Java tutorial
/* * The MIT License * * Copyright 2010 Sony Mobile Communications Inc. All rights reserved. * Copyright 2013 Ericsson. * * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy * of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal * in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights * to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is * furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: * * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in * all copies or substantial portions of the Software. * * THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR * IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, * FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE * AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER * LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, * OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN * THE SOFTWARE. */ package com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger; import static; import static; import static; import static; import static com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.utils.StringUtil.PLUGIN_IMAGES_URL; import hudson.Extension; import hudson.Functions; import hudson.RelativePath; import hudson.model.AbstractProject; import hudson.model.Job; import hudson.model.Action; import hudson.model.Describable; import hudson.model.Failure; import hudson.model.Descriptor; import hudson.model.Hudson; import hudson.util.FormValidation; import hudson.util.ListBoxModel; import hudson.util.Secret; import hudson.util.ListBoxModel.Option; import; import; import; import; import; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Calendar; import java.util.LinkedHashMap; import java.util.LinkedList; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Timer; import java.util.TimerTask; import java.util.Map.Entry; import java.util.concurrent.Callable; import java.util.concurrent.CountDownLatch; import java.util.concurrent.ExecutorService; import java.util.concurrent.Executors; import java.util.concurrent.Future; import java.util.concurrent.TimeUnit; import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException; import javax.servlet.ServletException; import jenkins.model.Jenkins; import net.sf.json.JSONObject; import org.apache.commons.lang.CharEncoding; import org.apache.http.HttpResponse; import org.apache.http.auth.AuthScope; import org.apache.http.auth.UsernamePasswordCredentials; import org.apache.http.client.CredentialsProvider; import org.apache.http.client.HttpClient; import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet; import org.apache.http.impl.client.BasicCredentialsProvider; import org.apache.http.impl.client.HttpClients; import org.jvnet.localizer.ResourceBundleHolder; import org.kohsuke.stapler.QueryParameter; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerRequest; import org.kohsuke.stapler.StaplerResponse; import org.kohsuke.stapler.bind.JavaScriptMethod; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.Exported; import org.kohsuke.stapler.export.ExportedBean; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import; import com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.config.Config; import com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.config.IGerritHudsonTriggerConfig; import com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.config.ReplicationConfig; import com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.hudsontrigger.GerritConnectionListener; import com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.hudsontrigger.GerritTrigger; import; import com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.playback.GerritMissedEventsPlaybackManager; import com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.version.GerritVersionChecker; /** * Every instance of this class represents a Gerrit server having its own unique name, * connection, project list updater, configuration, and lists of listeners. * All interactions with a Gerrit server should go through this class. * The list of GerritServer is kept in @PluginImpl. * * @author Robert Sandell <> * @author Mathieu Wang <> * */ @ExportedBean(defaultVisibility = 2) public class GerritServer implements Describable<GerritServer>, Action { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(GerritServer.class); private static final String START_SUCCESS = "Connection started"; private static final String START_FAILURE = "Error establising conection"; private static final String STOP_SUCCESS = "Connection stopped"; private static final String STOP_FAILURE = "Error terminating connection"; /** * Key that is used to select to trigger a build on events from any server. */ public static final String ANY_SERVER = "__ANY__"; private static final int THREADS_FOR_TEST_CONNECTION = 1; private static final int TIMEOUT_FOR_TEST_CONNECTION = 10; private static final int RESPONSE_COUNT = 1; private static final int RESPONSE_INTERVAL_MS = 1000; private static final int RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_S = 10; private String name; @Deprecated private transient boolean pseudoMode; private boolean noConnectionOnStartup; private transient boolean started; private transient boolean timeoutWakeup = false; private transient String connectionResponse = ""; private transient GerritHandler gerritEventManager; private transient GerritConnection gerritConnection; private transient GerritProjectListUpdater projectListUpdater; private IGerritHudsonTriggerConfig config; private transient GerritConnectionListener gerritConnectionListener; private transient GerritMissedEventsPlaybackManager missedEventsPlaybackManager; @Override public DescriptorImpl getDescriptor() { return Hudson.getInstance().getDescriptorByType(DescriptorImpl.class); } /** * Returns the Missed Events playback manager. * @return GerritMissedEventsPlaybackManager */ public GerritMissedEventsPlaybackManager getMissedEventsPlaybackManager() { return missedEventsPlaybackManager; } /** * Convenience method for jelly to get url of the server list's page relative to root. * * @see GerritManagement#getUrlName() * @return the relative url */ public String getParentUrl() { return GerritManagement.get().getUrlName(); } /** * Convenience method for jelly to get url of this server's config page relative to root. * * @see GerritManagement#getUrlName() * @return the relative url */ public String getUrl() { return GerritManagement.get().getUrlName() + "/server/" + getUrlEncodedName(); } /** * Constructor. * * @param name the name of the server. */ public GerritServer(String name) { this(name, false); } /** * Constructor. * * @param name the name of the server. * @param noConnectionOnStartup if noConnectionOnStartup or not. */ public GerritServer(String name, boolean noConnectionOnStartup) { = name; this.pseudoMode = false; this.noConnectionOnStartup = noConnectionOnStartup; config = new Config(); } /** * Gets the global config of this server. * * @return the config. */ public IGerritHudsonTriggerConfig getConfig() { return config; } /** * Sets the global config of this server. * * @param config the config. */ public void setConfig(IGerritHudsonTriggerConfig config) { this.config = config; } /** * Get the name of the server. * * @return name the name of the server. */ @Exported public String getName() { return name; } /** * Get hostname of the server. * * @return the hostname of the server. */ @Exported public String getHostName() { return config.getGerritHostName(); } /** * Get ssh port of the server. * * @return the ssh port of the server. */ @Exported public int getSshPort() { return config.getGerritSshPort(); } /** * Get username of the server. * * @return the username of the server. */ @Exported public String getUserName() { return config.getGerritUserName(); } /** * Get HTTP username of the server. * * @return HTTP username of the server. */ @Exported public String getHttpUserName() { return config.getGerritHttpUserName(); } /** * Get frontend url of the server. * * @return the frontend url of the server. */ @Exported public String getFrontEndUrl() { return config.getGerritFrontEndUrl(); } /** * If pseudo mode or not. * * @return true if so. */ @Deprecated public boolean isPseudoMode() { return pseudoMode; } /** * Sets pseudo mode. * * @param pseudoMode true if pseudoMode connection. */ @Deprecated public void setPseudoMode(boolean pseudoMode) { this.pseudoMode = pseudoMode; } /** * If no connection on startup or not. * * @return true if so. */ @Exported public boolean isNoConnectionOnStartup() { return noConnectionOnStartup; } /** * Sets connect on startup. * * @param noConnectionOnStartup true if connect on startup. */ public void setNoConnectionOnStartup(boolean noConnectionOnStartup) { this.noConnectionOnStartup = noConnectionOnStartup; } /** * Gets wakeup is failed by timeout or not. * * @return true if wakeup is failed by timeout. */ @Exported public boolean isTimeoutWakeup() { return timeoutWakeup; } @Override public String getIconFileName() { return PLUGIN_IMAGES_URL + "icon24.png"; } @Override public String getDisplayName() { return getName(); } @Override public String getUrlName() { //Lets make an absolute url to circumvent some buggy things in core Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance(); if (jenkins != null && jenkins.getRootUrl() != null) { return Functions.joinPath(jenkins.getRootUrl(), getParentUrl(), "server", getUrlEncodedName()); } else { return Functions.joinPath("/", getParentUrl(), "server", getUrlEncodedName()); } } /** * Get the url encoded name of the server. * * @return the url encoded name. */ public String getUrlEncodedName() { String urlName; try { urlName = URLEncoder.encode(name, CharEncoding.UTF_8); } catch (Exception ex) { urlName = URLEncoder.encode(name); } return urlName; } /** * Check whether this server is the last one. * Used by jelly to stop removal if true. * * @return whether it is the last one; */ public boolean isLastServer() { return PluginImpl.getServers_().size() == 1; } /** * Starts the server's project list updater, send command queue and event manager. * */ public void start() {"Starting GerritServer: " + name); //do not try to connect to gerrit unless there is a URL or a hostname in the text fields List<VerdictCategory> categories = config.getCategories(); if (categories == null) { categories = new LinkedList<VerdictCategory>(); } if (categories.isEmpty()) { categories.add(new VerdictCategory("Code-Review", "Code Review")); categories.add(new VerdictCategory("Verified", "Verified")); } config.setCategories(categories); gerritEventManager = PluginImpl.getHandler_(); if (missedEventsPlaybackManager == null) { missedEventsPlaybackManager = new GerritMissedEventsPlaybackManager(name); } initializeConnectionListener(); projectListUpdater = new GerritProjectListUpdater(name); projectListUpdater.start(); missedEventsPlaybackManager.checkIfEventsLogPluginSupported(); addListener((GerritEventListener) missedEventsPlaybackManager); + " started"); started = true; } /** * Initializes the Gerrit connection listener for this server. */ private void initializeConnectionListener() { gerritConnectionListener = new GerritConnectionListener(name); addListener(gerritConnectionListener); gerritConnectionListener.setConnected(isConnected()); gerritConnectionListener.checkGerritVersionFeatures(); } /** * Stops the server's project list updater, send command queue and event manager. * */ public void stop() {"Stopping GerritServer " + name); if (projectListUpdater != null) { projectListUpdater.shutdown(); try { projectListUpdater.join(); } catch (InterruptedException ie) { logger.error("project list updater of " + name + "interrupted", ie); } projectListUpdater = null; } if (missedEventsPlaybackManager != null) { missedEventsPlaybackManager.shutdown(); missedEventsPlaybackManager = null; } if (gerritConnection != null) { gerritConnection.shutdown(false); gerritConnection = null; } + " stopped"); started = false; } /** * Adds a listener to the EventManager. The listener will receive all events from Gerrit. * * @param listener the listener to add. * @see GerritHandler#addListener( */ public void addListener(GerritEventListener listener) { if (gerritEventManager != null) { gerritEventManager.addListener(listener); } } /** * Removes a listener from the manager. * * @param listener the listener to remove. * @see GerritHandler#removeListener( */ public void removeListener(GerritEventListener listener) { if (gerritEventManager != null) { gerritEventManager.removeListener(listener); } } /** * Removes a connection listener from the manager. * * @param listener the listener to remove. */ public void removeListener(ConnectionListener listener) { if (gerritConnection != null) { gerritConnection.removeListener(listener); } } /** * Get the GerritConnectionListener for GerritAdministrativeMonitor. * @return the GerritConnectionListener, or null if it has not yet been initialized. */ public GerritConnectionListener getGerritConnectionListener() { return gerritConnectionListener; } /** * Starts the connection to Gerrit stream of events. * During startup it is called by * {@link com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.hudsontrigger.GerritItemListener}. * */ public synchronized void startConnection() { if (!config.hasDefaultValues()) { if (gerritConnection == null) { logger.debug("Starting Gerrit connection..."); gerritConnection = new GerritConnection(name, config); gerritEventManager.setIgnoreEMail(name, config.getGerritEMail()); gerritConnection.setHandler(gerritEventManager); gerritConnection.addListener(gerritConnectionListener); gerritConnection.addListener(projectListUpdater); missedEventsPlaybackManager.checkIfEventsLogPluginSupported(); gerritConnection.addListener(missedEventsPlaybackManager); gerritConnection.start(); } else { logger.warn("Already started!"); } } } /** * Stops the connection to Gerrit stream of events. * */ public synchronized void stopConnection() { if (gerritConnection != null) { gerritConnection.shutdown(true); gerritConnection.removeListener(gerritConnectionListener); gerritConnection.removeListener(missedEventsPlaybackManager); gerritConnection = null; gerritEventManager.setIgnoreEMail(name, null); } else { logger.warn("Was told to shutdown again?"); } } /** * A quick check if a connection to Gerrit is open. * * @return true if so. */ @Exported public synchronized boolean isConnected() { if (gerritConnection != null) { return gerritConnection.isConnected(); } return false; } /** * Restarts the connection to Gerrit stream of events. * */ public void restartConnection() { stopConnection(); startConnection(); } /** * Adds a Connection Listener to the manager. * Return the current connection status so that listeners that * are added later than a connectionestablished/ connectiondown * will get the current connection status. * * @param listener the listener to be added. */ public void addListener(ConnectionListener listener) { if (gerritConnection != null) { gerritConnection.addListener(listener); } } /** * Returns a list of Gerrit projects. * * @return list of gerrit projects */ public List<String> getGerritProjects() { if (projectListUpdater != null) { return projectListUpdater.getGerritProjects(); } else { return new ArrayList<String>(); } } /** * Adds the given event to the stream of events. * It gets added to the same event queue as any event coming from the stream-events command in Gerrit. * Throws IllegalStateException if the event manager is null * * @param event the event. * @see GerritHandler#triggerEvent( */ public void triggerEvent(GerritEvent event) { if (gerritEventManager != null) {; } else { throw new IllegalStateException("Manager not started!"); } } /** * Returns the current Gerrit version. * * @return the current Gerrit version as a String if connected, or null otherwise. */ public String getGerritVersion() { if (gerritConnection != null) { return gerritConnection.getGerritVersion(); } else { return null; } } /** * Return if the current server support replication events. * @return true if replication events are supported, otherwise false */ public boolean isReplicationEventsSupported() { return GerritVersionChecker.isCorrectVersion(GerritVersionChecker.Feature.replicationEvents, name); } /** * Checks whether the current server support project-created events or not. * * Note: We need to exclude snapshot versions from this check. Otherwise, snapshot versions * that are < Gerrit 2.12 will default to waiting for Project Created events which are only * supported in Gerrit >= 2.12. * * @return true if project-created events are supported, otherwise false */ public boolean isProjectCreatedEventsSupported() { return GerritVersionChecker.isCorrectVersion(GerritVersionChecker.Feature.projectCreatedEvents, name, true); } /** * Descriptor is only used for UI form bindings. */ @Extension public static final class DescriptorImpl extends Descriptor<GerritServer> { @Override public String getDisplayName() { return "Gerrit Server with Default Configurations"; } /** * Tests if the provided parameters can connect to Gerrit. * @param gerritHostName the hostname * @param gerritSshPort the ssh-port * @param gerritProxy the proxy url * @param gerritUserName the username * @param gerritAuthKeyFile the private key file * @param gerritAuthKeyFilePassword the password for the keyfile or null if there is none. * @return {@link FormValidation#ok() } if can be done, * {@link FormValidation#error(java.lang.String) } otherwise. */ public FormValidation doTestConnection(@QueryParameter("gerritHostName") final String gerritHostName, @QueryParameter("gerritSshPort") final int gerritSshPort, @QueryParameter("gerritProxy") final String gerritProxy, @QueryParameter("gerritUserName") final String gerritUserName, @QueryParameter("gerritAuthKeyFile") final String gerritAuthKeyFile, @QueryParameter("gerritAuthKeyFilePassword") final String gerritAuthKeyFilePassword) { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("gerritHostName = {}\n" + "gerritSshPort = {}\n" + "gerritProxy = {}\n" + "gerritUserName = {}\n" + "gerritAuthKeyFile = {}\n" + "gerritAuthKeyFilePassword = {}", new Object[] { gerritHostName, gerritSshPort, gerritProxy, gerritUserName, gerritAuthKeyFile, gerritAuthKeyFilePassword, }); } File file = new File(gerritAuthKeyFile); String password = null; if (gerritAuthKeyFilePassword != null && gerritAuthKeyFilePassword.length() > 0) { password = Secret.fromString(gerritAuthKeyFilePassword).getPlainText(); } if (SshUtil.checkPassPhrase(file, password)) { if (file.exists() && file.isFile()) { try { final SshConnection sshConnection = SshConnectionFactory.getConnection(gerritHostName, gerritSshPort, gerritProxy, new Authentication(file, gerritUserName, password)); ExecutorService service = Executors.newFixedThreadPool(THREADS_FOR_TEST_CONNECTION); Future<Integer> future = service.submit(new Callable<Integer>() { @Override public Integer call() throws Exception { return sshConnection.executeCommandReader(GerritConnection.CMD_STREAM_EVENTS) .read(); } }); int readChar; try { readChar = future.get(TIMEOUT_FOR_TEST_CONNECTION, TimeUnit.SECONDS); } catch (TimeoutException ex) { readChar = 0; } finally { sshConnection.disconnect(); } if (readChar < 0) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.StreamEventsCapabilityException(gerritUserName)); } else { return FormValidation.ok(Messages.Success()); } } catch (SshConnectException ex) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.SshConnectException()); } catch (SshAuthenticationException ex) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.SshAuthenticationException(ex.getMessage())); } catch (Exception e) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.ConnectionError(e.getMessage())); } } else { return FormValidation.error(Messages.SshKeyFileNotFoundError(gerritAuthKeyFile)); } } else { return FormValidation.error(Messages.BadSshkeyOrPasswordError()); } } /** * Tests if the REST API settings can connect to Gerrit. * * @param gerritFrontEndUrl the url * @param gerritHttpUserName the user name * @param gerritHttpPassword the password * @return {@link FormValidation#ok()} if it works. */ public FormValidation doTestRestConnection( @QueryParameter("gerritFrontEndUrl") final String gerritFrontEndUrl, @QueryParameter("gerritHttpUserName") final String gerritHttpUserName, @QueryParameter("gerritHttpPassword") final String gerritHttpPassword) { String password = Secret.fromString(gerritHttpPassword).getPlainText(); String restUrl = gerritFrontEndUrl; if (gerritFrontEndUrl != null && !gerritFrontEndUrl.endsWith("/")) { restUrl = gerritFrontEndUrl + "/"; } CredentialsProvider credsProvider = new BasicCredentialsProvider(); credsProvider.setCredentials(new AuthScope(null, -1), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(gerritHttpUserName, password)); HttpClient httpclient = HttpClients.custom().setDefaultCredentialsProvider(credsProvider).build(); HttpGet httpGet = new HttpGet(restUrl + "a/projects/?d"); HttpResponse execute; try { execute = httpclient.execute(httpGet); } catch (IOException e) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.ConnectionError(e.getMessage())); } int statusCode = execute.getStatusLine().getStatusCode(); switch (statusCode) { case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_OK: return FormValidation.ok(Messages.Success()); case HttpURLConnection.HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED: return FormValidation.error(Messages.HttpConnectionUnauthorized()); default: return FormValidation.error(Messages.HttpConnectionError(statusCode)); } } /** * Fill the Gerrit slave dropdown with the list of slaves configured with the selected server. * Expected to be called only when slave config is enabled at job level. * * @param serverName name of the server * @return list of slaves. */ public ListBoxModel doFillDefaultSlaveIdItems( @QueryParameter("name") @RelativePath("../..") final String serverName) { ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel(); logger.trace("filling default gerrit slave drop down for sever {}", serverName); GerritServer server = PluginImpl.getServer_(serverName); if (server == null) { logger.warn(Messages.CouldNotFindServer(serverName)); items.add(Messages.CouldNotFindServer(serverName), ""); return items; } ReplicationConfig replicationConfig = server.getConfig().getReplicationConfig(); if (replicationConfig == null || !replicationConfig.isEnableReplication() || replicationConfig.getGerritSlaves().size() == 0) { logger.trace(Messages.GerritSlaveNotDefined()); items.add(Messages.GerritSlaveNotDefined(), ""); return items; } for (GerritSlave slave : replicationConfig.getGerritSlaves()) { boolean selected; if (slave.getId().equals(replicationConfig.getDefaultSlaveId())) { selected = true; } else { selected = false; } items.add(new ListBoxModel.Option(slave.getName(), slave.getId(), selected)); } return items; } /** * Fill the dropdown for notification levels. * * @return the values. */ public ListBoxModel doFillNotificationLevelItems() { Map<Notify, String> levelTextsById = notificationLevelTextsById(); ListBoxModel items = new ListBoxModel(levelTextsById.size()); for (Entry<Notify, String> level : levelTextsById.entrySet()) { items.add(new Option(level.getValue(), level.getKey().toString())); } return items; } } /** * Returns localized texts for each known notification value. * * @return a map with level id to level text. */ public static Map<Notify, String> notificationLevelTextsById() { ResourceBundleHolder holder = ResourceBundleHolder.get(Messages.class); Map<Notify, String> textsById = new LinkedHashMap<Notify, String>(Notify.values().length, 1); for (Notify level : Notify.values()) { textsById.put(level, holder.format("NotificationLevel_" + level)); } return textsById; } /** * Saves the form to the configuration and disk. * @param req StaplerRequest * @param rsp StaplerResponse * @throws ServletException if something unfortunate happens. * @throws IOException if something unfortunate happens. * @throws InterruptedException if something unfortunate happens. */ public void doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws ServletException, IOException, InterruptedException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug("submit {}", req.toString()); } JSONObject form = req.getSubmittedForm(); String newName = form.getString("name"); if (!name.equals(newName)) { if (PluginImpl.containsServer_(newName)) { throw new Failure("A server already exists with the name '" + newName + "'"); } else if (ANY_SERVER.equals(newName)) { throw new Failure("Illegal name '" + newName + "'"); } rename(newName); } noConnectionOnStartup = form.getBoolean("noConnectionOnStartup"); config.setValues(form); PluginImpl.save_(); if (!started) { this.start(); } else { if (missedEventsPlaybackManager != null) { missedEventsPlaybackManager.checkIfEventsLogPluginSupported(); } } rsp.sendRedirect("../.."); } /** * Rename the server. * Assumes that newName is different from current name. * * @param newName the new name */ private void rename(String newName) { if (isConnected()) { stopConnection(); stop(); String oldName = name; name = newName; start(); startConnection(); changeSelectedServerInJobs(oldName); } else { stop(); String oldName = name; name = newName; start(); changeSelectedServerInJobs(oldName); } } /** * Convenience method for remove.jelly. * * @return the list of jobs configured with this server. */ public List<Job> getConfiguredJobs() { return PluginImpl.getConfiguredJobs_(name); } /** * Change the selectedServer value in jobs to select the new name. * * @param oldName the old name of the Gerrit server */ private void changeSelectedServerInJobs(String oldName) { for (Job job : PluginImpl.getConfiguredJobs_(oldName)) { if (!(job instanceof AbstractProject)) { logger.warn("Unable to modify Gerrit Trigger configurations for job [" + job.getName() + "] after Gerrit server has been renamed from [" + oldName + "] to [" + name + "]." + " This feature is only supported for AbstractProject types e.g. Freestyle Jobs."); return; } AbstractProject project = (AbstractProject) job; GerritTrigger trigger = (GerritTrigger) project.getTrigger(GerritTrigger.class); if (trigger != null) { try { trigger.setServerName(name); trigger.start(job, false); project.addTrigger(trigger);; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error saving Gerrit Trigger configurations for job [" + job.getName() + "] after Gerrit server has been renamed from [" + oldName + "] to [" + name + "]"); } } } } /** * Remove "Gerrit event" as a trigger in all jobs selecting this server. */ private void removeGerritTriggerInJobs() { for (Job job : getConfiguredJobs()) { if (!(job instanceof AbstractProject)) { logger.warn("Unable to remove Gerrit Trigger ffrom job [" + job.getName() + "]. " + " This feature is only supported for AbstractProject types e.g. Freestyle Jobs."); return; } AbstractProject project = (AbstractProject) job; GerritTrigger trigger = (GerritTrigger) project.getTrigger(GerritTrigger.class); trigger.stop(); try { project.removeTrigger(trigger.getDescriptor()); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error( "Error removing Gerrit trigger from job [" + job.getName() + "]. Please check job config"); } trigger = null; try {; } catch (IOException e) { logger.error("Error saving configuration of job [" + job.getName() + "] while trying to remove Gerrit server [" + name + "]. Please check job config."); } } } /** * Wakeup server. This method returns after actual connection status is changed or timeout. * Used by jelly. * * @return connection status. */ public JSONObject doWakeup() { Timer timer = new Timer(); try { startConnection(); final CountDownLatch responseLatch = new CountDownLatch(RESPONSE_COUNT); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { if (gerritConnectionListener != null && gerritConnectionListener.isConnected()) { responseLatch.countDown(); } } }, RESPONSE_INTERVAL_MS, RESPONSE_INTERVAL_MS); if (responseLatch.await(RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_S, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { timeoutWakeup = false; setConnectionResponse(START_SUCCESS); } else { timeoutWakeup = true; throw new InterruptedException("time out."); } } catch (Exception ex) { setConnectionResponse(START_FAILURE); logger.error("Could not start connection. ", ex); } timer.cancel(); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); String status = "down"; if (gerritConnectionListener != null) { if (gerritConnectionListener.isConnected()) { status = "up"; } } obj.put("status", status); return obj; } /** * Server to sleep. This method returns actual connection status is changed or timeout. * Used by jelly. * * @return connection status. */ public JSONObject doSleep() { Timer timer = new Timer(); try { stopConnection(); final CountDownLatch responseLatch = new CountDownLatch(RESPONSE_COUNT); timer.schedule(new TimerTask() { @Override public void run() { if (gerritConnectionListener == null || !gerritConnectionListener.isConnected()) { responseLatch.countDown(); } } }, RESPONSE_INTERVAL_MS, RESPONSE_INTERVAL_MS); if (responseLatch.await(RESPONSE_TIMEOUT_S, TimeUnit.SECONDS)) { setConnectionResponse(STOP_SUCCESS); } else { throw new InterruptedException("time out."); } } catch (Exception ex) { setConnectionResponse(STOP_FAILURE); logger.error("Could not stop connection. ", ex); } timer.cancel(); JSONObject obj = new JSONObject(); String status = "down"; if (gerritConnectionListener != null) { if (gerritConnectionListener.isConnected()) { status = "up"; } } obj.put("status", status); return obj; } /** * This server has errors or not. * * @return true if this server has errors. */ public boolean hasErrors() { if (isConnectionError()) { return true; } return false; } /** * This server has warnings or not. * * @return true if this server has warnings. */ public boolean hasWarnings() { if (isGerritSnapshotVersion() || hasDisabledFeatures()) { return true; } return false; } /** * If connection could not be established. * * @return true if so. false otherwise. */ @JavaScriptMethod public boolean isConnectionError() { //if it is null then we haven't started at all. if (gerritConnectionListener != null && !gerritConnectionListener.isConnected()) { if (timeoutWakeup) { return true; } } return false; } /** * If Gerrit is a snapshot version. * * @return true if so, false otherwise. */ @JavaScriptMethod public boolean isGerritSnapshotVersion() { if (gerritConnectionListener != null && gerritConnectionListener.isConnected()) { if (gerritConnectionListener.isSnapShotGerrit()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * If Gerrit Missed Events Playback is supported. * * @return true if so, false otherwise. */ @JavaScriptMethod public boolean isGerritMissedEventsSupported() { if (gerritConnectionListener != null && gerritConnectionListener.isConnected()) { return missedEventsPlaybackManager.isSupported(); } return false; } /** * If server with features disabled due to old Gerrit version. * * @return true if so, false otherwise. */ @JavaScriptMethod public boolean hasDisabledFeatures() { if (gerritConnectionListener != null && gerritConnectionListener.isConnected()) { List<GerritVersionChecker.Feature> disabledFeatures = gerritConnectionListener.getDisabledFeatures(); if (disabledFeatures != null && !disabledFeatures.isEmpty()) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Returns the list of disabled features. * * @return the list of disabled features or empty list if listener not found */ public List<GerritVersionChecker.Feature> getDisabledFeatures() { if (gerritConnectionListener != null && gerritConnectionListener.isConnected()) { List<GerritVersionChecker.Feature> features = gerritConnectionListener.getDisabledFeatures(); if (features != null) { return features; } } return new LinkedList<GerritVersionChecker.Feature>(); } /** * Get the response after a start/stop/restartConnection; Used by jelly. * @return the connection response */ public String getConnectionResponse() { return connectionResponse; } /** * Set the connection status. * @param response the response to be set. */ private void setConnectionResponse(String response) { connectionResponse = response; } /** * Saves the form to the configuration and disk. * @param req StaplerRequest * @param rsp StaplerResponse * @throws ServletException if something unfortunate happens. * @throws IOException if something unfortunate happens. * @throws InterruptedException if something unfortunate happens. */ public void doRemoveConfirm(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws ServletException, IOException, InterruptedException { stopConnection(); stop(); PluginImpl plugin = PluginImpl.getInstance(); removeGerritTriggerInJobs(); if (plugin != null) { plugin.removeServer(this);; } Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance(); if (jenkins != null) { rsp.sendRedirect(jenkins.getRootUrl() + GerritManagement.get().getUrlName()); } } /** * Checks that the provided parameter is an integer and not negative. * @param value the value. * @return {@link FormValidation#validatePositiveInteger(String)} */ public FormValidation doPositiveIntegerCheck(@QueryParameter("value") final String value) { return FormValidation.validatePositiveInteger(value); } /** * Checks that the provided parameter is an integer and not negative, zero is accepted. * * @param value the value. * @return {@link FormValidation#validateNonNegativeInteger(String)} */ public FormValidation doNonNegativeIntegerCheck(@QueryParameter("value") final String value) { return FormValidation.validateNonNegativeInteger(value); } /** * Checks that the provided parameter is an integer, not negative, that is larger * than the minimum value. * @param value the value. * @return {@link FormValidation#validatePositiveInteger(String)} */ public FormValidation doDynamicConfigRefreshCheck(@QueryParameter("value") final String value) { FormValidation validatePositive = FormValidation.validatePositiveInteger(value); if (!validatePositive.kind.equals(FormValidation.Kind.OK)) { return validatePositive; } else { int intValue = Integer.parseInt(value); if (intValue < GerritDefaultValues.MINIMUM_DYNAMIC_CONFIG_REFRESH_INTERVAL) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.DynamicConfRefreshTooLowError( GerritDefaultValues.MINIMUM_DYNAMIC_CONFIG_REFRESH_INTERVAL)); } } return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Checks that the provided parameter is an integer. * @param value the value. * @return {@link FormValidation#validatePositiveInteger(String)} */ public FormValidation doIntegerCheck(@QueryParameter("value") final String value) { try { Integer.parseInt(value); return FormValidation.ok(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return FormValidation.error(hudson.model.Messages.Hudson_NotANumber()); } } /** * Checks that the provided parameter is an empty string or an integer. * @param value the value. * @return {@link FormValidation#validatePositiveInteger(String)} */ public FormValidation doEmptyOrIntegerCheck(@QueryParameter("value") final String value) { if (value == null || value.length() <= 0) { return FormValidation.ok(); } else { try { Integer.parseInt(value); return FormValidation.ok(); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { return FormValidation.error(hudson.model.Messages.Hudson_NotANumber()); } } } /** * Checks if the value is a valid URL. It does not check if the URL is reachable. * @param value the value * @return {@link FormValidation#ok() } if it is so. */ public FormValidation doUrlCheck(@QueryParameter("value") final String value) { if (value == null || value.length() <= 0) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.EmptyError()); } else { try { new URL(value); return FormValidation.ok(); } catch (MalformedURLException ex) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.BadUrlError()); } } } /** * Checks to see if the provided value is a file path to a valid private key file. * @param value the value. * @return {@link FormValidation#ok() } if it is so. */ public FormValidation doValidKeyFileCheck(@QueryParameter("value") final String value) { File f = new File(value); if (!f.exists()) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.FileNotFoundError(value)); } else if (!f.isFile()) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.NotFileError(value)); } else { if (SshUtil.isPrivateKeyFileValid(f)) { return FormValidation.ok(); } else { return FormValidation.error(Messages.InvalidKeyFileError(value)); } } } /** * Checks to see if the provided value represents a time on the hh:mm format. * Also checks that from is before to. * * @param fromValue the from value. * @param toValue the to value. * @return {@link FormValidation#ok() } if it is so. */ public FormValidation doValidTimeCheck(@QueryParameter final String fromValue, @QueryParameter final String toValue) { String[] splitFrom = fromValue.split(":"); String[] splitTo = toValue.split(":"); int fromHour; int fromMinute; int toHour; int toMinute; if (splitFrom.length != 2 || splitTo.length != 2) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.InvalidTimeString()); } try { fromHour = Integer.parseInt(splitFrom[0]); fromMinute = Integer.parseInt(splitFrom[1]); toHour = Integer.parseInt(splitTo[0]); toMinute = Integer.parseInt(splitTo[1]); } catch (NumberFormatException nfe) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.InvalidTimeString()); } if (fromHour < MIN_HOUR || fromHour > MAX_HOUR || fromMinute < MIN_MINUTE || fromMinute > MAX_MINUTE || toHour < MIN_HOUR || toHour > MAX_HOUR || toMinute < MIN_MINUTE || toMinute > MAX_MINUTE) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.InvalidTimeString()); } if (fromHour > toHour || (fromHour == toHour && fromMinute > toMinute)) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.InvalidTimeSpan()); } return FormValidation.ok(); } /** * Checks whether server name already exists. * @param value the value of the name field. * @return ok or error. */ public FormValidation doNameFreeCheck(@QueryParameter("value") final String value) { if (!value.equals(name)) { if (PluginImpl.containsServer_(value)) { return FormValidation.error("The server name " + value + " is already in use!"); } else if (ANY_SERVER.equals(value)) { return FormValidation.error("Illegal name " + value + "!"); } else { return FormValidation.warning("The server " + name + " will be renamed"); } } else { return FormValidation.ok(); } } /** * Generates a list of helper objects for the jelly view. * * @return a list of helper objects. */ public List<ExceptionDataHelper> generateHelper() { WatchTimeExceptionData data = config.getExceptionData(); List<ExceptionDataHelper> list = new LinkedList<ExceptionDataHelper>(); list.add(new ExceptionDataHelper(Messages.MondayDisplayName(), Calendar.MONDAY, data)); list.add(new ExceptionDataHelper(Messages.TuesdayDisplayName(), Calendar.TUESDAY, data)); list.add(new ExceptionDataHelper(Messages.WednesdayDisplayName(), Calendar.WEDNESDAY, data)); list.add(new ExceptionDataHelper(Messages.ThursdayDisplayName(), Calendar.THURSDAY, data)); list.add(new ExceptionDataHelper(Messages.FridayDisplayName(), Calendar.FRIDAY, data)); list.add(new ExceptionDataHelper(Messages.SaturdayDisplayName(), Calendar.SATURDAY, data)); list.add(new ExceptionDataHelper(Messages.SundayDisplayName(), Calendar.SUNDAY, data)); return list; } }