List of usage examples for java.lang Double NEGATIVE_INFINITY
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public int getMajorityClass(int attr) { int m_class = -1; double m_max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double[] clcts = m_ClassCounts[attr]; for (int i = 0; i < clcts.length; i++) { if (clcts[i] > m_max) { m_class = i; m_max = clcts[i];// w w w . j a v a2 s .c o m } } if (m_max <= MathUtil.C1E_9 && m_Training != null) { // no examples covered -> m_max = null -> use whole training set majority class return m_Training.getMajorityClass(attr); } return m_class; }
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public static ProjectionVector combineProjections(Collection<ProjectionVector> vectors) { Iterator<ProjectionVector> i = vectors.iterator(); if (vectors.size() == 0) return null; if (vectors.size() == 1) return; ProjectionVector p0 =;/*from w w w . j a v a 2s . c o m*/ ProjectionVector p1 =; //Get bordering unit vectors double cos0 = p0.xNorm(); double sin0 = p0.yNorm(); double cos1 = p1.xNorm(); double sin1 = p1.yNorm(); //zeroth on the right, first on the left if (cos0 * sin1 < cos1 * sin0) { double tmpcos = cos1; double tmpsin = sin1; cos1 = cos0; sin1 = sin0; cos0 = tmpcos; sin0 = tmpsin; } while (i.hasNext()) { ProjectionVector next =; double nextcos = next.xNorm(); double nextsin = next.yNorm(); if (nextcos * sin0 >= cos0 * nextsin && cos1 * nextsin >= nextcos * sin1) { //Case 0: Within cross product bounds } else if (nextcos * sin0 >= cos0 * nextsin) { //Case 1: Over the left, extend those bounds cos1 = nextcos; sin1 = nextsin; } else if (cos1 * nextsin >= nextcos * sin1) { //Case 2: Over the right, extend those bounds cos0 = nextcos; sin0 = nextsin; } else { //Case 3: something went horribly wrong return null; } } //Now... project all vectors onto the sum of the borders. double sumcos = cos0 + cos1; double sumsin = sin0 + sin1; double len = FastMath.hypot(sumcos, sumsin); if (len == 0) return null; sumcos /= len; sumsin /= len; double maxlen = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (ProjectionVector v : vectors) { double scalarProj = (v.xComp() * sumcos + v.yComp() * sumsin) / (sumcos * sumcos + sumsin * sumsin); if (scalarProj > maxlen) maxlen = scalarProj; } return new ProjectionVector(sumcos, sumsin, maxlen); }
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/** * Test of generateFluorophoresFromCSV method, of class FluorophoreReceiver. *///w w w . j a v a2 s . c o m @Test public void testGenerateFluorophoresFromCSV() throws Exception { URL csv = FluorophoreReceiverIT.class.getResource("/label_pix_sass.csv"); File csvFile = new File(csv.getFile()); GenerateFluorophoresFromCSV.Builder fluorBuilder = new GenerateFluorophoresFromCSV.Builder(); fluorBuilder.file(csvFile); // The file containing the locations. fluorBuilder.rescale(true); // Rescale positions to fit image? // Create the set of fluorophores.; FluorophoreCommand fluorCommand =; List<Fluorophore> fluorophores = fluorCommand.generateFluorophores(); assertEquals(69358, fluorophores.size()); double minX = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double maxX = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double minY = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY; double maxY = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; for (Fluorophore f : fluorophores) { if (f.getX() < minX) minX = f.getX(); if (f.getX() > maxX) maxX = f.getX(); if (f.getY() < minY) minY = f.getY(); if (f.getY() > maxY) maxY = f.getY(); } assertTrue(maxX <= 32); assertTrue(minX >= 0.0); assertTrue(maxY <= 32); assertTrue(minY >= 0.0); }
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@Override public void proc() { if (enabled) { if ((first_run || (SOLUTION_TREE_MO.getEvaluation() < this.getGoal_fitness())) && !((String) EVENTS_SEQUENCE_MO.getI()).isEmpty()) { // System.out.println("Init proc ... "); try { JSONArray sequence_json = new JSONArray(EVENTS_SEQUENCE_MO.getI()); System.out.print("."); int sequence_lenght = sequence_json.length(); //If (maxEventsSequenceLenght==Integer.MAX_VALUE), it tries to learn a new tree as soon as possible (if it has new events and previous learning is over) //TODO Increment this condition for it to start learning only if it makes a mistake? //If maxEventsSequenceLenght is a finite integer (set by the user) it waits until maxEventsSequenceLenght new events are presented to the current solution. Only then does it start learning a new sequence. if (maxEventsSequenceLenght == Integer.MAX_VALUE || (sequence_lenght - last_number_of_events) >= maxEventsSequenceLenght) { while (sequence_json.length() > maxEventsSequenceLenght) { // learns only with the last MAX_EVENTS_SEQUENCE_LENGHT events sequence_json.remove(0); }/*from w ww . j a v a 2 s . c om*/ if (this.printSequenceUsedForLearning) { System.out.println(""); } GlasSequence mySequence = new GlasSequence(); if (this.printSequenceUsedForLearning) { System.out.println("Sequence used for learning: "); } for (int e = 0; e < sequence_json.length(); e++) { //TODO Should be inside GlasSequence? JSONObject event_json = sequence_json.getJSONObject(e); int stim = event_json.getInt(GlasSequenceElements.SENSED_STIMULUS.toString()); int act = event_json.getInt(GlasSequenceElements.EXPECTED_ACTION.toString()); double rew = event_json.getDouble(GlasSequenceElements.REWARD_RECEIVED.toString()); // Sequence used for learning: // 0,2,0,-1.0 //TODO if (this.printSequenceUsedForLearning) { System.out.println(e + "," + stim + "," + act + "," + rew); } mySequence.addEvent(new GlasEvent(stim, act, rew)); } //TODO Store WHO acted on this sequence, and its results JSONArray solution_tree_phenotype_jsonarray = new JSONArray(SOLUTION_TREE_MO.getI()); int[] solution_tree_phenotype_int = new int[solution_tree_phenotype_jsonarray.length()]; for (int i = 0; i < solution_tree_phenotype_jsonarray.length(); i++) { solution_tree_phenotype_int[i] = solution_tree_phenotype_jsonarray.getInt(i); } int[] genotype_int = this.getGenotypeFromPhenotype(solution_tree_phenotype_int); int nNodesIndi = (solution_tree_phenotype_int.length / 3); Individual indi = new Individual(nNodesIndi, nStimuli, nActions); indi.setChromossome(genotype_int); double max_fit = this.getMaxFitnessForSequence(mySequence); double fit = indi.getFitness(mySequence); indi.setNormalizedFitness(fit / max_fit); indi_list.add(indi); if (this.printLearnedSolutionTree) { // System.out.println(""); System.out.print(fit + ","); System.out.print(fit / max_fit + ","); System.out.print(nNodesIndi + ","); for (int i = 0; i < genotype_int.length; i++) { System.out.print(genotype_int[i] + ","); } System.out.print(indi_list.size()); System.out.println(""); } //LEARNING PHASE System.out.println("I just started learning from a new sequence..."); int[] temp_best_found_int = { 1, 1, 1 }; double temp_best_found_fit = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double normalized_fitness = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; GlasLearner myLearner = new GlasLearner(nNodes, nStimuli, nActions); for (int local_nNodes = minNumberOfNodes; local_nNodes <= maxNumberOfNodes; local_nNodes++) { myLearner = new GlasLearner(local_nNodes, nStimuli, nActions); boolean show_gui = false; myLearner.setShow_gui(show_gui); myLearner.setnReRuns(nReRuns); // int max_number_reRuns=500; //int max_number_reRuns=500; // int nParticles = 1000; //int nParticles = 1000; // myLearner.setMax_number_reRuns(max_number_reRuns); // myLearner.setnParticles(nParticles); // myLearner.learnSequence(mySequence); // if (myLearner.getBest_found_fit() > temp_best_found_fit) { temp_best_found_int = myLearner.getBest_found_solution(); temp_best_found_fit = myLearner.getBest_found_fit(); } if (this.printLearnedSolutionTree) { double temp_max_fit = this.getMaxFitnessForSequence(mySequence); // System.out.println(""); System.out.print(temp_best_found_fit + ","); normalized_fitness = temp_best_found_fit / temp_max_fit; System.out.print(normalized_fitness + ","); System.out.print(local_nNodes + ","); for (int i = 0; i < temp_best_found_int.length - 1; i++) { System.out.print(temp_best_found_int[i] + ","); } System.out.println(temp_best_found_int[temp_best_found_int.length - 1]); } } System.out.println("...finished learning."); int[] best_found_int = temp_best_found_int; //TODO Unnecessary? int[] new_solution_tree_int = this.getPhenotypeFromGenotype(best_found_int); double best_found_fit = temp_best_found_fit; //TODO Unnecessary? best_solution_tree = new JSONArray(); for (int i = 0; i < new_solution_tree_int.length; i++) { best_solution_tree.put(new_solution_tree_int[i]); } SOLUTION_TREE_MO.updateI(best_solution_tree.toString()); // SOLUTION_TREE_MO.setEvaluation(best_found_fit); SOLUTION_TREE_MO.setEvaluation(normalized_fitness); first_run = false; // } if (SOLUTION_TREE_MO.getEvaluation() >= this.getGoal_fitness()) { System.out.println("Found goal fitness = " + SOLUTION_TREE_MO.getEvaluation()); } if (plot_solution) { double[] best_found_double = new double[best_found_int.length]; for (int i = 0; i < best_found_double.length; i++) { best_found_double[i] = ((double) best_found_int[i]); } double[] sol = new double[nNodes * 3]; int count = 0; for (int i = 0; i < sol.length; i++) { if ((i % nNodes) == 0) { sol[i] = 0; } else { sol[i] = best_found_double[count]; count++; } } // ploter = new GlasPlot(sol); // ploter.plot(); } sequence_json = new JSONArray(EVENTS_SEQUENCE_MO.getI()); last_number_of_events = sequence_json.length(); // System.out.println("##########################################"); } //if(sequence_json.length()>=MAX_EVENTS_SEQUENCE_LENGHT) } catch (JSONException e) { System.out.println("This should not happen! (at LearnerCodelet)"); e.printStackTrace(); } } if (indi_list.size() >= this.maxNumberOfSolutions) { System.out.println("Stopped learning."); this.setEnabled(false); } } else {//if enabled // System.out.println("Learning is halted."); //Do nothing } }
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@Override public List<ParameterType> getAdditionalParameterKeys(InputPort inputPort) { List<ParameterType> types = super.getAdditionalParameterKeys(inputPort); types.add(new ParameterTypeDouble(PARAMETER_MARKER, "Defines a horizontal line as a reference to the plot.", Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, true)); return types; }
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public void train(AnnotatedString[] train_xs, AnnotatedString[] train_ys, AnnotatedString[] test_xs, AnnotatedString[] test_ys) {/*ww w.j av a 2 s . com*/ double ll = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, prevll = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double test_ll = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, prev_test_ll = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; DecimalFormat df = new DecimalFormat("#.#"); int iter = 0; do { prevll = ll; prev_test_ll = test_ll; ll = em_step(train_xs, train_ys); test_ll = calc_ll(test_xs, test_ys); System.err.println("===== EM iter " + iter + ": LL=" + df.format(ll) + " TEST_LL=" + df.format(test_ll) + " ====="); } while (test_ll > prev_test_ll && ++iter < MAX_EM_ITER); }
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public double getHighestAcceptedAskPrice() { Iterator<Order> i = asks.iterator(); double highestAcceptedAskPrice = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; while (i.hasNext()) { Order s =;// ww w. j a v a2 s. c o m if (accepted(s)) { if (s.getPriceAsDouble() > highestAcceptedAskPrice) { highestAcceptedAskPrice = s.getPriceAsDouble(); } } } return highestAcceptedAskPrice; }
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private double weigh(BytesRef term) { // TODO: is IDF the best formula? double termCountLog = termLogs.get(term); if (termCountLog == Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY) return 0; double idf = docCountLog - termCountLog; return idf;//from w ww . j av a 2 s. com }
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@Override public double getNgramLogProbability(List<String> ngram) { // check length assert ngram//from w w w .ja v a2 s. com .size() <= _order : "Length of Ngram must be lower or equal to the order of the language model."; if (ngram.size() < 1) return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // c(w_1 ... w_n) Long nominator = getQuantity(ngram); if (nominator == 0) return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; // c(w_1) / N if (ngram.size() == 1) return Math.log10((double) nominator) - Math.log10(_num_ngrams[1][0]); // c(w_1 ... w_n-1) Long denominator = getQuantity(ngram.subList(0, ngram.size() - 1)); if (denominator == 0) return Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY; double logprob = Math.log10((double) nominator) - Math.log10((double) denominator); return logprob; }
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public static int[] argMaxesInColumns(double[][] mat) { int[] argMaxes = new int[mat[0].length]; double[] maxes = DoubleArrays.constant(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, argMaxes.length); for (int i = 0; i < mat.length; i++) { for (int j = 0; j < mat[i].length; j++) { if (mat[i][j] > maxes[j]) { maxes[j] = mat[i][j];//from www. ja v a2 s . c o m argMaxes[j] = i; } } } return argMaxes; }