List of usage examples for java.lang Integer longValue
public long longValue()
From source
@Override public Long getEmailUidFromServerId(ServerId serverId) { Integer itemIdFromServerId = serverId.getItemId(); if (itemIdFromServerId != null) { return itemIdFromServerId.longValue(); } else {//from w w w .j a v a 2 s .c om return null; } }
From source
@TransactionDemarcate(joinToken = true) public ActionForward load(ActionMapping mapping, ActionForm form, HttpServletRequest request, @SuppressWarnings("unused") HttpServletResponse response) throws Exception { EditStatusActionForm actionForm = (EditStatusActionForm) form; actionForm.setSelectedItems(null);//from w ww.ja v a 2 s . c om actionForm.setNotes(null); actionForm.setNewStatusId(null); actionForm.setFlagId(null); actionForm.setQuestionGroups(null); actionForm.setTransactionDate(DateUtils.makeDateAsSentFromBrowser()); request.getSession().removeAttribute(Constants.BUSINESS_KEY); UserContext userContext = getUserContext(request); Integer accountId = Integer.valueOf(actionForm.getAccountId()); AccountBO accountBO = new AccountBusinessService().getAccount(accountId); java.util.Date lastPaymentDate = new java.util.Date(0); AccountPaymentEntity lastPayment = accountBO.findMostRecentNonzeroPaymentByPaymentDate(); if (lastPayment != null) { lastPaymentDate = lastPayment.getPaymentDate(); } actionForm.setLastPaymentDate(lastPaymentDate); if (accountBO.isLoanAccount()) { // NOTE - not using dto values at present but available when ui is refactored away from jsp AccountStatusDto accountStatuses = this.loanAccountServiceFacade .retrieveAccountStatuses(accountId.longValue()); LoanBO loanAccount = this.loanDao.findById(accountId); EditStatusActionForm editStatusActionForm = (EditStatusActionForm) form; editStatusActionForm.setAccountTypeId(AccountTypes.LOAN_ACCOUNT.getValue().toString()); editStatusActionForm.setCurrentStatusId(loanAccount.getAccountState().getId().toString()); editStatusActionForm.setGlobalAccountNum(loanAccount.getGlobalAccountNum()); editStatusActionForm.setAccountName(loanAccount.getLoanOffering().getPrdOfferingName()); editStatusActionForm.setInput("loan"); } if (accountBO.isSavingsAccount()) { // NOTE - not using dto values at present but available when ui is refactored away from jsp AccountStatusDto accountStatuses = this.savingsServiceFacade .retrieveAccountStatuses(accountId.longValue()); SavingsBO savingsAccount = this.savingsDao.findById(accountId.longValue()); EditStatusActionForm editStatusActionForm = (EditStatusActionForm) form; editStatusActionForm.setAccountTypeId(AccountTypes.SAVINGS_ACCOUNT.getValue().toString()); editStatusActionForm.setCurrentStatusId(savingsAccount.getAccountState().getId().toString()); editStatusActionForm.setGlobalAccountNum(savingsAccount.getGlobalAccountNum()); editStatusActionForm.setAccountName(savingsAccount.getSavingsOffering().getPrdOfferingName()); editStatusActionForm.setInput("savings"); } List<AccountStateEntity> accountStatuses = new AccountBusinessService() .getStatusList(accountBO.getAccountState(), accountBO.getType(), userContext.getLocaleId()); for (AccountStateEntity customerStatusEntity : accountStatuses) { for (AccountStateFlagEntity flag : customerStatusEntity.getFlagSet()) { String statusMessageText = ApplicationContextProvider.getBean(MessageLookup.class) .lookup(flag.getLookUpValue().getPropertiesKey()); flag.setStatusFlagMessageText(statusMessageText); } } SessionUtils.setAttribute(Constants.BUSINESS_KEY, accountBO, request); SessionUtils.setCollectionAttribute(SavingsConstants.STATUS_LIST, accountStatuses, request); return mapping.findForward(ActionForwards.load_success.toString()); }
From source
private void insertDirectCampaignIntoEmailOutboundTable(final String emailParams, final String emailSubject, final String messageTemplate, final String campaignName, final Long campaignId) { try {//from w w w . j av a 2 s.c o m HashMap<String, String> campaignParams = new ObjectMapper().readValue(emailParams, new TypeReference<HashMap<String, String>>() { }); HashMap<String, String> queryParamForRunReport = new ObjectMapper().readValue(emailParams, new TypeReference<HashMap<String, String>>() { }); List<HashMap<String, Object>> runReportObject = this .getRunReportByServiceImpl(campaignParams.get("reportName"), queryParamForRunReport); if (runReportObject != null) { for (HashMap<String, Object> entry : runReportObject) { String message = this.compileEmailTemplate(messageTemplate, campaignName, entry); Integer clientId = (Integer) entry.get("id"); EmailCampaign emailCampaign = this.emailCampaignRepository.findOne(campaignId); Client client = this.clientRepository.findOne(clientId.longValue()); String emailAddress = client.emailAddress(); if (emailAddress != null && isValidEmail(emailAddress)) { EmailMessage emailMessage = EmailMessage.pendingEmail(null, client, null, emailCampaign, emailSubject, message, emailAddress, campaignName);; } } } } catch (final IOException e) { // TODO throw something here } }
From source
@Override public PreviewCampaignMessage previewMessage(final JsonQuery query) { PreviewCampaignMessage campaignMessage = null; final AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser(); this.emailCampaignValidator.validatePreviewMessage(query.json()); final String emailParams = this.fromJsonHelper.extractStringNamed("paramValue", query.parsedJson()); final String textMessageTemplate = this.fromJsonHelper.extractStringNamed("emailMessage", query.parsedJson());// w ww . ja v a2 s. co m final Long campaignId = this.fromJsonHelper.extractLongNamed("campaignId", query.parsedJson()); EmailCampaign emailCampaign = null; HashMap<String, String> reportStretchyParams = null; if (campaignId != null) { emailCampaign = this.emailCampaignRepository.findOne(campaignId); reportStretchyParams = this.validateStretchyReportParamMap(emailCampaign.getStretchyReportParamMap()); } try { HashMap<String, String> campaignParams = new ObjectMapper().readValue(emailParams, new TypeReference<HashMap<String, String>>() { }); HashMap<String, String> queryParamForRunReport = new ObjectMapper().readValue(emailParams, new TypeReference<HashMap<String, String>>() { }); List<HashMap<String, Object>> runReportObject = this .getRunReportByServiceImpl(campaignParams.get("reportName"), queryParamForRunReport); // preview attachment report params if (runReportObject != null) { for (HashMap<String, Object> entry : runReportObject) { // add string object to campaignParam object String textMessage = this.compileEmailTemplate(textMessageTemplate, "EmailCampaign", entry); if (!textMessage.isEmpty()) { final Integer totalMessage = runReportObject.size(); String reportStretchyParam = null; Object var = "id"; Integer clientId = (Integer) entry.get(var); final Client client = this.clientRepositoryWrapper .findOneWithNotFoundDetection(clientId.longValue()); if (reportStretchyParams != null) { HashMap<String, String> reportParams = this .replaceStretchyParamsWithActualClientParams(reportStretchyParams, client); this.replaceStretchyParamsWithActualLoansOrSavingsParam(reportStretchyParams, client); // add loans or savings id to report params only one object if (reportParams != null) { reportStretchyParam = reportParams.toString(); } } campaignMessage = new PreviewCampaignMessage(textMessage, totalMessage, reportStretchyParam); break; } } } } catch (final IOException e) { // TODO throw something here } return campaignMessage; }
From source
private void insertDirectCampaignIntoEmailOutboundTable(final String emailParams, final String emailSubject, final String messageTemplate, final String campaignName, final Long campaignId) { try {/*ww w . j av a 2 s . c o m*/ HashMap<String, String> campaignParams = new ObjectMapper().readValue(emailParams, new TypeReference<HashMap<String, String>>() { }); HashMap<String, String> queryParamForRunReport = new ObjectMapper().readValue(emailParams, new TypeReference<HashMap<String, String>>() { }); List<HashMap<String, Object>> runReportObject = this .getRunReportByServiceImpl(campaignParams.get("reportName"), queryParamForRunReport); if (runReportObject != null) { for (HashMap<String, Object> entry : runReportObject) { String message = this.compileEmailTemplate(messageTemplate, campaignName, entry); Integer clientId = (Integer) entry.get("id"); EmailCampaign emailCampaign = this.emailCampaignRepository.findOne(campaignId); Client client = this.clientRepositoryWrapper.findOneWithNotFoundDetection(clientId.longValue()); String emailAddress = client.emailAddress(); if (emailAddress != null && isValidEmail(emailAddress)) { EmailMessage emailMessage = EmailMessage.pendingEmail(null, client, null, emailCampaign, emailSubject, message, emailAddress, campaignName);; } } } } catch (final IOException e) { // TODO throw something here } }
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/** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to nullable int and long values. */ public static Long plus(Integer b0, Long b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0.longValue() + b1.longValue()); }
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/** SQL <code>-</code> operator applied to nullable int and long values. */ public static Long minus(Integer b0, Long b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0.longValue() - b1.longValue()); }
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/** SQL <code>/</code> operator applied to nullable int and long values. */ public static Long divide(Integer b0, Long b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0.longValue() / b1.longValue()); }
From source
/** SQL <code>*</code> operator applied to nullable int and long values. */ public static Long multiply(Integer b0, Long b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0.longValue() * b1.longValue()); }
From source
/** SQL <code>+</code> operator applied to nullable long and int values. */ public static Long plus(Long b0, Integer b1) { return (b0 == null || b1 == null) ? null : (b0.longValue() + b1.longValue()); }