Java tutorial
/* * Copyright (C) 2015 by Array Systems Computing Inc. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it * under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free * Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) * any later version. * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT * ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for * more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, see */ package org.esa.s1tbx.fex.gpf.oceantools; import Jama.Matrix; import com.bc.ceres.core.ProgressMonitor; import edu.emory.mathcs.jtransforms.fft.DoubleFFT_1D; import org.apache.commons.math3.util.FastMath; import org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.Band; import org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.MetadataElement; import org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.Product; import org.esa.snap.core.datamodel.TiePointGrid; import org.esa.snap.core.dataop.downloadable.XMLSupport; import org.esa.snap.core.gpf.Operator; import org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorException; import org.esa.snap.core.gpf.OperatorSpi; import org.esa.snap.core.gpf.Tile; import org.esa.snap.core.gpf.annotations.OperatorMetadata; import org.esa.snap.core.gpf.annotations.Parameter; import org.esa.snap.core.gpf.annotations.SourceProduct; import org.esa.snap.core.gpf.annotations.TargetProduct; import org.esa.snap.core.util.ProductUtils; import org.esa.snap.engine_utilities.datamodel.AbstractMetadata; import org.esa.snap.engine_utilities.datamodel.Unit; import org.esa.snap.engine_utilities.eo.Constants; import org.esa.snap.engine_utilities.gpf.InputProductValidator; import org.esa.snap.engine_utilities.gpf.OperatorUtils; import org.esa.snap.engine_utilities.util.ResourceUtils; import org.jdom2.Document; import org.jdom2.Element; import; import; import; import; import; import java.awt.*; import java.awt.image.BufferedImage; import java.awt.image.ColorModel; import java.awt.image.DataBuffer; import java.awt.image.DataBufferDouble; import java.awt.image.Raster; import java.awt.image.RenderedImage; import java.awt.image.SampleModel; import java.awt.image.WritableRaster; import java.awt.image.renderable.ParameterBlock; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.Hashtable; import java.util.List; /** * The wind field retrieval operator. * <p/> * The operator retrieves wind speed and direction from C-band SAR imagery. The wind direction is estimated * from the wind roll using a frequency domain method and the wind speed is estimated by using CMOD5 model * for the Normalized Radar Cross Section (NRCS). * <p/> * This operator supports only ERS and ENVISAT products. It is asssumed that the product has been calibrated * before applying this operator. * <p/> * [1] H. Hersbach, CMOD5, "An Improved Geophysical Model Function for ERS C-Band Scatterometry", Report of * the European Centre Medium-Range Weather Forecasts (ECMWF), 2003. * <p/> * [2] C. C. Wackerman, W. G. Pichel, P. Clemente-Colon, "Automated Estimation of Wind Vectors from SAR", * 12th Conference on Interactions of the Sea and Atmosphere, 2003. */ @OperatorMetadata(alias = "Wind-Field-Estimation", category = "Radar/Feature Extraction/Ocean Applications", authors = "Jun Lu, Luis Veci", version = "1.0", copyright = "Copyright (C) 2015 by Array Systems Computing Inc.", description = "Estimate wind speed and direction") public class WindFieldEstimationOp extends Operator { @SourceProduct(alias = "source") private Product sourceProduct; @TargetProduct private Product targetProduct = null; @Parameter(description = "The list of source bands.", alias = "sourceBands", rasterDataNodeType = Band.class, label = "Source Bands") private String[] sourceBandNames = null; @Parameter(description = "Window size", defaultValue = "20.0", label = "Window Size (km)") private double windowSizeInKm = 20.0; private String mission = null; private int windowSize = 0; private int halfWindowSize = 0; private int sourceImageWidth = 0; private int sourceImageHeight = 0; private double rangeSpacing = 0.0; private double azimuthSpacing = 0.0; private TiePointGrid latitudeTPG = null; private TiePointGrid longitudeTPG = null; private TiePointGrid incidenceAngle = null; private MetadataElement absRoot = null; private File windFieldReportFile = null; private boolean windFieldEstimated = false; private final HashMap<String, List<WindFieldRecord>> bandWindFieldRecord = new HashMap<>(); @Override public void initialize() throws OperatorException { try { final InputProductValidator validator = new InputProductValidator(sourceProduct); validator.checkIfCalibrated(true); validator.checkIfTOPSARBurstProduct(false); absRoot = AbstractMetadata.getAbstractedMetadata(sourceProduct); getMission(); checkCalibrationFlag(); getPixelSpacing(); computeWindowSize(); getSourceImageDimension(); getTiePointGrid(); setTargetReportFilePath(); createTargetProduct(); } catch (Throwable e) { OperatorUtils.catchOperatorException(getId(), e); } } /** * Get mission from the metadata of the product. */ private void getMission() { mission = absRoot.getAttributeString(AbstractMetadata.MISSION); if (!mission.equals("ERS") && !mission.equals("ENVISAT") && !mission.equals("ERS1") && !mission.equals("ERS2") && !mission.contains("SENTINEL-1") && !mission.contains("RS2")) { throw new OperatorException("Currently only C-Band SAR products are supported"); } } /** * Check calibration flag from the metadata of the product. * * @throws Exception The exceptions. */ private void checkCalibrationFlag() throws Exception { if (!AbstractMetadata.getAttributeBoolean(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.abs_calibration_flag)) { throw new OperatorException("The product must be calibrated first."); } } /** * Get the range and azimuth spacings (in meter). * * @throws Exception when metadata is missing or equal to default no data value */ private void getPixelSpacing() throws Exception { rangeSpacing = AbstractMetadata.getAttributeDouble(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.range_spacing); azimuthSpacing = AbstractMetadata.getAttributeDouble(absRoot, AbstractMetadata.azimuth_spacing); //System.out.println("Range spacing is " + rangeSpacing); //System.out.println("Azimuth spacing is " + azimuthSpacing); } private void computeWindowSize() { windowSize = (int) (windowSizeInKm * 1000 / Math.min(rangeSpacing, azimuthSpacing)); halfWindowSize = windowSize / 2; } private void getSourceImageDimension() { sourceImageWidth = sourceProduct.getSceneRasterWidth(); sourceImageHeight = sourceProduct.getSceneRasterHeight(); } /** * Get latitude anf longitude tie point grid. */ private void getTiePointGrid() { latitudeTPG = OperatorUtils.getLatitude(sourceProduct); longitudeTPG = OperatorUtils.getLongitude(sourceProduct); incidenceAngle = OperatorUtils.getIncidenceAngle(sourceProduct); } /** * Set absolute path for outputing target report file. */ private void setTargetReportFilePath() { final String fileName = sourceProduct.getName() + "_wind_field_report.xml"; windFieldReportFile = new File(ResourceUtils.getReportFolder(), fileName); } /** * Create target product. */ void createTargetProduct() { targetProduct = new Product(sourceProduct.getName(), sourceProduct.getProductType(), sourceProduct.getSceneRasterWidth(), sourceProduct.getSceneRasterHeight()); ProductUtils.copyProductNodes(sourceProduct, targetProduct); addSelectedBands(); updateTargetProductMetadata(); } /** * Add the user selected bands to target product. * * @throws OperatorException The exceptions. */ private void addSelectedBands() throws OperatorException { final Band[] sourceBands = OperatorUtils.getSourceBands(sourceProduct, sourceBandNames, false); for (Band srcBand : sourceBands) { final String srcBandName = srcBand.getName(); final String unit = srcBand.getUnit(); if (unit == null) { throw new OperatorException("band " + srcBandName + " requires a unit"); } final Band targetBand = new Band(srcBandName, srcBand.getDataType(), sourceImageWidth, sourceImageHeight); targetBand.setUnit(unit); targetProduct.addBand(targetBand); bandWindFieldRecord.put(srcBandName, new ArrayList<>()); } } /** * Save wind field report file path in the metadata. */ private void updateTargetProductMetadata() { final MetadataElement absTgt = AbstractMetadata.getAbstractedMetadata(targetProduct); absTgt.setAttributeString(AbstractMetadata.wind_field_report_file, windFieldReportFile.getAbsolutePath()); } /** * Called by the framework in order to compute a tile for the given target band. * <p>The default implementation throws a runtime exception with the message "not implemented".</p> * * @param targetBand The target band. * @param targetTile The current tile associated with the target band to be computed. * @param pm A progress monitor which should be used to determine computation cancelation requests. * @throws OperatorException If an error occurs during computation of the target raster. */ @Override public void computeTile(Band targetBand, Tile targetTile, ProgressMonitor pm) throws OperatorException { final Rectangle targetTileRectangle = targetTile.getRectangle(); final int tx0 = targetTileRectangle.x; final int ty0 = targetTileRectangle.y; final int tw = targetTileRectangle.width; final int th = targetTileRectangle.height; //System.out.println("tx0 = " + tx0 + ", ty0 = " + ty0 + ", tw = " + tw + ", th = " + th); final String targetBandName = targetBand.getName(); final List<WindFieldRecord> windFieldRecordList = bandWindFieldRecord.get(targetBandName); final Band sourceBand = sourceProduct.getBand(targetBandName); final double noDataValue = sourceBand.getNoDataValue(); final String pol = OperatorUtils.getBandPolarization(targetBandName, absRoot); Tile sourceTile; if (mission.equals("ENVISAT")) { if (pol != null && !pol.contains("hh") && !pol.contains("vv")) { throw new OperatorException("Polarization " + pol + " is not supported. Please select HH or VV."); } } final Unit.UnitType bandUnit = Unit.getUnitType(sourceBand); if (bandUnit != Unit.UnitType.INTENSITY && bandUnit != Unit.UnitType.INTENSITY_DB) { throw new OperatorException( "Please select calibrated amplitude or intensity band for wind field estimation"); } // copy the original band data targetTile.setRawSamples(getSourceTile(sourceBand, targetTile.getRectangle()).getRawSamples()); final boolean normlizeSigma = (mission.equals("ENVISAT") && pol.contains("hh")); // loop through the center pixel of each frame in the target tile int xStart = halfWindowSize; while (xStart < tx0) { xStart += windowSize; } int yStart = halfWindowSize; while (yStart < ty0) { yStart += windowSize; } final int maxY = ty0 + th; final int maxX = tx0 + tw; final int halfWindowArea = windowSize * windowSize / 2; final int arrowSize = halfWindowSize * 2 / 3; for (int y = yStart; y < maxY; y += windowSize) { for (int x = xStart; x < maxX; x += windowSize) { // get source data for the frame final Rectangle sourceTileRectangle = getSourceRectangle(x, y); if (sourceTileRectangle == null) { continue; } final double lat = latitudeTPG.getPixelDouble(x, y); final double lon = longitudeTPG.getPixelDouble(x, y); final double theta = incidenceAngle.getPixelDouble(x, y); sourceTile = getSourceTile(sourceBand, sourceTileRectangle); final int numLandPixels = getNumLandPixels(sourceTile, noDataValue); if (numLandPixels >= halfWindowArea) { continue; } final double nrcs = getNormalizedRadarCrossSection(sourceTile, bandUnit, x, y, normlizeSigma, theta); // estimate wind direction for the frame final double[] direction = { 0.0, 0.0 }; double ratio = estimateWindDirection(sourceTile, numLandPixels, noDataValue, direction); /* if (ratio < 0.2 || ratio > 0.8) { continue; } */ // estimate wind speed for the frame final double speed = estimateWindSpeed(nrcs, direction, theta); // save wind field info final WindFieldRecord record = new WindFieldRecord(lat, lon, speed, arrowSize * direction[0], arrowSize * direction[1], ratio); windFieldRecordList.add(record); } } windFieldEstimated = true; } /** * Get the source tile rectangle centered at a given point. * * @param x The x coordinate of the given pixel. * @param y The y coordinate of the given pixel. * @return The rectangle. */ private Rectangle getSourceRectangle(final int x, final int y) { final int x0 = x - halfWindowSize; final int y0 = y - halfWindowSize; final int w = windowSize; final int h = windowSize; if (x0 < 0 || y0 < 0 || x0 + w > sourceImageWidth || y0 + h > sourceImageHeight) { return null; } return new Rectangle(x0, y0, w, h); } /** * Get the number of land exists in the given window. * * @param sourceTile The source tile. * @param noDataValue The NoDataValue for the source band. * @return The number of land pixels. */ private int getNumLandPixels(final Tile sourceTile, final double noDataValue) { final Rectangle sourceTileRectangle = sourceTile.getRectangle(); final int x0 = sourceTileRectangle.x; final int y0 = sourceTileRectangle.y; final int w = sourceTileRectangle.width; final int h = sourceTileRectangle.height; if (w != windowSize || h != windowSize) { throw new OperatorException("Source tile size does not match window size."); } final int maxY = y0 + windowSize; final int maxX = x0 + windowSize; int numberOfLandPixels = 0; for (int y = y0; y < maxY; y++) { for (int x = x0; x < maxX; x++) { if (sourceTile.getDataBuffer() .getElemDoubleAt(sourceTile.getDataBufferIndex(x, y)) == noDataValue) { numberOfLandPixels++; } } } return numberOfLandPixels; } /** * Compute normalized radar cross section for given pixel. * * @param sourceTile The source tile. * @param bandUnit The source band unit. * @param x The X coordinate for the given pixel. * @param y The Y coordinate for the given pixel. * @param normalizeSigma if mission.contains("ENVISAT") && pol.contains("hh") * @param theta The incidence angle in degree. * @return The normalized radar cross section. */ private static double getNormalizedRadarCrossSection(final Tile sourceTile, final Unit.UnitType bandUnit, final int x, final int y, final boolean normalizeSigma, final double theta) { double sigma = sourceTile.getDataBuffer().getElemDoubleAt(sourceTile.getDataBufferIndex(x, y)); if (bandUnit == Unit.UnitType.INTENSITY_DB) { sigma = FastMath.pow(10.0, sigma / 10); } if (normalizeSigma) { final double alpha = 1.0; // in range [0.4, 1.0] final double tanTheta = FastMath.tan(theta * Constants.DTOR); sigma *= FastMath.pow((1 + 2.0 * tanTheta * tanTheta) / (1 + alpha * tanTheta * tanTheta), 2.0); } return sigma; } /** * Estimate wind direction for a given window. * * @param sourceTile The source tile. * @param numLandPixels The number of land pixels in a given window. * @param noDataValue Source band No Data Value. * @param direction The direction vector. * @return ratio The ratio of the minimum quadratic coefficient of the 2D polynomial over the maximum coefficient. */ private double estimateWindDirection(final Tile sourceTile, final int numLandPixels, final double noDataValue, final double[] direction) { // 1. For each window within which a wind direction will be estimated, a local FFT size is determined. // The FFT size is 2/3 of the window size, therefore four spectra can be computed in the window with // each spectra region has a 50% overlap with the neighboring spectrum. // // 2. Each window is flattened by applying a large average filter, then dividing by the filtered image. // The filter size for this implementation is set to 11x11. // // 3. The FFTs are applied and the four resulting spectra are averaged. // // 4. An annulus is applied to the spectrum to zero out any energy outside of a wavenumber region. // The limits of the annulus are set to wave lengths of 3 km to 15 km. // // 5. A 3x3 median filter is then applied to the spectrum to remove noise. // // 6. A 2D polynomial is fit to the resulting spectral samples and the direction through the origin // which has the largest quadratic term (i.e. the widest extent) is determined. The wind direction // is then assumed to be 90 degree from this direction. final double[][] imagette = new double[windowSize][windowSize]; getImagette(sourceTile, numLandPixels, noDataValue, imagette); final double[][] dcRemovedImage = new double[windowSize][windowSize]; removeDCComponent(imagette, dcRemovedImage); int fftSize = windowSize * 2 / 3; if (fftSize % 2 == 0) { fftSize++; } final double[][] spec = new double[fftSize][fftSize]; computeSpectrum(dcRemovedImage, fftSize, spec); final double delta_k = 1.0 / (windowSizeInKm * 1000.0 * 2.0 / 3.0); // 1 / window_size_in_m final int n3 = Math.min((int) (Constants.TWO_PI / (2500.0 * delta_k)), fftSize / 2); final RenderedImage annulusAppliedSpec = applyAnnulusToSpec(spec, fftSize, n3, delta_k); final RenderedImage filteredImage = medianFilteringSpec(annulusAppliedSpec); final double[][] array = new double[2 * n3 + 1][2 * n3 + 1]; final double peakValue = getPeakSpectrumValue(filteredImage, array, n3); return getDirection(array, peakValue, n3, direction); } private void getImagette(final Tile sourceTile, final int numLandPixels, final double noDataValue, final double[][] imagette) { final Rectangle sourceTileRectangle = sourceTile.getRectangle(); final int x0 = sourceTileRectangle.x; final int y0 = sourceTileRectangle.y; final int w = sourceTileRectangle.width; final int h = sourceTileRectangle.height; if (w != windowSize || h != windowSize) { throw new OperatorException("Source tile size does not match window size."); } final int maxY = y0 + windowSize; final int maxX = x0 + windowSize; if (numLandPixels > 0) { double mean = 0.0; for (int y = y0; y < maxY; y++) { for (int x = x0; x < maxX; x++) { final double v = sourceTile.getDataBuffer() .getElemDoubleAt(sourceTile.getDataBufferIndex(x, y)); if (v != noDataValue) { mean += v; } } } mean /= windowSize * windowSize - numLandPixels; for (int y = y0; y < maxY; y++) { for (int x = x0; x < maxX; x++) { final double v = sourceTile.getDataBuffer() .getElemDoubleAt(sourceTile.getDataBufferIndex(x, y)); if (v == noDataValue) { imagette[y - y0][x - x0] = mean; } else { imagette[y - y0][x - x0] = v; } } } } else { for (int y = y0; y < maxY; y++) { for (int x = x0; x < maxX; x++) { imagette[y - y0][x - x0] = sourceTile.getDataBuffer() .getElemDoubleAt(sourceTile.getDataBufferIndex(x, y)); } } } /* // generate simulated data for test Random generator = new Random(); for (int y = y0; y < y0 + windowSize; y++) { int r = y - y0; for (int x = x0; x < x0 + windowSize; x++) { int c = x - x0; // if (r == 30 || r == 60) { // if (c == 30 || c == 60) { if (c == r) { // if (c == windowSize - 1 - r) { imagette[r][c] = 20*generator.nextDouble(); } else { imagette[r][c] = generator.nextDouble(); } } } */ // dumpData("Imagette", imagette); } private void removeDCComponent(final double[][] imagette, final double[][] dcRemovedImage) { final int filter_size = 11; final int half_filter_size = filter_size / 2; for (int r = 0; r < windowSize; r++) { final int rMin = Math.max(r - half_filter_size, 0); final int rMax = Math.min(r + half_filter_size, windowSize - 1); for (int c = 0; c < windowSize; c++) { final int cMin = Math.max(c - half_filter_size, 0); final int cMax = Math.min(c + half_filter_size, windowSize - 1); dcRemovedImage[r][c] = imagette[r][c] / getMean(imagette, rMin, rMax, cMin, cMax); } } } private static double getMean(final double[][] imagette, final int rMin, final int rMax, final int cMin, final int cMax) { double mean = 0.0; for (int r = rMin; r <= rMax; r++) { for (int c = cMin; c <= cMax; c++) { mean += imagette[r][c]; } } return mean / ((rMax - rMin + 1) * (cMax - cMin + 1)); } private void computeSpectrum(final double[][] srcImage, final int fftSize, final double[][] spec) { final double[][] F1 = new double[fftSize][fftSize]; final double[][] F2 = new double[fftSize][fftSize]; final double[][] F3 = new double[fftSize][fftSize]; final double[][] F4 = new double[fftSize][fftSize]; perform2DFFT(srcImage, 0, fftSize - 1, 0, fftSize - 1, F1); perform2DFFT(srcImage, 0, fftSize - 1, windowSize - fftSize, windowSize - 1, F2); perform2DFFT(srcImage, windowSize - fftSize, windowSize - 1, 0, fftSize - 1, F3); perform2DFFT(srcImage, windowSize - fftSize, windowSize - 1, windowSize - fftSize, windowSize - 1, F4); for (int r = 0; r < fftSize; r++) { for (int c = 0; c < fftSize; c++) { spec[r][c] = (F1[r][c] + F2[r][c] + F3[r][c] + F4[r][c]) / 4.0; } } } private static void perform2DFFT(final double[][] srcImage, final int xMin, final int xMax, final int yMin, final int yMax, final double[][] spec) { // perform 1-D FFT to each row final int rowFFTSize = xMax - xMin + 1; final int colFFTSize = yMax - yMin + 1; final DoubleFFT_1D row_fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(rowFFTSize); final double[][] complexDataI = new double[colFFTSize][rowFFTSize]; final double[][] complexDataQ = new double[colFFTSize][rowFFTSize]; final double[] rowArray = new double[2 * rowFFTSize]; for (int y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) { int k = 0; for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) { rowArray[k++] = srcImage[y][x]; rowArray[k++] = 0.0; } row_fft.complexForward(rowArray); for (int c = 0; c < rowFFTSize; c++) { complexDataI[y - yMin][c] = rowArray[c + c]; complexDataQ[y - yMin][c] = rowArray[c + c + 1]; } } // dumpData("complexDataI after row FFT", complexDataI); // dumpData("complexDataQ after row FFT", complexDataQ); // perform 1-D FFT to each column final DoubleFFT_1D col_fft = new DoubleFFT_1D(colFFTSize); final double[] colArray = new double[2 * colFFTSize]; for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) { int k = 0; for (int y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) { colArray[k++] = complexDataI[y - yMin][x - xMin]; colArray[k++] = complexDataQ[y - yMin][x - xMin]; } col_fft.complexForward(colArray); for (int r = 0; r < colFFTSize; r++) { complexDataI[r][x - xMin] = colArray[r + r]; complexDataQ[r][x - xMin] = colArray[r + r + 1]; } } // dumpData("complexDataI after col FFT", complexDataI); // dumpData("complexDataQ after col FFT", complexDataQ); // get spectrum magnitude and perform fftshift final int secondHalfColFFTSize = colFFTSize / 2; final int firstHalfColFFTSize = colFFTSize - secondHalfColFFTSize; final int secondHalfRowFFTSize = rowFFTSize / 2; final int firstHalfRowFFTSize = rowFFTSize - secondHalfRowFFTSize; int rr, cc; for (int y = yMin; y <= yMax; y++) { int r = y - yMin; if (r < firstHalfColFFTSize) { rr = r + secondHalfColFFTSize; } else { rr = r - firstHalfColFFTSize; } for (int x = xMin; x <= xMax; x++) { int c = x - xMin; if (c < firstHalfRowFFTSize) { cc = c + secondHalfRowFFTSize; } else { cc = c - firstHalfRowFFTSize; } spec[rr][cc] = complexDataI[r][c] * complexDataI[r][c] + complexDataQ[r][c] * complexDataQ[r][c]; } } // dumpData("spec", spec); } private static RenderedImage createRenderedImage(double[] array, int width, int height) { // create rendered image with demension being width by height final SampleModel sampleModel = RasterFactory.createBandedSampleModel(DataBuffer.TYPE_DOUBLE, width, height, 1); final ColorModel colourModel = PlanarImage.createColorModel(sampleModel); final DataBufferDouble dataBuffer = new DataBufferDouble(array, array.length); final WritableRaster raster = RasterFactory.createWritableRaster(sampleModel, dataBuffer, new Point(0, 0)); return new BufferedImage(colourModel, raster, false, new Hashtable()); } private static RenderedImage applyAnnulusToSpec(final double[][] spec, final int fftSize, final int n3, final double delta_k) { final int halfFFTSize = fftSize / 2; int n15 = (int) (Constants.TWO_PI / (15000.0 * delta_k)); if (n15 >= halfFFTSize) { n15 = 1; } final double[] array = new double[(2 * n3 + 1) * (2 * n3 + 1)]; int k = 0; for (int r = halfFFTSize - n3; r < halfFFTSize + n3 + 1; r++) { for (int c = halfFFTSize - n3; c < halfFFTSize + n3 + 1; c++) { if (r >= halfFFTSize - n15 && r <= halfFFTSize + n15 && c >= halfFFTSize - n15 && c <= halfFFTSize + n15) { array[k++] = 0.0; } else { array[k++] = spec[r][c]; } } } // dumpData("before median filtering:", spec); return createRenderedImage(array, 2 * n3 + 1, 2 * n3 + 1); } private static RenderedImage medianFilteringSpec(final RenderedImage annulusAppliedSpec) { final int size = 3; final MedianFilterShape shape = MedianFilterDescriptor.MEDIAN_MASK_SQUARE; final ParameterBlock pb = new ParameterBlock(); pb.addSource(annulusAppliedSpec); pb.add(shape); pb.add(size); return JAI.create("medianfilter", pb); } private static double getPeakSpectrumValue(final RenderedImage filteredImage, final double[][] array, final int n3) { final Raster data = filteredImage.getData(); double peakValue = 0.0; final int length = 2 * n3 + 1; for (int y = 0; y < length; y++) { for (int x = 0; x < length; x++) { array[y][x] = data.getSampleDouble(x, y, 0); if (peakValue < array[y][x]) { peakValue = array[y][x]; } } } return peakValue; } /** * Compute wind direction by performing 2D polynomial fitting to the spectral samples. * * @param array Array holding the spectrum samples. * @param peakValue The peak spectrum sample. * @param n3 Spectrum size is 2*n3+1. * @param direction Wind direction (dx, dy). * @return The ratio of the minor semi axes over the major semi axes of the 2D polynomial. */ private static double getDirection(final double[][] array, final double peakValue, final int n3, final double[] direction) { // dumpData("spec", array); double m00 = 0.0, m01 = 0.0, m02 = 0.0; double m10 = 0.0, m11 = 0.0, m12 = 0.0; double m20 = 0.0, m21 = 0.0, m22 = 0.0; double s0 = 0.0, s1 = 0.0, s2 = 0.0; final int length = 2 * n3 + 1; for (int y = 0; y < length; y++) { final int yy = y - n3; for (int x = 0; x < length; x++) { final int xx = x - n3; final double v = array[y][x] - peakValue; m00 += xx * xx * xx * xx; m01 += xx * xx * yy * yy; m02 += xx * xx * xx * yy; m11 += yy * yy * yy * yy; m12 += xx * yy * yy * yy; s0 += xx * xx * v; s1 += yy * yy * v; s2 += xx * yy * v; } } m10 = m01; m20 = m02; m21 = m12; m22 = m01; final Matrix M = new Matrix(3, 3); M.set(0, 0, m00); M.set(0, 1, m01); M.set(0, 2, m02); M.set(1, 0, m10); M.set(1, 1, m11); M.set(1, 2, m12); M.set(2, 0, m20); M.set(2, 1, m21); M.set(2, 2, m22); final Matrix s = new Matrix(3, 1); s.set(0, 0, s0); s.set(1, 0, s1); s.set(2, 0, s2); final Matrix c = M.solve(s); final double c0 = c.get(0, 0); // c0*x^2 + c1*y^2 + c2*x*y final double c1 = c.get(1, 0); final double c2 = -c.get(2, 0); // flip y axis pointing up double d = Math.sqrt((c0 - c1) * (c0 - c1) + c2 * c2); double d2 = 2.0 * d; double tmp = Math.abs(c0 - c1); double cos_theta_2 = (d + tmp) / d2; double sin_theta_2 = (d - tmp) / d2; double sin_cos = c2 * tmp / ((c0 - c1) * d2); double a = (c0 * (d + tmp) + c1 * (d - tmp) + c2 * c2 * tmp / (c0 - c1)) / d2; double b = (c0 * (d - tmp) + c1 * (d + tmp) - c2 * c2 * tmp / (c0 - c1)) / d2; if (cos_theta_2 == 0.0) { if (Math.abs(a) > Math.abs(b)) { direction[0] = 1.0; direction[1] = 0.0; } else { direction[0] = 0.0; direction[1] = 1.0; } } else if (sin_theta_2 == 0.0) { if (Math.abs(a) > Math.abs(b)) { direction[0] = 0.0; direction[1] = 1.0; } else { direction[0] = 1.0; direction[1] = 0.0; } } else { double k = (sin_cos / Math.abs(sin_cos)) * Math.sqrt(sin_theta_2 / cos_theta_2); if (k > 0) { if (Math.abs(a) > Math.abs(b)) { direction[0] = -k / Math.sqrt(1 + k * k); direction[1] = 1 / Math.sqrt(1 + k * k); } else { direction[0] = 1 / Math.sqrt(1 + k * k); direction[1] = k / Math.sqrt(1 + k * k); } } else { // k < 0 if (Math.abs(a) > Math.abs(b)) { direction[0] = -k / Math.sqrt(1 + k * k); direction[1] = 1 / Math.sqrt(1 + k * k); } else { direction[0] = -1 / Math.sqrt(1 + k * k); direction[1] = -k / Math.sqrt(1 + k * k); } } } // wind direction is 90 degree from this direction tmp = direction[0]; direction[0] = -direction[1]; direction[1] = tmp; return Math.min(Math.abs(a), Math.abs(b)) / Math.max(Math.abs(a), Math.abs(b)); } /** * Dump data. This function is for debugging use only. * * @param title The title of the data. * @param data 2-D array holding the data. */ private synchronized static void dumpData(final String title, final double[][] data) { System.out.println(); System.out.println(title + ";"); final int h = data.length; final int w = data[0].length; for (double[] aData : data) { for (int c = 0; c < w; c++) { System.out.print(aData[c] + ","); } System.out.println(); } System.out.println(); } /** * Estimate wind speed using CMOD5 model. * * @param nrcs The normalized radar cross section. * @param direction The wind direction vector. * @param theta The incidence angle in degree. * @return The wind speed in m/s. */ private static double estimateWindSpeed(final double nrcs, final double[] direction, final double theta) { final double fi = Math.atan2(direction[1], direction[0]) * Constants.RTOD; final double cosFI = FastMath.cos(fi * Constants.DTOR); // try wind speed from 0.1 m/s to 20 m/s with step size 0.1 final double[] err = new double[200]; err[0] = Math.abs(nrcs - CMOD5.compute(0.1, cosFI, theta)); double errMin = err[0]; int errMinIndex = 0; for (int i = 1; i < 200; i++) { final double v = (i + 1) * 0.1; // speed err[i] = Math.abs(nrcs - CMOD5.compute(v, cosFI, theta)); if (err[i] < errMin) { errMin = err[i]; errMinIndex = i; } } return (errMinIndex + 1) * 0.1; } private static class CMOD5 { private final static double c1 = -0.688; private final static double c15 = 0.007; private final static double c2 = -0.793; private final static double c16 = 0.33; private final static double c3 = 0.338; private final static double c17 = 0.012; private final static double c4 = -0.173; private final static double c18 = 22.0; private final static double c5 = 0.0; private final static double c19 = 1.95; private final static double c6 = 0.004; private final static double c20 = 3.0; private final static double c7 = 0.111; private final static double c21 = 8.39; private final static double c8 = 0.0162; private final static double c22 = -3.44; private final static double c9 = 6.34; private final static double c23 = 1.36; private final static double c10 = 2.57; private final static double c24 = 5.35; private final static double c11 = -2.18; private final static double c25 = 1.99; private final static double c12 = 0.4; private final static double c26 = 0.29; private final static double c13 = -0.6; private final static double c27 = 3.80; private final static double c14 = 0.045; private final static double c28 = 1.53; private final static double THETM = 40.0; private final static double THETHR = 25.0; private final static double ZPOW = 1.6; private final static double y0 = c19; private final static double n = c20; private final static double a = y0 - (y0 - 1) / n; private final static double b = 1 / (n * FastMath.pow(y0 - 1, n - 1)); /** * Compute normalized radar cross section (NRCS) using CMOD5 model. * * @param v The wind speed in m/s. * @param cosFI The cos of the angle between radar look direction and wind direction (in degree). * @param incidenceAngle The incidence angle in degree. * @return The NRCS. */ static double compute(final double v, final double cosFI, final double incidenceAngle) { final double x = (incidenceAngle - THETM) / THETHR; final double xx = x * x; final double a0 = c1 + c2 * x + c3 * xx + c4 * x * xx; final double a1 = c5 + c6 * x; final double a2 = c7 + c8 * x; final double gamma = c9 + c10 * x + c11 * xx; final double s0 = c12 + c13 * x; final double s = a2 * v; double a3 = 1.0 / (1.0 + FastMath.exp(-Math.max(s, s0))); if (s < s0) { a3 = a3 * FastMath.pow((s / s0), s0 * (1.0 - a3)); } final double b0 = FastMath.pow(a3, gamma) * FastMath.pow(10.0, a0 + a1 * v); double b1 = c15 * v * (0.5 + x - FastMath.tanh(4.0 * (x + c16 + c17 * v))); b1 = (c14 * (1.0 + x) - b1) / (FastMath.exp(0.34 * (v - c18)) + 1); final double v0 = c21 + c22 * x + c23 * xx; final double d1 = c24 + c25 * x + c26 * xx; final double d2 = c27 + c28 * x; double v2 = v / v0 + 1.0; if (v2 < y0) { v2 = a + b * FastMath.pow(v2 - 1.0, n); } final double b2 = (-d1 + d2 * v2) * FastMath.exp(-v2); return b0 * FastMath.pow(1.0 + b1 * cosFI + b2 * (2.0 * cosFI * cosFI - 1.0), ZPOW); } } /** * Output cluster information to file. */ @Override public void dispose() { if (!windFieldEstimated) { return; } outputWindFieldInfoToFile(); } /** * Output wind fielld information to file. * * @throws OperatorException when can't save metadata */ private void outputWindFieldInfoToFile() throws OperatorException { /* double dxMean = 0.0; double dyMean = 0.0; int counter = 0; for (String bandName : bandWindFieldRecord.keySet()) { final java.util.List<WindFieldRecord> recordList = bandWindFieldRecord.get(bandName); for (WindFieldRecord rec : recordList) { dxMean += rec.dx; dyMean += rec.dy; counter++; } } dxMean /= counter; dyMean /= counter; */ final Element root = new Element("Detection"); final Document doc = new Document(root); for (String bandName : bandWindFieldRecord.keySet()) { final Element elem = new Element("windFieldEstimated"); elem.setAttribute("bandName", bandName); final java.util.List<WindFieldRecord> recordList = bandWindFieldRecord.get(bandName); for (WindFieldRecord rec : recordList) { /* if (rec.dx*dxMean + rec.dy*dyMean <= 0.707) { continue; } */ final Element subElem = new Element("windFieldInfo"); subElem.setAttribute("lat", String.valueOf(; subElem.setAttribute("lon", String.valueOf(rec.lon)); subElem.setAttribute("speed", String.valueOf(rec.speed)); subElem.setAttribute("dx", String.valueOf(rec.dx)); subElem.setAttribute("dy", String.valueOf(rec.dy)); subElem.setAttribute("ratio", String.valueOf(rec.ratio)); elem.addContent(subElem); } root.addContent(elem); } XMLSupport.SaveXML(doc, windFieldReportFile.getAbsolutePath()); } public static class WindFieldRecord { public final double lat; public final double lon; public final double speed; public final double dx; public final double dy; public final double ratio; public WindFieldRecord(final double lat, final double lon, final double speed, final double dx, final double dy, final double ratio) { = Math.round(lat * 100.0) / 100.0; this.lon = Math.round(lon * 100.0) / 100.0; this.speed = Math.round(speed * 100.0) / 100.0; this.dx = Math.round(dx * 100.0) / 100.0; this.dy = Math.round(dy * 100.0) / 100.0; this.ratio = Math.round(ratio * 100.0) / 100.0; } } /** * Operator SPI. */ public static class Spi extends OperatorSpi { public Spi() { super(WindFieldEstimationOp.class); } } }