Source code

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 * Copyright (c) 2011 Google, Inc.
 * All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials
 * are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0
 * which accompanies this distribution, and is available at
 * Contributors:
 *    Google, Inc. - initial API and implementation
package org.eclipse.wb.internal.swing.MigLayout.model;

import org.eclipse.wb.internal.core.utils.check.Assert;

import net.miginfocom.layout.AC;
import net.miginfocom.layout.BoundSize;
import net.miginfocom.layout.ConstraintParser;
import net.miginfocom.layout.DimConstraint;
import net.miginfocom.layout.IDEUtil;
import net.miginfocom.layout.UnitValue;
import net.miginfocom.swing.MigLayout;
import net.miginfocom.swing.SwingContainerWrapper;

import org.apache.commons.lang.StringUtils;

import java.awt.Container;
import java.beans.Beans;
import java.util.List;
import java.util.Locale;

 * Description for {@link DimConstraint} in {@link MigLayout}.
 * @author scheglov_ke
 * @coverage swing.MigLayout.model
public abstract class MigDimensionInfo {
    protected final MigLayoutInfo m_layout;
    private final boolean m_horizontal;
    protected DimConstraint m_constraint;

    // Constructor
    public MigDimensionInfo(MigLayoutInfo layout, boolean horizontal) {
        m_layout = layout;
        m_horizontal = horizontal;
        m_constraint = createDefaultConstraint();

    // Access
    public abstract void delete() throws Exception;

    public abstract List<? extends MigDimensionInfo> getSiblings();

     * @return the index of this {@link MigDimensionInfo} in all dimensions of {@link MigLayoutInfo}.
    public final int getIndex() {
        return getSiblings().indexOf(this);

     * @return the tooltip text to show for user.
    public final String getTooltip() {
        return getString(true);

     * @param withBraces
     *          is <code>true</code>, if surrounding <code>[]</code> should be used.
     * @return the constraints of this {@link MigDimensionInfo} as string.
    public final String getString(boolean withBraces) {
        AC ac = new AC();
        ac.setConstaints(new DimConstraint[] { m_constraint });
        String constraintString = IDEUtil.getConstraintString(ac, false, m_horizontal);
        if (!withBraces) {
            constraintString = StringUtils.strip(constraintString, "[]");
        return constraintString;

     * Sets the constraints of this {@link MigDimensionInfo} as string.
    public final void setString(String s) {
        m_constraint = parseDimConstraint(m_horizontal, s);

    // Gaps
     * @return the gap before this dimension.
    public final BoundSize getGapBefore() {
        return m_constraint.getGapBefore();

     * Sets the gap before this dimension.
    public final void setGapBefore(String boundSizeString) {
        BoundSize gap = parseBoundSize(boundSizeString);
        // set "before" gap for this dimension
        // if has previous dimension, set "after" gap
            List<? extends MigDimensionInfo> siblings = getSiblings();
            int index = siblings.indexOf(this);
            if (index != 0) {
                siblings.get(index - 1).m_constraint.setGapAfter(gap);

     * @return the gap after this dimension.
    public final BoundSize getGapAfter() {
        return m_constraint.getGapAfter();

     * Sets the gap before this dimension.
    public final void setGapAfter(String boundSizeString) {
        BoundSize gap = parseBoundSize(boundSizeString);
        // set "after" gap for this dimension
        // if has next dimension, set "before" gap
            List<? extends MigDimensionInfo> siblings = getSiblings();
            int index = siblings.indexOf(this);
            if (index != siblings.size() - 1) {
                siblings.get(index + 1).m_constraint.setGapBefore(gap);

    // Grow
     * @return the {@link DimConstraint#getGrowPriority()} property.
    public final int getGrowPriority() {
        return m_constraint.getGrowPriority();

     * Sets the {@link DimConstraint#getGrowPriority()} property.
    public final void setGrowPriority(int priority) {

     * @return the grow weight, may be <code>null</code> if no grow required.
    public final Float getGrow() {
        return m_constraint.getGrow();

     * Sets the grow weight, may be <code>null</code> if no grow required.
    public final void setGrow(Float weight) {

     * @return <code>true</code> if this {@link MigDimensionInfo} has not <code>null</code> grow
     *         weight.
    public final boolean hasGrow() {
        Float grow = m_constraint.getGrow();
        return grow != null && grow.floatValue() > 0.001f;

     * Flips "grow" property between <code>true</code> to <code>false</code>.
    public final void flipGrow() {
        if (hasGrow()) {
        } else {

    // Shrink
     * @return the {@link DimConstraint#getShrinkPriority()} property.
    public final int getShrinkPriority() {
        return m_constraint.getShrinkPriority();

     * Sets the {@link DimConstraint#getGrowPriority()} property.
    public final void setShrinkPriority(int priority) {

     * @return the shrink weight, may be <code>null</code> if no shrink required.
    public final Float getShrink() {
        return m_constraint.getShrink();

     * Sets the shrink weight, may be <code>null</code> if no shrink required.
    public final void setShrink(Float weight) {

    // Internal access
     * Updates {@link #m_constraint} with corresponding {@link DimConstraint}.
    final void updateConstraint() throws Exception {
        m_constraint = fetchConstraint();

     * @return the corresponding {@link DimConstraint} for this {@link MigDimensionInfo}.
    protected abstract DimConstraint fetchConstraint();

     * @return the default {@link DimConstraint} for this type of {@link MigDimensionInfo}.
    protected abstract DimConstraint createDefaultConstraint();

    // Size
     * @return minimum size of this {@link MigDimensionInfo}.
    public UnitValue getMinimumSize() {
        BoundSize boundSize = m_constraint.getSize();
        return boundSize.getMin();

     * Sets only minimum size of this dimension {@link BoundSize}.
    public void setMinimumSize(String s) {
        UnitValue size = parseSimpleSize(s);
        BoundSize boundSize = m_constraint.getSize();
        m_constraint.setSize(new BoundSize(size, boundSize.getPreferred(), boundSize.getMax(), null));

     * @return preferred size of this {@link MigDimensionInfo}.
    public UnitValue getPreferredSize() {
        BoundSize boundSize = m_constraint.getSize();
        return boundSize.getPreferred();

     * Sets only preferred size of this dimension {@link BoundSize}.
    public void setPreferredSize(String s) {
        UnitValue size = parseSimpleSize(s);
        BoundSize boundSize = m_constraint.getSize();
        m_constraint.setSize(new BoundSize(boundSize.getMin(), size, boundSize.getMax(), null));

     * @return maximum size of this {@link MigDimensionInfo}.
    public UnitValue getMaximumSize() {
        BoundSize boundSize = m_constraint.getSize();
        return boundSize.getMax();

     * Sets only maximum size of this dimension {@link BoundSize}.
    public void setMaximumSize(String s) {
        UnitValue size = parseSimpleSize(s);
        BoundSize boundSize = m_constraint.getSize();
        m_constraint.setSize(new BoundSize(boundSize.getMin(), boundSize.getPreferred(), size, null));

     * Sets {@link BoundSize} of dimension as single string.
    public void setSize(String sizeString) {
        BoundSize size = parseBoundSize(sizeString);
        if (size == null) {
            size = new BoundSize(null, null, null, null);

     * @return the {@link UnitValue} corresponding to the single size, such as <code>"1cm"</code>.
    private UnitValue parseSimpleSize(String s) {
        BoundSize boundSize = parseBoundSize(s);
        return boundSize != null ? boundSize.getPreferred() : null;

     * @return the {@link BoundSize} of dimension parsed from string.
    private BoundSize parseBoundSize(final String sizeString) {
        if (sizeString == null) {
            return null;
        boolean old_designTime = Beans.isDesignTime();
        try {
            return ConstraintParser.parseBoundSize(sizeString, false, m_horizontal);
        } finally {

     * @return the string presentation of given {@link UnitValue}.
    public final String getString(UnitValue value) {
        if (value != null) {
            return getString(new BoundSize(null, value, null, null));
        } else {
            return null;

     * @return the string presentation of given {@link BoundSize}.
    public final String getString(BoundSize boundSize) {
        if (boundSize != null) {
            AC ac = new AC();
            DimConstraint dimConstraint = new DimConstraint();
            ac.setConstaints(new DimConstraint[] { dimConstraint });
            String constraintString = IDEUtil.getConstraintString(ac, false, m_horizontal);
            return StringUtils.strip(constraintString, "[]");
        } else {
            return null;

    // Parsing
     * Parses {@link DimConstraint} from {@link String}.
    protected static DimConstraint parseDimConstraint(boolean horizontal, String s) {
        // prepare constraints
        AC ac;
            boolean old_designTime = Beans.isDesignTime();
            try {
                if (horizontal) {
                    ac = ConstraintParser.parseColumnConstraints(s);
                } else {
                    ac = ConstraintParser.parseRowConstraints(s);
            } finally {
        // extract single constraint
        Assert.equals(1, ac.getCount(), s);
        return ac.getConstaints()[0];

    // Unit conversion
     * @return the size string that uses given unit and has required size in pixels.
    public String toUnitString(int pixels, String unit) {
        return String.format(Locale.ENGLISH, "%.2f%s", toUnit(pixels, unit), unit);

     * @return the value in units corresponding to the value in pixels.
    public float toUnit(int pixels, String unit) {
        float pixelsInOne = getPixelsInOneUnit(unit);
        return pixels / pixelsInOne;

     * @return the size of single unit in pixels.
    public float getPixelsInOneUnit(String unit) {
        UnitValue unitValue = ConstraintParser.parseUnitValue("1" + unit, m_horizontal);
        Container container = m_layout.getContainer().getContainer();
        SwingContainerWrapper parentWrapper = new SwingContainerWrapper(container);
        int refValue = m_horizontal ? container.getBounds().width : container.getBounds().height;
        return unitValue.getPixelsExact(refValue, parentWrapper, null);