Example usage for java.lang Integer longValue

List of usage examples for java.lang Integer longValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Integer longValue.


public long longValue() 

Source Link


Returns the value of this Integer as a long after a widening primitive conversion.


From source file:org.kafka.event.microaggregator.dao.CounterDetailsDAOCassandraImpl.java

private long iterateAndFindSum(String key) {
    Integer columns = null;
    try {//from  w w  w  . ja  va  2 s.  c o m
        columns = getKeyspace().prepareQuery(microAggregator).setConsistencyLevel(DEFAULT_CONSISTENCY_LEVEL)
    } catch (ConnectionException e) {
        logger.error("Exception:" + e);

    return columns.longValue();

From source file:org.egov.egf.web.actions.budget.BaseBudgetDetailAction.java

protected Position getPositionByUserId(final Integer userId) {
    return eisCommonService.getPositionByUserId(userId.longValue());

From source file:org.betaconceptframework.astroboa.engine.jcr.util.PopulateComplexCmsProperty.java

private void populateComplexChildProperty(String childPropertyName,
        ComplexCmsPropertyDefinition childPropertyDefinition) throws Exception {

    //Retrieve all complex child properties
    List<CmsProperty<?, ?>> childComplexProperties = new ArrayList<CmsProperty<?, ?>>();
    boolean childComplexCmsPropertyLoaded = false;

    if (((ComplexCmsPropertyImpl) complexProperty).cmsPropertyHasBeenLoadedAndRemoved(childPropertyName)) {
        childComplexCmsPropertyLoaded = true;
    } else if (childPropertyDefinition.isMultiple()) {
        List<CmsProperty<?, ?>> childPropertyList = complexProperty.getChildPropertyList(childPropertyName);

        //A not null list specifies that child complex cms property has been loaded
        if (childPropertyList != null) {

            childComplexCmsPropertyLoaded = true;

            if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(childPropertyList)) {
            }//from   w ww  .jav a 2s. c  o  m

    } else {
        CmsProperty<?, ?> childProperty = complexProperty.getChildProperty(childPropertyName);
        if (childProperty != null) {
            childComplexCmsPropertyLoaded = true;

    Map<String, Node> existingChildComplexNodes = retrieveExistingChildComplexNodesWithPath(childPropertyName);

    Map<Node, Integer> indicesForNodesToBePersisted = new HashMap<Node, Integer>();

    if (CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(childComplexProperties)) {

        for (CmsProperty<?, ?> childComplexContentObjectProperty : childComplexProperties) {

            String childComplexContentObjectPropertyId = childComplexContentObjectProperty.getId();

            Node childComplexPropertyNode = null;

            //Complex Cms Property is considered new if no id is found or
            //an id is provided but not found here
            if (StringUtils.isBlank(childComplexContentObjectPropertyId)) {

                //Special case
                //if complex child property is single valued, user did not provide any id
                //and there is one node already existing (that is an update is taking place
                //use that node in order to update it and do not create a new one. This way
                //no node removal will take place
                if (!childPropertyDefinition.isMultiple() && existingChildComplexNodes.size() == 1) {
                    childComplexContentObjectPropertyId = existingChildComplexNodes.keySet().iterator().next();
                    childComplexPropertyNode = existingChildComplexNodes

                    ((LazyCmsProperty) childComplexContentObjectProperty)
                    ((LazyCmsProperty) childComplexContentObjectProperty)

                } else {
                    childComplexPropertyNode = createNewNodeForChildComplexCmsProperty(childPropertyName,
                            childPropertyDefinition, existingChildComplexNodes,
                            childComplexContentObjectProperty, false);
            } else {
                childComplexPropertyNode = existingChildComplexNodes.get(childComplexContentObjectPropertyId);

                if (childComplexPropertyNode == null) {
                    //It may a complex cms property with provided id
                    childComplexPropertyNode = createNewNodeForChildComplexCmsProperty(childPropertyName,
                            childPropertyDefinition, existingChildComplexNodes,
                            childComplexContentObjectProperty, true);

                    if (childComplexPropertyNode == null) {
                        throw new CmsException("Complex content object property "
                                + childComplexContentObjectProperty.getFullPath()
                                + " does not exist in repository");


            //Create a new PopulateTask
            PopulateComplexCmsProperty childComplexCmsPropertyPopulateTask = populateChildComplexCmsProperty(
                    childPropertyDefinition, (ComplexCmsProperty) childComplexContentObjectProperty,

            //In case child property has no child on its own saved,  node must be removed as well
            String childComplexPropertyNodeIdentifier = context.getCmsRepositoryEntityUtils()

            //If no child has been saved remove it 
            if (!childComplexCmsPropertyPopulateTask.atLeastOneChildPropertySaved()) {
                existingChildComplexNodes.put(childComplexPropertyNodeIdentifier, childComplexPropertyNode);

                if (childComplexContentObjectProperty instanceof LazyCmsProperty) {
                    ((LazyCmsProperty) childComplexContentObjectProperty).setPropertyContainerNodeUUID(null);

                //Tree may contain empty nodes and properties but there are some exception messages
                //Keep them if child is mandatory
                if (complexPropertyDefinition.isMandatory() && CollectionUtils.isNotEmpty(
                        childComplexCmsPropertyPopulateTask.getExceptionsForMandatoryProperties())) {

            } else {
                //Remove from cache so that this node will not be deleted
                if (StringUtils.isNotBlank(childComplexContentObjectPropertyId)) {

                if (childComplexContentObjectProperty instanceof CmsPropertyIndexable) {
                            ((CmsPropertyIndexable) childComplexContentObjectProperty).getIndex()); //Index is zero based


    //Remove all nodes that had not been found only if properties have been loaded
    if (!existingChildComplexNodes.isEmpty() && childComplexCmsPropertyLoaded) {

    //only meaningful for multi valued complex properties where we want to keep insertion order
    if (!indicesForNodesToBePersisted.isEmpty() && indicesForNodesToBePersisted.size() > 1) {

        for (Entry<Node, Integer> indexPerNode : indicesForNodesToBePersisted.entrySet()) {
            Node childNode = indexPerNode.getKey();

            Integer newIndex = indexPerNode.getValue();

            childNode.setProperty(CmsBuiltInItem.Order.getJcrName(), newIndex.longValue());



From source file:com.ewcms.component.query.dao.QueryDAO.java

public List<Article> findArtilce(String title, Integer channelId, String beginDate, String endDate,
        Boolean isContent) {/*w  w w .  ja va2  s .  co  m*/
    Boolean isIf = false;

    String sql = "Select r.id, a.title, a.author, a.published, a.url, s.name From content_article_main As r Left Join site_channel As s On r.channel_id = s.id Left Join content_article As a On r.article_id = a.id Left Join content_content As c On a.id=c.article_id Where @isIf@ And a.status='RELEASE' ";

    List<Object> params = new ArrayList<Object>();

    if (title != null && !title.trim().equals("")) {
        isIf = true;
        sql += " And a.title Like ? ";
        params.add("%" + title + "%");

    if (isContent != null && isContent) {
        isIf = true;
        sql += " And c.detail Like ? ";
        params.add("%" + title + "%");

    if (channelId != null && channelId.longValue() > 0) {
        isIf = true;
        sql += " And s.id=? ";

    if (beginDate != null && !beginDate.trim().equals("")) {
        Date _beginDate;
        try {
            _beginDate = DATE_FORMAT.parse(beginDate);
            sql += " And a.published >= ?";
            isIf = true;
        } catch (ParseException e) {

    if (endDate != null && !endDate.trim().equals("")) {
        try {
            Date _endDate = DATE_FORMAT.parse(endDate);
            sql += " And a.published <= ? ";
            isIf = true;
        } catch (ParseException e) {

    if (isIf) {
        sql = sql.replace("@isIf@", "1=1");
    } else {
        sql = sql.replace("@isIf@", "1<>1");

    sql += " Order By a.published Desc";

    return jdbcTemplate.query(sql, params.toArray(), new RowMapper<Article>() {
        public Article mapRow(ResultSet rs, int rowNum) throws SQLException {
            return articleRowMapper(rs);

From source file:su.vistar.drivers.web.api.DriversController.java

@RequestMapping(value = "/", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public @ResponseBody List<DriverDTO> getDriversList(
        @RequestParam(value = "query", required = false) String query,
        @RequestParam(value = "limit", required = false) Integer limit) {
    logger.info("?   ?? ");
    Stream<Driver> stream = driversService.getDriversList().stream();
    if (query != null) {
        String[] parts = query.toLowerCase().split(" ");
        stream = stream.filter((_d) -> {
            String lowerName = _d.getName().toLowerCase(), lowerSurname = _d.getSurname().toLowerCase(),
                    lowerPatronimyc = _d.getPatronimyc().toLowerCase();
            int score = 0;
            for (String part : parts) {
                if (lowerName.contains(part) || lowerSurname.contains(part) || lowerPatronimyc.contains(part))
                    score++;//from  w ww .j  a  v a 2 s.  c  o m
            return score >= parts.length;
    if (limit != null) {
        stream = stream.limit(limit.longValue());
    return stream.map(_d -> new DriverDTO(_d)).collect(Collectors.toList());

From source file:eu.europa.ec.fisheries.uvms.spatial.service.bean.impl.MapConfigServiceBean.java

private VisibilitySettingsDto getVisibilitySettings(ConfigurationDto configurationDto, Integer reportId)
        throws ServiceException {
    if (reportId != null) {
        ReportConnectSpatialEntity entity = repository.findReportConnectSpatialByReportId(reportId.longValue());
        if (entity != null && entity.getVisibilitySettings() != null) {
            VisibilitySettingsDto visibilitySettingsDto = MapConfigHelper
            if (MapConfigHelper.isVisibilitySettingsOverriddenByReport(visibilitySettingsDto)) {
                return visibilitySettingsDto; // VisibilitySettings is overridden by Report. Return the report configured visibility settings
            }//from   w  ww . j  ava 2  s.  c  o m
    return configurationDto.getVisibilitySettings(); // Return merged visibility settings from Admin and User Config

From source file:org.mifosplatform.infrastructure.scheduledemail.service.EmailCampaignWritePlatformCommandHandlerImpl.java

public PreviewCampaignMessage previewMessage(final JsonQuery query) {
    PreviewCampaignMessage campaignMessage = null;
    final AppUser currentUser = this.context.authenticatedUser();
    final String emailParams = this.fromJsonHelper.extractStringNamed("paramValue", query.parsedJson());
    final String textMessageTemplate = this.fromJsonHelper.extractStringNamed("emailMessage",
            query.parsedJson());// w  w  w . ja  va 2 s  .c  o m

    final Long campaignId = this.fromJsonHelper.extractLongNamed("campaignId", query.parsedJson());

    EmailCampaign emailCampaign = null;
    HashMap<String, String> reportStretchyParams = null;

    if (campaignId != null) {
        emailCampaign = this.emailCampaignRepository.findOne(campaignId);
        reportStretchyParams = this.validateStretchyReportParamMap(emailCampaign.getStretchyReportParamMap());

    try {
        HashMap<String, String> campaignParams = new ObjectMapper().readValue(emailParams,
                new TypeReference<HashMap<String, String>>() {

        HashMap<String, String> queryParamForRunReport = new ObjectMapper().readValue(emailParams,
                new TypeReference<HashMap<String, String>>() {

        List<HashMap<String, Object>> runReportObject = this
                .getRunReportByServiceImpl(campaignParams.get("reportName"), queryParamForRunReport);
        // preview attachment report params

        if (runReportObject != null) {
            for (HashMap<String, Object> entry : runReportObject) {
                // add string object to campaignParam object
                String textMessage = this.compileEmailTemplate(textMessageTemplate, "EmailCampaign", entry);
                if (!textMessage.isEmpty()) {
                    final Integer totalMessage = runReportObject.size();
                    String reportStretchyParam = null;
                    Object var = "id";
                    Integer clientId = (Integer) entry.get(var);
                    final Client client = this.clientRepository.findOne(clientId.longValue());
                    if (reportStretchyParams != null) {
                        HashMap<String, String> reportParams = this
                                .replaceStretchyParamsWithActualClientParams(reportStretchyParams, client);
                        this.replaceStretchyParamsWithActualLoansOrSavingsParam(reportStretchyParams, client); // add loans or savings id to report params only one object
                        if (reportParams != null) {
                            reportStretchyParam = reportParams.toString();
                    campaignMessage = new PreviewCampaignMessage(textMessage, totalMessage,
    } catch (final IOException e) {
        // TODO throw something here

    return campaignMessage;


From source file:eu.europa.ec.fisheries.uvms.spatial.service.bean.impl.MapConfigServiceBean.java

private VectorStylesDto getVectorStyles(ConfigurationDto configurationDto, Integer reportId)
        throws ServiceException {
    if (reportId != null) {
        ReportConnectSpatialEntity entity = repository.findReportConnectSpatialByReportId(reportId.longValue());
        if (entity != null && entity.getStyleSettings() != null) {
            StyleSettingsDto styleSettingsDto = MapConfigHelper.getStyleSettings(entity.getStyleSettings());
            if ((styleSettingsDto.getPositions() != null && styleSettingsDto.getPositions().getStyle() != null)
                    || (styleSettingsDto.getSegments() != null
                            && styleSettingsDto.getSegments().getStyle() != null)
                    || (styleSettingsDto.getAlarms() != null)) {
                return MapConfigMapper.INSTANCE.getStyleDtos(styleSettingsDto); // Style Settings is overridden by Report. Return the report configured style settings
            }//w ww .  j  a  v  a  2 s .c o  m
    return MapConfigMapper.INSTANCE.getStyleDtos(configurationDto.getStylesSettings()); // Return merged style settings from Admin and User config

From source file:net.sf.sze.model.zeugnis.Zeugnis.java

 * Wandelt die Anzahl an Tage in Textform.
 * @param day die Anzahl an Tage./*from w ww  . j a va2 s.  co m*/
 * @return die Anzahl an Tage in Textform.
private String dayToString(final Integer day) {
    if (day == null || day.intValue() == 0) {
        return VariableUtility.PLATZHALTER_LEER;
    } else if (day.longValue() == 1) {
        return "1 Tag";
    } else {
        return day + " Tage";

From source file:org.mifos.framework.ApplicationInitializer.java

private void applyMifos5632() throws PersistenceException {
    Session session = StaticHibernateUtil.getSessionTL();

    Query lookup_value_query, lookup_value_locale_query, activity_query, roles_activity_query, min_activity_id,
            question_activity;//from w w w .  j a va 2s  .c  o m
    Query count_query = session.createSQLQuery("select max(id) from question_group where activity_id is null;");
    Integer count = (Integer) count_query.uniqueResult();
    Long iterator = count.longValue() + 1;
    min_activity_id = session.createSQLQuery("select min(activity_id) from activity;");
    Integer activity_id = ((Short) min_activity_id.uniqueResult()).intValue();
    if (activity_id == 1) {
        activity_id = activity_id - 2;
    logger.info("Started Mifos-5632");
    while (iterator > 0) {
        try {


            lookup_value_query = session
                    .createSQLQuery("insert into lookup_value(lookup_id,entity_id,lookup_name) "
                            + "values((select max(lv.lookup_id)+1 from lookup_value lv), 87,"
                            + "concat(concat('QuestionGroup.',(select title from question_group where id="
                            + iterator + ")),'" + iterator + "'))");

            lookup_value_locale_query = session
                    .createSQLQuery("insert into lookup_value_locale(locale_id,lookup_id,lookup_value) values"
                            + "(1,(select lookup_id from lookup_value where entity_id =87 and "
                            + "lookup_name=concat(concat('QuestionGroup.',(select title from question_group where id="
                            + iterator + ")),'" + iterator
                            + "')),concat('Can edit ', (select title from question_group where id=" + iterator
                            + ")))");

            activity_query = session.createSQLQuery(
                    "insert into activity(activity_id,parent_id, activity_name_lookup_id, DESCRIPTION_lookup_id)"
                            + "values(" + activity_id
                            + ",294,(select lookup_id from lookup_value where entity_id =87 and "
                            + "lookup_name=concat(concat('QuestionGroup.',(select title from question_group where id="
                            + iterator + ")),'" + iterator + "')),"
                            + "(select lookup_id from lookup_value where entity_id =87 and "
                            + "lookup_name=concat(concat('QuestionGroup.',(select title from question_group where id="
                            + iterator + ")),'" + iterator + "')))");

            question_activity = session.createSQLQuery(
                    "update question_group set activity_id =" + activity_id + " where id = " + iterator);

            roles_activity_query = session.createSQLQuery(
                    "insert into roles_activity(activity_id, role_id) values(" + activity_id + ", 1)");

        } catch (Exception e) {
            logger.info("Failed add permission for existing Question groups");
        } finally {
    logger.info("Success, permission has been added.");