Java tutorial
/******************************************************************************* * Copyright (c) 2010-2011 VIVO Harvester Team. For full list of contributors, please see the AUTHORS file provided. * All rights reserved. * This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the new BSD license which accompanies this distribution, and is available at ******************************************************************************/ package org.vivoweb.harvester.score; import; import java.util.ArrayList; import java.util.Comparator; import java.util.HashMap; import java.util.List; import java.util.Map; import java.util.Set; import java.util.TreeSet; import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils; import org.slf4j.Logger; import org.slf4j.LoggerFactory; import org.vivoweb.harvester.score.algorithm.Algorithm; import org.vivoweb.harvester.score.algorithm.EqualityTest; import org.vivoweb.harvester.util.InitLog; import org.vivoweb.harvester.util.IterableAdaptor; import org.vivoweb.harvester.util.args.ArgDef; import org.vivoweb.harvester.util.args.ArgList; import org.vivoweb.harvester.util.args.ArgParser; import org.vivoweb.harvester.util.args.UsageException; import org.vivoweb.harvester.util.repo.JenaConnect; import org.vivoweb.harvester.util.repo.MemJenaConnect; import org.vivoweb.harvester.util.repo.TDBJenaConnect; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Dataset; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Query; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryExecutionFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QueryFactory; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.QuerySolution; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.ResultSet; import com.hp.hpl.jena.query.Syntax; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Property; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.RDFNode; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Resource; import com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.model.Statement; /** * VIVO Score * @author Nicholas Skaggs * @author Stephen Williams * @author Christopher Haines * @thanks Chris Westling */ public class Score { /** * SLF4J Logger */ private static Logger log = LoggerFactory.getLogger(Score.class); /** * model containing statements to be scored */ private JenaConnect inputJena; /** * model containing vivoJena statements */ private JenaConnect vivoJena; /** * model containing scoring data statements */ private JenaConnect scoreJena; /** * model in which to store temp copy of input and vivo data statements */ private JenaConnect tempJena; /** * the class of the Algorithm to execute */ private Map<String, Class<? extends Algorithm>> algorithms; /** * the predicates to look for in inputJena model */ private Map<String, String> inputPredicates; /** * the predicates to look for in vivoJena model */ private Map<String, String> vivoPredicates; /** * String containing a list of common names separated by "," */ private String commonNames; /** * limit match Algorithm to only match rdf nodes in inputJena whose URI begin with this namespace */ private String namespace; /** * the weighting (0.0 , 1.0) for this score */ private Map<String, Float> weights; /** * are all algorithms org.vivoweb.harvester.score.algorithm.EqualityTest */ private boolean equalityOnlyMode; /** * Match threshold */ private final Float matchThreshold; /** * number of records to use in batch */ private int batchSize; /** * reload the temp copy of input, only needed if input has changed since last score */ private boolean reloadInput; /** * reload the temp copy of Vivo, only needed if Vivo has changed since last score */ private boolean reloadVivo; /** * Constructor * @param inputJena model containing statements to be scored * @param vivoJena model containing vivoJena statements * @param scoreJena model containing scoring data statements * @param tempJenaDir model in which to store temp copy of input and vivo data statements * @param algorithms the classes of the algorithms to execute * @param inputPredicates the predicates to look for in inputJena model * @param vivoPredicates the predicates to look for in vivoJena model * @param namespace limit match Algorithm to only match rdf nodes in inputJena whose URI begin with this namespace * @param weights the weightings (0.0 , 1.0) for this score * @param matchThreshold score things with a total current score greater than or equal to this threshold * @param batchSize number of records to use in batch * @param reloadInput reload the temp copy of input, only needed if input has changed since last score * @param reloadVivo reload the temp copy of Vivo, only needed if Vivo has changed since last score */ public Score(JenaConnect inputJena, JenaConnect vivoJena, JenaConnect scoreJena, String tempJenaDir, Map<String, Class<? extends Algorithm>> algorithms, Map<String, String> inputPredicates, Map<String, String> vivoPredicates, String namespace, Map<String, Float> weights, Float matchThreshold, int batchSize, boolean reloadInput, boolean reloadVivo) { if (inputJena == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input model cannot be null"); } this.inputJena = inputJena; if (vivoJena == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vivo model cannot be null"); } this.vivoJena = vivoJena; if (scoreJena == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Score Data model cannot be null"); } this.scoreJena = scoreJena; String tempDir = tempJenaDir; if (tempDir == null) { log.trace("temp model directory is not specified, using system temp directory"); // tempDir = File.createTempFile("tempVivoInputCopyJena", "db").getAbsolutePath(); // log.debug("temp model is not specifiedhi , using memory jena model"); this.tempJena = new MemJenaConnect("urn:x-arq:UnionGraph"); } else { this.tempJena = new TDBJenaConnect(tempDir, "urn:x-arq:UnionGraph"); } if (algorithms == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Algorithm cannot be null"); } this.algorithms = algorithms; if (inputPredicates == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Input Predicate cannot be null"); } this.inputPredicates = inputPredicates; if (vivoPredicates == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Vivo Predicate cannot be null"); } this.vivoPredicates = vivoPredicates; if (this.algorithms.size() < 1) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("No runs specified!"); } this.namespace = namespace; for (Float weight : weights.values()) { float d = weight.floatValue(); if (d > 1f) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Weights cannot be greater than 1.0"); } if (d < 0f) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Weights cannot be less than 0.0"); } } this.weights = weights; Map<String, Map<String, ? extends Object>> maps = new HashMap<String, Map<String, ? extends Object>>(); maps.put("vivoJena predicates", this.vivoPredicates); maps.put("inputJena predicates", this.inputPredicates); maps.put("algorithms", this.algorithms); maps.put("weights", this.weights); verifyRunNames(maps); boolean test = true; for (Class<?> algClass : this.algorithms.values()) { try { algClass.asSubclass(EqualityTest.class); } catch (ClassCastException e) { test = false; break; } } this.equalityOnlyMode = test; this.matchThreshold = matchThreshold; setBatchSize(batchSize); log.trace("equalityOnlyMode: " + this.equalityOnlyMode); this.reloadInput = reloadInput; this.reloadVivo = reloadVivo; } /** * Constructor * @param inputJena * @param vivoJena * @param scoreJena * @param tempJenaDir * @param algorithms * @param inputPredicates * @param vivoPredicates * @param namespace * @param weights * @param matchThreshold * @param batchSize * @param reloadInput * @param reloadVivo * @param commonNames */ public Score(JenaConnect inputJena, JenaConnect vivoJena, JenaConnect scoreJena, String tempJenaDir, Map<String, Class<? extends Algorithm>> algorithms, Map<String, String> inputPredicates, Map<String, String> vivoPredicates, String namespace, Map<String, Float> weights, Float matchThreshold, int batchSize, boolean reloadInput, boolean reloadVivo, String commonNames) { this(inputJena, vivoJena, scoreJena, tempJenaDir, algorithms, inputPredicates, vivoPredicates, namespace, weights, matchThreshold, batchSize, reloadInput, reloadVivo); this.commonNames = commonNames; } /** * Constructor * @param args argument list * @throws IOException error parsing options * @throws UsageException user requested usage message */ private Score(String... args) throws IOException, UsageException { this(getParser().parse(args)); } /** * Constructor Scoring.close(); * @param opts parsed argument list * @throws IOException error parsing options */ private Score(ArgList opts) throws IOException { this(JenaConnect.parseConfig(opts.get("i"), opts.getValueMap("I")), JenaConnect.parseConfig(opts.get("v"), opts.getValueMap("V")), JenaConnect.parseConfig(opts.get("s"), opts.getValueMap("S")), opts.get("t"), initAlgs(opts.getValueMap("A")), opts.getValueMap("F"), opts.getValueMap("P"), opts.get("n"), initWeights(opts.getValueMap("W")), (opts.has("m") ? Float.valueOf(opts.get("m")) : null), Integer.parseInt(opts.get("b")), opts.has("reloadInput"), opts.has("reloadVivo"), (opts.has("c") ? opts.get("c") : null)); } /** * Initialize the algoritm map from the commandline mapping * @param algs the commandline mapping * @return the algorithm map */ private static Map<String, Class<? extends Algorithm>> initAlgs(Map<String, String> algs) { Map<String, Class<? extends Algorithm>> retVal = new HashMap<String, Class<? extends Algorithm>>(); for (String runName : algs.keySet()) { try { retVal.put(runName, Class.forName(algs.get(runName)).asSubclass(Algorithm.class)); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } catch (ClassCastException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } return retVal; } /** * Initialize the weight map from the commandline mapping * @param weight the commandline mapping * @return the weight map */ private static Map<String, Float> initWeights(Map<String, String> weight) { Map<String, Float> retVal = new HashMap<String, Float>(); for (String runName : weight.keySet()) { retVal.put(runName, Float.valueOf(weight.get(runName))); } return retVal; } /** * Set the processing batch size * @param size the size to use */ public void setBatchSize(int size) { this.batchSize = size; if (this.batchSize <= 1) { log.warn("Batch Size of '" + size + "' invalid, must be greater than or equal to 1. Using '1' as Batch Size."); this.batchSize = 1; } } /** * Verify that each map contains the same keys * @param maps mapping of map name to map */ private void verifyRunNames(Map<String, Map<String, ? extends Object>> maps) { for (String x : maps.keySet()) { for (String y : maps.keySet()) { if ((x != y) && !maps.get(y).keySet().containsAll(maps.get(x).keySet())) { for (String runName : maps.get(x).keySet()) { if ((x != y) && !maps.get(y).containsKey(runName)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException( "run name '" + runName + "' found in " + x + ", but not in " + y); } } } } } } /** * Get the ArgParser * @return the ArgParser */ private static ArgParser getParser() { ArgParser parser = new ArgParser("Score"); // Models parser.addArgument( new ArgDef().setShortOption('i').setLongOpt("inputJena-config").withParameter(true, "CONFIG_FILE") .setDescription("inputJena JENA configuration filename").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setShortOption('I').setLongOpt("inputOverride") .withParameterValueMap("JENA_PARAM", "VALUE") .setDescription("override the JENA_PARAM of inputJena jena model config using VALUE") .setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument( new ArgDef().setShortOption('v').setLongOpt("vivoJena-config").withParameter(true, "CONFIG_FILE") .setDescription("vivoJena JENA configuration filename").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setShortOption('V').setLongOpt("vivoOverride") .withParameterValueMap("JENA_PARAM", "VALUE") .setDescription("override the JENA_PARAM of vivoJena jena model config using VALUE") .setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument( new ArgDef().setShortOption('s').setLongOpt("score-config").withParameter(true, "CONFIG_FILE") .setDescription("score data JENA configuration filename").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setShortOption('S').setLongOpt("scoreOverride") .withParameterValueMap("JENA_PARAM", "VALUE") .setDescription("override the JENA_PARAM of score jena model config using VALUE") .setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument( new ArgDef().setShortOption('t').setLongOpt("tempJenaDir").withParameter(true, "DIRECTORY_PATH") .setDescription("directory to store temp jena model").setRequired(false)); // Parameters parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setShortOption('A').setLongOpt("algorithms") .withParameterValueMap("RUN_NAME", "CLASS_NAME") .setDescription("for RUN_NAME, use this CLASS_NAME (must implement Algorithm) to evaluate matches") .setRequired(true)); parser.addArgument( new ArgDef().setShortOption('W').setLongOpt("weights").withParameterValueMap("RUN_NAME", "WEIGHT") .setDescription("for RUN_NAME, assign this weight (0,1) to the scores").setRequired(true)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setShortOption('F').setLongOpt("inputJena-predicates") .withParameterValueMap("RUN_NAME", "PREDICATE").setDescription("for RUN_NAME, match ") .setRequired(true)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setShortOption('P').setLongOpt("vivoJena-predicates") .withParameterValueMap("RUN_NAME", "PREDICAATE") .setDescription("for RUN_NAME, assign this weight (0,1) to the scores").setRequired(true)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setShortOption('n').setLongOpt("namespace") .withParameter(true, "SCORE_NAMESPACE") .setDescription( "limit match Algorithm to only match rdf nodes in inputJena whose URI begin with SCORE_NAMESPACE") .setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setShortOption('b').setLongOpt("batch-size") .withParameter(true, "BATCH_SIZE") .setDescription( "approximate number of triples to process in each batch - default 2000 - lower this if getting StackOverflow or OutOfMemory") .setDefaultValue("2000").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument( new ArgDef().setShortOption('m').setLongOpt("matchThreshold").withParameter(true, "THRESHOLD") .setDescription("match records with a score over THRESHOLD").setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setLongOpt("reloadInput") .setDescription("reload the temp copy of input, only needed if input has changed since last score") .setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setLongOpt("reloadVivo") .setDescription("reload the temp copy of Vivo, only needed if Vivo has changed since last score") .setRequired(false)); parser.addArgument(new ArgDef().setShortOption('c').setLongOpt("common-names") .withParameter(true, "COMMON_NAMES") .setDescription("use these names to check if the score needs to be modified.").setRequired(false)); return parser; } /** * Build the vivo and input clones and get the dataset * @return the dataset * @throws IOException error connecting to the models */ private Dataset prepDataset() throws IOException { // Bring all models into a single Dataset JenaConnect vivoClone = this.tempJena .neighborConnectClone(""); if (vivoClone.isEmpty() || this.reloadVivo) { if (this.reloadVivo) { log.debug("Clearing old VIVO model data from temp copy model"); vivoClone.truncate(); } log.debug("Loading VIVO model into temp copy model"); vivoClone.loadRdfFromJC(this.vivoJena); // log.debug("vivo clone contents:\n"+vivoClone.exportRdfToString()); } else { log.debug("VIVO model already in temp copy model"); } JenaConnect inputClone = this.tempJena .neighborConnectClone(""); if (inputClone.isEmpty() || this.reloadInput) { if (this.reloadInput) { log.debug("Clearing old Input model data from temp copy model"); inputClone.truncate(); } log.debug("Loading Input model into temp copy model"); inputClone.loadRdfFromJC(this.inputJena); // log.debug("input clone contents:\n"+inputClone.exportRdfToString()); } else { log.debug("Input model already in temp copy model"); } Dataset ds = this.tempJena.getDataset(); log.trace("testing Dataset"); if (!this.tempJena.executeAskQuery("ASK { ?s ?p ?o }")) { log.trace("Empty Dataset"); } return ds; } /** * Get the result set * @return the resultset * @throws IOException error connecting to the models */ private ResultSet getResultSet() throws IOException { Dataset ds = prepDataset(); log.trace("Building Query"); String sQuery = buildSelectQuery(); log.trace("Score Query:\n" + sQuery); // Execute query log.trace("Building Query Execution"); Query query = QueryFactory.create(sQuery, Syntax.syntaxARQ); QueryExecution queryExec = QueryExecutionFactory.create(query, ds); log.debug("Executing Query"); ResultSet rs = queryExec.execSelect(); return rs; } /** * Build the solution set * @return the solution set * @throws IOException error connecting to the models */ private Set<Map<String, String>> buildSolutionSet() throws IOException { if (this.matchThreshold != null) { return buildFilterSolutionSet(); } ResultSet rs = getResultSet(); Set<Map<String, String>> solSet = getNewSolSet(); if (!rs.hasNext()) {"No Results Found"); } else {"Building Record Set"); Map<String, String> tempMap; for (QuerySolution solution : IterableAdaptor.adapt(rs)) { String sinputuri = solution.getResource("sInput").getURI(); String svivouri = solution.getResource("sVivo").getURI(); log.trace("Potential Match: <" + sinputuri + "> to <" + svivouri + ">"); tempMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); tempMap.put("sInput", sinputuri); tempMap.put("sVivo", svivouri); for (String runName : this.vivoPredicates.keySet()) { RDFNode os = solution.get("os_" + runName); RDFNode op = solution.get("op_" + runName); addRunName(tempMap, runName, os, op); } solSet.add(tempMap); } } return solSet; } /** * Build the solution set for a filtered score * @return the solution set * @throws IOException error connecting to the models */ private Set<Map<String, String>> buildFilterSolutionSet() throws IOException { Set<Map<String, String>> matchSet = Match.match(this.matchThreshold.floatValue(), this.scoreJena); Set<Map<String, String>> solSet = getNewSolSet(); if (matchSet.isEmpty()) {"No Results Found"); } else {"Building Record Set"); Map<String, String> tempMap; for (Map<String, String> entry : matchSet) { String sinputuri = entry.get("sInputURI"); String svivouri = entry.get("sVivoURI"); log.trace("Potential Match: <" + sinputuri + "> to <" + svivouri + ">"); tempMap = new HashMap<String, String>(); tempMap.put("sInput", sinputuri); Resource sInput = this.inputJena.getJenaModel().getResource(sinputuri); tempMap.put("sVivo", svivouri); Resource sVivo = this.vivoJena.getJenaModel().getResource(svivouri); for (String runName : this.vivoPredicates.keySet()) { Property os_runName = this.inputJena.getJenaModel() .getProperty(this.inputPredicates.get(runName)); Statement os_stmnt = sInput.getProperty(os_runName); RDFNode os = null; if (os_stmnt != null) { os = os_stmnt.getObject(); } Property op_runName = this.vivoJena.getJenaModel() .getProperty(this.vivoPredicates.get(runName)); Statement op_stmnt = sVivo.getProperty(op_runName); RDFNode op = null; if (op_stmnt != null) { op = op_stmnt.getObject(); } addRunName(tempMap, runName, os, op); } solSet.add(tempMap); } } return solSet; } /** * Add the os and op nodes to tempMap for runName * @param tempMap the map to add to * @param runName the runName * @param os the os * @param op the op */ private static void addRunName(Map<String, String> tempMap, String runName, RDFNode os, RDFNode op) { if ((os != null) && os.isResource()) { tempMap.put("URI_os_" + runName, os.asResource().getURI()); } else if ((os != null) && os.isLiteral()) { tempMap.put("LIT_os_" + runName, os.asLiteral().getValue().toString()); } if ((op != null) && op.isResource()) { tempMap.put("URI_op_" + runName, op.asResource().getURI()); } else if ((op != null) && op.isLiteral()) { tempMap.put("LIT_op_" + runName, op.asLiteral().getValue().toString()); } } /** * Get an empty solution set * @return the new empty solution set */ private static Set<Map<String, String>> getNewSolSet() { return new TreeSet<Map<String, String>>(new Comparator<Map<String, String>>() { @Override public int compare(Map<String, String> o1, Map<String, String> o2) { String o1key = o1.get("sInput") + o1.get("sVivo"); String o2key = o2.get("sInput") + o2.get("sVivo"); return o1key.compareTo(o2key); } }); } /** * Execute score object algorithms * @throws IOException error connecting */ public void execute() throws IOException { Set<Map<String, String>> solSet = buildSolutionSet(); if (!solSet.isEmpty()) {"Processing Results"); int total = solSet.size(); int count = 0; int incrementer = 0; double recordBatchSize = Math.ceil(this.batchSize / (2.0 + (this.vivoPredicates.size() * 7))); StringBuilder indScore; StringBuilder scoreSparql = new StringBuilder(); for (Map<String, String> eval : solSet) { count++; incrementer++; indScore = new StringBuilder(); String sInputURI = eval.get("sInput"); String sVivoURI = eval.get("sVivo"); float percent = Math.round(10000f * count / total) / 100f; log.debug("(" + count + "/" + total + ": " + percent + "%): Evaluating <" + sInputURI + "> from inputJena as match for <" + sVivoURI + "> from vivoJena"); // Build Score Record indScore.append("" + " _:node" + incrementer + " scoreValue:VivoRes <" + sVivoURI + "> .\n" + " _:node" + incrementer + " scoreValue:InputRes <" + sInputURI + "> .\n"); double sum_total = 0; for (String runName : this.vivoPredicates.keySet()) { String osUri = eval.get("URI_os_" + runName); String osLit = eval.get("LIT_os_" + runName); String opUri = eval.get("URI_op_" + runName); String opLit = eval.get("LIT_op_" + runName); log.debug("os_" + runName + ": '" + ((osUri != null) ? osUri : osLit) + "'"); log.debug("op_" + runName + ": '" + ((opUri != null) ? opUri : opLit) + "'"); sum_total += appendScoreSparqlFragment(indScore, incrementer, opUri, opLit, osUri, osLit, runName); } log.debug("sum_total: " + sum_total); log.trace("Scores for inputJena node <" + sInputURI + "> to vivoJena node <" + sVivoURI + ">:\n" + indScore.toString()); scoreSparql.append(indScore); if (incrementer == recordBatchSize) { loadRdfToScoreData(scoreSparql.toString()); incrementer = 0; scoreSparql = new StringBuilder(); } } if (incrementer > 0) { loadRdfToScoreData(scoreSparql.toString()); }"Result Processing Complete"); } this.scoreJena.sync(); } /** * Load a batch of scoring data to the score model * @param scores the score rdf/xml fragments * @throws IOException error connecting */ private void loadRdfToScoreData(String scores) throws IOException { String sparql = "" + "PREFIX rdf: <> \n" + "PREFIX scoreValue: <> \n" + "PREFIX xsd: <> \n" + "INSERT DATA {\n" + scores + "}"; // Push Score Data into score model log.trace("Loading Score Data into Score Model:\n" + sparql); this.scoreJena.executeUpdateQuery(sparql); } /** * Builds the select query for equality only mode * @return the equality only mode query */ private String buildEqualitySelectQuery() { //Build query to find all nodes matching on the given predicates StringBuilder sQuery = new StringBuilder("PREFIX scoring: <>\n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?sVivo ?sInput"); List<String> filters = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> vivoSelects = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> inputSelects = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String runName : this.inputPredicates.keySet()) { String vivoProperty = this.vivoPredicates.get(runName); String inputProperty = this.inputPredicates.get(runName); sQuery.append(" ?os_" + runName); sQuery.append(" ?op_" + runName); vivoSelects.add("?sVivo <" + vivoProperty + "> ?op_" + runName + " ."); inputSelects.add("?sInput <" + inputProperty + "> ?os_" + runName + " ."); filters.add("(str(?os_" + runName + ") = str(?op_" + runName + "))"); filters.add("(str(?os_" + runName + ") != str(\"\"))"); filters.add("(str(?op_" + runName + ") != str(\"\"))"); } sQuery.append("\n" + "FROM NAMED <>\n" + "FROM NAMED <>\n" + "WHERE {\n"); sQuery.append(" GRAPH scoring:vivoClone {\n "); sQuery.append(StringUtils.join(vivoSelects, "\n ")); sQuery.append("\n } . \n GRAPH scoring:inputClone {\n" + " "); sQuery.append(StringUtils.join(inputSelects, "\n ")); sQuery.append("\n } . \n FILTER( ("); sQuery.append(StringUtils.join(filters, " && ")); sQuery.append(") && (str(?sVivo) != str(?sInput))"); if (this.namespace != null) { sQuery.append(" && regex(str(?sInput), \"^" + this.namespace + "\")"); } sQuery.append(" ) .\n"); sQuery.append("}"); return sQuery.toString(); } /** * Build the select query * @return the query */ private String buildSelectQuery() { if (this.equalityOnlyMode) { return buildEqualitySelectQuery(); } //Build query to find all nodes matching on the given predicates StringBuilder sQuery = new StringBuilder("PREFIX scoring: <>\n" + "SELECT DISTINCT ?sVivo ?sInput"); StringBuilder vivoOptionals = new StringBuilder(); StringBuilder inputOptionals = new StringBuilder(); List<String> filters = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> vivoUnions = new ArrayList<String>(); List<String> inputUnions = new ArrayList<String>(); for (String runName : this.inputPredicates.keySet()) { String vivoProperty = this.vivoPredicates.get(runName); String inputProperty = this.inputPredicates.get(runName); sQuery.append(" ?os_" + runName); // sQuery.append(" ?ov_" + runName); sQuery.append(" ?op_" + runName); // sQuery.append(" ?oi_" + runName); vivoUnions.add("{ ?sVivo <" + vivoProperty + "> ?ov_" + runName + " }"); vivoOptionals.append(" OPTIONAL { ?sVivo <").append(vivoProperty).append("> ") .append("?op_" + runName).append(" } . \n"); inputUnions.add("{ ?sInput <" + inputProperty + "> ?oi_" + runName + " }"); inputOptionals.append(" " + "OPTIONAL { " + "?sInput <").append(inputProperty).append("> ") .append("?os_" + runName).append(" }" + " . \n"); filters.add("(str(?os_" + runName + ") = str(?ov_" + runName + "))"); } sQuery.append("\n" + "FROM NAMED <>\n" + "FROM NAMED <>\n" + "WHERE {\n"); sQuery.append(" GRAPH scoring:vivoClone {\n "); sQuery.append(StringUtils.join(vivoUnions, " UNION \n ")); sQuery.append(" . \n"); sQuery.append(vivoOptionals.toString()); sQuery.append(" } . \n"); sQuery.append(" GRAPH scoring:inputClone {\n" + " "); sQuery.append(StringUtils.join(inputUnions, " UNION \n ")); sQuery.append(" . \n"); sQuery.append(inputOptionals.toString()); sQuery.append(" } . \n"); sQuery.append(" FILTER( ("); sQuery.append(StringUtils.join(filters, " || ")); sQuery.append(") && (str(?sVivo) != str(?sInput))"); if (this.namespace != null) { sQuery.append(" && regex(str(?sInput), \"^" + this.namespace + "\")"); } sQuery.append(" ) .\n"); sQuery.append("}"); return sQuery.toString(); } /** * Append the sparql fragment for two rdf nodes to the given stringbuilder * @param sb the stringbuilder to append fragment to * @param nodenum the node number * @param opUri vivoJena node as a URI * @param opLit vivoJena node as a Literal string * @param osUri inputJena node as a URI * @param osLit inputJena node as a Literal string * @param runName the run identifier * @return the score */ private double appendScoreSparqlFragment(StringBuilder sb, int nodenum, String opUri, String opLit, String osUri, String osLit, String runName) { float score = 0f; // if a resource and same uris if (this.equalityOnlyMode || ((osUri != null) && (opUri != null) && osUri.equals(opUri))) { score = 1 / 1f; } else if ((osLit != null) && (opLit != null)) { Class<? extends Algorithm> algClass = this.algorithms.get(runName); try { if (this.commonNames == null) { score = algClass.newInstance().calculate(osLit, opLit); } else { score = algClass.newInstance().calculate(osLit, opLit, this.commonNames); } } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException("Unable to create new instance of class <" + algClass + ">, does it not have a default (no-params) constructor publically available?", e); } catch (InstantiationException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(e); } } double weightedscore = this.weights.get(runName).doubleValue() * score; log.debug("score: " + score); log.debug("weighted_score: " + weightedscore); String fragment = "" + " _:node" + nodenum + " scoreValue:hasScoreValue _:nodeScoreValue" + runName + nodenum + " .\n" + " _:nodeScoreValue" + runName + nodenum + " scoreValue:VivoProp <" + this.vivoPredicates.get(runName) + "> .\n" + " _:nodeScoreValue" + runName + nodenum + " scoreValue:InputProp <" + this.inputPredicates.get(runName) + "> .\n" + " _:nodeScoreValue" + runName + nodenum + " scoreValue:Algorithm \"" + this.algorithms.get(runName).getName() + "\" .\n" + " _:nodeScoreValue" + runName + nodenum + " scoreValue:Score \"" + score + "\"^^xsd:float .\n" + " _:nodeScoreValue" + runName + nodenum + " scoreValue:Weight \"" + this.weights.get(runName) + "\"^^xsd:float .\n" + " _:nodeScoreValue" + runName + nodenum + " scoreValue:WeightedScore \"" + weightedscore + "\"^^xsd:float .\n"; sb.append(fragment); return weightedscore; } /** * Main method * @param args command line arguments */ public static void main(String... args) { Exception error = null; try { InitLog.initLogger(args, getParser()); + ": Start"); new Score(args).execute(); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); log.debug("Stacktrace:", e); System.out.println(getParser().getUsage()); error = e; } catch (UsageException e) {"Printing Usage:"); System.out.println(getParser().getUsage()); error = e; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(e.getMessage()); log.debug("Stacktrace:", e); error = e; } finally { + ": End"); if (error != null) { System.exit(1); } } } }