Example usage for java.lang Float floatValue

List of usage examples for java.lang Float floatValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Float floatValue.


public float floatValue() 

Source Link


Returns the float value of this Float object.


From source file:blue.components.lines.Line.java

public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) {
    Float val = (Float) aValue;
    float newValue = val.floatValue();

    LinePoint point = getLinePoint(rowIndex);

    boolean isLeft = (rowIndex == 0);
    boolean isRight = (rowIndex == (size() - 1));

    LinePoint previous = isLeft ? null : getLinePoint(rowIndex - 1);
    LinePoint next = isRight ? null : getLinePoint(rowIndex + 1);

    if (columnIndex == 0) {

        if (isLeft) {
        }// w  w w.  j av  a 2  s .co m

        if (rightBound && isRight) {

        if (newValue < previous.getX()) {
            newValue = previous.getX();

        if (rightBound && newValue > next.getX()) {
            newValue = next.getX();

        float y = point.getY();
        point.setLocation(newValue, y);
    } else {
        if (newValue < getMin() || newValue > getMax()) {

        float x = point.getX();
        point.setLocation(x, newValue);

    fireTableCellUpdated(rowIndex, columnIndex);

From source file:pcgen.cdom.facet.analysis.ChallengeRatingFacet.java

private Float calcClassesForRaceCR(CharID id) {
    Float CR = new Float(0);
    int levelsKey = 0;
    int levelsNonKey = 0;
    int levelsConverted = 0;
    int threshold = 0;

    List<String> raceRoleList = raceFacet.get(id).getListFor(ListKey.MONSTER_ROLES);
    if (raceRoleList == null || raceRoleList.isEmpty()) {
        raceRoleList = SettingsHandler.getGame().getMonsterRoleDefaultList();
    }//from  w  ww.ja v  a2s  .c  om

    // Calculate and add the CR from the PC Classes
    for (PCClass pcClass : classFacet.getClassSet(id)) {
        Float levels = calcClassCR(id, pcClass);
        if (levels.isNaN()) {
            return Float.NaN;

        List<String> classRoleList = pcClass.getListFor(ListKey.MONSTER_ROLES);
        if (classRoleList != null) {
            if (classRoleList.size() > 0) {
                levelsKey += (int) levels.floatValue();
            } else {
                levelsNonKey += (int) levels.floatValue();
        } else {
            if (raceRoleList != null) {
                levelsNonKey += (int) levels.floatValue();
            } else {
                levelsKey += (int) levels.floatValue();

    String sThreshold = SettingsHandler.getGame().getCRThreshold();
    if (sThreshold != null) {
        threshold = formulaResolvingFacet.resolve(id, FormulaFactory.getFormulaFor(sThreshold), "").intValue();

    while (levelsNonKey > 1) {
        // TODO: maybe the divisor 2 should be be made configurable, 
        // or the whole calculation put into a formula
        levelsNonKey -= 2;
        levelsConverted += 2;
        if (levelsConverted >= threshold) {
    if (levelsConverted > 0) {
        CR += levelsNonKey;
    CR += levelsKey;

    return CR;

From source file:edu.lternet.pasta.dml.database.DatabaseAdapter.java

 * Creates a SQL command to insert data. If some error happens, null will be
 * returned./*from   www.ja v  a  2s . c o m*/
 * @param attributeList  AttributeList which will be inserted
 * @param tableName      The name of the table which the data will be inserted into
 * @param oneRowData     The data vector which contains data to be inserted
 * @return A SQL String that can be run to insert one row of data into table
public String generateInsertSQL(AttributeList attributeList, String tableName, Vector oneRowData)
        throws DataNotMatchingMetadataException, SQLException {
    String sqlString = null;
    int NULLValueCounter = 0;
    int hasValueCounter = 0;

    if (attributeList == null) {
        throw new SQLException("The attribute list is null and couldn't generate insert sql statement");

    if (oneRowData == null || oneRowData.isEmpty()) {
        throw new SQLException("The the data is null and couldn't generte insert sql statement");

    StringBuffer sqlAttributePart = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer sqlDataPart = new StringBuffer();
    Attribute[] list = attributeList.getAttributes();

    if (list == null || list.length == 0) {
        throw new SQLException("The attributes is null and couldn't generate insert sql statement");

    int size = list.length;
    // column name part
    boolean firstAttribute = true;

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        // if data vector
        Object obj = oneRowData.elementAt(i);
        String value = null;

        if (obj == null) {
        } else {
            value = (String) obj;
            if (value.trim().equals("")) {

        Attribute attribute = list[i];

        if (attribute == null) {
            throw new SQLException("Attribute list contains a null attribute");
        String[] missingValues = attribute.getMissingValueCode();
        boolean isMissingValue = isMissingValue(value, missingValues);
        if (isMissingValue) {
        String name = attribute.getDBFieldName();
        String attributeType = getAttributeType(attribute);

        if (!firstAttribute) {

        Domain domain = attribute.getDomain();

        /* If attributeType is "datetime", convert to a timestamp
         * and wrap single quotes around the value. But only if we
         * have a format string!
        if (attributeType.equalsIgnoreCase("datetime")) {
            String formatString = ((DateTimeDomain) domain).getFormatString();

            // Transform the datetime format string for database compatibility
            formatString = transformFormatString(formatString);

            // Transform the datetime value for database compatibility
            value = transformDatetime(value);

            value = escapeSpecialCharacterInData(value);




            log.debug("datetime value expression= " + sqlDataPart.toString());
        /* If domain is null or it is not NumericDomain we assign it text type
         * and wrap single quotes around the value.
        else if (attributeType.equals("string")) {
            value = escapeSpecialCharacterInData(value);
        /* Else we have a NumericDomain. Determine whether it is a float or
         * integer.
        else {

            String dataType = mapDataType(attributeType);

            try {
                if (dataType.equals("FLOAT")) {
                    Float floatObj = new Float(value);
                    float floatNum = floatObj.floatValue();
                } else {
                    Integer integerObj = new Integer(value);
                    int integerNum = integerObj.intValue();
            } catch (Exception e) {
                log.error("Error determining numeric value: " + e.getMessage());
                throw new DataNotMatchingMetadataException(
                        "Data value '" + value + "' is NOT the expected data type of '" + dataType + "'");

        firstAttribute = false;

    // If all data is null, return null value for sql string.
    if (NULLValueCounter == list.length || hasValueCounter == 0) {
        return sqlString;


    // Combine the two parts
    sqlString = sqlAttributePart.toString();

    return sqlString;

From source file:org.muse.mneme.impl.SubmissionStorageSample.java

 * {@inheritDoc}// w w  w.  j  a  v a 2s. c o m
public Float getSubmissionHighestScore(Assessment assessment, String userId) {
    Float rv = null;
    for (SubmissionImpl submission : this.submissions.values()) {
        if (submission.getAssessment().equals(assessment) && submission.getUserId().equals(userId)
                && submission.getIsComplete()
                && ((rv == null) || (submission.getTotalScore() > rv.floatValue()))) {
            rv = submission.getTotalScore();

    return rv;

From source file:org.vivoweb.harvester.score.Score.java

 * Constructor/*from w  ww. java2  s . com*/
 * @param inputJena model containing statements to be scored
 * @param vivoJena model containing vivoJena statements
 * @param scoreJena model containing scoring data statements
 * @param tempJenaDir model in which to store temp copy of input and vivo data statements
 * @param algorithms the classes of the algorithms to execute
 * @param inputPredicates the predicates to look for in inputJena model
 * @param vivoPredicates the predicates to look for in vivoJena model
 * @param namespace limit match Algorithm to only match rdf nodes in inputJena whose URI begin with this namespace
 * @param weights the weightings (0.0 , 1.0) for this score
 * @param matchThreshold score things with a total current score greater than or equal to this threshold
 * @param batchSize number of records to use in batch
 * @param reloadInput reload the temp copy of input, only needed if input has changed since last score
 * @param reloadVivo reload the temp copy of Vivo, only needed if Vivo has changed since last score
public Score(JenaConnect inputJena, JenaConnect vivoJena, JenaConnect scoreJena, String tempJenaDir,
        Map<String, Class<? extends Algorithm>> algorithms, Map<String, String> inputPredicates,
        Map<String, String> vivoPredicates, String namespace, Map<String, Float> weights, Float matchThreshold,
        int batchSize, boolean reloadInput, boolean reloadVivo) {
    if (inputJena == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input model cannot be null");
    this.inputJena = inputJena;

    if (vivoJena == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vivo model cannot be null");
    this.vivoJena = vivoJena;

    if (scoreJena == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Score Data model cannot be null");
    this.scoreJena = scoreJena;

    String tempDir = tempJenaDir;
    if (tempDir == null) {
        log.trace("temp model directory is not specified, using system temp directory");
        //         tempDir = File.createTempFile("tempVivoInputCopyJena", "db").getAbsolutePath();
        //         log.debug("temp model is not specifiedhi , using memory jena model");
        this.tempJena = new MemJenaConnect("urn:x-arq:UnionGraph");
    } else {
        this.tempJena = new TDBJenaConnect(tempDir, "urn:x-arq:UnionGraph");

    if (algorithms == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Algorithm cannot be null");
    this.algorithms = algorithms;

    if (inputPredicates == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input Predicate cannot be null");
    this.inputPredicates = inputPredicates;

    if (vivoPredicates == null) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vivo Predicate cannot be null");
    this.vivoPredicates = vivoPredicates;

    if (this.algorithms.size() < 1) {
        throw new IllegalArgumentException("No runs specified!");

    this.namespace = namespace;

    for (Float weight : weights.values()) {
        float d = weight.floatValue();
        if (d > 1f) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Weights cannot be greater than 1.0");
        if (d < 0f) {
            throw new IllegalArgumentException("Weights cannot be less than 0.0");
    this.weights = weights;

    Map<String, Map<String, ? extends Object>> maps = new HashMap<String, Map<String, ? extends Object>>();
    maps.put("vivoJena predicates", this.vivoPredicates);
    maps.put("inputJena predicates", this.inputPredicates);
    maps.put("algorithms", this.algorithms);
    maps.put("weights", this.weights);
    boolean test = true;
    for (Class<?> algClass : this.algorithms.values()) {
        try {
        } catch (ClassCastException e) {
            test = false;
    this.equalityOnlyMode = test;
    this.matchThreshold = matchThreshold;
    log.trace("equalityOnlyMode: " + this.equalityOnlyMode);
    this.reloadInput = reloadInput;
    this.reloadVivo = reloadVivo;


From source file:org.etudes.mneme.impl.SubmissionStorageSample.java

 * {@inheritDoc}//from ww w . j a  v a2  s . co m
public Float getSubmissionHighestScore(Assessment assessment, String userId) {
    Float rv = null;
    for (SubmissionImpl submission : this.submissions.values()) {
        if (submission.getAssessment().equals(assessment) && submission.getUserId().equals(userId)
                && submission.getIsComplete() && submission.getIsReleased()
                && ((rv == null) || (submission.getTotalScore() > rv.floatValue()))) {
            rv = submission.getTotalScore();

    return rv;

From source file:org.ecoinformatics.datamanager.database.DatabaseAdapter.java

 * Creates a SQL command to insert data. If some error happens, null will be
 * returned./*from   ww  w  .j  a  v a 2 s  .c  o m*/
 * @param attributeList  AttributeList which will be inserted
 * @param tableName      The name of the table which the data will be inserted into
 * @param oneRowData     The data vector which contains data to be inserted
 * @return A SQL String that can be run to insert one row of data into table
public String generateInsertSQL(AttributeList attributeList, String tableName, Vector oneRowData)
        throws DataNotMatchingMetadataException, SQLException {
    String sqlString = null;
    int NULLValueCounter = 0;
    int hasValueCounter = 0;

    if (attributeList == null) {
        //log.debug("There is no attribute definition in entity");
        throw new SQLException("The attribute list is null and couldn't generate insert sql statement");

    if (oneRowData == null || oneRowData.isEmpty()) {
        //return sqlString;
        throw new SQLException("The the data is null and couldn't generte insert sql statement");

    StringBuffer sqlAttributePart = new StringBuffer();
    StringBuffer sqlDataPart = new StringBuffer();
    Attribute[] list = attributeList.getAttributes();

    if (list == null || list.length == 0) {
        //log.debug("There is no attribute definition in entity");
        //return sqlString;
        throw new SQLException("The attributes is null and couldn't generate insert sql statement");

    int size = list.length;
    // column name part
    boolean firstAttribute = true;

    for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) {
        // if data vector
        Object obj = oneRowData.elementAt(i);
        String value = null;

        if (obj == null) {
        } else {
            value = (String) obj;
            if (value.trim().equals("")) {

        Attribute attribute = list[i];

        if (attribute == null) {
            //log.debug("One attribute definition is null attribute list");
            //return null;
            throw new SQLException("Attribute list contains a null attribute");
        String[] missingValues = attribute.getMissingValueCode();
        boolean isMissingValue = isMissingValue(value, missingValues);
        if (isMissingValue) {
        String name = attribute.getDBFieldName();
        String attributeType = getAttributeType(attribute);

        if (!firstAttribute) {

        Domain domain = attribute.getDomain();
        //System.out.println("the value in element is "+value);

        /* If attributeType is "datetime", convert to a timestamp
         * and wrap single quotes around the value. But only if we
         * have a format string!
        if (attributeType.equalsIgnoreCase("datetime")) {
            String formatString = ((DateTimeDomain) domain).getFormatString();
            //System.out.println("in DateTimeDomain " + value);
            value = escapeSpecialCharacterInData(value);




            log.debug("datetime value expression= " + sqlDataPart.toString());
        /* If domain is null or it is not NumericDomain we assign it text type
         * and wrap single quotes around the value.
        else if (attributeType.equals("string")) {
            //System.out.println("in non NumericDomain " + value);
            value = escapeSpecialCharacterInData(value);
        /* Else we have a NumericDomain. Determine whether it is a float or
         * integer.
        else {

            String dataType = mapDataType(attributeType);

            try {
                if (dataType.equals("FLOAT")) {
                    //System.out.println("in float NumericDomain " + value);
                    Float floatObj = new Float(value);
                    /* System.out.println("after generating floatObj numericDomain "
                         + value); */
                    float floatNum = floatObj.floatValue();
                    //System.out.println("float number " + floatNum);
                    //System.out.println("end of float");
                } else {
                    //System.out.println("in integer NumericDomain " + value);
                    Integer integerObj = new Integer(value);
                    //System.out.println("after generate Integer Obj NumericDomain "
                    //                   + value);
                    int integerNum = integerObj.intValue();
                    //System.out.println("the int value is " + integerNum);
                    //System.out.println("end of integer");
            } catch (Exception e) {
                System.out.println("Error determining numeric value: " + e.getMessage());
                //return sqlString;
                throw new DataNotMatchingMetadataException(
                        "Data " + value + " is NOT a " + dataType + " : " + e.getMessage());

        firstAttribute = false;
        // insert

    // If all data is null, return null value for sql string.
    if (NULLValueCounter == list.length || hasValueCounter == 0) {
        return sqlString;
        //throw new SQLException("All data is null and couldn't generate insert data statement");


    // Combine the two parts
    sqlString = sqlAttributePart.toString();
    //System.out.println("the sql command is " + sqlString);

    return sqlString;

From source file:edu.stanford.muse.xword.Crossword.java

/** looks up all names in the given docs in the names archive and assigns types to them. key in returned map has _ instead of spaces */
public void assignTypes(List<String> names) throws IOException {
    // compute name -> nameInfo
    wordToNameInfo = new LinkedHashMap<String, NameInfo>();
    // we're assuming no dups in the names
    for (String name : names) {
        String word = convertToWord(name).getFirst();
        String cTitle = name.trim().toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "_"); // canonical wp title         
        NameInfo ni = wordToNameInfo.get(word);
        ni = new NameInfo(cTitle);
        ni.score = 1;//from   w ww .  ja v a2  s  . co m
        Float F = wordToWeight.get(word);
        if (F != null) {
            ni.score = F;
            ni.times = (int) F.floatValue();
        ni.snippet = "";
        ni.word = word;
        ni.originalTerm = wordToOriginalTerm.get(name);
        wordToNameInfo.put(word, ni);

    // assign types to all the names

From source file:org.caleydo.core.data.collection.table.Table.java

 * Returns the 3-component color for the given table cell. This works independent of the data type.
 * FIXME: inhomogeneous numerical is not implemented
 * @param dimensionID//from w w  w .j a v  a  2 s .  co  m
 * @param recordID
 * @return
public float[] getColor(Integer dimensionID, Integer recordID) {
    if (isDataHomogeneous()) {
        return getColorMapper().getColor(getNormalizedValue(dimensionID, recordID));
    } else {
        if (EDataClass.CATEGORICAL.equals(getDataClass(dimensionID, recordID))) {
            CategoricalClassDescription<?> specific = (CategoricalClassDescription<?>) getDataClassSpecificDescription(
                    dimensionID, recordID);
            Object category = getRaw(dimensionID, recordID);
            if (category == null)
                return Color.NOT_A_NUMBER_COLOR.getRGBA();
            CategoryProperty<?> p = specific.getCategoryProperty(category);
            if (p == null)
                return Color.NOT_A_NUMBER_COLOR.getRGBA();
            return specific.getCategoryProperty(category).getColor().getRGBA();
        } else {
            // simple implementation just gray scale
            Float v = getNormalizedValue(dimensionID, recordID);
            if (v == null || v.isNaN())
                return Color.NOT_A_NUMBER_COLOR.getRGBA();
            return new Color(v.floatValue()).getRGBA();
            // not implemented
            // throw new IllegalStateException("not implemented");


From source file:net.iiit.siel.analysis.lang.LanguageIdentifier.java

 * Identify./*from ww w . j  ava 2 s.  c  om*/
 * @param content the content
 * @return the string
public String identify(StringBuffer content) {
    // Added
    String lang = "", randomWord;
    StringBuffer text = content;
    if (text.length() <= 1)
        return "";

    LanguageIdentifierConstants.LangShortNames[] languagesSampled = new LanguageIdentifierConstants.LangShortNames[LanguageIdentifierConstants.totalRandomNumberTrials];
     * We need to analyse "text" now.

    languagesSampled = getLanguagesSampled(text, LangIdentifierUtility.getRandomNumber(text.length() - 1,

    // TODO uncomment the next line For TableMap purpose.(when needed
    // to create a lang-charRange table
    // languagesSampled = getLanguageAndForTaggingWithLangID(text);
    Boolean isNGramReqd = checkIsNGramReqd(languagesSampled);

     * if we already identified the right language then don't proceed to
     * ngram
    if (!isNGramReqd) {
        //      System.out.println("Language is identified (without ngrams) as: "
        //            + languagesSampled[0].langShortName());
         * DONOT delete the next few lines, they should be enabled, when a
         * lang. mapping map needs to be generated. Set the
         * hashmapRangeMarker from start to end .. tag as LangID
         * String rangeMarkerString = this.langMarkerObject
         * .setLangRangeMarkerTableTillTheEnd(0); if
         * (!this.langMarkerObject.getLangRangeMarkerTable().containsKey(
         * languagesSampled[0].langShortName())) { ArrayList<String>
         * rangeMarkerArrayList = new ArrayList<String>();
         * rangeMarkerArrayList.add(rangeMarkerString);
         * this.langMarkerObject.getLangRangeMarkerTable().put(
         * languagesSampled[0].langShortName(), rangeMarkerArrayList); }
         * else { ArrayList<String> rangeMarkerArrayList = new
         * ArrayList<String>(); rangeMarkerArrayList = this.langMarkerObject
         * .getLangRangeMarkerTable().get(
         * languagesSampled[0].langShortName());
         * rangeMarkerArrayList.add(rangeMarkerString);
         * this.langMarkerObject.getLangRangeMarkerTable().put(
         * languagesSampled[0].langShortName(), rangeMarkerArrayList); }

        return languagesSampled[0].langShortName();

    //   System.out.print("Using NGP...  ");
    // Code to calculate n-gram profile similarity
    Iterator iter = suspect.getSorted().iterator();
    float topscore = Float.MIN_VALUE;
    HashMap scores = new HashMap();
    NGramEntry searched = null;
    List<String> listOfLang = new ArrayList<String>();
    int decide_point = 0;
    while (iter.hasNext()) {

        searched = (NGramEntry) iter.next();

        NGramEntry[] ngrams = (NGramEntry[]) ngramsIdx.get(searched.getSeq());

         * Check if ngrams is null, implies that such a sequence of
         * characters is not found in our profiles, which implies that the
         * profile is a foreign profile.
        if (ngrams == null) {
             * Check if the searched.getSeq() has a indicUnicode
            Boolean isForeignLangID = checkCharSequence(searched.getSeq());

             * Set the lang as unknown for foreignLangID.
            if (isForeignLangID) {
                lang = LanguageIdentifierConstants.UKNOWN_LANG;

        if (ngrams != null) {
            for (int j = 0; j < ngrams.length; j++) {
                NGramProfile profile = ngrams[j].getProfile();
                 * Check when profile is null
                if (profile == null) {
                    profile = new NGramProfile(LanguageIdentifierConstants.UKNOWN_LANG,
                            NGramProfile.DEFAULT_MIN_NGRAM_LENGTH, NGramProfile.DEFAULT_MAX_NGRAM_LENGTH);

                Float pScore = (Float) scores.get(profile);
                if (pScore == null) {
                    pScore = new Float(0);
                float plScore = pScore.floatValue();
                plScore += ngrams[j].getFrequency() + searched.getFrequency();
                scores.put(profile, new Float(plScore));

                 * If the plScore is greater than topScore --> add
                 * the langId to list
                if (plScore > topscore) {
                    topscore = plScore;
                    lang = profile.getName();
                     * Add the lang to list
                    if (!listOfLang.contains(lang)) {


    if (listOfLang.contains(LanguageIdentifierConstants.UKNOWN_LANG)
            && decide_point >= (content.length() * 0.1)) {
        lang = LanguageIdentifierConstants.UKNOWN_LANG;
    System.out.println("Lang identified thru ngrams test =" + lang);
    return lang;