Java tutorial
/* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ package; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.HashSet; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.FileSystem; import org.apache.hadoop.fs.Path; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.Cell; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.CellUtil; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.HTableDescriptor; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.TableName; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Admin; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Connection; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Delete; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Get; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Put; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Result; import org.apache.hadoop.hbase.client.Table; import org.apache.kylin.common.KylinConfig; import org.apache.kylin.common.StorageURL; import org.apache.kylin.common.persistence.JsonSerializer; import org.apache.kylin.common.persistence.RawResource; import org.apache.kylin.common.persistence.ResourceStore; import org.apache.kylin.common.persistence.Serializer; import org.apache.kylin.common.restclient.RestClient; import org.apache.kylin.common.util.Bytes; import org.apache.kylin.common.util.Dictionary; import org.apache.kylin.common.util.HadoopUtil; import org.apache.kylin.cube.CubeInstance; import org.apache.kylin.cube.CubeManager; import org.apache.kylin.cube.CubeSegment; import org.apache.kylin.cube.model.CubeDesc; import org.apache.kylin.dict.DictionaryInfo; import org.apache.kylin.dict.DictionaryManager; import org.apache.kylin.dict.lookup.SnapshotManager; import org.apache.kylin.dict.lookup.SnapshotTable; import; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.cachesync.Broadcaster; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.DataModelDesc; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.SegmentStatusEnum; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.TableDesc; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.model.TableRef; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.project.ProjectInstance; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.IRealizationConstants; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.RealizationStatusEnum; import org.apache.kylin.metadata.realization.RealizationType; import; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; /** * <p/> * This tool serves for the purpose of migrating cubes. e.g. upgrade cube from * dev env to test(prod) env, or vice versa. * <p/> * Note that different envs are assumed to share the same hadoop cluster, * including hdfs, hbase and hive. */ @Deprecated public class CubeMigrationCLI { private static final Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(CubeMigrationCLI.class); private static List<Opt> operations; private static KylinConfig srcConfig; private static KylinConfig dstConfig; private static ResourceStore srcStore; private static ResourceStore dstStore; private static FileSystem hdfsFS; private static Admin hbaseAdmin; public static final String ACL_INFO_FAMILY = "i"; private static final String ACL_TABLE_NAME = "_acl"; private static final String ACL_INFO_FAMILY_PARENT_COLUMN = "p"; public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException, InterruptedException { logger.warn( " is deprecated, use org.apache.kylin.tool.CubeMigrationCLI instead"); if (args.length != 8) { usage(); System.exit(1); } moveCube(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3], args[4], args[5], args[6], args[7]); } private static void usage() { System.out.println( "Usage: CubeMigrationCLI srcKylinConfigUri dstKylinConfigUri cubeName projectName copyAclOrNot purgeOrNot overwriteIfExists realExecute"); System.out.println(" srcKylinConfigUri: The KylinConfig of the cubes source \n" + "dstKylinConfigUri: The KylinConfig of the cubes new home \n" + "cubeName: the name of cube to be migrated. \n" + "projectName: The target project in the target environment.(Make sure it exist) \n" + "copyAclOrNot: true or false: whether copy cube ACL to target environment. \n" + "purgeOrNot: true or false: whether purge the cube from src server after the migration. \n" + "overwriteIfExists: overwrite cube if it already exists in the target environment. \n" + "realExecute: if false, just print the operations to take, if true, do the real migration. \n"); } public static void moveCube(KylinConfig srcCfg, KylinConfig dstCfg, String cubeName, String projectName, String copyAcl, String purgeAndDisable, String overwriteIfExists, String realExecute) throws IOException, InterruptedException { srcConfig = srcCfg; srcStore = ResourceStore.getStore(srcConfig); dstConfig = dstCfg; dstStore = ResourceStore.getStore(dstConfig); CubeManager cubeManager = CubeManager.getInstance(srcConfig); CubeInstance cube = cubeManager.getCube(cubeName);"cube to be moved is : " + cubeName); if (cube.getStatus() != RealizationStatusEnum.READY) throw new IllegalStateException("Cannot migrate cube that is not in READY state."); for (CubeSegment segment : cube.getSegments()) { if (segment.getStatus() != SegmentStatusEnum.READY) { throw new IllegalStateException("At least one segment is not in READY state"); } } checkAndGetHbaseUrl(); Connection conn = HBaseConnection.get(srcConfig.getStorageUrl()); hbaseAdmin = conn.getAdmin(); hdfsFS = HadoopUtil.getWorkingFileSystem(); operations = new ArrayList<Opt>(); copyFilesInMetaStore(cube, overwriteIfExists); renameFoldersInHdfs(cube); changeHtableHost(cube); addCubeAndModelIntoProject(cube, cubeName, projectName); if (Boolean.parseBoolean(copyAcl) == true) { copyACL(cube, projectName); } if (Boolean.parseBoolean(purgeAndDisable) == true) { purgeAndDisable(cubeName); // this should be the last action } if (realExecute.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) { doOpts(); checkMigrationSuccess(dstConfig, cubeName, true); updateMeta(dstConfig); } else { showOpts(); } } public static void moveCube(String srcCfgUri, String dstCfgUri, String cubeName, String projectName, String copyAcl, String purgeAndDisable, String overwriteIfExists, String realExecute) throws IOException, InterruptedException { moveCube(KylinConfig.createInstanceFromUri(srcCfgUri), KylinConfig.createInstanceFromUri(dstCfgUri), cubeName, projectName, copyAcl, purgeAndDisable, overwriteIfExists, realExecute); } public static void checkMigrationSuccess(KylinConfig kylinConfig, String cubeName, Boolean ifFix) throws IOException { CubeMigrationCheckCLI checkCLI = new CubeMigrationCheckCLI(kylinConfig, ifFix); checkCLI.execute(cubeName); } private static void checkAndGetHbaseUrl() { StorageURL srcMetadataUrl = srcConfig.getMetadataUrl(); StorageURL dstMetadataUrl = dstConfig.getMetadataUrl();"src metadata url is " + srcMetadataUrl);"dst metadata url is " + dstMetadataUrl); if (!"hbase".equals(srcMetadataUrl.getScheme()) || !"hbase".equals(dstMetadataUrl.getScheme())) throw new IllegalStateException("Both metadata urls should be hbase metadata url"); } private static void renameFoldersInHdfs(CubeInstance cube) { for (CubeSegment segment : cube.getSegments()) { String jobUuid = segment.getLastBuildJobID(); String src = JobBuilderSupport.getJobWorkingDir(srcConfig.getHdfsWorkingDirectory(), jobUuid); String tgt = JobBuilderSupport.getJobWorkingDir(dstConfig.getHdfsWorkingDirectory(), jobUuid); operations.add(new Opt(OptType.RENAME_FOLDER_IN_HDFS, new Object[] { src, tgt })); } } private static void changeHtableHost(CubeInstance cube) { for (CubeSegment segment : cube.getSegments()) { operations.add( new Opt(OptType.CHANGE_HTABLE_HOST, new Object[] { segment.getStorageLocationIdentifier() })); } } private static void copyACL(CubeInstance cube, String projectName) { operations.add(new Opt(OptType.COPY_ACL, new Object[] { cube.getUuid(), cube.getDescriptor().getModel().getUuid(), projectName })); } private static void copyFilesInMetaStore(CubeInstance cube, String overwriteIfExists) throws IOException { List<String> metaItems = new ArrayList<String>(); Set<String> dictAndSnapshot = new HashSet<String>(); listCubeRelatedResources(cube, metaItems, dictAndSnapshot); if (dstStore.exists(cube.getResourcePath()) && !overwriteIfExists.equalsIgnoreCase("true")) throw new IllegalStateException("The cube named " + cube.getName() + " already exists on target metadata store. Use overwriteIfExists to overwrite it"); for (String item : metaItems) { operations.add(new Opt(OptType.COPY_FILE_IN_META, new Object[] { item })); } for (String item : dictAndSnapshot) { operations.add(new Opt(OptType.COPY_DICT_OR_SNAPSHOT, new Object[] { item, cube.getName() })); } } private static void addCubeAndModelIntoProject(CubeInstance srcCube, String cubeName, String projectName) throws IOException { String projectResPath = ProjectInstance.concatResourcePath(projectName); if (!dstStore.exists(projectResPath)) throw new IllegalStateException("The target project " + projectName + "does not exist"); operations.add(new Opt(OptType.ADD_INTO_PROJECT, new Object[] { srcCube, cubeName, projectName })); } private static void purgeAndDisable(String cubeName) throws IOException { operations.add(new Opt(OptType.PURGE_AND_DISABLE, new Object[] { cubeName })); } private static void listCubeRelatedResources(CubeInstance cube, List<String> metaResource, Set<String> dictAndSnapshot) throws IOException { CubeDesc cubeDesc = cube.getDescriptor(); metaResource.add(cube.getResourcePath()); metaResource.add(cubeDesc.getResourcePath()); metaResource.add(DataModelDesc.concatResourcePath(cubeDesc.getModelName())); for (TableRef table : cubeDesc.getModel().getAllTables()) { metaResource.add(TableDesc.concatResourcePath(table.getTableIdentity())); } for (CubeSegment segment : cube.getSegments()) { metaResource.add(segment.getStatisticsResourcePath()); dictAndSnapshot.addAll(segment.getSnapshotPaths()); dictAndSnapshot.addAll(segment.getDictionaryPaths()); } } private static enum OptType { COPY_FILE_IN_META, COPY_DICT_OR_SNAPSHOT, RENAME_FOLDER_IN_HDFS, ADD_INTO_PROJECT, CHANGE_HTABLE_HOST, COPY_ACL, PURGE_AND_DISABLE } private static class Opt { private OptType type; private Object[] params; private Opt(OptType type, Object[] params) { this.type = type; this.params = params; } public String toString() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append(type).append(":"); for (Object s : params) sb.append(s).append(", "); return sb.toString(); } } private static void showOpts() { for (int i = 0; i < operations.size(); ++i) { showOpt(operations.get(i)); } } private static void showOpt(Opt opt) {"Operation: " + opt.toString()); } private static void doOpts() throws IOException, InterruptedException { int index = 0; try { for (; index < operations.size(); ++index) {"Operation index :" + index); doOpt(operations.get(index)); } } catch (Exception e) { logger.error("error met", e);"Try undoing previous changes"); // undo: for (int i = index; i >= 0; --i) { try { undo(operations.get(i)); } catch (Exception ee) { logger.error("error met ", e);"Continue undoing..."); } } throw new RuntimeException("Cube moving failed"); } } @SuppressWarnings("checkstyle:methodlength") private static void doOpt(Opt opt) throws IOException, InterruptedException {"Executing operation: " + opt.toString()); switch (opt.type) { case CHANGE_HTABLE_HOST: { TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf((String) opt.params[0]); HTableDescriptor desc = hbaseAdmin.getTableDescriptor(tableName); hbaseAdmin.disableTable(tableName); desc.setValue(IRealizationConstants.HTableTag, dstConfig.getMetadataUrlPrefix()); hbaseAdmin.modifyTable(tableName, desc); hbaseAdmin.enableTable(tableName);"CHANGE_HTABLE_HOST is completed"); break; } case COPY_FILE_IN_META: { String item = (String) opt.params[0]; RawResource res = srcStore.getResource(item); dstStore.putResource(item, res.inputStream, res.timestamp); res.inputStream.close();"Item " + item + " is copied"); break; } case COPY_DICT_OR_SNAPSHOT: { String item = (String) opt.params[0]; if (item.toLowerCase().endsWith(".dict")) { DictionaryManager dstDictMgr = DictionaryManager.getInstance(dstConfig); DictionaryManager srcDicMgr = DictionaryManager.getInstance(srcConfig); DictionaryInfo dictSrc = srcDicMgr.getDictionaryInfo(item); long ts = dictSrc.getLastModified(); dictSrc.setLastModified(0);//to avoid resource store write conflict Dictionary dictObj = dictSrc.getDictionaryObject().copyToAnotherMeta(srcConfig, dstConfig); DictionaryInfo dictSaved = dstDictMgr.trySaveNewDict(dictObj, dictSrc); dictSrc.setLastModified(ts); if (dictSaved == dictSrc) { //no dup found, already saved to dest"Item " + item + " is copied"); } else { //dictSrc is rejected because of duplication //modify cube's dictionary path String cubeName = (String) opt.params[1]; String cubeResPath = CubeInstance.concatResourcePath(cubeName); Serializer<CubeInstance> cubeSerializer = new JsonSerializer<CubeInstance>(CubeInstance.class); CubeInstance cube = dstStore.getResource(cubeResPath, CubeInstance.class, cubeSerializer); for (CubeSegment segment : cube.getSegments()) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : segment.getDictionaries().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(item)) { entry.setValue(dictSaved.getResourcePath()); } } } dstStore.putResource(cubeResPath, cube, cubeSerializer);"Item " + item + " is dup, instead " + dictSaved.getResourcePath() + " is reused"); } } else if (item.toLowerCase().endsWith(".snapshot")) { SnapshotManager dstSnapMgr = SnapshotManager.getInstance(dstConfig); SnapshotManager srcSnapMgr = SnapshotManager.getInstance(srcConfig); SnapshotTable snapSrc = srcSnapMgr.getSnapshotTable(item); long ts = snapSrc.getLastModified(); snapSrc.setLastModified(0); SnapshotTable snapSaved = dstSnapMgr.trySaveNewSnapshot(snapSrc); snapSrc.setLastModified(ts); if (snapSaved == snapSrc) { //no dup found, already saved to dest"Item " + item + " is copied"); } else { String cubeName = (String) opt.params[1]; String cubeResPath = CubeInstance.concatResourcePath(cubeName); Serializer<CubeInstance> cubeSerializer = new JsonSerializer<CubeInstance>(CubeInstance.class); CubeInstance cube = dstStore.getResource(cubeResPath, CubeInstance.class, cubeSerializer); for (CubeSegment segment : cube.getSegments()) { for (Map.Entry<String, String> entry : segment.getSnapshots().entrySet()) { if (entry.getValue().equalsIgnoreCase(item)) { entry.setValue(snapSaved.getResourcePath()); } } } dstStore.putResource(cubeResPath, cube, cubeSerializer);"Item " + item + " is dup, instead " + snapSaved.getResourcePath() + " is reused"); } } else { logger.error("unknown item found: " + item);"ignore it"); } break; } case RENAME_FOLDER_IN_HDFS: { String srcPath = (String) opt.params[0]; String dstPath = (String) opt.params[1]; renameHDFSPath(srcPath, dstPath);"HDFS Folder renamed from " + srcPath + " to " + dstPath); break; } case ADD_INTO_PROJECT: { CubeInstance srcCube = (CubeInstance) opt.params[0]; String cubeName = (String) opt.params[1]; String projectName = (String) opt.params[2]; String modelName = srcCube.getDescriptor().getModelName(); String projectResPath = ProjectInstance.concatResourcePath(projectName); Serializer<ProjectInstance> projectSerializer = new JsonSerializer<ProjectInstance>( ProjectInstance.class); ProjectInstance project = dstStore.getResource(projectResPath, ProjectInstance.class, projectSerializer); project.addModel(modelName); project.removeRealization(RealizationType.CUBE, cubeName); project.addRealizationEntry(RealizationType.CUBE, cubeName); dstStore.putResource(projectResPath, project, projectSerializer);"Project instance for " + projectName + " is corrected"); break; } case COPY_ACL: { String cubeId = (String) opt.params[0]; String modelId = (String) opt.params[1]; String projectName = (String) opt.params[2]; String projectResPath = ProjectInstance.concatResourcePath(projectName); Serializer<ProjectInstance> projectSerializer = new JsonSerializer<ProjectInstance>( ProjectInstance.class); ProjectInstance project = dstStore.getResource(projectResPath, ProjectInstance.class, projectSerializer); String projUUID = project.getUuid(); Table srcAclHtable = null; Table destAclHtable = null; try { srcAclHtable = HBaseConnection.get(srcConfig.getStorageUrl()) .getTable(TableName.valueOf(srcConfig.getMetadataUrlPrefix() + ACL_TABLE_NAME)); destAclHtable = HBaseConnection.get(dstConfig.getStorageUrl()) .getTable(TableName.valueOf(dstConfig.getMetadataUrlPrefix() + ACL_TABLE_NAME)); // cube acl Result result = srcAclHtable.get(new Get(Bytes.toBytes(cubeId))); if (result.listCells() != null) { for (Cell cell : result.listCells()) { byte[] family = CellUtil.cloneFamily(cell); byte[] column = CellUtil.cloneQualifier(cell); byte[] value = CellUtil.cloneValue(cell); // use the target project uuid as the parent if (Bytes.toString(family).equals(ACL_INFO_FAMILY) && Bytes.toString(column).equals(ACL_INFO_FAMILY_PARENT_COLUMN)) { String valueString = "{\"id\":\"" + projUUID + "\",\"type\":\"org.apache.kylin.metadata.project.ProjectInstance\"}"; value = Bytes.toBytes(valueString); } Put put = new Put(Bytes.toBytes(cubeId)); put.add(family, column, value); destAclHtable.put(put); } } } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(srcAclHtable); IOUtils.closeQuietly(destAclHtable); } break; } case PURGE_AND_DISABLE: { String cubeName = (String) opt.params[0]; String cubeResPath = CubeInstance.concatResourcePath(cubeName); Serializer<CubeInstance> cubeSerializer = new JsonSerializer<CubeInstance>(CubeInstance.class); CubeInstance cube = srcStore.getResource(cubeResPath, CubeInstance.class, cubeSerializer); cube.getSegments().clear(); cube.setStatus(RealizationStatusEnum.DISABLED); srcStore.putResource(cubeResPath, cube, cubeSerializer);"Cube " + cubeName + " is purged and disabled in " + srcConfig.getMetadataUrl()); break; } default: { //do nothing break; } } } private static void undo(Opt opt) throws IOException, InterruptedException {"Undo operation: " + opt.toString()); switch (opt.type) { case CHANGE_HTABLE_HOST: { TableName tableName = TableName.valueOf((String) opt.params[0]); HTableDescriptor desc = hbaseAdmin.getTableDescriptor(tableName); hbaseAdmin.disableTable(tableName); desc.setValue(IRealizationConstants.HTableTag, srcConfig.getMetadataUrlPrefix()); hbaseAdmin.modifyTable(tableName, desc); hbaseAdmin.enableTable(tableName); break; } case COPY_FILE_IN_META: { // no harm"Undo for COPY_FILE_IN_META is ignored"); break; } case COPY_DICT_OR_SNAPSHOT: { // no harm"Undo for COPY_DICT_OR_SNAPSHOT is ignored"); break; } case RENAME_FOLDER_IN_HDFS: { String srcPath = (String) opt.params[1]; String dstPath = (String) opt.params[0]; if (hdfsFS.exists(new Path(srcPath)) && !hdfsFS.exists(new Path(dstPath))) { renameHDFSPath(srcPath, dstPath);"HDFS Folder renamed from " + srcPath + " to " + dstPath); } break; } case ADD_INTO_PROJECT: {"Undo for ADD_INTO_PROJECT is ignored"); break; } case COPY_ACL: { String cubeId = (String) opt.params[0]; String modelId = (String) opt.params[1]; Table destAclHtable = null; try { destAclHtable = HBaseConnection.get(dstConfig.getStorageUrl()) .getTable(TableName.valueOf(dstConfig.getMetadataUrlPrefix() + ACL_TABLE_NAME)); destAclHtable.delete(new Delete(Bytes.toBytes(cubeId))); destAclHtable.delete(new Delete(Bytes.toBytes(modelId))); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(destAclHtable); } break; } case PURGE_AND_DISABLE: {"Undo for PURGE_AND_DISABLE is not supported"); break; } default: { //do nothing break; } } } private static void updateMeta(KylinConfig config) { String[] nodes = config.getRestServers(); for (String node : nodes) { RestClient restClient = new RestClient(node); try {"update meta cache for " + node); restClient.wipeCache(Broadcaster.SYNC_ALL, Broadcaster.Event.UPDATE.getType(), Broadcaster.SYNC_ALL); } catch (IOException e) { logger.error(e.getMessage()); } } } private static void renameHDFSPath(String srcPath, String dstPath) throws IOException, InterruptedException { int nRetry = 0; int sleepTime = 5000; while (!hdfsFS.rename(new Path(srcPath), new Path(dstPath))) { ++nRetry; if (nRetry > 3) { throw new InterruptedException("Cannot rename folder " + srcPath + " to folder " + dstPath); } else { Thread.sleep(sleepTime * nRetry * nRetry); } } } }