - y3) * (x1 - x2));
        double y = (x1 * y2 - y1 * x2 - x * (y2 - y1)) / (x1 - x2);
        if (x >= Math.min(x1, x2) && x <= Math.max(x1, x2) && y >= Math.min(y1, y2) && y <= Math.max(y1, y2)
                && x >= Math.min(x3, x4) && x <= Math.max(x3, x4) && y >= Math.min(y3, y4)
                && y <= Math.max(y3, y4)) {
            return true;
        } else {
            return false;

From source file:Main.java

 * Displays a message dialog with given information.
 *//*from  w  ww .j  av  a2  s. c  o  m*/
public static void showInformationDialog(Component component, String message) {
    final JPanel panel = new JPanel(new BorderLayout(5, 5));

    final JLabel messageLabel = new JLabel(message);
    messageLabel.setFont(new Font("Dialog", Font.BOLD, messageLabel.getFont().getSize()));

    panel.add(messageLabel, BorderLayout.CENTER);

    // Adjust stack trace dimensions
    final Dimension screenDimension = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getScreenSize();
    screenDimension.setSize(screenDimension.getWidth() * 0.7, screenDimension.getHeight() * 0.7);
    final Dimension maxStackTraceDimension = new Dimension(500, 500);
    maxStackTraceDimension.setSize(Math.min(maxStackTraceDimension.getWidth(), screenDimension.getWidth()),
            Math.min(maxStackTraceDimension.getHeight(), screenDimension.getHeight()));

    JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(component, panel, "Information", JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE);

From source file:Main.java

public static AdvertiseData getFatBeaconAdvertisementData(byte[] fatBeaconAdvertisement) {

    // Manually build the advertising info
    int length = Math.min(fatBeaconAdvertisement.length, 17);
    byte[] beaconData = new byte[length + 3];
    System.arraycopy(fatBeaconAdvertisement, 0, beaconData, 3, length);
    beaconData[0] = URL_FRAME_TYPE;
    beaconData[1] = (byte) 0xBA;
    beaconData[2] = FAT_BEACON;//w w w  .j a v a 2s . c  om
    return new AdvertiseData.Builder().setIncludeTxPowerLevel(false) // reserve advertising space for URI
            .addServiceData(EDDYSTONE_BEACON_UUID, beaconData)
            // Adding 0xFEAA to the "Service Complete List UUID 16" (0x3) for iOS compatibility

From source file:Main.java

public static float[] copyOf(float[] original, int newLength) {
    float[] copy = new float[newLength];
    System.arraycopy(original, 0, copy, 0, Math.min(original.length, newLength));
    return copy;/*ww  w.ja v  a 2  s .c  o m*/