Example usage for java.lang Math atan2

List of usage examples for java.lang Math atan2


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Math atan2.


public static double atan2(double y, double x) 

Source Link


Returns the angle theta from the conversion of rectangular coordinates ( x ,  y ) to polar coordinates (r, theta).


From source file:devlight.io.library.ArcProgressStackView.java

protected void onDraw(final Canvas canvas) {

    // Save and rotate to start angle
    canvas.save();/*from   w w  w . j ava  2s.co m*/
    final float radius = mSize * 0.5F;
    canvas.rotate(mStartAngle, radius, radius);

    // Draw all of progress
    for (int i = 0; i < mModels.size(); i++) {
        final Model model = mModels.get(i);
        // Get progress for current model
        float progressFraction = mIsAnimated && !isInEditMode()
                ? (model.mLastProgress + (mAnimatedFraction * (model.getProgress() - model.mLastProgress)))
                        / MAX_PROGRESS
                : model.getProgress() / MAX_PROGRESS;
        if (i != mActionMoveModelIndex && mActionMoveModelIndex != ANIMATE_ALL_INDEX)
            progressFraction = model.getProgress() / MAX_PROGRESS;
        final float progress = progressFraction * mSweepAngle;

        // Check if model have gradient
        final boolean isGradient = model.getColors() != null;
        // Set width of progress

        // Set model arc progress
        model.mPath.addArc(model.mBounds, 0.0F, progress);

        // Draw gradient progress or solid

        if (mIsModelBgEnabled) {
            //noinspection ResourceAsColor
            mProgressPaint.setColor(isInEditMode() ? mPreviewModelBgColor : model.getBgColor());
            canvas.drawArc(model.mBounds, 0.0F, mSweepAngle, false, mProgressPaint);
            if (!isInEditMode())

        // Check if gradient for draw shadow at first and then gradient progress
        if (isGradient) {
            if (!mIsModelBgEnabled) {
                canvas.drawPath(model.mPath, mProgressPaint);

                if (!isInEditMode())

        } else

        // Here we draw main progress
        canvas.drawPath(model.mPath, mProgressPaint);

        // Preview mode
        if (isInEditMode())

        // Get model title bounds
        mTextPaint.setTextSize(mProgressModelSize * 0.5F);
        mTextPaint.getTextBounds(model.getTitle(), 0, model.getTitle().length(), model.mTextBounds);

        // Draw title at start with offset
        final float titleHorizontalOffset = model.mTextBounds.height() * 0.5F;
        final float progressLength = (float) (Math.PI / 180.0F) * progress * model.mBounds.width() * 0.5F;
        final String title = (String) TextUtils.ellipsize(model.getTitle(), mTextPaint,
                progressLength - titleHorizontalOffset * 2, TextUtils.TruncateAt.END);
        canvas.drawTextOnPath(title, model.mPath, mIsRounded ? 0.0F : titleHorizontalOffset,
                titleHorizontalOffset, mTextPaint);

        // Get pos and tan at final path point
        model.mPathMeasure.setPath(model.mPath, false);
        model.mPathMeasure.getPosTan(model.mPathMeasure.getLength(), model.mPos, model.mTan);

        // Get title width
        final float titleWidth = model.mTextBounds.width();

        // Create model progress like : 23%
        final String percentProgress = String.format("%d%%", (int) model.getProgress());
        // Get progress text bounds
        mTextPaint.setTextSize(mProgressModelSize * 0.35f);
        mTextPaint.getTextBounds(percentProgress, 0, percentProgress.length(), model.mTextBounds);

        // Get pos tan with end point offset and check whether the rounded corners for offset
        final float progressHorizontalOffset = mIndicatorOrientation == IndicatorOrientation.VERTICAL
                ? model.mTextBounds.height() * 0.5F
                : model.mTextBounds.width() * 0.5F;
        final float indicatorProgressOffset = (mIsRounded ? progressFraction : 1.0F)
                * (-progressHorizontalOffset - titleHorizontalOffset
                        - (mIsRounded ? model.mTextBounds.height() * 2.0F : 0.0F));
        model.mPathMeasure.getPosTan(model.mPathMeasure.getLength() + indicatorProgressOffset, model.mPos,
                mIndicatorOrientation == IndicatorOrientation.VERTICAL && !mIsRounded ? new float[2]
                        : model.mTan);

        // Check if there available place for indicator
        if ((titleWidth + model.mTextBounds.height() + titleHorizontalOffset * 2.0F)
                - indicatorProgressOffset < progressLength) {
            // Get rotate indicator progress angle for progress value
            float indicatorProgressAngle = (float) (Math.atan2(model.mTan[1], model.mTan[0])
                    * (180.0F / Math.PI));
            // Get arc angle of progress indicator
            final float indicatorLengthProgressAngle = ((progressLength + indicatorProgressOffset)
                    / (model.mBounds.width() * 0.5F)) * (float) (180.0F / Math.PI);

            // Detect progress indicator position : left or right and then rotate
            if (mIndicatorOrientation == IndicatorOrientation.VERTICAL) {
                // Get X point of arc angle progress indicator
                final float x = (float) (model.mBounds.width() * 0.5F
                        * (Math.cos((indicatorLengthProgressAngle + mStartAngle) * Math.PI / 180.0F)))
                        + model.mBounds.centerX();
                indicatorProgressAngle += (x > radius) ? -90.0F : 90.0F;
            } else {
                // Get Y point of arc angle progress indicator
                final float y = (float) (model.mBounds.height() * 0.5F
                        * (Math.sin((indicatorLengthProgressAngle + mStartAngle) * Math.PI / 180.0F)))
                        + model.mBounds.centerY();
                indicatorProgressAngle += (y > radius) ? 180.0F : 0.0F;

            // Draw progress value
            canvas.rotate(indicatorProgressAngle, model.mPos[0], model.mPos[1]);
            canvas.drawText(percentProgress, model.mPos[0] - model.mTextBounds.exactCenterX(),
                    model.mPos[1] - model.mTextBounds.exactCenterY(), mTextPaint);

        // Check if gradient and have rounded corners, because we must to create elevation effect
        // for start progress corner
        if ((isGradient || mIsLeveled) && mIsRounded && progress != 0) {
            model.mPathMeasure.getPosTan(0.0F, model.mPos, model.mTan);

            // Set paint for overlay rounded gradient with shadow
            //noinspection ResourceAsColor
            mLevelPaint.setColor(isGradient ? model.getColors()[0] : model.getColor());

            // Get bounds of start pump
            final float halfSize = mProgressModelSize * 0.5F;
            final RectF arcRect = new RectF(model.mPos[0] - halfSize, model.mPos[1] - halfSize,
                    model.mPos[0] + halfSize, model.mPos[1] + halfSize + 2.0F);
            canvas.drawArc(arcRect, 0.0F, -180.0F, true, mLevelPaint);

    // Restore after drawing

From source file:edu.uci.ics.jung.visualization.PluggableRenderer.java

 * This is used for the arrow of a directed and for one of the
 * arrows for non-directed edges// ww  w .ja  va2s. c  o m
 * Get a transform to place the arrow shape on the passed edge at the
 * point where it intersects the passed shape
 * @param edgeShape
 * @param vertexShape
 * @return
public AffineTransform getArrowTransform(Line2D edgeShape, Shape vertexShape) {
    float dx = (float) (edgeShape.getX1() - edgeShape.getX2());
    float dy = (float) (edgeShape.getY1() - edgeShape.getY2());
    // iterate over the line until the edge shape will place the
    // arrowhead closer than 'arrowGap' to the vertex shape boundary
    while ((dx * dx + dy * dy) > arrow_placement_tolerance) {
        try {
            edgeShape = getLastOutsideSegment(edgeShape, vertexShape);
        } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
            return null;
        dx = (float) (edgeShape.getX1() - edgeShape.getX2());
        dy = (float) (edgeShape.getY1() - edgeShape.getY2());
    double atheta = Math.atan2(dx, dy) + Math.PI / 2;
    AffineTransform at = AffineTransform.getTranslateInstance(edgeShape.getX1(), edgeShape.getY1());
    return at;

From source file:org.esa.s1tbx.fex.gpf.oceantools.WindFieldEstimationOp.java

 * Estimate wind speed using CMOD5 model.
 * @param nrcs      The normalized radar cross section.
 * @param direction The wind direction vector.
 * @param theta     The incidence angle in degree.
 * @return The wind speed in m/s.//from w w  w .  j ava  2 s  .  co m
private static double estimateWindSpeed(final double nrcs, final double[] direction, final double theta) {

    final double fi = Math.atan2(direction[1], direction[0]) * Constants.RTOD;
    final double cosFI = FastMath.cos(fi * Constants.DTOR);

    // try wind speed from 0.1 m/s to 20 m/s with step size 0.1
    final double[] err = new double[200];
    err[0] = Math.abs(nrcs - CMOD5.compute(0.1, cosFI, theta));
    double errMin = err[0];
    int errMinIndex = 0;
    for (int i = 1; i < 200; i++) {
        final double v = (i + 1) * 0.1; // speed
        err[i] = Math.abs(nrcs - CMOD5.compute(v, cosFI, theta));
        if (err[i] < errMin) {
            errMin = err[i];
            errMinIndex = i;

    return (errMinIndex + 1) * 0.1;

From source file:com.rapidminer.tools.expression.internal.function.AntlrParserTrigonometricTest.java

public void atan2IntInt() {
    try {/*from   ww w.ja v a  2s.com*/
        Expression expression = getExpressionWithFunctionContext("atan2(16,16)");
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.DOUBLE, expression.getExpressionType());
        assertEquals(Math.atan2(16, 16), expression.evaluateNumerical(), 1e-15);
    } catch (ExpressionException e) {

From source file:org.esa.s1tbx.sentinel1.gpf.SpectralDiversityOp.java

private double estimateAzOffsets(final Band mBandI, final Band mBandQ, final Band sBandI, final Band sBandQ,
        final Rectangle backwardRectangle, final Rectangle forwardRectangle, final double spectralSeparation) {

    final int mDataType = mBandI.getDataType();
    final int sDataType = sBandI.getDataType();

    final Tile mTileIBack = getSourceTile(mBandI, backwardRectangle);
    final Tile mTileQBack = getSourceTile(mBandQ, backwardRectangle);
    final Tile sTileIBack = getSourceTile(sBandI, backwardRectangle);
    final Tile sTileQBack = getSourceTile(sBandQ, backwardRectangle);

    double[] mIBackArray, mQBackArray;
    if (mDataType == ProductData.TYPE_INT16) {
        final short[] mIBackArrayShort = (short[]) mTileIBack.getDataBuffer().getElems();
        final short[] mQBackArrayShort = (short[]) mTileQBack.getDataBuffer().getElems();
        mIBackArray = new double[mIBackArrayShort.length];
        mQBackArray = new double[mQBackArrayShort.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < mIBackArrayShort.length; i++) {
            mIBackArray[i] = (double) mIBackArrayShort[i];
            mQBackArray[i] = (double) mQBackArrayShort[i];
        }//from  ww w. ja  v a 2s . c o  m
    } else {
        mIBackArray = (double[]) mTileIBack.getDataBuffer().getElems();
        mQBackArray = (double[]) mTileQBack.getDataBuffer().getElems();

    double[] sIBackArray, sQBackArray;
    if (sDataType == ProductData.TYPE_FLOAT32) {
        final float[] sIBackArrayFloat = (float[]) sTileIBack.getDataBuffer().getElems();
        final float[] sQBackArrayFloat = (float[]) sTileQBack.getDataBuffer().getElems();
        sIBackArray = new double[sIBackArrayFloat.length];
        sQBackArray = new double[sQBackArrayFloat.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < sIBackArrayFloat.length; i++) {
            sIBackArray[i] = (double) sIBackArrayFloat[i];
            sQBackArray[i] = (double) sQBackArrayFloat[i];
    } else {
        sIBackArray = (double[]) sTileIBack.getDataBuffer().getElems();
        sQBackArray = (double[]) sTileQBack.getDataBuffer().getElems();

    final Tile mTileIFor = getSourceTile(mBandI, forwardRectangle);
    final Tile mTileQFor = getSourceTile(mBandQ, forwardRectangle);
    final Tile sTileIFor = getSourceTile(sBandI, forwardRectangle);
    final Tile sTileQFor = getSourceTile(sBandQ, forwardRectangle);

    double[] mIForArray, mQForArray;
    if (mDataType == ProductData.TYPE_INT16) {
        final short[] mIForArrayShort = (short[]) mTileIFor.getDataBuffer().getElems();
        final short[] mQForArrayShort = (short[]) mTileQFor.getDataBuffer().getElems();
        mIForArray = new double[mIForArrayShort.length];
        mQForArray = new double[mQForArrayShort.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < mIForArrayShort.length; i++) {
            mIForArray[i] = (double) mIForArrayShort[i];
            mQForArray[i] = (double) mQForArrayShort[i];
    } else {
        mIForArray = (double[]) mTileIFor.getDataBuffer().getElems();
        mQForArray = (double[]) mTileQFor.getDataBuffer().getElems();

    double[] sIForArray, sQForArray;
    if (sDataType == ProductData.TYPE_FLOAT32) {
        final float[] sIForArrayFloat = (float[]) sTileIFor.getDataBuffer().getElems();
        final float[] sQForArrayFloat = (float[]) sTileQFor.getDataBuffer().getElems();
        sIForArray = new double[sIForArrayFloat.length];
        sQForArray = new double[sQForArrayFloat.length];
        for (int i = 0; i < sIForArrayFloat.length; i++) {
            sIForArray[i] = (double) sIForArrayFloat[i];
            sQForArray[i] = (double) sQForArrayFloat[i];
    } else {
        sIForArray = (double[]) sTileIFor.getDataBuffer().getElems();
        sQForArray = (double[]) sTileQFor.getDataBuffer().getElems();

    final int arrayLength = mIBackArray.length;
    final double[] backIntReal = new double[arrayLength];
    final double[] backIntImag = new double[arrayLength];
    complexArrayMultiplication(mIBackArray, mQBackArray, sIBackArray, sQBackArray, backIntReal, backIntImag);

    final double[] forIntReal = new double[arrayLength];
    final double[] forIntImag = new double[arrayLength];
    complexArrayMultiplication(mIForArray, mQForArray, sIForArray, sQForArray, forIntReal, forIntImag);

    final double[] diffIntReal = new double[arrayLength];
    final double[] diffIntImag = new double[arrayLength];
    complexArrayMultiplication(forIntReal, forIntImag, backIntReal, backIntImag, diffIntReal, diffIntImag);

    double sumReal = 0.0, sumImag = 0.0;
    for (int i = 0; i < arrayLength; i++) {
        final double theta = Math.atan2(diffIntImag[i], diffIntReal[i]);
        sumReal += FastMath.cos(theta);
        sumImag += FastMath.sin(theta);

    final double phase = Math.atan2(sumImag, sumReal);
    return phase / (2 * Math.PI * spectralSeparation * subSwath[subSwathIndex - 1].azimuthTimeInterval);

From source file:org.bimserver.GeometryGenerator.java

 * This function should return a transformation matrix (with translation and
 * rotation, no scaling) overlaying triangle V on U Assumed is that the
 * triangles are indeed the same and the order of the vertices is also the
 * same (shifts are not allowed) This function can probably be optimized for
 * speed and also the LOC can probably be reduced
 * /*from w w w. ja v a 2 s  .c  o  m*/
 * @param originalV1
 * @param originalV2
 * @param originalV3
 * @param u1
 * @param u2
 * @param u3
 * @return
private static float[] getTransformationMatrix(float[] originalV1, float[] originalV2, float[] originalV3,
        float[] u1, float[] u2, float[] u3, float maxDiff) {
    float[] v1 = copy(originalV1);
    float[] v2 = copy(originalV2);
    float[] v3 = copy(originalV3);
    u1 = copy(u1);
    u2 = copy(u2);
    u3 = copy(u3);

    float transX = u1[0] - v1[0];
    float transY = u1[1] - v1[1];
    float transZ = u1[2] - v1[2];

    float translation[] = new float[16];
    Matrix.setIdentityM(translation, 0);
    Matrix.translateM(translation, 0, u1[0], u1[1], u1[2]);

    float[] toZeroTranslation = new float[16];
    Matrix.setIdentityM(toZeroTranslation, 0);
    Matrix.translateM(toZeroTranslation, 0, -v1[0], -v1[1], -v1[2]);

    if (almostTheSame(v2[0] + transX, u2[0], maxDiff) && almostTheSame(v2[1] + transY, u2[1], maxDiff)
            && almostTheSame(v2[2] + transZ, u2[2], maxDiff) && almostTheSame(v3[0] + transX, u3[0], maxDiff)
            && almostTheSame(v3[1] + transY, u3[1], maxDiff) && almostTheSame(v3[2] + transZ, u3[2], maxDiff)) {
        // The other two points are already the same, to there was no
        // rotation
        return translation;

    // Normalize both triangles to their first vertex
    subtract(u2, u1);
    subtract(u3, u1);
    subtract(u1, u1);

    subtract(v2, v1);
    subtract(v3, v1);
    subtract(v1, v1);

    float[] u2CrossV2 = Vector.crossProduct(u2, v2);
    float[] r2 = new float[16];
    Matrix.setIdentityM(r2, 0);
    float[] r2v2 = new float[4];
    if (!equalsAlmost(u2, v2, maxDiff)) {
        float u2InV2 = Vector.dot(u2, v2);
        float[] axis = u2CrossV2;
        if (axis[0] == 0 && axis[1] == 0 && axis[2] == 0) {
            axis = new float[] { u2[1], -u2[0], 0, 0 };
        Matrix.rotateM(r2, 0, (float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(Vector.length(u2CrossV2), u2InV2)), axis[0],
                axis[1], axis[2]);

        Matrix.multiplyMV(r2v2, 0, r2, 0, new float[] { v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], 1 }, 0);

        if (!equalsAlmost(r2v2, u2, maxDiff)) {
            Matrix.setIdentityM(r2, 0);
            Matrix.rotateM(r2, 0, -(float) Math.toDegrees(Math.atan2(Vector.length(u2CrossV2), u2InV2)),
                    axis[0], axis[1], axis[2]);
            Matrix.multiplyMV(r2v2, 0, r2, 0, new float[] { v2[0], v2[1], v2[2], 1 }, 0);
            if (!equalsAlmost(r2v2, u2, maxDiff)) {
                return null;
    } else {
        r2v2 = copy(v2);

    float[] r2v3 = new float[4];
    Matrix.multiplyMV(r2v3, 0, r2, 0, new float[] { v3[0], v3[1], v3[2], 1 }, 0);

    float[] r3 = new float[16];
    Matrix.setIdentityM(r3, 0);

    float angleDegrees = (float) Math.toDegrees(getPlaneAngle(v1, r2v2, r2v3, u1, u2, u3));

    Matrix.rotateM(r3, 0, angleDegrees, r2v2[0], r2v2[1], r2v2[2]);

    float[] r3v3 = new float[4];
    Matrix.multiplyMV(r3v3, 0, r3, 0, new float[] { r2v3[0], r2v3[1], r2v3[2], 1 }, 0);

    float[] r2v1 = new float[4];
    Matrix.multiplyMV(r2v1, 0, r2, 0, new float[] { v1[0], v1[1], v1[2], 1 }, 0);

    float[] r3v1 = new float[4];
    Matrix.multiplyMV(r3v1, 0, r3, 0, new float[] { r2v1[0], r2v1[1], r2v1[2], 1 }, 0);

    if (!equalsAlmost(r3v3, u3, maxDiff)) {
        Matrix.setIdentityM(r3, 0);
        Matrix.rotateM(r3, 0, -angleDegrees, r2v2[0], r2v2[1], r2v2[2]);
        Matrix.multiplyMV(r3v3, 0, r3, 0, new float[] { r2v3[0], r2v3[1], r2v3[2], 1 }, 0);
        float[] r3v2 = new float[4];
        Matrix.multiplyMV(r3v2, 0, r3, 0, new float[] { r2v2[0], r2v2[1], r2v2[2], 1 }, 0);
        if (!equalsAlmost(r3v3, u3, maxDiff) || !equalsAlmost(r3v2, u2, maxDiff)) {
            return null;
    float[] subResult = new float[16];
    float[] subResult2 = new float[16];
    float[] subResult3 = new float[16];
    float[] totalResult = new float[16];
    float[] startMatrix = new float[16];
    Matrix.setIdentityM(startMatrix, 0);

    Matrix.multiplyMM(subResult, 0, toZeroTranslation, 0, startMatrix, 0);
    Matrix.multiplyMM(subResult2, 0, r2, 0, subResult, 0);
    Matrix.multiplyMM(subResult3, 0, r3, 0, subResult2, 0);
    Matrix.multiplyMM(totalResult, 0, translation, 0, subResult3, 0);

    return totalResult;

From source file:com.rapidminer.tools.expression.internal.function.AntlrParserTrigonometricTest.java

public void atan2DoubleInt() {
    try {/*  w  w  w . j  a va  2  s.  c o m*/
        Expression expression = getExpressionWithFunctionContext("atan2(16.3,16)");
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.DOUBLE, expression.getExpressionType());
        assertEquals(Math.atan2(16.3, 16), expression.evaluateNumerical(), 1e-15);
    } catch (ExpressionException e) {

From source file:com.rapidminer.tools.expression.internal.function.AntlrParserTrigonometricTest.java

public void atan2IntDouble() {
    try {//from   w  ww  .  j  a v  a2s  .c  o  m
        Expression expression = getExpressionWithFunctionContext("atan2(16,16.3)");
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.DOUBLE, expression.getExpressionType());
        assertEquals(Math.atan2(16, 16.3), expression.evaluateNumerical(), 1e-15);
    } catch (ExpressionException e) {

From source file:org.chombo.util.BasicUtils.java

 * geo location distance by Haversine formula
 * @param lat1//from   w  ww . j ava 2s .c om
 * @param long1
 * @param lat2
 * @param long2
 * @return distance in km
public static double getGeoDistance(double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2) {
    double latDistance = Math.toRadians(lat1 - lat2);
    double longDistance = Math.toRadians(long1 - long2);

    double a = (Math.sin(latDistance / 2) * Math.sin(latDistance / 2)) + (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat1)))
            * (Math.cos(Math.toRadians(lat2))) * (Math.sin(longDistance / 2)) * (Math.sin(longDistance / 2));
    double c = 2 * Math.atan2(Math.sqrt(a), Math.sqrt(1 - a));


From source file:com.rapidminer.tools.expression.internal.function.AntlrParserTrigonometricTest.java

public void atan2DoubleDouble() {
    try {//from   w  w w .  jav  a2 s  .c om
        Expression expression = getExpressionWithFunctionContext("atan2(33.3,33.3)");
        assertEquals(ExpressionType.DOUBLE, expression.getExpressionType());
        assertEquals(Math.atan2(33.3, 33.3), expression.evaluateNumerical(), 1e-15);
    } catch (ExpressionException e) {