Example usage for java.lang Float floatValue

List of usage examples for java.lang Float floatValue


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Float floatValue.


public float floatValue() 

Source Link


Returns the float value of this Float object.


From source file:org.apache.jmeter.protocol.http.parser.HTMLParser.java

 * /*from   ww  w.j a  va 2s.c  om*/
 * @param ieVersion Float IE version
 * @return true if IE version < IE v10
protected final boolean isEnableConditionalComments(Float ieVersion) {
    // Conditional comment have been dropped in IE10
    // http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ie/hh801214%28v=vs.85%29.aspx
    return ieVersion != null && ieVersion.floatValue() < IE_10;

From source file:org.intermine.bio.dataconversion.PdbConverter.java

private void processPDBFile(File file, String taxonId) throws Exception {
    Item proteinStructure = createItem("ProteinStructure");
    PDBFileParser pdbfileparser = new PDBFileParser();
    Reader reader = new FileReader(file);
    PdbBufferedReader pdbBuffReader = new PdbBufferedReader(reader);
    Structure structure = pdbfileparser.parsePDBFile(pdbBuffReader);
    String idCode = (String) structure.getHeader().get("idCode");
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(idCode)) {
        proteinStructure.setAttribute("identifier", idCode);
    } else {/* w  w  w  .  ja  v a  2  s  .c o  m*/
        throw new BuildException("No value for title in structure: " + idCode);

    List<String> dbrefs = pdbBuffReader.getDbrefs();
    for (String accnum : dbrefs) {
        String proteinRefId = getProtein(accnum, taxonId);
        proteinStructure.addToCollection("proteins", proteinRefId);

    String title = (((String) structure.getHeader().get("title"))).trim();
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(title)) {
        proteinStructure.setAttribute("title", title);
    } else {
        LOG.warn("No value for title in structure: " + idCode);
    String technique = ((String) structure.getHeader().get("technique")).trim();
    if (StringUtils.isNotEmpty(technique)) {
        proteinStructure.setAttribute("technique", technique);
    } else {
        LOG.warn("No value for technique in structure: " + idCode);
    String classification = ((String) structure.getHeader().get("classification")).trim();
    proteinStructure.setAttribute("classification", classification);
    Object resolution = structure.getHeader().get("resolution");
    if (resolution instanceof Float) {
        final Float resolutionFloat = (Float) structure.getHeader().get("resolution");
        proteinStructure.setAttribute("resolution", Float.toString(resolutionFloat.floatValue()));
    try {
        proteinStructure.setAttribute("atm", structure.toPDB());
    } catch (ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException e) {
        LOG.error("Failed to process structure " + idCode);

From source file:net.lightbody.bmp.proxy.jetty.http.HttpFields.java

/** List values in quality order.
 * @param enm Enumeration of values with quality parameters
 * @return values in quality order./*from  w w  w  .  j a v  a  2  s.c  o  m*/
public static List qualityList(Enumeration enm) {
    if (enm == null || !enm.hasMoreElements())
        return Collections.EMPTY_LIST;

    Object list = null;
    Object qual = null;

    // Assume list will be well ordered and just add nonzero
    while (enm.hasMoreElements()) {
        String v = enm.nextElement().toString();
        Float q = getQuality(v);

        if (q.floatValue() >= 0.001) {
            list = LazyList.add(list, v);
            qual = LazyList.add(qual, q);

    List vl = LazyList.getList(list, false);
    if (vl.size() < 2)
        return vl;

    List ql = LazyList.getList(qual, false);

    // sort list with swaps
    Float last = __zero;
    for (int i = vl.size(); i-- > 0;) {
        Float q = (Float) ql.get(i);
        if (last.compareTo(q) > 0) {
            Object tmp = vl.get(i);
            vl.set(i, vl.get(i + 1));
            vl.set(i + 1, tmp);
            ql.set(i, ql.get(i + 1));
            ql.set(i + 1, q);
            last = __zero;
            i = vl.size();
        last = q;
    return vl;

From source file:com.stimulus.archiva.language.LanguageIdentifier.java

 * Identify language of content.//from w ww.  j av  a  2s  . co  m
 * @param content is the content to analyze.
 * @return The 2 letter
 *         <a href="http://www.w3.org/WAI/ER/IG/ert/iso639.htm">ISO 639
 *         language code</a> (en, fi, sv, ...) of the language that best
 *         matches the specified content.
public synchronized String identify(StringBuffer content) {
    //logger.debug("language identification sample:");
    StringBuffer text = content;
    if ((analyzeLength > 0) && (content.length() > analyzeLength)) {
        text = new StringBuffer().append(content);

    Iterator iter = suspect.getSorted().iterator();
    float topscore = Float.MIN_VALUE;
    String lang = null;
    HashMap scores = new HashMap();
    NGramEntry searched = null;

    while (iter.hasNext()) {
        searched = (NGramEntry) iter.next();
        NGramEntry[] ngrams = (NGramEntry[]) ngramsIdx.get(searched.getSeq());
        if (ngrams != null) {
            for (int j = 0; j < ngrams.length; j++) {
                NGramProfile profile = ngrams[j].getProfile();
                Float pScore = (Float) scores.get(profile);
                if (pScore == null) {
                    pScore = new Float(0);
                float plScore = pScore.floatValue();
                plScore += ngrams[j].getFrequency() + searched.getFrequency();
                scores.put(profile, new Float(plScore));
                if (plScore > topscore) {
                    topscore = plScore;
                    lang = profile.getName();
    logger.debug("document language identified {language='" + lang + "'}");
    return lang;

From source file:ome.server.itests.query.pojos.QueryTest.java

private void assertFloatsNotRounded(double dbl) {
    Correction correction = iQuery.findAll(Correction.class, null).get(0);
    Immersion immersion = iQuery.findAll(Immersion.class, null).get(0);

    Objective o = new Objective();
    Instrument instrument = new Instrument();
    o.setCorrection(correction);//  www .  j ava  2  s.co  m
    // o.setLensNA(new Float(dbl));

    Objective t1 = iUpdate.saveAndReturnObject(o);

    // Test value via jdbc
    String jdbcQuery = "SELECT lensNa FROM Objective WHERE id = :id";
    Float lensNA = (Float) iQuery.projection(jdbcQuery, new Parameters().addId(t1.getId())).get(0)[0];
    assertEquals(dbl, lensNA.floatValue(), 0.01);
    try {
        assertEquals(dbl, lensNA.floatValue(), Float.MIN_VALUE);
    } catch (AssertionFailedError e) {
        // This is what fails!!

    // now test is with double which is our chosen solution
    Double lensNADoubled = (Double) iQuery.projection(jdbcQuery, new Parameters().addId(t1.getId())).get(0)[0];
    assertEquals(dbl, lensNADoubled.doubleValue(), 0.01);
    assertEquals(dbl, lensNADoubled.doubleValue(), Float.MIN_VALUE);
    assertEquals(dbl, lensNADoubled.doubleValue(), Double.MIN_VALUE);

    // Test value return by iUpdate
    // Now changing these to doubleValue() post #1150 fix.
    assertEquals(dbl, t1.getLensNA().doubleValue(), 0.001);
    assertEquals(dbl, t1.getLensNA().doubleValue(), Float.MIN_VALUE);
    assertEquals(dbl, t1.getLensNA().doubleValue());

    // Test via query
    Objective t2 = iQuery.find(Objective.class, o.getId());
    assertEquals(dbl, t2.getLensNA().doubleValue());

From source file:org.apache.cocoon.components.flow.java.test.FlowTest.java

public void testSimple() throws Exception {

    /*        ClassLoader cl = getClass().getClassLoader();
            while (cl != null) {//from   w  ww.j av a 2 s  .c  o  m
    cl = cl.getParent();
            try {
            catch (Exception e) {

    Class clazz = loader.loadClass("org.apache.cocoon.components.flow.java.test.SimpleFlow");
    Continuable flow = (Continuable) clazz.newInstance();

    Method method = clazz.getMethod("run", new Class[0]);

    Continuation c = new Continuation(context);

    System.out.println("*** start flow");
    method.invoke(flow, new Object[0]);
    if (c.isCapturing())
    System.out.println("*** return from flow");


    //System.out.println("request=" + request);
    request.addParameter("a", "2.3");
    c = new Continuation(c, context);


    System.out.println("*** resume flow");
    method.invoke(flow, new Object[0]);
    if (c.isCapturing())
    System.out.println("*** return from flow");


    VarMap map = (VarMap) FlowHelper.getContextObject(objectmodel);

    assertEquals(((Float) map.getMap().get("result")).floatValue(), 3.3f, 0.1f);

    JXPathContext jxcontext = JXPathContext.newContext(FlowHelper.getContextObject(objectmodel));
    Float result = (Float) jxcontext.getValue("result");

    assertEquals(result.floatValue(), 3.3f, 0.1f);

From source file:org.eclipse.wb.internal.swing.MigLayout.model.MigDimensionInfo.java

 * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link MigDimensionInfo} has not <code>null</code> grow
 *         weight./*from w  ww .ja  v  a2  s . com*/
public final boolean hasGrow() {
    Float grow = m_constraint.getGrow();
    return grow != null && grow.floatValue() > 0.001f;

From source file:com.hotwire.sid.QuovaIP_GeoServerAdapter.java

 * Helper method that takes an ipInfoRecord as input and populates an
 * IP_GeoResponse with the record It currently sets the countryCode,
 * gmtOffset, ndmaCode and zipCode if cityConfidenceFactor is >=
 * cityConfidenceFactorThreshold//from  w  ww .  j  av  a 2  s. c  om
 * @param ipInfoRecord
 * @return IP_GeoResponse
private IP_GeoResponse getIP_GeoResponseFromIPInfoRecord(IPInfo ipInfoRecord) {
    IP_GeoResponse ipGeoResponse = new IP_GeoResponse(ipInfoRecord.getString(IPInfoField.IP_ADDRESS), 'Q');
    // set country code

    // parse GMT
    try {
        Float gmtOffset = ipInfoRecord.getFloat(IPInfoField.TIMEZONE);
        if (gmtOffset != null) {
    } catch (QuovaException qe) {
        // this is expected since gmtOffset sometimes comes back as
        // 'multizone' so ignore this
        if (log.isLoggable(Level.FINE)) {
            log.fine("Could not parse IPInfoField.TIMEZONE for ip: " + ipGeoResponse.getIP_Address() + ". "
                    + "String value of field is: " + ipInfoRecord.getString(IPInfoField.TIMEZONE));

    // parse NDMA code
    try {
        Integer ndmaCode = ipInfoRecord.getInt(IPInfoField.DMA);
        if (ndmaCode != null) {
    } catch (QuovaException qe) {
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not parse IPInfoField.DMA for ip: " + ipGeoResponse.getIP_Address() + ". "
                + "String value of field is: " + ipInfoRecord.getString(IPInfoField.DMA), qe);

    // evaluate the city confidence factor and if it is >=
    // cityConfidenceFactorThreshold, set the zip code
    Integer cityConfidenceFactor = ipInfoRecord.getCF(IPInfoField.CITY);
    if (cityConfidenceFactor != null && cityConfidenceFactor.intValue() >= cityConfidenceFactorThreshold) {

    // parse other numeric fields
    try {
        Float longitude = ipInfoRecord.getFloat(IPInfoField.LONGITUDE);
        if (longitude != null) {

        Float latitude = ipInfoRecord.getFloat(IPInfoField.LATITUDE);
        if (latitude != null) {
    } catch (QuovaException qe) {
        log.log(Level.SEVERE, "Could not parse latitude / longitude for ip: " + ipGeoResponse.getIP_Address()
                + ". " + "String value of latitude is: " + ipInfoRecord.getString(IPInfoField.LATITUDE) + ". "
                + "String value of longitude is: " + ipInfoRecord.getString(IPInfoField.LONGITUDE) + ".", qe);
    return ipGeoResponse;

From source file:org.openconcerto.erp.core.humanresources.payroll.report.EtatChargesPayeSheet.java

protected void createMap() {

    this.mapReplace = new HashMap();
    this.mCell = new HashMap();
    this.mapStyleRow = new HashMap();

    SQLSelect sel = new SQLSelect(base);
    // sel.addSelect(tableSalarie.getField("ID"));

    Where w = (new Where(tableFichePayeElement.getField("ID_FICHE_PAYE"), "=", tableFichePaye.getField("ID")));
    Where w6 = (new Where(tableFichePayeElement.getField("SOURCE"), "=", "RUBRIQUE_COTISATION"));
    // Where w2 = (new Where(tableFichePaye.getField("ID_SALARIE"), "=",
    // tableSalarie.getField("ID")));
    Where w3 = (new Where(tableFichePaye.getField("ID_MOIS"), new Integer(this.moisDu),
            new Integer(this.moisAu)));
    Where w4 = (new Where(tableFichePaye.getField("ANNEE"), "=", new Integer(this.annee)));
    Where w5 = (new Where(tableFichePaye.getField("VALIDE"), "=", Boolean.TRUE));

    sel.setWhere(w);//from ww  w .  j  a va 2  s . c  o m
    // sel.andWhere(w2);
    String req = sel.asString();


    // Liste des rubriques de chaque salaries
    List l = (List) base.getDataSource().execute(req, new ArrayListHandler());

    // Association idCaisse, Map rowValsRubCotCumul
    Map mapCaisse = new HashMap();
    Map mapFiche = new HashMap();

    // Cumuls des rubriques de cotisations par caisse
    for (int i = 0; i < l.size(); i++) {
        Object[] tmp = (Object[]) l.get(i);
        mapFiche.put(tmp[0], "");
        int idFicheElt = Integer.parseInt(tmp[1].toString());

        SQLRow rowFicheElt = tableFichePayeElement.getRow(idFicheElt);
        SQLRow rowRub = tableRubCot.getRow(rowFicheElt.getInt("IDSOURCE"));

        // On recupere la map de la caisse
        Map mapValueRub;
        if (mapCaisse.containsKey(new Integer(rowRub.getInt("ID_CAISSE_COTISATION")))) {
            mapValueRub = (Map) mapCaisse.get(new Integer(rowRub.getInt("ID_CAISSE_COTISATION")));
        } else {
            mapValueRub = new HashMap();
            mapCaisse.put(new Integer(rowRub.getInt("ID_CAISSE_COTISATION")), mapValueRub);

        // on recupere la rowvalues de la rubrique
        SQLRowValues rowVals;
        if (mapValueRub.containsKey(rowFicheElt.getObject("IDSOURCE"))) {
            rowVals = (SQLRowValues) mapValueRub.get(rowFicheElt.getObject("IDSOURCE"));
            // on cumule les donnes
            if (rowFicheElt.getObject("NB_BASE") != null) {
                Object o = rowVals.getObject("NB_BASE");
                float base = (o == null) ? 0.0F : ((Float) o).floatValue();
                base += rowFicheElt.getFloat("NB_BASE");
                rowVals.put("NB_BASE", new Float(base));
            if (rowFicheElt.getObject("MONTANT_PAT") != null) {
                Object o = rowVals.getObject("MONTANT_PAT");
                float montant = (o == null) ? 0.0F : ((Float) o).floatValue();
                montant += rowFicheElt.getFloat("MONTANT_PAT");
                rowVals.put("MONTANT_PAT", new Float(montant));
            if (rowFicheElt.getObject("MONTANT_SAL_DED") != null) {
                Object o = rowVals.getObject("MONTANT_SAL_DED");
                float montant = (o == null) ? 0.0F : ((Float) o).floatValue();
                montant += rowFicheElt.getFloat("MONTANT_SAL_DED");
                rowVals.put("MONTANT_SAL_DED", new Float(montant));
        } else {
            rowVals = new SQLRowValues(tableFichePayeElement);
            float montantPat, montantSal;

            Object o = rowVals.getObject("MONTANT_PAT");
            montantPat = (o == null) ? 0.0F : ((Float) o).floatValue();

            o = rowVals.getObject("MONTANT_SAL_DED");
            montantSal = (o == null) ? 0.0F : ((Float) o).floatValue();

            if (montantPat != 0 || montantSal != 0) {
                mapValueRub.put(rowFicheElt.getObject("IDSOURCE"), rowVals);


    // Fill
    int posLine = 1;
    int firstLine = 1;

    System.err.println("Dump fiche " + mapFiche);
    System.err.println("NB Pages = " + mapCaisse.keySet().size());

    for (int n = 0; n < mapCaisse.keySet().size(); n++) {

        // entete
        posLine += (debutFill - 1);

        Map mapValue = (Map) mapCaisse.get(mapCaisse.keySet().toArray()[n]);
        float totalMontantSal = 0.0F;
        float totalMontantPat = 0.0F;

        SQLRow rowCaisse = tableCaisse.getRow(Integer.parseInt(mapCaisse.keySet().toArray()[n].toString()));
        this.mCell.put("A" + posLine, "Caisse " + rowCaisse.getObject("NOM"));
        this.mCell.put("B" + posLine, "");
        this.mCell.put("C" + posLine, "");
        this.mCell.put("D" + posLine, "");
        this.mCell.put("E" + posLine, "");
        this.mCell.put("F" + posLine, "");
        this.mapStyleRow.put(new Integer(posLine), "Titre 1");


        for (int i = 0; i < mapValue.keySet().size(); i++) {
            SQLRowValues rowVals = (SQLRowValues) mapValue.get(mapValue.keySet().toArray()[i]);

            this.mCell.put("A" + posLine, rowVals.getObject("NOM"));
            this.mCell.put("B" + posLine, rowVals.getObject("NB_BASE"));

            Float oTxSal = (Float) rowVals.getObject("TAUX_SAL");
            float txSal = (oTxSal == null) ? 0.0F : oTxSal.floatValue();
            Float oTxPat = (Float) rowVals.getObject("TAUX_PAT");
            float txPat = (oTxPat == null) ? 0.0F : oTxPat.floatValue();
            this.mCell.put("C" + posLine, new Float(txSal + txPat));

            Float oMontantSal = (Float) rowVals.getObject("MONTANT_SAL_DED");
            float montantSal = (oMontantSal == null) ? 0.0F : oMontantSal.floatValue();
            Float oMontantPat = (Float) rowVals.getObject("MONTANT_PAT");
            float montantPat = (oMontantPat == null) ? 0.0F : oMontantPat.floatValue();
            this.mCell.put("D" + posLine, new Float(montantPat));
            this.mCell.put("E" + posLine, new Float(montantSal));
            this.mCell.put("F" + posLine, new Float(montantSal + montantPat));
            totalMontantPat += montantPat;
            totalMontantSal += montantSal;

            this.mapStyleRow.put(new Integer(posLine), "Normal");

        this.mCell.put("A" + posLine, "Total");
        this.mCell.put("B" + posLine, "");
        this.mCell.put("C" + posLine, "");
        this.mCell.put("D" + posLine, new Float(totalMontantPat));
        this.mCell.put("E" + posLine, new Float(totalMontantSal));
        this.mCell.put("F" + posLine, new Float(totalMontantPat + totalMontantSal));
        this.mapStyleRow.put(new Integer(posLine), "Titre 1");

        // pied de page
        posLine = firstLine + endFill - 1;
        posLine += 2;

        firstLine = posLine;

    this.nbPage = mapCaisse.size();

    System.err.println("Nombre de page " + this.nbPage);

    // on conserve la page d'origine du model

    if (this.nbPage > 0) {

From source file:org.zilverline.lucene.BoostingParser.java

 * Callback that returns Query with boosted fields using BoostFactors
 * /*  ww  w  . j a  v  a  2 s .  co m*/
 * @param field the field to query
 * @param analyzer the analyzer to use
 * @param queryText the query
 * @return Query object
 * @throws ParseException if Query can't be made
protected Query getFieldQuery(String field, Analyzer analyzer, String queryText) throws ParseException {
    // Use the analyzer to get all the tokens, and then build a TermQuery,
    // PhraseQuery, or nothing based on the term count
    // for field that contain 'contents' add boostfactors for other terms
    // specified in BoostFactor
    if (factors != null && factors.getFactors() != null && !factors.getFactors().isEmpty()
            && defaultField.equals(field)) {
        TokenStream source = analyzer.tokenStream(field, new StringReader(queryText));
        Vector v = new Vector();
        org.apache.lucene.analysis.Token t;

        while (true) {
            try {
                t = source.next();
            } catch (IOException e) {
                t = null;
            if (t == null) {
            log.debug(field + " , " + t.termText());

        try {
        } catch (IOException e) {
            log.error("Unexpected Exception");

        if (v.size() == 0) {
            return null;
        } else {
            // create a new composed query
            BooleanQuery bq = new BooleanQuery();

            // For all boostfactors create a new PhraseQuery
            Iterator iter = factors.getFactors().entrySet().iterator();

            while (iter.hasNext()) {
                Map.Entry element = (Map.Entry) iter.next();
                String thisField = ((String) element.getKey()).toLowerCase();
                Float boost = (Float) element.getValue();
                PhraseQuery q = new PhraseQuery();

                // and add all the terms of the query
                for (int i = 0; i < v.size(); i++) {
                    q.add(new Term(thisField, (String) v.elementAt(i)));

                // boost the query

                // and add it to the composed query
                bq.add(q, false, false);
            log.debug("Query: " + bq);

            return bq;
    } else {
        log.debug("Treat like normal query: " + queryText);
        return super.getFieldQuery(field, analyzer, queryText);