Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2002-2010 by Jason Fritz * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the * Free Software Foundation. This program is distributed in the hope it will * be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty * of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. * See the GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place - Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA. */ package org.esa.nest.gpf; import com.bc.ceres.core.ProgressMonitor; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import org.esa.beam.framework.datamodel.*; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.Operator; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.OperatorException; import org.esa.beam.framework.gpf.Tile; import org.esa.nest.datamodel.BaseCalibrator; import org.esa.nest.datamodel.Calibrator; import org.esa.snap.datamodel.AbstractMetadata; import org.esa.snap.datamodel.Unit; import org.esa.snap.datamodel.Unit.UnitType; import org.esa.snap.eo.Constants; import org.esa.snap.gpf.OperatorUtils; import org.esa.snap.gpf.TileIndex; import java.awt.*; import; import java.util.HashMap; /** * Calibration for Cosmo-Skymed data products. */ public class CosmoSkymedCalibrator extends BaseCalibrator implements Calibrator { private String sampleType = null; private double referenceSlantRange = 0.; private double referenceSlantRangeExp = 0.; private double referenceIncidenceAngle = 0.; private double rescalingFactor = 0.; private final HashMap<String, Double> calibrationFactor = new HashMap<>(2); private TiePointGrid incidenceAngle = null; private TiePointGrid slantRangeTime = null; private TiePointGrid latitude = null; private boolean applyRangeSpreadingLossCorrection = false; private boolean applyIncidenceAngleCorrection = false; private boolean applyConstantCorrection = false; private boolean incAngleCompFlag = false; private boolean rangeSpreadCompFlag = false; private boolean constantCompFlag = false; /** * Default constructor. The graph processing framework * requires that an operator has a default constructor. */ public CosmoSkymedCalibrator() { } /** * Set external auxiliary file. */ public void setExternalAuxFile(File file) throws OperatorException { if (file != null) { throw new OperatorException("No external auxiliary file should be selected for Cosmo-Skymed product"); } } /** * Set auxiliary file flag. */ @Override public void setAuxFileFlag(String file) { } public void initialize(final Operator op, final Product srcProduct, final Product tgtProduct, final boolean mustPerformRetroCalibration, final boolean mustUpdateMetadata) throws OperatorException { try { calibrationOp = op; sourceProduct = srcProduct; targetProduct = tgtProduct; absRoot = AbstractMetadata.getAbstractedMetadata(sourceProduct); origMetadataRoot = AbstractMetadata.getOriginalProductMetadata(sourceProduct); final String mission = absRoot.getAttributeString(AbstractMetadata.MISSION); if (!mission.startsWith("CSK")) throw new OperatorException(mission + " is not a valid mission for Cosmo-Skymed Calibration"); final String productType = absRoot.getAttributeString(AbstractMetadata.PRODUCT_TYPE); if (productType.equals("SCS_U")) throw new OperatorException(productType + " calibration is not supported"); if (absRoot.getAttribute(AbstractMetadata.abs_calibration_flag).getData().getElemBoolean()) { throw new OperatorException( "Absolute radiometric calibration has already been applied to the product"); } sampleType = absRoot.getAttributeString(AbstractMetadata.SAMPLE_TYPE); getCalibrationFlags(); getCalibrationFactors(); getTiePointGridData(sourceProduct); if (mustUpdateMetadata) { updateTargetProductMetadata(); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new OperatorException(e); } } /** * Update the metadata in the target product. */ private void updateTargetProductMetadata() { final MetadataElement abs = AbstractMetadata.getAbstractedMetadata(targetProduct); abs.getAttribute(AbstractMetadata.abs_calibration_flag).getData().setElemBoolean(true); } /** * Get the antenna pattern correction flag and range spreading loss flag. * * @throws Exception The exceptions. */ private void getCalibrationFlags() throws Exception { if (absRoot.getAttribute(AbstractMetadata.abs_calibration_flag).getData().getElemBoolean()) { throw new OperatorException("The product has already been calibrated"); } incAngleCompFlag = AbstractMetadata.getAttributeBoolean(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.inc_angle_comp_flag); if (incAngleCompFlag) { applyIncidenceAngleCorrection = true; } rangeSpreadCompFlag = AbstractMetadata.getAttributeBoolean(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.range_spread_comp_flag); if (rangeSpreadCompFlag) { applyRangeSpreadingLossCorrection = true; } final MetadataElement globalElem = origMetadataRoot.getElement("Global_Attributes"); constantCompFlag = AbstractMetadata.getAttributeBoolean(globalElem, "Calibration_Constant_Compensation_Flag"); if (!constantCompFlag) { applyConstantCorrection = true; } } /** * Get calibration factors from abstracted metadata. */ private void getCalibrationFactors() { String pol; double factor = 0.0; final MetadataElement globalElem = origMetadataRoot.getElement("Global_Attributes"); final MetadataElement s01Elem = globalElem.getElement("S01"); if (s01Elem != null) { pol = s01Elem.getAttributeString("Polarisation").toUpperCase(); factor = s01Elem.getAttributeDouble("Calibration_Constant"); calibrationFactor.put(pol, factor); } else { pol = globalElem.getAttributeString("S01_" + "Polarisation", "").toUpperCase(); if (!pol.isEmpty()) { factor = globalElem.getAttributeDouble("S01_" + "Calibration_Constant"); calibrationFactor.put(pol, factor); } } final MetadataElement s02Elem = globalElem.getElement("S02"); if (s02Elem != null) { pol = s02Elem.getAttributeString("Polarisation").toUpperCase(); factor = s02Elem.getAttributeDouble("Calibration_Constant"); calibrationFactor.put(pol, factor); } else { pol = globalElem.getAttributeString("S02_" + "Polarisation", "").toUpperCase(); if (!pol.isEmpty()) { factor = globalElem.getAttributeDouble("S02_" + "Calibration_Constant"); calibrationFactor.put(pol, factor); } } referenceSlantRange = absRoot.getAttributeDouble(AbstractMetadata.ref_slant_range); referenceSlantRangeExp = absRoot.getAttributeDouble(AbstractMetadata.ref_slant_range_exp); referenceIncidenceAngle = absRoot.getAttributeDouble(AbstractMetadata.ref_inc_angle) * Constants.PI / 180.0; rescalingFactor = absRoot.getAttributeDouble(AbstractMetadata.rescaling_factor); //System.out.println("Calibration factor is " + calibrationFactor); } /** * Get incidence angle and slant range time tie point grids. * * @param sourceProduct the source */ private void getTiePointGridData(Product sourceProduct) { slantRangeTime = OperatorUtils.getSlantRangeTime(sourceProduct); incidenceAngle = OperatorUtils.getIncidenceAngle(sourceProduct); latitude = OperatorUtils.getLatitude(sourceProduct); } /** * Apply calibrations to the given point. The following calibrations are included: calibration constant, * antenna pattern compensation, range spreading loss correction and incidence angle correction. * * @param v The pixel value. * @param slantRange The slant range (in m). * @param satelliteHeight The distance from satellite to earth centre (in m). * @param sceneToEarthCentre The distance from the backscattering element position to earth centre (in m). * @param localIncidenceAngle The local incidence angle (in degrees). * @param bandPolar The source band polarization index. * @param bandUnit The source band unit. * @param subSwathIndex The sub swath index for current pixel for wide swath product case. * @return The calibrated pixel value. */ public double applyCalibration(final double v, final double rangeIndex, final double azimuthIndex, final double slantRange, final double satelliteHeight, final double sceneToEarthCentre, final double localIncidenceAngle, final String bandPolar, final Unit.UnitType bandUnit, int[] subSwathIndex) { double Ks = 1.0; if (applyConstantCorrection) { Ks = calibrationFactor.get(bandPolar.toUpperCase()); } double sigma = 0.0; if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.AMPLITUDE) { sigma = v * v; } else if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.INTENSITY || bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.REAL || bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.IMAGINARY) { sigma = v; } else if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.INTENSITY_DB) { sigma = FastMath.pow(10, v / 10.0); // convert dB to linear scale } else { throw new OperatorException("Unknown band unit"); } if (applyRangeSpreadingLossCorrection) sigma *= FastMath.pow(referenceSlantRange, 2 * referenceSlantRangeExp); if (applyIncidenceAngleCorrection) sigma *= FastMath.sin(referenceIncidenceAngle); sigma /= (rescalingFactor * rescalingFactor * Ks); if (outputImageScaleInDb) { // convert calibration result to dB if (sigma < underFlowFloat) { sigma = -underFlowFloat; } else { sigma = 10.0 * Math.log10(sigma); } } return sigma; } public double applyRetroCalibration(int x, int y, double v, String bandPolar, UnitType bandUnit, int[] subSwathIndex) { return v; } public void computeTile(Band targetBand, Tile targetTile, ProgressMonitor pm) throws OperatorException { final Rectangle targetTileRectangle = targetTile.getRectangle(); final int x0 = targetTileRectangle.x; final int y0 = targetTileRectangle.y; final int w = targetTileRectangle.width; final int h = targetTileRectangle.height; Tile sourceRaster1 = null; ProductData srcData1 = null; ProductData srcData2 = null; Band sourceBand1 = null; final String[] srcBandNames = targetBandNameToSourceBandName.get(targetBand.getName()); if (srcBandNames.length == 1) { sourceBand1 = sourceProduct.getBand(srcBandNames[0]); sourceRaster1 = calibrationOp.getSourceTile(sourceBand1, targetTileRectangle); srcData1 = sourceRaster1.getDataBuffer(); } else { sourceBand1 = sourceProduct.getBand(srcBandNames[0]); final Band sourceBand2 = sourceProduct.getBand(srcBandNames[1]); sourceRaster1 = calibrationOp.getSourceTile(sourceBand1, targetTileRectangle); final Tile sourceRaster2 = calibrationOp.getSourceTile(sourceBand2, targetTileRectangle); srcData1 = sourceRaster1.getDataBuffer(); srcData2 = sourceRaster2.getDataBuffer(); } final Unit.UnitType bandUnit = Unit.getUnitType(sourceBand1); // copy band if unit is phase if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.PHASE) { targetTile.setRawSamples(sourceRaster1.getRawSamples()); return; } final String pol = OperatorUtils.getBandPolarization(srcBandNames[0], absRoot).toUpperCase(); double Ks = 1.0; if (pol != null && !pol.isEmpty() && applyConstantCorrection) { Ks = calibrationFactor.get(pol); } final ProductData trgData = targetTile.getDataBuffer(); final TileIndex srcIndex = new TileIndex(sourceRaster1); final TileIndex tgtIndex = new TileIndex(targetTile); final int maxY = y0 + h; final int maxX = x0 + w; double sigma, dn, i, q; int srcIdx, tgtIdx; final double powFactor = FastMath.pow(referenceSlantRange, 2 * referenceSlantRangeExp); final double sinRefIncidenceAngle = FastMath.sin(referenceIncidenceAngle); final double rescaleCalFactor = rescalingFactor * rescalingFactor * Ks; for (int y = y0; y < maxY; ++y) { srcIndex.calculateStride(y); tgtIndex.calculateStride(y); for (int x = x0; x < maxX; ++x) { srcIdx = srcIndex.getIndex(x); tgtIdx = tgtIndex.getIndex(x); if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.AMPLITUDE) { dn = srcData1.getElemDoubleAt(srcIdx); sigma = dn * dn; } else if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.INTENSITY) { sigma = srcData1.getElemDoubleAt(srcIdx); } else if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.REAL || bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.IMAGINARY) { i = srcData1.getElemDoubleAt(srcIdx); q = srcData2.getElemDoubleAt(srcIdx); sigma = i * i + q * q; } else if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.INTENSITY_DB) { sigma = FastMath.pow(10, srcData1.getElemDoubleAt(srcIdx) / 10.0); // convert dB to linear scale } else { throw new OperatorException("CosmoSkymed Calibration: unhandled unit"); } if (applyRangeSpreadingLossCorrection) sigma *= powFactor; if (applyIncidenceAngleCorrection) sigma *= sinRefIncidenceAngle; sigma /= rescaleCalFactor; if (outputImageScaleInDb) { // convert calibration result to dB if (sigma < underFlowFloat) { sigma = -underFlowFloat; } else { sigma = 10.0 * Math.log10(sigma); } } trgData.setElemDoubleAt(tgtIdx, sigma); } } } public void removeFactorsForCurrentTile(Band targetBand, Tile targetTile, String srcBandName) throws OperatorException { Band sourceBand = sourceProduct.getBand(targetBand.getName()); Tile sourceTile = calibrationOp.getSourceTile(sourceBand, targetTile.getRectangle()); targetTile.setRawSamples(sourceTile.getRawSamples()); } }