List of usage examples for java.lang Math log10
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public static double log10(double a)
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/** * Calculate the penalty of this interval, given the overall error rate for the interval * * If the globalErrorRate is e, this value is: * * sum_i |log10(e_i) - log10(e)| * nObservations_i * * each the index i applies to all leaves of the tree accessible from this interval * (found recursively from subnodes as necessary) * * @param globalErrorRate overall error rate in real space against which we calculate the penalty * @return the cost of approximating the bins in this interval with the globalErrorRate *///from w w w .jav a2 s .c o m @Requires("globalErrorRate >= 0.0") @Ensures("result >= 0.0") private double calcPenaltyLog10(final double globalErrorRate) { if (globalErrorRate == 0.0) // there were no observations, so there's no penalty return 0.0; if (isLeaf()) { // this is leave node return (Math.abs(Math.log10(recalDatum.getEmpiricalErrorRate()) - Math.log10(globalErrorRate))) * (double) recalDatum.getNumObservations(); // TODO -- how we can generalize this calculation? // if ( this.qEnd <= minInterestingQual ) // // It's free to merge up quality scores below the smallest interesting one // return 0; // else { // return (Math.abs(Math.log10(getEmpiricalErrorRate()) - Math.log10(globalErrorRate))) * getNumObservations(); // } } else { double sum = 0; for (final RecalDatumNode<T> hrd : subnodes) sum += hrd.calcPenaltyLog10(globalErrorRate); return sum; } }
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public double ticsCalcY(int pixelDistance, Rectangle field, int start, int end) { double deltaRange = end - start; int ticlimit = field.height / pixelDistance; double tics = Math.pow(10, (int) Math.log10(deltaRange / ticlimit)); while (2.0 * (deltaRange / (tics)) <= ticlimit) { tics /= 2.0;/*w ww . ja va 2 s . c o m*/ } while ((deltaRange / (tics)) / 2 >= ticlimit) { tics *= 2.0; } return tics; }
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/** * Creates a new VM base name given the input parameters. * @param templateName Template name/*from w w w. j a v a 2s . c o m*/ * @param osType Type of OS * @param numberOfVmsToCreate Number of VMs that will be created * (which is added to the suffix of the VM name by azure) * @return */ public static String getVMBaseName(String templateName, String deploymentName, String osType, int numberOfVMs) { if (!isValidTemplateName(templateName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Invalid template name"); } // For VM names, we use a simpler form. VM names are pretty short int numberOfDigits = (int) Math.floor(Math.log10((double) numberOfVMs)) + 1; // Get the hash of the deployment name Integer deploymentHashCode = deploymentName.hashCode(); // Convert the int into a hex string and do a substring String shortenedDeploymentHash = Integer.toHexString(deploymentHashCode).substring(0, Constants.VM_NAME_HASH_LENGTH - 1); return String.format("%s%s", getShortenedTemplateName(templateName, osType, Constants.VM_NAME_HASH_LENGTH, numberOfDigits), shortenedDeploymentHash); }
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private void cacheChromosomeTests(final int[] chromosomes) { List<Integer> chromosomesToCalculate = SequenceUtilities.toIntegerList(chromosomes); chromosomesToCalculate.removeAll(this.chromosomeToNegLogValueMap.keySet()); PerformHaplotypeAssociationTestTask testTask = new PerformHaplotypeAssociationTestTask(this.testToPlot, chromosomesToCalculate);//from ww w. j a va 2s. co m MultiTaskProgressPanel progressTracker = BhamApplication.getInstance().getBhamFrame() .getMultiTaskProgress(); progressTracker.addTaskToTrack(testTask, true); while (testTask.hasMoreElements()) { int nextChromosome = testTask.getNextChromosome(); HaplotypeBlockTestResult[] results = testTask.nextElement(); List<HaplotypeBlockTestResult> filteredResults = OcclusionFilter .filterOutOccludedIntervals(Arrays.asList(results), true); RealValuedBasePairInterval[] negLogResults = new RealValuedBasePairInterval[filteredResults.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < negLogResults.length; i++) { negLogResults[i] = new CompositeRealValuedBasePairInterval( filteredResults.get(i).getDelegateInterval(), -Math.log10(filteredResults.get(i).getPValue())); } this.chromosomeToNegLogValueMap.put(nextChromosome, negLogResults); } }
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/** * Returns the bit error rate given the information rate * //from w ww . ja v a 2 s.c o m * @param sta the station object * @param sat the satellite object * @param rate the information rate * @return the error probability */ public static double getBER(Station sta, Satellite sat, double rate) { double SdBW, Eb, N0, EbN0; SdBW = getSdBW(sta, sat); Eb = 10 * Math.log10(Math.pow(10, SdBW / 10d) / (rate * 1000d)); N0 = getN0dBW(sta, sat); EbN0 = Eb - N0; double ber = FEC.getBlockCodePE(EbN0, FEC.getFECParams(sat.FEC).n, FEC.getFECParams(sat.FEC).k, FEC.getFECParams(sat.FEC).t); if (!Double.isNaN(ber) && ber < 0.5) return ber; else return 0.5; }
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@Test public void testLog10BinomialCoefficient() { logger.warn("Executing testLog10BinomialCoefficient"); // note that we can test the binomial coefficient calculation indirectly via Newton's identity // (1+z)^m = sum (m choose k)z^k double[] z_vals = new double[] { 0.999, 0.9, 0.8, 0.5, 0.2, 0.01, 0.0001 }; int[] exponent = new int[] { 5, 15, 25, 50, 100 }; for (double z : z_vals) { double logz = Math.log10(z); for (int exp : exponent) { double expected_log = exp * Math.log10(1 + z); double[] newtonArray_log = new double[1 + exp]; for (int k = 0; k <= exp; k++) { newtonArray_log[k] = MathUtils.log10BinomialCoefficient(exp, k) + k * logz; }//from ww w . j a v a 2 s .co m Assert.assertEquals(MathUtils.log10sumLog10(newtonArray_log), expected_log, 1e-6); } } Assert.assertEquals(MathUtils.log10BinomialCoefficient(4, 2), 0.7781513, 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals(MathUtils.log10BinomialCoefficient(10, 3), 2.079181, 1e-6); Assert.assertEquals(MathUtils.log10BinomialCoefficient(103928, 119), 400.2156, 1e-4); }
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public double ticsCalcX(int pixelDistance, Rectangle field) { double deltaRange = mMaxElements - 0; int ticlimit = field.width / pixelDistance; double tics = Math.pow(10, (int) Math.log10(deltaRange / ticlimit)); while (2.0 * (deltaRange / (tics)) <= ticlimit) { tics /= 2.0;// ww w. j av a 2 s .c o m } while ((deltaRange / (tics)) / 2 >= ticlimit) { tics *= 2.0; } return tics; }
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private RealValuedBasePairInterval[] toNegLogResults(List<PhylogenyTestResult> filteredResults) { RealValuedBasePairInterval[] negLogResults = new RealValuedBasePairInterval[filteredResults.size()]; for (int i = 0; i < negLogResults.length; i++) { negLogResults[i] = new CompositeRealValuedBasePairInterval( filteredResults.get(i).getPhylogenyInterval().getInterval(), -Math.log10(filteredResults.get(i).getPValue())); }//from w w w. j a va 2s . co m return negLogResults; }
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static int getExp(Double miny, Double maxy) { int mine = miny == 0 ? 0 : (int) Math.floor(Math.log10(Math.abs(miny))); int maxe = maxy == 0 ? 0 : (int) Math.ceil(Math.log10(Math.abs(maxy))); int rng = maxe - mine; int exp = -(maxe + mine) / 2; double min = 0; if (miny != 0) { min = Math.log10(Math.abs(miny)); }//from w ww .ja va 2 s . c om double max = 0; if (maxy != 0) { max = Math.log10(Math.abs(maxy)); } if (Math.abs(max) > Math.abs(min)) { exp = -(int) Math.round(max); } else { exp = -(int) Math.round(min); } return exp; }
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public double[] log10MeanWeights() { final double sum = MathUtils.sum(alpha); return MathUtils.applyToArray(alpha, x -> Math.log10(x / sum)); }