List of usage examples for java.lang InterruptedException InterruptedException
public InterruptedException(String s)
with the specified detail message. From source
/** * Verifies first exception within handleServletException is caught and processed * we throw 'EmptyStackException' when getting InstanceStack, then verify * exceptionAdapter.handleException(death) is called with it *//*from ww w .ja va 2 s .c o m*/ @Test public void testHandleExceptionDeathCaught() throws Exception { PrintWriter writer = Mockito.mock(PrintWriter.class); HttpServletRequest mockRequest = Mockito.mock(HttpServletRequest.class); HttpServletResponse mockResponse = Mockito.mock(HttpServletResponse.class); ContextService mockContextService = Mockito.mock(ContextService.class); AuraContext mockContext = Mockito.mock(AuraContext.class); ConfigAdapter mockConfigAdapter = Mockito.mock(ConfigAdapter.class); ExceptionAdapter mockExceptionAdapter = Mockito.mock(ExceptionAdapter.class); Throwable firstException = new EmptyStackException(); Mockito.when(mockResponse.getWriter()).thenReturn(writer); Mockito.when(mockResponse.getStatus()).thenReturn(HttpStatus.SC_OK); Mockito.when(mockContext.getFormat()).thenReturn(AuraContext.Format.JSON); Mockito.when(mockContext.getMode()).thenReturn(Mode.PROD); Mockito.when(mockConfigAdapter.isProduction()).thenReturn(true); Mockito.when(mockContextService.getCurrentContext()).thenReturn(mockContext); Mockito.when(mockContext.getInstanceStack()).thenThrow(firstException); Throwable exception = new InterruptedException("opps"); ServletUtilAdapterImpl adapter = Mockito.spy(new ServletUtilAdapterImpl()); adapter.setContextService(mockContextService); adapter.setConfigAdapter(mockConfigAdapter); adapter.setExceptionAdapter(mockExceptionAdapter); adapter.handleServletException(exception, true, mockContext, mockRequest, mockResponse, true); ArgumentCaptor<Throwable> handledException = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(Throwable.class); Mockito.verify(mockExceptionAdapter, Mockito.times(2)).handleException(handledException.capture()); assertTrue("Should handle EmptyStackException", handledException.getAllValues().get(1) instanceof EmptyStackException); Mockito.verify(mockResponse, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).setStatus(HttpStatus.SC_OK); Mockito.verify(mockContextService, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).endContext(); Mockito.verify(adapter, Mockito.times(1)).setNoCache(mockResponse); }
From source
void sendView(NetView view, List<InternalDistributedMember> newMembers) throws InterruptedException { if (isShuttingDown()) { throw new InterruptedException("shutting down"); }//from w w w . ja va2s. co m sendView(view, false, this.viewProcessor); }
From source
/** * Server to sleep. This method returns actual connection status is changed or timeout. * Used by jelly./*from ww w.j a va 2s.c o m*/ * * @return connection status. */ public JSONObject doSleep() { Timer timer = new Timer(); try { stopConnection(); final CountDownLatch responseLatch = new CountDownLatch(RESPONSE_COUNT); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { if (gerritConnectionListener == null || !gerritConnectionListener.isConnected()) { responseLatch.countDown(); } } }, RESPONSE_INTERVAL_MS, RESPONSE_INTERVAL_MS); if (responseLatch.await(RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_S, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { setConnectionResponse(STOP_SUCCESS); } else { throw new InterruptedException("time out."); } } catch (Exception ex) { setConnectionResponse(STOP_FAILURE); logger.error("Could not stop connection. ", ex); } timer.cancel(); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); String status = "down"; if (gerritConnectionListener != null) { if (gerritConnectionListener.isConnected()) { status = "up"; } } obj.put("status", status); return obj; }
From source
private final void importImportableItemMetadata(final NodeRef nodeRef, final File parentFile, final MetadataLoader.Metadata metadata) throws InterruptedException { importStatus.setCurrentFileBeingProcessed(getFileName(parentFile) + " (metadata)"); // Attach aspects if (metadata.getAspects() != null) { for (final QName aspect : metadata.getAspects()) { if (importStatus.isStopping() || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) throw new InterruptedException( Thread.currentThread().getName() + " was interrupted. Terminating early."); if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Attaching aspect '" + String.valueOf(aspect) + "' to node '" + String.valueOf(nodeRef) + "'."); nodeService.addAspect(nodeRef, aspect, null); // Note: we set the aspect's properties separately, hence null for the third parameter }//from w ww.j ava 2 s . c o m } // Set property values for both the type and any aspect(s) if (metadata.getProperties() != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("Adding properties to node '" + String.valueOf(nodeRef) + "':\n" + mapToString(metadata.getProperties())); try { nodeService.addProperties(nodeRef, metadata.getProperties()); } catch (final InvalidNodeRefException inre) { if (!nodeRef.equals(inre.getNodeRef())) { // Caused by an invalid NodeRef in the metadata (e.g. in an association) throw new IllegalStateException( "Invalid nodeRef found in metadata for '" + getFileName(parentFile) + "'. " + "Probable cause: an association is being populated via metadata, but the " + "NodeRef for the target of that association ('" + inre.getNodeRef() + "') is invalid. " + "Please double check your metadata file and try again.", inre); } else { // Logic bug in the BFSIT. :-( throw inre; } } } }
From source
protected void listDirRecursive(File directory, Node root, List<Node> accumulator, boolean save, List<Node> previousSnapshot) throws InterruptedException, SQLException { if (this.interruptRequired) { throw new InterruptedException("Interrupt required"); }/*from w w w . j a v a 2 s.c o m*/ //Logger.getRootLogger().info("Searching "+directory.getAbsolutePath()); File[] children = directory.listFiles(); String[] start = Manager.getInstance().EXCLUDED_FILES_START; String[] end = Manager.getInstance().EXCLUDED_FILES_END; for (int i = 0; i < children.length; i++) { boolean ignore = false; for (int j = 0; j < start.length; j++) { if (children[i].getName().startsWith(start[j])) { ignore = true; break; } } if (ignore) continue; for (int j = 0; j < end.length; j++) { if (children[i].getName().endsWith(end[j])) { ignore = true; break; } } if (ignore) continue; Node newNode = new Node(Node.NODE_TYPE_ENTRY, children[i].getName(), root); if (save) nodeDao.create(newNode); String p = children[i].getAbsolutePath().substring(root.getPath(true).length()).replace("\\", "/"); newNode.setPath(p); = nodeDao.getEmptyForeignCollection("properties"); newNode.setLastModified(new Date(children[i].lastModified())); if (children[i].isDirectory()) { listDirRecursive(children[i], root, accumulator, save, previousSnapshot); } else { newNode.addProperty("bytesize", String.valueOf(children[i].length())); String md5 = null; if (previousSnapshot != null) { //Logger.getRootLogger().info("Searching node in previous snapshot for " + p); Iterator<Node> it = previousSnapshot.iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Node previous =; if (previous.getPath(true).equals(p)) { if (previous.getLastModified().equals(newNode.getLastModified()) && previous .getPropertyValue("bytesize").equals(newNode.getPropertyValue("bytesize"))) { md5 = previous.getPropertyValue("md5"); //Logger.getRootLogger().info("-- Getting md5 from previous snapshot"); } break; } } } if (md5 == null) { //Logger.getRootLogger().info("-- Computing new md5"); md5 = computeMD5(children[i]); } newNode.addProperty("md5", md5); newNode.setLeaf(); } if (save) nodeDao.update(newNode); if (accumulator != null) { accumulator.add(newNode); } long totalMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().totalMemory(); long currentMemory = Runtime.getRuntime().freeMemory(); long percent = (currentMemory * 100 / totalMemory); //Logger.getRootLogger().info( percent + "%"); if (percent <= 5) { //System.gc(); } } }
From source
private RuntimeException propagate(final String method, final WebTarget resource, final Exception e) throws DockerException, InterruptedException { Throwable cause = e.getCause(); // Sometimes e is a org.glassfish.hk2.api.MultiException // which contains the cause we're actually interested in. // So we unpack it here. if (e instanceof MultiException) { cause = cause.getCause();/*from w w w . j ava 2s .c om*/ } Response response = null; if (cause instanceof ResponseProcessingException) { response = ((ResponseProcessingException) cause).getResponse(); } else if (cause instanceof WebApplicationException) { response = ((WebApplicationException) cause).getResponse(); } else if ((cause instanceof ProcessingException) && (cause.getCause() != null)) { // For a ProcessingException, The exception message or nested Throwable cause SHOULD contain // additional information about the reason of the processing failure. cause = cause.getCause(); } if (response != null) { throw new DockerRequestException(method, resource.getUri(), response.getStatus(), message(response), cause); } else if ((cause instanceof SocketTimeoutException) || (cause instanceof ConnectTimeoutException)) { throw new DockerTimeoutException(method, resource.getUri(), e); } else if ((cause instanceof InterruptedIOException) || (cause instanceof InterruptedException)) { throw new InterruptedException("Interrupted: " + method + " " + resource); } else { throw new DockerException(e); } }
From source
/** * Verifies second exception within handleServletException is caught and processed * we throw 'EmptyStackException' when getting InstanceStack, when * exceptionAdapter.handleException(death) handle the exception, * we throw second exception, then verify we printout the error message to response's writer *///from w ww . j ava2 s . c om @Test public void testHandleExceptionDoubleDeathCaught() throws Exception { PrintWriter writer = Mockito.mock(PrintWriter.class); HttpServletRequest mockRequest = Mockito.mock(HttpServletRequest.class); HttpServletResponse mockResponse = Mockito.mock(HttpServletResponse.class); ContextService mockContextService = Mockito.mock(ContextService.class); AuraContext mockContext = Mockito.mock(AuraContext.class); ConfigAdapter mockConfigAdapter = Mockito.mock(ConfigAdapter.class); ExceptionAdapter mockExceptionAdapter = Mockito.mock(ExceptionAdapter.class); Throwable firstException = new EmptyStackException(); String ccmeMsg = "double dead"; Throwable secondException = new ConcurrentModificationException("double dead"); Mockito.when(mockResponse.getWriter()).thenReturn(writer); Mockito.when(mockResponse.getStatus()).thenReturn(HttpStatus.SC_OK); Mockito.when(mockContext.getFormat()).thenReturn(AuraContext.Format.HTML); Mockito.when(mockContext.getMode()).thenReturn(Mode.DEV); Mockito.when(mockConfigAdapter.isProduction()).thenReturn(false); Mockito.when(mockContextService.getCurrentContext()).thenReturn(mockContext); Mockito.when(mockContext.getInstanceStack()).thenThrow(firstException); Mockito.when(mockExceptionAdapter.handleException(firstException)).thenThrow(secondException); Throwable exception = new InterruptedException("opps"); ServletUtilAdapterImpl adapter = Mockito.spy(new ServletUtilAdapterImpl()); adapter.setContextService(mockContextService); adapter.setConfigAdapter(mockConfigAdapter); adapter.setExceptionAdapter(mockExceptionAdapter); adapter.handleServletException(exception, true, mockContext, mockRequest, mockResponse, true); ArgumentCaptor<String> exceptionMessage = ArgumentCaptor.forClass(String.class); Mockito.verify(writer, Mockito.times(1)).println(exceptionMessage.capture()); assertEquals(ccmeMsg, exceptionMessage.getValue()); // in this case we return SC_OK, and we set non-cacheable. Mockito.verify(mockResponse, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).setStatus(HttpStatus.SC_OK); Mockito.verify(mockContextService, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).endContext(); Mockito.verify(adapter, Mockito.atLeastOnce()).setNoCache(mockResponse); }
From source
/** * Verifies the code and media resources associated with this application. A list of resources * that do not exist or fail the verification process will be returned. If all resources are * ready to go, null will be returned and the application is considered ready to run. * * @param obs a progress observer that will be notified of verification progress. NOTE: this * observer may be called from arbitrary threads, so if you update a UI based on calls to it, * you have to take care to get back to your UI thread. * @param alreadyValid if non-null a 1 element array that will have the number of "already * validated" resources filled in.//from w ww . j ava2s. c o m * @param unpacked a set to populate with unpacked resources. */ public List<Resource> verifyResources(ProgressObserver obs, int[] alreadyValid, Set<Resource> unpacked) throws InterruptedException { List<Resource> rsrcs = getAllActiveResources(); List<Resource> failures = new ArrayList<Resource>(); // obtain the sizes of the resources to validate long[] sizes = new long[rsrcs.size()]; for (int ii = 0; ii < sizes.length; ii++) { sizes[ii] = rsrcs.get(ii).getLocal().length(); } ProgressAggregator pagg = new ProgressAggregator(obs, sizes); boolean noUnpack = SysProps.noUnpack(); for (int ii = 0; ii < sizes.length; ii++) { Resource rsrc = rsrcs.get(ii); if (Thread.interrupted()) { throw new InterruptedException("m.applet_stopped"); } ProgressObserver robs = pagg.startElement(ii); if (rsrc.isMarkedValid()) { if (alreadyValid != null) { alreadyValid[0]++; } robs.progress(100); continue; } try { if (_digest.validateResource(rsrc, robs)) { // unpack this resource if appropriate if (noUnpack || !rsrc.shouldUnpack()) { // finally note that this resource is kosher rsrc.markAsValid(); continue; } if (rsrc.unpack()) { unpacked.add(rsrc); rsrc.markAsValid(); continue; }"Failure unpacking resource", "rsrc", rsrc); } } catch (Exception e) {"Failure validating resource. Requesting redownload...", "rsrc", rsrc, "error", e); } finally { robs.progress(100); } failures.add(rsrc); } return (failures.size() == 0) ? null : failures; }
From source
private ByteBuffer getFirstToComplete(CompletionService<ByteBuffer> hedgedService, ArrayList<Future<ByteBuffer>> futures) throws InterruptedException { if (futures.isEmpty()) { throw new InterruptedException("let's retry"); }/*from w w w.j a v a 2s . com*/ Future<ByteBuffer> future = null; try { future = hedgedService.take(); ByteBuffer bb = future.get(); futures.remove(future); return bb; } catch (ExecutionException e) { // already logged in the Callable futures.remove(future); } catch (CancellationException ce) { // already logged in the Callable futures.remove(future); } throw new InterruptedException("let's retry"); }