Example usage for java.lang Double NEGATIVE_INFINITY

List of usage examples for java.lang Double NEGATIVE_INFINITY


In this page you can find the example usage for java.lang Double NEGATIVE_INFINITY.



To view the source code for java.lang Double NEGATIVE_INFINITY.

Click Source Link


A constant holding the negative infinity of type double .


From source file:com.bmwcarit.barefoot.markov.Filter.java

 * Executes Hidden Markov Model (HMM) filter iteration that determines for a given measurement
 * sample <i>z<sub>t</sub></i>, which is a {@link Sample} object, and of a predecessor state
 * vector <i>S<sub>t-1</sub></i>, which is a set of {@link StateCandidate} objects, a state
 * vector <i>S<sub>t</sub></i> with filter and sequence probabilities set.
 * <p>//from  ww  w. ja v  a 2  s  . c  o m
 * <b>Note:</b> The set of state candidates <i>S<sub>t-1</sub></i> is allowed to be empty. This
 * is either the initial case or an HMM break occured, which is no state candidates representing
 * the measurement sample could be found.
 * @param predecessors State vector <i>S<sub>t-1</sub></i>, which may be empty.
 * @param sample Measurement sample <i>z<sub>t</sub></i>.
 * @param previous Previous measurement sample <i>z<sub>t-1</sub></i>.
 * @return State vector <i>S<sub>t</sub></i>, which may be empty if an HMM break occured.
public Set<C> execute(Set<C> predecessors, S previous, S sample) {
    if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
        try {
            logger.trace("execute sample {}", sample.toJSON().toString());
        } catch (JSONException e) {
            logger.trace("execute sample (not JSON parsable sample: {})", e.getMessage());

    assert (predecessors != null);
    assert (sample != null);

    Set<C> result = new HashSet<>();
    Set<Tuple<C, Double>> candidates = candidates(predecessors, sample);
    logger.trace("{} state candidates", candidates.size());

    double normsum = 0;

    if (!predecessors.isEmpty()) {
        Set<C> states = new HashSet<>();
        for (Tuple<C, Double> candidate : candidates) {

        Map<C, Map<C, Tuple<T, Double>>> transitions = transitions(new Tuple<>(previous, predecessors),
                new Tuple<>(sample, states));

        for (Tuple<C, Double> candidate : candidates) {
            C candidate_ = candidate.one();

            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                try {
                    logger.trace("state candidate {} ({}) {}", candidate_.id(), candidate.two(),
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    logger.trace("state candidate (not JSON parsable candidate: {})", e.getMessage());

            for (C predecessor : predecessors) {
                Tuple<T, Double> transition = transitions.get(predecessor).get(candidate_);

                if (transition == null || transition.two() == 0) {

                candidate_.filtprob(candidate_.filtprob() + (transition.two() * predecessor.filtprob()));

                double seqprob = predecessor.seqprob() + Math.log10(transition.two())
                        + Math.log10(candidate.two());

                if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                    try {
                        logger.trace("state transition {} -> {} ({}, {}, {}) {}", predecessor.id(),
                                candidate_.id(), predecessor.seqprob(), Math.log10(transition.two()),
                                Math.log10(candidate.two()), transition.one().toJSON().toString());
                    } catch (JSONException e) {
                        logger.trace("state transition (not JSON parsable transition: {})", e.getMessage());

                if (seqprob > candidate_.seqprob()) {

            if (candidate_.predecessor() != null) {
                logger.trace("state candidate {} -> {} ({}, {})", candidate_.predecessor().id(),
                        candidate_.id(), candidate_.filtprob(), candidate_.seqprob());
            } else {
                logger.trace("state candidate - -> {} ({}, {})", candidate_.id(), candidate_.filtprob(),

            if (candidate_.filtprob() == 0) {

            candidate_.filtprob(candidate_.filtprob() * candidate.two());

            normsum += candidate_.filtprob();

    if (!candidates.isEmpty() && result.isEmpty() && !predecessors.isEmpty()) {
        logger.info("HMM break - no state transitions");

    if (result.isEmpty() || predecessors.isEmpty()) {
        for (Tuple<C, Double> candidate : candidates) {
            if (candidate.two() == 0) {
            C candidate_ = candidate.one();
            normsum += candidate.two();

            if (logger.isTraceEnabled()) {
                try {
                    logger.trace("state candidate {} ({}) {}", candidate_.id(), candidate.two(),
                } catch (JSONException e) {
                    logger.trace("state candidate (not JSON parsable candidate: {})", e.getMessage());

    if (result.isEmpty()) {
        logger.info("HMM break - no state emissions");

    for (C candidate : result) {
        candidate.filtprob(candidate.filtprob() / normsum);

    logger.trace("{} state candidates for state update", result.size());
    return result;

From source file:at.ac.tuwien.dsg.cloud.salsa.engine.smartdeployment.QUELLE.QuelleService.java

@Consumes(MediaType.APPLICATION_XML)/* w  ww  . j  a  va 2  s  .c  o  m*/
public Recommendations getRecommendation(MultiLevelRequirements multiLevelRequirements) {
            .debug("Getting recommendation for multiple requirement: " + multiLevelRequirements.getName());

    List<MultiLevelRequirements> individualServiceUnitRequirements = multiLevelRequirements.flatten();
    List<ServiceUnitServicesRecommendation> recommendations = new ArrayList<>();

    // load cloud provider
    List<CloudProvider> cloudProviders = loadCloudAllDescription();
    EngineLogger.logger.debug("Loaded " + cloudProviders.size() + " provider done.");
    if (cloudProviders.isEmpty()) {
                .error("Do not found any cloud provider infomation. Please submit at least one first !");
        return null;

    for (MultiLevelRequirements reqs : individualServiceUnitRequirements) {
        RequirementsResolutionResult requirementsMatchingResult = requirementsMatchingEngine
                .analyzeMultiLevelRequirements(cloudProviders, reqs);
        Map<MultiLevelRequirements, Map<Requirements, List<ServiceUnitConfigurationSolution>>> bestElasticity = requirementsMatchingResult
        List<CloudServiceConfigurationRecommendation> recommendedConfigurations = new ArrayList<>();
            for (MultiLevelRequirements levelRequirements : bestElasticity.keySet()) {
                Map<Requirements, List<ServiceUnitConfigurationSolution>> solutions = bestElasticity
                String strategies = "";
                for (Strategy s : levelRequirements.getOptimizationStrategies()) {
                    strategies += "_" + s.getStrategyCategory();

                for (Requirements requirements : solutions.keySet()) {
                    String solutionsNames = "";

                    int solutionsCount = solutions.get(requirements).size();

                    // compute average elasticities
                    double averageCostElasticity = 0d;
                    double averageSUElasticity = 0d;
                    double averageResourceElasticity = 0d;
                    double averageQualityElasticity = 0d;

                    double minCostElasticity = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    double minSUElasticity = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    double minResourceElasticity = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
                    double minQualityElasticity = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;

                    double maxCostElasticity = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                    double maxSUElasticity = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                    double maxResourceElasticity = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
                    double maxQualityElasticity = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

                    for (ServiceUnitConfigurationSolution solutionConfiguration : solutions.get(requirements)) {

                        CloudServiceUnitAnalysisEngine cloudServiceElasticityAnalysisEngine = new CloudServiceUnitAnalysisEngine();
                        CloudServiceUnitAnalysisEngine.AnalysisResult analysisResult = cloudServiceElasticityAnalysisEngine
                        solutionsNames += " " + solutionConfiguration.getServiceUnit().getName();

                        double costElasticity = (Integer) analysisResult
                        double sUElasticity = (Integer) analysisResult.getValue(
                        double resourceElasticity = (Integer) analysisResult
                        double qualityElasticity = (Integer) analysisResult

                        averageCostElasticity += costElasticity;
                        averageSUElasticity += sUElasticity;
                        averageResourceElasticity += resourceElasticity;
                        averageQualityElasticity += qualityElasticity;

                        if (minCostElasticity > costElasticity) {
                            minCostElasticity = costElasticity;

                        if (minSUElasticity > sUElasticity) {
                            minSUElasticity = sUElasticity;

                        if (minResourceElasticity > resourceElasticity) {
                            minResourceElasticity = resourceElasticity;

                        if (minQualityElasticity > qualityElasticity) {
                            minQualityElasticity = qualityElasticity;

                        if (maxCostElasticity < costElasticity) {
                            maxCostElasticity = costElasticity;

                        if (maxSUElasticity < sUElasticity) {
                            maxSUElasticity = sUElasticity;

                        if (maxResourceElasticity < resourceElasticity) {
                            maxResourceElasticity = resourceElasticity;

                        if (maxQualityElasticity < qualityElasticity) {
                            maxQualityElasticity = qualityElasticity;
                        recommendedConfigurations.add(new CloudServiceConfigurationRecommendation()
                                        solutionConfiguration, costElasticity, sUElasticity, resourceElasticity,

                        //                            ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper();
                        //                            System.out.println("solutionConfiguration" + mapper.writeValueAsString(solutionConfiguration));
                        //                            System.out.println("recommendedConfigurations: " + mapper.writeValueAsString(recommendedConfigurations));                            
                        recommendations.add(new ServiceUnitServicesRecommendation()
                                .withSolutionRecommendation(requirements, recommendedConfigurations));


                    //                        averageCostElasticity /= solutionsCount;
                    //                        averageSUElasticity /= solutionsCount;
                    //                        averageResourceElasticity /= solutionsCount;
                    //                        averageQualityElasticity /= solutionsCount;
                    //                        System.out.println(requirements.getName() + "," + strategies + "," + solutionsNames + "," + solutionsCount + "," + averageCostElasticity + ","
                    //                                + minCostElasticity + "," + maxCostElasticity + "," + averageSUElasticity + "," + minSUElasticity + "," + maxSUElasticity
                    //                                + "," + averageResourceElasticity + "," + minResourceElasticity + "," + maxResourceElasticity + ","
                    //                                + averageQualityElasticity + "," + minQualityElasticity + "," + maxQualityElasticity);
                    //                        System.out.println("\n");

    EngineLogger.logger.debug("Quelle recommendation is done, returning result ....");
    // wrapping
    return new Recommendations(recommendations);

    //        File saveAs = new File("/tmp/quelleresult");
    //        Writer result = new StringWriter();
    //        JAXBContext jaxbContext;
    //        try {
    //            jaxbContext = JAXBContext.newInstance(Recommendations.class);
    //            Marshaller jaxbMarshaller = jaxbContext.createMarshaller();
    //            jaxbMarshaller.setProperty(Marshaller.JAXB_FORMATTED_OUTPUT, true);
    //            jaxbMarshaller.marshal(new Recommendations(recommendations), saveAs);
    //            jaxbMarshaller.marshal(new Recommendations(recommendations), result);
    //        } catch (JAXBException ex) {
    //            ex.printStackTrace();
    //        }             
    //        return result.toString();

From source file:com.microsoft.azure.storage.table.TableEntitySerializer.java

 * Reserved for internal use. Writes an entity to the specified <code>JsonGenerator</code> as a JSON resource
 * //w  ww. ja  va2s .  c  o m
 * @param generator
 *            The <code>JsonGenerator</code> to write the entity to.
 * @param options
 *            The {@link TableRequestOptions} to use for serializing.
 * @param entity
 *            The instance implementing {@link TableEntity} to write to the output stream.
 * @param isTableEntry
 *            A flag indicating the entity is a reference to a table at the top level of the storage service when
 *            <code>true<code> and a reference to an entity within a table when <code>false</code>.
 * @param opContext
 *            An {@link OperationContext} object used to track the execution of the operation.
 * @throws StorageException
 *             if a Storage service error occurs.
 * @throws IOException
 *             if an error occurs while accessing the stream.
private static void writeJsonEntity(final JsonGenerator generator, final TableRequestOptions options,
        final TableEntity entity, final boolean isTableEntry, final OperationContext opContext)
        throws StorageException, IOException {

    Map<String, EntityProperty> properties = getPropertiesFromDictionary(entity, options, opContext);

    // start object

    if (!isTableEntry) {
        Utility.assertNotNull(TableConstants.PARTITION_KEY, entity.getPartitionKey());
        Utility.assertNotNull(TableConstants.ROW_KEY, entity.getRowKey());
        Utility.assertNotNull(TableConstants.TIMESTAMP, entity.getTimestamp());

        // PartitionKey
        generator.writeStringField(TableConstants.PARTITION_KEY, entity.getPartitionKey());

        // RowKey
        generator.writeStringField(TableConstants.ROW_KEY, entity.getRowKey());

        // Timestamp
        generator.writeStringField(TableConstants.TIMESTAMP, Utility.getJavaISO8601Time(entity.getTimestamp()));

    for (final Entry<String, EntityProperty> ent : properties.entrySet()) {
        if (ent.getKey().equals(TableConstants.PARTITION_KEY) || ent.getKey().equals(TableConstants.ROW_KEY)
                || ent.getKey().equals(TableConstants.TIMESTAMP) || ent.getKey().equals("Etag")) {

        EntityProperty currProp = ent.getValue();
        if (currProp.getEdmType().mustAnnotateType()) {
            final String edmTypeString = currProp.getEdmType().toString();

            // property type
            generator.writeStringField(ent.getKey() + ODataConstants.ODATA_TYPE_SUFFIX, edmTypeString);

            // property key and value
            generator.writeStringField(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue().getValueAsString());
        } else if (currProp.getEdmType() == EdmType.DOUBLE && currProp.getIsNull() == false) {
            final String edmTypeString = currProp.getEdmType().toString();
            final Double value = currProp.getValueAsDouble();

            // property type, if needed
            if (value.equals(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY) || value.equals(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY)
                    || value.equals(Double.NaN)) {
                generator.writeStringField(ent.getKey() + ODataConstants.ODATA_TYPE_SUFFIX, edmTypeString);

                // property key and value
                generator.writeStringField(ent.getKey(), ent.getValue().getValueAsString());
            } else {
                writeJsonProperty(generator, ent);

        } else {
            writeJsonProperty(generator, ent);

    // end object

From source file:com.aliyun.odps.ship.common.RecordConverterTest.java

 * double? ???"Infinity",?"-Infinity"<br/>
 * <br/>//from w w w  .  j  ava2s  . c o m
 * 1) double??<br/>
 * 2?????<br/>
 * 3) <br/>
 * */
public void testDouble() throws Exception {
    TableSchema rs = new TableSchema();
    rs.addColumn(new Column("d1", OdpsType.DOUBLE));
    rs.addColumn(new Column("d2", OdpsType.DOUBLE));
    rs.addColumn(new Column("d3", OdpsType.DOUBLE));
    rs.addColumn(new Column("d4", OdpsType.DOUBLE));
    rs.addColumn(new Column("d5", OdpsType.DOUBLE));
    rs.addColumn(new Column("d6", OdpsType.DOUBLE));
    rs.addColumn(new Column("d7", OdpsType.DOUBLE));

    String[] l = new String[] { "211.234567", "Infinity", "-Infinity", "12345678.1234567", "1.23456781234567E7",
            "1.2345E2", "1.2345E10" };
    RecordConverter cv = new RecordConverter(rs, "NULL", "yyyyMMddHHmmss", null);

    Record r = cv.parse(toByteArray(l));
    assertEquals("d1 not equal.", "211.234567", r.getDouble(0).toString());
    assertEquals("d2 not equal.", new Double(Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY).toString(), r.getDouble(1).toString());
    assertEquals("d3 not equal.", new Double(Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY).toString(), r.getDouble(2).toString());
    assertEquals("d3 not equal d4.", r.getDouble(3), r.getDouble(4));

    l = new String[] { "211.234567", "Infinity", "-Infinity", "12345678.1234567", "12345678.1234567", "123.45",
            "12345000000" };
    byte[][] l1 = cv.format(r);
    for (int i = 0; i < l1.length; i++) {
        assertEquals("converter at index:" + i, l[i], new String(l1[i]));

    try {
        String[] l2 = new String[] { "12345678.1234567", "1.23456781234567E7", "1", "a", "b", "1", "1" };
        Record r2 = cv.parse(toByteArray(l2));
        fail("need fail");
    } catch (Exception e) {
        assertTrue(e.getMessage(), e.getMessage().indexOf("ERROR: format error - :4, DOUBLE:'a'") >= 0);


From source file:ffx.realspace.CCP4MapFilter.java

 * {@inheritDoc}/*from   w  ww. j a v a 2  s  .c  o m*/
public boolean readFile(String filename, RealSpaceRefinementData refinementdata,
        CompositeConfiguration properties) {

    int imapData;
    double cellA, cellB, cellC, cellAlpha, cellBeta, cellGamma;
    String stampString;

    ByteOrder byteOrder = ByteOrder.nativeOrder();
    FileInputStream fileInputStream;
    DataInputStream dataInputStream;

    double min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    double max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    double mean = 0.0;
    double sd = 0.0;
    double rmsd = 0.0;

    // First determine byte order of file versus system
    try {
        fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(filename);
        dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(fileInputStream);

        byte bytes[] = new byte[4];
        dataInputStream.read(bytes, 0, 4);
        ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);

        imapData = byteBuffer.order(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN).getInt();
        stampString = Integer.toHexString(imapData);
        switch (stampString.charAt(0)) {
        case '1':
        case '3':
            if (byteOrder.equals(ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN)) {
                byteOrder = ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN;
        case '4':
            if (byteOrder.equals(ByteOrder.BIG_ENDIAN)) {
                byteOrder = ByteOrder.LITTLE_ENDIAN;
        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append(String.format("\n Opening CCP4 map: %s\n", filename));
            //sb.append(String.format("file type (machine stamp): %s\n", stampString));

    } catch (Exception e) {
        String message = " Fatal exception reading CCP4 map.\n";
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);

    try {
        fileInputStream = new FileInputStream(filename);
        dataInputStream = new DataInputStream(fileInputStream);

        byte bytes[] = new byte[2048];

        dataInputStream.read(bytes, 0, 1024);
        ByteBuffer byteBuffer = ByteBuffer.wrap(bytes);

        int ext[] = new int[3];
        ext[0] = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
        ext[1] = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
        ext[2] = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();

        // mode (2 = reals, only one we accept)
        int mode = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();

        int ori[] = new int[3];
        ori[0] = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
        ori[1] = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
        ori[2] = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();

        int ni[] = new int[3];
        ni[0] = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
        ni[1] = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
        ni[2] = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();

        cellA = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();
        cellB = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();
        cellC = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();
        cellAlpha = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();
        cellBeta = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();
        cellGamma = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();

        int axisi[] = new int[3];
        for (int i = 0; i < 3; i++) {
            int axis = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
            switch (axis) {
            case 1:
                axisi[0] = i;
            case 2:
                axisi[1] = i;
            case 3:
                axisi[2] = i;

        min = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();
        max = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();
        mean = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();
        int sg = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
        int nsymb = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
        int skew = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();

        for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) {

        for (int i = 0; i < 15; i++) {

        byte word[] = new byte[2048];
        byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).get(word, 0, 4);
        String mapString = new String(word);
        sd = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();
        rmsd = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();

        if (logger.isLoggable(Level.INFO)) {
            StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder();
            sb.append(String.format("  Column origin:  %d\t Extent: %d\n", ori[0], ext[0]));
            sb.append(String.format("  Row origin:     %d\t Extent: %d\n", ori[1], ext[1]));
            sb.append(String.format("  Section origin: %d\t Extent: %d\n", ori[2], ext[2]));
            sb.append(String.format("  Axis order:     %d %d %d\n", axisi[0], axisi[1], axisi[2]));
            sb.append(String.format("  Number of X, Y, Z columns: %d %d %d\n", ni[0], ni[1], ni[2]));
            sb.append(String.format("  Spacegroup:     %d (%s)\n", sg, SpaceGroup.spaceGroupNames[sg - 1]));
            sb.append(String.format("  Cell: %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f %8.3f\n", cellA, cellB, cellC,
                    cellAlpha, cellBeta, cellGamma));

        int nlabel = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getInt();
        for (int i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
            byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).get(word, 0, 80);
            mapString = new String(word);

        if (nsymb > 0) {
            dataInputStream.read(bytes, 0, nsymb);
            for (int i = 0; i < nsymb / 80; i += 80) {
                byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).get(word, 0, 80);
                mapString = new String(word);

        dataInputStream.read(bytes, 0, 2048);
        refinementdata.setData(new double[ext[0] * ext[1] * ext[2]]);
        int ijk[] = new int[3];
        int index, x, y, z;
        refinementdata.setOrigin(ori[axisi[0]], ori[axisi[1]], ori[axisi[2]]);
        int nx = ext[axisi[0]];
        int ny = ext[axisi[1]];
        int nz = ext[axisi[2]];
        refinementdata.setExtent(nx, ny, nz);
        refinementdata.setNI(ni[0], ni[1], ni[2]);
        for (ijk[2] = 0; ijk[2] < ext[2]; ijk[2]++) {
            for (ijk[1] = 0; ijk[1] < ext[1]; ijk[1]++) {
                for (ijk[0] = 0; ijk[0] < ext[0]; ijk[0]++) {
                    x = ijk[axisi[0]];
                    y = ijk[axisi[1]];
                    z = ijk[axisi[2]];
                    index = x + nx * (y + ny * z);
                    refinementdata.getData()[index] = byteBuffer.order(byteOrder).getFloat();
                    if (!byteBuffer.hasRemaining()) {
                        dataInputStream.read(bytes, 0, 2048);
    } catch (Exception e) {
        String message = " Fatal exception reading CCP4 map.\n";
        logger.log(Level.SEVERE, message, e);

    return true;

From source file:it.eng.spagobi.engines.chart.bo.charttypes.targetcharts.SparkLine.java

public JFreeChart createChart(DatasetMap datasets) {
    XYDataset dataset = (XYDataset) datasets.getDatasets().get("1");

    final JFreeChart sparkLineGraph = ChartFactory.createTimeSeriesChart(null, null, null, dataset, legend,
            false, false);/*  w  w  w . j a va2s . c  om*/

    TextTitle title = setStyleTitle(name, styleTitle);
    if (subName != null && !subName.equals("")) {
        TextTitle subTitle = setStyleTitle(subName, styleSubTitle);

    XYPlot plot = sparkLineGraph.getXYPlot();
    plot.setInsets(new RectangleInsets(0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0));

    // calculate the last marker color
    Paint colorLast = getLastPointColor();

    // Calculate average, minimum and maximum to draw plot borders.
    boolean isFirst = true;
    double avg = 0, min = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, max = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    int count = 0;
    for (int i = 0; i < timeSeries.getItemCount(); i++) {
        if (timeSeries.getValue(i) != null) {
            if (isFirst) {
                min = timeSeries.getValue(i).doubleValue();
                max = timeSeries.getValue(i).doubleValue();
                isFirst = false;
            double n = timeSeries.getValue(i).doubleValue();
            //calculate avg, min, max
            avg += n;
            if (n < min)
                min = n;
            if (n > max)
                max = n;
    // average
    avg = avg / (double) count;

    // calculate min and max between thresholds!
    boolean isFirst2 = true;
    double lb = 0, ub = 0;
    for (Iterator iterator = thresholds.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
        Double thres = (Double) iterator.next();
        if (isFirst2 == true) {
            ub = thres.doubleValue();
            lb = thres.doubleValue();
            isFirst2 = false;
        if (thres.doubleValue() > ub)
            ub = thres.doubleValue();
        if (thres.doubleValue() < lb)
            lb = thres.doubleValue();

    plot.getRangeAxis().setRange(new Range(Math.min(lb, min - 2), Math.max(ub, max + 2) + 2));

    addMarker(1, avg, Color.GRAY, 0.8f, plot);
    //addAvaregeSeries(series, plot);
    addPointSeries(timeSeries, plot);

    int num = 3;
    for (Iterator iterator = thresholds.keySet().iterator(); iterator.hasNext();) {
        Double thres = (Double) iterator.next();
        TargetThreshold targThres = thresholds.get(thres);
        Color color = Color.WHITE;
        if (targThres != null && targThres.getColor() != null) {
            color = targThres.getColor();
        if (targThres.isVisible()) {
            addMarker(num++, thres.doubleValue(), color, 0.5f, plot);

    ValueAxis domainAxis = plot.getDomainAxis();
    NumberAxis rangeAxis = (NumberAxis) plot.getRangeAxis();

    plot.getRenderer().setSeriesPaint(0, Color.BLACK);
    XYLineAndShapeRenderer renderer = new XYLineAndShapeRenderer(true, false) {
        public boolean getItemShapeVisible(int _series, int item) {
            TimeSeriesDataItem tsdi = timeSeries.getDataItem(item);
            if (tsdi == null)
                return false;
            Month period = (Month) tsdi.getPeriod();
            int currMonth = period.getMonth();
            int currYear = period.getYearValue();
            int lastMonthFilled = lastMonth.getMonth();
            int lastYearFilled = lastMonth.getYearValue();
            boolean isLast = false;
            if (currYear == lastYearFilled && currMonth == lastMonthFilled) {
                isLast = true;
            return isLast;
    renderer.setSeriesPaint(0, Color.decode("0x000000"));

    renderer.setSeriesShape(0, new Ellipse2D.Double(-4.0, -4.0, 8.0, 8.0));

    if (wlt_mode.doubleValue() == 0) {
        renderer.setBaseItemLabelsVisible(Boolean.FALSE, true);
    } else {
        renderer.setBaseItemLabelsVisible(Boolean.TRUE, true);
                new Font(styleValueLabels.getFontName(), Font.PLAIN, styleValueLabels.getSize()));
        renderer.setBaseItemLabelGenerator(new StandardXYItemLabelGenerator("{2}", new DecimalFormat("0.###"),
                new DecimalFormat("0.###")) {
            public String generateLabel(CategoryDataset dataset, int row, int column) {
                if (dataset.getValue(row, column) == null || dataset.getValue(row, column).doubleValue() == 0)
                    return "";
                String columnKey = (String) dataset.getColumnKey(column);
                int separator = columnKey.indexOf('-');
                String month = columnKey.substring(0, separator);
                String year = columnKey.substring(separator + 1);
                int monthNum = Integer.parseInt(month);
                if (wlt_mode.doubleValue() >= 1 && wlt_mode.doubleValue() <= 4) {
                    if (wlt_mode.doubleValue() == 2 && column % 2 == 0)
                        return "";

                    Calendar calendar = Calendar.getInstance();
                    calendar.set(Calendar.MONTH, monthNum - 1);
                    SimpleDateFormat dataFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("MMM");
                    return dataFormat.format(calendar.getTime());
                } else
                    return "" + monthNum;

    if (wlt_mode.doubleValue() == 3) {
        renderer.setBasePositiveItemLabelPosition(new ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE12,
                org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER, org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT, Math.PI / 2));
        renderer.setBaseNegativeItemLabelPosition(new ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE6,
                org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_LEFT, Math.PI / 2));

    } else if (wlt_mode.doubleValue() == 4) {
        renderer.setBasePositiveItemLabelPosition(new ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE12,
                org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor.BOTTOM_CENTER, org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor.BOTTOM_RIGHT, Math.PI / 4));
        renderer.setBaseNegativeItemLabelPosition(new ItemLabelPosition(ItemLabelAnchor.OUTSIDE6,
                org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor.TOP_CENTER, org.jfree.ui.TextAnchor.HALF_ASCENT_LEFT, Math.PI / 4));

    if (legend == true) {
        LegendItemCollection collection = createThresholdLegend(plot);
        LegendItem item = new LegendItem("Avg", "Avg", "Avg", "Avg", new Rectangle(10, 10), colorAverage);


    plot.setRenderer(0, renderer);
    return sparkLineGraph;

From source file:de.cebitec.readXplorer.differentialExpression.plot.ExpressTestGraphicsTopComponent.java

public Map<PersistentFeature, Pair<Double, Double>> createSamplePoints(int n) {
    Random r = new Random(System.nanoTime());
    Map<PersistentFeature, Pair<Double, Double>> points = new HashMap<>();
    for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
        PersistentFeature dummyFeature = new PersistentFeature(0, 0, "", "", "", "", 0, 0, true,
                FeatureType.ANY, "");
        double random = Math.random();
        if (random > 0.95) {
            points.put(dummyFeature, new Pair<>(r.nextDouble() * 256.0d, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
            points.put(dummyFeature, new Pair<>(r.nextDouble() * 256.0d, Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY));
        } else {// w  w  w.ja  v a 2  s . c  o m
            points.put(dummyFeature, new Pair<>(2 * i + (r.nextGaussian() - 0.5d), r.nextDouble() * 256.0d));
    PersistentFeature dummyFeature = new PersistentFeature(0, 0, "", "", "", "", 0, 0, true, FeatureType.ANY,
    points.put(dummyFeature, new Pair<>(200d, 300d));
    dummyFeature = new PersistentFeature(0, 0, "", "", "", "", 0, 0, true, FeatureType.ANY, "");
    points.put(dummyFeature, new Pair<>(100d, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY));
    return points;

From source file:de.bund.bfr.knime.pmmlite.views.chart.ChartCreator.java

public JFreeChart getChart(List<String> idsToPaint) throws ParseException, UnitException {
    if (varX == null || varY == null || varX.getName() == null || varY.getName() == null) {
        return new JFreeChart(null, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, new XYPlot(), showLegend);
    }//from  www  . j a  v  a2 s.com

    NumberAxis xAxis = new NumberAxis(varX.getDisplayString());
    NumberAxis yAxis = new NumberAxis(varY.getDisplayString());
    XYPlot plot = new XYPlot(null, xAxis, yAxis, null);
    double usedMinX = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    double usedMaxX = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    int index = 0;
    List<Color> defaultColors = ChartUtils.createColorList(idsToPaint.size());
    List<NamedShape> defaultShapes = ChartUtils.createShapeList(idsToPaint.size());

    for (String id : idsToPaint) {
        Plotable plotable = plotables.get(id);

        if (plotable == null) {

        if (plotable.getType() == Plotable.Type.BOTH || plotable.getType() == Plotable.Type.BOTH_MANY
                || plotable.getType() == Plotable.Type.FUNCTION
                || plotable.getType() == Plotable.Type.FUNCTION_SAMPLE) {
            double minArg = varX.to(MathUtils.nullToNan(plotable.getMinValues().get(varX.getName())),
            double maxArg = varX.to(MathUtils.nullToNan(plotable.getMaxValues().get(varX.getName())),

            if (Double.isFinite(minArg)) {
                usedMinX = Math.min(usedMinX, minArg);

            if (Double.isFinite(maxArg)) {
                usedMaxX = Math.max(usedMaxX, maxArg);

        if (plotable.getType() == Plotable.Type.BOTH || plotable.getType() == Plotable.Type.BOTH_MANY) {
            for (Map<String, Integer> choice : plotable.getAllChoices(varX.getName())) {
                double[][] points = plotable.getPoints(varX, varY, choice);

                if (points != null) {
                    for (int i = 0; i < points[0].length; i++) {
                        usedMinX = Math.min(usedMinX, points[0][i]);
                        usedMaxX = Math.max(usedMaxX, points[0][i]);

        if (plotable.getType() == Plotable.Type.DATASET || plotable.getType() == Plotable.Type.DATASET_MANY) {
            double[][] points = plotable.getPoints(varX, varY);

            if (points != null) {
                for (int i = 0; i < points[0].length; i++) {
                    usedMinX = Math.min(usedMinX, points[0][i]);
                    usedMaxX = Math.max(usedMaxX, points[0][i]);

        if (plotable.getType() == Plotable.Type.FUNCTION_SAMPLE) {
            for (Double x : plotable.getSamples()) {
                if (x != null && Double.isFinite(x)) {
                    usedMinX = Math.min(usedMinX, x);
                    usedMaxX = Math.max(usedMaxX, x);

    if (Double.isInfinite(usedMinX)) {
        usedMinX = 0.0;

    if (Double.isInfinite(usedMaxX)) {
        usedMaxX = 100.0;

    if (varX.getName().equals(PmmUtils.TIME) || varX.getName().equals(PmmUtils.CONCENTRATION)) {
        usedMinX = Math.min(usedMinX, 0.0);
    } else {

    if (varY.getName().equals(PmmUtils.TIME) || varY.getName().equals(PmmUtils.CONCENTRATION)) {
    } else {

    if (usedMinX == usedMaxX) {
        usedMinX -= 1.0;
        usedMaxX += 1.0;

    if (useManualRange && minX < maxX && minY < maxY) {
        usedMinX = minX;
        usedMaxX = maxX;
        xAxis.setRange(new Range(minX, maxX));
        yAxis.setRange(new Range(minY, maxY));

    for (String id : idsToPaint) {
        Plotable plotable = plotables.get(id);

        if (plotable == null) {


        switch (plotable.getType()) {
        case DATASET:
            plotDataSet(plot, plotable, id, defaultColors.get(index), defaultShapes.get(index));
        case DATASET_MANY:
            plotDataSetStrict(plot, plotable, id);
        case FUNCTION:
            plotFunction(plot, plotable, id, defaultColors.get(index), defaultShapes.get(index), usedMinX,
        case FUNCTION_SAMPLE:
            plotFunctionSample(plot, plotable, id, defaultColors.get(index), defaultShapes.get(index), usedMinX,
        case BOTH:
            plotBoth(plot, plotable, id, defaultColors.get(index), defaultShapes.get(index), usedMinX,
        case BOTH_MANY:
            plotBothStrict(plot, plotable, id, usedMinX, usedMaxX);
            throw new RuntimeException("Unknown type of plotable: " + plotable.getType());


    return new JFreeChart(null, JFreeChart.DEFAULT_TITLE_FONT, plot, showLegend);

From source file:com.facebook.presto.AbstractTestQueries.java

void testSpecialFloatingPointValues() throws Exception {
    MaterializedResult actual = computeActual("SELECT nan(), infinity(), -infinity()");
    MaterializedTuple tuple = Iterables.getOnlyElement(actual.getMaterializedTuples());
    assertEquals(tuple.getField(0), Double.NaN);
    assertEquals(tuple.getField(1), Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY);
    assertEquals(tuple.getField(2), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY);

From source file:iDynoOptimizer.MOEAFramework26.src.org.moeaframework.analysis.diagnostics.ApproximationSetViewer.java

 * Initializes the reference set bounds.
 *///from   w  ww.  j  a v a2s  .  co m
protected void initializeReferenceSetBounds() {
    if (referenceSet == null) {

    double domainMin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    double domainMax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;
    double rangeMin = Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY;
    double rangeMax = Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY;

    for (Solution solution : referenceSet) {
        domainMin = Math.min(domainMin, getValue(solution, 0));
        domainMax = Math.max(domainMax, getValue(solution, 0));
        rangeMin = Math.min(rangeMin, getValue(solution, 1));
        rangeMax = Math.max(rangeMax, getValue(solution, 1));

    domainMax += (domainMax - domainMin);
    rangeMax += (rangeMax - rangeMin);

    referenceDomainBounds = new Range(domainMin, domainMax);
    referenceRangeBounds = new Range(rangeMin, rangeMax);