List of usage examples for java.lang InterruptedException InterruptedException
public InterruptedException(String s)
with the specified detail message. From source
public static List<IFile> generateOffLineFromFile1(IWorkbenchWindow ww, TestResourceGeneration dcp, BuildPolicy[] generators, int timeout, IProgressMonitor monitor) throws IOException, CoreException, InterruptedException { IFile graphModel = dcp.getGraphIFile(); List<IFile> ret = new ArrayList<IFile>(); List<Context> executionContexts = new ArrayList<Context>(); for (BuildPolicy policy : generators) { String startElement = getStartElement(dcp.getGraphFile()); Path path = dcp.getInputPath(); String generator = policy.getPathGenerator(); String msg = "Offline arguments: " + path + " " + generator + " " + startElement; ResourceManager.logInfo(graphModel.getProject().getName(), msg); addContexts(executionContexts, path, generator, startElement); }/*from w ww .j av a 2 s. co m*/ int index = 0; for (Context context : executionContexts) { OfflineContext oc = new OfflineContext(generators[index]); index++; dcp.addOfflineContext(oc); TestExecutor executor = new TestExecutor(context); executor.getMachine().addObserver(new Observer() { @Override public void update(Machine machine, Element element, EventType type) { if (EventType.BEFORE_ELEMENT.equals(type)) { oc.addMethodName(element.getName()); if (monitor.isCanceled()) { throw new RuntimeException( new InterruptedException(MessageUtil.getString("timeoutofflineorcancelled"))); } } } }); Timer canceller = new Timer(); canceller.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { try { monitor.setCanceled(true); } catch (Throwable e) { } } }, timeout * 1000); try { Result result = executor.execute(); canceller.cancel(); } catch (TestExecutionException e) { String reason = e.getResult().getResultsAsString(); canceller.cancel(); ResourceManager.logException(e, reason); if (!ErrorDialog.AUTOMATED_MODE) { // Avoid displaying a window while running automated mode DialogManager.asyncDisplayErrorMessage(MessageUtil.getString("error"), reason, e); } } catch (Throwable e) { canceller.cancel(); ResourceManager.logException(e); if (!ErrorDialog.AUTOMATED_MODE) { // Avoid displaying a window while running automated mode DialogManager.asyncDisplayErrorMessage(MessageUtil.getString("error"), MessageUtil.getString("an_error_occured_while_running_offline_tool"), e); } return ret; } } dcp.updateWithOfflines(); generateFromFile(ww, dcp, monitor); return ret; }
From source
private void tryAcquireLock(long checksum) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("try acquiring access lock for file with checksum=" + checksum); while (fileLockManager.containsFileLock(checksum) && running.get()) CommonUtils.sleepButInterruptable(100); if (!running.get()) throw new InterruptedException("interrupted"); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) logger.debug("access lock acquired"); }
From source
public void run() { try {//from w w w. j ava 2s . c o m monitor = CoreManager.getInstance().getProgressMonitor(); AjxpHttpClient.clearCookiesStatic(); // instantiate the daos ConnectionSource connectionSource = getCoreManager().getConnection(); nodeDao = DaoManager.createDao(connectionSource, Node.class); syncChangeDao = DaoManager.createDao(connectionSource, SyncChange.class); syncLogDao = DaoManager.createDao(connectionSource, SyncLog.class); propertyDao = DaoManager.createDao(connectionSource, Property.class); syncLogDetailsDao = DaoManager.createDao(connectionSource, SyncLogDetails.class); currentRepository = getCoreManager().getSynchroNode(currentJobNodeID, nodeDao); if (currentRepository == null) { throw new Exception("The database returned an empty node."); } // check if core folder exists - if NOT, quit and do nothing if (!testRootNodeExists()) { return; } getCoreManager().updateSynchroState(currentRepository, (localWatchOnly ? false : true)); currentRepository.setStatus(Node.NODE_STATUS_LOADING); try { updateRunningStatus(RUNNING_STATUS_INITIALIZING, (localWatchOnly ? false : true)); } catch (SQLException sE) { Thread.sleep(100); updateRunningStatus(RUNNING_STATUS_INITIALIZING, (localWatchOnly ? false : true)); } nodeDao.update(currentRepository); Server s = new Server(currentRepository.getParent()); RestStateHolder restStateHolder = RestStateHolder.getInstance(); restStateHolder.setServer(s); restStateHolder.setRepository(currentRepository); // set upload chunk size for 16K restStateHolder.setFileUploadChunkSize(RestStateHolder.FILE_UPLOAD_CHUNK_16K); // 5M for big files restStateHolder.setFileUploadChunkSizeBigFile(RestStateHolder.FILE_UPLOAD_CHUNK_5M); AjxpAPI.getInstance().setServer(s); currentLocalFolder = new File(currentRepository.getPropertyValue("target_folder")); direction = currentRepository.getPropertyValue("synchro_direction"); // if(!localWatchOnly) { // getCoreManager().notifyUser(getMessage("job_running"), // "Synchronizing " + s.getUrl()); // } updateRunningStatus(RUNNING_STATUS_PREVIOUS_CHANGES, (localWatchOnly ? false : true)); final List<SyncChange> previouslyRemaining = syncChangeDao.queryForEq("jobId", currentJobNodeID); // Map<String, Object[]> previousChanges = new TreeMap<String, // Object[]>(); Map<String, Object[]> previousChanges = createMapDBFile("previous"); // by default - do nothing int action = SyncJob.TASK_DO_NOTHING; // check if user want to keep remote automatically if (autoKeepRemoteFile) { action = SyncJob.TASK_SOLVE_KEEP_THEIR; } else if (autoKeepLocalFile) { action = SyncJob.TASK_SOLVE_KEEP_MINE; } boolean unsolvedConflicts = SyncChange.syncChangesToTreeMap(previouslyRemaining, previousChanges, action); Map<String, Object[]> again = null; if (!localWatchOnly && unsolvedConflicts) { this.exitWithStatusAndNotify(Node.NODE_STATUS_ERROR, "job_blocking_conflicts_title", "job_blocking_conflicts"); return; } updateRunningStatus(RUNNING_STATUS_LOCAL_CHANGES, (localWatchOnly ? false : true)); if (clearSnapshots) { this.clearSnapshot("local_snapshot"); this.clearSnapshot("remote_snapshot"); } List<Node> localSnapshot = EhcacheListFactory.getInstance().getList(LOCAL_SNAPSHOT_LIST); List<Node> remoteSnapshot = EhcacheListFactory.getInstance().getList(REMOTE_SNAPSHOT_LIST); Node localRootNode = loadRootAndSnapshot("local_snapshot", localSnapshot, currentLocalFolder); Map<String, Object[]> localDiff = loadLocalChanges(localSnapshot); if (unsolvedConflicts) { this.exitWithStatusAndNotify(Node.NODE_STATUS_ERROR, "job_blocking_conflicts_title", "job_blocking_conflicts"); return; } if (localWatchOnly && localDiff.size() == 0 && previousChanges.size() == 0) { this.exitWithStatus(Node.NODE_STATUS_LOADED); return; } // If we are here, then we must have detected some changes updateRunningStatus(RUNNING_STATUS_TESTING_CONNEXION); if (!testConnexion()) { return; } updateRunningStatus(RUNNING_STATUS_REMOTE_CHANGES); Node remoteRootNode = loadRootAndSnapshot("remote_snapshot", remoteSnapshot, null); Map<String, Object[]> remoteDiff = null; try { remoteDiff = loadRemoteChanges(remoteSnapshot); } catch (SynchroOperationException e) { // there was problem with server response - cannot go further! this.exitWithStatusAndNotify(Node.NODE_STATUS_ERROR, "job_server_didnt_responsed_title", "job_server_didnt_responsed"); return; } Logger.getRootLogger().info("LOCAL DIFFS: " + localDiff.size()); Logger.getRootLogger().info("REMOTE DIFFS: " + remoteDiff.size()); if (previousChanges.size() > 0) { updateRunningStatus(RUNNING_STATUS_PREVIOUS_CHANGES); Logger.getRootLogger().debug("Getting previous tasks"); again = applyChanges(previousChanges, monitor, MonitorTaskType.APPLY_PREVIOUS_CHANGES); if (previouslyRemaining.size() > 999) { syncChangeDao.callBatchTasks(new Callable<Void>() { public Void call() throws Exception { for (int i = 0; i < previouslyRemaining.size(); i++) { syncChangeDao.delete(previouslyRemaining.get(i)); } return null; } }); } else { syncChangeDao.delete(previouslyRemaining); } this.clearSnapshot("remaining_nodes"); } if (this.interruptRequired) { throw new InterruptedException("Interrupt required"); } updateRunningStatus(RUNNING_STATUS_COMPARING_CHANGES); Map<String, Object[]> changes = mergeChanges(remoteDiff, localDiff); updateRunningStatus(RUNNING_STATUS_APPLY_CHANGES); Map<String, Object[]> remainingChanges = applyChanges(changes, monitor, MonitorTaskType.APPLY_CHANGES); if (again != null && again.size() > 0) { remainingChanges.putAll(again); } if (remainingChanges.size() > 0) { List<SyncChange> c = SyncChange.MapToSyncChanges(remainingChanges, currentJobNodeID); Node remainingRoot = loadRootAndSnapshot("remaining_nodes", null, null); for (int i = 0; i < c.size(); i++) { SyncChangeValue cv = c.get(i).getChangeValue(); Node changeNode = cv.n; changeNode.setParent(remainingRoot); if ( == 0 || !nodeDao.idExists( + "")) { // Not // yet // created! nodeDao.create(changeNode); Map<String, String> pValues = new HashMap<String, String>(); for (Property p : { pValues.put(p.getName(), p.getValue()); } propertyDao.delete(; Iterator<Map.Entry<String, String>> it = pValues.entrySet().iterator(); while (it.hasNext()) { Map.Entry<String, String> ent =; changeNode.addProperty(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue()); } c.get(i).setChangeValue(cv); } else { nodeDao.update(changeNode); } syncChangeDao.create(c.get(i)); } } updateRunningStatus(RUNNING_STATUS_CLEANING); takeLocalSnapshot(localRootNode, null, true, localSnapshot); clearSnapshot("local_tmp"); try { remoteSnapshot = EhcacheListFactory.getInstance().getList(REMOTE_SNAPSHOT_LIST); takeRemoteSnapshot(remoteRootNode, remoteSnapshot, true); } catch (SynchroOperationException e) { // there was problem with server response - cannot go further! this.exitWithStatusAndNotify(Node.NODE_STATUS_ERROR, "job_server_didnt_responsed_title", "job_server_didnt_responsed"); return; } clearSnapshot("remote_tmp"); cleanDB(); // INDICATES THAT THE JOB WAS CORRECTLY SHUTDOWN currentRepository.setStatus(Node.NODE_STATUS_LOADED); currentRepository.setLastModified(new Date()); nodeDao.update(currentRepository); SyncLog sl = new SyncLog(); String status; String summary = ""; if (countConflictsDetected > 0) { status = SyncLog.LOG_STATUS_CONFLICTS; summary = getMessage("job_status_conflicts").replace("%d", countConflictsDetected + ""); } else if (countResourcesErrors > 0) { status = SyncLog.LOG_STATUS_ERRORS; summary = getMessage("job_status_errors").replace("%d", countResourcesErrors + ""); } else { if (countResourcesInterrupted > 0) status = SyncLog.LOG_STATUS_INTERRUPT; else status = SyncLog.LOG_STATUS_SUCCESS; if (countFilesDownloaded > 0) { summary = getMessage("job_status_downloads").replace("%d", countFilesDownloaded + ""); } if (countFilesUploaded > 0) { summary += getMessage("job_status_uploads").replace("%d", countFilesUploaded + ""); } if (countResourcesSynchronized > 0) { summary += getMessage("job_status_resources").replace("%d", countResourcesSynchronized + ""); } if (summary.equals("")) { summary = getMessage("job_status_nothing"); } } sl.jobDate = (new Date()).getTime(); sl.jobStatus = status; sl.jobSummary = summary; sl.synchroNode = currentRepository; syncLogDao.create(sl); // if there are any errors we just save them connected with actual // SyncLog Iterator<Entry<String, String>> errorMessagesIterator = errorMessages.entrySet().iterator(); while (errorMessagesIterator.hasNext()) { Entry<String, String> entry =; SyncLogDetails details = new SyncLogDetails(); details.setFileName(entry.getKey()); details.setMessage(entry.getValue()); details.setParentLog(sl); syncLogDetailsDao.create(details); } // clear error messages for new synchronisation errorMessages.clear(); getCoreManager().updateSynchroState(currentRepository, false); getCoreManager().releaseConnection(); DaoManager.clearCache(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { getCoreManager().notifyUser("Stopping", "Last synchro was interrupted on user demand", this.currentJobNodeID); try { this.exitWithStatus(Node.NODE_STATUS_FRESH); } catch (SQLException e) { } } catch (Exception e) { e.printStackTrace(); String message = e.getMessage(); if (message == null && e.getCause() != null) message = e.getCause().getMessage(); getCoreManager().notifyUser("Error", CoreManager.getMessage("err_generic") + ": " + message, this.currentJobNodeID, true); if (currentRepository != null) { currentRepository.setStatus(Node.NODE_STATUS_ERROR); try { updateRunningStatus(RUNNING_STATUS_CLEANING, false); nodeDao.update(currentRepository); clearTmpSnapshots(); } catch (SQLException e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } getCoreManager().updateSynchroState(currentRepository, false); } getCoreManager().releaseConnection(); DaoManager.clearCache(); } finally { // synchronisation is finished (or not) - we need to close all // mapDBs for (DB db : mapDBs) { db.close(); } } }
From source
private final void importVersionMetadata(final NodeRef nodeRef, final BulkImportItemVersion version, final boolean dryRun) throws InterruptedException { String type = version.getType(); Set<String> aspects = version.getAspects(); Map<String, Serializable> metadata = version.getMetadata(); if (type != null) { if (dryRun) { if (info(log)) info(log, "[DRY RUN] Would have set type of '" + String.valueOf(nodeRef) + "' to '" + String.valueOf(type) + "'."); } else {/*from w w w . jav a 2 s . c o m*/ if (trace(log)) trace(log, "Setting type of '" + String.valueOf(nodeRef) + "' to '" + String.valueOf(type) + "'."); nodeService.setType(nodeRef, createQName(serviceRegistry, type)); } } if (aspects != null) { for (final String aspect : aspects) { if (importStatus.isStopping() || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) throw new InterruptedException( Thread.currentThread().getName() + " was interrupted. Terminating early."); if (dryRun) { if (info(log)) info(log, "[DRY RUN] Would have added aspect '" + aspect + "' to '" + String.valueOf(nodeRef) + "'."); } else { if (trace(log)) trace(log, "Adding aspect '" + aspect + "' to '" + String.valueOf(nodeRef) + "'."); nodeService.addAspect(nodeRef, createQName(serviceRegistry, aspect), null); } } } if (version.hasMetadata()) { if (metadata == null) throw new IllegalStateException( "The import source has logic errors - it says it has metadata, but the metadata is null."); // QName all the keys. It's baffling that NodeService doesn't have a method that accepts a Map<String, Serializable>, when things like VersionService do... Map<QName, Serializable> qNamedMetadata = new HashMap<>(metadata.size()); for (final String key : metadata.keySet()) { if (importStatus.isStopping() || Thread.currentThread().isInterrupted()) throw new InterruptedException( Thread.currentThread().getName() + " was interrupted. Terminating early."); QName keyQName = createQName(serviceRegistry, key); Serializable value = metadata.get(key); qNamedMetadata.put(keyQName, value); } if (dryRun) { if (info(log)) info(log, "[DRY RUN] Would have added the following properties to '" + String.valueOf(nodeRef) + "':\n" + Arrays.toString(qNamedMetadata.entrySet().toArray())); } else { try { if (trace(log)) trace(log, "Adding the following properties to '" + String.valueOf(nodeRef) + "':\n" + Arrays.toString(qNamedMetadata.entrySet().toArray())); nodeService.addProperties(nodeRef, qNamedMetadata); } catch (final InvalidNodeRefException inre) { if (!nodeRef.equals(inre.getNodeRef())) { // Caused by an invalid NodeRef in the metadata (e.g. in an association) throw new IllegalStateException("Invalid nodeRef found in metadata file '" + version.getMetadataSource() + "'. " + "Probable cause: an association is being populated via metadata, but the " + "NodeRef for the target of that association ('" + inre.getNodeRef() + "') is invalid. " + "Please double check your metadata file and try again.", inre); } else { // Logic bug in the BFSIT. :-( throw inre; } } } } }
From source
@Override public String sendPost(SendPostModel model, ProgressListener listener, CancellableTask task) throws Exception { String url = domainUrl + "makaba/posting.fcgi?json=1"; ExtendedMultipartBuilder postEntityBuilder = ExtendedMultipartBuilder.create().setDelegates(listener, task) .addString("task", "post").addString("board", model.boardName) .addString("thread", model.threadNumber == null ? "0" : model.threadNumber); postEntityBuilder.addString("comment", model.comment); if (captchaId != null) { postEntityBuilder.addString("captcha_type", "2chaptcha").addString("2chaptcha_id", captchaId) .addString("2chaptcha_value", model.captchaAnswer); }/*from w w w . j av a 2s .co m*/ if (task != null && task.isCancelled()) throw new InterruptedException("interrupted"); if (model.subject != null) postEntityBuilder.addString("subject", model.subject); if ( != null) postEntityBuilder.addString("name",; if (model.sage) postEntityBuilder.addString("email", "sage"); else if ( != null) postEntityBuilder.addString("email",; if (model.attachments != null) { String[] images = new String[] { "image1", "image2", "image3", "image4" }; for (int i = 0; i < model.attachments.length; ++i) { postEntityBuilder.addFile(images[i], model.attachments[i], model.randomHash); } } if (model.icon != -1) postEntityBuilder.addString("icon", Integer.toString(model.icon)); //if (model.watermark) postEntityBuilder.addString("water_mark", "on"); if (model.custommark) postEntityBuilder.addString("op_mark", "1"); HttpRequestModel request = HttpRequestModel.builder().setPOST(; String response = null; try { response = HttpStreamer.getInstance().getStringFromUrl(url, request, httpClient, null, task, true); } catch (HttpWrongStatusCodeException e) { checkCloudflareError(e, url); throw e; } saveUsercodeCookie(); JSONObject makabaResult = new JSONObject(response); try { String statusResult = makabaResult.getString("Status"); if (statusResult.equals("OK")) { try { if (model.threadNumber != null) { UrlPageModel redirect = new UrlPageModel(); redirect.type = UrlPageModel.TYPE_THREADPAGE; redirect.chanName = CHAN_NAME; redirect.boardName = model.boardName; redirect.threadNumber = model.threadNumber; redirect.postNumber = Long.toString(makabaResult.getLong("Num")); return buildUrl(redirect); } } catch (Exception e) { Logger.e(TAG, e); } return null; } else if (statusResult.equals("Redirect")) { UrlPageModel redirect = new UrlPageModel(); redirect.type = UrlPageModel.TYPE_THREADPAGE; redirect.chanName = CHAN_NAME; redirect.boardName = model.boardName; redirect.threadNumber = Long.toString(makabaResult.getLong("Target")); return buildUrl(redirect); } } catch (Exception e) { } throw new Exception(makabaResult.getString("Reason")); }
From source
@Override public TaskStatus run(final TaskToolbox toolbox) throws Exception {"Starting up!"); startTime =;/* w w w.jav a2 s . c om*/ mapper = toolbox.getObjectMapper(); status = Status.STARTING; if (chatHandlerProvider.isPresent()) {"Found chat handler of class[%s]", chatHandlerProvider.get().getClass().getName()); chatHandlerProvider.get().register(getId(), this, false); } else { log.warn("No chat handler detected"); } runThread = Thread.currentThread(); // Set up FireDepartmentMetrics final FireDepartment fireDepartmentForMetrics = new FireDepartment(dataSchema, new RealtimeIOConfig(null, null, null), null); fireDepartmentMetrics = fireDepartmentForMetrics.getMetrics(); toolbox.getMonitorScheduler() .addMonitor(new RealtimeMetricsMonitor(ImmutableList.of(fireDepartmentForMetrics), ImmutableMap.of(DruidMetrics.TASK_ID, new String[] { getId() }))); BasicDataSource dataSource = new BasicDataSource(); dataSource.setUsername(ioConfig.getUser()); dataSource.setPassword(ioConfig.getPassword()); dataSource.setUrl(ioConfig.getConnectURI()); dataSource.setDriverClassLoader(getClass().getClassLoader()); final String table = ioConfig.getTableName(); if (!StringUtils.isEmpty(ioConfig.getDriverClass())) { dataSource.setDriverClassName(ioConfig.getDriverClass()); } final Handle handle = new DBI(dataSource).open(); try (final Appenderator appenderator0 = newAppenderator(fireDepartmentMetrics, toolbox); final AppenderatorDriver driver = newDriver(appenderator0, toolbox, fireDepartmentMetrics)) { toolbox.getDataSegmentServerAnnouncer().announce(); appenderator = appenderator0; // Start up, set up initial offsets. final Object restoredMetadata = driver.startJob(); if (restoredMetadata == null) { nextOffsets.putAll(ioConfig.getJdbcOffsets().getOffsetMaps()); } else { final Map<String, Object> restoredMetadataMap = (Map) restoredMetadata; final JDBCOffsets restoredNextPartitions = toolbox.getObjectMapper() .convertValue(restoredMetadataMap.get(METADATA_NEXT_OFFSETS), JDBCOffsets.class); nextOffsets.putAll(restoredNextPartitions.getOffsetMaps()); // Sanity checks. if (!restoredNextPartitions.getTable().equals(ioConfig.getTableName())) { throw new ISE("WTF?! Restored table[%s] but expected table[%s]", restoredNextPartitions.getTable(), ioConfig.getTableName()); } if (!nextOffsets.equals(ioConfig.getJdbcOffsets().getOffsetMaps())) { throw new ISE("WTF?! Restored partitions[%s] but expected partitions[%s]", nextOffsets, ioConfig.getJdbcOffsets().getOffsetMaps()); } } // Set up sequenceNames. final Map<Integer, String> sequenceNames = Maps.newHashMap(); for (Integer partitionNum : nextOffsets.keySet()) { sequenceNames.put(partitionNum, String.format("%s_%s", ioConfig.getBaseSequenceName(), partitionNum)); } // Set up committer. final Supplier<Committer> committerSupplier = new Supplier<Committer>() { @Override public Committer get() { final Map<Integer, Long> snapshot = ImmutableMap.copyOf(nextOffsets); return new Committer() { @Override public Object getMetadata() { return ImmutableMap.of(METADATA_NEXT_OFFSETS, new JDBCOffsets(ioConfig.getJdbcOffsets().getTable(), snapshot)); } @Override public void run() { // Do nothing. } }; } }; // Set<Integer> assignment = assignPartitionsAndSeekToNext(handle); // boolean stillReading = !assignment.isEmpty(); status = Status.READING; try { // while (stillReading) { // if (possiblyPause(assignment)) { // The partition assignments may have changed while paused by a call to setEndOffsets() so reassign // partitions upon resuming. This is safe even if the end offsets have not been modified. // assignment = assignPartitionsAndSeekToNext(handle); // if (assignment.isEmpty()) { //"All partitions have been fully read"); // publishOnStop = true; // stopRequested = true; // } // } // if (stopRequested) { // break; // } final String query = (ioConfig.getQuery() != null) ? ioConfig.getQuery() : makeQuery(ioConfig.getColumns(), ioConfig.getJdbcOffsets()); org.skife.jdbi.v2.Query<Map<String, Object>> dbiQuery = handle.createQuery(query); final ResultIterator<InputRow> rowIterator = ResultSetMapper<InputRow>() { List<String> queryColumns = (ioConfig.getColumns() == null) ? Lists.<String>newArrayList() : ioConfig.getColumns(); List<Boolean> columnIsNumeric = Lists.newArrayList(); @Override public InputRow map(final int index, final ResultSet r, final StatementContext ctx) throws SQLException { try { if (queryColumns.size() == 0) { ResultSetMetaData metadata = r.getMetaData(); for (int idx = 1; idx <= metadata.getColumnCount(); idx++) { queryColumns.add(metadata.getColumnName(idx)); } Preconditions.checkArgument(queryColumns.size() > 0, String.format("No column in table [%s]", table)); verifyParserSpec(parser.getParseSpec(), queryColumns); } if (columnIsNumeric.size() == 0) { ResultSetMetaData metadata = r.getMetaData(); Preconditions.checkArgument(metadata.getColumnCount() >= queryColumns.size(), String.format( "number of column names [%d] exceeds the actual number of returning column values [%d]", queryColumns.size(), metadata.getColumnCount())); columnIsNumeric.add(false); // dummy to make start index to 1 for (int idx = 1; idx <= metadata.getColumnCount(); idx++) { boolean isNumeric = false; int type = metadata.getColumnType(idx); switch (type) { case BIGINT: case DECIMAL: case DOUBLE: case FLOAT: case INTEGER: case NUMERIC: case SMALLINT: case TINYINT: isNumeric = true; break; } columnIsNumeric.add(isNumeric); } } final Map<String, Object> columnMap = Maps.newHashMap(); int columnIdx = 1; for (String column : queryColumns) { Object objToPut = null; if (table != null) { objToPut = r.getObject(column); } else { objToPut = r.getObject(columnIdx); } columnMap.put(column, objToPut == null ? columnIsNumeric.get(columnIdx) : objToPut); columnIdx++; } return parser.parse(columnMap); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { throw new SQLException(e); } } }).iterator(); org.skife.jdbi.v2.Query<Map<String, Object>> maxItemQuery = handle .createQuery(makeMaxQuery(ioConfig.getJdbcOffsets())); long currOffset = maxItemQuery != null ? (long) maxItemQuery.list(1).get(0).get("MAX") : 0; while (rowIterator.hasNext()) { InputRow row =; try { if (!ioConfig.getMinimumMessageTime().isPresent() || !ioConfig.getMinimumMessageTime().get().isAfter(row.getTimestamp())) { final String sequenceName = sequenceNames.get(nextOffsets.keySet().toArray()[0]); //TODO::: check data final AppenderatorDriverAddResult addResult = driver.add(row, sequenceName, committerSupplier); if (addResult.isOk()) { // If the number of rows in the segment exceeds the threshold after adding a row, // move the segment out from the active segments of AppenderatorDriver to make a new segment. if (addResult.getNumRowsInSegment() > tuningConfig.getMaxRowsPerSegment()) { driver.moveSegmentOut(sequenceName, ImmutableList.of(addResult.getSegmentIdentifier())); } } else { // Failure to allocate segment puts determinism at risk, bail out to be safe. // May want configurable behavior here at some point. // If we allow continuing, then consider blacklisting the interval for a while to avoid constant checks. throw new ISE("Could not allocate segment for row with timestamp[%s]", row.getTimestamp()); } fireDepartmentMetrics.incrementProcessed(); } else { fireDepartmentMetrics.incrementThrownAway(); } } catch (ParseException e) { if (tuningConfig.isReportParseExceptions()) { throw e; } else { log.debug(e, "Dropping unparseable row from row[%d] .", row); fireDepartmentMetrics.incrementUnparseable(); } } } nextOffsets.put((int) ioConfig.getJdbcOffsets().getOffsetMaps().keySet().toArray()[0], currOffset); // if (nextOffsets.get(record.partition()).equals(endOffsets.get(record.partition())) // && assignment.remove(record.partition())) { //"Finished reading table[%s], partition[%,d].", record.topic(), record.partition()); // stillReading = ioConfig.isPauseAfterRead() || !assignment.isEmpty(); // } // } } finally { driver.persist(committerSupplier.get()); // persist pending data } synchronized (statusLock) { if (stopRequested && !publishOnStop) { throw new InterruptedException("Stopping without publishing"); } status = Status.PUBLISHING; } final TransactionalSegmentPublisher publisher = (segments, commitMetadata) -> { final JDBCOffsets finalOffsets = toolbox.getObjectMapper() .convertValue(((Map) commitMetadata).get(METADATA_NEXT_OFFSETS), JDBCOffsets.class); // Sanity check, we should only be publishing things that match our desired end state. //TODO::: Santiny Check! // if (!endOffsets.equals(finalOffsets.getOffsetMaps())) { // throw new ISE("WTF?! Driver attempted to publish invalid metadata[%s].", commitMetadata); // } final SegmentTransactionalInsertAction action; if (ioConfig.isUseTransaction()) { action = new SegmentTransactionalInsertAction(segments, new JDBCDataSourceMetadata(ioConfig.getJdbcOffsets()), new JDBCDataSourceMetadata(finalOffsets) //TODO::: Check Values ); } else { action = new SegmentTransactionalInsertAction(segments, null, null); }"Publishing with isTransaction[%s].", ioConfig.isUseTransaction()); return toolbox.getTaskActionClient().submit(action).isSuccess(); }; // Supervised kafka tasks are killed by JDBCSupervisor if they are stuck during publishing segments or waiting // for hand off. See JDBCSupervisorIOConfig.completionTimeout. final SegmentsAndMetadata published = driver .publish(publisher, committerSupplier.get(), sequenceNames.values()).get(); final SegmentsAndMetadata handedOff; if (tuningConfig.getHandoffConditionTimeout() == 0) { handedOff = driver.registerHandoff(published).get(); } else { handedOff = driver.registerHandoff(published).get(tuningConfig.getHandoffConditionTimeout(), TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS); } if (handedOff == null) { throw new ISE("Transaction failure publishing segments, aborting"); } else {"Published segments[%s] with metadata[%s].", Joiner.on(", ") .join(Iterables.transform(handedOff.getSegments(), new Function<DataSegment, String>() { @Override public String apply(DataSegment input) { return input.getIdentifier(); } })), handedOff.getCommitMetadata()); } } catch (InterruptedException | RejectedExecutionException e) { // handle the InterruptedException that gets wrapped in a RejectedExecutionException if (e instanceof RejectedExecutionException && (e.getCause() == null || !(e.getCause() instanceof InterruptedException))) { throw e; } // if we were interrupted because we were asked to stop, handle the exception and return success, else rethrow if (!stopRequested) { Thread.currentThread().interrupt(); throw e; }"The task was asked to stop before completing"); } finally { if (chatHandlerProvider.isPresent()) { chatHandlerProvider.get().unregister(getId()); } handle.close(); } toolbox.getDataSegmentServerAnnouncer().unannounce(); //TODO::implement return success(); }
From source
/** * Test if user has hit cancel. if yes, throw a wrapped * HttpTransferInterruptedException// ww w . j a v a 2s. com * * @throws SQLException * the wrapped InterruptedException if user has hit cancel */ public void testIfUploadInterrupted() throws SQLException { if (cancelled.get()) { throw new SQLException(new InterruptedException(Tag.PRODUCT + " File upload interrupted by user.")); } }
From source
/** * Return the loaded picture from a local place. * /*www. ja v a 2 s . c o m*/ * @param localFile * the local file name. * @return the local picture. * @throws InterruptedException */ public static Image getLocalPicture(String localFile) throws InterruptedException { final Image result = Toolkit.getDefaultToolkit().getImage(getFile(localFile, true).getAbsolutePath()); if (result == null) { throw new InterruptedException("Picture " + localFile + " has not been found"); } final MediaTracker tracker = new MediaTracker(MagicUIComponents.magicForm); tracker.addImage(result, 0); tracker.waitForAll(); if (tracker.isErrorAny()) { tracker.removeImage(result, 0); tracker.waitForAll(); result.flush(); throw new InterruptedException("Malformed picture " + localFile); } return result; }
From source
private static void renameHDFSPath(String srcPath, String dstPath) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int nRetry = 0; int sleepTime = 5000; while (!hdfsFS.rename(new Path(srcPath), new Path(dstPath))) { ++nRetry;/*from ww w.j ava 2s. c o m*/ if (nRetry > 3) { throw new InterruptedException("Cannot rename folder " + srcPath + " to folder " + dstPath); } else { Thread.sleep(sleepTime * nRetry * nRetry); } } }