List of usage examples for java.lang Float floatValue
@HotSpotIntrinsicCandidate public float floatValue()
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public void setValueAt(Object aValue, int rowIndex, int columnIndex) { Float val = (Float) aValue; float newValue = val.floatValue(); LinePoint point = getLinePoint(rowIndex); boolean isLeft = (rowIndex == 0); boolean isRight = (rowIndex == (size() - 1)); LinePoint previous = isLeft ? null : getLinePoint(rowIndex - 1); LinePoint next = isRight ? null : getLinePoint(rowIndex + 1); if (columnIndex == 0) { if (isLeft) { return; }// w w w. j av a 2 s .co m if (rightBound && isRight) { return; } if (newValue < previous.getX()) { newValue = previous.getX(); } if (rightBound && newValue > next.getX()) { newValue = next.getX(); } float y = point.getY(); point.setLocation(newValue, y); } else { if (newValue < getMin() || newValue > getMax()) { return; } float x = point.getX(); point.setLocation(x, newValue); } fireTableCellUpdated(rowIndex, columnIndex); }
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private Float calcClassesForRaceCR(CharID id) { Float CR = new Float(0); int levelsKey = 0; int levelsNonKey = 0; int levelsConverted = 0; int threshold = 0; List<String> raceRoleList = raceFacet.get(id).getListFor(ListKey.MONSTER_ROLES); if (raceRoleList == null || raceRoleList.isEmpty()) { raceRoleList = SettingsHandler.getGame().getMonsterRoleDefaultList(); }//from w ww.ja v a2s .c om // Calculate and add the CR from the PC Classes for (PCClass pcClass : classFacet.getClassSet(id)) { Float levels = calcClassCR(id, pcClass); if (levels.isNaN()) { return Float.NaN; } List<String> classRoleList = pcClass.getListFor(ListKey.MONSTER_ROLES); if (classRoleList != null) { classRoleList.retainAll(raceRoleList); if (classRoleList.size() > 0) { levelsKey += (int) levels.floatValue(); } else { levelsNonKey += (int) levels.floatValue(); } } else { if (raceRoleList != null) { levelsNonKey += (int) levels.floatValue(); } else { levelsKey += (int) levels.floatValue(); } } } String sThreshold = SettingsHandler.getGame().getCRThreshold(); if (sThreshold != null) { threshold = formulaResolvingFacet.resolve(id, FormulaFactory.getFormulaFor(sThreshold), "").intValue(); } while (levelsNonKey > 1) { CR++; // TODO: maybe the divisor 2 should be be made configurable, // or the whole calculation put into a formula levelsNonKey -= 2; levelsConverted += 2; if (levelsConverted >= threshold) { break; } } if (levelsConverted > 0) { CR += levelsNonKey; } CR += levelsKey; return CR; }
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/** * Creates a SQL command to insert data. If some error happens, null will be * returned./*from www.ja v a 2s . c o m*/ * * @param attributeList AttributeList which will be inserted * @param tableName The name of the table which the data will be inserted into * @param oneRowData The data vector which contains data to be inserted * @return A SQL String that can be run to insert one row of data into table */ public String generateInsertSQL(AttributeList attributeList, String tableName, Vector oneRowData) throws DataNotMatchingMetadataException, SQLException { String sqlString = null; int NULLValueCounter = 0; int hasValueCounter = 0; if (attributeList == null) { throw new SQLException("The attribute list is null and couldn't generate insert sql statement"); } if (oneRowData == null || oneRowData.isEmpty()) { throw new SQLException("The the data is null and couldn't generte insert sql statement"); } StringBuffer sqlAttributePart = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer sqlDataPart = new StringBuffer(); sqlAttributePart.append(INSERT); sqlAttributePart.append(SPACE); sqlAttributePart.append(tableName); sqlAttributePart.append(LEFTPARENTH); sqlDataPart.append(SPACE); sqlDataPart.append(VALUES); sqlDataPart.append(SPACE); sqlDataPart.append(LEFTPARENTH); Attribute[] list = attributeList.getAttributes(); if (list == null || list.length == 0) { throw new SQLException("The attributes is null and couldn't generate insert sql statement"); } int size = list.length; // column name part boolean firstAttribute = true; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // if data vector Object obj = oneRowData.elementAt(i); String value = null; if (obj == null) { NULLValueCounter++; continue; } else { value = (String) obj; if (value.trim().equals("")) { continue; } } Attribute attribute = list[i]; if (attribute == null) { throw new SQLException("Attribute list contains a null attribute"); } String[] missingValues = attribute.getMissingValueCode(); boolean isMissingValue = isMissingValue(value, missingValues); if (isMissingValue) { continue; } String name = attribute.getDBFieldName(); String attributeType = getAttributeType(attribute); if (!firstAttribute) { sqlAttributePart.append(COMMA); sqlDataPart.append(COMMA); } sqlAttributePart.append(name); Domain domain = attribute.getDomain(); /* If attributeType is "datetime", convert to a timestamp * and wrap single quotes around the value. But only if we * have a format string! */ if (attributeType.equalsIgnoreCase("datetime")) { String formatString = ((DateTimeDomain) domain).getFormatString(); // Transform the datetime format string for database compatibility formatString = transformFormatString(formatString); // Transform the datetime value for database compatibility value = transformDatetime(value); value = escapeSpecialCharacterInData(value); sqlDataPart.append(TO_DATE_FUNCTION); sqlDataPart.append(LEFTPARENTH); sqlDataPart.append(SINGLEQUOTE); sqlDataPart.append(value); sqlDataPart.append(SINGLEQUOTE); sqlDataPart.append(COMMA); sqlDataPart.append(SINGLEQUOTE); sqlDataPart.append(formatString); sqlDataPart.append(SINGLEQUOTE); sqlDataPart.append(RIGHTPARENTH); hasValueCounter++; log.debug("datetime value expression= " + sqlDataPart.toString()); } /* If domain is null or it is not NumericDomain we assign it text type * and wrap single quotes around the value. */ else if (attributeType.equals("string")) { value = escapeSpecialCharacterInData(value); sqlDataPart.append(SINGLEQUOTE); sqlDataPart.append(value); sqlDataPart.append(SINGLEQUOTE); hasValueCounter++; } /* Else we have a NumericDomain. Determine whether it is a float or * integer. */ else { String dataType = mapDataType(attributeType); try { if (dataType.equals("FLOAT")) { Float floatObj = new Float(value); float floatNum = floatObj.floatValue(); sqlDataPart.append(floatNum); } else { Integer integerObj = new Integer(value); int integerNum = integerObj.intValue(); sqlDataPart.append(integerNum); } } catch (Exception e) { log.error("Error determining numeric value: " + e.getMessage()); throw new DataNotMatchingMetadataException( "Data value '" + value + "' is NOT the expected data type of '" + dataType + "'"); } hasValueCounter++; } firstAttribute = false; } // If all data is null, return null value for sql string. if (NULLValueCounter == list.length || hasValueCounter == 0) { return sqlString; } sqlAttributePart.append(RIGHTPARENTH); sqlDataPart.append(RIGHTPARENTH); sqlDataPart.append(SEMICOLON); // Combine the two parts sqlAttributePart.append(sqlDataPart.toString()); sqlString = sqlAttributePart.toString(); return sqlString; }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}// w w w. j a v a 2s. c o m */ public Float getSubmissionHighestScore(Assessment assessment, String userId) { Float rv = null; for (SubmissionImpl submission : this.submissions.values()) { if (submission.getAssessment().equals(assessment) && submission.getUserId().equals(userId) && submission.getIsComplete() && ((rv == null) || (submission.getTotalScore() > rv.floatValue()))) { rv = submission.getTotalScore(); } } return rv; }
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/** * Constructor/*from w ww. java2 s . com*/ * @param inputJena model containing statements to be scored * @param vivoJena model containing vivoJena statements * @param scoreJena model containing scoring data statements * @param tempJenaDir model in which to store temp copy of input and vivo data statements * @param algorithms the classes of the algorithms to execute * @param inputPredicates the predicates to look for in inputJena model * @param vivoPredicates the predicates to look for in vivoJena model * @param namespace limit match Algorithm to only match rdf nodes in inputJena whose URI begin with this namespace * @param weights the weightings (0.0 , 1.0) for this score * @param matchThreshold score things with a total current score greater than or equal to this threshold * @param batchSize number of records to use in batch * @param reloadInput reload the temp copy of input, only needed if input has changed since last score * @param reloadVivo reload the temp copy of Vivo, only needed if Vivo has changed since last score */ public Score(JenaConnect inputJena, JenaConnect vivoJena, JenaConnect scoreJena, String tempJenaDir, Map<String, Class<? extends Algorithm>> algorithms, Map<String, String> inputPredicates, Map<String, String> vivoPredicates, String namespace, Map<String, Float> weights, Float matchThreshold, int batchSize, boolean reloadInput, boolean reloadVivo) { if (inputJena == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input model cannot be null"); } this.inputJena = inputJena; if (vivoJena == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vivo model cannot be null"); } this.vivoJena = vivoJena; if (scoreJena == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Score Data model cannot be null"); } this.scoreJena = scoreJena; String tempDir = tempJenaDir; if (tempDir == null) { log.trace("temp model directory is not specified, using system temp directory"); // tempDir = File.createTempFile("tempVivoInputCopyJena", "db").getAbsolutePath(); // log.debug("temp model is not specifiedhi , using memory jena model"); this.tempJena = new MemJenaConnect("urn:x-arq:UnionGraph"); } else { this.tempJena = new TDBJenaConnect(tempDir, "urn:x-arq:UnionGraph"); } if (algorithms == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Algorithm cannot be null"); } this.algorithms = algorithms; if (inputPredicates == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input Predicate cannot be null"); } this.inputPredicates = inputPredicates; if (vivoPredicates == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vivo Predicate cannot be null"); } this.vivoPredicates = vivoPredicates; if (this.algorithms.size() < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No runs specified!"); } this.namespace = namespace; for (Float weight : weights.values()) { float d = weight.floatValue(); if (d > 1f) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Weights cannot be greater than 1.0"); } if (d < 0f) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Weights cannot be less than 0.0"); } } this.weights = weights; Map<String, Map<String, ? extends Object>> maps = new HashMap<String, Map<String, ? extends Object>>(); maps.put("vivoJena predicates", this.vivoPredicates); maps.put("inputJena predicates", this.inputPredicates); maps.put("algorithms", this.algorithms); maps.put("weights", this.weights); verifyRunNames(maps); boolean test = true; for (Class<?> algClass : this.algorithms.values()) { try { algClass.asSubclass(EqualityTest.class); } catch (ClassCastException e) { test = false; break; } } this.equalityOnlyMode = test; this.matchThreshold = matchThreshold; setBatchSize(batchSize); log.trace("equalityOnlyMode: " + this.equalityOnlyMode); this.reloadInput = reloadInput; this.reloadVivo = reloadVivo; }
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/** * {@inheritDoc}//from ww w . j a v a2 s . co m */ public Float getSubmissionHighestScore(Assessment assessment, String userId) { Float rv = null; for (SubmissionImpl submission : this.submissions.values()) { if (submission.getAssessment().equals(assessment) && submission.getUserId().equals(userId) && submission.getIsComplete() && submission.getIsReleased() && ((rv == null) || (submission.getTotalScore() > rv.floatValue()))) { rv = submission.getTotalScore(); } } return rv; }
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/** * Creates a SQL command to insert data. If some error happens, null will be * returned./*from ww w .j a v a 2 s .c o m*/ * * @param attributeList AttributeList which will be inserted * @param tableName The name of the table which the data will be inserted into * @param oneRowData The data vector which contains data to be inserted * @return A SQL String that can be run to insert one row of data into table */ public String generateInsertSQL(AttributeList attributeList, String tableName, Vector oneRowData) throws DataNotMatchingMetadataException, SQLException { String sqlString = null; int NULLValueCounter = 0; int hasValueCounter = 0; if (attributeList == null) { //log.debug("There is no attribute definition in entity"); throw new SQLException("The attribute list is null and couldn't generate insert sql statement"); } if (oneRowData == null || oneRowData.isEmpty()) { //return sqlString; throw new SQLException("The the data is null and couldn't generte insert sql statement"); } StringBuffer sqlAttributePart = new StringBuffer(); StringBuffer sqlDataPart = new StringBuffer(); sqlAttributePart.append(INSERT); sqlAttributePart.append(SPACE); sqlAttributePart.append(tableName); sqlAttributePart.append(LEFTPARENTH); sqlDataPart.append(SPACE); sqlDataPart.append(VALUES); sqlDataPart.append(SPACE); sqlDataPart.append(LEFTPARENTH); Attribute[] list = attributeList.getAttributes(); if (list == null || list.length == 0) { //log.debug("There is no attribute definition in entity"); //return sqlString; throw new SQLException("The attributes is null and couldn't generate insert sql statement"); } int size = list.length; // column name part boolean firstAttribute = true; for (int i = 0; i < size; i++) { // if data vector Object obj = oneRowData.elementAt(i); String value = null; if (obj == null) { NULLValueCounter++; continue; } else { value = (String) obj; if (value.trim().equals("")) { continue; } } Attribute attribute = list[i]; if (attribute == null) { //log.debug("One attribute definition is null attribute list"); //return null; throw new SQLException("Attribute list contains a null attribute"); } String[] missingValues = attribute.getMissingValueCode(); boolean isMissingValue = isMissingValue(value, missingValues); if (isMissingValue) { continue; } String name = attribute.getDBFieldName(); String attributeType = getAttributeType(attribute); if (!firstAttribute) { sqlAttributePart.append(COMMA); sqlDataPart.append(COMMA); } sqlAttributePart.append(name); Domain domain = attribute.getDomain(); //System.out.println("the value in element is "+value); /* If attributeType is "datetime", convert to a timestamp * and wrap single quotes around the value. But only if we * have a format string! */ if (attributeType.equalsIgnoreCase("datetime")) { String formatString = ((DateTimeDomain) domain).getFormatString(); //System.out.println("in DateTimeDomain " + value); value = escapeSpecialCharacterInData(value); sqlDataPart.append(TO_DATE_FUNCTION); sqlDataPart.append(LEFTPARENTH); sqlDataPart.append(SINGLEQUOTE); sqlDataPart.append(value); sqlDataPart.append(SINGLEQUOTE); sqlDataPart.append(COMMA); sqlDataPart.append(SINGLEQUOTE); sqlDataPart.append(formatString); sqlDataPart.append(SINGLEQUOTE); sqlDataPart.append(RIGHTPARENTH); hasValueCounter++; log.debug("datetime value expression= " + sqlDataPart.toString()); } /* If domain is null or it is not NumericDomain we assign it text type * and wrap single quotes around the value. */ else if (attributeType.equals("string")) { //System.out.println("in non NumericDomain " + value); value = escapeSpecialCharacterInData(value); sqlDataPart.append(SINGLEQUOTE); sqlDataPart.append(value); sqlDataPart.append(SINGLEQUOTE); hasValueCounter++; } /* Else we have a NumericDomain. Determine whether it is a float or * integer. */ else { String dataType = mapDataType(attributeType); try { if (dataType.equals("FLOAT")) { //System.out.println("in float NumericDomain " + value); Float floatObj = new Float(value); /* System.out.println("after generating floatObj numericDomain " + value); */ float floatNum = floatObj.floatValue(); //System.out.println("float number " + floatNum); sqlDataPart.append(floatNum); //System.out.println("end of float"); } else { //System.out.println("in integer NumericDomain " + value); Integer integerObj = new Integer(value); //System.out.println("after generate Integer Obj NumericDomain " // + value); int integerNum = integerObj.intValue(); //System.out.println("the int value is " + integerNum); sqlDataPart.append(integerNum); //System.out.println("end of integer"); } } catch (Exception e) { System.out.println("Error determining numeric value: " + e.getMessage()); //return sqlString; throw new DataNotMatchingMetadataException( "Data " + value + " is NOT a " + dataType + " : " + e.getMessage()); } hasValueCounter++; } firstAttribute = false; // insert } // If all data is null, return null value for sql string. if (NULLValueCounter == list.length || hasValueCounter == 0) { return sqlString; //throw new SQLException("All data is null and couldn't generate insert data statement"); } sqlAttributePart.append(RIGHTPARENTH); sqlDataPart.append(RIGHTPARENTH); sqlDataPart.append(SEMICOLON); // Combine the two parts sqlAttributePart.append(sqlDataPart.toString()); sqlString = sqlAttributePart.toString(); //System.out.println("the sql command is " + sqlString); return sqlString; }
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/** looks up all names in the given docs in the names archive and assigns types to them. key in returned map has _ instead of spaces */ public void assignTypes(List<String> names) throws IOException { // compute name -> nameInfo wordToNameInfo = new LinkedHashMap<String, NameInfo>(); // we're assuming no dups in the names for (String name : names) { String word = convertToWord(name).getFirst(); String cTitle = name.trim().toLowerCase().replaceAll(" ", "_"); // canonical wp title NameInfo ni = wordToNameInfo.get(word); ni = new NameInfo(cTitle); ni.score = 1;//from w ww . ja v a2 s . co m Float F = wordToWeight.get(word); if (F != null) { ni.score = F; ni.times = (int) F.floatValue(); } ni.snippet = ""; ni.word = word; ni.originalTerm = wordToOriginalTerm.get(name); wordToNameInfo.put(word, ni); } // assign types to all the names NameTypes.readTypes(wordToNameInfo); }
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/** * Returns the 3-component color for the given table cell. This works independent of the data type. * * FIXME: inhomogeneous numerical is not implemented * * @param dimensionID//from w w w .j a v a 2 s . co m * @param recordID * @return */ public float[] getColor(Integer dimensionID, Integer recordID) { if (isDataHomogeneous()) { return getColorMapper().getColor(getNormalizedValue(dimensionID, recordID)); } else { if (EDataClass.CATEGORICAL.equals(getDataClass(dimensionID, recordID))) { CategoricalClassDescription<?> specific = (CategoricalClassDescription<?>) getDataClassSpecificDescription( dimensionID, recordID); Object category = getRaw(dimensionID, recordID); if (category == null) return Color.NOT_A_NUMBER_COLOR.getRGBA(); CategoryProperty<?> p = specific.getCategoryProperty(category); if (p == null) return Color.NOT_A_NUMBER_COLOR.getRGBA(); return specific.getCategoryProperty(category).getColor().getRGBA(); } else { // simple implementation just gray scale Float v = getNormalizedValue(dimensionID, recordID); if (v == null || v.isNaN()) return Color.NOT_A_NUMBER_COLOR.getRGBA(); return new Color(v.floatValue()).getRGBA(); // not implemented // throw new IllegalStateException("not implemented"); } } }
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/** * Identify./*from ww w . j ava 2 s. c om*/ * * @param content the content * @return the string */ public String identify(StringBuffer content) { // Added String lang = "", randomWord; StringBuffer text = content; if (text.length() <= 1) return ""; LanguageIdentifierConstants.LangShortNames[] languagesSampled = new LanguageIdentifierConstants.LangShortNames[LanguageIdentifierConstants.totalRandomNumberTrials]; /* * We need to analyse "text" now. */ languagesSampled = getLanguagesSampled(text, LangIdentifierUtility.getRandomNumber(text.length() - 1, LanguageIdentifierConstants.totalRandomNumberTrials)); // TODO uncomment the next line For TableMap purpose.(when needed // to create a lang-charRange table // languagesSampled = getLanguageAndForTaggingWithLangID(text); Boolean isNGramReqd = checkIsNGramReqd(languagesSampled); /* * if we already identified the right language then don't proceed to * ngram */ if (!isNGramReqd) { // System.out.println("Language is identified (without ngrams) as: " // + languagesSampled[0].langShortName()); /* * DONOT delete the next few lines, they should be enabled, when a * lang. mapping map needs to be generated. Set the * hashmapRangeMarker from start to end .. tag as LangID * * String rangeMarkerString = this.langMarkerObject * .setLangRangeMarkerTableTillTheEnd(0); if * (!this.langMarkerObject.getLangRangeMarkerTable().containsKey( * languagesSampled[0].langShortName())) { ArrayList<String> * rangeMarkerArrayList = new ArrayList<String>(); * rangeMarkerArrayList.add(rangeMarkerString); * this.langMarkerObject.getLangRangeMarkerTable().put( * languagesSampled[0].langShortName(), rangeMarkerArrayList); } * else { ArrayList<String> rangeMarkerArrayList = new * ArrayList<String>(); rangeMarkerArrayList = this.langMarkerObject * .getLangRangeMarkerTable().get( * languagesSampled[0].langShortName()); * rangeMarkerArrayList.add(rangeMarkerString); * * this.langMarkerObject.getLangRangeMarkerTable().put( * languagesSampled[0].langShortName(), rangeMarkerArrayList); } */ return languagesSampled[0].langShortName(); } // System.out.print("Using NGP... "); // Code to calculate n-gram profile similarity suspect.analyze(text); Iterator iter = suspect.getSorted().iterator(); float topscore = Float.MIN_VALUE; HashMap scores = new HashMap(); NGramEntry searched = null; List<String> listOfLang = new ArrayList<String>(); int decide_point = 0; while (iter.hasNext()) { searched = (NGramEntry); NGramEntry[] ngrams = (NGramEntry[]) ngramsIdx.get(searched.getSeq()); /* * Check if ngrams is null, implies that such a sequence of * characters is not found in our profiles, which implies that the * profile is a foreign profile. */ if (ngrams == null) { /* * Check if the searched.getSeq() has a indicUnicode */ Boolean isForeignLangID = checkCharSequence(searched.getSeq()); /* * Set the lang as unknown for foreignLangID. */ if (isForeignLangID) { decide_point++; lang = LanguageIdentifierConstants.UKNOWN_LANG; } } if (ngrams != null) { for (int j = 0; j < ngrams.length; j++) { NGramProfile profile = ngrams[j].getProfile(); /* * Check when profile is null */ if (profile == null) { profile = new NGramProfile(LanguageIdentifierConstants.UKNOWN_LANG, NGramProfile.DEFAULT_MIN_NGRAM_LENGTH, NGramProfile.DEFAULT_MAX_NGRAM_LENGTH); } Float pScore = (Float) scores.get(profile); if (pScore == null) { pScore = new Float(0); } float plScore = pScore.floatValue(); plScore += ngrams[j].getFrequency() + searched.getFrequency(); scores.put(profile, new Float(plScore)); /* * If the plScore is greater than topScore --> add * the langId to list */ if (plScore > topscore) { topscore = plScore; lang = profile.getName(); /* * Add the lang to list */ if (!listOfLang.contains(lang)) { listOfLang.add(lang); } } } } } if (listOfLang.contains(LanguageIdentifierConstants.UKNOWN_LANG) && decide_point >= (content.length() * 0.1)) { lang = LanguageIdentifierConstants.UKNOWN_LANG; } System.out.println("Lang identified thru ngrams test =" + lang); return lang; }