Example usage for java.lang Math log10

List of usage examples for java.lang Math log10


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math log10.


public static double log10(double a) 

Source Link


Returns the base 10 logarithm of a double value.


From source file:com.android.stockbrowser.WebStorageSizeManager.java

static long calculateGlobalLimit(long fileSystemSizeBytes, long freeSpaceBytes) {
    if (fileSystemSizeBytes <= 0 || freeSpaceBytes <= 0 || freeSpaceBytes > fileSystemSizeBytes) {
        return 0;
    }//from   w ww. jav  a  2 s . c  o  m

    long fileSystemSizeRatio = 2 << ((int) Math.floor(Math.log10(fileSystemSizeBytes / (1024 * 1024))));
    long maxSizeBytes = (long) Math.min(Math.floor(fileSystemSizeBytes / fileSystemSizeRatio),
            Math.floor(freeSpaceBytes / 2));
    // Round maxSizeBytes up to a multiple of 1024KB (but only if
    // maxSizeBytes > 1MB).
    long maxSizeStepBytes = 1024 * 1024;
    if (maxSizeBytes < maxSizeStepBytes) {
        return 0;
    long roundingExtra = maxSizeBytes % maxSizeStepBytes == 0 ? 0 : 1;
    return (maxSizeStepBytes * ((maxSizeBytes / maxSizeStepBytes) + roundingExtra));

From source file:edu.ucuenca.authorsdisambiguation.nwd.NWD.java

public double NGD(String a, String b) throws IOException, SQLException {

    a = a.trim();/*from  w w w. j av  a  2s .com*/
    b = b.trim();

    if (a.compareToIgnoreCase(b) == 0) {
        return 0;

    //double n0 = getResultsCount(""+a+"");
    //double n1 = getResultsCount(""+b+"");
    //String c = ""+a+" "+b+"";
    String _a = "\"" + a + "\"~10";
    String _b = "\"" + b + "\"~10";
    String c = "\"" + a + " " + b + "\"~50";
    if (Cache.getInstance().config.get("relaxMode").getAsBoolean().value()) {
        _a = "" + a;
        _b = "" + b;
        c = a + " " + b;

    double n0 = getResultsCount(_a);
    double n1 = getResultsCount(_b);
    double n2 = 0;

    if (n0 == 0 || n1 == 0) {
        n2 = 0;
    } else {
        n2 = getResultsCount(c);

    //double m = 5026040.0 * 590;
    double m = getResultsCount("the");

    double distance = 0;

    int Measure = 0;

    double l1 = Math.max(Math.log10(n0), Math.log10(n1)) - Math.log10(n2);
    double l2 = Math.log10(m) - Math.min(Math.log10(n0), Math.log10(n1));

    if (Measure == 0) {
        distance = l1 / l2;

    if (Measure == 1) {
        distance = 1 - (Math.log10(n2) / Math.log10(n0 + n1 - n2));

    if (n0 == 0 || n1 == 0 || n2 == 0) {
        distance = 1;

    //System.out.println(a + "," + b + "=" + distance2);
    return distance;

From source file:uk.ac.babraham.FastQC.Modules.KmerContent.java

public boolean raisesError() {
    if (!calculated)
        calculateEnrichment();//from   w w w  .j ava 2 s  . c om

    // We raise an error if the most enriched kmer is seen more than 100 times
    // more frequently than we expect.

    if (enrichedKmers.length > 0
            && 0 - Math.log10(enrichedKmers[0].pValue()) > ModuleConfig.getParam("kmer", "error"))
        return true;
    return false;

From source file:org.broadinstitute.gatk.engine.recalibration.RecalDatumNode.java

 * Return a freshly allocated tree where all mergable nodes with < maxPenalty are merged
 * Note that nodes must have fixed penalties to this algorithm will fail.
 * @param maxPenaltyIn the maximum penalty we are allowed to incur for a merge
 * @param applyBonferroniCorrection if true, we will adjust penalty by the phred-scaled bonferroni correction
 *                                  for the size of the initial tree.  That is, if there are 10 nodes in the
 *                                  tree and maxPenalty is 20 we will actually enforce 10^-2 / 10 = 10^-3 = 30
 *                                  penalty for multiple testing
 * @return/*w w  w  . ja v a2  s  .c  o m*/
public RecalDatumNode<T> pruneToNoMoreThanPenalty(final double maxPenaltyIn,
        final boolean applyBonferroniCorrection) {
    RecalDatumNode<T> root = this;

    final double bonferroniCorrection = 10 * Math.log10(this.size());
    final double maxPenalty = applyBonferroniCorrection ? maxPenaltyIn + bonferroniCorrection : maxPenaltyIn;

    if (applyBonferroniCorrection)
                "Applying Bonferroni correction for %d nodes = %.2f to initial penalty %.2f for total "
                        + "corrected max penalty of %.2f",
                this.size(), bonferroniCorrection, maxPenaltyIn, maxPenalty));

    while (true) {
        final Pair<RecalDatumNode<T>, Double> minPenaltyNode = root.getMinPenaltyAboveLeafNode();

        if (minPenaltyNode == null || minPenaltyNode.getSecond() > maxPenalty) {
            // nothing to merge, or the best candidate is above our max allowed
            if (minPenaltyNode == null) {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Stopping because no candidates could be found");
            } else {
                if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                    logger.debug("Stopping because node " + minPenaltyNode.getFirst() + " has penalty "
                            + minPenaltyNode.getSecond() + " > max " + maxPenalty);
        } else {
            // remove the lowest penalty element, and continue
            if (logger.isDebugEnabled())
                logger.debug("Removing node " + minPenaltyNode.getFirst() + " with penalty "
                        + minPenaltyNode.getSecond());
            root = root.removeLowestPenaltyNode();

    // no more candidates exist with penalty < maxPenalty
    return root;

From source file:msi.gaml.operators.Stats.java

@operator(value = "split", can_be_const = true, content_type = IType.LIST, expected_content_type = { IType.INT,
        IType.FLOAT }, category = { IOperatorCategory.STATISTICAL,
                IOperatorCategory.CONTAINER }, concept = { IConcept.STATISTIC })
@doc(see = { "split_in",
        "split_using" }, value = "Splits a list of numbers into n=(1+3.3*log10(elements)) bins. The splitting is strict (i.e. elements are in the ith bin if they are strictly smaller than the ith bound")

public static <T extends Number> IList<IList<T>> split(final IScope scope, final IList<T> list) {
    final int nb = (int) (1 + 3.3 * Math.log10(list.size()));
    return split_in(scope, list, nb);

From source file:org.nuxeo.ecm.automation.server.jaxrs.batch.BatchManagerFixture.java

public void testBatchConcurrency() throws Exception {

    BatchManager bm = Framework.getService(BatchManager.class);

    // Initialize batches with one file concurrently
    int nbBatches = 100;
    String[] batchIds = new String[nbBatches];
    ThreadPoolExecutor tpe = new ThreadPoolExecutor(5, 5, 500L, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS,
            new LinkedBlockingQueue<Runnable>(nbBatches + 1));

    for (int i = 0; i < nbBatches; i++) {
        final int batchIndex = i;
        tpe.submit(new Runnable() {
            @Override/*from   w w  w.  j a  va  2s .  c om*/
            public void run() {
                try {
                    String batchId = bm.initBatch();
                    bm.addStream(batchId, "0",
                            new ByteArrayInputStream(
                                    ("SomeContent_" + batchId).getBytes(StandardCharsets.UTF_8)),
                            "MyBatchFile.txt", "text/plain");
                    batchIds[batchIndex] = batchId;
                } catch (IOException e) {

    boolean finish = tpe.awaitTermination(20, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
    assertTrue("timeout", finish);

    // Check batches
    for (String batchId : batchIds) {
    // Test indexes 0, 9, 99, ..., nbFiles - 1
    int nbDigits = (int) (Math.log10(nbBatches) + 1);
    int divisor = nbBatches;
    for (int i = 0; i < nbDigits; i++) {
        int batchIndex = nbBatches / divisor - 1;
        String batchId = batchIds[batchIndex];
        Blob blob = bm.getBlob(batchId, "0");
        assertEquals("MyBatchFile.txt", blob.getFilename());
        assertEquals("SomeContent_" + batchId, blob.getString());
        divisor = divisor / 10;

    // Check storage size
    TransientStore ts = bm.getTransientStore();
    assertTrue(((AbstractTransientStore) ts).getStorageSize() > 12 * nbBatches);

    // Clean batches
    for (String batchId : batchIds) {
    assertEquals(ts.getStorageSizeMB(), 0);

From source file:org.broadinstitute.gatk.tools.walkers.annotator.ExcessHet.java

protected double calculateEH(final VariantContext vc, final GenotypesContext genotypes) {
    HeterozygosityUtils heterozygosityUtils = new HeterozygosityUtils(RETURN_ROUNDED);
    final double[] genotypeCountsDoubles = heterozygosityUtils.getGenotypeCountsForRefVsAllAlts(vc, genotypes);
    sampleCount = heterozygosityUtils.getSampleCount();
    final int[] genotypeCounts = new int[genotypeCountsDoubles.length];
    for (int i = 0; i < genotypeCountsDoubles.length; i++) {
        genotypeCounts[i] = (int) genotypeCountsDoubles[i];
    }/* w  w w .j  a  v a 2  s . co m*/

    double pval = exactTest(genotypeCounts);

    //If the actual phredPval would be infinity we will probably still filter out just a very large number
    if (pval == 0) {
        return Integer.MAX_VALUE;
    double phredPval = -10.0 * Math.log10(pval);

    return phredPval;

From source file:uk.ac.babraham.FastQC.Modules.KmerContent.java

public boolean raisesWarning() {
    if (!calculated)
        calculateEnrichment();//  w  ww .j av  a2  s.  c  o  m

    // We raise a warning if there are any enriched kmers
    if (enrichedKmers.length > 0
            && 0 - Math.log10(enrichedKmers[0].pValue()) > ModuleConfig.getParam("kmer", "warn"))
        return true;
    return false;

From source file:org.esa.nest.gpf.CosmoSkymedCalibrator.java

public void computeTile(Band targetBand, Tile targetTile, ProgressMonitor pm) throws OperatorException {

    final Rectangle targetTileRectangle = targetTile.getRectangle();
    final int x0 = targetTileRectangle.x;
    final int y0 = targetTileRectangle.y;
    final int w = targetTileRectangle.width;
    final int h = targetTileRectangle.height;

    Tile sourceRaster1 = null;/*  ww  w  .ja v a 2s.co  m*/
    ProductData srcData1 = null;
    ProductData srcData2 = null;
    Band sourceBand1 = null;

    final String[] srcBandNames = targetBandNameToSourceBandName.get(targetBand.getName());
    if (srcBandNames.length == 1) {
        sourceBand1 = sourceProduct.getBand(srcBandNames[0]);
        sourceRaster1 = calibrationOp.getSourceTile(sourceBand1, targetTileRectangle);
        srcData1 = sourceRaster1.getDataBuffer();
    } else {
        sourceBand1 = sourceProduct.getBand(srcBandNames[0]);
        final Band sourceBand2 = sourceProduct.getBand(srcBandNames[1]);
        sourceRaster1 = calibrationOp.getSourceTile(sourceBand1, targetTileRectangle);
        final Tile sourceRaster2 = calibrationOp.getSourceTile(sourceBand2, targetTileRectangle);
        srcData1 = sourceRaster1.getDataBuffer();
        srcData2 = sourceRaster2.getDataBuffer();

    final Unit.UnitType bandUnit = Unit.getUnitType(sourceBand1);

    // copy band if unit is phase
    if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.PHASE) {

    final String pol = OperatorUtils.getBandPolarization(srcBandNames[0], absRoot).toUpperCase();
    double Ks = 1.0;
    if (pol != null && !pol.isEmpty() && applyConstantCorrection) {
        Ks = calibrationFactor.get(pol);

    final ProductData trgData = targetTile.getDataBuffer();
    final TileIndex srcIndex = new TileIndex(sourceRaster1);
    final TileIndex tgtIndex = new TileIndex(targetTile);

    final int maxY = y0 + h;
    final int maxX = x0 + w;

    double sigma, dn, i, q;
    int srcIdx, tgtIdx;
    final double powFactor = FastMath.pow(referenceSlantRange, 2 * referenceSlantRangeExp);
    final double sinRefIncidenceAngle = FastMath.sin(referenceIncidenceAngle);
    final double rescaleCalFactor = rescalingFactor * rescalingFactor * Ks;

    for (int y = y0; y < maxY; ++y) {

        for (int x = x0; x < maxX; ++x) {
            srcIdx = srcIndex.getIndex(x);
            tgtIdx = tgtIndex.getIndex(x);

            if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.AMPLITUDE) {
                dn = srcData1.getElemDoubleAt(srcIdx);
                sigma = dn * dn;
            } else if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.INTENSITY) {
                sigma = srcData1.getElemDoubleAt(srcIdx);
            } else if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.REAL || bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.IMAGINARY) {
                i = srcData1.getElemDoubleAt(srcIdx);
                q = srcData2.getElemDoubleAt(srcIdx);
                sigma = i * i + q * q;
            } else if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.INTENSITY_DB) {
                sigma = FastMath.pow(10, srcData1.getElemDoubleAt(srcIdx) / 10.0); // convert dB to linear scale
            } else {
                throw new OperatorException("CosmoSkymed Calibration: unhandled unit");

            if (applyRangeSpreadingLossCorrection)
                sigma *= powFactor;

            if (applyIncidenceAngleCorrection)
                sigma *= sinRefIncidenceAngle;

            sigma /= rescaleCalFactor;

            if (outputImageScaleInDb) { // convert calibration result to dB
                if (sigma < underFlowFloat) {
                    sigma = -underFlowFloat;
                } else {
                    sigma = 10.0 * Math.log10(sigma);

            trgData.setElemDoubleAt(tgtIdx, sigma);

From source file:edu.umn.cs.spatialHadoop.nasa.MultiHDFPlot.java

 * Draws a scale used with the heat map//from  w ww.  j av  a  2  s .  co  m
 * @param output
 * @param valueRange
 * @param width
 * @param height
 * @throws IOException
private static void drawVerticalScale(Path output, double min, double max, int width, int height,
        OperationsParams params) throws IOException {
    BufferedImage image = new BufferedImage(width, height, BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_ARGB);
    Graphics2D g = image.createGraphics();
    g.clearRect(0, 0, width, height);

    // fix this part to work according to color1, color2 and gradient type
    HDFPlot.HDFRasterizer gradient = new HDFPlot.HDFRasterizer();
    HDFRasterLayer gradientLayer = (HDFRasterLayer) gradient.createCanvas(0, 0, new Rectangle());
    for (int y = 0; y < height; y++) {
        Color color = gradientLayer.calculateColor(height - y, 0, height);
        g.drawRect(width * 3 / 4, y, width / 4, 1);

    int fontSize = 24;
    g.setFont(new Font("Arial", Font.BOLD, fontSize));
    double step = (max - min) * fontSize * 5 / height;
    step = (int) (Math.pow(10.0, Math.round(Math.log10(step))));
    double min_value = Math.floor(min / step) * step;
    double max_value = Math.floor(max / step) * step;

    for (double value = min_value; value <= max_value; value += step) {
        double y = ((value - min) + (max - value) * (height - fontSize)) / (max - min);
        g.drawString(String.valueOf((int) value), 5, (int) y);


    FileSystem fs = output.getFileSystem(new Configuration());
    FSDataOutputStream outStream = fs.create(output, true);
    ImageIO.write(image, "png", outStream);